Thursday, 24 July 2014

Many Thanks

 Good morning everyone!  I found this buckle card that I hadn't posted yet made from a couple of the sets from my first release dies.  I started with a piece of decorative card from my stash (October Afternoon I believe is the company on this one)  I covered it with a sticky double sided adhesive sheet and then covered it with Iced Snow for texture and bling.  Using the Decorative Frames from the Italian collection, out of milk card, I cut one large and two slightly smaller frames.  I used the border from the Spanish Collection and cut it and wove it through the circular frames creating the buckle element for the card.  I stamped my sentiment in black and cut it out with the Spanish tag.  I used a light inking of Bundled Sage while still in the die to highlight the phrase and show off the detail in the tag.  I mounted it with foam in the centre of the buckle.  I tied a double bow with the aqua silky crush ribbon and added it to the left.  I topped it with a crystal Dazzler and a stick pin.  In each of the the corners I added three pearls of varying sizes.  I completed the card with a double milk mat with a pierced inner layer.  The finished dimensions are 6" x 9" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Beautiful card Sue, many thanks to you.
Glad the ladies had a lovely day yesterday.
Love & Hugs to all especially the new puppy.

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I love this card and the tag you've used is my all time favourite one EVER!
Hugs x
Heather T

lindyloo12 said...

Hi Sue, Yet another card with that wow factor. I love the colour scheme too.

CraftyAnn said...

Another stunning card, the overlapping circles is a fantastic way of making the card look so special. I keep thinking I must have a go at doing one of these but I forget about using the circles this way, put a note on my pad so at the weekend I will remember to make a card using circles.
Thanks for jogging the old grey matter.
Take care.

Pat said...

Hi Sue
I love this elegant card and an unusual size too
Pat x

Caroljsmith said...

Sue what a very pretty card love the colours you have used keep them coming.

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and everyone, this is a real 'bobby dazzler' this morning Sue, what a wonderful design, the circles made into a buckle, have done this with smaller circles but not thought of the big ones, I like it, and of course it is my favourite colour. Did anyone else out there see the opening ceremony of the 'Commonwealth Games' in Glasgow, I stayed up to watch it, I thought the Queen looked really lovely yesterday. Have a wonderful day everyone what ever you are doing, stay safe, happy and Healthy. June Smith xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. I've always thought your buckle cards are so clever but never had the courage to try making one - perhaps today will be the day!
Julie - enjoy the puppy, just give lots of attention to your older dog too, when she realises that she's still "top dog" she'll be fine with the puppy.
Sue xxx

kitty davies said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you another lovely card, not too difficult, mainly cutting. Take care Kitty

barbiepinkfairy said...

The subtle colours make this really classy. Love the border dies ever time I see them. They may have to be my next investment but treated myself to the bow embossing folder and Auvergne dies yesterday! How many times can you treat yourself for your birthday that is still 2 weeks away!

Off to London today so dependant on wifi may be AWOL but hopefully not.

Wilsonettes enjoy the weather, keep cool and craft on xxx

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Love, love, love, this stunning card.
Great colours,and fantastic use if your brilliant Dies.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Clai01 said...

Oh that looks gorgeous, it's very pretty, wow love it !

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card, love the use of the dies together, great background paper. Bx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
Yet another stunning card. I love the border and tag from the Spanish Collection.Definitely a card to try today.
Sheila x

Marion Bull said...

Lovely card,gorgeous background and a wonderful way to use the circles!
Marion B xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!
Wow another stunning card today and you just can't go wrong with the Italian collection.
I am meeting myself coming backwards but almost packed only today in the office and then I can relax...
Margaret corgi owner hope you are doing ok hugs to you XX
A big thank you to everyone for my birthday wishes, I will raise a glass to you all on the 28th.
Have a great day

Cameeli xx

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and all, lovely card with the circles and the colours are beautiful x

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Great card Sue xxx

Gail said...

Morning Sue and everyone,
I love buckle cards, not that I make them very often, will have to give this one a go.
Ladies hope you had a great day in Witney. Julie enjoy your new puppy.
Pam and Robbie, thinking of you and everyone one else.
Gail C x

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Another lovely card. These colours are really nice together. I've never tried a buckle card before but will give it a go. Thanks again Sue. Hugs Heather.x

Unknown said...

Morning what a different type of card very nice I really like it I think it might be something I might try on some of my cards thank you Sue for sharing your ideas with us.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, Another Beautiful Awesome Card, I've always Truly Loved your Buckle Cards and This one is Amazing.
I really Love the background paper you've used from your stash, called "October Afternoon" (I think) I always Love it when you place your sticky sheets on your Background Paper and remove it, and in this Card you've placed The Awesome Iced Snow on top which adds Texture and Lots of Fabulous Bling. Then using your Decorative Frames from your Italian Collection one Large Circle and two slightly smaller, I really Love how you've added The Border from your Spanish Collection and then weaved it through your Circles creating The Buckle Image, then you've stamped your Sentiment and cut out from your Spanish Tag (this is a beautiful tag) I Love how you've added a Stunning Aqua Silky Bow, Crystal Dazzler and Stick Pin. I Love How Your Dies Work So Well Together!
Sue this Card Is So Fabulous.
Thank You for sharing, Thank You for the great Photography Shots they bring your Cards to life!
A Huge Thank You From Myself For The Daily Inspiration I so appreciate it I So Love This Outstanding Blog.
Sue Take Great Care
Love and Hugs
From Sam x
Hugs To All Of You

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - love the colour of this card and the design - I dont often 'do' buckle cards myself - not sure why not as they are very effective - note to self time!

My pinpoint EFs came yday and I did a test emboss in each folder - they are lovely - so textural - I cant stop running my fingers over the Check Board one. Think they are gona be faves very quickly. Stay cool 29C+ forecast here today - too hot for me!
Clare W

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card. The colours are lovely with a tint of sparkle lol. I love doing your buckle cards they are so effective and a nice way to use your dies. Loving the boarder and tag. Take Care.
Best Wishes.
Denise x

Aspiring crafter said...

Morning Sue,
Love the colours on this card -a beaut of a bow!

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Oh I do so love your buckle cards and today's is no exception.
I love the background paper/iced snow effect that gives room for today's focal point.
I try and try with buckle cards but to no avail I'm never satisfied with the way they turn out but I will not stop trying. (or as Mr E always says 'yes you are very trying!)

