Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Striplet Tag Card

Hi crafters!  Today's video card shows you how to change a striplet into a tag for your sentiments.  It shows you that there are even more uses for your Striplet dies.

The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x  8 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Love the card. Beautiful
Daily hugs to all including Melody and Tracey, and all who are sad or in pain.
Tina and family, in my thoughts

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card off to watch video.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely card. Will watch video later. Love the tag and the roses.

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card I love the roses & how versatile you make your dies. Yvonne xx

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card love the colours and the striplet dies will watch video later thank you tracyw x

Jan.moogie said...

Such a pretty card Sue and great tutorial too. Thanks for sharing, have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card, love the striplets and love to see more ways to use them
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina xxxx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card, love the striplets and love to see more ways to use them
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina xxxx

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
I am back to normal today.I was late yesterday, we just have a brand new great grandson, I was looking after his two year old big sister.
Thank you, a beautiful card and a great video,
I had to smile when you said I am using the Emma die whole, I thought no cutting up then came the striplet LOL.
Take care Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Pretty card, Sue, but lordy had a panic when you chopped up my favourite die!! Didn't realise at first that you'd used the lattice window. Altogether lovely, and thanks for the video - which provided some extra entertainment - my PC kept stopping the video whilst continuing with the sound, so ffff ffff went your aerosol glue while you were standing stock still looking at the can! Really funny.
Laine - yes would like to see all our furry friends, but B&R's confidence not yet up for standing still and posing - it'll come.

'P' in Wales

Dragonsnap2, Hinckley said...

Another lovely card Sue and another easy to follow video. Love the way you've chopped the lattice window. Must give it a try.
D x

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue,
Yet another way to use a striplet die, they are so versatile. Colours are pretty and the flat roses make it easier for posting.
Love and crafty hugs to all who need them.
Tina T xxx💐✂️

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card, but will have to save the video for tonight as have to be at work early and won't be back until after 8pm tonight. I think I spy that the lattice window die has been cut up to make a tag though; luckily I managed to buy this die at the weekend but haven't had a play yet so this video might give me the inspiration I need (rather than just looking at it in the packet).
Congratulations Kitty on the new arrival. Hope the bathroom fitting is going well Tracy. Hugs to all. Sue XXX

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card, really lovely & could be used for many occasions.


Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue
A really special card today so beautiful.Striplets seem to be so popular. Hope there will be more in your next set of dies. I just love them.
Thank you so much.

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue a lovely card and the roses look really good. X

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,love the colours and the roses.

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue x xhazel

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue.willwatch video later. Congratulations on the birth of your new great grandson Kitty, JJxx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. I love the pretty flowers and the colour. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a really pretty card.I love the flat flowers and the colour is great. It is a good way to cut down the striplets. Really nice!
Anne M xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a really lovely card, great use of dies, and the flower border is gorgeous. Great video too. Take care. Bx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. A beautiful card, love the colour and layered look. Looking forward to watching the video when I get in from work tonight.x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
You design your dies in such a way that we get more than one use out of them thank you for that. Beautiful card I love the dusky rose colour card. I enjoyed the video and as usual full of hints and tips.
Congratulations Kitty on the birth of your new great grandson! X
Hugs x
Heather T

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous the dies are amazing. I have a wish list as long as my arm and we are supposed to be saving for a wedding. Have a great day. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card. The striplets are so versatile, and I love the flat roses.
B xx

Suemac said...

Love the striplet dies unusual way of using them.

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
This card is stunning,I love it and the colours you have used.
You are so talented thanks for sharing with us.

Unknown said...


lilian said...

Hi Sue, very pretty card, will have to watch video later, I a few to catch up on.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous card and brilliant tutorial, thank you.
Love Janet X
From Wakefield

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Another of your beauitful cards. The colours are gorgeous as well as the blushing roses they dont half make the card look so different. The lattice window striplet looks fantastic as a tag another of your great versatile dies. Thanks for the video with all of your hints and tips.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

TDQ Karen said...

