Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Illuminated Angel Striplet

Hello bloggers!  More Christmas for you today!  The video shows a lovely way to use the Illuminated Angel Striplet  to create an elegant card for the festive season.  Don't forget to check out the metallic linx, it is a great new product to add a bit extra to your cards and projects.

The finished dimensions are 7" x
7 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                     Follow my blog with Bloglovin


nancyd said...

Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous card off to watch video now.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

Stunning card it is gorgeous
June and Tracey good luck for today big hugs to you
Elaine and Andrew hope all goes well
Tina and Mick thinking of you
Tina T and Peter too
Laine I'm thoroughly chastised
Hugs to all

Tina T said...

Morning Sue and crafters all,
What is there more to say, will watch video later. This is what I call a mantelpiece card.
Peter is eating a lot better although not sleeping for more than three hours. Nurse day today to change the dressing.
Love and crafty hugs,
Tina T xxxxx

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card Thank you. and a great video, Thank you.
Take care all Kitty.

DeCor said...

A really rich looking card. Have to watch the video later as tried to watch on my phone but couldn't get it all. Makes me feel Christmasy! Thank you Sue again.

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, I will watch video later. Yvonne xx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, great video and stunning card. Love the outline die flowers, really great with the Angel striplet. Have a good day. Bx

Loraine Jefferis said...

I really love the look of this Christmas card very classy. Can't wait to see the video. Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx

hettygarlick said...

What a lovely card. I really like that striplet.

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card

Dragonsnap2 said...

Beautiful card today Sue. Stunning.
Happy crafting.
D xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, it's lovely to see the angel striplet again. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Very classy card Sue, lovely. Will be watching video later. JJxx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card, love the bling!
Carol quinn

Unknown said...

Morning Sue

A beautiful card, the two card colours compliment each other, I also enjoyed your tutorial

June x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. As you say, very elegant. Love it. Will watch video later.

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A stunning card. Love the sparkle. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful,the embellishment dies add that bit extra, you are right, lovely xx

Netty The Runner said...

Absolutely stunning card, love the outline flowers and the angel is gorgeous.
Annette x

Barbara (C) said...

A beautiful card really enhances the angel striplet....

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, dramatic and elegant card today,

thank you,

Pearl xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, looking forward to seeing the video, I have some of the metallic link, it to super.

Very short today, sorry, am on tablet because windows 10 is updating on pc, so will take some time.

Sending special hugs to, Tina, Peter, Tina, Mick, Elaine, Andrew, Tracy and anyone I have forgotten.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A stunning card that would certainly grab your attention on a mantlepiece.
I love the effect of the new linx embellishment. Thank you for the great tutorial and inspiration.x

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. What a lovely card for us to wake up to or catch up with after work. And as per, a lovely tutorial to instruct us through the process.
Until I watched it I thought the golden spirals were from an older collection I have which are cute little additions I use from time to time but nope, yet again CE are tempting us with even more new scrummy goodies lol. I'm sure I'll be tempted too after all, what's a festive card without sparkly ribbons etc. A really lovely card to send to anyone that will beat any expensive shop bought card.
Well I was thrown a curve ball yesterday which interfered with my planned Sue day ! We spent most of the day on and off washing parts of the dogs coat as she did what a lot of them do.... found the stinkiest stickiest fox doo doo !!! Oh my word, thank goodness for dog shampoo specifically made for that disgusting habit lol but it took several attempts as she has such thick coats being part German Shepherd so we had to keep washing the areas then keep our nostrils open, 5 partial wash downs later and the additional washing of her collar we'd cracked it but my day had now gone completely pear shaped or should I say pooh shaped that I just didn't find enough time to sit down and relax and enjoy my very much looked forward to Sue day, and today we have the dog sitter paying a visit to introduce herself to the dog ready for our day out on Lottie's first birthday.
So tomorrow will be MY day ☺
Until then take this hug for the day and hope you have a good one xxx

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the design. The dies are amazing. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Anonymous said...

