Monday, 14 April 2014

Sneak Peek

 Hello crafters!  I had an absolute blast at Ally Pally Sat. and Sunday and it was so nice to finally meet so many of you that leave me such lovely comments daily!  I am hoping that some of you that took pictures will email them to me so I can post them on the blog (hint, hint)  later in the week.  I managed to get home and get all the drawings done and caught up from the weekend, but the rest will have to wait until Tuesday or Wed.  For today, I thought I would show you a sneak peek at one of the cards from my wedding show this evening.  It is only an hour this evening but Create and Craft have extended freeview hours so my show will be able to be seen at 9pm tonight.  Now I have never done a wedding show, but I have always wanted to so they have kindly allowed me.  The show is geared mostly towards those individuals that make wedding invites, cards, stationery etc, however as you can see from this sample, that I have also included some cards that you may just want to make if you are going to someones wedding as well.  I had this pretty pearly paper in my stash for ages and I pulled it out for this card.  For the background of the card, I embossed some detail into the paper using the Tracery mask.  For the bottom portion of the background, I used the reverse side of the paper and added a thin strip of the striped patter.  I used one of the edgeability edges and inserts to create a border between them.  I added flatback pearls to the border as accents.    I cut several simple ovals for my focal element.  I stamped the wedding cake on milk card, coloured it with pale blue and silver mica powders and cut it out and mounted it up on the ovals.  I used the Blossom Five die set to create the pretty roses and added a spray of them along the side of the oval with some cream jute.  I tipped the flowers in the matching mica powder by swiping a clear perfect medium across the tops and edges of the petals, then dusting them with the mica.  I stamped my sentiment and embossed it in silver.  I cut it out with the Fancy Framed Tags Two dies and added it to the bottom of the card with foam pieces.  A double pierced milk mat was added to finish the card.  Finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x 8" in size.  I do hope you can join me for the show this evening and Tuesday morning at 10.

Thank you for your patience in announcing all the winners this week.  The first announcement is for the Wednesday Card Giveaway.
This week's winner is:   Yvonne May!!!

For the weekly Comment game, the winners are:
Jacquie J!!!
Annie Pennington!!!
Susan White!!!

For the extra qualifying post of Wed. April 9th, the winners are:
TOB (Theresa)!!!
Sue from Wiltshire!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prizes!  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Good morning Sue, thank you for such a beautiful card today. I think you must be exhausted after Ally Pally, then you are back on C & C tonight, you are Superwoman. Thank you Carol and Brenda for your candles, I too had a candle lit all day, and everyone who sent caring thoughts for me on Tims birthday. I appreciate you all so much you will never know. Rosemarie, I hope all went well yesterday.Love to all. Congrats to all winners

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Morning sue and all the crafty crew, great card and so appropriate with all the up and coming weddings.

hope the gals at Ally Pally yesterday had a fab time!!
Pam hope you got through Tim's Birthday ok, thinking of you!!
Rosemarie hope the wedding was wonderful!! and the weather was great!!
Congratulations to all the winners!!

Sandra hello form me today and yes it would be great if you were nearer!!

Cameeli xxx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Sue, Good luck with the wedding show I will be watching later, its going to be a blast!!
Cameeli xx

Vick said...

Morning Sue,

I do like the blue and white as a change for a wedding card, I have a stamp that i got from JOanna Sheen very similar to this so i may play with that to see what i can get with the dies too, as i had this stamp years before there were dies on the market! I do find it great to sometimes review older stamps as i for one forget what i have and you have just reminded me, hugs to you sweetie and my tv is on to record tonight, hugs, Vick xxx
My YTChannel vixcrafts

Vick said...

oh and congrats to all the winners this week, where's my manners, sorry fellow Wilsonettes!!! xxx hugs vick

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue and all. Sue what a beautiful card you have for us. Looking forward yo your shows. Im pleased you had a great time at all pally. And congratulations to all todays winners. Take care Sue xxxx

Debs A

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue. You have been busy. This card is stunning. I love everything about it. The background is lovely I like the blue/white. Very nice stamp too. Anyone getting married would love this card. Good luck for your two shows I will. Be watching. Them I hope you've a rest booked. Thank you for your beautiful cards and detailed right ups. Congrats to the winners.
Debra x

JAO said...

Great card Sue, hope your show goes well.

Patricia said...

Good morning "Wonderwoman"
Oh! Wow! this is stunning , right up my street, love it.
Can you tell us "what you are on"!!!!!!! I NEED some of it to keep me going.
Good luck with the show this evening we only have Freeview so will get see the show ... great news.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. What a gorgeous card. I love it, the paper, the Tracery mask, the edgeability edges and inserts , the it. I am looking forward to seeing what other beauties you have up your sleeves on tonights show. Good luck and enjoy it Sue : ) You must be exhausted after such a busy weekend, you will be glad to get a rest.
Pam, Hope you felt our love yesterday, you are in my thoughts.
Rosemarie. You can relax now : ) I hope all went well yesterday.
Congratulations to all of the lucky winners. Take care.

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This card is beautiful. The flowers are stunning! How special you would feel to receive this on your wedding day! I love the embossed background paper. Looking forward to the wedding show later. Thanks for sharing. Congrats to the lucky winners. Crafty hugs to all.

kitty davies said...

Good Morning Sue.
Wow you must be shattered, Ally Pally weekend and two tv shows and all the prep it involves. Ihopeyou have a good rest when you go back to America.
Todays card is beautiful congrats to all the winners. Take care Kitty.Have a good day all.

Anonymous said...

Really lovely wedding card, Sue, do like the treatnment of the flowers with the mica, so pretty.
Hopefully will see show tonight - no wedding cards to make but always a delight to see you and get new ideas.
Do you get a rest now after tomorrow??!!

