Monday, 17 October 2016

Best Wishes

 Hello my crafty friends!  Today's card offering is my absolute favourite sort of card.  I just love a framed card with a floral accent, I hope you do too!  I started by cutting the decorative dies from the Mauritius die set out of a piece of milk card.  I backed it with Sky Blue card.  I cut a multi layered frame out of the Scalloped Lattice Frames Set B, using a wider milk mat base and a thinner sky blue outline frame on top.  I seated the frame with mounting foam over my decorative background piece.  I stamped my sentiment using a Cobalt blue Archival ink and cut it out with the Stitched Flags die set.  I added a slightly larger stitched flag as a mat in blue.  I seated it across the background with mounting foam and made two Exquisite Poppies out of milk and blue card to add to the left edge of the flag.  I accented the flowers with Lace Edged Leaves cut out of milk card.  The card was completed with milk and blue mats.  The finished dimensions are 7" x  8 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                       Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Beautiful card, just gorgeous.
June, great to hear you have managed a few steps, take it slowly but it will increase day by day. You will soon be home.
Betty, glad the pain seems to be lessening for you, hope you are managing okay.
Tracey, what a fab haul you had at Craftworld, you deserve it after the year you have had and your Graeme recognises that bless him.
Tina, hope Peter has found a drink he likes, the flavoured waters are very easy to drink and there are some lovely ones, elderflower in particular.
Elaine, what can I say about Andrew, he is so strong and brave, and he won't want to worry you any more than you already are.
Pat, so good to here about Sarah meeting Bethany, she must have been delighted.
Tina and Mick, in my thoughts, as are Laine, Yvonne, Linda, Lorraine, Wheeley and Billy and all who are not well.
Hugs all round .

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card,lovely colours

Jan.moogie said...

Wow a real stunning card its this Sue and those flowers are truly gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, have a great day,hugs xxxxxxxxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card love throwers.

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
what a stunning card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous card! The Lace Edged Leaves are at the very top of my wish list! Such pretty details on your card! said...

Morning Sue.
Wow this is a very pretty card Thank you.
Take care all and have fun Kitty.

DeCor said...

Another great card Sue. Really like the leaves. Have to put them on my Christmas wish list....

Marion Bull said...

Love this card Sue, it has a very classic and almost old-fashioned look about it. Thank you!

Maggie B xx

Karen Drew said...

Beautiful card. Love the delicate colours
Karen xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, love the way your eye is drawn into the centre by the clever use of frames.
June and Betty, pleased to hear that you're on the mend. Tracy, what a haul, you deserve it though. Pat, it sounds as though Sarah had a wonderful time, lovely to hear about her. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Barbara (C) said...

One of my favourite colour combination. So pleasing to the eye. The flowers and leaves work so well together

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. That's my keeper and his four legged friend off to the country park for the first walk of the day. Wonder what 'creepy' tales (pardon the pun) he'll come back with this time - from flashing lights in the distance approaching fast which turn out to be flashing safety lights on another dog's collar, to the hooting of an owl he'd not heard there before, to ducks launching themselves into the lake for an early morning swim without warning and of course it's still very dark ! I don't settle till they get back, so to keep myself from over thinking my sanity is saved by your blog. And this is absolutely gorgeous Sue. The colour scheme just works extra magic with your Summer collection, and it's lovely to read you're also a frame fanatic lol. A beautiful and fresh start to the week.
In between holly leaves I cut a milk Onseie with sky blue bib, heart, etc and a milk stork with his sky blue hat and cloth for baby hoping to add them to a background with frames lol. I'd love a matching embossing folder though with a some pattern which works with the New Additions dies. And I had a lightbulb moment, a few year's ago I inherited a Spellbinders small ornate holly die, so I decided to use that to help build up my holly wreath and it's starting to look pretty with sugared holly leaves, so I'll press on with that today, and the thought of the Onesie waiting will spur me on to finish it and another tick in my order book - 3 down 4 to go on that order !
So before I put the fear of the devil in me thinking of all I have to do, I will send my usual hug for the day and go fill the kettle ready for my keepers hot coffee on his return.
Glad to see that you've found your feet again June.
Have a lovely day Sue xxx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. So very lovely. Great background die and fab flowers. TFS.

Netty The Runner said...

Another beautiful creation.
Annette x

A Happercrafter6 said...

