Thursday, 3 July 2014

Gilded Roses

Hi crafters!  This is a really neat technique using my dies and my high low technique.  The video will break it down for you step by step so it is easy to follow and easy to achieve in your own cards and projects.  I hope you enjoy it!

Buy from Joanna Sheen


Pam said...

Hello Sue and all, beautiful card today, love it.
Julie, hope you are feeling a bit better today, Lee thank you for commenting, we love that you care.
Mrs B, funny shoe is 6 weeks down the line, at moment in a very heavy cast and bandaged, not allowed to put foot down so have to hope with aid of frame, it is so heavy. Robbie has been transferred to Spaulding, his room overlooks Boston Harbour, this is 1 hour away from their home, so hoping that his recovery can now truly start.
Glad you had such a good birthday Lynda. Love to Tandy and hubby, Gail, Lynne M [missing you], Steph,Norah and all my sister Wilsonettes, great bunch that you are. Xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning Sue, another beautiful and elegant card... I really like the guilding flake effect and the, stick pins, just stunning. will watch later...

Pam, a daily hug for you, I hope the 6 weeks fly by and that both you and Robbie, improve with each day. xx

Clare W hope you had a great day.

Sandra, Julie, Yorkie Lass, Lindsey, Lynne, Tina, Tres, Norah and Steph, and everyone of our family who need a gentle hug xx

Have a great day and keep hydrated its going to be another hot one.
Cameeli xx

Pam said...

Sorry that was hop with frame, talk about muscles I never knew I had x

Jan.moogie said...

Wow what a truly stunning card Sue, love it. will watch video later.xx

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful Sue. So very elegant.
Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

TDQ Karen said...

What beautiful flowers, will catch the video on this lovely card later xx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Another lovely card today
Do you have any tips on how to keep the cosmic shimmer dots even?
Pat x

Rosie said...

Will watch later, but the card does look lovely.

Nadine in Spain said...

Lovely card and great demo video, Sue. The high low technique looks beautiful with the Spanish die collection and the gilded roses with stick pins are the perfect finishing touch.

Nadine x

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. Love this stunning card. Hazel xx

Caroljsmith said...

Sue I just love this card and will watch the video later keep them coming x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Can't wait to watch the video - I like to save them for when I know I won't be interrupted. I spy gilding flakes and microbeads so this card is definitely on my to do list!
Sue xxx said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you another beautiful card, and brilliant video as usual love the roses, I am getting a dab hand at making them now thank you. Pam take it easy wishing you and Robbie all the best. Have a grat day all Wilsonettes, Kitty.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a very opulent and elegant card, everything about it is fabulous, love the high/low effect, will have to try it. Great video, showing the steps. Bx

doreenj said...

Another lovely technique to try, thanks for the tips, Sue,

Doreen x

Carole Z said...

Beautiful card looking forward to the video, hugs Carole ZX

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card today. I love gilding flakes. Going to watch video now as I wont have time later. I'll do it before my granddaughters wskes!!! Hugs Heather.x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
A beautiful card today and one I would love to have a go at replicating.
Sheila x

Joan D said...

Another beautiful card again today,but then I don't think you could make one that wasn't. Have bought some stick pin blanks,as I have loads of beads and pearls, but they are about 6 ins long and have to cut them down . The gold really makes the whole card oh so elegant. Will watch video later x x

Muriel said...

Your videos are so clear Sue and make the techniques look so easy. I have practiced the roses and am almost there now. Beautiful card and could be for many occasions

Muriel x

Eemeli said...

Wow! Those golden roses look absolutely stunning! Once my coffee is ready, I'll
grab a mug, sit back, relax and watch your today's video. Take care!


Anonymous said...

GM Sue - love the look of this one - will save the video for later.

Guest Day yday was good fun - it was a 4BBB Stableford off 3/4 hcap so whilst me and my playing partner didn't shame ourselves we weren't in the prizes - we had 2 blobs which saw to that despite a few 3 point holes and even one 4/4 on a par 5 hole! The company and food was excellent so a good day all round. Bring on the next one in September. Bacl to reality today though - better get some housework done! Happy day all
Clare W

Rach83 said...

Morning Sue,

What an elegant card today. I love the micro beads with the gilding. Those flowers are just gorgeous. Can't wait to see how you created this stunner in the video. Thanks for sharing.

Take care,
Rachel x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Simply Stunning! I love this high low technique, it's so pretty. The roses are super gorgeous and the die cut frames are lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes to Pam and family.
Hugs to all who need one.

JAO said...

Another elegant card Sue.

ElizabethS said...