'P' in Wales
Well done to winners.

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Glad you have had a great weekend at Ally Pally this card is stunning thanks Tracy w x

Eemeli said...

Fabulous! Never thought pale blue would look this nice on wedding cards but it
does! Great overall and I love what you did with the stripey background...


englishrose897 said...

Good morning Sue and all followers. Very pretty card this morning, I like everything about it. Glad everyone enjoyed Ally Pally. Congratulations to all winners.
Sally X

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, what a lovely wedding card. It's beautiful. The cake is stunning and really is set off by standing on oval die cuts. I love it. X

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue
What a lovely card. From a distance it looks as though the background is ribbon it is a delightful effect.

Glad AP went well and I look forward to seeing your show tonight.

Congratulations to the lucky winners.
Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
What a beautiful gift for the bride and groom.
I'm so cross that I haven't a wedding coming up in the near future so I cannot find anyone to send today's gift to (perhaps I'll just make one and keep it lol).
So So pleased that you all had a good time this week-end and that you managed to meet Sue. Meeting Sue is one of my all time wishes. Perhaps one day. Good luck for today Sue and after today perhaps you will be able to get a little R&R.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
Take care and see you tomorrow.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is really stunning, love the wedding cake, look forward to the show. You are really superwoman, having caught up with everything after a busy weekend. Congrats to the winners. Bx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes. What a busy week you are having Sue - I hope that you are looking after yourself too! Don't really do much for weddings but you show such inspirational, adaptable designs and I couldn't possibly miss a Sue Wilson show.
Rosemarie, hope you enjoyed the wedding. Pam, glad that you chose to mark Tim's birthday with candles.
Congratulations to all the winners this week.
Sue xxx

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
Sounds as you all had a blast at AP, good luck with tonight's show.
Such a beautiful card, very clever. Congratulations to the winners.
Gail C x

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Beautiful card Sue you must be shattered after the weekend.
I will be tuning in to your show tonight.
Well done to all the winners xxx

floss said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely wedding card today. Don't usually watch C and C any more but will do so for your show. Glad Ally Pally went well. X

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone, this is a beautiful card and perfect for a wedding show. Like the blue so pretty and love the two tone effect. Look forward to seeing your shows, gosh you will be tired after your hectic weekend. Very appropriate shows as so much talk of wedding and engagements on the blog.
Pam you are in my thoughts and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who sent me kind thoughts for yesterday. X

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous card love the colours and the design.

Congratulations to the winners.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
What a stunning wedding card anyone would love to receive. I love everything on today's card from the background to the flowers. You have such an exquisite eye for detail. Congratulations to all the winners and I'm so pleased that everyone had a great time at Ally Pally. I hope you all send the photos to Sue so we can see you all. I will have to record your show tonight because I'm going to visit my son this evening. You must be exhausted after all your hard work but I bet you don't get to relax when you go back to America lol
Hugs x
Heather T

Jan.moogie said...

Wedding cards don't you just love them. This one is quite stunning Sue and elegant too.x

Anonymous said...

Morning sue. Wish i had half your energy you never seem to stop. So pleased you had a good time at ally pally and still had the energy to get all your other jobs done to. A beautiful wedding card came at the right time as i have three to make for friends and i was lacking in inspiration and you has given me loads with this creation. Congrats to the winners. Good luck for your shows tonight and tomorrow. I will be watching and recording for more of your hints and tips for making your stunning creations.
Best Wishes.
Denise x

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Such a stunning card, and sure any bride and groom would be pleased to receive it.
Hope the shows go well after what must have been an exhausting few days.
Also thrilled to see I am one of the lucky ones today.

Unknown said...

Glad the weekend went well, look forward to todays show. Great card.

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, lovely card for a wedding. Looking forward to this evenings show, you haven't had much chance to rest after Ally Pally! Congratulations to all the winners! Love Jean xxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, So glad you had a great time at Ally Pally, you will need a rest now haha.
A lovely Wedding card today, beautiful colours and stamping.
Congratulations to all the lucky Winners !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Rosie said...

A lovely card again. How diffferent not to be excluded (as a Freeview watcher with no means of recording) from C & c live shows! looking forward to it, specially as it is my birthday today.

Alison Couchman said...

A gorgeous wedding card today. I never find any in the shops that are 'enough' to mark such an occasion but this would make the couple feel very special.

Have been away for a few days with my big sis while she got some biopsy results. Thankfully all is well so it is lovelier to be back than usual - such a relief!
Congratulations to the winners.

Debbie Tinks said...

Love the card Sue ...will be watching the show on c/c ...happy crafting ...x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I will be watching your show tonight I have made quite a bit of wedding stationery in the past and I'm sure I will in the future. I'm glad you enjoyed Ally Pally you seemed to be working so hard. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great day today. Love Jackie

TDQ Karen said...

What a lovely surprise to find you have shows today, off th set the recorder just in case. Lovely card unusual colour choice but it looks great, Congratulations to all the winners

Julsb said...

Lovely card, the colours are beautiful. Will be watching your show tonight. JB xxxx

Aspiring crafter said...

Morning Sue,
Glad you had a great time!
This card is stunning -love it
Will be watching you on C and C , try and get a bit of rests in between!
Congrats to winners
Pam -glad you are ok xxx

Helen Jones said...

I really love the card keep them coming sue

Rachel Taylor said...

