Thursday, 20 October 2016

Dimensional Star Card

Hi bloggers!  Here is a really simple card showing how to add dimension to the Aurora Star die.  It is so easy but adds such a nice touch to any card!

 The finished dimensions are 7" x  9" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Gorgeous Sue, so lovely.
Wendy Good Luck for today's interview.
June, so happy to hear you are home, just let hubby take care of you, don't try to run just yet.
Elaine, I'm sorry that Andrew is still not well, hope he starts to feel better soon.
Tina, hope Peter is more comfortable after his dressing change.
Betty, good news that the hand is improving.
Maria, hope the steroid injections help.
Tina and Mick, Tracey, Laine, Yvonne, Lorraine, Wheeley and Billy, and all who are not well, thinking of you.
Hugs to all.

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Dragonsnap2 said...

Fabulous card Sue. Love the dimension to the stars.
Happy crafting.
D xx

Annie Stamps said...

Love the card Sue. The star is beautiful. Will watch the video a little later on today.

Annie P

Denise Bryant said...

Another gorgeous creation! Love the embossing and the star dies!

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning christmas card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x

Anonymous said...

Nice simple card Sue. Love the stars and e-folder. JJxx said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you I love the this card I shall watch the video later although I have seen it on you tube thank you.
Take care and have fun Kitty.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card.
Nancyd xx

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all,
Lovely card today, such clever use of the Aurora star die. Colours go so well together!!!!
Well lottery was won but it wasn't me!!!!!
Pam, yes Peter feels a lot better now he has a straight dressing on and well padded. Eating better, even asking for Pizza which has not had for a long time and he ate 3/4 of a 10 inch one.
June Smith so glad you are home, keep up with the excerises. You will recover better in your own home.
Love and crafty hugs to all,
Tina T xxxx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. You really know how to hit the spot these days. This is just one of many that shone (if you pardon yet another pun) ! during your last lot of demo's both at AP and on our tv screen. It's simple but so effective the way you've added dimension to those gorgeous star's so before Andy returns with the dog and any spooky stories (only one pun today) I'm off to watch your magic fingers do the do ☺ one question for you though before I log out... how come you manage to get at least 3 cards done in a morning ? I put one card together that had been all cut and prepared with the dies I wanted, but only got half of another prepared, I will admit to 'faffing' about with my elephant, bottle, nappy pin etc to make sure I like the way it looks, but really ? Sunday is looming, I've made ONE extra baby boy card to add to the collection, one sitting on my table which I'll probably 'faff' about with plus pink New Arrival animals, shadow box additions, stork, and so on sitting there just waiting ! What about the festive order ? It's ONLY October ! Lol.
Anyway I need to go watch you while the bungalow is relaxed and peaceful, so here's my Thursday hug for you, and June, glad you are home, you'll have a quicker recovery at home hopefully and the more you do the exercises from the physio sheet you may have been given, the sooner you will get the benefit from your new knee and you can treat husby to the odd cup of tea or coffee.
Have a lovely day Sue however you're going to spend it xxx

hollyberry said...

Such an elegant card.

Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue
Love this elegant card,I have this die and I have made some of my smaller cards using it. It's so striking even just using one star.
Thanks Jan x

Barbara (C) said...

Simple design but very elegant. Great for batch making.

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely card Sue, will see the video later when I feel up to it.

Quick one today as can't sit in computer chair for long.

Hope everyone is OK, I will catch up with all the news when I can.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Netty The Runner said...

Very elegant. Got this die, it's beautiful.
Annette x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Fabulous card and video, the shaping of the stars just adds that special touch.
June, pleased you're home, I'm sure you'll recover quicker in your own home as long as you don't try to do too much too soon. Wheelybad, thanks for the Billy update, hope he continues to behave himself and not jump around. Wendy, keeping my fingers crossed for you today. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely stars. Will watch video later.

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. I like the dimensional stars. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Chris Curry said...

Lovely card Sue, and the sentiment goes perfectly with it. Thank you. Xx

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A stunning card although but it is quite large xx

TDQ Karen said...

Really impressive card xx

A Happercrafter6 said...

Pretty card Sue.

Wacki Macky said...

Love the card today Sue. I've just brought the Star die so the inspiration from your design is well timed! I love the trio of stars and they do look so different.

Thank you and craftihappiness everyone,

Pearl xx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A beautiful card, thank you for the tutorial.x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, lovely card I do like the stars
Kathy B x

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card ,the guilding wax gives it a gorgeous sheen

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's Christmas card is gorgeous I do love the star. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Anonymous said...