Great way to use the striplet, lovely card x

Unknown said...

Thank you for another beautiful card Sue. Love the window striplet, it's so versatile. The colours are perfect for the roses. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day everybody
Hugs Sylvia xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, Lovely card today. It is amazing what the Striplets can do. I still feel I have to apologise to the dies when I cut them up!!! Perhaps I should get out more (lol). The flowers Re really pretty to.

Love Rosemarie x x

A Happercrafter6 said...

Good morning Sue. The window striplet again - you have shown us so many uses for it.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Good morning Sue, another lovely card. You are truly inspirational, take care, Ivy C x

nattyboots said...

A very lovely card Sue, i can never get enough of the striplet dies .
Take Care
Elaine H X

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

That Lattice Window striplet is such a versatile die, can't wait till I get my hands on it...


Chris Curry said...

Another lovely card Sue and proving why Striplets are so versatile. Love them striplets. Thank you. Xx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Very pretty . love Jean Z xxx

Jane Franklin said...

This is a really pretty card. Love the colours. Best wishes jxxx

Aspiring crafter said...

Adorable card Sue, looking forward to the video,
Take care ,

Marjeta said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous.... Thanks for tutorial.


Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, you never cease to amaze me!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

karenlotty said...

Lovely idea I don't have this particular Striplet but I'm sure I can turn them into tags yet another use for these versatile dies

jennywren said...

Good Morning Sue
Just finished watching your video on todays amazing card and using my favourite colour card. Really must find time today to have ago got several birthdays coming up over next few months. Thank you for all your inspiration.
Jennywren x

Anne said...

I feel as if you are designing just for me at the moment, Sue, with the lattice window die. You have given us so many ideas. Thank you so much.

Anne (Northampton)

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful I love the colour you have used. I'm off to watch the video now.

Debs Cards xxx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Fabulous card, looking forward to watching your video later. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Sue MacFall said...

This is beautiful, Sue.
Love the use of the striplet die and the flowers look just right.
Many thanks,
Sue Mac

Stamps and Paper said...

Very pretty card Sue love those beautiful roses


Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue, I love the way you have used "Lattice window die" and your fabulous rose die . Gloria (Sidcup) xx

marg said...

Good Morning Sue!
I must watch the Video before I watch Julia on Hochanda!
Lovely card today!
Take care
Love Marg

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This card is very pretty.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - what a lovely card this is and such a clever use of the striplet die. Love the way you have used the roses and thank you for the tips on the video too. Sending best wishes

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, what a lovely card today and such a great idea about the striplet, it looks really effective on the card, will watch the video later.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, love the little row of roses they really are so pretty.
Thanks for sharing,

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Love the row of roses

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful card Sue.
Love the dies used and the colour combination.

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Really nice card,the roses are lovely,
Best wishes
Karen M

dmj from kettering said...

Love the roses in this card,

Doreen x

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue

June Horrocks said...

Hi sue this card is beautiful love the roses I'm going to watch the Vidio we have been married 58years today and a lovely sunny day as it was all those years ago Love always sue xxxxxxx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all

As if the lattice window striplet isn't versatile enough you come up with even more uses, beautiful when cut down as a tag. My favourite striplet is even more so now.
The roses are lovely, another one of those I don't think I need it dies that I am regretting, is moving way up the long long list.
Fabulous video as always, thank you Sue
Congratulations Kitty !
Muriel x

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great idea, love the colour combination
Will have to watch video later.
Take care, Jess xxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Very pretty card, love the use of the striplet.
Will catch the video later.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card but will watch your video later as I am watching Julia on Hochanda at the moment. SueL x

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card.

Lisbeth said...

Such a pretty card today Sue. I love the colour of the pink card.


Pat said...

Lovely card Sue. :) And you are just so clever on your use of the dies. :)

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue and everyone popping in.