Lovely card and beautiful colours.
Crafty hugs Rachel x

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
oh what a lovely, lovely card you made, so glad you are sharing this with us.
The mask looks stunning, and I just love all the flowers, the topper and the clever way you added even more interest (by way of contrast) at the bottom. And that bow is cute!
Can't wait to watch your show tonight, I'm sure I shall enjoy your creativity even if a wedding show is not something I usually watch (not likely to do invites, order of service and all that malarkey.)
So glad you've got the SEARCH facility back, it's marvellous. Wonder whether many other people make use of it when wanting to look at specific cards (wedding, white, Christmas etc)
Congrats to the lucky winners.
Hugs, Rose

Crisco said...

Such a lovely card today... looking forward to the show. Congratulations to all the winners.

Dolly Daydream said...

Good morning Sue
I will be watching the show tonight, looking forward to all of your upcoming shows. Lovely wedding card to day, so pretty.
Have a good day everyone.
Dawn Searle xx

Clai01 said...

Super lovely wedding card and looking forward to all the upcoming shows x

Magzeeann said...

Hi Sue. A beautiful card ~ I love what you have done with the stripy paper and the tracery mask. I would never have thought of embossing patterned paper! Looking forward to the wedding show.
Well done to all of the lucky winners. Hugs,
Maggie x

Carole Z said...

Hi Sue, glad you had a great really was brilliant! Love this card and all the best with this evening's show, hugs Carole Z X

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - great card - yes I will be watching on Freeview tonight - about time C&C transmitted later ALL the time me thinks rather than just ocassionally and normally stopping transmission at 6pm. End of rant.

I haven't had the need to make a wedding card since I started crafting - we are quite a small family and most that will get married already are, and hopefully they will stay that way.

I felt absolutely shaterred yday morning after visiting AP on Saturday but I feel OK today - think the travelling sapped my energy levels - we were travelling for about 6 hours in total but it was worth it and we would do it again although perhaps with a day of rest beforehand in future!

Look forward to seing you on the TV tonight - where do you get your energy from? I want/need some.

Regards to all
Clare W

hollyberry said...

A beautiful wedding card that anyone would be delighted to receive.Looking forward to your shows and well done to the winners today.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Gorgeous card. Can't believe what a busy lady you are x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card almost makes me wish I was going to a wedding! Glad you enjoyed Ally Pally but I bet you're shattered and then you've got to do the show today - you are Superwoman!! Alison - pleased your sister's results were good. Pam so pleased that our thoughts and prayers helped and know that we are all here for you. Rosemarie, hope everything went well yesterday and that you had a lovely day. Congrats to the winners. Love to all, Alison xxx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
So glad you had a great time at Ally Pally the card is amazing as always stunning job. Congrats to the winners .. hugs to all who need one take care all .. sarah xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - what a Monday morning - can't believe I've won Wednesday's giveaway card. I'm absolutely thrilled to bits, it is such a beautiful card. Almost forgot to mention today's card with my excitement - it is stunning and I shall be glued to C&C this evening. Where do you get your energy from!! Best wishes

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue, beautiful card again today - I love it! Looking forward to your shows - recorder already set - however will be watching!
Janette xx

Nananne said...

Beautiful Wedding Card! Just wish I needed to make some, but you never know the minute.Sue i think you will need to let us in on your diet it seems to give you unboundless energy! Looking forward to watching your wedding show. Congratulations to the lucky winners! Glad your sister got good news Alison,must be such a huge relief. This is my one day a month craft day at Torridon, so I better get a move on . Hugs to all xo

marg said...

Good Morning Sue!
Love the Flowers and still trying to make them as good as you ( no luck)!
So pleased everyone enjoyed Ally Pall too.
Looking forward to tonight's show on Freeview yippee!
Congrats to winners!
Take care
Love Marg

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, A truly beautiful wedding card. Love the colours. I will be watching your show later.

Thank you to everyone who sent such kind messages for my daughter's wedding. It was a perfect day. The sun shone, and my daughter looked amazing. Used lots of tissues, but it was fantastic, I was a very proud Mum. Just the clearing up to do today. Thank you all again I was very touched by your kindness.

Love Rosemarie xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
So glad you had a good time at AP and can't wait to see you tonight. Love the blue colour of today's card makes a nice change from the usual white or pink for a wedding card. Hope you manage to have a good rest after today's shows - you must be shattered. Take care
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a wonderful card and love the colour combo! I was at Ally Pally yesterday and loved it! Unfortunately I did not get to say hello to you because you were either demonstrating or talking to others and didn't like to interrupt you but it was nice to see you and your cards! lol. Cannot wait for today's show. Well done for all the winners. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue,
Another busy day ahead! Gorgeous wedding card today,
I will be watching tonight, as always, be nice to see some wedding themed things.
Cameeli, if only we did, you would be such a giggle, I can imagine that you would lift anyone's spirit! (I still can't believe you bought an EBosser though)!
Hugs to all that need one,
I am waving my two youngest off on their first Duke of Edinburgh trip today, their ruck sacks are bigger than them, it will be an anxious couple of days!
Hugs to all,
Sandra xxx

karenlotty said...

Beautiful wedding card Sue I'm into wedding cards that don't feature brides and grooms as many ceremonies these days are civil ceremonies In other words the bride is not in the trad dress & veil Are you still going to be using the Filigree delights dies later as mentioned? I had a great day at Ally Pally I spent far too much money! Life's too short to worry! Got to record show - teaching Salsa tonight

Victoria said...

How wonderful - because I've got a wedding card to make today! I've got a similar stamp so will use this lovely card as inspiration. Thank you Sue.

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, love the stack of ovals and your spray of roses too.
Donna Jones

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Love the wedding card, I have just made an all white wedding card and an all white pearl wedding anniversary card but not yet had to make invites etc.
Looking forward to your shows today and glad you had lots of fun at Ally Pally.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Love and hugs to all
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Lovely card. Full of interest and style.

