Saturday, 19 April 2014


 Hi guys!  Today is the day that I have been looking forward to for quite a while as I'm really excited about actually showing off my dies on tv (wish me luck!)  I know that they have been out for several months now but I have been making cards with them since October so there are loads of samples that I haven't shown off yet!  This card is one of my favourites and would have been perfect for the wedding shows I just finished!  Using the Heart Striplet die, I cut it four times using the outside cutting edge each time.  Next I used just the outside edge and cut four backing pieces out of silver card.  I glued the decorative striplet piece (which I cut out of milk card) to the silver backing piece and added mounting foam to the backs.  Using my Basketweave embossing folder, I embossed a piece of milk card and matted it on silver.  I arranged my striplets so they were in a square and overlapping on one end.  I thought they made such a pretty frame like that.  I cut a length of silver satin  ribbon and made a flower from it following the exact same technique that I showed in my very first video found here   I seated the flower on some silver seam binding and added a stick pin and some dried baby's breath.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it into a flag and tucked the end under the flower.  I finished the card some flatback pearls around the striplets and a double pierced milk mat.  Finished dimensions are 8" x 8" in size.  I hope you can tune in for today's shows at 9am, 12 noon and 6pm and Sunday at 11am and 2pm!

I didn't forget either to do the drawing and  the winner of the Wednesday card giveaway is:

Julie laz!!!

Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize!

You may have noticed (how could you miss it! LOL) that I have put up a link to all my YouTube videos on the right hand side of the blog.  If you click the link, then look in the upper right hand corner, you can click to become a subscriber.  This means that when ever there are more videos loaded on to You Tube, you will be sent an email notifying you of them (no need to wait until they are posted on my blog that way!)  If we can get the subscribers up, I think I shall have to celebrate that with a giveaway too!  All for now, Sue x


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Anonymous said...

Morning Sue, Wow, this is the die I won from you! I would not have thought to use it this way, it looks fabulous. I am off to Longleat for the day with Louise and family so will miss your shows today, so will have to record. I am sure your dies will fly off the screen, but good luck anyway. Love Jean xx

Pam said...

So very very beautiful today Sue, will be watching later. Congrats to Julie Laz. Happy Easter weekend to all on the blog.

Clai01 said...

Have a great time Sue, can't wait to see the shows and the card, well it's just super gorgeous!

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good Morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!
Another absolutely stunning card I have this heart striplet and may use it later.

Congratulations Julie enjoy!!

Just before I sign off I want to apologise for my hasty comment in response to a couple of negative comments yesterday. Because I felt hurt, I took them too personally and so have re-considered and I will continue to blog but his is only because, would hate to hurt Sue who takes such pride and pleasure in this blog, and who is so considerate of all of us. This is a wonderful family and a big thanks to Pam and Lynda etc.
If we stop blogging it would hurt Sue so I guess we just have to carry on regardless and to those who do not like non-crafting comments will have to just not read them. I am genuinely sorry if any of my comments upset anyone. Please keep blogging and supporting this special family.!! Have a really lovely day everyone.
I have a swim, planned and then hunting for wedding shoes, bag and jewels.
Hugs to all those who need them and I will take any I can get too!! AH!! that's better
Cameeli xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card. Love those flowers! Am looking forward to seeing your shows this weekend and all those lovely samples. Thank you for sharing. Happy Easter to all.

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - this is the day we Wilsonettes have been waiting for also - Sue demoing her own dies for 5 hours over 2 days - yeehah! Love this card - it's a must try no question about that. The borders look like lace and love that flower.

What will sell out first I wonder? - my bet is the leaves or bows - we shall see....

Enjoy the shows - you have demoed for other companies for quite a while so it must be very special to be demoing your own dies - I bet you have lots and lots of mega fab samples as you always do.
Clare W

Pat said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card again
I have some of your dies and an looking forward to seeing new ways to use them
Happy Easter Pat x

Sonia Jones said...

Love card today. I do hope to catch your shows today. Hugs to all Sonia x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This card is beautiful everything about it is stunning. It would make a fantastic wedding card. Your dies will fly of the tv because everyone loves them and we might be able to get the one us crafters are missing because every where sold out of them so quickly. Good Luck for your shows. Hopefully we will not have to wait to long before you are back on the tv. Congrats to the winner are your beautiful card. Happy Easter everyone have a lovely weekend.
Best Wishes.
Denise x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, abfab card . Love how you have used the striplet die. Hope getting up at 4am wasn't too much of an ordeal. Thanks for your email last night. I like Cameeli took some of the comments made to heart and felt it better not to blog any longer than to cause further issues. However after being informed by yourself that it gives you great pleasure to read your bloggers daily comments even if they are not craft related I will with your blessing continue to regale all with my fur babies antics. Lol lynne m x x

Well yesterday Tilly decided again that it would be a great idea to sit on my lap on the wooden bench sunbathing. ( loopy dog) Cully ( blue merle) not to be outdone thought she could go one better and pranced up and down the garden path . The only way I can describe her movements is like a horse doing dressage? sort of flicking her paws as she went. Needless to say cuz hubby looking after them they behaved. When he was saying to me that they are little angels I'm sure the little b's had cheshire cat grins on their faces.
Cameeli - big hugs to you sweetie and more to anyone else on the blog that needs them. Lol to all lynne m x x x

tracy w said...

Morning sue
I love this blog site you really are a talent lady can you give me such great ideas for my cards you have help me out a lot like this card is stunning good luck with the shows today and tomorrow hope you have a sell out thanks Tracy w x

kitty davies said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you the card is beautiful, you always come up with another brilliant idea. Have a great weekend everyone congrats to Julie, Cameeli Ihope you can find all you are looking for. Take care all. try not to get chocolate on your projets lol. Kitty

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Hi Sue

Forgot to say Good Luck!! for the shows today and I will be watching later.
Cameeli xx

Rosie said...

Another brilliant card!

Hazel said...

Just stunning Sue. Enjoy your time with your family and looking forward to seeing your show. Hazel xx

Unknown said...

Awesome card, can't wait to see your shows!

Hugs Alice xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card, Sue, love the colours and the gorgeous flower. Have the other striplet die so could give it a whirl! Will see as much of the shows as possible this weekend.
Well done, Julie, you'll love the card.

'P' in Wales

Cameeli and Lynne - glad you're still here! Cameeli - how's the eBosser??

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, love how you arranged the die cuts to form a frame and your sweet flowers too.
Off to paint the sons ceiling so I can catch your 9am show, good luck for the weekend.
Donna Jones

Unknown said...

Morning Sue Beautiful card again I wish I new more words to use as always saying the same things. Good luck for the weekend shows I am away so will set the recorder. It's my daughters 30th so visiting plus it's Easter so will be doing the Easter bun us job Sunday morning. For my granddaughter.
Debra x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Really beautiful card, you are so clever thinking outside the box.
I have already placed my order for the flowers and leaves as I have wanted them since they came out . I know you will have sell outs today as your dies are Fab u lous . Tele all set for the shows.
Have a safe flight and big hugs for your Mom.
Love Jan x x

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue WOW i love it its so classy love this idea of making a frame. It will make a wonderful wedding csrd. Good luck for todays shows.
Happy Easter Sue xxx

Debs A

floss said...