Another lovely card Sue.

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card just gorgeous,love the colours together and the frame dies are a must.So delicate and pretty with the poppies.
Jan x

Linda Graham said...

Lovely card Sue.really like the fine detail of the Mauritius die and the colours are perfect together,thank you,Linda x

hazel young said...

Fabulous card Sue xx hazel

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, love ,love , love it!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card. I love the frames and the poppies. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Tina T said...

Morning Sue and crafters all,
Lovely card today, love the colourway. I have yet to get this Collection of dies- hope the Christmas fairy is listening.
Pam - Peter has tried the flavours waters both still and sparkling but finds them to sweet.
June Smith hope you are getting used to your new knee!!
My christening was lovely but it poured down and the church roof was leaking !!!!
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue, really like this Mauritius die. JJxx

Anonymous said...

OMG stupendously beautiful, Sue. Love it all - colours, design, dies and of course oh so pretty poppies. Only have poppies and frames, so could perhaps tinker around but don't think it would be as delightful as this!
Sending continued recovery wishes to Betty and June.
Tracy - WOT A CRAFTY SHOP!! Send Graeme down here lol. Mr P not interested in even sticking a toe into a craft shop (other benefits there though). Report back on GC v Platinum please... think someone else asked too.
Bejay - hugless!! Sending some to Cornwall - hope you're okay now after the mishaps. And what about the dog??
Greetings to all our missing pals.

'P' in Wales

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A striking card that showcases a beautiful die.x

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful elegant card, gorgeous colours.
B xx

Dragonsnap2 said...

I love this card. Love the colours and everything about it. Thanks Sue.
Happy crafting.
D xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a gorgeous card. The colours are beautiful. The poppies are always stunning in what ever colour you make them. I to love a framed card and i couldnt do it without all your noble dies which i have thanks to my lovely husband, ( It might have something to do with all my little notes left lying around as hints LOL)
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the design and the dies are amazing. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,beautiful colours.

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card, so pretty & delicate . Lovely colours.


Debra K. said...

Really lovely card! Wonderful design and the flowers look gorgeous. Debra x

Chris Curry said...

I love everything about this card and every die used. Those I don't have are on my list for when we go to Birmingham in November. Thank you Sue. Xx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, this card definitely sings to me. So beautiful. The colours are so delicate and give the card that elegant look, absolutely love it.

Love Rosemarie X X

Unknown said...

Morning Sue this is a gorgeous card it's so beautiful I do like the Mauritius die its one of my favorites
Kathy B x

lilian said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, love the colour and those delightful flowers.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

TDQ Karen said...

Fantastic card, I love it xx

JAO said...

One of my favourites Sue.

Marion Scott said...

Wow, a really stunning card Sue, love everything about it. Marion S x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, fabulous card today. Beautiful colours and dies, a gorgeous combination.

Barbara V

Betty McAlister said...

Morning Sue. Gorgeous card, love the Mauritius die, in fact love all the dies you've used today.
Thank you Pam, Sue and 'P' for your good wishes. Coming along nicely.
Glad you're feeling better June too. X

Laura O said...

great card Sue love the frame and the flowers are beautiful,Laura O

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue
A really beautiful card this morning and it is one of my fovourites, too!
The Mauritius die'is so pretty and I love the colours and the gorgeous flowers.
Lesley S x

Suemac said...

Absolutely Fabulous

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

This is so pretty - love that Mauritius die just cut as an aperture, it's so elegant and the Stitched Lattice framing sets if off perfectly especially as you've made the milk layer bigger to add some "breathing space" in to the overall design.


Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
A very pretty card today, the Mauritius die is so delicate isn't it. . It looks beautiful sat in the frame, I can see why it is one of your favourites. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
Tracey that was quite a spend, sounds like you had fun xxx
Elaine I hope the new girlfriend met with your approval! Andrew is a star xxx
Tina well that's a christening that will carry a tale. Sending hugs for you and Peter xxx
Pat how lovely for Sarah xx
June and Betty hope you had a good night xxx
Sending hugs to Tina and mick xxx

djones said...

Now that is a lovely card, Sue, the colours blending so well,

Doreen x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card so pretty and the colours are gorgeous. love Jean Z xxxx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Stunning card, love everything about it :-) Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Love todays card so clean cut and fresh looking.

