Sunday, 17 July 2016

Hugs And Kisses

 Good Sunday morning all!  I thought you might like a close up look at one of the demos from the previous shows.  I had a lot of fun making the background for this one by using the new Pixie Powders for a bit of a twist on an old technique; Caught in Crystal!  I started with a piece of acetate and spread Cosmic Lacquer on it.  Next I tapped my three Pixie Powders (Lava Red, Candy Pink and Rich Gold) on to the lacquer.  For the actual sample, I used a bit more powder than I did on the demo due to time constraints.  I added a piece of tissue paper that I had crinkled up, then opened back up.  Use some kitchen roll to tamp it down and leave it to dry overnight.  Then you can cut it with a paper cutter to whatever size you need.   I used the Jubilee Striplet and cut six across a piece of coconut white card to create a decorative background and mounted my caught in (Pixie Powder)crystal piece behind it.  I cut the Hugs die in both white and black, then used the "and kisses" plaque to cut into the H on the white one.  I offset the black hugs behind it slightly and added mounting foam to raise both of them, then mounted them in the centre of the card.  I decided to leave it very clean and simple, but a few flowers would have been pretty on it too.  Definitely your call on that one!  The card was completed with a white, black , white mat combo and some paper piercing as well.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  7 1/2" in size.

The winners of this week's Comment Game are:

Bejay Roles!!!
Snuffy Snoo!!!
Liz Spooner!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize!

  My last two hour show is on Hochanda today from 1pm to 3pm.  I hope you can join me then to see the demos using my Special Occasion Collection.   All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

This is a gorgeous card Sue, so beautiful.
Congratulations to blog winners, well done Bejay.
Elaine, hope you are enjoying your little break and that all is well with Andrew.
Tina, great that Mick is eating so well, it all helps build his strength but you must take care of you too, you need your health and a little time for you. After all, he would be lost if you weren't there to help him. We will always be here to offer our support for you.
Tracey, as always, a special hug for one of the bravest ladies I know.
Hugs to all.

hollyberry said...

Lovely card with an amazing background.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely card. I must try the pixie powder using this technique. Watched your shows yday. Fab demos as always. Will try to watch again today.

Jan.moogie said...

Now I really should get this die as I am always saying hugs. Gorgeous card and lovely sentiment, thanks for sharing. Have a great day Sue, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Marion Bull said...

Love this technique, so effective! Its made a stunning card here.
Happy day everyone
Maggie B xx

Marion Scott said...

Lovely card. Back from holiday last night - lots to catch up with TV shows and your blog (internet access very patchy while away). Looking forward to todays shows. Marion x

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx said...

Morning Sue.
A lovely card today Thank You.
The shows were great yesterday, looking forward to today's.shows, Thank you.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Take care and have fun Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Like background on this card Sue. Congratulations to comment winners. JJxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card, well done the winners.
Nancyd xx

Dragonsnap2 said...

Great card. Will have to try this technique.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Have a great Sunday.
D x

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely card today.

Saw the shows yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed them, looking forward to today's ones.

Congrats to all the winners, enjoy.

Special hugs to Tina, Mick, Tracey, Elaine and Andrew

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Love the background for this card. Must get this striplet die.
Jan x

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
The Captured in Crystal technique is a stunning one and your background is a wonderful example of it. I love the Jubilee Striplet background too.
Congratulations to the winners.x

Denise Bryant said...

Love the contrast with the background! Really shows off that pretty die! Beautiful card!

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Back from my fab holiday in spain but now there is so much to catch up on as there internet was rubbish lol. Todays card is beautiful. The colours on the background using the pixie powders is wonderful so colourful like a sunset.. Congratulations to all the comment winners. Watched your shows yesterday and your demos were gorgeous and as always learned something new. Looking forward to your shows today. Take care Sue and have a lovely day.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Debra K. said...

Wonderful background you've created. It always amazes me how good the offset black card makes words pop. Congratulations to the winners! Debra x

Kate's Cards said...