Hi Sue,
Well what a stunner you have given us today. I bought this die from Joanna Sheen, when they first came out and am ashamed to say, have not used it yet. Today is a 'play day' so maybe today's the day. Good luck with your shows today Sue. It looks like C and C have managed to give us some decent prices at last. X

Anonymous said...

morning Sue
Thank you for such a beautiful gift to start my day. I can see Wedding/Silver Wedding Ann/Golden Wedding ann and many more occasions for this gift.
I love this die (although it's not yet in my collection I'm hoping that it soon will be. I have the other striplet).
Good luck for today/tomorrow - although I don't really think you need it. As I said earlier in the week if orders are not place before 12.00 noon today I cannot really see there being much left. I already have placed my order - Calafonia dies so they will be waiting for my when I get back to the UK.
Please take my birthday wishes to Mom - it really doesn't seem a year since here 90th celebrations.
Good luck to all who have special days today.
Take care and see you tomorrow.
Janet x

Fieldsend said...

Morning Sue, wow what another lovely Stunner. Love the flower technique and going now to subscribe to your utube. Good luck with the shows. Have a great Easter.

Love June

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Thank you for the most beautiful gift today.
I can see weddings/silver ann/golden ann and many more occasions waiting for this gift.
Good luck with today although I don't think you're going to need it - I just know that if your order isn't in before 12.00 then you're quite likely not to get what you want.
To all who have special occasions today good luck.
Take care and see you tomorrow.
Please take my birthday greetings to Mom Sue.
Janet x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Stunning - the only word I could think of to describe this card. Another die to go on the wish list!. The magic box is set for all your shows but I hope to be able to catch some live. I've (hopefully) subscribed to your you tube channel too.
Congratulations to Julie Laz.
I apologise if my blog comments have upset anyone, this is the first blog I have followed and commented on and I wasn't aware of the "form". Happy Easter.
Sue xxx

Rachel Taylor said...

Beautiful Sue !
Good luck today ,i shall be watching .
Crafty hugs Rachel x

Rose in Chester said...

Morning Sue,
of course we wish you luck, even though you won't need it.
As to what will sell out first, my bet is the bows (or the faux quilled blooms and leaves).
This card is gorgeous, I love the striplet but never thought to use it in this way.
The flower is an exquisite stunner, too. Never been brave enough to make it but I must get out of my comfort zone, good for the soul they say.
Congrats to the winner. Have a Happy Easter everyone.
Shall be glued to the telly for quite a few hours today and tomorrow, YIPPEEEEEEEeee..
Oh I nearly forgot - thank you for the link to YouTube.
Hugs, Rose

JAO said...

Great card, looking forward to your shows.

Magzeeann said...

Hi Sue. I Love your use of the striplet die and I have this one so I'll give it a try later.Good luck for your shows, I'm really looking forward to them.Congratulations to Julie ~ you lucky lady! Thanks for the YouTube link Sue, I've just subscribed. Happy Easter! Hugs,
Maggie x

Carole Z said...

Hi Sue, this is fabulous! Looking forward to your show today, Happy Easter, Carole Z xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, You'll not need luck on T.V. Today with your Fabulous Dies as your a Star and your Dies are Well and Truly Amazing so Beautiful and Intricate.
I Love The Card you have shared with us today, I have this Fabulous Heart Striplet Die and it Cuts a Dream no wax paper needed, I Love your background using The Basket weave Embossing Folder.
I Love The Beautiful Flowers and Your Stick Pin, this Card like all of your Stunning Cards are so Awesome. I've clicked onto You Tube and it's great to have all your Video's in one area and it's a fabulous idea to have the chance to look back on anything if you've forgotten how to do a certain item.
I'm so looking forward to the shows you'll be a sell out!
Take Care Sue Love and Hugs from Sam x
To All The Wonderful Wilsonettes I do hope your well, I hope you all have a Terrific Easter, Congratulations to The Gift Winner Hugs from Sam

Angela Wade said...

Good morning Sue, looking forward to seeing more of your cards and demos with your dies on C&C later.Best Wishes to you and Have a Happy Easter everyone,

Angela in S.Wales x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
The striplet dies where the first ones I bought and I love them, this card is stunning and I have the folder as well so will give this one ago.
Congratulations to Julie on winning the card, lucky lady.
I for one love hearing all the stories from everyone we laugh together, we cry together and we craft together its like having one big pen friend family.
Hugs to Cameeli and anyone else that wants or needs one.
Off to see family today I was baking buns and biscuits to take with me just wish I could share the pictures.
Well best get a move on or will never be ready, have fun with the shows fingers crossed my recordings all go well while I'm out
Love and hugs to all
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

Anne O said...

Beautiful card. Stunning! What more is there to say. Roll on 2 days of C&C! Good luck. Best wishes, Anne O

carol edwards said...

Hello Sue and everyone. Beautiful card and clever use of the lovely dies. Look forward to the shows x

carol edwards said...

Forgot to say congratulations to Julie too x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I hope the shows go well this weekend. Your dies are amazing you will have lots of sell outs. My daughter and I came third in the Create and Craft birthday card competition. Have a great Easter everyone. Love Jackie

Nanny Jo said...

Stunning use of the striplet, Sue. The card is beautiful. Good luck with your shows, and Happy Easter to all . Jo xxx

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

Well, I'm up (which is a feat in itself) have my seat reserved on the sofa and ready for your first C&C show at 9.00 a.m. this morning. Break a leg! I love todays card and as you said it would have been so apt for the Wedding Show. The striplet is to be my next purchase, but which one I keep saying to myself?? Thank you for sharing this with us today and I was going to say Good Luck, but I KNOW I don't have to say that because, let's face it, it's a foregone conclusion. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Joan D said...

What a great way to use this die. I do have quite a fewof Sue's dies as I spent an absolute fortune on them at the NEC! but anyone who can't make up their mind to buy or not,go for it as the dies are stunning and cut out perfectly. Looking forward to the weekend shows.good luck Sue,although I'm sure you'll be absolutely great. Have fun x x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Wow! Oh! Wow! what a stunning card, love, love, love it.
Have one Striplet Die now I think I NEED that one as well.
Have a great day
happy Easter to you and yours

Patricia xxx

camelot67 said...

Apologies, It's me again - I omitted to congratulate Julie Laz on being the winner of Wednesday's card giveaway - well done Julie.
Margaret A.

mabex said...

YIPPEE!! Much better than Easter Eggs... the wonderful, talented,Generous SUEperb SUE WILSON on our screens. Just like the old days!! LOVE this masterpiece today, and thanks for the new addition to the blog ie. YOU TUBE. Mabex

Unknown said...

Hi CraftySueToo, there is no "form" to this blog , Sue loves to hear all our comments whether crafty or not. So go for it Girl anytime you want x x lol lynne m x x x x

doreenj said...