Cameeli - take is steady - we don't want you to do anything silly before you're off to the Big A.

Norah - Oh when I read your post yesterday it brought back so many happy memories of my childhood. I didn't slide down ropes head first but did swing on rope over the local pond; climb the haystacks which were then left in the fields (not like today bales taken away to stack)and then jump off the top into the chaff left at the bottom. Oh and was allowed to sit with the local 'fishing water bobby' at the side of the pond until I up tipped his tin of maggots and never again allowed to sit with him. It's no wonder my Mum went white haired well before she was forty. But they were happy and carefree days with loved memories.
Norah - your typing skills and Steph's spell worked. we had beautiful sunshine from 13.00hrs yesterday and the sun has got his hat on this morning too so thank you both.

Sandra so pleased to hear you all had a good day. Isn't it wonderful to have a really good day out with a bunch of like-minded ladies for coffee/tea and of course Cake.

Hope everyone is feeling a little better this morning. Have a really good day.
Take care and I'll see you tomorrow.
Janet x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great card love the buckle and a new way of using the Spanish border. The tag is one of my favourites.
Denise X

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely card-really like the circle dies used as the detail on them is stunning.


Anonymous said...

GOR-GE-OUS!! Thanks Sue. Mabex

Angela Allen said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely buckle card,and nice colour too.
Love Angela x

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous gorgeous card love the DL shape and your buckle cards always look fabulous.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Val Jones said...

Good Morning Sue. Love the buckle card. Must have a go at this.
Love Val in Spain x

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue love your buckle cards xx hazel

Anonymous said...

Oh my this really is a beautiful card, Sue, the tone set by the lovely background paper. Love this buckle effect with the circles and looked at the tag again after what Heather T said - it is nice. The aqua bow and stick pin add such a classy finish. Do you think I like it??!!

'P' in Waled

Cameeli - is it your op tomorrow? Wishing you well, also great trip to NY.

Jan.moogie said...

Another stunner Sue, I could see this one easily turned into a Christmas card with that sparkly background.xx

Maryann Laursen said...

Gorgeous card here again today Sue, so beautiful and elegant. I also always absolutely love those gorgeous stickpins, you´re always using, they looks so fabulous too, and always fit sooo perfect with your elegant cards here.

Annie said...

You are the queen of buckle cards, Sue, and this is no exception, it is gorgeous. Love the paper and the teal bow, in fact love it all!!
Annie x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I have never tried a buckle card I must give one a go. Have a great day. Love Jackie

Jayne S said...

Great way to use these lovely decorative frames. Gorgeous card.

karenlotty said...

A very clever card Never tried a buckle card When I buy the items on my Need List I'll certainly give it a try I know people live their bows but I think I would have left it off of this one a) to focus on the clever buckle and b) for posting Ho hum I've just said on Julia's blog that I'm on a bit of a downer - sorry

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card, love the background paper it is so pretty. I adore the middle tag that is so pretty too. Love Jean xxx

Joan D said...

What a stunning card Sue. Must try some cards with the iced effect. Can't wait to use my new embossing folders,which arrived yesterday.x x

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Loving all about this card, color,design, its fab.
Take Care
Elaine H X

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

Another great card with which to start the day. I know I'm a little late with this but I just wanted to say I have just read your column in the latest Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine and was so pleased to learn that this is going to be a regular "crafty diary" feature. I particularly liked the card you were showcasing and will definitely be giving it a go. Congratulations. Thank you for sharing todays project and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue & friends,
Love the card today, to date I have never attempted the buckle card, but I must give it a go! You are right, they are 'October Afternoon' Papers, I have that pad, gorgeous designs! I believe I have enough paper to cover the walls of Buckingham Palace, but still have some that I can't bring myself to cut in to!
Well not such a fun day planned today, we have to take poor little Milo to get 'fixed' , bless him, it tortures me to have to do it with him being so young (so most 5 months) but he has kind of worked out what he thinks he should be doing and he is making Bella's life a bit of a misery, so 'needs must' I'm afraid, wish me luck, I can't even look the little fella in the eye this morning!
Pat & Mrs B, thanks so much for yesterday, not sure where those four hours disappeared to, but we did have a giggle! Can't wait til next time, Gail C, I am sure we can squeeze you in! X
Margaret C O, I am sending you a big hug at this most difficult time x
Pam sending hugs, what's Robbie up to this week, he had a busy week last week with his sister visiting and his beloved dog, I hope he us progressing steadily x
Janet, I am so glad the sun showed itself to you yesterday, I think it's due to be another hot one here, but it looks a little gloomy this morning! I so wish you could have joined us yesterday, maybe we could come and 'stomp on your grapes' when they are ready! X
Cameeli, please slow down, try and relax before your visit on Friday, did you leave a little room in your case for me? Hugs to you &Mari x
Norah, I will be coming back for today's instalment of 'life in Norah's world' I can't wait, it will cheer me up hopefully after the visit to the vets! Poor wee Milo!
Julie, hope you are enjoying your little cutie! X
Hugs to all
Sandra xxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a fabulous card the
circles are gorgeous I don't use my circles
a lot I should so must try to use them more.
Nancyd xx

TDQ Karen said...

Love those dies and this is a lovely use for them, Beautiful xx

MaggieMac said...

Lovely Card Sue - now if I could just learn to tie a bow I'd be happy!!

Carole Z said...

Hi Sue, another very pretty the colour! Hugs Carole Z X

Debbie Tinks said...

Love this card Sue ... Happy crafting and have a nice day ... X

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, lovely buckle card, they are so effective and not to difficult to do. Love the background paper as well, must look in my stash. Another really hot day today. I know we shouldn't grumble but I am not very good in this heat. Typical British blame the weather!!

Love Rosemarie xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. A beautiful card, I love the buckle, the gorgeous aqua bow(such a lovely colour) and the background paper.
Pam , sending my daily hugs to you and Robbie. Keep marking the days off of the calender : )
Norah, I can just imagine you and your brother causing your Mum all sorts of worry. Sure you reminded lots of us how our Mum's would hug you once they knew you were ok, then shout and sometimes give you a slap for causing them grief! Please don't ever stop sharing with us, you always bring at least a big smile to my face, if not a good belly laugh, thank you. I really hope that you get some lovely sun and warmth very soon on your hills and on your face : )
Julie Lazz and Lee. Great surprise, what's her name? Start consistant training now so she doesn't get confused later. Lots of praise when she sits, gentle but firm no's and put her into a sit position when she jumps up etc. Enjoy both of your dogs, lots of extra fuss for Sophie and she will be fine. She will let little one know who is boss but that is natural.
Sandra, Pat and I spent 4 lovely hours chatting!Time just flew by. And yes, it was just like we were old friends. Thank you so much Sue for bringing us together : )
Gail, where are you?
Sending hugs to you Sue, my special friends and all in need. Take care.