Great impact!

Pat said...

Hi Sue
This is a lovely card.
The colours are so pretty
Pat x

Steph Cotterill said...

Hugs and kisses and Sunday smiles to you Sue.
Just catching up with yesterday's show as we just didn't get back in time to watch the show live 😢 thank goodness for the little black box lol.
This is such a happy card to start the day, all be it mine starts a lot earlier than your samples are scheduled to show thanks to the dog ! The background colours are absolutely beautiful and as I know very littabout the pixie powders, I should imagin there are so many shades out there that you can mix n match nicely for either gender cards, yep, a brilliant die too which will be worth its weight in gold for those pesky male cards, although thanks to these kind of dies, you have given us the tools to help lower the stress levels when a male card is required or something CAS is asked for. Love it.
Many congratulations to today's winners enjoy your gift.

Have you ever tried Harrods for your fav cheese Sue ? Betcha you could get the 'real macoy' from there either online or next time you visit London ? You could try after AP maybe ?!
In the meantime, I hope you have another good day at the studio and I look forward to sitting and watching today xxx

Rachel Taylor said...

Stunning card ,congrats to the lucky winners x

A Happercrafter6 said...

Love the background Sue. Enjoyed yesterday's show - thanks for the ideas.
Re cheese: my son and daughter-in-law send me a wonderful box full of different cheeses from Paxton and Whitfield for my birthday last week. You could try there for your favourite. In the meantime, I'm enjoying mine!

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card, great technique. Congrats to the winners.
B xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
your pixie powder backgrounds are fabulous, the colours in this one stand out brilliantly. Great sentiment and just love the striplet, it had slipped under the radar until now but makes such a good background.
Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your prizes
Muriel x

Anonymous said...

Very effective card, Sue, like it a lot don't think I'll be trying this background as not so good with the arty (messy lol!) stuff. Missed yesterday's show but hope to see you later.
Well done to the comment winners - Bejay will be one happy lady for sure!
Nanna Tina - don't know how you cope, no wonder you can't sleep - and your poor sister and her daughter too. SO much worry.
Hugs all round - esp missing friends.

'P' in Wales

Tina T said...

Morning Sue and crafters all,
Lovely card and amazing colours.
Sentiment is very on trend for all those injured over the last few days, also their families and friends!!!!
The same sentiment goes out to all those ladies doing the Race for Life in Hull xxx
Congratulations to weekly winners xx
Love and crafty hugs
Tina T xxxx💐💐

auscrafts said...

Lovey card ,great stilet die
Congratulations to the winners I know you'll enjoy your prize (love mine from last week)

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue x xhazel

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Love this card. I especially like the background. Congratulations winners!
Anne M xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, great card, I don't think it needs flowers. it is lovely as it is.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Great card

Chris Curry said...

Lovely, striking card Sue. I have pixie powders and want to try this . Thank you. Xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, a great card, and amazing technique. Love Pixie powders, but have learnt the hard way that you need very little (lol). Loved yesterday's shows and will be watching today.

Love Rosemarie X X

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Gorgeous card, love the caught in (pixie powder) crystal background and I agree that sometimes less is more and this card doesn't need anything else. Great shows yesterday, I'm planning to "do the ironing" this afternoon so I'll be able to watch uninterrupted. Congratulations to all the blog winners this week.
Nanna Tina - well done on keeping up with Mick's appetite, it must be a relief for you that he's eating well. Hugs to all, special thoughts to Tracy, Elaine, Melody and Molly. xxx

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love it. I must try that technique. I am looking forward to your shows today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card, love the background.

Congrats to the winners.


Unknown said...

Hi Sue. This is yet another stunning card. I live the background on this 1. Will have to try out the pixie powders I think. Hugs. Pam xx

Clare Powell said...