More dies to add to my wish list!
Will be watching today,

Doreen x

PharmacyMichele said...

Another great card-you've made me think about using my dies differently now! Off to set the Sky box to record. Congrats to the winner & Happy Easter to everyone-am hoping chocolate will cheer me up as i'm really feeling the loss of my Mum right now.


Jan.moogie said...

Its Sue Wilson day today yea. Lovely card Sue could be used for anything even that wedding card you still have to make or that Christening card that is always a bit difficult. Ideas are floating round in my Head. Thanks for sharing.xx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

That is a stunning card, just shows how versatile your dies are and by experimenting what can be achieved. Looking forward to tuning in. You are an inspiration in many ways.

Easter blessings to all.

Aspiring crafter said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card.
You won't need any luck -your dies will just sell out !
So glad you are pleased Sue after all your hard work.
Enjoy the shows we will all be watching or recording,

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Great use of that beautiful die, love this

Suejimbel said...

Lovely card Sue. Will be glued to telly for,your first show so I don't miss out! You don't need luck - you will be fab (but god luck anyway!) x

Suejimbel said...

Lovely card Sue. Will be glued to telly for,your first show so I don't miss out! You don't need luck - you will be fab (but god luck anyway!) x

karenlotty said...

WOW to the card I treated myself to the other Striplet at AP Will have to try this card using it Congrats Julie and Jackie a huge well done for coming third On the other matter please don't stop blogging I think a few people took it all the wrong way Personally I visit here for inspiration and therapy Sometimes I need a reason to get out of bed Part of my problem is (I don't have time) is that many people go back and leave extra comments that I don't see and feel left out of the conversation which seems confusing But that's my fault

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Love this card. Congrats to Julie and to you Sue, good luck I'm sure you will be brilliant as always.
Beverley W

Unknown said...

I love this die and think I may need it. Look forward to your
shows today and thanks for the link to you YouTube to follow you.

weefortune said...

Good luck Sue, I'm really excited about the shows too have set them all to record, have a great day Elaine x

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card Sue love it. Good luck 2day with ur shows I hope there's plenty stock of ur dies.
Big hugs

Maryann Laursen said...

Sooooooooooo beautiful card here again Sue. I really like this a lot.
I´ve been following your You Tube for quite a while, and love, that I can see them, when ever I have the best time to do so.

gwen70 said...

Can't wait for today Sue, this card is beautiful

Jane said...

Love today's card the flower is beautiful. looking forward t today's shows good luck you wont need it your dies are fabulous, same as your cards.

Jane xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue - I love this card it is really beautiful. I have been a bit lazy and only looked at the blog the last couple of days but both cards Thursday and Good Friday were simply stunning too.

Good luck (not that you need it) with all your shows. Will order from Joanna Sheen if I want anything as I am having problems with C&C at the moment.

Cameeli just carry on as normal as I say to people who complain about the TV - there is a button called off (Scroll through) if they don't like it.

Hope all are well at there and will enjoy Easter in some way. Prayers and thoughts and lots of hugs for anyone who is in need. Chocolate here I vcome diet to start in May. Helen xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Fabulous card, love the way you have used the striplet die,so clever, I have the other striplet now I need this one too. Really looking forward to your shows bet there will be many sell outs.
Have a good day.

Lacelady said...

Morning Sue, 8.20am, and I'm sitting in front of the TV waiting for you to come on. I have the sound muted, because I find Dave irritating to listen to, so I hope he isn't on with you.
I have the other striplet design, so I guess I could use your idea, but would end up with a different card. Congrats to Julie, I bet she will be happy when she reads her name. Have a great Easter Weekend.

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Well Sue, you know how much of a Striplet fan I am. They are such a versatile die and your wonderful card shows this. Looking forward to the shows.
Just to finish with my take on yesterday. Some opinions were expressed but nobody made a personal attack on anyone. Sue gives very generously of her time and creativity and sometimes it would be nice to see equal wordage given to her wonderful creations, that's all.
Onwards and upwards now eh ladies?
Have a great day.
Ang x

heather harrison said...

Morning Sue. What a beautiful card. Cant wait to see the shows. All the very best, im sure it will go really well. Have got the record set up as well. Hugs Heather.x

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
I hope you are prepared for today on C/ to watch you construct!
I have the Striplet, and use it like "John Next Door" to make boxes, he seems to use your Dies a lot and loves them!
Today's card is so pretty Sue!
Have a lovely day!
Take care
Love Marg

Micky French said...

Lovely card Sue. I just love all your dies and am trying to collect them all before the next set comes out.
I am really looking forward to your shows I have set the recorder too for the future.
Congratulations to Julie on winning the card.
Hugs to all love from Michelle xxxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely stunning and truly beautiful card. I love the striplet die but unfortunately can't afford it at the moment! Good luck for the shows today and tomorrow - have recorder already set- really looking forward to having you on our screens again. It must be lovely for you to be demonstrating YOUR fabulous dies instead of everyone else's. Cameeli and Lynne so pleased you are still with us, Michele my thoughts are with you, I know exactly how you feel. Congrats to Julie. Love to everyone and sending hugs to anyone who needs them. Love Alison xxx

Hilary said...

Good morning Sue, and to everyone.
So many different ways to use the Striplet dies and this card is fabulous!! Eagerly awaiting your shows as always. I have a feeling your dies will be a sell out immediately. Happy Easter to you and all the Wilsonettes. Enjoy your day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

Crisco said...

Such a gorgeous card.

Looking forward to your shows today and tomorrow. Good luck !

Marion said...

Hi Sue what a stunning card ,wish I could buy all the dies but not in a position to do so.looking forward to the shows .
Marion H

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
Oh this is such a beautiful card!
Loving your dies and hope to tune in as much as possible over the weekend.
Good luck, although I don't think you, will need it - there are going to be lots of sell outs!!!
Looking forward to seeing more of your fantastic samples.
Sheila x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue beautiful card great to see your striplet dies used in this way. I must have a go at this and the silver flowers.
just going to watch your 9anm show
Denise X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, what a gorgeous design! The daughter of a dear friend is getting married on Monday,so I hope you will forgive me for pinching this design! Looking forward to your shows this weekend, I'm sure the dies will just fly off the shelves...I will certainly be topping up my collection.
Love, Judy M

TDQ Karen said...

Looking forward to watching the shows today, this card looks great have subscribed to the you tube videos too. Xx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, a really beautiful and elegant card. Love the striplet dies, but I think I will be booted out the house if I buy any more at the moment. Looking forward to your shows. Bx

Debbie Tinks said...

Love the card Sue ....I have this die ..lovely the flowers...
Will be watching the shows on c/c..x

nancyd said...