Hi Sue, absolutely stunning. Love the golden roses. Will watch the video later when I am back from work.
ElizabethS x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
A stunningly elegant card, I love it
Have a great day

Patricia xx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card, Sue, love the hi-low technique for the background and never tire of watching you make the roses. Really beautiful and thank you once again for another great instructive video.

'P' in Wales

Tandy - special wishes to you and your husband. And to Pam and Julie.

PharmacyMichele said...

What a stunning card-lots of interesting textures on it.


carol edwards said...

Beautiful card Sue, love the roses x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I will watch the video later when I get back from work. I really want to try this technique. Have a great day. Love Jackie

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Wow! What a fabulous card I love your high low tecnique it always looks amazing. The gilded roses and stick pins are the perfect finish. The video as usual broke everything down into easy steps for us to follow.
Hugs x
Heather T

Unknown said...

Morning what an elegant card will enjoy watching the video I like the micro beads and the gilding flakes hope everyone has a good day

June Smith said...

Fabulous card again Sue, will have to watch the video when I come back as I have a hospital appointment this morning. I hope everyone is safe and well. Good news about Robbie, Have a great day everyone......June Smith xxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, Beautiful card and the roses are amazing. You videos are so clear and easy to follow, thank you. I am going to give the high low technique a try.

Love to all,
Rosemarie xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. What a stunning card and could be used for any occasion. Love the hi low technique and the gilding roses are beautiful along with your stick pins. You are a very clever lady thinking of all these new ideas and techniques for us crafters. Thank You. Have a lovely day.
Best Wishes.
Denise x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Very sophisticated and elegant. True Sue!
Have a great day.
Ang x

maxine said...

A stunning card Sue so elegant.

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Really pretty card - love it. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

A beautiful and elegant card and great video. Thank you for sharing.

Val Jones said...

Good Morning Sue.
Love one colour cards and this is no exception. It's beautiful.
Love Val in Spain x

Anonymous said...

'morning Sue, I, too will be watching the video later,looks FAB-U-LOUS!! I guess it will be Julia videoing your Roadshow as you pass through Cumbria, I think she said you were driving. What an adventure!! I bet you've got NEXT Year all planned. Wish I were so organised. Mabex

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue oh wow what can I say! I love the high low technique and that die is so pretty is that another one to be added to my list! The roses are beautiful I have been making these a lot recently but haven't tried them with gilding flakes .........yet! Have a great day love Diane G xxxx
Pam if it were me and the frame hope would be more suitable than hop! I would be hoping I didn't fall over!!! I hope the 6 weeks fly by for you xxx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Such a lovely card again.
Loving your flowers and pins ,will watch the video later with my coffee .
Elaine H X

barbiepinkfairy said...

Beautiful xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear SUe SUch a rich card! i love it. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Jayne S said...

What a beautiful card today Sue, would make a lovely Anniversary or wedding card.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - love the look of this card, particularly the gilded roses and looking forward to watching the video a little later. Have a great day. Best wishes

Wendy L said...

So classy, would make a lovely Golden Anniversary card. xxx

Dolly Daydream said...

Morning Sue and everyone
Wow! a really beautiful elegant card today, suitable for every occasion I feel. I look forward to watching the video later.
Have a good day everyone.
Love and Hugs
Dawn Searle xxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a truly stunning card
love your high low technique and the gold is gorgeous.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue Beautiful card - love the gilded roses
Denise X

Julsb said...

Lovely card really gorgeous, love the technique.

Brenda said...

Good morning Sue,
Fabulous card, another really clear video and easy to follow instructions, I love that high low technique and have most of the 'ingredients' to make this card. Hope to be in the craft in this afternoon and this is top on my list to do as I have five very special cards to do for the weekend.

Hope you have a good day, thank you for your wonderful ideas and inspiration. Love Brenda xxx

Pam, Good news about Robbie, still praying for him. Pleased you are managing to hop around, do be careful. Lol.

Lee, You are a star, give Julie a big hug, hope she will be feeling better soon.

Wishing everyone a good day, sending you all my love and prayers.

Pat S Witney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Great video and pretty card, love the fancy frame and gilded roses too.
Donna Jones

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue and yes I did enjoy today's video. The high low technique is so effective, love from Jackie D

cheryl brown said...

an elegant card without being too fussy. hugs Cheryl xxx

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Another beautiful, elegant card.,
love the gilding flakes will watch video later
Carol x

Jane said...

Beautiful card today Sue will watch later .