Enjoyed chatting with you at AP. We did have a laugh (Sat morning).

Look forward to your show. X

Micky French said...

Lovely card Sue as always. I'm looking forward to your show I will as always be watching and recording.
It was great to see you at the AP on Saturday, I had a great time, you looked great.
Congratulations all you lucky winners.
Hugs to all love from Michelle xxxx

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Beautiful card again just love it
Will be watching this evening also
Congrats to the winners

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great wedding card. looking forward to your show tonight.
Denise X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great card looking forward to shows,so sorry didnt make it to ally pally but will be there next time love linda and lily

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Beautiful card for a wedding. Love the background paper and embossing. Look forward to seeing your show this evening.
Have a great day.
Ang x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
I feel tired just reading your blog, where do you find the energy from Sue. Sounds like you had a blast at A/P.
Beautiful card love the blue and white and the embossed background is lovely, the flowers and the cake image are stunning, love it all.
Try to get some you time today.

Marion said...

Oh Sue this card is gorgious,love every thing about it.
just looked on freeview but it still said back at6am .
Marion H

doreenj said...

A great way to use patterned paper-will remember that tip!

Doreen x

Suejimbel said...

Beautiful card, Sue. Just tried to record tonight's show but not showing yet on my system! Have a good day x

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, glad create and craft have extended freeview hours, hope its permanent

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous card Sue, love it.

Congrats to all the winners.
Hugs Alice xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue lovely card today you really are an inspiration wish I could have been at AP. Will be watching tonight. So glad you got through yesterday Pam it does get easier. Hugs to all today. Sophy n Gran

Brenda said...

Good morning Sue,
What a beautiful card, any couple would be more than delighted to receive this. Looking forward to the show tonight, will also record it just in case!
Yvonne you have won a beautiful card enjoy it.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Take care love Brenda xxx
Alison so please your sisters results are okay
Rosemarie so pleased the wedding went well - enjoy all the wonderful memories

Lacelady said...

So glad you survived Ally Pally, I bet you are tired Sue. Love the idea of a wedding show! Congrats to all the winners, I am dead envious, as usual, 'cos you are my favourite card artist.

JESSIE said...


Unknown said...

Yippee can't wait to watch this evening Sue ... The card on your blog is fabulous as always.

Crafty Regards.

Julie Kay

Unknown said...

Yippee can't wait to watch this evening Sue ... The card on your blog is fabulous as always.

Crafty Regards.

Julie Kay

SHARICA said...

Morning sue ... Lovely card and colours today .. xx

Sharon .. xx

Disco Queen said...

Wow Sue! Love the vintage look of this card & how easily the background colours could be changed to fit perfectly with those chosen for a particular wedding. Yet another for the wall of inspiration. Theresa x

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
So pleased you enjoyed your Weekend
lovely card again today ,looking forward to seeing you on the shows
Congrats to the winners
Take Care and try to get a little me time in between your busy day

Elaine H X

darcydaydream said...

Morning Sue
It was great to meet you yesterday at the show. Thank you for your comments about my necklace. My husband bought it for me. I didn't know he had such good taste. lol.
Loved the demo with the felt flowers. I've already ordered the wedding felt pack in this evenings show. You must be superwoman after the weekend and to do that tonight. I'm exhausted after yesterday!
Have a lovely day.
Crafty Hugs
Christine in Darcy.....xx

Chris Curry said...

An elegant card Sue, I am looking forward to your show. The cake reminds me of my daughters wedding cake, she helped her friend make the flowers and is now hooked on cake decorating.Take care.Xx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card I love wedding things I will be watching today. Glad you are on TV again love to watch you. love Jean Z xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
What a beautiful Wedding Card, everything about it is gorgeous.
I am glad you had a great weekend at AP. I can't believe you are on our screens tonight and I am looking forward to seeing the show.
Take care and don't overdo things this week if you need to charge those batteries!
Best Wishes
Lesley S
West Sussex

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi. Beautiful wedding card today - love it. Glad you had a great time at Ally Pally and hope the show on C&C goes well tonight - will have to record it as am visiting my Mum tonight. It's her last day of radiotherapy today after having a pre-cancerous lump removed, so we will be sharing a little celebratory drink! Hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue and Wilsonettes. Oooo hang on ... Is it a bird ? Is it a paper arrow with a message ? Is it Superman after all ? NO its Sue Wilson, superwoman ! Looking rather dazed and lost not knowing quite where she's due next - home, Peterborough or USA ? Wow Sue, if you bottled your energy you'd be a billionaire !!! Think we all need some. Im buzzin after reading all the reports of AP and adrenilin pumping and not even there : ( I must say Im so chuffed for TRES, you little darlin, after thinking you'd go home feeling deflated after not meeting Sue your dream came true, you must have felt on a high. To all other lucky Wilsonettes that got there im thrilled for you all, not only as you met each other, that you had a wonderful time with Sue, shouldnt envy you, but maybe slightly.

I have to finish this later as we have a long drive to Leeds as its my clinic day with my Rheumatologist and if we get caught up in motorway traffic then I will be late, so will catch up later. In the meantime, try and enjoy the sun (Cassie will be joining us as there is a big park near the hospital) she's not been left yet (another story) so while Im being picked and poked and turned inside out some lucky hound will be having big fun !
Love and leave for now.
Lancashire Steph xx

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Today's card is beautiful. Will be watching at 9pm.. Sue where do you get your energy? you are a superwoman. Ally Pally sounds a blast, a great time had by all.
Pam glad that the love from your blog family helped, love and hugs to you.
Alison glad that your sister got the all clear, worrying times.
Rosemarie the day sounds perfect, put the tissues away now.
Norah, Steph, Lynne M and Tres hope the pain is easier.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Stunning in blue and white! I love it...even if we haven't got a wedding card to make we can always change the image and make it any's such pretty stamp though.
Glad you enjoyed AP.