So elegant, as you say Sue, lovely colours with a touch of sparkle and pretty flowers. Just about perfect! Thanks for the video, always a joy to watch.
Thinking of Tracy and June - hope good news.
Laine and PP - chuckled to think of you both tap tapping away at your messages and publishing around the same moment!
Pam - good to see you up top!!
Had a weird dream about a flying black cat trying to overtake a lorry on the motorway, couldn't make it and clung to the wing mirror. We managed to pull alongside and I scruffed it, pulled it through our window and (what do you know?) brought it home. Hope that's not prophetic!
Hugs all round.

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, lovely elegant Christmas card. It really shows the striplet off . Thank you.
Barbara V

BenteS said...

Beautiful card, such an elegant colour combo!
Thanks for the video!

Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue
Elegant card so beautiful.
Jan x

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely card, very classy.


Unknown said...

Hi sue. And crafty crew

Georgeous card. Love the bling. Canny beat a bit of bling at Xmas time lol and it's fast approaching. Xx

Had my first go with pixie powders yesterday. Oh my word it went everywhere!!! I was trying to re create sues lovely background the one on the show with the star. I know ur not supposed to squeeze but sue u squeezed on this one lol
Effect was pretty good tho but I'd bought the firework instead of the midnight blue. I'll have to get the blue. Hubby really liked the effect but wasn't happy at me buying the pixie powders lol ah well
Just need to get the hang of the gilding polish now. Sue can we have a video on how to use those please??

Steph hope u get ur sue day I was laughing at ur story tho X
June good luck for today!

Lynda b hope ur feeling better soon ma wee pal xx
Hugs to Laine, p pixie, pam, Diane, Myra,and both Tina's.
Love to all

lilian said...

Hi Sue, really stunning card, proper Christmas Card.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

shabbycraftcabin said...

Gm Sue, a gorgeous card, looking forward to watch the video later after school run. Ivy C x

Denise Bryant said...

Love the glitter!

Unknown said...

Morning Sue a beautiful elegant card thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your day .

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, this is a beautiful Christmas card, so elegant. Thank you for the video. Always so much easier for me to watch than read.

Love Rosemarie X X

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue I really like this Christmas card it is so elegant I shall watch the video later and enjoy
Kathy B x

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue x xhazel

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Today's card is simply elegant! I love the milk and gold together they always look gorgeous. I enjoyed the video thanks for sharing.
Hugs x
Heather T

Yvonne19856 said...

Morning Sue. This is so beautiful. I love it. Xxxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card love it. love Jean Z xxx

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, beautiful and elegant card. Marion s x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - a very elegant card again with subtle colours, so classy, and another helpful video too. Best wishes

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Gorgeous card - I think the Angel striplet is one of your most inspired festive designs, she's just beautiful...and I love the linx, saw you using it on Hochanda and immediately added it to my shopping list!...


Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue, such an elegant card, love from Jackie x

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card and I adore the background. Video being saved for later as usual. SueL x

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Sue
I think your card today is beautiful and as always the milk and gold card go so well together to create an elegant card.
Lesley S x

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Your card is absolutely stunning. Will look forward to watching the video later. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card. I'll watch the video later today. My sister-in-law has been visiting but we took her back to her home yesterday, so I can have some "me" time again.
B xx

Anonymous said...

Really lovely card again Sue, love the dies.
The milk and gold are so elegant together.

hollyberry said...

Such a gorgeous card.

Anne said...

Beautiful, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Annie Stamps said...

Gorgeous card Sue. There's so much detail. I love the curly metal embellishment.

Annie P

Evis M said...

Hi Sue,
A beautiful card. Very elegant.
Evis M.

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue on a wet Tuesday morning, but your card has really cheered me up its gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Just one word - beautiful! Going to watch video now.
Love to all, Alison xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, off watch video.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

June Horrocks said...

A real beauty sue I loved this die when I first saw it what you have done with it is awsum thank you love always June Horrocks xxxxxxxxxxxx

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Beautiful christmas card sue x love the colours and treated myself to the metallic links (amongst other things !) at ally pally after we had a 'play' x
Will watch the video later off to have my hair done ready for my holiday x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Suemac said...