Jane xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful card, love the gilding flakes. Just going to watch the video now. Love Jean xxx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Another beautiful, elegant card suitable for many occasions.
I love your high low technique.
Sending my daily hug to Pam, you will be glad to get rid of that cast and frame, hope is probably the better word like Diane said , bless you! Glad that Robbie is closer to home at Spalding, and with a great view : )
Norah, those were very wise words that you said to Pam yesterday, so true. Your tin tray antics reminded me of us doing similar at my Grandma and Grandad's home : )Hope your hills are sunny today.
Lynda, belated Birthday wishes, sorry I forgot to say it yesterday I hope you had a lovely day: )
Julie Laz, sorry that you are not too good at the moment. I hope you are feeling better very soon. Thank you Lee for commenting : )
I hope everyone has a good day and I am sending hugs to all of my special friends and those in need : ) Take care.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, this card looks stunning, guilding flakes and micro beads, wow. Will have to watch video later off to hairdressers, to see if she can do anything with this mop of unruly hair this morning. Take care everyone, Jess x

karenlotty said...

Love the gilded roses Will watch video later Off to work now

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, I love how you have gilded the flowers, I must try this, the high, low technique...... must try this, The pretty frame........must try this, the corners........must try this, wish me luck!

Love Nicola T

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & Friends,
I am looking forward to watching today's video as I don't recall seeing this technique demonstrated before, the card is lovely!
Cameeli, hugs right back at you, I am considering yoga, purely so I can get my leg in that suitcase, I imagine New York with you & Mari would be a giggle! Lol
Lynda I hope you had a lovely birthday, so sorry I missed it yesterday!
It was one of those days, my daughter asked me to watch 'Diego'(the puppy) I will add in here that Diego,Milo & Bella do NOT get along, Milo is head and shoulders above Diego which for a kitten seems bizarre, anyway the day was chaos, the low point was mid way through the day when Diego, who barked almost constantly had a hissing Bella cornered in the hallway, I had just come back in from sitting with the little monkey in the garden as he isn't house trained yet! So picture the scene, Diego barking madly at hissing Bella, who's back was arched so high she looked like an evil witches cat, i came in limping as fast as I could to the rescue when Milo (Bella's big brother) rushed out to defend her, tripping me and sending me hurtling towards carpet at super speed, this fortunately distracted Diego who stopped barking, walked up hallway and poo'd on the carpet in front of me! After laying where I had landed, for a minute or two, battle restarted, I do believe I screamed at that point! I got up eventually and then had Diego's gift to clear up, which wasn't easy as bending down was just about impossible! Anyway I have put my very painful foot down today and said NO to any future dog sitting until they take the time to house train Diego and get him more socialised with my fur babies! (Who are a little sulky today) ! I feel a mean Mum, but I have enough chronic pain to deal with, without adding to it!
Can anyone beat that for excitement?
Pam I may need to borrow your frame today! I do hope you don't end up hopping for too long as you will end up with a sore back, hope lily 6 weeks will fly! Robbie's room at Spaulding somes lovely, I hope that they get him into action really soon!
Lee please give Julie a hug from me, tell her I did respond to her message but it was a bit of a long story!
Pat S , I think Mrs B is suggesting a date/time for coffee, it ay be an issue for me as I can't drive but trying to sort something.
Lynne I hope you Tilly & Cully are ok, miss your tales x
Hugs to all of you lovely ladies,
Sandra xx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card today. Haven't tried the high low technique yet but I must give it a go. Will have to watch the video later, but I still have a few to watch as I missed a few while I've been away. Glad that Robbie has been moved closer to home Pam, I bet you can't wait to get your cast off. Mrs B I assume that you saw my email address on my original blog and have written it down. Just to be on the safe side can you just please mention tomorrow that you have seen it. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Hugs to Pam,Steph and Norah as usual, also to anyone else in meet of a hug today. Norah I hope you are well and that your hills aren't playing hide and seek today.

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a beautiful card I really like this card its right up my street. I sure I can make one similar to this one. Off on holiday on Saturday but I will be checking in every morning.
Take care Sue xx

Debs A xx

Nananne said...

Love this card! and the video explains it all so well, haven't tried the high and low technique yet but will maybe try it today, it looks fab.
Also love the frame and the gilded roses!
Well done Clare , sounds like you played well even with two blobs!
Good news about Robbie, but take it easy with the frame Pam, you don't want the arms to start aching too.
Hugs to all xo

Pat S Witney said...

hi Sandra

That not a problem if mrs B lets me know your address as I assume she has your email address. I have deleted mine off now but hopefully she saw, it as she posted after me today. I could come and pick you up. I assume that we all live in the same ish area so it wouldn't be a problem.

Marion said...

Hi Sue love the gilding flakes ,really must give it a try.
I agree the card would be good for a golden anniversary.
Marion H

Hilary said...