Love Sheila xx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous and the colours
are beautiful anyone would love to receive
a card like this.
Glad you all had a great time at Ally Pally
and got home safe.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Nancyd x

Annie said...

A beautiful card, Sue! Great you're on TV tonight,yay! Glad you had a great time at Ally Pally. Congrats to the winners . Hope everyone has a good week.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue

Sue the super woman is an understatement. How on earth do you do it, and can we all have some of what your on please. Beautiful card today, just love the cake. Won't be able to watch tonight as we only have freeview. But can watch later on C & C on the computer. Love how you've done the background on this card Sue. Hope the day wasn't to traumatic for you Pam. Hope you had a fantastic wedding day Rosemarie. And softly softly hugs for you Steph. Glad you all had a lovelt time at Ally Pally.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue

Sorry forgot to say congratulations to all the winners.

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous wedding card. Will record both shows.
Sonia, really pleased its your Mum's last radiotherapy and hope its worked.
Hope all goes well with your rheumatologist Steph.

Beryl said...

Meant to congratulate all the winners!

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue. Will have to watch on the computer as I also only have freeview.

yorkielass said...

Oooooh how rude I forgot to say congratulations to Yvonne on winning the Wednesday giveaway card, you will treasure it. Well done to the other lucky winners, enjoy ladies.
Hugs June xxx

Gail said...

Beautiful card and luvin the colour combo - so fresh and clean looking xx GailT xx

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW this is sooo gorgeous Sue, and I´m totally in love with it, so guess I have to stay outhere late tonight to watch the show ha ha ha
Big congrats to all the lucky winners here today too, enjoyyour prizes ladies.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, and I hope you have rested a bit after AP before your late night show tonight. Not sure if you are correct as my TV guide indicates Freeview ending at 6pm as usual but I hope to see it on my computer if not on the TV. Liking the background you have created for this card, love from Jackie D

hazel young said...

Lovely card was looking forward to your shows and looking forward to them even more now xx hazel

sued99 said...

Lovely wedding card. Hopefully will be able to watch this evening as am about to make weding stationery for my daughter's wedding.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous wedding card. Live the colours. Well done to all the winners and I hope everyone who was at ally paly enjoyed, i'm sure they did. Pity I couldn't go too far away.

heather harrison said...

Hi Sue. What a stunning card it's really beautiful. Dont know were you get the energy from I think you sometimes keep going and if you stopped you might never start agsin. Lol!! Glad you had a good time at ally pally I hope I get the chance to go sometime. Thanks for your inspiration and time. Hugs Heather.x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

I love the colours and shall be watching the show as I've been asked to make a wedding card that will 'wow' people (no pressure) so I'm sure you will have some fabulous inspiration and items to help me with that.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

craftycarol said...

Hi Sue,
I'm glad you enjoyed Ally Pally, Unfortunately I live too far away to go. I am looking forward to tonights show on C&C, I love todays card and the colours are fabulous.
Love Carol xx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Hi Everyone,
Lovely card today Sue and I have already set the record button as although I will try to watch Live, I like to look back !! The card today is lovely , love the lay-out , colour combination and beautiful flowers! . I think I saw that you are on C& C several times over the weekend? Wow you are a busy lady! The Weekender according to my TV.
So pleased you enjoyed Ally Pally - hope Julia did too - will check her blog too.
Rosemarie so pleased you had a great day!
Alison so pleased about your sister - such a relief when you get that news!
Steph trust all goes well today - I did mean to say thanks for tip about Craft Fair at Bolton! Will try to go.
Yvonne congrats on winning a Sue Masterpiece!
Congrats to all the other winners too.
Pam and Clare pleased our thoughts and prayers helped you both yesterday.
Love to all,

deniseann said...

Hi Sue, such a lovely card , I have a wedding in May so you have given me insperation. Glad C&C have extended freeview hours I'll be watching

Hilary said...

Good morning Sue, and everyone.
A gorgeous card today, with beautiful soft blue background paper. Such pretty flowers you have made too. Wishing everyone a happy day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

Jan said...

Congrats to the winners. Love the card Sue xx Jan

nzillingworth said...


baconbits said...

Morning Sue
Amazing card today, love the whole concept. The blue and white are very elegant.
Will be tuning in later,
Amanda x

terrie said...

What a wonderful wedding card...
any couple would love to receive this card...
Glad you had a great time at Ally Pally..
Well done Sue on the wedding card.
Congrats to the winners.

Vie Carter said...

What a wonderful wedding card this is

Sorry I have not replied to last two blogs but my computer would not let me, kept saying corrupted

However, all ok today

Great time had on Saturday at Ally Pally, as usual Sue you are great !!


Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card to give to a happy couple. Looking forward to tonights show.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, Today's Card is Truly Sensational, Awesome, Rich, Opulent, and Truly Beautiful. I so Love the Paper you have used for your Background from your Paper Stash, and then Embossed your Backgound also it looks Fabulous, I Love those Amazing Flowers and where you have added a touch of matching Mica Powder.
Such a Beautiful Card. I love the photograph shots.
Thanks for sharing such Awesome Cards with us and fabulous tips and techniques.
Take Care Sue.
Love and Hugs from Sam x
To all the wonderful Wilsonettes, I so hope you're all well, Congratulations to the winners.
Hugs from Sam x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Sounds like Ally Pally was a great success.
I think you made Brenda (Lello's) day when you turned and recognised her! Lovely memory for you Brenda.
I'm sure all Wilsonettes enjoyed seeing you up close and personal!
Back to today - lovely card, as usual.
Looking forward to tonight to watch you on C&C.
(Sorry to mention, but I note Heartfelt is on today - such superb viewing) - shame I have to do a days work first!!
Sheila x

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Very nice card today could be used for all sorts, of course we forgive you, i don't know how you fit it in anyway, we will be definately be watching later and tomorrow, we had a great time at Ally-Pally Saturday, i was the person who asked you to demo your lovely roses and of course you obliged very gracefully, going to have a play later, hope you get some time to enjoy the lovely weather we are having at the moment, to re charge your batteries.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card - a real stunner. I enjoyed Ally Pally on Saturday and got to meet and speak with the lovely Phil and Julia. I got to the Rubbernecker stand to try and meet you I couldn't get near! Hopefully another time... Will be watching/recording tonight. Karen xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue Oh WOW what a stunning card, I have a wedding day card to make for August and I have been struggling for suggestions on what to do, thank you for showing this card as it has given me an idea. Yvonne xxx

TOB said...

Congrats to all winners, I'm one of them, hooray. Gorgeous card, will be watching the programme tonight. I have a wedding card to make with autumnal colours and they also want a maple leaf included. Am still thinking what to do, any ideas would be a great help. hugs Theresa x

Unknown said...

Sorry forgot to congratulate the winners of your cards well done ladies you are so lucky. I have set my recorder for the show tonight as I wont be home from visiting daughter in hospital and don't want to miss it. Yvonne xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. Another beautiful card - love the colours & flowers.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. It was lovely meeting you at last on Saturday. I've just arrived home and am sorting out my new goodies. Oh dear, where am I going to put them all! No weddings to go to but I will still be watching tonight. SueL

Maggie said...

Fabulous wedding card Sue would look good in lots of colours.


Susi Mortimer said...

Hi Sue and all, Lovely card yet again Sue, Looking forward to your show tonight. Congrats to all the winners. Susi x

Unknown said...

Lovely card, with a good colour choice today Sue, as others have said where do you get your energy from, I'm exhausted just thinking about your schedule at the moment. Well done to all the ladies who managed to get to see the wonderful lady herself, will have to drag her to the midlands to do a show, how about it Sue? Also congratulations to Yvonne for winning the card and all this weeks other winners. So pleased your day wasn't too bad Pam and Carol, and that all our well wishes worked a little to help you both through. Steph I hope all goes well today and the hound enjoys his run, Alison such good news for your mother, certainly a celebration moment for you. Norah and Lynne, hope you are both ok, will try and pop back later for my daily dose from you both, hope those furbabies have been doing their jobs in keeping you laughing Lynne. Still no foals, I even checked in the night as one is looking very ready, will bring her in tonight as I can keep an eye from my bed using cameras which is less stressful for them and warmer for me! Take care all off out to teach some poor child the art of staying on a horse. Love and keep well all Wilsonettes xx

CraftyJo said...

A very pretty card, love the close-up details.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful wedding card, love the cake stamp. Glad you had a great time at AP and so looking forward to your shows, I do hope its on freeview tonight as my TV guide is saying C&C finishes at 6pm
Congratulations to all the lucky winners
Best wishes, Pat

Unknown said...

Hi Sue. This is pretty. I get vintage style from it. Hope you are recovering from your life at Ally Pally. One day I hope to get there. Lots of love, Jo xx

nannapat said...

Congrats to all the winners. Sue, your card is absolutely beautiful. I'm so pleased that C&C have extended freeserve hours - I'll be watching your wedding show. Pat x

Unknown said...

Good afternoon Sue- or I think I should be saying Superwoman.

Reading the comments everyone seemed to have such a good time at AP and I am hoping maybe I will be strong enough to go later in the year.

I love todays card and as I have had my Mum to stay this weekend (I love her dearly but!!) I still need to make a wedding card.

Congrats to todays winners. Pam I hope this 'first' wasn't too awful and you can go forward with your life with happy memories of your darling Tim.
Rosemarie hope the wedding was all you wished it to be and you enjoyed the day.

Sue I am out tonight but I have already set the box to record. Please can you bottle your energy and send it out. Thanks. Love and hugs to all who are in need. Take care Helen xx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! Mabex

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
The wedding show sounds lovely.
Can't wait to see your ideas.
Veronique L

JJ said...

Stunning card Sue, love it. Looking forward to your show later.

So happy I have won one of your prizes yippeee.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Such a beautiful wedding, I love the flowers, and the pretty colour scheme. I am looking forward to your show this evening, and my recorder is already for tomorrows show.

Alison, so glad your sister had good results, you can now breath easier now.

Rosemarie, so pleased you had a lovely, although very emotional day with your daughter. I think I am the next MOB, my daughter gets married on Friday ( Good Friday ), so any tips on keeping calm and collected will be greatly appreciated.

Tina said...

Sorry having a blonde moment. Last bit of message should have read.

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

Congratulations to the lucky winners!

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes so glad yesterday at A/P went well for you Sue & all bloggers who met with you all enjoyed there day as much I did on Saterday. wedding card so beautiful I love the background & the paper you embossed with the mask.,lovely colours the flowers all gorgeous . Love & hugs Lynda Brock xx

Pam was thinking of you yesterday & so pleased you got through must have been very hard for you sending you my love & hugs xx

Steph hope all goes well for you at clinic ( hope your hands are not so painfull) hope little Cassie enjoys her time in the park xx

Alison so pleased your sister got the good news that she is ok xx
Lynne m Tress ,Norah hope your pain is easyer today xx
Rosmarie glad wedding went well xx

Rosie HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a lovely day xx

Congratulations to all the winners
Hugs to all Lynda xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card. The colours are so pretty. I love blue and white - it always looks so fresh.
Thank You.
Bye for now.
SanraP xxx

Annie Stamps said...

