Thursday, 20 August 2015

Embossing Paper Grouting Technique

Hi crafters!  Today's video shows one of the techniques that I came up with recently which I call embossed paper grouting.  I have used this technique numerous times as I always love the end result!

 The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                      Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Love today's card, so beautiful and very elegant
Have a good day everyone

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, gorgeous card will catch video later.
Nancyd xx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Lovely card Sue . I will catch up with the video later


Unknown said...

Morning Sue

I do love a bit of grouting! ROFL! Beautiful card can't wait to see how you did it, (with a coffee!) not the card - me!

Have a lovely day Sue

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

auscrafts said...

Lovely technique,will watch the video later

rosiejt said...

Looks intriguing! Will watch later.

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I also love this technique and have used it, such a gorgeous effect especially with the roses embossing folder. Looking forward to watching the video again later.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This looks gorgeous. I'm off to watch 'how to' now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

A Happercrafter6 said...

Grouting gives such a lovely effect which I have used quite a bit. Another pretty card.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card. Great video and what a lovely technique. The end result's are stunning and i can see some beautiful christmas background's done using the same technique.
Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x said...

Morning Sue.
Lovely Thank you.
Take care Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Another elegant card Sue, beautiful. Have tried this technique and was very pleased with the result. JJxx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Another stunning card today with such lovely colours and brilliant dies
Pat x

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Such a beautiful card. I love the grouting, it brings out even more of that gorgeous EF,'s detail. Thanks for a great video too, still haven't worked out how to comment on YouTube with my phone though! : ) Hugs to everyone. Take care xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
love the grouting technique specially with the rose embossing folder. Jug's boiled, cup of tea and video time
Muriel x

Anonymous said...

Lovely card, Sue, do like the grouting technique and elegant result. Now, shall I give it a try (?), don't usually do messy! Thanks again for another great video.
Welcome to Susi in Cyprus and wishing you well, also to Melody and Molly's Francis - better days ahead soon.

'P' in Wales

Theresa said...

that grouting looks so good as does your embossing folder. elegant card, hugs xx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Oh Wow What a technique and the end result is really stunning

will watch the video later

hugs sarah xx

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Another stunning card, I love, love, love, everything about it.
I have been using my Rose Folder lots this week.
"You are wonderful" for sharing all your tips and techniques with us.
Have a great day
Patricia xxx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Love this technique, and your beautiful card. Looking forward to watching your video later. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Having seen this about with various products, the Cosmic Shimmer pastes you use look the most effective.
I don't do "messy" but even I've bought some texture paste now lol!
Terrific card.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Karen M said...

Morning Sue,
Your video is very good ,you make it look easy to make this lovely card,
I must have a go.
Thank you
Karen M

ecco of Sheffield said...

Morning Sue
What an elegant gift so just right for Golden Wedding Anniv or any other special occasion. I can just see those smiles as the envelope is opened.
Gold/White is always a beautiful combination and the Grouting just shows your Efolder to perfection.
Thank you for the tip re rippled card. I've stored that away for future use.

Don't know what today will bring. At the moment it looks as though it's going to be another dry day so perhaps some supervising in the garden!

To all in pain and suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, another super video, and great technique, with the grouting. The card is absolutely beautiful, and stunning in the white and gold colourway. Thanks for the tips. Have a great day all. Bx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. This looks lovely. Have not got round to trying this yet but perhaps your video will get me in the mood to have a go. Off to watch it.

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
A gorgeous card, love the paper grouting technique.
Thanks for sharing,
Heather Treble

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
This is such a beautiful card. Made so much nicer by the background. My mum loves these colours so will be using this technique for her soon! I adore this bed of roses embossing folder - just need more time to use them all! Great video.
Take care out there everyone!
Anne M xx

hollyberry said...

A beautiful and elegant card today.

Debbie said...

Just when I think you have done it all, you come up with another gorgeous card! Thank you so much for the time you take to share your cards and videos. I have been snapping up your die sets as often as possible. All the die sets are so classy!!

hazel young said...

Lovely card and sentiment Sue xxhazel

Debra K. said...

Wonderful card Sue! Right, off to watch the video. Debra x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I have heard of this technique I am looking forward to seeing how it is done. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

what a clever idea .Thank you so much for sharing it with us .Gloria(Sidcup )xx

lilian said...