Micky French said...

Lovely Sue, I love these Buckle cards.
Hugs to all
Michelle xxxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,
What an absolutely fabulous card you have for us today. It's one of the prettiest cards I've ever seen. Once again it show how versatile your wonderful dies are. I just love absolutely everything about it. Gorgeous!

Hugs Alice xx

Hilary said...

Good morning Sue, and everyone. The buckle card is gorgeous! What a beautiful background too!!
The stick pins and bow finish it off to perfection.
Wishing you, and all your Wilsonettes a happy and healthy day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. I particularly like the way you have used the Spanish border die. My embossing folders came today. They are GORGEOUS! The embossed card is very touchy feely! Thanks for sharing.
Hugs to all who need one.

Nananne said...

Lovely card, I don't know why although I admire buckle cards I never have a notion to make one, maybe they look more complicated or something?
Anyway , hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful spell of weather.
Your book sounded quite magical for the little girl, Norah , hope she treasures it.
Hugs to all xo

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue beautiful card today again and what a pretty colour. I love this buckle technique and should remember to give it a go. I hadn't realised how pretty the Spanish tag and boarder are oh no another one for the list!!! Have a great day love Diane G xxx
June yes I watched the opening ceremony and I thought the Queen looked lovely too. Diane xxx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Love the colours in this card and the Italian dyes. Very pretty and unusual

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I love your buckle cards, the background paper is very pretty, overall a gorgeous creation. Lol lynne m x x x

Yet another scorcher forecast for today so me and fur babies will be trying to keep cool. Poor poochies have just come into season as well so a double whammy to deal with ( I do feel for them at the moment what with the heat and all but I know it will change when they're firing on all cylinders)

Karen ( magpie) happy birthday, have a fantastic day ( hope I got the right day)

Julie enjoy your new puppy , never too early to start training.

To all my wonderful friends have a good day and I hope you manage to stay cool

Lol and massive hugs lynne m , tilly & cully x x

Hazel said...

Sue, I loved this card when I saw it in Aberdeen while you were doing your demos. It's gorgeous. Hazel xx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Super card. The background paper is lovely.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

I love your buckle cards, so elegant

Wendy L said...

Fab design, looks gorgeous, xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - another lovely card. I haven't made a buckle card yet but am now very tempted, especially as I have these dies! Must look out for the papers you have used. Best wishes

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Such an elegant beautiful card - love the iced snow background
carol x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the card and colours . love Jean Z xx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
I always love your buckle cards and today's is no exception. Love the colours and the bling! I'm another one who has never made a buckle card even though I do love them - strange isn't it?
Sandra, I'm sure little Milo will be fine and it will calm him down a little. I've always found my cats to be more affectionate once they've had the op, always wanted cuddles which was nice. Scamp the cat is not too sure about this weather. Like all cats she is a sun worshipper, but it's just too hot for her - she's spending most of the day trying to find the shade!! At one point on Tuesday I thought she was going to spontaneously combust she was that hot!! Dave (hubbie) came in with a nice surprise for me yesterday - he's booked 4 nights in Norfolk next week which is lovely. Just got all the washing, ironing, cleaning etc to do first! Hope everyone is ok in all this heat and taking care. Love and hugs to all, Alison xxxxx

Marion said...

Hi Sue another beautiful card .
I do like the buckle effect.
Marion H

JAO said...

This is very pretty Sue.

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
What a stunning card thanks for sharing I with us, Hugs Sarah xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a stunning card! I always like to see a buckle card! lol. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

doreenj said...

The more I see "iced snow" the more I need it!!!! Lovely card, Sue,

Doreen x

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Stunning card. Love the colour and the background. X

gwen70 said...

Another beautiful card

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card today. It's quite difficult to say what we all think of your cards, as they are all stunning. I have always liked your buckle cards, but just haven't got round to making one. Always love the papers you use. Why do manufacturers always put in the some that you don't like. Mind you all the papers in the Theresa Collins paper pad you have used are all so lovely that I can't bring myself to use it. Must smack my hand and use it.
Hugs to Pam and Robbie as usual.
Cameeli please slow down or else you won't be able to wind down and enjoy New York. Your eye op must be soon or did I miss it while I was away last week.
Well Sandra, Sue and myself all had a lovely time yesterday. As they both said it was like we had known each other forever. I'm glad They both thought the same. We even sang Happy. Birthday to a lady and her family who came in for coffer and cake. Four hrs went by in a flash. If it wasn't for your blog Sue we would never have met, so thank you very much. Looking forward to meeting up again aft Sue has been on holiday. I'm glad you had a good sleep Sue, we must have talked and laughter you out.
I'm glad your hills were alive yesterday Norah, hope it clears up here later as it's a bit gloomy at the moment.

Angela H said...

I love to see another use for the border dies. I have used this technique before and found it quite difficult. I think the border die, being wider, will make it easier. Thanks

Unknown said...

As usual beautiful, I love the circles...Crafty rEgards julie xx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
What a beautiful card this is. Love the way you've used the border die and a trio of Italians - what more could a girl ask. The bow and stickpins are lovely.
Hugs, Rose

Glennis F said...

Beautiful card Sue, I like the buckle idea!

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful buckle card.

julie laz said...

Hi sue, can I just say I LOVE YOUR BLOG everyone on here cares about each other you should be very proud of yourself as there is no other blog like this, I love this card you are so talented, I hope you don't mind about me telling everyone about my puppy,I've put this right at the end of my comments, so if people don't want to read it they can scroll passed, sue I hope you don't mind hugs Julie xx,

Her name is Maisy,
Sophie will not go near the puppy she has never been with other dogs, because I got ill and I needed 24/7 around the clock care Sophie is a people dog, and if the puppy goes near her she's so scared and snaps at the puppy, ( don't know what to do) and I'm just keeping them apart,
The puppy is so naughty and funny, she picks up her water bowl and pulls it to her bed(water everywhere lol she did this five times, so now she has a Pyrex dish lol
When we take Maisy out side all she does is eat everything in sight grass, leaves, the bark anything, even when she's been fed she still eats everything if you take her out, laugh I never laughed so much in my life I was hurting lol, and lee all he keeps saying is what have I done lol thanks everyone for helping,
Barbara, p in Wales, Lindsay Martin, wheely bad, Lynda, Tina Eldridge, Lynn mills Tilly cully, alimecca,crafty suetoo, mrs B, crafty hugs Julie xxx

spoole said...