Morning Sue,a absolutely stunning card
have this die and love it but I'm not
very good at thinking out the box would
not have thought to use it this way so
thanks again Sue that's why I'm glad your bringing your dies to
C&C to give us more ideas.
Congrats Julie.
Nancyd xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Yet another gorgeous card, this Heart Striplet die is so pretty.I know we keep saying it but ALL of your dies really are beautiful. GOOD LUCK on your first TV show sharing them, it must be a proud moment for you : ) I hope that they don't sell out too quickly or you will have to change your demos which I know you will have worked so hard on! I am looking forward to seeing more samples, I love seeing what you have come up with-always so inspiring. Enjoy yourself and have a safe journey each way on both days. You will be glad to get onto the plane won't you, hopefully to get some rest and relaxation with your Mom and family, and with Mom's 91st birthday to celebrate.
Pam, a hug for you as always, you put into words exactly what I was thinking over the comments left over the last 24 hours, well said. I am so glad that Cameeli, Lynne etc will continue to comment : ) Cameeli, I hope your shopping trip goes well today. Congratulations to Julie laz, you will love the card, and also Jackie Trinder on winning 3rd prize in the C & C comp, wonderful news, you must be very proud : ) Tina, hope the weather is kind for your daughters wedding today, have a wonderful time:) Rose, have a go at the ribbon flower, what have you got to lose? Just a bit of ribbon and a bit of time(use some ribbon that you aren't so keen on) Never be too scared to have a go. Good Luck : ) To everyone struggling for whatever reason I send a hug. Have a Happy Easter Sue and all Wilsonettes. Take care. I'm off now to watch you Sue. What a great way to spend the day : ). Take care.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I adore this card, a fabulous wedding card. Sitting with the remote in hand for your shows. I know they will be a sell out.

Love Rosemarie xx

bluebell-flowerwood said...

hello sue am ready to whatch,got all my work done yesterday. I am sure things will go well. crafting hugs bluebell-flowerwood.

julie laz said...


Just to let you all know the £15 money back for from ideal world dose not work, crafty hugs Julie xx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
TV on recorder on and all set to watch. Fabulous card, congratulations to Julie and Happy Easter to everyone
Best wishes, Pat

GeeBee88 said...

Hope today goes brilliantly Sue! Your dies are beautiful and looking forward to seeing your ideas for how they can be used (I already have several!) I'm recording all the shows as I know I'll want to see them at least twice.

Janice K said...

Loving the lacy look to this card, beautiful.x

Anonymous said...

Good luck Sue - I am out most of the day but am recording all the shows - they are stunning dies and will be a huge success, without any doubt.

Have fun.


Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, I have this die and love it will have to try this card as it is beautiful. Happy Easter to everyone love Jean Z xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous goreous card Good Luck with the show.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
This card is stunning, so beautiful I have one of these striplets so will try it
Happy Easter to you and your family and every one here.
Carol x

Julsb said...

Lovely card beautiful colours. Good luck for today. JB xxxx

Alison Couchman said...

I used to look at your blog occasionally Sue, but checking in and leaving a comment is now a regular occurrence. It's the inspiration you supply that keeps me coming back and today is another glorious example - such a stunner. I use my cheapie tablet and take a screen shot of the cards that i love most. I have a folder in my tablet's gallery of Sue's cards that I look at for ideas or just when I want to look at something lovely.
Congrats to Julie - lucky lady. Sorry you are struggling Pharmacy Michelle - it takes time so hang on in there.

Joanne K said...

Morning Sue, gorgeous card. Just sat watching the first show and I am blown away by all the stunning samples. Looking forward to all the demo's. Good luck. I am sure they will sell out. Kind regards Joanne K x

June Horrocks said...

Darling sue you will do wonderfully well with your dies on c&c to see your demos is very special to us so I know you will be fine thank you for sharing love always xxxxxxx dear ca

June Horrocks said...

Dear cammeeli please don't stop blogging yes sue will be upset and I will miss you so much when you can't get out much this blog is so important I love yours stephs and all the other clever people who wrote interesting stories so please keep on with the blogs ladies I love them xxxxxxx

Gail said...

Morning Sue,
What a beautiful card! Another winner in my eyes.
I'm recording your shows so I can sit in peace and watch them.
Gail Cx

Victoria said...

What a beautiful card Sue. I love the overlapping effect - it works really well. I've been scrapbooking my holidays recently and have used so many 'forked' flags - it's all down to your inspiration!

lorraine (classylady) said...

CONGRATULATIONS AND JUBILATIONS (singing this to the tune of cliff's song , ) great show so far....LOL here I am up, fed and watered, sitting watching and already bought bought bought. Have a fab time today you deserve it.

Todays card is a stunner.
Must go and not miss anything.

Happy Easter to all

lorraine - scotland

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue and Wilsonettes. Watching your first show of the day Sue plus recording to help the grey matter in future weeks, months to come !
The most delicate, pure card ever to open your great blog this Saturday morning, and yes, any bride would love to have something this beautiful in her memory box.

Im so sorry ladies, but I cant ignore yesterdays performance here, if I do I know it will churn me up for the rest of the day ! I couldnt believe that I was on Sue's blog ! I had to double check.
Comments left were not meant for specific ladies, but we arn't daft, we are all grown adults so we can sort out to whom these uncalled for comments were for ! Its NOT nice, just one thoughtless comment upset so many ladies here (including me) Sue enjoys entering our lives as we enjoy entering hers, so its not just all craft talk although we ALL comment on the W.O.W/ video of the day and include some of our 'funny' moments.
All I want to say is - you can choose what to read, scroll down if the caring/support annoys you. But unless Sue tells us otherwise we WONT stop caring about each other and we WONT stop supporting each other cuz thats what friends do - RIGHT ?
We ADORE Sue, she gives us SO much, its not fair that her blog caused so much upset through one thoughtless comment. I just hope it hasn't put a grey cloud over today for her or her inpending rest in Florida.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx.( who will continue to care and support all our Wilsonettes) and respect Sue's love for us

June Horrocks said...

Thank you steph xxx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue ,
im loving todays card , its gorgeous ,
Hope your shows go well
Take Care
Elaine H x

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a stunning card. Your beautiful die wide border is gorgeous and is the focal point of the card. Congratulations to the winner of the card.

sandieann21 said...

Good morning, Sue. What a first show Doubt if there will be anything left for tomorrow! Fabulous.

nzillingworth said...


sandieann21 said...

First comment appears to have disappeared. What a fab first show, can;t wait for the next so will have to go onto youtube. doubt if there will be anything left for tomorrow. Thank you, Sue, so pleased to see you with your own dies on C and C.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue stunning card today have just been watching your first show today it was just fabulous and everything was flying. You are such an inspiring lady so keep up the good work. I'm on the side of the ladies we all enjoy this blog because we can share some of our lives with each other and it can make our day brighter,so keep going wilsonettes as life would be so much duller without you all. Hugs yo all who need them today, have a lovely Easter. Sophy n Gran

Anonymous said...