Hi Sue, another lovely card today, have tried the 'grouting' but managed to make a real mess!!!!!
Will try again after watching the way you do it.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, love this it looks so classy!!!
Just watched the video thanks for the tips!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card I love the design of this and the colours are gorgeous.
Have a lovely day xx

Debs A xxx

Jane Franklin said...

Just watched the video, you make it look so easy Sue. I,ll have a go but who knows how it will look! The finished card is lovely. Jxxx

Kath said...

A beautiful card and a fabulous technique.
Kath x

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue

What a fantastic technique, something I must try. Beautiful card.


tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Just watch the video is great love the grout technique this card is stunning thank you for sharing tracyw

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card-as others have said, this would make a fantastic wedding card. I don't do "messy" but am tempted to buy some texture paste now!


Barbara Gosden said...

Lovely card. I enjoyed the video - an interesting technique.

Unknown said...

Beautiful card, got to give this technique a try!

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning I love this technique it is just impressive. Yvonne xx

Jan.moogie said...

Wow so impressive Sue. Just watched the video and loved it. Thanks for sharing, have a great day, hugs xxx

Linda28 said...

Beautiful card, love the finish with the grouting technique, have the texture paste but not used it yet! Great video. Tale care, Linda.

Anne said...

Paper grouting is a technique I have used and it is so effective. This is a lovely card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

sonja_w said...

Gorgeous card. The bed of roses folder is my favourite and this technique works so well with it. Must give this a go, thanks for sharing x

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
A wonderful card and video, I love this effect!
Lorna D

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, looks good great idea. love Jean Z xxx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
Thank you very much for another great video tutorial, I love the effect of the paper grouting and on this card it looks so beautifully lacy and ornate.x

crossstitchmarg said...

Good Morning Sue
I love this card and the grouting technique looks good. I am hoping to have a go today at this technique I haven't got the same embossing folder so am hoping it will come out ok. I also want to try using a stencil. Similar to one you have used. Wish me luck I might end up in a big mess lol. But that's what crafting is all about.
I've tried to buy some of your stamps that go with the poinsettia die but haven't had any luck all sold out, so yesterday ended up buying filigree poinsettia set of dies.
While I was at it I got the configuration die you used on Tuesday's card. I want to have a go at the card you made.
So fingers crossed for me I don't get disturbed i am having a craft day today and the phone is getting switched off.

Happy Crafting

TDQ Karen said...

Intrigued by ths, not sure I have come across this before

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I love this technique and it works so well with this embossing folder. Beautiful card.

Love Rosemarie xx

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card, so lacy and classy. The grouting technique is fab, so sparkly.

Love Helen xxx

Unknown said...

To My Very Special Friend Sue
A Truly Superb Extremely Informative Video With
Lots Of Tips And Techniques.
I Love "The Embossed Paper Grouting Technique" It Always
Looks So Very Beautiful, I Love "The Bed Of Roses" Embossing
Folder, Using The Fabulous Vintage Gold Foundation Card When
Passed Through The Grand Calibur The Embossing Really Stands Out,
Then Using The Terrific White Texture Paste I Love This Product As You
Mentioned In Your Tremendous Video You Don't Waste Any Of The Product
As Any Excess Goes Back In The Jar!!
I Just Love All The Fantastic Cutting Dies You've Used, Your Porto From
The Portuguese Collection, Another Of My All Time Favourite's Is Configuration
Dies I Have This One They Are Just So Really Pretty, They Add Such
Beautiful Decoration To The Rest Of Your Dies, I Also Love Your
Stunning Canadian Border/Tag/Corner Well As You Can See I Just Love
Everything You Do Your Tremendous Videos And Tremendous Cards, I'm Not The
Only One Lots Of People Just Love Your Work!!!
Sue Thank You So Much For Sharing Your Remarkable Cards/Videos With Us I So Much
Appreciate All You Do Each And Every Day You Inspire Me!!!
Take Great Care Sue
Warmest Wishes To Your Mom And Colin
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes
A Huge Hug To Lancashire Steph Take Care x

Brenda said...

Hello Sue, what a stunning card you have given us today, it really is so elegant .
Have to go out early today but will watch video when I return.
Love and hugs Brenda XXX

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Just love the magical look of the texture paste grouting and using it on vintage gold card puts me in mind of sugared ring doughnuts!....absolutely gorgeous...


djones said...

That looks like a good technique to try, love the card,

Doreen x

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, you are wonderful too bringing us all these lovely cards! Love it. Love Jean xxx

Unknown said...

