Tuesday 18 June 2024

June Die Release Blog Launch /Christmas Angel 2024

Hello crafters!  Welcome to the June Christmas die release blog launch.   I will be giving away an entire set of the collection to one lucky winner based on the drawing which will be made from the comments left on all the posts.   Please be sure to leave a comment and sign your name in such a way that there is no mistaking whose name was drawn out.  Please either add a last name or an initial, just some way that makes your name distinguishable from all others.   I will do the drawing and announce the winner on June 28th, so don't forget to check back then.
We are starting out with the Christmas Angel 2024.  This set has seven dies in it, which include the angel, the angel wings, a halo, a solid star and an outline star as well as a solid banner and an outline banner.  The Christmas Angel is a collectible for the year it is issued and is never reordered so if you have collected the yearly angels, then this one is for you.  Go ahead and leave a comment on this post and you will be entered into the drawing to win the entire collection.  The next post will be online at noon today.  All for now, Sue x
                                                          Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

A great start to your new collection. Lovely new angel. I love the idea of the banner and outline banner.

Lovely card and sentiment too.

Love Helen xxx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Fabulous card and die set a great start to your new launch!
Hugs x
Heather T

hazel young said...

Beautiful card and die set Sue. I always look forward to your angel release they are always exquisite xx Hazel Nottm

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
A real beauty to start the launch thank you.
Good luck all.
Take care Kitty.

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful start of your Christmas launch. Love Jean Phillips. xxx

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Great start to your launch. Not usually a Christmas Angel fan but loving this one and think it has to be my favourite of all the ones you’ve done. Fab post and looking forward to the rest of the launch.

Crafty Vonnie said...

Good morning Sue,
A great start to your new launch. A beautiful Angel & I love how she holds the banner. You surprise us every year with a beautiful Angel. Yvonne xx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A great start to the launch of the new collection. Lovely card and angel die set.
B xx

June Smith said...

Good morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, you could not have picked a better die to start this Christmas blog launch, I am addicted to Angels, sell I hope to be one, one day, ha ha, this is superb, love the separation of the dies so you can make so many different variations with them, even an elegant lady without the wings, superb, fabulous.

Hopefully you will have lots more bloggers joining you on a daily basis.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

BridgetCG said...

Morning Sue, as with every Christmas launch, a beautiful Angel to start it off. Love the elements with this one like the halo and banners, and your card is really lovely. Bx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Yay, another launch so far! And filled with Christmas die sets, wow!! This Angel is just gorgeous! Beautiful card with it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Christmas Angel to start the new collection, another to add to my collection
Fantastic start
Elizabeth Bennett

Scottydog said...

Another lovely angel to add to everyone’s collections. Thank you Sue.

Ann Topp said...

Good Morning Sue and all that visit this morning.
A great start to Christmas 2024, another fabulous Angel and a great card all in one day. What a treat for those who have all the Angels. I think this will be another fabulous launch. Someone is going to be very lucky to win this set. Thankyou Sue. Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them today. Please stay safe and well 🙏. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

Anonymous said...

love her she is beautiful i have all the Angels sue she will join my collection thank you sue xxxxxxxxxJune Horrocks

Anonymous said...

Your angels for me are synonymous with Christmas. As it isn't just one die you. have lots of possibilities beyond the festive season. Lovely start to this release. WakeyL

rolfi said...

Hi Sue,

what a wonderful angel and I love the moon and the banner very much.
Your card is beautiful.

Rolf xxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
So many possibilities with your new angel and I’m sure she will be loved by so many of your followers, I’m not into angels but can appreciate the beauty of this new die. Looking forward to the next post

Love and hugs to everyone
Pat L, Belfast

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful Christmas Angel.
Maria A x

Carole Eaton said...

Love this one with the banner, could be used for so many other occasions too

AON said...

Morning Sue, another great angel. I wait all year for your Christmas Collections. Looking good from the start. A

brandco2450@gmail.com said...

Very pretty! Large set to make a gorgeous angel!
Sharon in Toronto

Fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful angel to open your Christmas launch. Love the card and I think your angels have just got better and better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
It wouldn’t be the festive die releases without your Angel…….it is stunning!
Crafty hugs Michelle Stanley xxx

theresa w said...

Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
A wonderful start to the Christmas launch Sue x your angel is beautiful and is as stunning as all your previous angel dies x thankyou Sue x
Theresa w in Berks xxx

Beryl said...

Beautiful set of dies and card.

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful angel design! Love her gown and wings!

Judy Hollers said...

Beautiful angel and card design. Judy Hollers from North Carolina

sued99 said...

A great start to your launch. Can’t wait to see the rest. X

Liz said...

Stunning card, another fabulous angel to add to the collection.

Liz Cavill ~ Crafty Sunflower xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. What a fabulous start to your Christmas launch. I always look forward to seeing your Angel of the Year.

Lisbeth (from Beckenham)

Little Largo said...


It’s hard to chose which of your angels I like the best as there have been so many now. This one is perfect though, great card too.

Little Largo x

Tooth Fairy Jo said...

Hello Sue,
I’m rather late to this launch having just arrived home from holiday and what a lovely surprise to see this year’s Christmas Angel. She is just as gorgeous as all the previous year’s Angels.
Tooth Fairy Jo. xxx

BenteS said...

I love your Christmas angels, and this one is really lovely too.

Robin Sachs said...

Hi Sue,
What a beautiful 2024 Angel. I love your card. Be well and stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Love your angels! This one is awesome. I love the wings lots. Decor

rjsmusic said...

Love the angel and your card!