Gorgeous card, love the background. Must get some pixie powders to try out. Looking forward to watching your shows again today x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue. This is yet another stunning card. I live the background on this 1. Will have to try out the pixie powders I think. Hugs. Pam xx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Fabulous card the background is so pretty! I am really enjoying your shows and looking forward to today's show.
Hugs x
Heather T

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
Wow this card is gorgeous, I love it.
I have been toying with getting the pixie powders, and after seeing what you and John have created with them I succumbed yesterday.
I have ordered them all, well I couldn't choose which I liked best lol.
Congratulations to all the winners today and yesterday
Have a lovely day and thanks for sharing your lovely card with us.

lilian said...

Hi Sue, lovely card, love the back ground , only tried once many years ago and it was a mess.
Not tried the pixie powders.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
SINGING to me - that's what this card does. It's FABULOUS.
I was a bit like Maggie, couldn't decide so now proud owner of 11 of the pixie powders.
Hugs, Rose

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Watched you demo this card on Hochanda earlier this month - loving the Pixie Powders, don't have any of them yet but Sis brought me up a selection to have a little play with a few weeks ago and I can vouch that you need a very light touch when puffing them out of their bottles! Jubilee striplet is growing on me too, makes such a pretty panel on this card...

Congratulations to all the Comment Game winners...


Unknown said...

Stunning card
Love it
Congratulations to the lucky winners

marg said...

Hello Sue
Just right for a male card its so versatile!
Well done to the winners!
Nice to hear Yvonne on Hochanda, made me laugh!
My Oval Dies came yesterday, and with the Memory Box Die, they are becoming my favourites!
Watching today too!
Love Marg

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely card. I saw you demoing this and it intreagued me at the time, hubby was in the room and stopped to watch too and said that's interesting. I haven't got the pixie powders yet though so will be looking out for them as they make such an interesting background. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxxx

Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Xxx
Sending hugs to Tina and Mick and Elaine and Andrew and special hugs to Tracey xxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Great card, love the background. Looking forward to watching the show today.
Congratulations to the winners.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Beautiful, love the hugs die which is set off stunningly by the vibrant background.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the background .love Jean Z xxxx

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue, beautiful card this morning love the pixie powders background. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Love it, I love the vibrant colours of the pixie powders. Just catching up with your second hour yesterday. Have fun on your shows today. SueL x

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Lovely card & great background. Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Yvonne xx

gwen70 said...

Gorgeous card, love the background

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I love the background effect and will definitely be trying this technique when I've bought some pixie powders. Your demonstrations yesterday were brilliant and it was nice to be reminded of how you do your embossed frames. Am looking forward to seeing more great ideas today. Congratulations to the three lucky winners today. Sending best wishes

NannaShaz said...

Good morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
Beautiful Summery card today love the colours in the background definatelygoing to have to buy some pixie powders to try it out. Loved the demonstrations yesterday Sue and will watch and record todays shows as well
Hope you all have a lovely day
Sharon xx

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue wow the pixie powders look fantastic I have a few but will need to get some more! Lovely card

Crafty Cruiser said...

A very different card today. I like the background
Doreen R

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue wow the pixie powders look fantastic I have a few but will need to get some more! Lovely card

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Pretty card. Love your word dies.
Have a great day everyone.

June Horrocks said...

Love this card sue I will have to get pixi powders there on my list enjoyed the shows yesterday brill!!!! Love all the tips See you later sue
Love always June Horrocks xxxx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Simplicity is stunning. Hugs, Ivy C x

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, the pixie powders look lush!!!
Cards not bad either : )
Congrats to winners!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. The background is gorgeous. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous I saw you demo this the pixie powders look amazing.

BenteS said...

A wonderful card, love the background!
Congrats to all the lucky winners this week!

Rosemary Stickland said...

Love the background on this card.
Congratulations to the winners.
Rosemary xx

jane said...

Morning Sue
Loved the shows yesterday and recorded them both .
Beautiful card today makes me feel very happy.

Love and hugs xxx

Bejay said...

Morning Sue,
Well...what a beautiful card today, I love the pixie powders :)
What a fantastic surprise to see my name amongst the comment winners for the week. Thanks so much for picking me out of the hat!!
Bejay xx

Unknown said...