Hi Sue,
Love this idea and the colours too.

hotpotato said...

love the background.

Julsb said...

Love the background and colours, gorgeous.

June Horrocks said...

Oh sue this is lovely I have to make a wedding card and this would be just the one love it thank you love to all xxxxxxx
June xxxx

Gail said...

Fantastic card luv it all - have the Spanish border collection so may be able to adapt this to suit some existing SB circle dies xx GailT xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue and wilting Wilsonettes. Phew its a scorcher again here in Bolton - give up now, my brain is already a few brain cells short and this weather is melting even more !
Anyway, before I forget ! Cam - just 1 glass ? Come on now 1, honestly ? Tut.
Eco Janet - witch ? What casting a spell with THIS stubby finger, it may point round corners, but sure aint long enough to point out a spell lol oh yeah, join the 'trying crew' Im told the very same thing : ) do I care ? Nope.
Woohoo - I have the Italian decorative frame dies, I feel so 'on trend' when I can say I own a set you show, few and far between but there ya go - thats life !
I may even attempt a buckle card, now thats progress lol.
Barbie - keep spending love lol and enjoy, Lyn will always order Sue's brands if she hasnt it in stock, she has her little order book ready and waiting, Im popping up there this morning for a singles bag stamp for 21st card Ive been asked for, so that has to be ready for Sunday.
Julie and Lee - its NEVER to soon to install doggie manners, sit, down etc and always reward good behaviour. It worked wonders on Mr L : ) lol enjoy her.

Thats my lot. Need to get my meds down my neck else Im going nowhere !
Love to my lovely friends.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xxx

nannapat said...

I always love your buckle cards Sue and this one is a stunner. How beautiful those frames are, I think I may be going shopping again! Pat x

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Another fabulous card today. I do love your buckle cards and it's something I must give a go. Love the colours today.
Hugs to those in need of them.
Some ladies on here are such wonderful writes and I'm not very good at it but ir doen't mean I don't're such a great bunch!!

Love Sheila xx

Marianna Hammer said...

Lovely card!

Anonymous said...

He'll Sue
Lovely buckle card today and I must confess I have never tried to make one. They are really effective so I have added them to my list of cards to make.
I love the sparkly background, the paper you have used is such a pretty colour.
I, too, watched the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony and though the Queen looked fantastic. Rather a late finish for both her and Prince Philip I thought. There was I nodding off on the sofa now and again and a good few years younger than both The Queen and Prince Philip.
I had a great day out yesterday to Syon House and Park so planning a quiet day today after all that walking.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Lesley S x

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, another lovely card, I have never tried a buckle card, but maybe the time is right.

Watched the opening of the Commonwealth Games last night, well I think Glasgow did us proud, a bit of fun, a bit of love and entertainment, we Scots can always laugh at ourselves. Enjoy the games everyone.

Take care, Jess x

Unknown said...

Soooooo pretty. Love the colours too.
Janice W

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue wow what s wonderful card. This is my kind of card I love thrvdrsihn of it.
Iy looks like i will be off to the crafy shop for somemore goodies. Take care sue xx

Debs A xx

Paula said...

Beautiful, I love it and would never have thought of using the circles like this.

Paula x

Anonymous said...

So pretty. Take care. Claire

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, I just love this card and the beautiful colour, such a clever idea to Beryl xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
A lovely big buckle card. I like these designs because with a pretty bow, it's elegant and feminine, but omit the bow and it would be perfectly acceptable as a man's card, and it works well with any style of sentiment for any time of the year!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant to say Hello Sue!
I agree with Jess, Glasgow put on a great show and should be very proud. I lived there for six years until my early twenties when I got a job down South. I have many happy memories but I am sure I would find it hard to recognise it these days!
Lesley S

lilygee said...

Good Morning Sue and All

The humidity in London yesterday has left me feeling semi human - really horrible, today is a bit better though.
This is a very innovative way of using those circles and transforming the design of the card. Love the technique with double sided sticky as it can really transform background papers that are a bit too bright or brash.
Wishing you all a lovely day

Fiona in Maine said...

Like the idea if the larger buckles. I'm still having trouble making the larger cards for selling. Folks here are quite resistant to buying the larger than usual 5x7 size. Have fun crafting everyone it seems a shame work keeps getting in the way!

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Love your buckle card and the decorative paper covered in ice snow is beautiful
Cameeli have a great time in New York
Julie Laz enjoy your new puppy
Best wishes to everyone, Pat

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. I love the way you use dies to make your buckle cards. Came home last night so now I can see your cards clearer on my p.c. I do struggle looking and posting using my phone when we are away.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card as always. SueL x

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
I like this colours and composition of this card very much (but then again I like almost all your cards!)
Best wishes to all

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Wow - this is a stunning card. Very beautiful. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card, really lovely
Love Jan x x said...

Really pretty - I just love your buckle cards, and we haven't been treated to one for a while! Thanks, Susan x

JJ said...

Stunning Sue, love the design and the colour is fab.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Terry Owen said...

Oh my goodness, that's gorgeous :)

SHARICA said...

Morning Sue ... Very pretty and different card .. xx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love this card, i was lucky enough to win the italian collection circles in your first die giveaway, so it would be rude not to give this card a try.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee




jane stillman said...

A gorgeous buckle card, love the backing paper too x

Jeanie said...