Beautiful card and tag, will watch video later.

I found this beautiful little verse from my favourite poetess, Patience Strong, and it struck me that you can use it for quite a few occasions.
Today I am using it for those who need an encouraging word or two.

A daily wish for you....
More gladness than sadness,
More laughter than pain,
More Blessings than troubles,
More sunshine than rain.

Daily thoughts and ((((hugs)))) to all in discomfort, pain or loss.

Love & hugs
Cheryl xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue

A very pretty card for today's design using your gorgeous dies


June x

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue - very pretty card this morning!

Unknown said...

Morning sue and crafters.

Very pretty. The pansies are growing on me now lol.

Well ladies. Bathroom is no more but an empty shell bar a toilet and no sistern so had to use a bucket to flush!! Lol

Lucky for us my mom lives 5 mins up the road :-) so we can go use her shower.
Tiles going on just now. At the rate they are going I don't think it's going to take the week.
It is a small room tho x

Love to all xx

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
A very lovely card today. Love the roses.
Evis M.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue & lovely Wilsonettes*what a delectable feast you have served up for us today Sue, I wouldn’t mind indulging in this scrumptious, delightful treat & seeing it on my card making menu any day of the week. Your gifted & talented insight of techniques, hints & tips are a welcome recipe of inspiration & stimulation with an added dash of encouragement. Two words, Thank you seems so trivial or paltry in the way of our gratitude in the stead of your exceptional generosity, but grateful we are nonetheless x x x

HETTY* (((HUGS))) to you my friend & hope that you soon feel fully recovered from the flu x x x

YVONNE G*What A palaver for you my friend, hope you were calm & collected, the situation is resolved & you are no longer sitting on the edge of your sit with gritted teeth, my how we have all been there one way or another. Thinking of you & pray you are now unclenched & smiling Lol x x x

LAINE* It was lovely to hear from you & I will email you later my friend, it would be nice to have a chat soon, if I can drag you away from your Spectrum Noir Pens. This mention of glue of oil, as long as it’s not on the face you should be okay Lol, bit like riding a bicycle you never forget how to ride it, stick with my friend & you will soon be colouring masterpieces at the ever so slight envy of us all x x x

I have restrained from a funny story today purely for your benefit , my dear friend LYNDA, as I don’t think it’s advisable to have you chuckling at this early stage my friend...I’m not sure whether I feel more sorry for yourself or your poor b**bs, I hope that will be the last time you say hello to the floor, after all it didn’t say hello back & did you the discourtesy of repaying you with bruises. Take care & (((HUGS))) for your recovery x x x

Thank you MARIA* for your welcome back x x x

NORAH* please slow down I’m also breathless & still trying to catch up with you Lol, glad you had a good day though x

LORRAINE FREEMAN* (((HUGS))) for you dear lady in the hope that one day, in the very near future, you will make it to Ally Pally x x x

JUNE HORROCKS* Happy Anniversary to you both, what a wonderful number of years to remember together, have a lovely day x x x

KITTY* Congratulations on the wonderful new addition to your family,a grandson, may you enjoy endless cuddles. X x x

I must away now my friends so sending love & (((hugs))) to one & all & especially to Sue & Family. Take care Beth B x x x x x

Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue.

iReneM said...


Superb vid tut as always


Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Wow Sue, it's so so beautiful. And great video, too. Cutting the dies down to fit a new size is so very useful, adds a whole new dimension to them.
This card matches the lovely sunny day we're having in Chester FOR THE SECOND DAY RUNNING! Might go Zoo again............ YIPPEE.
Hugs, Rose

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely card today, I love the way you cut the striplets down to make a tag - who would have thought of that! Thank you for sharing
Love Diane G xxx
Kitty what lovely news, congratulations, and enjoy playing with the new big sister xxxxx

Kate's Cards said...

Pretty! Xxx

sued99 said...

Very pretty card. Looking forward to seeing a new use for my striplets, having just acquired a new one!