This is wonderful Sue and I'm looking forward to watching the video.

Love Val in Spain x

Jane said...

Good morning Sue, A truly beautiful and elegant card today ,you think of so many different techniques,amazing. Watch the video later .
Take care Jane B.

Chris Curry said...

Another lovely card Sue, interesting technique. Thank you.Xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A gorgeous card, love it all. Will watch your video later to get the low down on how to grout.
Have a good day.

nzillingworth said...


alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Love this technique although haven't tried it yet as wasn't 100% how to do it! Going to watch video shortly and then I'll be able to practice later on today. Lovely card as well.
Hope everyone has as good a day as possible love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Looking forward to watching this video. Might spur me on to try this technique cos I love the effect. SueL x

Tracey Short said...

Morning Sue

Wow, such a stunning card and how easy is paper grouting - I really thought it would be more messy and technical! Thank you so much for sharing, a technique I am definitely going to try.

Have a great day

Love Tracey, Hull

gwen70 said...

This is stunning Sue, can't wait to watch the video

marg said...

Hello Sue!
I had a go at the Configuration card you did in Tuesday, and it turned out beautifully!
I used some Anna Griffin Glitter card, instead of the sticky paper and sparkle!
Almost the same, but thanks for the inspiration to try!
I have not watched the Video yet but I'm sure there will be more inspiration!
Take care
Love Marg

Nannieflash said...

Morning Sue, the rain has stopped for 5 mins and weve just taken the dog to the groomers, and Im going to sit back and what your tutorial as it looks fabulous. Stunning card and I love those colours together to.
hugs Shirleyxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - another beautiful card and the grouting on the gold card looks so elegant. The video is so explicit and encouraging - will be giving this technique a try. Best wishes

Unknown said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes

Gosh Sue have just discovered ur gorgeous, divine little number 4 2day & a bonus of a video to boot...I ‘m off 2 watch how u put 2getha this beautiful stunnin masterpiece. Thanku so much 4 sharing & I wud luv 2 send the sentiment right back at u x x x

MOLLY, MELODY & FRANCIS; as always ur in my thauts & prayers. I also send heartfelt wishes to u Francis & hope that things r/ will get betta 4 u. I’d sincerely like 2 say that in 1990 I was where u r now, like many of our Wilsonette friends I’m sure, easier said than dun but pls, pls stay strong 4 urself, think about sum thin u wud luv 2 do wen u r feelin betta & focus on that with all ur might it really helped me (also how lovely 4 u that u hav won 1 of Sue’s dies Melody...hope that soon urself & Molly will get 2 put it gud use). The card ur makin 4 granddad sounds luvly Molly bet he luvd it x x x

SUSI IN CYPRUS; sending big (((((HUGS))))) 2 u, so plsd to hear that u hav ended ur chemo, hope everythin is well with u now x x x

LYNDA BROCK; My craft room isn’t quite in orda but yippee there is no mould creepin bak, surveyor was rite, clever clogs, lol, take down the shrubs, SHRUBS, he’s missed the fact that it was a forest of giant triffids) he said the walls shud dry out, no more chicken poo pellets for my garden, lol. x x x I don’t hav Pinterest or blog my friend; I did a search bout a Blog but so many I was confused on best blog to use, LOL, & me achievin top grades/passes on my 2 year business course. I was recently accepted 2 join a site & u put ur cards, made with a Sue product, in2 albums, I shall email Sue l8er & ask if I can mention it on her blog. I shall go & look at yours & Deb C’s cards on Pinterest later x x x

WHEELYBAD, MARIA & Alimecca; sorry to hear that u r feelin under the weather; (((HUGS))) comin ur way my friends & heartfelt wishes 2 u also 4 ur recovery x x x (Maria u’ll have to advise that hedgehog in ur throat that there is a nice little spot reserved in the garden for it; lol)x x x

THERESA; it isn’t easy choosing a fav from Sue’s dies as they r all fab & each one is useful & versatile...I had sum money left over from hols so I had 2 buy a Teal GC (other gave up the ghost, I hav EBosser but I need a quiet one 2 use wen Mr B in bed from nites) then I put names of Sue’s new Xmas dies in2 hat & Mr B chose; Lattice Snowflake & Star Spray (my favs Yeeee Hah!!) Holly Mini Striplet, Filigree Holly & Joy to the World; the rest sadly hav gon bak in2 hat for next time x x x