Pam, Andrew had another bad day yesterday , lets hope he has a better day today, arranged for him to phone me this morning ,just in case he wants to sleep in .

June,,, you are doing so well , and each day will be a couple of steps more , keep up the good work.

Tina T , i find the waters too sweet myself , i now have the cordials with no sugar added ,and of course you can mix as weak or strong as you like , the lemon is very refreshing .
Sorry it was a damp day for the Christening

Sending big hugs to all.
Take care
Elaine H X

Clare Powell said...

Gorgeous card, love the colours and the poppies x

Marleine said...

Beautiful, gentle card. Lovely soft colours. X

Unknown said...

Morning Sue

I love this beautiful card! The design, colour and the gorgeous poppies, give a so very delicate look

June x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

I can see why you love it as it if so beautiful and classy

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,.
Stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, elegant, what else can I say I LOVE it.

marg said...

Hello Sue
Love the colours today!
Such a beautiful card so elegant, and I just love the Poppies!
Baby steps June!
Love to all who are poorly!
Love Marg

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful 2 colors card.

Anne said...

I love this colour combination, Sue, it never fails.

Anne (Northampton)

June Horrocks said...

I can understand why you love this card it's beautiful the flowers are just perfect as are the leaves I need those but I've got to get this years angel first love always sue xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

This is the most stunning card I have seen for a long time John. I adore the colours, and the frames with the beautiful flower accents just set it off to perfection. I don't have the Mauritius die yet but have lots of others which I am sure I could use to make my own version of this one.. I shall certainly have a go.
Thank you for once again sharing.


Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I completely get why you like this sort of card and I like it too - especially in these colours.


Anonymous said...

oops had a senior moment there and changed both your sex and name Sue - the rest of the comment still stands though, and please accept my apologies.

aka stitchingranny

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Beautiful card, I really like this style of card,colour & everything.
Thank you
Best wishes
Karen M

Rosemary Stickland said...

What a stunning card! I NEED the Mauritius die!!!
Rosemary xx

Anonymous said...

Stunning! Sue, your inspiration is never ending. Thanks for sharing every day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
I think this card is gorgeous really love everything about it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Heather R Oxfordshire

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This card is absolutely stunning !! I love all the dies you have used and the colours complement perfectly.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Beryl said...

Stunning card Sue.

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue, a really beautiful card this morning and I love that die and those beautiful flowers. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card & fabulous colours. The poppies are becoming my all time favourite flowers. Yvonne xx

Anonymous said...

A really pretty card, love all the dies used.
The colour is striking.

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue what a beautiful card I love the colours &the Mauritius die is gorgeous
June good to hear you've been up on your feet I hope you're continuing to improve. Betty it must be difficult trying get to get clothes over a large cast I hope they reduce the size of it soon & you feel more comfortable

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Such a stunning card!
Hugs x
Heather T

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
What a bonny card today, I love it.
Tina, would that be holy water coming in through the roof of the church?
'P' in Wales, Mr K shows no interest in craft, and that suits me just fine. What the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over - enough said !!!!
June, hope you are in less pain today and able to move about easier.
Thinking of the ladies and their husbands, and the ladies who are not well or able to get out.
Maureen xx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card, it's so elegant and it has my favourite flowers too

June and Betty glad that you're both feeliing a little better

Hugs and best wishes to everyone

Margaret R said...

Hin Sue
A lovely card
Margaret xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Your card is so delicate and lacy looking. It is beautiful.
Thank you for sharing.
Véronique L

Sam said...

Hello Sue

I love this card and particularly the Exquisite Poppies. Must get these and think I will try them in a red colour! As always a truly beautiful creation.

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, I agree with you this is my kind of card, love the colour combination you have used and the Poppies are one of my favourite flower dies.

Sue MacFall said...

All the dies on this are so beautiful. Thank you, Sue.
Sue Mac

Annie Stamps said...

Simply stunning card Sue. Love the milk white card with the blue. This die set is on my wish list so maybe Santa will pop it in my Christmas stocking hehehe

Annie P

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I absolutely adore this card. I love the Mauritius die and the way you have treated it on this card. Sky blue and milk card go so well together for a lovely muted tone and the poppies with the lace edged leaves are just perfect.

June & Betty - hope you are both healing well and are reasonably pain free. Feeling for all the other poorly Wilsonettes and their families. keep thinking positively.


Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
I'm with fluffycat with regard to the dies and treatment of them. I'm trying these here frames a bit more now and must admit to liking them more and more (I suppose as I get better at doing them :-) ).
Xmas card production is not going well, nothing turns out how I thought it would do.........
Hugs, Rose

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very pretty and feminine and I love the poppies and leaf sprays.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, love this card, so glad you are back to making your usual masterpieces.
These dies are lovely.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Kate's Cards said...

So, so pretty. xxx

Unknown said...

I must agree with you Sue, yes this is just my sort of card, love it


Myra said...

Hello Sue,
Wow! What a way to begin the working week! A gorgeous card - I love everything about it! It is in my favourite colours mind you which always helps! Thank you!
Tina - I don't like sweet drinks either - I do like a glass of water with some lemon juice squeezed in or some lime! It just makes a change but certainly isn't sweet! I love a cup of hot water with the juice of half a lemon in it! No wonder I'm such a sour puss! Careful Maureen, Diane and many others!!
Must go as got a lot to do today!
Have a lovely day!
Myra xx

hettygarlick said...

So pretty and the gorgeous Mauritius die again! Love it.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Gorgous card, love the Mauritius frame and the Exquisite Poppies!!!

Nanny Jo said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!! I love it, Sue! Jo. x

Pawprintx4 said...

Good Morning from the USA. This card is so lovely....vintage. I love the combination of the milk card and blue also.
Stephanie K

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card. The milk and sky blue cards go perfectly together. SueL x

Tracy Welham said...

So beautiful! Creative Blessings, Tracy x

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card, love the poppies

Suebak said...

I think we should all have cards like this in our stash ready to send out. Suitable for any occasion - just pop on an appropriate greeting. The milk card appears to go with just about any colour. Thanks.

Susan x

nzillingworth said...


barbara macaskill said...

Milk and Blue are a stunning combination!! These flowers are simply spectacular and the card looks so soft and delicate!!! LOVELOVELOVE it!! TFS!

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Very pretty, feminine card. Love the colours together,
Love to all Alison xx

Suzzette Yandle said...

Yes, I, too, like a framed card design with a flora accent. Lovely card design today. Thank you for sharing your ideas. You encourage me everyday in my card making.

sandieann21 said...

Hoping to pick up the indian set at NEC. Love them and this card.

sandieann21 said...

Hoping to pick up the indian set at NEC. Love them and this card.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love today's post, possibly my fav for a while and they have all been gorgeous. This colour combo is striking and the dies fab....

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
This is such a beautiful card I wouldn't change a thing. Elaine I hope Andrew feels a little better today. Sue I am looking forward to hochanda tonight John showing your dies.

Nana on the Hill said...

Totally agree Sue, your framed cards are just lovely, and this card is no exception. Your dies are simply beautiful, and this style shows them off to perfection.

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue.
Will be watching tonight!!!

Littlelamb said...

Beautiful card today Sue. Thank you so much for sharing this. Tina. How about water with cucumber in it. Might sound strange but I think it's very nice or root ginger.

Bejay said...

What an exquisite card Sue, I love it! It looks like I need to add the Mauritius die to my ever growing list as it's beautiful...and I love those poppies, every card you use them on they look different, so they are really high up on my list :).
'P' in Wales..the dog is fine, the hardest part of her skull was the bit that contacted my forehead so she never felt a thing while I was rolling around on the bed trying hard not to throw up lol. The bruise has almost gone now, just a bit of a shadow above my eyebrow is left. My right hand and arm are a different matter though...the kitten has decided that he needs to kick and chew thos part of my anatomy and goes at it like a good'un. Boy, I can't wait until his baby teeth have dropped out lol. At least he's growing now, I was convinced that he was too small. Today he weighs 1.56kg so he's doing okay.
Happy crafting everyone.
Bejay xx

Princess Pixie! said...

Hi Sue
Omg. What a stunning card. Love the Indian Ocean collection and this shows off the Mauritius die magnificently. Beautiful x
Apologies for my extended absence. I have had a period of terrible fatigue which hung around for longer than usual. I am getting over it slowly but still feeling fragile.
So please be patient whilst I attempt to get back into the particraft swing of things x
Looking forward to the ODS (even if it's not you Sue)! It will be a very welcome distraction for my forced sitting on my backside twiddling my thumbs x
June - hope op went well x
Not caught up on comments - forgive me x
Laine - fingers crossed we are still on for a chat tomorrow evening x
Loads of love to everyone especially all my blog Besties - you know who you are x
Take care
Happy thoughts
Crafty hugs

Wacki Macky said...