Morning sue.

Love this card. Loved watching u demo it as well those pixie powders do look like fun but u know me don't like messy stuff lol.

Thank u all for ur kind words yesterday esp pam, helen b, Lynda b, and nanna Tina.
Glad Mick is doing much better. Too

Love to all xx

Unknown said...

Ps congratulations to the comment winners
Enjoy ur prize xx

JAO said...

Fab card Sue.

Unknown said...

Oh and it was nice to hear Yvonne g on the telly yesterday with u sue. Ur shows yesterday were fantastic as always and look forward to today's too. Xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card, the background is lovely and the die say's it all.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A lovely card Sue. I did try this technique a while back but not on acetate just on glossy white card. I have yet to make it into a card lol.

Congrats to all the winners. xx

Pussycats said...

Just stunning as always , love the colours. I love how the hugs die is really brought to life and used so differently

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Fantastic card :-) Congratulations to the winners. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Anne said...

I did a similar technique with Julia at her workshop. It looks great.

Anne (Northampton)

sued99 said...

Great card. Saw the demo of this and thought it looked fun to do

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, an eye catching card and I love the way you created the background, the colours are gorgeous and the Jubilee Striplet is waiting to join my collection. I enjoyed yesterday's shows and am looking forward to watching you again this afternoon.

Congratulations Bejay, Snuffy Snoo and Liz S on being this week's comment game winners, enjoy your prizes.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday.


julie laz said...

Hi sue, lovely card, your show's are fab, getting ready for today's crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

Annie Stamps said...

Love the striplet background Sue, it's gorgeous. I don't have any pixie powders yet but I have other products I can play with. Bet the polished glitter will give it a beautiful sparkle.

I've been busy knitting and crocheting outfits for my great granddaughter this week. When I've finished them I can play with the Christmas Blessings die I won on the blog. It's a fabulous die, perfect size for making larger cards for loved ones at Christmas. Thank you Sue. x

Annie P

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Stunning background with the pixie powders and I love your perspective dies especially for clean and simple cards. Loved the shows yesterday, great demos as always and will watch today's show later this evening as I'm taking Sarah, her mum and other Nanny out shopping this afternoon
Congratulations to all the winners, enjoy your prizes
Yvonne you've definitely pipped Laine to the post, having your letter read out on the last shows and then talking to her yesterday live on air with the promise of more white chocolate fudge!!!
Special hugs to Tracy, Elaine, Nanna Tina and Wheelybad

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous design with the hugs die set and the gorgous background!! Great technique, too, with these powders!

Paula said...

A beautiful card Sue, I do love your striplets, you can do so many things with them. :) I love the effect of the Pixie Powders too.
Hugs to all in need of them today,
Paula x

Unknown said...

To My Dearest Special Friend Sue,
Today's Card Is Truly Very Beautiful I Just Love Your Fabulous Demo Wth
The Pixie Powders You've Used The Colours Are Quite Outstanding, Rich, And Opulent
Also The Very Pretty Background Die Then The Awesome Hugs Die
Then Placing The Kisses Die Inside Looks Tremendous.
Sue I So Enjoyed Yesterday Show's Also I Taped Them So I Can Catch Up Once Again In Case I Missed Anything.
I'm Looking Forward To Today's...
Sue My Friend Thank You For "This Wonderful Blog" And All The Inspiration You Share
I Truly Appreciate Everthing You Do Thank You So Very Much....
Warmest Fond Wishes To Wonderful Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes "Congratulations To This Weeks Comment Gift Winners" Enjoy!!!!!
Huge Hugs To Steph Take Care...

Glenharon said...