Hi Sue a Beautiful card today and love how you have used border die .
I tried a buckle card but not to good at cutting strip but the border die will be perfect thankyou a great idea

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
I like your buckle cards as they are different from any other cards that you see and switches on a wee bulb for an idea moment when the brain is packed and gone on holiday. Love the dies that you have used to make today’s inspiration, that is what each new day is to me, an inspiration to get my cells working again. Thank you Sue, as you don’t know just what you bring to each and every one of us. This is where we can dream and see them come to reality, not have someone say “What is that?” in a horrible way, as everyone puts their own wee bit into it and interprets it differently
Julie, I am so happy that you have a new little friend to join your family. I am hoping that they will help give you a lift and bring some joy to your world. Mum has a Bichon, 2 yr and still wetting inside because she didn’t move the puppy pads nearer the door. So would definitely agree with this piece of advice and make a fuss of your faithful friend that you already have as they have been your companion a lot longer and need that reassurance that they aren’t being forgotten. What a lovely thing to do for Julie, Lee. Glad that your daughter and grandson have settled in Cyprus and you can facetime or skype them so you will not be missing the wee lad growing up.
Wheely bad, I am so very pleased that like me you have found the beautiful people on this site and that you are coming back to the world. I too have been where you are with getting booted out the door of a job I loved and that I could do. Yes I was ill and in pain, but I had a focus that took my mind off my own troubles and then that was all taken away from me because they didn’t like to see the pain in my face or the difficulty I had going anywhere. I am so very glad that you can smile again at life and that you are finding the blog the best medicine. You are going to have bad days but look forward to the good ones and enjoy them. And yes 4 is a few days, so bare with the new prescription and soon, we hope, you will see a difference.
Jackie W what have you got to lose? Some time and card. The only way you can do what Sue has done is by trying. You’re not trying to emulate Sue’s cards, you are trying to find a style of your own that you can encompass some of Sue’s hints and tips to what makes a beautiful card. Sorry lecture over.
Myra P you carry on flower and I hope that the children like making their books up as they could make them personal to fit in with what they like. The daisies were made out of a punch and I had a wee blossom punch as well, I just put an embossing tool into to the middle of the flowers to pop them and a gem stone to go with the colour. But guess what numpty didn’t take a picture of box or card?
Brenda, I hope YOU have a lovely holiday while the family are away on their holidays and they will be back before you know it. Oh modern technology is wonderful and even better when our other half can play with it and work it and keep out of our hair and ears for a while. Peace perfect peace.
Roberta, you get a Tim Holtz one which is dearer than just the Creative Expressions, exactly the same just with his name on it, hence the extra £2. Advice, just get the CE one as you don’t honestly need his signature and to pay extra for the pleasure of it.
Sorry folks a 2 parter today, tune in for 2 page next x

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

Glenharon said...

Part 2
I look back on my really carefree childhood with real love now as I had a ball. Going fishing for minnows with a wee net and a jam jar, up the Long Line with my Nana. The top of the jar had string around it for carrying and armed with net and jar and wellies we had a great day out with our picnic of jam sandwiches and tea. I hate tea. Or the time that our great aunt would come through from Glasgow, well she was a star turn was Auntie Katie. On one of our walks up the Line everything was fine and Auntie telling us or asking about all the different things that we could see. Well everything went well until we had to come back and cross the road at the 1314(pub in Whins of Milton). Those days there was no zebra crossing so you had to wait until it was clear to cross which we duly did with Aunties umbrella up like Mary Poppins. On our way this car came like it was in the descar rally and jammed on its breaks. Well it’s huffing and puffing because of us crossing, Auntie turned around with her brolly and starts thumping the living daylights out of the bonnet of this car and the owner rolling up his windows encase this genteel(LOL) old lady turns it on him. Auntie didn’t have and couldn’t have any children but had so much fun in her, she loved it when the “twins” were at Nana’s as we knew how to behave and would never have shown up my mum, but Auntie brought out the naughty side of certain little people and she encouraged us, fun days. Living always within a yell to a farm we had a wonderful time walking along the dry stain dykes, playing with the sheep although looking back on that it was more liking tormenting the poor beasts. “Helping” (in our eyes) Mr Osbourne the farmer to bring in the cattle or sheep to the barn or another field. Very happy days we had even if our behinds were tanned now and again because of our escapades.
Glad that the weather is catching up to you across the sea to Burgundy, here’s hoping that it continues for a while yet Janet. My hills are sunning themselves today with beautiful weather that we are enjoying and I hope that it keeps up although children don’t seem to know how to go out and play nowadays. Us you wouldn’t have caught us in on weather like this, in fact you wouldn’t have seen us until tea time, but that was long ago when the world was a nicer place for people to live and let live.
I hope that young Robbie is fighting his body to get working again, sending determination vibes stateside to him. Pam, not too long now with the casserole pot on your foot, so sending hugs down to you as well flower. To all our fragile friends I send them cyber hugs, given freely and with love, take care my friends and I hope that I will see you all tomorrow
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Disco Queen said...

Super card Sue!
Love the massive bow.

Unknown said...

Hello Sue

Beautiful buckle card and just loving the bow


Theresa said...

this is such a Sue Wilson signature card! pretty and lovely shades xx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Another glorious day , another gorgeous card! What a summer. I agree - lovely sentiment and one perhaps not used often enough. Note to self! I love the buckle and I haven't tried one as yet - cant think why! Like Steph I have this die so no excuses. Love that bow!
Steph - you made me laugh - that expression 'on trend' - think this may be only way I'll be 'on trend'.
Maybe the Lancashire ladies should try to meet up?
Barbiepinkfairy - enjoy trip to London.
Cameeli - Bon Voyage!
Janet - glad about sun and hat - hip hip hip hooray!
Sandra - Milo won't blame you - you are doing the right thing. So pleased you had super time yesterday.
June - I watched the Ceremony -and coloured in! Queen was lovely. An amazing lady!
Alison - enjoy your lovely break in Norfolk.
Karenlotty - sending hugs and a smile.
Norah - thanks. Sorry about photo it just sounded lovely! Will wait for part two - at least no need to fast forward the adverts!
Maisy is a lovely name!
Love Myra

Eemeli said...

Yay! There is an engineer living in me and it is loving the geometric shapes
and also the symmetry on your card. Gorgeous color scheme too.


Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Beautiful card, one I would love to make - and I have all these dies, haven't got backing paper, but then I'm sure to have something suitable in my stash. I think the afternoon will be spent in my craft room and it's on the cool side of the house, how lucky am I!!!
Take care Sue, love Brenda xxx

I watched the opening ceremony from Glasgow of the Commonwealth Games but towards the end I was falling asleep, God bless her the Queen was marvellous (but then she didn't have my comfy sofa) didn't she look fantastic, loved her outfit.