Such an elegant card

marg said...

Hello Sue
Love the Angel striplet makes a very elegant card!
Off to watch the Video!
Love Marg

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, fabulous card and video!!! Well if you wait long enough things certainly come back in fashion!!! I bought the metal bendy stuff about 20 years ago at NEC or some craft show my friend and I went to and I've still got some left!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A stunning card, love it.

A Happercrafter6 said...

Another lovely card. Everyone is coming up with great ideas to develop!

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card that really makes a statement , i love it ! will watch your video later.

Pam Hackett, thank you for your good wishes.

Tina and Peter , thinking of you.

June , Gosh we do miss our p/c don't we ? i was like a bear with a sore head when mine was out of action , however not as drastic for you , hope the up date wont be too long .

Sending big hugs to all
Take care
Elaine H X

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Wow what a beautiful card, watching video later so I can savour it,
Thank you
Best wishes
Karen M

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Oh this is a beautiful card, love the poinsettia dies and like the way you have hilighted the angel panel by adding lacy bits.


Heather R Oxfordshire

Rosemary Stickland said...

Stunning card!
Rosemary xx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
What an elegant card today. It's stunning! Thanks for sharing with us.
Bejay xx

Kate's Cards said...

Very elegant. xxx

gwen70 said...

Stunning card, love it

ssn.wht@gmail.com said...

Beautiful card, and I love that springy gold bow too. Thanks for the great video x

JAO said...

Another lovely card Sue.

Paula said...

Such an unusual card Sue, it's lovely. I can't wait to see the video so I'm off to make my usual cup of tea so I can sit and watch in comfort! Thank you for all the help and inspiration you give us, it is appreciated. :)
Hugs to all in need today,
Paula x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card, elegant and classy. Love the way you have dressed it up with all the extra bits as well.

'P' - a black cat will come to you, just maybe not in the way you dreamed lol
Good Luck to everyone that is going to see doctors today.


Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW What can i say but classy, gorgeous, stunning, beautiful and very elegant. Love the sparkle behind the angel. I have just been getting some of the Metallic Linx and once again CE have done it again bringing us crafters some fantastic finishing touches. Will have ago at making this one later today. Thanks for another great informative video.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, now that's a Christmas card, beautiful. Really informative video. You always make everything look so easy.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
I'm with Denise T. (apart from the Metallic Linx which I have yet to acquire), such a stunningly beautiful and elegant card, and great video.
I'm not really an angel fan but your 2016 offerings are really lovely.
Hugs, Rose

Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue.

Theresa said...

elegant card. those metallic links look very interesting. I never saw them at ally pally. pity, hugs xx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
Love the Christmassy set dressing in your video, I hope you weren't filming it when the temperatures were soaring outside! The card is beautiful, I couldn't work out why you needed the extra layers on the outside edge but the close up photo shows why, lovely. My gilding waxes have gone really hard although I have blending solipution to add I've sort of gone off them although the effect is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx

Tracey I'm sorry I had a chuckle, I hope you didn't sneeze whilst using them. My husband was fascinated too, told me that's enough but I had to do one more squirt of water! That overlooked it but it's still a lovely effect. Sending hugs xxx
Tina and June I hope appointments go well today xxx
Tina and mick and Elaine and Andrew sending hugs xxx
Pam hope you are enjoying the holiday xxx

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and the Wilsonettes,
THis is a fabulous card Sue, one that is really special looking and with the gilding wax softly over the white card to allow it to take life just finishes it off beautifully. I haven't got this angel yet but oh how this card would be oh so right for my special friend, so i think an order is required after my wee holiday away. Thank you flower for such a stunning card as i think we all have that special person who it would be right for. Have a lovely day flower whatever you are doing and i wonder what inspiration is going to be next on the agenda.
Well O.H. is having a day off from his tiling adventures thank goodness as it gives me a day off as well, so i will get my special neices' baby shawl finshed today and hopefully the 3ply that i have ordered will be in today as well. I can hardly believe that Monday is my special neice and her husbands first wedding anniversary. I don't know where that last year has gone but i do know that i have had a wonderful year making new friendships that have brought a lot of fun and laughter into my life, so to my very special cherubs thank you and see you all in a fortnight, WHOOPPEEEE.
I hope that you all have a lovely day for whatever you want to do and sending hugs to all the Wilsonettes that need, want or could do with,
love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil Village)

Sue MacFall said...