Good morning Sue, and everyone. Today's card is gorgeous, with the gilding flakes and micro beads. The gilded rose is fabulous, and the Spanish die collection is beautiful!!
Wishing you, and all your Wilsonettes a happy and healthy day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

Janet k said...

Morning Sue, beautiful stunning card, thank you for sharing, very clever lady! Kind regards Janet k xx

gwen70 said...

Another beautiful card Sue, will watch video soon

hollyberry said...

Yet another stunning and elegant card today,always love gilding flakes.

Maryann Laursen said...

As usual an absolut stunning card here Sue. It´s sooo beautiful and elegant.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card. Take care. Claire

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
What a beautiful gift for today. So majestic and regal.
I defy anyone not to like this wonderful piece of art. One like this can come through my lettrbox any time and it would be cherished forever.
Having taken the plunge with gilding flakes they are now in my favourites box. I love love them.
Going to be a very hot day here so work this morning and relax this afternoon is the order of the day.
Norah - we had a very shiny and glossy finish to our downstairs floors (some sort of liquid poured instead of concrete) and when Mum was cleaning we used to sit on dusters and spin/slide. We were 'helping' but it was so much fun.
Pam - my youngest daughter fell down the last three stairs at home and managed to smash her ankle and foot (so much so that she has had to have the equivalent of a Meccano set put in) and dislocated her other ankle. She like you had to have no load bearing for six weeks after her escape from the hospital. She hated that as she is a very active lady and then when that pot came off she had one of these air boots on and slowly built up weight bearing for the next four/five weeks. She is now back at work after three months off - still having physio and getting back to 'normal'. So I know you are a strong lady and will overcome - just remember baby steps/or none now but later. So pleased Robbie has a beautiful view from his hospital bed, and close to home so family visits are easily managed. Always thinking of you and yours.
Hope everyone is OK. Take care and I'll see you tomorrow.
Janet x

baconbits said...

Morning Sue
Absolutely stunning card today very elegant. Love the flakes and the pins seems a trend is happening with peeps liking the pins.
Will watch video later
Amanda x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Classy and elegant, would be wonderful for a golden wedding card. Love it.
Will watch video later.

Aspiring crafter said...

Looking forward to video of this gorgeous card , which will watch later today when I get home .
Have a great day Sue,

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Your dies really lend themselves to well to this beautiful technique with gloriously opulent results. Every element is just stunning.

Hugs Alice xx

nannapat said...

Stunning card Sue, I love the design and the roses look amazing. Will watch the video later and see if there's any chance of me being able to make something this lovely. Pat x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card and great video, love the high/low technique and the roses are fabulous. My Calabria die arrived yesterday, it's so beautiful just need the glitters to make that stained glass card!!!
Best wishes to everyone, Pat

hotpotato said...

beautiful card Sue. x

nzillingworth said...


Debbie Tinks said...

Sue love the card today ...happy crafting of to watch the demo hugs ....x

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Another Stunning and elegant card. I love the high/low technique, so opulent. The flowers are extra scrummy and your stick pin lush. Thank you for another great video and your inspiration.
Pam you are doing so well, take the hops easy, so glad that Robbie has been transferred to Spaulding closer to home and has a wonderful view, hugs to you both.
Lee thank you for the update on Julie, hope she is feeling better, hugs to you both.
Lynda glad that you had such a good birthday.
Janet Echo your daughter does a wonderful job with the animals, she will be sad to lose some, but the survivors will keep her busy.
Daily hugs to Norah, Steph, Tina, Jean D, Margaret corgi owner, Lynne M, Lynda, Sandra, Tres, Tandy, Mrs B, Myra, Cameeli, Lyndsay and our Sue.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
The card is smashing, I love the techniques you have used. Only two more sleeps till Haverfordwest am getting excited.
Love Jan x x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Just love this card so pretty, and the roses look beautiful. love Jean Z xx

Lacelady said...

Great effect with the gilding Sue, love the flowers, now off to watch you do it!

Hope the road show with Julia is going well, are you going to keep us up to date along the way, or perhaps at the end?

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Will watch the video as I have the dentist.

Gail said...

Stunning card and fab tutorial - have made flowers like this before but would never have though to gild them - they look superb xx luv everything about this creation xx GaiT xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

It's so elegant and the gilded roses are lovely.

Thanks for another fab video.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Maggie said...

Hello Sue. What a special friend this must be to get such a glorious card as this. I have never tried the gilding technique on your roses - I thought it would make them difficult to manipulate. Will now definitely give it a go. Thank you, again, for all the inspiration you give us. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

Linda28 said...

Morning Sue, Another absolutely stunning card, just love the different techniques and how they all work together, will have to try this. Thank you for the videos, they really help. Regards to all. Linda.

Kate's Cards said...


SHARICA said...