Really like this card, Sue, sadly video keeps going into error mode and blacking out with a message, so will try again later.
Wheely - really feel for you. Hope you and Billy truly in recovery mode soon.
PP - OMG a fraught household again, thank heavens for one calm son! Doesn't do much for the fatigue levels, though.
and Laine - sounds as though you're mobile? Tacker fine - 4 months - no owner or new home yet ha ha love him. Will introduce him to the three other littlies soon, now he's had a period of 'isolation'. Our lovely vet leaving tomorrow so got touch of the glooms. There are 8 others in the very rural practice, all competent of course, but they don't have that special touch. Have been so blessed.
Hugs to all the poorly people.

'P' in Wales

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card, the star is a great die and looks fabulous shaped like this.
B xx

Yvonne19856 said...

Another spectacular card sue. Colours are really classic. Love the embossed background too. Xxx

Debra K. said...

Gorgeous Christmas card! Just love the design with the 3D stars. Lovely colour combination and waxed embossing. Debra x

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card, very elegant & classy.


hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue x xhazel

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, a lovely card today and a great video. Thank you.

Love Rosemarie X X

Karen Drew said...

Gorgeous card. Love the dimension on the stars.
Karen xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Stunning card, love the stars :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Sue MacFall said...

Beautiful and it looks as though I could manage to do this !!!
Thank you,Sue
Sue Mac

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Really do like this one! I'm sure even I could manage to do this! Love to all, Alison xxx

Maggie said...

Hi Sue
Another fabulous card love the dimensions with these stars.

MaggieH capricorncrafts

Anonymous said...

A lovely elegant star card, the gold and black look so good together.

Anne said...

What a lovely card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Love the Stars and the E/Folder must watch the Video next!
Love the new editions for next month too!
Take care Wheely,June and all the others who are trying to get well!
Love Marg

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, Stunning card, love the colour!!! Going to watch the video!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

June Horrocks said...

What a beauty sue love this card so elegant going to watch the Vidio now
Thank you sue love June horrocks xxxxxxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love this card very different. love Jean Z xxxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Gorgeous card and great video, thank you.
I have just got the star die, so will be trying the raised effect later.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue
What a striking effect so elegant. Love the colours and the simplicity of this one.
Heather R Oxfordshire

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, will watch video later

Clare Powell said...

Beautiful card, the stars make a real impact x

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Fabulous design - love how you've given the stars some extra dimension, must try this technique for myself...

June - glad to hear you're back home now and hopefully sleeping much better...


Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the colours.

doreenj said...

A lovely card; could be used for batch making too!!

Doreen x

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, a really bright designed card for today, love how youve given them dimension. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, a little bit of dimension adds so much depth into your card. Totally outstanding. Yvonne xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great card, love the dimension of the stars .
Take care everyone, Jess xx

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue lovely card I really like the three dimensional effect on the stars I have this die so will give this a go later
Healing wishes to all who are unwell

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue lovely card I really like the three dimensional effect on the stars I have this die so will give this a go later
Healing wishes to all who are unwell

shabbycraftcabin said...

Elegant card!! Have a good day, Ivy C x

Yorks butterfly said...

Lovely card Sue, and a great way to give the stars dimension.
Love the color combination always elegant.

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Another beauty , i love all your Christmas card ideas .

Wendy, thinking about you today, You go girl !!!!

June , so pleased you are home ,take it easy , small steps eh ?

Wheely ,So pleased Billy is on the mend, try and get some rest now.

Maria , hope the injections help xx

Andrew is a little better today ,he has to go to Hospital today for a dressing change , he is taking his younger brother with him as he has to have a tooth out { gum cut job , and Darren is not too good with blood } so Andrew will wait for him to bring him back home .
I am so proud of these two they are very close .

Sending special hugs to Pam ,Crewe Trish,Betty and Diane and all who need one .

Elaine H X

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
lovely card and idea, I'll probably make a lot of them as they are quick and easy but stunning.
Hugs, Rose

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
As always
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Rosemary Stickland said...

Lovely card.
Rosemary xx

Anonymous said...

A lovely card, and thank you for taking the time to show we mere mortals how to achieve it.

Helen x

Pussycats said...

Morning sue and all. Stunning card and looking forward to watching the video. Thank you ladies for the good luck for to days interview, feeling strange. Hugs to anyone who needs one to day and well wishes.

julie laz said...

Hi sue, beautiful card, love the colour, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

Bejay said...

What a great card, Sue,
I really NEED this star for a project I'm doing right now so I think I'm going to have to go and look for it online :)
Bejay xx

Fikreta said...

beautiful card!

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Love this card, looks simple but the added dimension to the star is so effective. Thank you for the excellent video too

Maria hope the steroid injections help
Wheelybad glad billy on the mend, take things easy for awhile

Hugs and best wishes to everyone

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely Christmas card. Thanks for your video.