YVONNE G; very funny my friend, LOL, I was more than 2 sandwiches short of a picnic; I was everythin short of a picnic, LOL, in the literal sense, but u’ll b plsd 2 know that my state of insanity was only temporary, I challenge anyone who has been without food 4 24 hours & cleaned cottage not 2 hav visions of food on the jurney, LOL, at least I didn’t pounce on poor postie when he delivered my dies eh Lorraine, LOL x x x Oh & hope you had a luvely belated birthday BARBARA x x x

Well Frends 2 add insult 2 injury after the sole of boot loss, LOL, I came down with an abscess in my tooth, luckily I hav 2 keep a ready supply of Clarithromycin antibiotics at home in case of chest infections, so I started taking yesterday, keep fingers crossed they’ll work so we can save money by not going to the dentist...I had CT scan last nite at 7.30 (so much easier 2 park & quicker than the MRI’s I hav bin havin) hav an appt’ in Oct with consultant 2 get results, I’m not worried as they jus want 2 find out y bones in one nostril closed up & other is closing as Consultant couldn’t get camera down thru my nose to check my throat after I lost my voice last year on & off for 5 months after a chest infection went bad.

I must close now but I shall be Baaaaack tomorrow, Take care to you Sue & to all Wilsonette fans...Love ‘ n’ (((HUGS))) flying ur way...Beth B x x x

Kate's Cards said...


Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
Love the card.
It would look just as good in other colours as well.
I must give the grouting a go.
Evis M.

Annie Stamps said...

Gorgeous card today again Sue. I haven't had much success doing this technique but it's worth persevering with because it's so beautiful.

x Annie P

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous card loving this technique it is beautiful.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue I think this technique and embossing folder are a perfect combination. So effective love from Jackie xx

rolfi said...

Good morning Sue,
what a new fantastic technique...
Filling the embossed background with paste. I have to try this I´ve got a lot of different glitter pastes and this was new to me...
Thank you for giving us these new ideas.
By the way your card is one of my favourites this year - nothing more to say.
Rolf xxx

hettygarlick said...

A very elegant card. I'm always fascinated, Sue, when you use the pastes. I really think I must get some and give it a go. It really looks fun and produces such beautiful effects.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Very elegant card

Rosemary Stickland said...

Beautiful card Sue.
Rosemary xx

Nananne said...

Glorious card! Love everything about it , I haven't tried the grouting technique yet but will watch the video and have a go.
Hugs to all xo

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue.
I never got 'messy' until you talked me into trying your grouting technique (via another lovely video) and now I've found out its not all that messy to do Im addicted (so go for it P in Wales, you'll love it, I enjoy using 3 sparkle texture paste's and plan to buy more. I really love the Canadian border used on today's beautiful card, think it may have to be my next die buy.
So until tomorrow I hope you have a lovely day whatever your plan's.
Love and hugs to you Sue and my special friends. And the sentiment is returned to you, and those dear friend's I've made thank's to you and Particraft.
Lancashire Steph xxx

Tressa said...

This technique is great fun. The only problem is the patience required waiting for the grout to dry; it does, however, do wonders for our organisational skills!! Using grouting with this particular folder results in a beautiful end product as can be seen from your video. You have also shown that you need few dies to produce a lovely card. Thank you Sue.

nannapat said...

Stunning card, an absolute beauty. Such a pretty embossed background, lovely layering for the focal point and a sentiment that expresses what we all think of you. Pat x

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card.

Scottydo said...

Stunning card today Sue, the grouting gives a coffee & cream effect! Haven't tried grouting yet but have used the glitter paste on numerous occasions with the stencils. Another new method to try - thank you!

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Your style of grouting is much more fun than tiling! The card is lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

nattyboots said...

Lovely card Sue, i will watch the video later with a coffee.
Take Care
Elaine H X

Anonymous said...

I have tried this technique and it never looks as good as yours sue. Will be giving it another try though as it looks so effective, and you know the old saying ' if at first you don't succeed try again xx love yvonnebennettxx.

Pauline A said...

Morning Sue, I've only ever used the texture paste with a stencil but must give your 'grouting; technique a go. Maybe, with practise I'll be able to grout the bathroom tiles. (Some hope). Lovely card and that EF is one of my favourites. Hugs xx Pauline A

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
what a gorgeous card - GROUTING rules OK, even I can manage that and get lovely results :-)

The border is a stunning die, wish I could buy them ALL!
Hugs, Rose

Wacki Macky said...

