Wednesday 13 September 2017

September Die Release Blog Launch

Hello bloggers!  Today is the first day of our eight day September 2017 die release launch!    There are four posts a day for each day for the first six days, then three posts a day for the final two days of the blog launch.    As I do with each and every die release, one set of each of the dies will be give away after the blog launch.  All you need to do is leave a comment on any of the posts showcasing the dies that you would like a chance to win.  You need to make your name memorable too so there is no mix up as to who the winning die goes to (remember I only have one set of each design to give away!)  Use an alias or add a funny line to your name, add the city, state or country where you live, anything, just make sure that you make it memorable, such as Margaret from Mansfield or the Crazy Cat lady from California.  Please sign all your posts with more than just a first name so there is no mix up as to who the winning die goes to (remember I only have one set of each design to give away!)    I'm sure you get the idea!  The drawings will be done and posted on the 29th of September, so don't forget to check back then!

First up are the new Noble Hexagons, starting here with the Lavish Accented Hexagon Noble set.  These are gorgeously detailed and ready to use for a larger shaped card or for use on any of your smaller works of art.  Shown here, you can see just how striking it is. Leave a comment if you would like a chance to win this set.  The next post is at 12 noon.  All for now, Sue x

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