Julie Laz, enjoy your new addition, as with children when a new one arrives you always make a fuss of the older one, they were there first and it just stops jealousy - you will be fine

Norah, Your childhood adventures you gave us yesterday reminded me of where I grew up in Leicestershire, where we lived there was a brook across the road, we had great adventures there, at the end of the road we had woods and that was our playground, trees with ropes tied on to make swings, some of the ropes spaning the brook, you had to be careful not to fall in, besides the woods there was a very steep grassed hill, in the summer we would slide down it on flattened cardboard boxes and when it snowed we would have our sleighs or anything that would glide across the snow. Our townie cousins always wanted to come and stay in the school summer holidays, the freedom we had was wonderful and such fun, we only went home for mealtimes!

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Beautiful card your buckle cards are a favourite of mine, love the soft colours and detail. Many thanks to you Sue, you give us such joy each day.
Pam hugs to you and Robbie.
Jean D Happy 60th Birthday, enjoy the day with your family, hugs to you and Gary.
Julie L Masie sounds so cute, well done Lee, enjoy the little newcomer and give Sophie lots of cuddles.
Margaret corgi owner love and gentle hugs to you.
Wheely Bad it sounds like you are coming on in leaps and bounds, good on you girl, keep smiling, hope you and Bllly are keeping cool.
Norah your book is an item for the wee girl to treasure, you are very talented and I love your stories, they remind me of my own happy childhood, days out with my cousin, I once fell into the paddling pool and h brought me home like a drowned rat, squelching everywhere, my Mum's face was a picture when she saw the state of me, happy days.
Cameeli happy Birthday on the 28th, keep calm, you can relax when work is over today, enjoy New York.
Daily hugs to Tinw E, Steph, Norah, Mrs B, Sandra, Lindsay, Lynne M, Lynda B, Myra P, Tres, Gail C, Magpie and of course our Sue.
Hope all our furry friends are keeping cool.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

magpie said...

Helloooo sue and the Wilsonettes! So sorry Sue, I'm sure I went on yesterday which I've only just realised it's the Wednesday giveaway day. Dismiss my name won't you? It's just a beautiful card Sue. Love the colour. I have this set and I love it. The border I was only wondering the other day as to what I could do different with it...thank you! :) I can obviously use different dies.....or I can buy some of the latest one's with my birthday money.....It's a ?unanimous? yes me thinks! xx Glad you had a great day together, Mrs B, Pat and Sandra. It's fantastic how you have brought all our wonderful Wilsonettes together Sue and have made lifelong friends for them. Thank you Lynne for the birthday wishes. It's nice that you remembered :) I'm feeling sorry for the fur babies (and everyone who don't like the heat!) too in this heat.....but make the most of them like this! :) xx Sending love and hugs to you Sue and to our Wilsonettes who need them today. There is plenty everyone so help yourself! xx Take care everyone xx Love Karen xx

Maxine T said...

Nice card Sue, I like the buckle affect.
Have a great crafty day.
Maxine T

Bejay said...

Good Afternoon Sue and all the Wilsonettes. Wow! The background just blew me away. It's so unusual, I really need to get a tub of the ice snow. I think I have ALL of your dies on my wish list, Sue. Maybe I should start buying a lottery ticket and I could spend any winnings on craft supplies lol. xx

Unknown said...

Smashing card as always - love it Theresa

Janice K said...

A wonderful ornate looking card.x

terrie said...

Beautiful card Sue...
Love the teal color that you used as well as the bow that you added on the card...
Well done

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, I would never have thought about using the Italian dies for a buckle card but this looks amazing. I love the periwinkle colour and the background stamp. Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunny weather. Hugs Pauline A xx

hollyberry said...

One of your classic buckle cards,love the delicate colours of this one.

Anonymous said...

Belinda Raven said...

Hi Sue, lovely use of your dies on this pretty card. I use your Iced Snow technique on patterned paper that need a little something and hey presto! the paper is transformed!

Hugs, Belinda. X

Pam said...

Norah, thank you for your posting today, it reminded me of when we were children (I was the eldest of 6) in a little colliery village and the escapades we got up to. One of my brothers (also a Robbie who died when he was 40) was forever in trouble in trouble quite unintentionally, he was just one of those kids where everything went wrong but he had a heart of gold. Oh how we loved those days, no money but loads of fun and laughter.

dianeandchipps said...

This is a gorgeous card and a very unusual size. Definately a design I might borrow. Thanks for all the inspiration xxx

Jill Liddle said...

I love everything about this card. Really lovely.

Mary Blight said...

Hi Sue, how are you today? Hope it's nice & hot where you are? It is an absolute scorcher here! Been out shopping this morning but I think I will be indoors this afternoon, probably making Christmas cards, as I've got all the decoupage made up & I am sure to lose them, if I don't put them on cards!You have produced another stunning card again today & I LOVE the buckle design! I will have to try to do this myself, although I know I will NEVER make it look anything like yours! I am really looking forward to seeing you again, in the future! Hope I can be in with a chance of winning this lovely card! With Love & Best wishes, from Mary Blight XXX

TOB said...

Love, love this buckle card. Hugs Theresa x

yorkielass said...

Hello again Sue,
My Magical Butterflies arrived a short while ago, THANK YOU so much, they truly are magical and will be well used and loved.
Happy Birthday,, Karen (Magpie) have a lovely day.
Hugs June xxx

nzillingworth said...


Another gorgeous card Sue and so elegant.

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

WOW. Really love it. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Maureen B. said...

A very different card today Sue and lovely. I love the background and the ingenious way of using the dies. Must have a go. Am off to track down your magical butterflies that a Wilsonette has mentioned today. There are so many butterflies around in the garden today that I must put some on my cards during this gorgeous summer in UK. Hope you are managing to have some me time to enjoy. I received my prize today and I am thrilled with it, grand vinery, it will be so useful and it is so practical too. Thank you again, Many hugs Maureen
(PS my comment is much earlier today!!)

Anonymous said...

Another stunning card Sue! You always see unique designs. Again a really lovely card.

Helen Barker said...

Beautiful.Love buckle cards and this one is especially lovely.
Helen Bx

Unknown said...

Hi Julie, when we had shelties Skye wouldn't let Esha come near him ( we had him 18 months before getting his niece) however , with time they became inseparable so don't despair everything will work out fine just make sure Sophie gets her meals/hugs first then all will settle down.

Lol and gentle hugs lynne m , tilly & cully x x x ( aka pesky critters)

Anonymous said...