Good afternoon Sue and the Wilsonettes,
This card gives such a warm glow off it and on a day like today when according to O.H. the sun would be splitting the sky and all we have is dull grey and dark moody clouds that are chasing each other across to see who can win. What a really nice card that doesn't say much but says all it needs to with its simple words, Tracy flower i would send this to you if i only had your address. Thank you Sue for a lovely card that says all it needs to quite simply.
Well done to Bejay and all of this weeks winners, i hope that you enjoy your prize when it arrives.
Elaine, i hope that you are having a much needed rest flower on your few days away and that Andrew is taking care of himself while Mum is having some much needed rest.
Tina and Mick, keep it up and hopefully Mick will see himself recovering in strength and hopefully getting back more use of his limbs.
Tracy its lovely to see you in flower and we are here for you, that's what friends do, pick you up when you need them most.
Tina and Claire, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Anthea's family, sending hugs down to you all.
Well i am going up the stair to watch a certain lovely lady on TV and hopefully get peace and quiet to do so as i never got to see her yesterday at all and only got the 2nd half of the first hour and 2nd hour to record. Have fun Sue and i wonder how many people you will recognise from your blog today on tv?
Sending hugs to Elaine & Andrew, Tina & Mick, Tracy & Sis, and Tina E, Claire & Anthea's family
love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

sandieann21 said...

I need a hug today so love this. 3 weeks without a kitchen and painting walls and ceiling is hard work!

karenlotty said...

So effective It really packs a punch I'm going to try a variation of this with the HAPPY set

Lynda's craft's said...

Hello Sue
Wow lovely card today I love the background done with the pixy powders so bright & cheerful card I love love love it
I must get that die.its on my must have list
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

TRACY my special Hug's for you the bravest lady I know love Lynda xxx

Elaine hope you are enjoying your break & ANDREW is still eating & looking after himself
While your away.for a much neaded rest. Hug's xxx

TIna hope Mike is still improving & keeps it up & get stronger each day Hug's xx

Wheelybad love & Hug's cuddles for Billy.xxxx

Tina & Clair my thoughts & Preayers are with you & Anthea family you have all had so much to deal with latly.
Big Hug's Lynda xxxx

Congratulations to the comment game winners xx

Unknown said...

great design


gailgale said...

I love this HUGS die.
Such a fun die.
I like how you did this card.
It could be done in so many colors.

Nataliascraft said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the beautiful background and your dies are amazing x

Jean said...

Lovely background!

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful card Sue

congratulations to the winners

gr karin van eijk

Suebak said...

Love your background Sue. I have some of your word dies but am awaiting delivery of HUGS!

Susan x

barbara macaskill said...

Congratulations to the three comment winners! Enjoy your prizes!!
LOVE this background!! I am intrigued by it and am going to try to attempt it later today!Thanks for the inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

This card is gorgeous, vibrant background, fantastic dies, I think the 'hugs' die is fantastic, as are the rest of these 'family' dies

Congratulations to the comment winners

June x

Sue MacFall said...

Loved the shows, Sue. Thank you for showing us so many ways of using the dies and embossing folders.
Sue Mac

ursula said...

This is such a beautiful background technique and once again you have shown it up beautifully, a stunning card.....luv Ursula xx

Lorraine Freeman said...

I love the background to today's card as it's so vibrant but still classy. Hugs is useful for so many occasions. I don't have any pixie powders either, I might be able to add them when I go to the West point show in September. Mum and I are going for a few days to spend time with her siblings and it just so happens the show will be on whilst we are there. That will be my consolation for missing Ally Pally again.
Congratulations to this week's winners good to see you a regular in Beejay. The others might be too but I don't recognise the names but then my memory is awful.
I have been catching up on a few bits of housework but I have to keep resting in between, I want to craft but can't seem to get myself to the table.
Thinking of Tracy, Elaine and Andrew, Tina and Mick and my special blog buddies, love to you all xxx

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Love the background sue it really enhances the die x beautiful card x thoroughly enjoyed your shows they were fantastic x I could watch you create all day x
Yvonne shall I have to ask for your autograph at ally pally now you're famous ? Lol x it was lovely to hear your chat with sue although I'm a little jealous that I won't be getting any fudge xxx
Tina so pleased mick is eating so well he must really be buildng his strength up x sending hugs x
Elaine sending you hugs too x
Wheely bad fingers crossed for mr w tomorrow and hope you are well x
Congratulations to the very lucky winners x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Eunice said...