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous card so pretty.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Wendy from Scotland said...

Hi Sue
Pretty card and some great new ideas, thanx
take care
Wendy xx

nzillingworth said...


Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card, featuring the best ever embossing folder, and great video as always

Lynda hope you're ok after your fall
Kitty congratulations on your great grandson
June Happy Anniversary enjoy your day

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. All very pretty especially the roses. Thanks for your video.

Paula said...

Another lovely card, and featuring one of my favourite dies, I do love the striplets. Now I must be off to make a cup of tea so I can watch the video in comfort! :)
Hugs to all those in need today.
Paula x

CraftyJo said...

How very cute, I'll watch the video a.s.a.p. to see how it's done :)

Bejay said...

Hi, Sue,
Well, yet another card showing us just how versatile the striplet die is. I've put the lattice window right at the top of my wish list. I think the roses are going to have to join it as well.
What fantastic colours today. The card is just beautiful. Thanks so much for the video on this one.
Bejay xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, Oh my, is there no end to the versatility of this striplet? Beautiful card, lovely colours and usual clear video.

June H - Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, hope you are having a good day. You will soon have to start planning something extra special for your Diamond Anniversary :-)

Lynda - hope the bruising is not too painful.

Kitty - Congratulations on the birth of your great-grandson, I hope his big sister likes him!


Suebak said...

A lovely spring card.

Susan x

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love how hyouve alterered the striplet.
Love Val in Spain x

craftynanna said...

Beautiful card today Sue, again I have the necessary things to make this card so I must be doing something right at last, perhaps my colour of card may be slightly different but yours is lovely. Hugs to all Johanna

Tressa said...

Yet another way of using my joint favourite striplet for which I am grateful. Another lovely card.


Unknown said...

To My Very Special Dearest Friend Sue,
Well It Was An Extremely Early Day Out Today I Was Up At 5 o'clock a.m. Watching A
Repeat Of The Wonderful Julia On Hochanda, I'm Taping The Rest She Was
Had To Be Up Early To Take Boys Out Then I Watched Your "Outstanding Video" Which I
Truly Loved, Then I Went Into Town To Have My Hair Done And Back Again....
Today's Video Was Full Of "Great Inspirational Tips And Techniques" You Inspire Me Daily.
I Love The "Bed Of Roses" Embossing Folder That You Used, Also My Very Favourite Striplet Die "The Lattice"
Also Using The "Zoe Die/Emma Die" You Created A Sue Wilson Masterpiece.
I Loved How You Used "The Mini Gemini Die" Also Those Truly Awesome "Rose Die Set"
You Help Us Look At Dies In So Many Different Ways, As Someone Mentioned Thank You
Doesn't Seem Good Enough But I Assure You It's My Way Of Expressing My Gratitude, Also
Showing How Much I Appreciate Everything You Do For Us All, You Truly Inspire Me
With Your Awesome Ideas, Also Your Creative Influences You Are And Always Will Be The Best Blog / Kindest Person Going
Thank You So Very Much For That.....
Warmest Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes
Hugs To Lancashire Steph.

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, love the card today, the way you use the striplet dies is lovely and extends the use of the dies so much. I'll have to start looking at my dies again and how I can use them apart from the single use - now I'm retired I will have to look at doing this as I don't have the cash to spend as I did when I had a job, frustrating but unless I win the lottery I will have to stop buying so much crafty stuff. My craft room is bulging as it is !!!!! I'll have to look at craft fairs to sell my cards I think.

Thanks for the new ideas though Sue,

Lots of love and craftihappiness everyone,

Pearl x

Nannieflash said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the design of this one and your choice of colours. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card today and I'll be looking at the video later. I'm trying to catch up with Johns Hochanda shows at the minute.
Missed yesterday's card as well, how gorgeous is that one as well.

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful design love the roses a very romantic card Sue
Gr Karin

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. I agree with you, it's such a pretty card. Great dies, a lovely way to use them and pretty colour. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

barbara macaskill said...