Hi there Sue,
First show went well didn't it? Will there be anything left for later? x

All of us have problems of one sort or another but don't feel the need to share then with the rest of the crafting world.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, just had to say BRILLIANT first show. I knew you would have sell outs. The demos were fantastic and hubby is groaning as I now have more dies on my must have list. I agree with you that the bow dies are great , instant bows without the karfuffle ? of making sure the ends are the same length when using
ribbon. Try to put your feet up for awhile before your next show. Hubby has been told lunchtime is now a bit earlier as at 12 everything stops for Sue on our telly. Lol lynne m x x x

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue, Great 9am show!! Looking forward to the noon show now... Fab card, stunning way to use the striplet dies. Hugs Sam xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I'm back!!! I just wanted to say I've just watched your first show on Create and Craft and I knew your Dies would prove to be popular, I couldn't be more thrilled for you. I hope the rest of the shows are just as busy.
Great Demo's thanks for sharing.
Love and Hugs from Sam x

Maggie said...

Hello Sue. What a great day and I'm so glad the viewers appreciated your dies as much as we blog followers have done. Great demos and lovely to see the cards we have't had a chance to examine yet. Have a great day today, enjoy your success and sell lots and lots. xx Maggie (so much better with a paper bow)

Pam said...

Thank you Steph.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
What is simply stunning card, I love the way you have used a striplet die it's so effective, I don't have this striplet but I do have the other one and I just LOVE IT. The flowers really compliment the whole design - they are gorgeous.
Love your first show Sue, I can't see the stock lasting until tomorrow, its all selling so far fast.
Congratulations Julie so pleased for you.
Love and best wishes, Brenda xxx

PharmacyMichelle - A big crafty hug. I know how you feel it's been 14 years since my mother died and I still miss her.
Jackie Trinder - congratulations to you and your daughter you should both be feeling very pleased with yourselves.

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Sue
Just popped back to say how great the show was. Beautiful samples and you looked fab.
Disappointed that comments here seem to be taking a rather aggressive turn. At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree or disagree but when aggressiveness starts creeping into reasoned discussion, its disturbing and the only person who will suffer here ultimately is Sue and I'm sure we are ALL 100% in agreement that is not what we want to happen.
Please, for Sue's sake can we move on?
Deep breaths folks and let's enjoy what our crafting guru is showcasing today.
Best wishes.
Ang x

Unknown said...

We will have to invent some new words, since stunning, gorgeous, amazing etc never seem quite enough.
Good luck with your shows today, hope I can catch some, but easter in a hotel is busy.
Janice W

3362 Jan said...

Morning Sue. Good luck for today. So looking forward to the show.Love today's card. Hugs. Jan. xx

baconbits said...

Morning Sue
Well the first show was brilliant and nit surprising there were sell outs. You are kne very talented lady and i wish i had 1/5 of your talent.
Absolutely stunning I really love the striplets.
Fab colour combo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card Sue. I would not have thought about making a frame with them like this. Good luck with all your shows. I will be watching and recording.
Bye for now.
Sandra P xxx

Kate's Cards said...

Well done you! Xxx

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, love this card and I even have that die!
Today I've hit 50! Don't feel any different. Am I meant to?!
I enjoy reading this blog and it would be a shame if even one person stopped writing because of yesterdays comment. I have fibro in both shoulders and nerve damage and my daughter (22) has fibro in her back,hips and groins. Its nice to know we are not alone. Hugs to all. Congrats to Julie.

Heike said...

This is another stunning card. And although I have got already a good number of the dies I seem to be building up a wishlist again ...

Happy Easter everybody!

hollyberry said...

Love the card and yes it would have been great for last weekends shows.Missed the first show this morning just ready for the next one!

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Hi Everyone,
What a stunning card today and what a triumph of a Show! The samples are almost mesmerising! I quote - "and still they gazed and still the wonder grew that one small head could carry all she knew". Just seemed apt today!
Phew! Glad yesterday is over - its gone but it's harder to forget for some.
So pleased we have not lost valued friends - that would have been awful!
Congratulations Julie , enjoy your lovely card.
Congratulations Brenda and daughter!
Have a lovely weekend everyone! Hugs to those who are sad today.
Time for Sue again! Yes!
Love to all Myra

Unknown said...

Loving the shows Sue. Tried to watch you at Ally Pally but it was so busy I was in the third row back :). Bought the California collection there and think the Italian will be next! They are gorgeous - congratulations :) Love Helen xx

Anonymous said...

A stunning card, Sue. A wonderful die shape taken full advantage of. Love the floral spray embellishment too. Great show at C&C - such a great help to crafters to see you create your masterpieces.

SusanP, Kent said...

Gorgeous card made with this lovely die. Great to see you live this morning. Shame the deal with this die sold out before I could order. Off to watch your second show.

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue, but what's new, I need more dies now!!! Just settling down to watch you as was teaching for your first show, sounds as though it went well from the comments on here. I too was very upset about comments left yesterday, I am part of a few groups on FB, but rarely go on them due to the bitchyness and was always so glad that the SW blog wasn't at all like that, everyone being so nice and friendly, I was going to stop my comments too, but like the others I have decided not too, I love to read what every one is up to. Lynne your babies have me in fits their antics are great, Steph you and Cameeli are insiprations, with all your aches you continue to amuse us, Norah I love to hear from you your son is amazing and a true joy to you. Tandy hope your ok today, Tina I hope the wedding went well and your father is improving, Beryl huge birthday congratulations and hope you and your daughter are both managing well today. Magpie, Karen hope all is well with you today, well the ribs are sore darn it, but I finally have great news this Easter, at 10.15 last night the first foal of the year finally arrived, mother and daughter are both doing really well, I however am very tired after watching for her to feed for most of the night, take care to all, hugs to Pam, Steph, Cameeli, Norah, Lynne, Tandy, Tina, Karen, beryl, and all the lovely ladies on the blog xxxx

Anonymous said...

I am the least aggresive person you could meet and im sorry if you read it as aggresive. I was so upset that Sue has so much going in right now that the last thing she needs is playground talk, and one unecessary comment upset so many of us. I know we all have freedom of speech, and I upset I also had to put how hurt I was as did our other ladies who's feelings were hurt. My intention is noway aggressive, just to add to comments of other ladies who have also expressed their hurt. I mean no malice at all xx

Jill Liddle said...

Stunning, stunning, stunning, enough said.

CraftyJo said...

Absolutely gorgeous Sue, and I'm enjoying your show on TV ;)

Unknown said...

Stunning card.Love the original way you've used the die.Hope all the shows go well.I'm sure we'll see flying dies :-).
Helen Bx

Terry Owen said...

Oh dear, oh dear. I was FORCED to get the first Spanish collection.
Such beautiful dies, thank you for bringing them to C&C Sue, because of the flexi pay option I was able to buy more than I would have otherwise :)

SHARICA said...

Great card .. Love the flowers .. xx Happy Easter All .. xx

Anonymous said...

Show number 2 and going so well. Roll on number 3 plus our Easter Sunday shows. You have done a brilliant show and your dies have been a great sucess as we all knew they would be, goodness knows what will be left for tomorrow lol. Great to hear our families familiar names, brings a sunny smile to my face : )
I meant to say earlier CONGRATS to our winner, Im so sorry, yesterday evenings blog visit just knocked me for 6.
To Pam, Im thinking of you sweetheart you are doing so well ( but I know all about the various masks we wear) no need here chick. Tina, hope you have recovered and dad is progressing bless him.
To all that need friendly supportive hugs, come grab alllll you need ( I could do with one I must admit) !!!