Wonderful card today Sue, love the shapes, textures and design.

Craftihappiness and lots of love everyone,

Pearl x

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful card today. Will watch video later. Thank you for sharing. Hugs Heather.x

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very intricate and elegant and I love the background. I must try the grouting one day when I have time. Thanks for the video.

JAO said...

Great technique Sue, fab card.

Crafty Cruiser said...

Another really lovely card.
Doreen R

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, love this texture technique, I did buy some texture paste some time ago, but have never used is yet
Thank you for reminding me about it, now I just have to remember where I put it when I reorganised my craft room.
Take care everyone, Off to watch the video, Jess x

Paula said...

A stunning card today Sue! I can't wait to find out how you get that 'grouting' effect. :)
Paula x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Another gorgeous card with my favourite embossing folder and great video too, definitely have to buy some texture paste to try this

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Beryl said...

A beautiful card. Will have to try this technique.

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card today and a great video. I bought this embossing folder after seeing this tecnique but haven't been brave enough to try it yet! I've tidied my craft stuff away at the moment as my sister is staying at the weekend and I now have to make the house look as though I clean it regularly! It's going to take me days! Tee hee. Thank you for the great video and all your great tips for success. Have a great day
Love Diane G xxxx
Maggie I bought my stamps from Icon, great service and free p&p like Joanna Sheene xxxx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

Such a beautiful and elegant card - very regal and luxurious colours, love it.

June Horrocks said...

Love this card it's beautiful thank you sue love always June horrocks xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Really stunning card Sue and great video, thank you.

Janette MacArthur said...

Hi Sue, I like the grouting technique - must give this a try! Love today's card
Many thanks
Janette x

Karen K said...

Morning Sue
Love this card. I need to get the embossing folder so I can try the technique.
Karen in Telford xx

weefortune said...

Hi Sue, Great Technique stunning card x

Unknown said...

Love the card it is very elegant would make a stunning golden anniversary card- enjoyed the video - nice new technique to try.

Jill Liddle said...

Love this card today. Beautiful colours.

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
What a glorious card!!!! Some fabulous tips in the video too!! Thank you.

Susi in Cyprus said...

Many thanks to Beth B and P in Wales for the lovely welcome! Doing okay after my chemo - this is the third time I've had it, so I kind of know what to expect.
I'm so glad I found this blog, even if it is costing me a small fortune as I see all the lovely dies made up as cards. Certainly gives inspiration! Haven't tried using Texture Paste yet, but I've ordered one so will be trying it soon :)
Have a lovely day everyone,
Susi in Cyprus

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
Elegance personified, that's all I have to say!!!!
Have as good a day as you can ladies.
Maureen xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, A really rich card today and a fantastic video, have not tried this paper grouting yet, and as I just found some texture paste (forgot I had) will have to go and try it. Thank you for sharing this technique

CraftyJo said...

Very nice - can't wait to see how it's done.

JJ said...


Love & hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
What a beautiful card, I can't wait to go and watch the video to see how you got the wonderful effect. x

Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
An absolutely stunning card today sue x the grouting looks beautiful and really shows off the embossed detail in the folder x will watch the video in a bit as just finished work x
Beth I hope the antibiotics are helping I know how painful an abscess can be x big hug x
A big hug also for wheely bad susi mollys grandad and everyone else who needs it xxx
Diane g its annoying when housework takes up valuable crafting time isn't it ?!!!
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Meg Owen said...

Lovely card Sue. I even managed to watch your tutorial and found it very good.
Not sure I have all the dies/embossing folder you used but will try putting some together to see how they come out.

Love and hugs all

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card that would suit many occasions. I like seeing you work with the texture paste but don't have any at the moment. A situation that will have to be resolved soon, I think.

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
A very elegant card love the gold cardstock and your demo is excellent the grouting technique i will have to try it!
crafty hugs
Helen Terry

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeousssssssss and elegant Sue
Gr Karin

Molly said...

Hello sue an everyone I really like the embossing folder for this card it looks good with the glitter paste in it, nan as let me to this on silver card with paste called silver moon I think that was what the colour is called. I love it wen I can see you make them on video days. We have not finished the card for granddad yet we still got to make a box to put it in and we did it like sue does an nan ordered some little plate stands to put it on. Grandad is still very sick an yes he does have tablets to help stop being sick an also a back up tablet if the other ones don't work but they don't either, dad said if he don't stop being sick soon an start eating nan will have to call someone, my little sister lilly as come home because it was making her cry to much so now my other little sister grace as gone to stay at nans but she is older than lilly an said she won't start crying if she hears grandad being sick. Oh an thank you for the kind wishes again nan said your all very kind. Thank you Molly oxoxox

Unknown said...