Morning Sue .. Love the roses .. xx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
WOW What an elegant card today, hugs sarah xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. So elegant the white and gold. I love the roses. Thanks for the video.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
It's a STUNNER. So elegant, opulent and just beautiful... Love everything about it, the roses and stick pins are divine.
Thanks for sharing with us, and excellent video.
You make it look so easy but my roses don't quite look like yours yet.... more practice needed.
Hugs, Rose

3362 Jan. said...

Morning Sue. Such an elegant card.
Yet another idea for gilding. The. roses are gorgeous. A must try.Loved the video. Have a great day. Hugs. Jan. xx

utilitygirl said...

Beautiful card Sue, love it - very elegant

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
I realy love this card - I think it is beautiful.
I love the gilding flakes - they look fantastic. Stunning.
Thank you.
Bye for now.
Sandrap xxx

June Horrocks said...

Stunning is the word today sue love the card so elegent those dies are brill must get those thank you sue. Love to all June xxxxxxx said...

Hmmm - not so sure about this card Sue. Can't put my finger on what it is, but I think I'm going through a bright colours and stamping phase at the moment, so maybe that's it! Susan x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
After watching the video I think this will be a little more challenging for me and the high low technique. The flowers I am fine with. When will you put a kit together for stick pin making. They are always stunning and really add that finishing touch.Best wishes and hugs to all in need.
Vanessa x

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue,
and all the ladies.
This card is so beautiful and the technique is amazing. I love the gilded roses, I've never thought to do that with the gilding flakes.
I'm late posting this morning, as we slept in and had to rush to get the granddaughters ready for school. We've been to the school as all the classes did liturgical dances separately and parents, etc could go to watch. It was in the school yard - and the sun shone!
Well, Pam, Julie, Tres, Yorkshiresue, Redfox and anyone else who is poorly I hope you soon feel a whole lot better.
Lancashire Steph, Yorkielass - June and Norah, I enjoy your blogs so much, please don't stop!
Pam - I also agree with Diane in that I hope you can hop without causing any injury to yourself!!
Love to Sue and all the ladies x

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love this card and all the techniques, will give it a try.

Stick pins are lovely.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Me again, forgot to say that the video's are great.

Julie Bee

Jill Liddle said...

I love this card. It has all the elements I love. Will definitly have to try the gilded flower technique. I have the flower die set used, but I still cannot get them to look as pretty as yours does. I'll just have to keep on practicing.

Ann said...

Hi Sue
Another beautiful, elegant card, love your dies,
Ann xx

CraftyJo said...

Very elegant :)

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful and very elegant card. Will watch the video later tonight when i have more time
Take care
Hazel G xx

jane stillman said...

A great video and brilliant card Sue. Love the gilding techniques you've used xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Beverley W

Maxine T said...

Love the gold and everything about this card, you are amazing Sue.
Maxine T

terrie said...

Great looking card and your roses are beautiful...thanks for the video...
Well done Sue

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, Ohhhhh, this looks gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, I'm off to watch the video for the tutorial now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Dear Pam, I'm so glad that Robbie is now not far from home, and hopefully his recovery can begin, my love and huge hugs to you all from Patricia xx

rachel said...

stunning work Sue and the roses look amazing x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue and fellow Wilsonettes, another beautiful card, and a great video. I love the gilded flowers especially, they are amazing. Just can't wait for Friday in Haverfordwest, and wondering whether there are any Wilsonettes in the Cardiff/Bridgend area who would like to meet up for coffee/chat/exchange tips and crafting stories? Love to all, Judy M

Glenharon said...