Love the color in your background, I believe you said it was done with Pixie Powders, interesting. Would love to see a demo on how to use the Pixie Powders.

Jean Bullock said...

Lovely card! That hugs sentiment die is very cool. I pinned to my Sue board.

Janet Wilson said...

Fab coloured background, & love the white layer on top.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card delightful background and of course one of my so go to dies "Hugs"

congratulations to the winners.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

CraftyJo said...

I think it's lovely just as it is - needs nothing else ;)

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I am at my brother's flat again today to use his internet connection as I have had no broadband since Wednesday. Hopefully they will be able to fix it tomorrow!
I managed to watch most of your shows today, but lost satellite connection half way through the second hour due to the oak tree in next doors garden blocking the signal, so will have to catch up on catch up. We had better sell the house soon as it seems to be completely falling apart.

Love todays card. I think it looks special enough without flowers (and also easier to send through the post). I will definitely have to get some pixie powders at some point as they look fab.


liz spooner said...

Hi Sue it was such a surprise to open your blog today and see my name. Thank you for the chance of winning. Loved the shows this weekend.xx

Dawn Holben said...

OOH i love this one, absolutely love the background.
Gorgeous colours and the wonderful hugs die.
I love this one.

Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

As you know, I don't generally "do" simpler cards but this one is absolutely perfect without any fuss and flowers since the glorious Jubilee die, hugs die and technicolor background are more than enough to tantalise the eyes.
Pixie powders are a mystery to me, I've seen the demos but have yet to splash out and buy's not that I don't like the results, they're stunning in fact, it's just I'm a little scared of the mess and confused by all the different techniques....did you spritz the lacquer and pixie powder dust with water before applying the tissue paper? You see! An absolute idiot, I'd be dangerous with a brain:-)
Despite my confusion with the technique, I absolutely love the end results, the colours are stunning, so rich and vibrant. I wasn't a huge fan of the Perspective range fearing that they would limit me to rather simple cards....the only limit was clearly my imagination and I am now the proud owner of quite a few dies from the range. The Jubilee striplet is tremendous as a background, it shows just enough of the colourful background without it overwhelming the main Hugs die. Lovely card as always Sue, you can do no wrong my dear:-)
What a busy couple of days it's been for our dear Sue, working so hard for our benefit, producing works of art with grace and humility only for it to be ruined by a rogue phone call during one of her shows......that Yvonne is making a real pest of herself with her wild claims at being the no.1 Wilsonette, Sue must be getting soooo bored with it now yet she good naturedly humoured her, or should that be pacified her, it was live tv after all and God knows the damage she could have caused live on air! What concerned me most was that Sue was under the impression that we would both need security present during our visit, presumably to protect Sue and other visitors naturally, I would recommend those precautions for Yvonne but for myself?!?!? Unfortunate that I am tarred with the same brush:-)
Apart from the rude interruption I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two days demos, a fact reflected in my empty bank account this evening:-) I watched today assuming that I wouldn't be tempted by the bundle after yesterday's purchase....and because I haven't really done any wedding/ anniversary cards in the past but I was so inspired by Sues beautiful examples and demos that I couldn't resist adding it to my collection:-) Sue, you are a marvel and a constant source of inspiration, I only wish that you were demoting your dies tomorrow because as good as John is, nobody can hold a candle to you in my eyes, I'll still be buying the bundle though because I'm desperate for the Noble circles.
Elaine, I really feel for you over the situation with your neighbour, everyone knows that my cats are my world and I wouldn't give them up for anyone but I also know how annoying it can be when they turn day into night and disturb your least with Darcey, she is my baby, I love her and it's my choice to tolerate it when she misbehaves but you have no control other than to complain and complain you must. If your neighbour loves her cat and has any empathy she will do all she can to help the situation....why not remove all the toys for a start?Good luck with it and hugs to you and Andrew
Tina, how heartening to hear about Micks increased appetite, it must be a load off your mind to watch him get vital nourishment. Hope that you are remembering to look after yourself because it's a real strain being a carer even when you have some outside help. Take care
Tina, lovely to hear from you, so glad your Dads funeral went well, raising £600 is wonderful. I'm not in the least bit surprised that you were a source of such strength and comfort for your sister, you have true grit and strength honey and it will stand you in good stead as you come to terms with your loss. Sending you hugs.