One of my favourite cards too Sue... beautiful...!
Luv Rach :)

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

I think this is such a classy card. I love the paper grouting technique it looks stunning. Really nice colour, could be used for any occasion. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Really pretty card and very good tutorial as always.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Cathie said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card. Just love this technique. Thanks for sharing another wonderful video and have a great day.

karenlotty said...

Your grouting technique is a winner for me Used with that bed of roses EF is just perfect for this too

Nataliascraft said...

Gorgeous card Sue and love the grouting technique, I'll have to try it x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

Great grouting technique,I'll have to try this. Lovely card again.

Joan from Newcastle

Jean said...

Simply stunning.

Unknown said...

Good afternoon Sue and lovely Wilsonettes,

Today's card presents a real challenge to me-yes, it's undeniably beautiful , but that's the problem because it reminds me that I should be casting my fear of mess aside and bravely trying the grouting technique regardless. I have bought all of the components but I haven't been man enough to use them yet-Christmas seemed like the perfect excuse, but why wait until then when you give us such inspirational hints and tips to achieving the look. You make it look so easy, but will I have the gumption to give it a try? Watch this space....!
I've had a challenging day thus far, didn't get to sleep until after 3.30am due to a gallstone attack-why do the always happen in the early hours? That'll teach me to have Fruit sherbets before bedtime! So I only had about 4 hrs sleep and at my age I need all the beauty sleep I can muster. Had a cold bath, the boiler is playing up, before heading off to Stirling to renew my blue badge- I've lost my birth certificate and I don't drive or have a valid passport so I had to use one from 25 years ago and a student card from 1993!!??! I'm surprised that they didn't laugh in my face, but they shock, horror! Accepted that it was actually me...those caci facials must be doing the trick then!:-)
Popped into M&S for one or two items and left with half the food section, lesson being stay clear of the dessert isle on an empty stomach!
Imagine the amount of dies I could have bought for that small fortune.....:-(
Poor dear Beth, I do hope that your antibiotics kick in soon, it's no laughing matter being in constant pain. My mum had the same problem last week and after a week of sleepless nights and liquidised food she finally got some antibiotics which seem to be doing the trick....they can cause problems of their own like nausea and oral thrush so be careful, love and hugs sweetiexxxxx
Molly, I know that it must be distressing for you and your sisters to watch your Grandad suffer, but it means the treatment is working and it's a normal side effect I'm afraid. It also doesn't necessarily mean that he won't be able to continue and get his operation, so try not to worry about that just yet darling, you are so brave. Keep crafting cos it's a great distraction and your card will make your Grandad smile with pridexxxx
Huge healing hugs to those in pain and suffering and their families-this is such a wonderful blog that Sue has created, the Wilsonettes are lovely , totally genuine and caring souls and it is a pleasure to know you all, and you always make me smile....humour is a great tonic!

Love and crafty hugs,


Lesley said...

Another great card and video. It is so interesting to watch you demoing new techniques.

barbara macaskill said...

What a fantabulous card!! I have always wanted to try this technique but was afraid that I would screw up and ruin a beautifully embossed sheet! Fears being cast aside and I am going to jump in with both feet and JUST DO IT!! Thanks for the push!

Suzzette Yandle said...

Fantastic card with the glittery grout and an imformative and helpful video. Thanks!

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Beautiful card today, love the colours and the techniques. Just fab...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Just love your Grouting technique as it brings the embossed backgrounds to life
& looks so pretty using the white sparkle grouting paste.

Stunning colour & die shapes combo & suitable for so many occasions.

Love your video demos as you always explain the techniques & what materials are used
very well & always informative to get us crafters trying new & different

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx

sandieann21 said...

Not a technique I have tried but it is now on my list of to do !x

DeeDee7770 said...

Beautiful and elegant card Sue. On my To Do List. You keep us on our toes.

Unknown said...

Such a very beautiful card, just love the design and the colour choice


patwyn said...

Hi Sue

I have had a busy day so haven't yet had time to watch the video, but I am looking forward to learning how you have created this lovely card.

Pat xxx

liz spooner said...