Good afternoon Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
What a gorgeous card Sue. The roses have turned out a treat with the gilding flakes. It is only now and again that i can really say "yip, the card looks stunning with the fire and ice technique" and today is definitely one of those days. The whole card looks like it is supposed to be there and not just another addition. The stick pins that you have made with the amber beads just finishes off an absolutely stunning card. Thank you Sue for the continuing inspiration that you give us daily. But who gives you inspiration when you need it most? I must admit that your Spanish collection is my must have/ go to for wedding cards as they make beautiful cards. Making the largest frame the card blank it is the first time ever i have made small cards. Please i hope your new dies are going to be as addictive as these ones.
Pam, i hope you have got yourself organized with picnic and play things as days can be oh so long when you are incapacitated. Today is another day less until this particular part of the agony is over. I know it is very hard to see the end of the tunnel, but it is there. So the now you get all the lovely things that you normally don't have time for done, focus on where you have come from and not where you have been. Sending big squishy hugs that if i could, take the pain away from you flower. I hope that young Robbie likes his new room but not too much as we want him back doing the naughty things that teenagers get up to(sorry, i'm bad and shouldn't be encouraging naughtiness).
Oh Sandra, i had the ouch out before i had read what had happened. And yes i agree with you, if the little tinker is not going to play nicely with the residents of the house, then i am afraid i would ban him from coming around to granny's for the day as well. Old May across the road from me isn't using her zimmer frame that i could get a loan of it for you.
Clare W, i hope that others understood what you have written this morning, but i'm afraid it is all double dutch to me. Glad you had a great day yesterday though, but unfortunately that horrible thing called housework keeps wanting some attention as well.
I get the feeling that they are scowling today my hills because there is a dirty great big black cloud looming in its direction. I keep trying to tell my hills, just ignore them and they will go and annoy someone else.
Well been to fat club as Teeny calls it, so came out happy. I wonder how she will do tonight when she ventures, although she cheats, she doesn't have anything to eat or drink before hand. I would be far to far gone for that milarky. She asked me to make a wedding card for her to give to a couple on Saturday that her and my new son are going to. Well, i don't know why i bother because i made a her a Cordoba card out of ivory pearlised card and cream as i didn't know what colour the lass is getting married in or the colour of her bridesmaids. I put off white and cream flowers with a couple of blue sweetheart blossoms for luck on the card and made a matching design on the box to store the card. What do you think, silly asked, "Awh i only wanted a card to put some money in. It disnae matter what it looks like". I can always trust to be kept feet and head well down on the ground from her and her father. I don't know why i bother sometimes. I want to swap one adult child and one husband for a set that is more appreciative and can let me soar just that wee bit every now and then, please, once in a while would be nice. You know, Teeny had beautiful manners and speech up until she started school and then i don't know what went wrong. My wee fella tries his luck now every now and then but quickly comes back to being his self. Oh well, i'll stop my moaning now and hopefully see everyone tomorrow. Sending gentle hugs to all the very special people that i have had such a good fortune to meet here.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

JJ said...

This is beautiful Sue, so love the roses, very elegant.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Ita said...

Hi Sue ,I have seen you make this card,it is lush,love the colours,and Rose,is stunning .

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely textures on this card with the die cuts, gilding flakes and micro beads. Very elegant.

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, great card today, however, I have to say it looks a bit 'flat' there doesn't seem to be any embossing.

I'll watch the video and see if you have explained the process and why there isn't any of your usual 3D embossing.

Craftyhappiness to you all, love from Pearl.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Hello Sue,

Love all your cards. Another beauty. I must replica this as I have the dies and other bits for it.
Thank you for sharing and all your amazing inspirations.

Lots of love,

Ivy Ling x

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Another stunning card love the video to go with the card thank you for all your talented cards you do thanks Tracy w x

Micky French said...

Stunning Sue, love everything.
Hugs to all
Michelle xxxx

Mary Blight said...

Hi Sue, how are you today? It's not a very nice day here, today! You have produced yet another stunning card & I will definitely be trying to make something similar, although it won't be as beautiful as the card you have made! REALLY looking forward to meeting you on Saturday! Take care! Best wishes, Mary Blight XXX

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and one that I can have a go at as I have all the dies. Might do a version for a retirement card I have to do.
Clare W sounds as though you had quite a good round yesterday. I am hoping to start playing again now that my knee has fully recovered from my fall - it has taken so long I think I'll have forgotten how to play! Pam so pleased to hear about Robbie, but you need to take it easy with that frame. Julie hope you're feeling a little better and thanks to Lee for doing your blogging. Sandra hope you have a better day with the naughty pooches & hope your foot gets better soon. To everyone who needs a hug sending you one and love to everyone. Love Alison xx

camelot67 said...

Good afternoon Sue,

Once again another fabulous card. I'm now off to watch the video. Thank you for sharing this and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A

Anonymous said...

Hi again Sue,
I've just watched the video and the hi-low technique looks even better. Thank you so much for sharing.
Beverley W

Maggie said...

Hi Sue
I love this card - I actually accomplished it with your help. Although with the videos and my eyesight I struggle with dimensions but it turned out just great.
It's taking pride of place at the moment!
Such a totally stunning card.
Maggie xx

Caron28 said...

Hello Sue
A gorgeous card, love the gold roses. Thank you for the video will look at it later. xx

Angela Wade said...

Hi Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
An elegant looking card, lovely as always. Heading off to watch the video now.

Been overcast all day with some very, very light, drizzle that didn't amount to anything.
Garden is in desperate need of a good soaking.
Sun has come out now. I hope it'll pour with rain tonight and then stay dry tomorrow !!