BenteS said...

A beautiful and shiny card :))
Thanks for a great tip on how to use this die!

Kate's Cards said...

Classic Christmas design. xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue i just love this card thanks for sharing the video.

Helen Bell said...

Hi sue and everyone

Great card, love the dimensions of the lovely stars. Love the sentiment, Silent Night was my mothers favourite Christmas Carol. Will watch the video soon.

Love Helen xx

Marion Scott said...

Beautiful and stunning card Sue.
Marion S x

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
This is lovely, the dimensional affect is beautiful.
Maria, love to you and I hope the injections help.
June Smith, so pleased you are home, you will get more rest and feel more able to do the exercises, but remember - don't go mad and injure yourself.
Tina, pleased Peter is eating and enjoying his pizza.
Elaine, thinking of Andrew and Darren.
Love to all, especially those having treatment, in pain or down in spirits.
Maureen xx

CraftyJo said...

This is lovely :)

KarinsArtScrap said...

Elegant and very beautiful card Sue
Gr Karin

barbara macaskill said...

WOW! My jaw is on the floor! I love the Aurora Star and need to get my hands on it!!! TFS!

Suebak said...

Loving the Christmas touches in your video crafting area. I have the Aurora Star and it is already a favourite but who would have thought with a little scoring it could be elevated to a dimensional star. Great colour combo too. Thanks.

Susan x

Unknown said...

To My Very Special Friend Sue,
Like Lots Of Your Tremendous Blog Family I Love To Watch
Your Video's On The You Tube Channel And I Love It When They Come Around On
Your Blog.
I Love The Outstanding Star Swirls Embossing Folder, Very Striking Indeed
I Love The Fabulous Colour Palette You've Chosen The Milk, Antique Gold, Also The Black.
The Stunning Aurora Star I Like Many Just Love How You've Brought The Star To Life By Giving
It Dimension, You Clever Lady, You Share All Your Awesome Talents With Us And I For One
Am In Total "Awe" Of You!!!!!!!!!
You Inspire Me Daily With Your Beautiful Artwork I So Appreciate Everything You Do
Thank You So Very Much For Sharing,
Take Care My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue
Warmest Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself Sue
From Sam xxx
Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes

Jean said...


lritchie said...

Hi Sue, lovely card this morning, I used this idea to make a card yesterday but it wasn't so successful, I'm a rookie! I'll try it again though

Lori from Canada

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card today, very sophisticated. Love the background embossing folder. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
June good to hear you are home, quality sleep will help you recover xxx
Elaine I hope both brothers get on ok at the hospital xxx
Tina it's good to hear Peter is enjoying pizza xxx
Sending hugs to Tina and mick and Tracey. Maria I hope the injections help xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafty friends.

Ooooh pretty pretty. This is one I'll be doing. The star comes a close second to the snowflake flurry lol I even have the snow globe shaker card. Hubby was impressed lol.

Used the platinum machine yesterday. It cuts a lot better than the calibur but I find it very clunky to use. Another right annoying thing is I have to use the calibur for my noble dies to cut and emboss as it only comes with the small plates. And I can't afford another £50 for large cutting plates and blue embossing folder with Matt What's the point of an A4 machine then only give u small plates? I know u can use calibur plates but it's so very tight I'd rather not invalidate the warranty.
RAnt over lol but on the whole I'm pretty happy with it.

Love to all xx

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Love today's card....really striking!!

Suzzette Yandle said...

Your Aurora Star die is so lovely, especially when scored and folded for dimension. Your card design today is beautiful. I appreciate your video on making this card. Thank you for sharing.

ursula said...

Hello from Spain Sue...internet very die I've got to add to my collection, so versatile...amazing card..luv Ursula xx

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Beautiful card Sue not watched the video yet will do that later
Love the dimention on these stars it is brilliant
Been having a sneak peek at you upcoming die release ohhh my. My bank account is going to be hit yet again lol
Might have to come out of retirement.
Have a great day folks and hugs to all that need one
Theresa G xx

Tressa said...

A timely video as I plan to take this Aurora Star die , and a few other dies, along with my Big Shot up to the caravan this weekend so that I can spend time when I am not with my mum, preparing to make Christmas cards.

For once I have all the makings for this card!! It is a lovely one and I like the black and gold combination although I might play around with a few others. The tip for giving the star a textural feel is useful and effective. I have made notes in my little pink craft notebook to take with me as I have too poor public wifi access to watch it again whilst I am there.

June, I am pleased to hear that you have returned home. I am sure your recovery will be all the faster now that you are back in more comfortable surroundings. Each day will see improvement.


Berina RGA said...

