Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Doodle Rose Wreath

Hello there my crafty friends!  The Doodle Rose wreath is a whimsical die that can be used to create some lovely cards.  I have used it in today's video to create a double aperture card with different raised and recessed areas.  I hope you like it.

 The finished dimensions are 5 1/2" x  8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Gorgeous card Sue, lovely.
Wendy, well done you. I work with a lot if people who are now very unhappy at work due to a change in their work, you are very brave to get out, you will have a better life without it, go for the poppy dies, they are fabulous.
June, hope you continue with your good progress but take it slowly.
Betty, you sounded brighter yesterday, hope it's going well.
Elaine, so sorry Andrew is not well, give him a big gentle hug.
Tina hope Peter has managed to find a drink he likes, he must keep his fluids up.
Tina and Mick continued good wishes.
Hugs to all especially those not well. Nice to see PP back, take it slowly.

auscrafts said...

Lovely card for today,

Dragonsnap2 said...

Another beautiful card today. Thanks Sue.
Happy crafting.
D xx

Marjeta said...

Beautiful dies. 3D design of your card is super.


DeCor said...

A really sweet card Sue. Like the contrasting recessed wreaths.

DeCor said...

A really sweet card Sue. Like the contrasting recessed wreaths.

hollyberry said...

Just so pretty with lovely dimension.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A really gorgeous card this morning. Beautiful colours and the dies you have used look stunning. Will watch the video later as i have an early appointment at the hospital. John had a great show lastnight with some beautiful card samples. As always great hints and tips from him. Have a lovely day Sue.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card and great video Thank you.
Take care all Happy crafting Kitty.

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all,
Lovely card today, so delicately coloured flowers 🌺 love the look of the depth into the card, so pretty.
Peter's next Zoladex injection today then every 3 months, what with these and B12 good your my phone calendar keeps a check for me of dates and times.
Pam, he is on just water now!!!
June Smith hope your progress continues and you are not in pain.
Love and crafty hugs to all,
Tina T xxxx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. What a cute card. Do you know what I was just thinking whilst enjoying the peace and quiet before my two get back from the country park resembling drowned rats !!! The way hundreds of us own the same dies from your various collections and because you have the crafting and design knowledge, you make all your collections so versatile there will never be two cards the same (unless someone replicates) I don't own this die, but many do and I bet I can safely say that every single card made with this little rose wreath will be totally different. Some companies make what I call 'one purpose' dies, it gives us one option and one option only, whereas your dies gives us hundreds of options for their use (although it has to be said that companies are following in your footsteps and producing dies very similar to your's) which is wrong in my thoughts, if they can't design their own dies from their ideas then don't take ideas from other designers and put the companies name to it ! Anyway I've put my soap box away now lol and just have time to send you a Tuesday hug, and again compliment your sweet, cute happy card, and wish you a good day xxx

Denise Bryant said...

Love the wreath die! I am always attracted to wreath stamps and dies.... have been for ages! This one is beautiful! Awesome card!

Karen Drew said...

Gorgeous card today. Great idea for the leaves of the roses. Will have to remember that for the future
Karen xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card and a brilliant video. I echo Stephanie's comment about how wrong it is that other companies are just copying your ideas.
Wendy, well done! I wish I had the guts to do the same thing. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Debra K. said...

Wonderful card design today Sue! Great use of the doodle rose die. Debra x

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card really like this die.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Love the roses. Will watch video later.

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Cute card! I love the little hearts borders. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Netty The Runner said...

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Annette x

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Love this card it's clever and so beautiful.
Jan x

JAO said...

Fab card Sue, love buckle cards.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue this is a stunning card I love those dies. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

A Happercrafter6 said...

Like the style of this card as it has plenty of scope.
John really did you proud on Hochanda - he went to town with your lovely dies.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue what a beautiful card today and the colour is devine .

Unknown said...

Morning Sue a beautiful card and the die is lovely
Kathy B x

TDQ Karen said...

This is lovely, the little roses are so pretty x

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue, the Doodle Rose wreath is great and I love the way you have used it to create the card,

thank you,

Pearl xx

djones said...

Love that pink colour, but any other would look just as good!!

Doreen x

lilian said...

Hi Sue, lovely card, love the little swirl roses.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A very pretty card in such a lovely colour combination. I love the clever way of extending the pierced flags and the card piecing-so effective. Thank you for the great inspiration.x

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card & a lovely die.


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. I love this wreath it is so pretty and the possibilities are endless.