Love to you all. Enjoy your Sue weekend.
Lancashire Steph xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, so pleased you shared this card. I have this die and would have never thought of using it this way. I am recording all your shows today to view later. Best wishes Edwina

Pauline A said...

Afternoon Sue, Just finished watching your 2nd show of the day after having ordered your Italian collection , stiplets and leaf dies earlier this morning. Wanted the flower collection but it sold out in double quick time. i must say that today's card is fabulous and can't wait to get my stiplet dies and have a go too. Your dies are simply gorgeous and I didn't know which to order first as I wanted them all. So the others will have to go on my 'want' list for the future. you have worked so hard producing all of these wonderful dies PLUS the 100 or so cards which are so lovely. No wonder you need to go back 'home' but knowing you it wont be to rest for too long. Hugs Pauline A x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue Happy Easter Saturday, im just sitting watching your show on c&c that I recorded this morning. I love your latest card that you have posted on the blog, I must must get the die as the way you have used it is so unusual
I must try, its gorgeous. Yvonne xxx

Janhass said...

Morning Sue. Well what can I say the card is beautiful but then so are all your cards. I've been watching the shows this morning and I love all the dies and as expected they are flying out. If only I had unlimited funds I would buy them all. Love and crafty hugs.

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
Today's card is absolutely stunning
I love it. Just seen it on the show did not buy any today well not from C&C But did compleat my collection from Joanna sheen. Lol.
Got em all now and your embossing folders
I love em all but the striplets are special
Following on UTube now too
You take care Sue and safe journey home
And happy 91st birthday to your Mum
Love Theresa x

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hi Sue
What an absolutely stunning card you have posted for us today love everything about this one. Many Congratulations to you, your first two shows were quite simply wonderful! Loved every minute so far but knew I would, it has been just great seeing you getting the success you so richly deserve. Please Sue do enjoy every minute of your well earned success and enjoy a wonderful Easter weekend.

So pleased that Cameeli and others have reconsidered their earlier decision, I just keep asking myself why should the majority be hurt by un-thoughtful comments of the minority? I feel quite sure if Sue had a problem with anyone leaving a supportive or funny comment she would have let people know in her own kind manner long before now.
Congratulations to Julie Laz on winning a Wilson treasure.
Wishing each and everyone a Happy and Blessed Easter. Especially thinking of Pam, one very brave lady.
With love
Margaret corgi owner

Jeanie said...

Hi Sue loved the show this morning will be recording the rest to watch later.
A beautiful card looking forward to using my dies which arrived this morning and watching how much you can do with them.
Hope you have a great weekend.
jeanie xx

terrie said...

Beautiful card Sue...
Looking forward seeing your cards on TV...
Congrats to the winner!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

What a beautiful card to start off a fabulous Sue Wilson weekend, watched both of your shows this morning you were great the demos fantastic and I spent more than I should of thanks to flexi pay , brought the bow dies and stamps ,and the flower dies and then on a whim went for the itialian collection (whoops don't tell hubby lol) so looking forward to your six o'clock show hope your not too tired and having a nice break between shows . Thinking there may not be too much left for tomorrow's shows , just shows what a talented crafter and designer you are and a very special person, many congratulations on your first collection looking forward to the next (you did say it was in the pipeline) . Enjoy the rest of the weekend (Easter) even though it's not much of a relaxing time for you , but you have your time with mum to look forward too. Lots of love

Jean D

Colleen R said...

Its a beautiful card, and have managed to order some of the dies and really look forward to using them all.

nannapat said...

Congratulations on two fabulous shows this morning Sue. Your dies just flew out as expected and your demos were superb. You deserve all the success that you get because you are such a kind and genuine person. Not long until you jet off to see your Mom, I'm sure both you and her are excited about that. Have a great weekend. Pat x

Gwyn said...

Hi Sue
Loving the shows today, such inspiration for dies I already have and those I've ordered today. Can't wait to play with them.
Gwyn x

jane stillman said...

Congratulations to you Sue for designing such fantastic sets of dies, I am definitely going to be in the poor house by the time I've finished! This card is so gorgeous and so clever. Have been watching and will continue to watch the shows today and tomorrow xxx

Carol S. said...

Hi Sue, I have been watching your shows this morning, whilst doing the ironing! Great shows and wow they are selling out quick. I am not surprised. Love this card too. Happy Easter. Hugs, Carol s.xx

Unknown said...

Hi sweetie, so pleased the first foal is here , hopefully you will be able to catch up on some sleep lol lynne x x x

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Managed to see most of the midday show live but was interrupted, as usual! It's on Record so will catch up later. Thanks so much for all the invaluable tips you give us! I ordered another striplet die and the large rose die .
I love my bows and roses and they have all given me so much pleasure. Thank you.
I followed this blog for ages before I joined and posted.
I am not a " follower" of heaps of blogs - don't have the time or the inclination! Julia and you are my limit.
I decided to join for two reasons ,
Firstly - obviously youreself ! I just adore your creations. Also you are such a lovely lady. I wanted to learn from you.
Secondly - and this is important today - I liked the people who were posting regularly! They seemed to be a lovely group who cared about card making - really cared about you and cared about each other. They also like me have a sense of humour!
Have never regretted joining. Was made very welcome.
Trust we get back to being a happy band of Wilsonettes!
Enjoy your lovely , deserved success this weekend! You've worked so very hard!
Love Myra

Sending love to everyone who is hurting today! Happy Birthday Beryl - have a great day! Tina trust wedding was a huge success!

No one has ever been nasty or aggressive

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes gorgeous gorgeous card Sue I love the way you have used the heart striplet die to make a frame, I have the other striplet die so will try it with that.The flowers are beautiful just love it all
Sue great first 2 shows brilliant. I love seeing you demo your own dies .Be back at 6 pm watching Put your feet up for a bit till then
Love & hugs Lynda Brock xx

Camille,so glad you are back blogging today hope you find all your wedding accessory love & Hugs xx
Lynne M pleased you are still here with your fur babies I love reading about the antics they get up to .Hope your neuralgia is a lot better now love & Hugs xx
love & hugs to Pam take care your doing great take one day at a time xx
Love to Steph you are alway so cheerful although you have lots of aches & pains too put up with hope your Easter bunny brings you what you wish for.xx Norah, your such an inspiration I love reading you story's of Rory your lovely boy. & all your others so carry on telling them please xx
Oh Lindsay congratulations on your first foal sorry your ribs still hurting gentle hugs xx
Tina hope the wedding was magical & your dad is doing ok xx
Love & hugs to all Wilsonettes & happy Easter Sunday
Lynda xx
Congrats to Julie on winning a Sue original lucky you xx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Stunning card.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Lynda's craft's said...