Simply beautiful!! TFS!

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue.
Another clever way of making more of your valuable tools, you never stop amazing me, you more than likely have all these little ideas in your mind when designing your new collections and have itchy fingers until the prototype arrives for you to play with. More 4 piece striplets please, they are brill.

With Sue's blessing and permission,I'd like to pass a message on from Tina E. After talking to an extremely distressed dear friend last night, she has asked me to thank those ladies who have been so kind a thoughtful. I mentioned just how many really kind and thoughtful ladies genuinally hurt for her and her dear family after reading the heart breaking and tragic news about baby Evie. Tina, as you can understand hasn't read her blog since leaving her last message, but I've told her that so many of you are thinking of them daily, and she has asked me to thank those of you that have been so kind in sending emails etc. Tina also sends her apologies for not being able to find the strength to thank you personally. I've told her that no-one expects her to. Their world has come to an abrupt halt for now and the week's and months ahead are going to be the hardest time as they plan to say goodnight to their 'Rainbow baby'but knowing how much support they have had has overwhelmed them. To those of you that have showed your tenderness and care,Tina thanks you so much.

weefortune said...

Beautiful card Sue, hugs Elaine x

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue, another beautiful card, I do like the rose border, so different. Have not yet watched the video but hopefully I will get the chance later.

To Stephanie, I am so glad that Tina has such a good friend to support her at this time, as she will certainly need it whilst trying to support Claire and the rest of her family. I am glad that you have told her that nobody would expect her to reply to emails, but I hope that the knowledge that she and her family are in our thought and prayers will help in some small way

hettygarlick said...

What a lovely card. I love the dusty pink colour, and the Blushing Rose is such a useful die. Very nice placed as a border like this.

Laura O said...

fab card love the dies especially the roses.Laura O

terrie said...

The dusty pink is so nice as well as the card....this card turned out really nice...tfs
well done Sue

Jean said...

Love that color and those flowers!!

Unknown said...

Helpful video tutorial and your design is really nice. Thanks
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alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely very card and very useful video too. Great use of the striplet die - I'll have to try to remember this.
Steph - thank you for contacting Tina on our behalf, I'm sure she and the family are going through Hell but it's good that she has a friend like you to fall back on. I wouldn't expect her to reply to all of the messages but I'm glad she has found some comfort in them. Xx
Love and hugs to all, Alison xxxxx

lilysmum said...

Good evening Sue and everyone, not been able to post for a couple of days due to Internet problems 😕 today's card and the few I missed are all lovely. Many thanks for your continuing generosity in sharing your talent with us daily, it's sooo appreciated. Best wishes to all hugs,Theresa x

Unknown said...

Love it, especially as I have that die!

Janet Wilson said...

Lovely card, great way to use the striplet die.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
This is a gorgeous card and the rose die is something special.
Really enjoyed the video,thank you.

Lesley said...

Another great way to use the striplet die. I also love the way you have used the rose die with the beautiful dusky pink.

liz spooner said...

Such a lovely card and colour combination Sue.xx

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

A very pretty card today....

Rosemary Stickland said...

Yet another reason to get this striplet die....
a really pretty card.
Rosemary xx

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is so gorgeous and a wonderful example of how versatile your dies are.
I love the layout and the colour combination and I just love it.

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sue. & Wilsonettes
Gorgeous card & my favourite lattis window Striplet it still looks great cut down. I haven't seen the video yet
But looking forward to it.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx
Thank you Steph for contacting Tina on our behalf I can't imagine what she & all the family are going through at this sad & devastating time. God bless Evie goodnight sweetheart. TIna Claire Toby & family your allways in my thoughts & prayers love Lynda xx