Love Rosemarie X X

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, pretty and clean looking card . love Jean Z xxx

Laura O said...

do like this die it is cute ,great card , Laura O

Clai01 said...

lovely card and thanks for videa. x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful, love the way you used the die

shabbycraftcabin said...

I love this card. So pretty and simply romantic . Thank you, Ivy C x

Anonymous said...

Wi-fi playing up again so frustrating. Lovely card Sue. JJxx

Nana on the Hill said...

What a sweet card, the rose wreath is such a pretty die xx

Anne said...

What a beautiful card, Sue. Love the colours.

Anne (Northampton)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Sue
Such a pretty card today in one of my favourite colours.
I love the design of this card!
Lesley S x

nattyboots said...

Aww such a beautiful card Sue , i love it ! , i will watch the video later.

June, hope you are continuing to improve ,

Sending hugs to all .
Elaine H X

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
What a beautiful card and fabulous video!
Hugs x
Heather T

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A very pretty card, lovely for all sorts of occasions.

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

What a cute whimsical card this morning and I love the tiny hearts borders - I'm guessing they're from the Romantic Edger, will watch the video later to see if I'm right...


karenlotty said...

Very pretty I like ths stylised whimsical flowers

marg said...

Hello Sue
Pretty card today love the little swirl roses.
So brave Wendy after 24 years, but well done they won't get the same loyalty from todays staff!
Thinking of you June!
Love Marg

Scottydog said...

What an unusual card - just love it - so pretty. Enjoyed John's show last night, hope I can catch a couple today. Thank you Sue.

Suemac said...

A pretty card

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, A very pretty card, loving the apertures and the borders.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Anonymous said...

Some clever ideas here, Sue, especially the paper piecing trick. Made easy for us with your video - thank you. Nice card, lots of uses.
Watched John late last night but drifted off half way through - so annoying. What I did see was great, though, and Alex was as enthusiastic as ever.
Wendy Pussycats - so sad you felt you had to give in your notice after all those years - however hopefully happy times ahead. Poppies GUARANTEED to cheer you up!
Bejay - my wee foster boy about the same in terms of size and naughtiness as yours - want another??!
Hugs to PP sorry you're not well enough to be up to your usual sparring with Laine, missing her too.
You okay, Tracy? Or just busy with all your new staff (as it's known in this house!).

'P' in Wales

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

PS Read 'stuff' not staff ha - I should be so lucky!! sorry about two signatures

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, love todays very pretty card. Marion S x

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, I love wreaths & this one is totally outstanding. Yvonne xx

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning Sue and all your crafty crew
Up and about early today so thought I woul check out my fav blog
Beautiful card sue as per usual I do so love the buckle die thank you for the inspiration
June I hope you have gotten over you ordeal yesterday and have had a more restful night in your own bed and you are in less pain
Hugs to everyone that may need one
Love Theresa G xx

June Horrocks said...

Such a beauty today sue love it the colours are brill what a gift
Thank you love June horrocks xxxxxx

Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue. Enjoyed the video.

Rosemary Stickland said...

Lovely card, off to watch the video!
Rosemary xx

Anonymous said...

A very pretty card


Lesley Lawton said...

So pretty a really feminine card you are so inspirational thank you Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue

Loving this elongated card. The raspberry card is so pretty

June x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, very pretty card this morning gorgeous.
Barbara V

Anonymous said...

Love the way you have used this die Sue thank you.
VC x

Kate's Cards said...

Lovely. This card has a lovely crisp cleanness about it. xxx

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, a really beautiful card this morning, love the shape and the design of it. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
What a pretty card today, thank you.
Love to all
Maureen xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I know I have previously said that I am not a fan of the flat roses, but I am a fan of MacIntosh roses so you can probably guess that I do like this rose wreath. Very clever how you have coloured the roses on the main image.


Lynne L said...

Hi Sue oh this card is so pretty I really love the rose wreath it's so cute!
Best wishes to all who are poorly

Lynne L said...

Hi Sue oh this card is so pretty I really love the rose wreath it's so cute!
Best wishes to all who are poorly

julie laz said...

Hi sue, love this card, the colour is beautiful, loving John's shows and what beautiful cards on there,
I'm set for the shows as I'm home all day, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx🎄😀📺✂️📒

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty card, the doddle Rose is lovely and as always I love your videos

June and Betty hope every day sees you feeling a little better
Wendy wishing you all the best in whatever you do now and enjoy the poppy dies

Hugs and best wishes to everyone

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

A really pretty card in pretty colours. Gorgeous little hearts on the edges too. Will watch the video very soon.