Sorry happy birthday Beryl have a lovely day xx Lynda

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, what another brilliant show at 12pm. I knew more items would sell out. Many congrats to you, you deserve every accolade there is going. Hubby is being soooooo cheeky, after lunch told him to hurry as wanted to get food shopping out of the way , so can have early tea and clear up before your next show. His comment was " never seen you run around so fast , you're faster than a blue as* fly" . As I have never seen this particular colour of fly I don't know whether its a compliment or not hehe . See you at 6pm. Lol lynne m x x x

Norah - you're not on the blog today, hope you ok.
Pharmacy Michelle - hugs to you x x

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue, love white and silver together, its very clean and elegant. Have all the shows recorded to watch later but I can imagine your dies were very popular. I have been a member of this blog since the start and will continue to comment on the cards and any other subject I want to reply to. I think it has to be said that in any family/blog there will always be differences of opinion and the best thing to do is carry on and try and not let it get out of hand.
I am a very laid back person and enjoy this blog. I am an animal lover and like to reply to any of the animal stories whereas other people reply to the more personal/health issues. I also have Rhuematoid Arthritis but don't talk about it, that's just me, everyone is different and we just have to enjoy the blog and not take things too personal.

Unknown said...

Hi Lynda, neuralgia is better, thank you for your concern. Glad you like fur babies antics. Lol lynne m x x said...

Wow-wee! Just a fantastic card today. Hope your shows go well - hope I'll have some time tomorrow to catch up on them, but today has just been one job after another! Thanks, for sharing, Susan x

Bean said...

Well worth waiting for Sue.
You must be so proud you clever girl.
Just love your style.....XX

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

So, so lovely. Have got this die but never thought of using it like that. Thank you.

Was going to stop there, but why should I? I enjoy reading other "friends" comments so and if you don't want to read comments, there is the scroll button. So here goes - Happy Birthday Beryl Treble. Wish I was 50 again!! Just to make myself quite clear - the comment above is not meant to be aggressive or anything else, just my thoughts!

Happy Easter everyone and safe journey home Sue. Happy Birthday to your mum too.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

AnneRD said...

Hi Sue
I think today the card should be for you, many congratulations of a lovely set of dies. I have really enjoyed watching the programs on C&C. Anne x

Janet k said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card today, I have ordered the die so can't wait for it to arrive. Watched you at 9.00am and again at 12.00 just lovely that is all I can say, such a clever lady, you deserve every success, enjoy your trip to see your mum, thank you again for the inspiration you give us all, kind regards for a happy Easter love Janet k xx

Anonymous said...

LS xx : )

alimecca said...

Hi Sue ( again!)
Wow! Two fabulous shows today and those samples! There were so many and each and every one of them were beautiful. Well done! I'm really pleased that the dies have been such a success for you - you must be so proud. I succumbed and bought the striplets before they sold out. Well you can't take your money with you as my mam used to say!
With regard to the " other matter" can I make a suggestion? If everyone comments on Sue' s wonderful creations etc first of all and then in a different paragraph make any other comments. That way anyone who doesn't want to read about our lovely family can just scroll to the next comment. Hope this helps solve a problem. Tina forgot to say hope wedding went well and that your dad is getting better. Love to all, Alison

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Great card Sue.
I have recorded all your shows as we have been out and about today.
Look forward to watching them xxx

TOB said...

We have a gremlin in our commented around 1 o'clock but its not there now, never mind.
Just love this card. Bought a set last night and one this morning. Can't wait for them to arrive. Wishing happy birthday to your mum Sue. Hugs Theresa xx

rachel said...

what a stunning card Sue - absolutely beautiful - so delicate and intricate - love it xx

sued99 said...

Beautiful card.

Karen Drew said...

Your new dies are stunning. Watched the early show and recorded the later one. Todays card is very elegant. Suitable for a wedding or anniversary
Karen xx

Unknown said...

Amazing card!!!
Good luck on tv!
Great and beautiful dies :)

ang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Sue. Spooky-please believe this. I have already cut 4 of these dies and also cut 4 of the outside but in silver mirri card. I hadn't put them together yet but in some ways you just completed my card. Thank you for the end result. I will give it ago tomorrow. I have set the record button for all the shows. Much love, Jo xx

Laura O said...

Sue this is fantastic,love these dies do have some and would love more but I think I will have to wait till another day [Bank man not to happy at the minute ]Laura O

Tina said...

Hi Sue
WOW I wish I had seen this card before yesterday, as I would have loved to have made it for my daughter, it's stunning. I had to video your earlier shows,as we had to go back to the venue to collected wedding decorations and pressies, but i will be watching your later show and have already set timer for tomorrow, and of course I shall be watching as well, can't wait.

Well what can I say, I came home from my daughters wedding early hours this morning, and to unwind I poured myself a drink and sat and read some comments on Sue's blog. I could'nt believe what I was reading, and I felt so sorry for Sue, that a few rants on the blog caused such an overwhelming flood of emotions. I think Sue's blog is about positive and caring thoughts, whether it's about Sue's stunning cards or people, and feel that negative thoughts should, be taken elsewhere. I have in the past had a couple of personal emails from Sue with words of kindness and comfort, and in no way has she made me feel uncomfortable about sharing my thoughts, in fact the complete opposite. I have broad shoulders, and if people don't want to read what I have to say, then pass me by, I don't do negative and it saddens me to hear it. For all my other blog friends thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and best wishes for my daughters wedding, she looked AMAZING, and it was FABULOUS,and luckily I bought shares in cleanex tissues ( other brands available ).My son did a reading, and it was very personal between him and Claire, there was'nt a dry eye in the place. It was a truly magical day. There is so much I would like to say to some lovely ladies out there but I think I have taken too much space.

Love and best to Sue and all wilsonettes, have a lovely and peaceful Easter. Hugs to all.

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Fabulous card made by a fabulous lady.
Hugs x
Heather T

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue, what a lovely card. Those lace panels are so versatile.

Hope people will keep following Sue and do what I do - scroll over the 'comments' that you don't want to read.

Margaret O

magpie said...

Hellooooo Sue and the Wilsonettes!! Oh my goodness Sue! Absolutely fantastic! So so happy and chuffed for you that there's been sell outs of your dies.....not surprised though if I'm honest! You've made the most gorgeous cards with these dies which have been quite frankly, so hard to choose from! I saw the first show but at 12pm I was meeting my soul mate friend for a spot of fish n chips, a cup of tea and a natter. After that we went up to the local town and walked passed the arcade and heard all this joyous singing. We turned back to go down the arcade and there was a group of gospel singers having a wonderful sing song. Well, talk about a toe tapping, hand clapping and singing (glad it didn't rain when I started! Lol!) with joy experience! It was wonderful! A real lift to the spirit! One of the ladies came over, held my hand and said a prayer for me which was lovely. After that we decided to say goodbye and guess what? By the time I got home I managed to see the 12pm slot at 4pm, because it was repeated on Ideal World! One happy bunny! It was great seeing your demo's. I couldn't believe how many of the dies you were getting for money. But then we should know by now what a kind and generous lady you are and we "thank you" so much for that. Congratulations Sue you truly deserve it. Ooooo and not that you didn't before, but you're looking good! xxx Oooo congratulations Julie on winning the Wednesday card draw! Do the whoop whoop dance all over the house girl! Jackie, congratulations to you and to your daughter coming third in the C&C card competition! Fantastic! Congratulations to you Rose on winning a card from Sue! x Lyndsey, wonderful news about the foal! Whoo hoo! Hopefully now you can get a good nights sleep.....unless there are any more due.....and hope your rib heals soon for you x . Happy hunting Cameeli! Tina, hope you and your daughter have had the most wonderful day today! Beryl, happy 50th birthday! Hope you've had a good one x Thinking of you and your daughter. My husbands 50 this year and he's had fibro at least 8/9 years x To Pam, Norah, ( I hope you are ok shug xx) Lynne (love hearing about your fur babies!), Tina, Lyndsey, Tandy, Beryl and all of those in the Wilsonette family who need a bit of a hug, sending them and a bit of love too! xx Happy Easter blessings to you Sue and everyone! xx Love Karen xx

magpie said...