BETH B thank you my friend your so kind about my very bruised b..bs.& no hopefully I won't be saying hellow to anymore floors Hug's xx
FLUFFYCAT thank you also I have quit a few bruises & painfull B...bs.xx
Pat L thank you for your kind thoughts xx
Kitty congratulations on your new Great Grandson enjoy the cuddles xx
JUNE H & your Husband happy Anniversary hope you both had a lovely day xx

Hug's for all Wilsonetts xxx

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Beautiful card sue x still haven't found the courage to give my die cuts the snip ! Will catch up on all the cards and videos tomorrow as have been to the country 2 country festival at the weekend so sorry I haven't commented on your lovely cards sue x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card. Love the versatility of your dies and must get up courage to do some cutting like you have shown. The dusky pink colour is gorgeous too.
Di B.x

Glenharon said...

Good evening Sue and the he Wilsonettes,
This is a lovely card for when you want to be able to send something pretty but the cost of posting is an arm and leg when you layer it high, this gives the best of both worlds. Sorry Sue but I'm lagging behind here on the dies stakes but it doesn't stop me appreciating the beauty of dies I don't have. Thank you flower for your ever giving of you knowledge, inspiration and time, I know you enjoy yourself but oh the joy you bring to all of us at the same time.
A tad tired today as I was Harry sitting last night and took him to Stirling today with me before he went into nursery and I got into trouble for not leaving him in the car for one of the girls to lift him, but I've got no one normally so I just have to get around it some way myself. I will say good night
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (glenochil)

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card Sue!
I have watched the video and I am always amazed at how simple you make it look!!!

Brenda said...

Hi Sue,
BRILLIANT video, Beautiful card, Love the roses.

Thank you so much, Love Brenda xxx

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, pretty card today. The video shows just how easy it would be to make. Thank you for making the videos, they are a great help and inspiration to me. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm late again! It's been a busy day.
The card is lovely and I'm going to watch the video in a few minutes. Thank you. Xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card, not had chance to watch the video not been myself at all lately but will watch it tomorrow x

Linda xx

Lorraine Freeman said...

Another pretty card Sue, you are so creative with the dies it's amazing.
Lynda, I hope you are not too sore it sounds awful. Extremely gentle hugs for you.
Congratulations on the birth of your Grandson Kitty how lovely :)
Tracy, I hope the bathroom is finished super quick. When the council did ours it was awful whilst they were in but it's lovely to have a shower and much easier to clean.
Sorry I can't remember what else I was going to comment on.
Tried crafting today but after ten minutes my back hurt too much. I don't know what to do as I don't see how crafting on my lap will work but that's the only way I would be comfortable. Ho hum that's me moaning again.
I will finish by sending love to all my friends and good wishes to everyone else x

Lynda's craft's said...

Sorry Sue
Tracy forgot your Hug's & to say glad bathroom is taking shape.xx
Lorraine thank you your very kind still very painfull in my chest & left knee.xx

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card yet again. Really lovely colour too.

I enjoyed watching the video, like others didn't like seeing the die cut snipped....but it looks wonderful on the card. The striplet is one of my favourites.

Happy Anniversary June H and Mr June H. I hope you had a lovely day.

Love Helen xxx

Suzzette Yandle said...

I like "girly" cards. Wonderful. Thanks for the video.

Eunice said...

Beautiful card Sue!!

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card love the rose die. Love your layout and how you cut down the paper to create a gag as some.
Thank you!

Sandy H said...

Another lovely card. Looking forward to watching the video tomorrow.
Congratulations on your new great-grandson, Kitty. Hope you had a happy birthday, June.
Take care everyone.

julie laz said...

Lovely sue, another stunning card, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. Love it

Unknown said...

very pretty


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous pretty card, just love it...
Love every element of this stunner & looks so pretty & feminine & would be suitable for so many occasions.
Beautiful Roses & another must have Dei for my collection.

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx (Norwich)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card, not had chance to watch the video not been myself at all lately but will watch it tomorrow x

Linda xx

Littlelamb said...

Was out all day yesterday and didn't get a chance to leave a comment. Beautiful card. Off the watch the video now.