Unknown said...

Theresa , don't even go there! , I had to tolerate a lengthy conversation with Yvonne last night when I was reminded until my ears bled that she was now famous so we don't need you encouraging her in her delusions:-)
Yvonne, just in case you were wondering, I've just about recovered from our loooong chat yesterday but if I hear you crow about your new found celebrity status again I won't be responsible for my actions:-)
Sue, received my prize yesterday, a beautiful butterfly stamp set, and I am over the moon with it, Thankyou xxx
Congrats to all of this weeks lucky recipients, Sues generosity knows no bounds:-)
Hugs to all my blog buddies, including Beth, P, Pam, Pat, Frances, Lorraine, Linda, Rebecca, Jan, Wheely Bad and Mariaxxxx

Crafty hugs


Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

Love this card,the colours are beautiful. I'm slowly buying up lots of your dies and building up my Sue collection. I have to say they are all fabulous. I love all your You Tube demo's they are so great to watch and have on hand for us newbies who are just starting out.

Your shows on Hochanda have been great and I have them all recorded to watch over when I'm making my next shadow box card among others (I have the birthday one but I think I now need to invest in the wedding and the festive versions of this now as they are all fab) - I have even purchased some sequins to try a shaker version as you suggested in your shows earlier in the month. Hello to the bloggers who got a mention on Hochanda too - you're famous now too - hehe (like the sound of the white chocolate fudge cake Yvonne!). I hope you are now having some me time now Sue and we'll be watching John tomorrow as he takes over your reigns for the day.

Thank you so much Sue for all the hard work and time you must have put in to putting all the fab collections together to make it easier for us crafter's to get playing as soon as the come through the door - we all appreciate it very much. I hope you will be able to come up to Scotland to do some demo's sometime soon as we'd love to have you.

Happy crafting!

Tracie :-) xx

Littlelamb said...

Lovely card Sue. I enjoyed all the shows which I watched on Catch Up as every time I tried to watch them live they kept freezing. Managed to watch them all in the end. Thank you.

Princess Pixie! said...