Best Wishes to all and hugs to Pam and all who need them ((( )))

Angela in S. Wales X

PS. who"s heading to H'fordwest to see Sue on Saturday? I'm hoping to be there for the afternoon, so the fur babies aren't home alone for too long :-)

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Absolutely beautiful. Will get around to the video soon.

Crafty hugs to all

T x

Anonymous said...

Love this card, Sue. Thanks for adding the video tutorial showing how you created it.

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue xx hazel

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes I love this card Sue the fire & ice technique is one of my favourite I use it a lot,guiding flakes ire my favourite products at the moment.
Today's video was great I love video days as you explain every little detail which for me is better than the written instructions.Have a good time with Julia on your road trip love & hugs Lynda xx

Ouch Sandra I don't blame you not wanting to look after Diego again first depositing nasty's on the carpet is bad enough,but making you fall over that's not at all good,hope your not in to much more pain. Thank you for my birthday wishes I had a lovely day. Gentle hugs Lynda xx

Mrs B thank you also for my birthday wishes yes I had a fabulous time going to look on Joanna's web site my vouchers are itching to be used lol Hugs Lynda xx

Pam take it easy when hopping you don't want to over do it. So pleased for Robbie now nearer to his family & a nice view from his window Big gentle hugs to you both Lynda xx

Oh Norah I bet your Wedding card was gorgeous what a shame it wasn't appreciated,how disheartening for you Big Hugs Lynda xx

Sending big Hugs to Julie Laz hope you feeling better & thank you Lee for commenting for her hugs to you Lynda xx

Lynne M & pooches hope your neuralgia is easing hugs Lynda xx

Daily Hugs to Tina,Tres,Tandy,Janet Ecco,Yorkielass Lanc Steph,P in Wales,Shirley T,Sandra,Maureen kille,
Margaret corgi owner,Camille,Magpie, Jean D,Cazzie,
Love Lynda xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. Today's video is just fab !! The card you made is beautiful !! I love your fire and ice technique and I really must give it a try for myself !! I had been leaving it until I had bought some ice snow glitter and now I finally have some I can get started. I love, love, love your gilded Roses !! I can't wait to try those. I never thought of making them with gilding flakes before !! Your stick pins look fab to !! I am really hoping you are going to bring us some beads kits Sue so that we can make our own wonderful creations !! Lots of love and hugs to you today, love Tres x x x

Lots of love and hugs to all the Wilsonettes today. Love Tres x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes. I started reading all the lovely posts about 30 mins ago, but I keep nodding off with phone in hand ! So Im keeping it short !
A truly wonderful card for us today, thank you so much. I adore the hi - low technique and must try it one day once those pesky flakes become my friends ! Its no good, I cant keep my eyes open.
Cant wait to see what you have for us all tomorrow Sue. You start my day with a smile Sue, thank you.
To our 6am Pam - hope you feel less pain with each new day, thinking of you Pam. Julie and all dear friends that feel in need of a gentle hug feel free to take what you need.

Sending love to all.
Lancashire (sleepy) Steph xx

Barbara said...

Fabulous video Sue, you break everything down into easy to follow steps.
Those gilded roses are gorgeous and teamed up with the stickpins are a match made in heaven.

Theresa said...

yes please! i'd love to receive this anytime. lush and opulent xx

Cazzie D said...

Hi Sue. Very opulent card today. Am I going mad? I feel sure I have seen this video before! Is that possible?j
PAM take it from me, having recently been in a similar position for the last four months you don't want to hop about on a frame. They are very unstable. I had a fall doing just that shortly after I got out of hospital. I really hurt my self, particularly my hip where I had the bone graph from. Needed ambulance and back in hospital. Its tempting to think that you can deal with anything sometimes but on some occasions you just have to accept you can't do things and get the rest you need.
I had physio session number three today. My physio is a battle axe but really good at her job. She is sorting me out well even though her massages kill me. Take care. Caz x

Unknown said...

Hi sue,
Beutiful card an I just love ur videos. They are so I formative. Keep them coming!!
Love Tracy in killie x

Tandy said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful elegant card. Will watch video later. Pam please take care and try and rest as much as you can I know it's hard. Glad Robbie is nearer home hope he continues to improve day by day. Love and hugs to all.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone!
A stunning card Sue,you are fab!
I haven't got so many items to follow your video tutorial,yet, but still love watching them and see how you putting everything together.
Another warm day so didn't feel like doing much but managed to finish of a card for a friends tomorrow.
Oh Sandra,really hope you didn't hurt yourself?what a mayhem you must have had. Visiting my sister recently with 4 dogs and 5 puppies it was a bit chaotic at times.
Sending warm hugs to one and all who need it.
Have a nice evening ,Maria.