Very stunning Sue, Ive been waiting for a video of this because I tried it and it didn't work too well.xx

Sandy H said...

Another stunning card, another stunning technique to try. Looking forward to watching the video to see how the expert does it.
Take care everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and great video as it explained it all so well.
Beverley W

HeatherBCrafty said...

Beautiful. I have grouted through a mask, but not tried this yet. I have gathered so many wonderful ideas off m you Did. I am so thankful you share so much of your talents!!!

HeatherBCrafty.... youBCraty too!

HeatherBCrafty said...

From you Sue.... Silly spell auto correct...

HeatherBCrafty said...

Beautiful. I have grouted through a mask, but not tried this yet. I have gathered so many wonderful ideas off m you Did. I am so thankful you share so much of your talents!!!

HeatherBCrafty.... youBCraty too!

HeatherBCrafty said...

Beautiful. I have grouted through a mask, but not tried this yet. I have gathered so many wonderful ideas off m you Did. I am so thankful you share so much of your talents!!!

HeatherBCrafty.... youBCraty too!

Unknown said...

Love today's technique!

Dawn Holben said...

Gorgeous and elegant card today, I love the technique and the video.
Must give the paper grouting a try as the results are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
An elegant card and nice soft colours.
I do like the grouting technique another way of using the embossing folders.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone
Gorgeous card! Have not tried this yet but
have a black glitter paste somewhere so maybe.
Like the EF another one for my list.

My big hedgehog moved out but left a little one,
hopefully your antibiotics will help Debs so wont
need anymore done, fingers crossed x
Molly- hope granddad stop being so ill soon, sorry
your little sister got scared. Hugs to her and you x
Lorraine- you have had a bit of a day,bless you. Did you
bring anything nice for after tea ? so many dies you could
have bought but sometimes the goodies win x
Yvonne-must have missed you, hope you are ok x
Wheelybad- hope you had a better day, hugs x
ToB- hope you are fine x
Norah -we miss you in the cafe', come back soon,hugs x

To all wilsonette's have a good evening and take care,
hugs to you and my good friends
Maria x
Welcome Susi from Cyprus to becoming a Wilsonette !

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. No havent tried this technique yet.

KT Fit Kitty said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! So much texture!

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sue & friends.
I love Todays card & so very elegant,with the paper grouting. I haven't tried that technique yet but I will now.
Thank you for your excellent video.& a stunning card.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Beth congratulations on achieving top grades in your business course,Clever girl ;0))) & so pleased your mould free in your craft room.
If you look at my blog my E mail address is on there if you drop me a line I could let you know how I started my blog.
It's an easy one to use ( I don't do hard ) I was quite chuffed when I set it up & hubby was amazed too.
So Beth if I can do it I'm sure you can my friend. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

Molly sending gentle Hug's for your Grandaddy & Big Hug's for you & your family xxx

Big Hug's for all friends love Lynda xx
& all Wilsonettes xx

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card today. I love doing the glitter paste especially on this embossing folder. it just looks amazing, such a lovely EF. Beautifully filmed video too.

Big Hugs

Tina XX

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card. Have never tried this technique before but will have to as the results are stunning
Take care
Hazel G XX

Berina RGA said...

Beautiful card!! Love the color combinations.. Nice technique..

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !! I love today's beautiful card !! I have watched your video and it is great !! Your grouting technique looks great fun and the results are wonderful. I am intending to get some texture sparkle paste soon and then I can try this technique out for myself. I love the Bed of Roses EF. I really must invest in this one too !! Today's colour combo is fab and I really love the combination of dies you have used on your card. The Portuguese and Canadian Collections match so beautifuly together. I think the Canadian border is a particularly stunning die. Thank you for sharing this Fab video and stunning card today. Sending lots of love and hugs to you and your family Sue from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

Littlelamb said...

Love today's card Sue. Haven't been able to watch the video yet. For some reason it won't load but perhaps there isn't enough room on my iPad. Will watch if I can at my sons as this is something I want to try.

melody said...

Hi sue, beautiful card as always using one of my favourite embossing folders for the background. Take Care Melody xxxXxx

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful technique, lovely card. x

julie laz said...

Hi sue, love this technique, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

ursula said...

Just caught up with this one, what an amazing technique, must definitely give that a try....thanks Sue....luv Ursula xx

magpie said...

Stunning Sue xx Love Karen xx

America said...

Great technique, textures and amazingly brilliant use of the multiple dies! Another Fabulous Card Sue.