Gorgeous card Sue, absolutely marvellous,

thank you,

Pearl xx

gailgale said...

So, so, lovely! ! ! !

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Beautiful Card. I love this card, it's feminine. elegant, very pretty and floral without being to much. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Very pretty card.
Beverley W

KarinsArtScrap said...

this is gorgeous and elegant Sue, love this
Gr Karin

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Absolutely lovely - gorgeous - stunning - beautiful card my favourite colour combo

and a wonderful frame with a delicate corsage of flowers thank you for your

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Lesley said...

Great card. Love the dies and the colour card you have used. Lovely way to start the week.

karenlotty said...

Very pretty

liz spooner said...

Such a gorgeous colour combo and I absolutely love the poppies.xx

Theresa said...

it is great. but it looks yellow! mind you it works well in this colour too. the poppies make great accents, hugs xx

Fikreta said...

so pretty!

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Such a pretty card, I am amazed at the versatility of the poppies, so glad I have them, a real go to set for so many cards,
Muriel x said...

Beautiful card Sue - thanks for sharing x

shabbycraftcabin said...

Truly love this beautiful card. Ivy C x

Welsh Dors said...

Hi Sue
Just trying to catch up on all the posts I've missed whilst I was in Greece. Wow the cards are fabulous. I love the Mauritius die, it's on my Christmas wish list.

Dawn Holben said...

Such a beautiful card Sue, i love the colours and the flowers.
The card looks so fresh and i love it.

Pussycats said...

WOW WOW WOW Sue I love this card , its so beautiful. I love the colours and finishing touches. I am sorry I did not post this morning but to day I gave my notice in as I have been very unhappy at work for a while and I have been working there for 24 years so it was hard to day. Going to treat my self to the Poppies dies. Wendy

ursula said...

This is just so so beautiful, I too love the floral accent, especially it being the poppy, such a versatile flower die, the milk card and blue card look so beautiful together, thank you Sue for such wonderful inspiration.... luv Ursula xx

Brenda said...

Helo Sue,
What a stunning card, love the dies and colours you have used, in fact I love everything about it.
Thank you for sharing, Love Brenda xxx

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Stunning card, love the blue and crean colour of the card and the lovely dies. The little flowers are gorgeous.
Di B.

Scottydog said...

A lovely card today Sue, it has a delicate look to it & It's my favourite colour! Thank you.

Lynda's craft's said...

Beautiful card Sue
Love & Hug's Lynda Brockxx

Eunice said...

Love this card! Love the dies that were used especially the Poppy die!!

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

A gorgeous card. Just beautiful. I have to admit that these style of cards are my favourite. Lovely colours too. As many others have already said, the Mauritius die and poppy dies are exquisite. Combine these with elegant frames and you're definitely onto a winner. I'm still a big fan of the flags too, though I only have the originals at the moment.

June and Betty, hope you are both healing well, slowly but surely. X

Tracy, your shopping list made me smile. Good for you, glad you have such a kind, generous husband. Enjoy your haul. X

Bejay, glad you're on the mend, if still being chewed. X

Yvonne, hope you feel better soon x

Pussycats, good for you if we're not happy. Brilliant reward to yourself for 24 years - the gorgeous poppy dies. You'll soon have time to use them too! X

Tina, you may have already tried this for Peter, but Sainsbury's do a fizzy lime and lemon flavoured water, which when cold is quite refreshing and not as sweet as most. Maybe worth a try? X

Love Helen xxx

Unknown said...

Hello Sue another lovely card enjoy your day xx

Clai01 said...

Beautiful as always x

julie laz said...

Beautiful card, I had a big meeting yesterday, with all my carers, so I couldn't comment on your card,
but I need to tell you that I showed all my carers today and they loved it ✂️💗😀😃 crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

BenteS said...

This card is gorgeous!
Love the die you have used for the background - so beautiful :))

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
gosh that is one lovely card.
I've not been following for a few weeks but now I'm back and your cards are better than ever.

Love n hugs
Meg xxx

Roisin said...

This card is absolutely stunning Sue!!