Love Helen xxx

Anonymous said...

A very clever pretty card.

craftynanna said...

Gorgeous card Sue the design and details are fabulous, hugs to all Johanna

craftynanna said...

Gorgeous card Sue the design and details are fabulous, hugs to all Johanna

Sue MacFall said...

What a lovely, pretty card, Sue.The colours are great too.
Thank you,
Sue Mac

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. Very pretty in the white and pink. Thanks for your video.

Unknown said...

To My Very Special Friend Sue,
What A Tremendous And Useful Die And An Extremely Informative
Video, You Always Explain Things Really Well, So We Can Follow...
I'm Sorry I Didn't Call In Yesterday Not A Very Good Day From Start To Finish,
But Boy I Loved The Exquisite Outstanding Card Using The Mauritius Die From The Indian
Ocean Collection, I Wonder Why Its My Favourite Lol!!!!!
Well We've Booked Our "May 2017 Holiday" Already, So That Gives Us Something To Look Forward To,
We're Waiting For The September 2017 Prices To Come Through We Normally Book After Christmas
But With The Way The Pound Against The Dollar...... We Thought We'd Get In Early.
Sue Thank You For Sharing All Your Tips And Wonderful Techniques I Loved How You Made The
Long Centre Flag To Look Longer For Your Sentiment, Also The Edge Die Which I Have To Make It A Longer Border
Very Clever Die Indeed.....
Sue You Truly Inspire Me With Your Extremely Exquisite Outstanding Cards And Your Truly Informative Videos
Sue Thank You So Very Much I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do.
Take Great Care My Wonderful Friend
Warmest Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself Sue.
Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes

Lynda's craft's said...

Good morning Sue
A very pretty card I love how Much detail is in the design stunning.
Will watch video later.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Tracy have you been playing with all your lovely new goodies
how is your cutting machine are you pleased with it. Sending you some Big Hug's xx

June hope your making good progress & is the pain In your knee getting less each day
Hope your managing to get some sleep.Do you know when you can go home.
Sending you some ((((((Hug's)))))

Tina & Mick hope he continues to do well. Sending 🤗 Hug's

Tina & Peter hope is finding drinks he likes sending 🤗 Hug's

Elaine so sorry Andrew is not very well sending gentle 🤗 Hug's

PP & Laine hope your both feeling better Big 🤗 Hug's for you both xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so cute and pretty.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
beautiful, just beautiful. Love those long, slim(mish) cards.
And buckle card to boot - lovely.
Hugs, Rose

Jan.moogie said...

Such a pretty card and useful demo especially using the banner that way, thanks Sue. Have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafty friends.

I was so busy I forgot to comment yesterday so apologies sue it was a Georgeous. Today's is so cute and feminine. Xx

I've been that busy as hubby has been off for a few days so I make the most of our time before I head back to work in a few weeks.
My platinum and goodies that I bought on sat are still in the box/packaging.

Today I'm doggie sitting for my mom and stepdad as they're off to Oban for the day. Zac is a massive German Shepard who just won't settle and I don't wNt him getting coloured in glitter!! Lol so I'll probably craft tomorrow xx

Betty and June hope ur doin ok after ur ops and that u will be back to normal in no time!

Wendy. U are brace giving up ur job after that amount of time. I too am 24yrs service with my company but I'm holding out for my 25years bonus then I might think about it lol xx
Love to all

ursula said...

Very pretty feminine card for today and unusual too, thanks Sue...luv Ursula xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
such a pretty feminine card today, gorgeous die and love the different levels, plus the almost buckle look.
Muriel x

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
Another lovely card I wish I had just 1% of your talent. I agree with the others your dies are far superior to others I have found some of my other makes of dies have gone rusty and they weren't cheap. Elaine I hope Andrew is feeling brighter today. Wendy I always believe things happen for a reason so who knows what's around the corner.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, there is nothing wrong with a bit of whimsy now and again and there is certainly nothing wrong with this pretty card. I love the different shape and the way you created the colour for the focal wreath - a much better way than trying to individually paper piece.

Wendy pussycats - I know it will be a wrench after 24 years but I believe you have done the right thing. I have worked with several people who have made themselves physically ill through stress and being unhappy at work but too scared to leave. Much better to cut your losses and start enjoying life again. I think the poppy dies should put a smile on your face :-)


Princess Pixie! said...