Stunning wedding card Sue. Looking forward to watching your show later. Thank you for drawing my name out. I am thrilled.
xx Annie P

SusanP, Kent said...

Lovely paper made even more interesting with the gorgeous texture from the tracery mask! A fabulous card. Just one question - why don't my Blossom five flowers EVER look as good as yours?

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card, I can't wait for your show tonight. I have already told hubby that from 9-10pm the telly is mine. Hope you will be able to rest up at some point this week after your weekend at AP and before your weekender at C&C. lol lynne m x x x
Yorkielass & Lynda - thanks I am feeling better.
Lindsay - thought for sure the foal would have put an appearance in by now. Hobnail boots no longer doing a tap dance more of a shuffle. Pesky poochies have been their usual idle selves today, hubby cut the back garden grass yesterday and they believe that I really want them to bring in the grass cuttings they can reach from the bag containing garden waste waiting for day to put out for collection. I love them to bits but the hoover will soon start smoking with the constant use its getting. But I will get my own back as they will have to be bathed as their fur is turning a lovely shade of green!!!!!!!!! lol

Jane said...

Beautiful lovely card .

Jane xx

Janice K said...

A beautiful, fresh, clean card that would take centre stage of anyones display of wedding greetings. Congratulations to the winners. x

camelot67 said...

Good evening Sue,

Such a beautiful card today and one which could be suitable for a variety of occasions. Thank you for sharing this with us, congratulations to all the winners and I'm really looking to this evenings show. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Margaret A.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card as usual. I shall be watching but on the PC as Freeview stops at 6pm. You'll find they have extended 'live' hours not freeview hours. I hope I'm wrong though!

Joan D said...

Lovely card and superb colours too. I don't think I'll be able to watch the show on freeview as it now finishes at 6. Disappointed as I shall be out and can't record it. Xxx

Carol S. said...

Hi Sue, nice to see you on Saturday. Glad you liked my necklace!! Love this card, colour and all. The flowers are stunning, Hugs, Carol S.xx

Wacki Macky said...

Another stunning card Sue, the colours, shapes and textures are great.

Well done to the card give away and comments winners.

Craftihappiness to all love from Pearl

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and all the Wilsonettes! What a lovely wedding card. Love it in blue and how you've used some of the reverse of backing paper for a border. Just love it full stop! Eeeee eck Sue, Superwoman eat your heart out! We have our very own SuperSue!! I hope you'll have a good old rest after these shows. Can't believe your still going! What foo foo pills are you on? You could be earning a fortune selling bottles your energy! It's been wonderful feeling the "vibes" off everyone who met you and some of the Wilsonette family at Ally Pally. Sooo glad everyone had a great weekend! Pam, so glad that love, hugs and prayers helped you along yesterday, with Carole too xx Yvonne hope your daughter in hospital is okay? Paperjunkie, how is your sister and her broken pelvis? Alison, great news about your sister! xx Sonia, you and mum enjoy that drink tonight! It's a tough journey but you do get there xx Steph, hope your day with the rheumatologist went ok x Lynne, your news about the fur babies makes me smile.....(sorry!) x Norah, hope you are okay shug xxx Prayers, love and hugs to everyone who needs one x Congratulations Yvonne! You will so love your card! They're so more lovelier in real life. Congratulations to all the winners! Wonderful! Enjoy your prizes! xx Love Karen xx

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue, a truly beautiful card!! Nice to do something different now & then... Always love all your cards Hugs Sam xxx

Joanne K said...

Good evening Sue, glad to hear you had a great time at Ally Pally. Love todays card and I would never of thought to use blue on a wedding card but it works really well. Looking forward to your show tonight. Have fun. Kind regards Joanne K x

Anonymous said...


Hugs from Wales! ('P')

Theresa said...

this card is beautiful and that blue really suits the style. would have loved to receive anything like that for my wedding xx

Laura O said...

fab card ,nice to see a wedding card in blue [not a normal colour for me anyway].Laura O

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
Loving the colours you have used today it beautiful
I still strive to become a Sue Wilson expert card creator lol. I do hope you and yours are well
You take care a Sue
Theresa x

Anonymous said...

BOO. What a long day - WHO am I kidding !!!? My day is nowt compared to your hectic life at the moment Sue !! Bet Florida is calling louder than ever, and I bet you long for some 'you time' even though you adore what you do (so do we) please dont burn out.
Im all ready to watch and record tonights show, AND what a brilliant time for a wedding show (although Tina and I have got our little girl's wedding stationary made) we have a NEW Wilsonette MOTB so I have just read - welcome to the wedding clan !! Rosemarie, so pleased your daughters day was as beautiful as you wished for, was thinking of you (your next Tina) and you will be fine, so proud : )
To all our 'family' who have birthdays, celebrations for good news etc go celebrate hard : ) to our Wilsonettes who are not so good, gentle hugs to you. My hospital appointment got my Consultant filling in an 'to be admitted form' great !!! I have NO time, I cant waste time lazing about on a hospital ward I just cant, not yet !!!
Well, I must get sorted so I can sit and relax and watch our wonderful Sue demo her W.O.W's for us, cant wait, as for todays card, any new bride and groom would cherish this magnificent work of art.
Enjoy your show Sue. Lets hope its DB free !
Love to all and congrats to ALL our lucky ladies.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a really beautiful card today that any bride would be thrilled to receive. No weddings in the offing but I shall be watching shortly just for the inspiration. So glad AP went well for you and pleased for everyone that met you. In case you were not sure, yes Sue is just as lovely in person as she appears on the screen.
Happy BIrthday Rosie and congratulations to all of today's winners.
Frances said...