Evening Sue
Well I do hope you are resting up after working so hard on Hochanda for our pleasure. Absolutely brilliant shows with so many fab samples and out of this world demos. Thank you so much Sue for being so brilliant x
Today's card is so cool. I am a huge fan of the Perspective dies and this is amazing. The Pixie Powders are sparkelicious and I have yet to play with the ones I ordered when you were on Hochanda the last time. Videos on the blog of how to use them would be appreciated - hint hint. Lol x
Lovely sunny day today which was handy as my friend opposite was having a children's party in the garden with a bouncy castle. Once the children's party was finished it was time for the real fun to begin with a mountain of BBQ food and enough booze to fill a reservoir!!! Things are still in full swing over their but I admitted defeat at about 7.30 after stuffing my face and drinking tea - no alcohol for me - that would not be pretty, lol x
Maria - I noticed that you were telling Laine that I am harmless earlier in the week. Kindly refrain from ruining my reputation. I want her to be afraid, lol x
P - boys still not talking. I had really hoped that 'things' would have sorted themselves out but alas - no. Both of them are stubborn and I really have no idea how or if things will be resolved. It really does bother me but I try not to think about it as I am not the one who can change things. It's my birthday this week and it will be the first time ever that we will not all be together to celebrate which upsets me - hey ho. Thanks for asking but wish I could be more upbeat about the situation x
Maggie - I am so pleased your craft room is sorted - a bit of me space for bit of me time x
Elaine - I am glad that Andrew is feeling better. You must take the matter with your neighbour and her cat further. You cannot go on with disturbed sleep it will be so detrimental to your wellbeing. It sounds like she is quite selfish so you could try talking to her calmly again but if she has not got the message now I don't think she will. Do what you need to do. Hugs x
Julie - I'm 47 going on 13. What is wrong with acting like a giggly teenager - I have mastered the art, lol x
Wheely - what a fab feeling it must be to have crossed that sewing machine of your want list - well done you. 1 down, 2 to go. Hope the interview goes well tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Hugs x
Lorraine - so pleased you have sorted 'things' out. Hopefully you are feeling brighter now. Huggles x
Tina - who ate all the pies?!! So good that Mick has got his appetite back. Hope you are taking care of you. Hugs x
Tracy - so good to have you back hun. Been thinking of you. It sounds like you did your dad proud and gave him such a fitting send off. £600 - wow - brilliant. You have been so dignified through this really arduous time and you need to give yourself a huge pat on the back. Let's hope it's onwards and upwards for you. Lots of love x
Pat L - being Sue's favourite is an honour but takes hard work and thoughtful planning on my part! Obviously I have this new Celebrity Status after my little chat with Sue live on air! Laine is terribly bitter as you can imagine but I hope in time she can learn to live with the situation because it ain't going to change. Lol x
Theresa W - an autograph??!! I am not one of these Celebrities that will change over time and think that you are all beneath me but I do have my limits. If I give you an autograph then everyone will want one and before we know it it will just create havoc. I don't want to cause a scene and will need to keep things low key. I hope you understand x

Princess Pixie! said...

Sorry - had to split my comment x
Laine - if retail therapy helps you deal with being friends with someone who has such a huge public profile then you go girl! Seriously - not surprised you couldn't resist especially after watching Sue creating such beautiful cards. The question is will you be able to resist tomorrow's bundle? I will get my PA to contact you regarding our next phone call - obviously I have alot of commitments so I'll see if we can pencil you in. Lol! Fingers crossed speak to you tomorrow. Hugs x
OK folks. Bedtime for me I think. In for some scorchers over the next couple of days. That's lots of washing on the line for me - yay! I do still do my own washing even though I have gone up in the world! Fame is not going to change me. Lol x
Take care
Love and happy thoughts
Crafty hugs

Betty McAlister said...

Evening Sue. Gorgeous background using the lovely striplet with the pixie powders, and great Hugs die. So vibrant. X

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm sorry I've been missing for a couple of days but we had visitors for the weekend! I'm shattered now as there were nine of us for lunch today! I have watched the first hour of your Shows! I loved the blue checkerboard card with the Love Die! It was beautiful.
I'm going to bed now but just wanted to pop in to say I saw yesterday's lovely card too. Love today's also.
Tracy - thanks to Pam I went and looked for your Post! Isn't Pam a Star! I'm so pleased everything went well at your Dad's funeral. What a lot of money you raised - your Dad was clearly highly regarded. Still thinking of you and your sister.
Night Night everyone - thanks Sue!
Love Myra x

Brenda said...

Hi Sue, What a fantastic card. I LOVE IT ALL.
Love Brenda xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card certainly has the wow element, love the colours behind the white die cut background, and the HUGS is one of my favourite dies. Bx

Linda Graham said...

How you created the background is amazing,love the result and the card,thank you,Linda x

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card, Congratulations to all the winners

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card, love your background, so vibrant.
Congratulations to all the winners, x

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Hi all I am playing catch up yet again Su. No change there then
Beautiful card as always loved your shows watched on catch up brilliant
Hugs to all that need one
Theresa G X

Yorkie girl said...

I'm back.
Sorry forgot to say congratulations to all the blog comment winners
Enjoy your prizes
Theresa G x

julie laz said...

Hi sue, sorry not commented, but been too ill,
just want you to no I always go back and look at your art work,
I love all your cards and I copy most of them lol,
Crafty hugs Julie laz xxx