Hi Sue
Another gorgeous card. I was very lucky to be given the Doodle Rose Wreath as a pressie from a friend but as yet it is unused. I am sure this card is the one you used in the launch as I remember loving it when I saw it x
Well another frustratingly boring day as my activity levels are still down in my boots. Looking on the bright side I am out of bed but that's about the full extent of my day, thank goodness for John on Hochanda. Loving the gilding polish x
So folks bear with me as I struggle to bring myself up to speed with your news, it is going to take a while. My brain cell is desperately trying to get into first gear but struggling x
Sending happy thoughts and lots of love to all especially my Blog Besties - you know who you are x
Crafty hugs
Take care

Stella Munn said...

So pretty Sue. That's another 2 dies on my 'I've gotta get' list.......gee thanks! 😳 Xx

barbara macaskill said...

Pretty in pink! LOVE the Rose Wreath and the way you added the sentiment!! ROCK ON! TFS!

Annie Stamps said...

Really pretty card Sue. Love the double aperture and the rows of hearts.

Annie P

Betty McAlister said...

Beautiful card Sue. Think I remember this card from your new die launch.
Pam each day gets easier now, can use fingers of that hand to help out and aches, not really painful.
Thank you for your good wishes everyone.
Elaine how is Andrew today. Hope he feels much better.
Wendy good luck following your resignation. Some crafting time perhaps.
Tracey, enjoy your new crafty goods when you get time for them.
Guess you'll be home soon June.

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
This is a really pretty card and I love it!
A bit busy today so will be brief!
June glad you are making progress - hope you had a good night's rest!
PP - so sorry you are struggling at the moment! Hope you feel lots better very soon! Don't overtax that brain cell in the meantime!! : )
Love to all, Myra xxx

Jean said...


KarinsArtScrap said...

wow it's very beautiful and great design Sue
Gr Karin

lritchie said...

Morning Sue, lovely feminine card this morning

Lori from Canada

Pussycats said...

Afternoon sue and all, Late again posting but to days card made me smile its so beautiful. Thank you ladies for your kind words, I have interview on Thursday, my first in 24 years so please keep your fingers crossed. Wendy

CraftyJo said...

This is lovely :)

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. I think this is such a pretty delicate looking Card, great colours. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
A very pretty card today!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a pretty card, really lovely.
Beverley W

liz spooner said...

This is so pretty today Sue, very contemporary.xx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
what a pretty card today, very pretty die and the little hearts around the edge are a perfect finishing touch. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xx

Sending hugs to Elaine and Andrew Tina and mick Tina and Peter June and better and a big hug for Tracey xxxx

gailgale said...

Hi Sue,
This is a very cute card.
Thank you for all your ideas on using the dies.
I hear you are coming out with more this month. You have been a busy girl this year.
I love all your creations.

Theresa said...

that is a sweet card. mostly i was looking at your top though! love it, hugs xx

Berina RGA said...

Such a lovely card!! The rose wreath is beautiful!!
Moxie Craftie

hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue xx hazel

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue!!!!
Just seen the new die release and they are amazing, I want them all!
Cant wait to see what you do with them.

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue, fabulous card love the way you have used the Doodle Rose Die, was not sure if I would use this die, but it is now on my wish list. Great video.

Dawn Holben said...

sue this is another beautiful card, i wasn't to sure of this die but it
is definately growing on me.
Absolutely love this one.

Suebak said...

Really like your take on this die.

Susan x

Lesley said...

Great card done in lovely colours. Have just watched the video and as usual it is so informative.

Pawprintx4 said...

Your dies are all wonderful. Wish I could buy them all but I am working on my collection. This is a very sweet card but yesterday's is my favorite.
Stephanie K

Eunice said...

This card is wonderful! The die is a must have (along with all the rest of your dies)

Littlelamb said...

Lovely card Su. This die had been on my wish list for a while. Thank you for sharing and the excellent tutorial.

Suzzette Yandle said...

A sweet card today. Sue, you are so patient to die cut this several times and to place back into the cut design all those teeny tiny leaves in this wreath. I like it.

Sandy H said...

This card is so cute. Love the pretty pink and the lovely heart border. The wreath die is on my wish list.
Take care everyone.

Fikreta said...

gorgeous card!

Unknown said...

Very pretty card


NannaShaz said...

Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
Beautiful card Im just waiting fo rmy pixie dust to come so i can start playing
Hope you all have a lovely day
Take care all