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, another fab video showcasing another gorgeous creation. This card is really lovely and could be used for several different occasions. Love it!!! Kind regard Joanne K x

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hello Sue and everyone
A really stunningly beautiful card today with such a rich and regal look about it. I do so love the pins, is it possible at some point (no pun intended) that CE will produce some kits to make these? Thank you for sharing your wonderful inspiration with us all Sue. Do have a safe journey on your travels at the moment.

Pam do take care with your bunny hops, please don't cause yourself any injury, you have more than enough my love. Delighted to know the latest news about Robbie, his room sounds just great. You are all in my prayers.

Special hugs for Pam, Cameeli, Julie, Yorkielass, Lynda, Norah, Steph and Tina and last but not least Sue.
Margaret corgi owner

ohjay said...

delightful roses, they look real, thanks for a video that anyone can follow it is so well done x

Myra P said...

Hi Sue
I'm a little late today as I didn't want to comment until I'd watched the video. Thank you for yet another stunning card. The high / low technique is so effective. I love the flowers - would never have thought of making them after gilding. So opulent. The stick pins are lovely too.
Hope Julia and you have a lovely time on your travels and that you have safe travel.
Our first home was in Aberdeen after we got married .
I had never been as cold before or since. My first winter there was a real shock to my system. Lovely city and really friendly people.
Good news about Robbie, Pam - thanks for that. You are going to need lots of patience. Hope the pain is getting easier.
Sending love to all those in pain today!
Sandra please take care. So pleased you not badly hurt. sending hugs.
Norah - you're a star on this blog! sending hugs to you too.
Love to all lovely ladies on this blog!
Myra x

Jane Franklin said...

Really enjoyed the video and you make it all look so interesting and easy. Hope I do it justice when I try. Luv to all jax

AnneRD said...

Such an elegant card Sue, it's lovely. Anne x

Karen Drew said...

Stunning and very elegant
karen xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
I love the techniques in your demo. The gilded flowers are beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Veronique L

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, an elegant card indeed and a very instructional video. I love the gilded flowers and really must try them soon.

Anonymous said...

Love the card. On one of your future videos please do a demo on how to make stick pins.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Love today's card your guilded roses are stunning must give them a try, and your high/low technique is always a winner. Fabulous Sue , great video sending you hugs xx
Pam please take care hopping , so pleased about news of Robbie, will be easier for the family to see him and his room sounds like it has a lively view sending you both hugs xx.
Julie hope you'll feel better soon , sending hugs and best wishes to yorkielass, lynda , Mrs B, and everyone on this special blog xx
Jean D xx

craftynanna said...

hi sue, i absolutely love all the aspects of this beautiful card, the more i do the guilding flakes the better i am getting and its only through watching you sue, i'm not so hot on the roses yet i am too heavy handed but i will keep practising love J

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Very elegant card today, those flowers look gorgeous

sued99 said...

Lovely. Looking forward to watching the video.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous gorgeous card so elegant.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

magpie said...

Hello Sue and the Wilsonettes! Stunning, stunning card Sue. I love those dies and the mulled wine gilding flakes that you've used. Beautiful roses and those gorgeous pins :) Wonderful video! "Thank you" so much for the visual step by step instructions. I find them such a blessing xx Gorgeous Wednesday card giveaway too! Thank you Sue for this technique, I love it! Good luck everybody for Saturday! Hope you're okay Lynne? xx Happy birthday wishes to Lynda yesterday! Hope you had a great day hun! Lee, give Julie a big hug, thinking of you Pam and Robbie, Yorkielass and sending you Sue and all our Wilsonettes love and hugs too who need them. Take care Sue and everyone xx Love Karen xx

Tina said...

Hi Sue
Stunning Card today, I still have'nt had time to watch the video yet, I will watch it later tonight. I have been helping to pack my hubbies camper van as he is off up to the Lake District tomorrow. I would have gone but I have to look after the 2 new kitties and our elderly cat Summer. Summer and the 2 little kitties are getting so much attention, but little Mo Mo has dipped out, so many more cuddles for Mo, so, I am having a real puss cat holiday on my own, and will love every moment of it, and in between make cards, HEAVEN!!

Pam big hugs, Robbie never far from my thoughts X

Steph, Margaret,June,Cameeli XOXOXOX

Kind regards to all :-)

Tina XX

Janice K said...

A very striking card, love the gilding flake flowers! x

Blue Rose said...

Wow Sue, just wow. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I love how you did the background, thought it was two pieces. Great video, great job.

Lorraine Mcneil said...

Wowzer, Sue. Simply stunning, as always. You never cease to amaze us all. Beautiful x

Unknown said...

Beautiful card.
Helen Bx

CreativSpirit said...

Really beautiful card, love the gilding.