Lovely wedding card Sue and I do really like the embossed patterned background! Very excited to be one of the weekly winners, so thanks for choosing me this week!! Hope your shows all go well, and do try to get some rest in between all the shows and TV appearances. Susan x

samantha wade said...

Hi, lovely card, going to watch show for a Sue fix, as couldn't go to ally pally.have a great show ,xx

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hi Sue
Such a rich and beautiful card love the colours and oh how I wish I could get my stamping to look half as good as yours.

Sandra your boys will have a fantastic time try not to worry they will be fine, and well done to them for doing their D of E I can still remember doing mine many moons ago! lol

Rosemarie delighted to know all went so well, you will have very special and wonderful memories for years to come.

Pam so pleased you found the strength to face yesterday, Tim will be so proud as he watches over you. You are one strong and very brave lady.

Hope all goes well for you today Steph, take care lovely lady.

Delighted to hear everyone who were lucky enough to be at AP had a fantastic time. Sincerely hope it was a great success for you Sue, it is the least you deserve after all your hard work.

Tina try and stay calm all will be well on Friday after all your hard work and planning it is bound to be fine. Keep calm and enjoy every minute and accept all the lovely compliments you will be getting too. If you are nervous you will miss all those lovely little memories that only a mum notices, they are yours to treasure forever. You will have all your family with you, draw on their calm and strength you will be fine. Take a deep breath or two, I know you can do it. You are in my prayers, I will be thinking of you.

Warm wishes and hugs to all who need them at this time.

Margaret corgi owner

Margaret corgi owner said...

Oops nearly forgot!
Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
Margaret corgi owner

craftynanna said...

hi sue this is a super card very delicate the wedding show is great i'm taping it to watch later

Anonymous said...

Fantastic shows and inspiration, would you be able to share with us how you have made the tuxedo card that was on the easel at the front of the counter it is gorgeous.

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
I like the effect of embossing the background paper and as always I love your flowers but I think overall the card is a little too busy for me.

Margaret O

Crisco said...

Marvellous wedding show with beautiful samples. Looking forward to the show in the morning.

julie laz said...

Hi sue, love the card, see you soon, sat here with my coffee waiting,
Crafty hugs Julie xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Karen, I am sure that the fur babies sit and have a chat each day whilst I'm not looking to decide what they are going to do that day to try to turn my hair grey!!!!!

Ita said...

Hi Sue ,love the card every bit of it.
Your show tonight was fantastic ,love the baby blush,it is a delicate colour.i do not know you keep going with all the work you did for A.P. And 2 shows.
Good night everyone ,congrats to the winners.
I did not see a post from Nora today,I hope she is O.K.

Sandy H said...

Love the wedding card.
Couldn't watch the show live and had a recorder malfunction. Hope it works tomorrow morning!
Congratulation to all the winners.
Hope you had a happy birthday Rosie. So pleased your daughter's special day went so well Rosemarie.
Tina try to get plenty rest on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then you'll sail calmly through Thursday sorting anything that crops up. Make the most of every moment on Friday because after all the preparations it flies past far too quickly.
Steph take care of yourself. How soon is your daughter's wedding?

Sandy H said...

Love the wedding card.
Couldn't watch the show live and had a recorder malfunction. Hope it works tomorrow morning!
Congratulation to all the winners.
Hope you had a happy birthday Rosie. So pleased your daughter's special day went so well Rosemarie.
Tina try to get plenty rest on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then you'll sail calmly through Thursday sorting anything that crops up. Make the most of every moment on Friday because after all the preparations it flies past far too quickly.
Steph take care of yourself. How soon is your daughter's wedding?

Blue Rose said...

Another lovely the colors. Congrats to all the winners.

Fieldsend said...

Morning Sue, bit late commenting was at a funeral yesterday. Love the card n have a wedding to go to n this will be a great card to do.

Love June

gwen70 said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the stained glass window effect

Unknown said...

Amazing card! Lovely cake and awesome flowers.

Wheely Bad said...

Stunning cards

Watching craft extra and have always meant to check out your blog. It's now bookmarked! Traffic counter going crazy, loads of people doing the same as me!

Have very boring computer stuff to do now (while watching you on craft extra to relieve the monotony! ) but as soon as it's done I'm going to get my spellbinders out. Have been in a crafty rut so the inspiration from the TV and this blog will be very handy indeed, Thank you!!!

Wheely Bad said...

Stunning cards

Watching craft extra and have always meant to check out your blog. It's now bookmarked! Traffic counter going crazy, loads of people doing the same as me!

Have very boring computer stuff to do now (while watching you on craft extra to relieve the monotony! ) but as soon as it's done I'm going to get my spellbinders out. Have been in a crafty rut so the inspiration from the TV and this blog will be very handy indeed, Thank you!!!

Wheely Bad said...

Stunning cards

Watching craft extra and have always meant to check out your blog. It's now bookmarked! Traffic counter going crazy, loads of people doing the same as me!

Have very boring computer stuff to do now (while watching you on craft extra to relieve the monotony! ) but as soon as it's done I'm going to get my spellbinders out. Have been in a crafty rut so the inspiration from the TV and this blog will be very handy indeed, Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous wedding card.Have a few coming up,so great inspiration.
Helen Bx

Barbara said...

Lovely wedding card1
All set to tape the wedding show to watch later as Hubby and I cannot bear to miss Game of Thrones tonight!