A truly lovely card. Love the colour as well!
Annie.B Northants

SusanP, Kent said...

This is very pretty I love the soft colours. The decorative frames look great used with the border through the centre.

Anonymous said...

A sophisticated looking card anyone would love to receive I am sure.

Unknown said...

Hi Alison, my hubby could take lessons from yours. Hope you have a fantastic time away next week lol lynne m x x

Unknown said...

Afternoon Sue,a lovely buckle card using your fantastic dies.
Happy birthday Karen, I hope you have had a lovely day. Julie I'm sure that your first dog will soon come to terms with a play mate, as has been said just give her extra cuddles so she isn't feeling left out.
Lynne, sorry you and the girls aren't enjoying this weather, mr smelly has do e it again, so had to have another wash today!
June, you take care in this heat.
Cameeli do t overdo things.
Love to all my wonderful Wilsonette friends, Norah, Steph, Margaret, wheelybad Tandy, Tina, tres, Gail, Sandra, p in Wales, Pam, Julie and Lee, Lynne, Jackie, Janet, and everyone else xxx

Barbara said...

Lovely card today Sue, I have never tried a buckle card so must have a go.

What a pretty name Maisy!
My friend brought in a 8wk old dachshund puppy to live with the 10yr old spaniel she had and she had a few teething problems. Whenever the pup tried to cuddle into the dog it would get up and walk away, it did this for about a week and then gradually accepted the pup. It will just take time and patience. I know I will have problems when I get a pup as Ben is so spoilt and has always been a only dog with just me and my husband.
Maisy sounds so funny and she will definitely keep you on your toes!!!

Muriel said...

Love the Spanish Collection used as a buckle card. Another beautiful card Sue,
Muriel x

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said...

Simple yet so lovely. Love all that glittery stuff you use, looks beautiful and the color is gorgeous.

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I love the buckle cards, I don't always get them to look like yours.
Norah you sound just like me I was a right tomboy growing up climbing anything about, climbing out of windows on to sheds, I was always coming home with tadpoles, newts, frogs etc from the drain that was at the back of the house, never used the proper way to go up slides I would climb up the wrong way its a wonder my mum had any hair with me.
Julie the new puppy sounds lovely our German shepherd is 12 in 2 weeks and he will be our last dog as due to our health problems we cannot give the attention they need. I only saw some bits of the Glasgow games but my late Dad came from Port Glasgow and he would have been so proud to see the games near his home town.
Sending birthday wishes to all with birthdays, love and hugs to all that need them I have had a lovely day today pottering around Asda with my Mum we both walk at the same pace it was lovely to be out in this lovely sunshine and I did not over do it and kept having a sit down when I needed to and hubby has waited on me hand and foot since we got back.
Happy crafting to all the Wilsonettes
Love Tina x

Anonymous said...

So elegant,love the colour
Magizzy x

Crafting Newbie said...

Love this card Sue!

Sonia Stephenson said...

Fabulous card Sue. Love the colours. Have a great day and hugs to all xxx

Jean Bullock said...

Lovely card. Love the effect the iced snow gives. Love how you have arranged the dies on this card. The bow is fabulous.

Laura O said...

fab card and fab dies .Laura O

shabbycraftcabin said...

Afternoon Sue,

Love the card. Nice and easy but elegant . Thank you for sharing.

Lots of love,

Ivy Ling x

lorraine (classylady) said...

Lovely card Sue, like buckle cards. The backing paper is gorgeous, must have a look on website for it.

Glasgow and surrounding areas all busy and looking great in the sunshine. So glad for the visitors to see our country this way.

lorraine - scotland

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Another stunning card the buckle style cards are great for left over bits of card when you cut the middle out you can get two cards thank you for sharing x

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Been playing with the butterflies this afternoon! Wow - they are gorgeous - so versatile and so many sizes! Had to stop as sun came round to the craft room window and stopped play!
Happy Birthday Janet , hope you have a great day!
Lovely stories from Norah and Brenda! These were the days when life seemed a lot safer and we weren't driven everywhere.
Love to Sue and everyone!

Jane Franklin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane Franklin said...

Love the buckles and bows, thanks for the ideas Sue. Luv to all jax

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. Love it. Colour is beautiful.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a classy card today. Of all your techniques this is one that I have not yet tried, I don't know why. I have most of the makings so no excuse for not having a go at the week-end.

I also watched the Games opening ceremony last night and thought the Queen looked really lovely. I was pleased to see Prince Philip looking so well compared to last year when he was hospitalised.

101 degrees Fahrenheit in my greenhouse an hour ago. Phew! Hope is cools down before bed-time.

Tres said...

Hi Sue. What a gorgeous card today !! I love it all !! As you know, green is my favourite colour and the background with the ice snow glitter is beautiful. I love the Italian Decorative frame dies. They are one of my favourite die sets. I also have the Spanish border and tag set and I really love these to. I keep meaning to make a buckle card but still have not got round to making one yet !! I have everything to make this card except the backing paper although I have some I could substitute, so really there are no excuses !! As someone suggested earlier, without the ribbon this would also make a great card for a man to. This is a really lovely card Sue, and one of your best buckle cards yet !!
I have just received my winning die through the post this afternoon. The Bevelled Glass Striplet Die. It is gorgeous and I can't wait to play with it !! Thank you Sue. Sending you lots of love and hugs today from Tres x x x

Cameeli, please take care so that you can enjoy your lovely holiday in New York. Happy Birthday for the 28th !! Lots of love Tres x x x

Julie Laz, your little puppy sounds so cute !! Maisey is such a lovely name. Take care of your new little puppy and your older doggie to. Lots of love to you and your wonderful hubby Lee, from Tres x x x

Norah, Your stories of your childhood are so wonderful and interesting to read. You should definitely consider writing a book !! Or at least writing down your memories for your children to look back on when they are older. They may not be interested now but I am sure they will value them one day. My Mum has told me she has already written down lots of her stories and memories from when she was a child for myself and my sister to read one day. Wishing you lots of love today, from Tres x x x

Wishing all my Wilsonette friends lots of love and hugs today, from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to Linda Brock, Linsey Martin, Lynne M and fur babies, Myra, L Steph, Yorkielass, Pam, Sandra, Mrs B, and anyone I have forgotten. (Big appologies for my useless memory.) from Tres x x x

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. It's a style I've used quite a lot. Thank you for your generosity. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Unknown said...