Ooh!! Such beautiful card!! Love the stars!!
Moxie Craftie

Janet Wilson said...

Beautiful classic card, love the stars.

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
This is a lovely card I hadn't realised the star could be used for other occasions so is a must have. Elaine I hope Andrews treatment doesn't make him feel as awful as last time, poor Darren I had my wisdom teeth out in my 20s I can still remember the pain. June I hope today is better. Wendy thinking about you today I hope the interview went well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. WOW This is a very elegant and striking card. The Aurora Star die is gorgeous and on my wish list and i was looking at your up coming die release and i must say there is some stunning dies which i have added to my wish list, hoping to get most of them off Santa Clause lol. Thanks for the video along with the hints and tips to give the star dimention.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. Classically elegant, great colour combination and I love the raised stars. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Unknown said...

Hello Sue and loverly ladies
Saw this card being demo'd and it is lovely. Must get some of that gold card. The star die has gorgeous detail and I love! love! love! the embossing folder.
So sorry been AWOL, life doesn't get any less bonkers but just wanted to say hi to everyone and send hugs to all my crafty friends and anyone else who needs one.
Love and blessings
Deb C xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue,
Just back from a lovely day out visiting two separate houses in East Sussex with a group I belong to.
The countryside looked wonderful and it was so beautiful to see the changing colours of the trees in the Autumn sun.
I love the Aurora star and the striking colour combination you have used today not forgetting one of my favourite embossing folders in the background. A really great card and video!
Lesley S x

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Lovely and a very unusual effect. Star die is very beautiful feature on the card

liz spooner said...

This is such a classy card Sue.xx

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm late but I have watched the video! I love this card and I have the Die . It is beautiful! Thank you for showing so many ways in which to use it! I cut it yesterday several times using the soft gold card and milk card! Shiny black card coming up!!!
Deb C - I do hope your FIL is settling in to his new Home . I know it's hard, but as my Dad used to say , " prayer changes things!"
Maria - hope you are feeling better!
Tracy - I know what you mean about the plates! I would have been really stuck if it hadn't been for Sue and JulIia using the GC plates. I have now bought the large plates and they make a difference. Would have been nice to get those with the machine though!! H
June - take care and just take things slowly!
Princess P - sorry you aren't well and you have sons having a difference of opinion into the bargain! Would another visit from Laine help???
To everyone else going through times of trouble I send my love and best wishes!
Lots of love everyone, especially Sue!
Myra xxx

Theresa said...

elegant card. love the dimension on the stars, hugs xx

karenlotty said...

Beautiful card and I live the 3D effect of the stars

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a lovely CAS card that I remember from your shows. A little wide for my taste (I would have to make the envelopes to fit) but otherwise great for batch making. By giving dimension to the star it really makes a statement and I actually like this amount of black with the gold.

Wheely - thanks for the update on Billy, glad he is ok now. I can well imagine the fright you must have had when he started bleeding. Sorry it has taken its toll on your strength so I hope you have several calm and peaceful days.

P Pixie - I really thought you had those boys better trained! :-) Let's hope this one blows over quickly and peace reigns supreme in your kingdom lol


Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I have just been looking at some of the dies for your next launch and I can't believe how detailed and delicate they are. I thought you had surpassed yourself on the last launch but you seem to have pushed the boundaries even more this time!
Back to today's card, a really beautiful design, but for me it could do with a bit of glitter - you know how much I love glitter on Christmas cards.


Di said...

Hi Sue,
Very elegant card, the stars are fantastic so lacy and delicate, live the black and gold,
Di B,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Great card. I loved the demo.
Thank you for the inspiration.
Véronique L

Laura O said...

Really pretty for a simple card. Would never think so as it is stunning. Laura O

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card clean and simple ideal for batch making.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Betty McAlister said...

Gorgeous black and gold card Sue. Don't have this die but it makes a stunning card. Haven't had time to watch UTube yet but will tomorrow. X

Dawn Holben said...

This is another gorgeous card and i was so hoping you were going
to show this one.
I loved it when i saw the sample on hochanda.
I have this beautiful die and will definately giving this a go.

Littlelamb said...

Lovely card today Sue. Thank you for sharing.

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

What a stunning card, black and gold is always lovely together.
Loved watching the video Thanks for sharing your talent with us Sue.

Another die added to my ever long list o wants.

Love and hugs to everyone.

Dorothy from Baldock.

Eunice said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the raised stars and the gilding wax.

Sandy H said...

Lovely design. Elegant in gold and black and would look good in other colour combos too. That little bit of dimension on the stars makes so much difference.
Take care everyone.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Very classy

gailgale said...

Very very, BEAUTIFUL!!!

Unknown said...

Lovely card