Eeeee eck, forgot in the excitement of watching you Sue, the card is absolutely gorgeous today. Just stunning! xx Tina, wonderful that you have had a fantastic day on your daughters wedding xx Love Karen xx

karenlotty said...

Beautifully put Ang

Pauline99 said...

Hi everyone,

Sue I love today's card I have this die and it cuts like a dream no need for wax paper.
Loving the shows on tv today I hope you get to come back tomorrow, unfortunately I missed the set I wanted :( but I will add to my collection very soon. Still have 17 as I've been busy and not able to shop.

Sorry I've not been posting but one week ago today I was very lucky to be at the birth of my 4th grandchild. She was a big 9lb 2 oz and her amazing mummy gave birth to her with only gas and air just like I did when I had her 20 years old. She is the youngest of my adult children ( I have a 9 year old) and I still think of her as my baby.
It's been an amazing week.
And then I come back down to earth and find out sue in going to be on the telly with her amazing dies.
This ends the perfect week for me.

I have made loads of cards with my sue wilson cutting dies and enjoyed every minute using them after a full weeks break I'm having a bit of crafters block but intended to head to the craft room later and just play around until my mojo

I have to also confess I subscribed to your you tube videos ages ago and have been sneaking a look at some of the new videos for a while now and love them.

Happy Easter everyone

All the best Pauline ( freedom99)

Annie said...

A beautiful card today and I'm late commenting because I checked your blog at a minute before your 9am show started and had to rush to watch and record. Your shows have been amazing, so glad your dies are selling so well.... How could they not! lol!! I have the Italian collection and others from when you first brought them out and managed to get more today. They are sooooo gorgeous.
Happy Easter , Sue, and everyone. Will be watching again tomorrow.

Angela (UK) said...

Hi Sue, I thoroughly enjoyed all three of your shows today and am looking forward to tomorrow :) Love today's card by the way. Good luck for tomorrow, though you won't need it, your F A B to watch ~Angela~ xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A stunning card, I have had to record your shows today due to Church commitments, but can't wait to watch them. Hope it went well.
Congratulations to Julie, you lucky girlie.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Have not seen any of your shows today as i have been away at the Grampians Hiking but i did record all your shows.I have most of your dies now just needing the bow stamps to match the bow dies and a few of the Spanish collections. Your right Sue this card would make a beautiful wedding card it's absolutely gorgeous.Will be watching your shows tomorrow and Congratulations on all your dies on C&C i bet there are a lot of sell outs already. Have also subscribed to your youtube
Take care
Hazel G x

Unknown said...

Great shows and demo's today Sue really enjoyed watching.

Anonymous said...

Great shows, Sue. In awe of the samples, as ever!!
Congrats to Beryl on her 50th, Pauline99 on the new granddaughter and Lindsay on the long-awaited first foal.
Tina - so glad the wedding was fabulous - and to Pharmacy Michele - sympathy and hugs.

'P' in Wales

Norah - where are you? Hope OK.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Super shows today. Looking forward to tomorrow's shows.
I have subscribed to your youtube.
Veronique L

Floss said...

Hi Sue,
Congrats on today's shows. Didn't expect anything else though. Set the recorder for tomorrow's shows as I'm off to Donington Park. Have a good one. x

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Just settling down to watch your programmes which I recorded earlier, when I have subscribed to your YouTube videos of course. SueL

Wacki Macky said...

Another stunning card Sue and one that I have the components already so I can try it out.

Thank you for another great card.

Craftihappiness to all, love from Pearl

Jenny Penketh said...

Hi Sue, I absolutely love your cards and I receive your regular emails with card demo's on. I loved your video demo today and think you did an amazing job. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your video's. Thank you. Jenny x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, so busy catching up on your recorded shows that I nearly forgot to check the blog! Love today's card and I have that die so will try and have a play tomorrow. So pleased I was able to get all the bow dies plus the stamps and also the stamps to go with the Italian collection dies that I already have. Sadly couldn't get the faux quilled flowers - sold out :) never mind, I'll just have to save up again. Your shows were great (not that there was any doubt about it) and I am looking forward to tomorrow when I should be able to watch 'live'

Congratulations to Julie the Wednesday winner and hope everyone has a lovely Easter day tomorrow.

johanna said...

absolutly fantastic card you are such an inspiration sue i'm glued to the shows and recording them as well i will only be able to afford to buy the dies slowly but i will get them

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
WOW what a stunner of a card .. congrats to the winner I have the shows recorded for me to watch when I get some time out to myself just got in from taking the grand kids to the zoo its been an amazing day.. Happy Easter to every one take care n hugs sarah xx

Theresa said...

great card and this gives me an idea of how to use die seeing that i bought it at nec. fab shows too, what a popular girl. well done xx

Cards2Di4 said...

Hi Sue.
Loved today's shows, and love your dies even more. Can't get enough of them. Looking forward to tomorrow's shows.

Best wishes, Diane xx

ElizabethS said...

Hi Sue,
Loved all the shows today and look forward to tomorrows. Your dies are an amazing success and you deserve that for all the hard work that has gone into designing them. I wish I could buy them all but unfortunately not all in one go.
I adore today's card it is absolutely stunning but then I say that about all your cards, ah well.
Have a good rest tonight and look forward to tomorrow.
ElizabethS x

Ita said...

Hi Sue fantastic card I got to watch part of one show,you must be very prout your own Dies and stamps?
This weekend is about Sue Wilson ,she
Has has worked very hard to get where she is today
So this is to say THANK YOU enjoy your dream.
Happy Easter to you and your family,and the same to everyone that follows Sue's blog.
There is no post to day from "Nora" ??i hope she is o.k,

Sandy H said...

Gorgeous card. Just been catching up on the shows. Brilliant demos.
Happy Easter everyone.

Blue Rose said...

WOW! I love the die your used. Oh my gosh, what is so beautiful. I love the way you used it, makes take a second look at the dies I have. I'm just speechless.

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card today. I'm now watching C&C and LOVING all the samples. Best wishes Anne O

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