Good evening Sue,
Gosh its still so hot. This card is absolutely beautiful. So clever. I'm still trying to fight my way through my makes, but everytime I think I'm getting toward to end, I'm getting another request. At this rate, I won't have any time for my Christmas Cards which I was planning to have started by now. Oh well, shouldn't complain.
Hope everyone is coping with this heat.
lots of love, Jo xx

Wacki Macky said...

Love the buckle card today Sue.

Craftihappiness to you all, love from Pearl.

craftynanna said...

lovely card sue, i have done one of your buckle cards before with great success, but i love the background on this one, love J

Rach83 said...

Spectacular card today, Sue. I love everything about it - the gorgeous die cuts, the awesome layout, the sparkle and, of course, your lovely hat pins.

Rachel x

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
What a cracker! I love the background paper with the texture on top. It makes it look so rich. I echo the comment earlier about it serving very well as a Christmas card. Lovely.
Best wishes, Anne O

Karen Drew said...

The bickle cards always look wonderful.
Have received the pin point checkerboard embossing folder that I ordered today. I must say that the pictures don't do it justice. it is lovelier than I thought. This one will be so useful for so many cards.
Karen xx

Lacelady said...

Oooh, a buckle card, they are one of my favourites. This one is no exception. My third striplet die arrived today, I love getting post that features some of your products, I wish I could buy them all.

janet said...

I do like the buckle cards. Haven't got these dies so might see if I have any others that might work. Otherwise my poor cowering credit card might have to come out of hiding!
Hugs Janeet (in Kent)

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A lovely card, the background is fabulous.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Maria said...

Good evening Sue and everyone!
Absolutely stunning card,love the buckle effect and the colours are just perfect.
Happy birthday for the 28th Cameeli,hope you have a great time in NY. Maisy sound a lot of fun,train her gently but stern and she will soon learn by play. your other dog will hopefully get to know her and they will be best of friends. Have not slept well the last few nights,too hot and pain not a good combo. Fell a sleep for 4 hours! this afternoon, :0 not good but hey ho another day tomorrow. Hugs to all from moi
Maria x

Glenharon said...

Sorry Sue,
I just thought i would come back and wish a Happy Birthday to Karen, i hope you have had a wonderful day today and that you have been made to feel like a princess. Remember you are only 21 with years of experience.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Delilah64 said...

That woven technique is really effective. Fabulous!


Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, love this style of card. However, I have never tried one myself. Maybe I will give it a go. Kind regards Joanne K x

Cazzie D said...

Lovely colours and the buckle card is a great idea. Caz x

Cazzie D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Just been catching up on your blog,all the cards are stunning as usual but I have a favourite which is Tuesdays Christmas bauble. Congratulations to all that won a die set,you lucky people.

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes I love your buckle cards Sue this one is so pretty with the lovely backing paper & ice snow glitter,I have the dies so think I will try & hugs Lynda Brock xx

Sandra hope Milo is ok after his operation.& pleased you enjoyed your afternoon yesterday with Mrs B & Pat.

Julie Laz Maisy is a lovely name enjoy her hugs Lynda xx

Cameeli happy birthday for the 28 th enjoy your trip to NY. Hope you get on ok tomorrow with your eye appointment Hugs Lynda xx

Alison have a lovely break next week to Norfolk, what a lovely husband you have hugs Lynda xx

Gail hope your ok missing you gentle hugs Lynda xx

Happy birthday Karen Magpie hope you had a lovely day hugs Lynda xx

Norah I loved you stories of your childhood today you did make me smile. Hugs to you & wee Rory xx

Special hugs to Pam & Robby, Tres,Tina,Tandy,Yorkielass,Lindsay,Lynne M & pooches, Myra p, Mrs B, Brenda Lello Lanc Steph,Gail C, Lynda xx

Love & hugs to all that need one Lynda xx

Blue Rose said...

Wow Sue, gorgeous card. I love the buckle element. Great job.

Bridge x said...

What a clever use of the dies Sue - another stunning card Sue
Best wishes
Bridget x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Love your buckle cards and this one is no exception just beautiful. Thanks Sue xx
Yorkielass thank you so much for my birthday wishes xx
Jean D xx

Meg Owen said...

Pretty card Sue.
My lovely sister passed away this afternoon so feeling very glum. At least I was able to be with her and hold her hand and she is now free from pain.

Margaret O

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
You really do do some absolutely" beautiful cards
I sit here looking at your creations and I think where does Sue get all that inspiration from
I ashore this card the style the colour just everything shouts Sue Wilson. Thank you.
Take Care Sue
Love Theresa xx

Sue Parish said...

Love the background, and the Spanish border, and the beautiful aqua bow, Sue x

Wheely Bad said...

Hello Sue and Wilsonettes.

Lovely card I want to try a similar one for Mr WheelyBads birthday, the Italian motifs I've wanted for ages and may come soon, don't think I'll do something quite so feminine and pretty for Mr W though... It's a gorgeous card though. Mr W was very impressed when I showed him at 7:30pm.

keeping it short today though. Tried since 5pm to post but things keep popping up, then since 8 pm I had two pieces of quite sad news. So a quickie as Billy wants to go to bed, big hugs for Lindsay M, Lynda, Julie, Pam and Robbie, Norah McPhee, Alison (Alimecca) and best wishes to Sandra and Milo, I agree with BeJay Roles and am thinking bout the lottery!

Many thanks for all your support, again. I'm taking it seriously and if it's just resting and rehabilitating so be it, I'll want to kill the balance cushion by the end, I'm sure. I said all along if I feel 20% better at it's peak I'll be delighted and its at 10% now. Tomorrow's therapy is sitting at the table, up straight, then rest. Repeat til I've made Mr WheelyBads card! Seriously, going to do it instead of that horrid blue blob I keep perching on, more fun too!

Quickly too I have to say all the doggy advice is really good. Had to learn lots of behaviour/ training/ dog body language when Billy and I were training for him to assist me at home.

Must go, hugs for everyone

T x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue I shall have to try this idea as it's fabulous. I really like the idea of just changing background papers I already have too.
Hugs Nicola T

Lorna said...

Hi Sue,
This is a stunning card!

Hellma said...

Total stunner, love everything about this.

Dawn Holben said...

I have those dies and never thought of using them like that.
Absolutely stunning card.
Thank you so much for the inspiration once again.