The gold is such a lovely colour - not too bright. Just love the card.
Many thanks.
Sue M

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, wow an absolutely stunning Christmas card. I love it all, from the gorgeous background, the beautiful angel to the lovely finishing touches. So elegant in the white with the gold.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Absolutely gorgeous card

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue ,I enjoyed the video .The milk & gold card look so elegant together. I agree with you about the enchanted gold wax on the embossing folder it looks great .Thanks (Gloria (Sidcup) xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Stunning, Stunning, Stunning !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, love the angel and will catch the video later.
Thanks for sharing,

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
A really nice card. Will watch the video later.
Margaret xx

Jean said...

Simply gorgeous!!

Clare Powell said...

Beautiful card, love the angel die x

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. What a really pretty card. I really like the poinsettia outline dies. I will have to watch the video later on today.


craftynanna said...

Hi Sue, thank you for such a beautiful glorious card, I have this die and it's beautiful everyone should buy it, honestly. The video was superb as usual. Hugs to all our poorly friends I do keep up and a lot of the reading is quite upsetting, hugs to all Johanna

craftynanna said...

Hi Sue, thank you for such a beautiful glorious card, I have this die and it's beautiful everyone should buy it, honestly. The video was superb as usual. Hugs to all our poorly friends I do keep up and a lot of the reading is quite upsetting, hugs to all Johanna

KarinsArtScrap said...

stunning card and sp elegant in that white with gold Sue

gr karin van eijk

Suebak said...

The Illuminated Angel striplet was one of the first dies I purchased when your Xmas range came out. I love how you have used it on this card. The other focal point for me is the bow/metallic loops which I do not yet own! Thanks.

Susan x

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
Beautiful card, will watch the video later as not possible at the moment! I've ordered the metallic cord last week! Looking forward to using it! Had similar , a few years ago which I used in floral arrangements and gift tags/ bags! Wonder if I used it all? Ha ha!
Pam - whatever are you doing being up so early on holiday? I'm guessing old habits die hard! You would get on very well with my friend Patricia!
Norah - so pleased the Master Tiler is having a day off! Phew!! x
Tracy - so pleased you've plucked up courage and gone for these pixie powders! They are effective aren't they.
.P - I think you need to take more water with whatever you are having!! Lol you made me laugh!
To all going for tests or to get results today - thinking of you!!
Love Myra x

barbara macaskill said...

OMG! This lovely angel is positively glowing! Absolute perfection!!! I totally adore this beauty and have this die at the top of my wish list!! Saving my pennies so I can get it one day!! TFS!

Leanne said...

Fabulous card!

Nana on the Hill said...

Lovely card, that Angel would grace home x

Myra said...

Sue - it's me again ! I managed to watch the video! Thank you. The Angel is gorgeous and the colours are perfect!
Love the poinsettias but they are a favourite of mine anyway! The gold Linx is very similar to what I've had before - used to wrap it round a pencil end and make a sort of spiral tube with it! I know what I mean! X

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful elegant card and great video as always, wish I had some more of the vintage gold card!

Sending caring hugs to Tracy, Nanna Tina, Tina T, Elaine and Wheelybad and anyone else I've missed

Love and best wishes everyone

Tressa said...

For the most part I don't send religious cards at Christmas but this die is ideal for those occasions when I like to make cards for those friends who are believers. This is a lovely creation, simple but elegant. As always, thanks for the ideas.


CraftyJo said...

Very nice :)

Unknown said...

Good afternoon lovely sue and her crafty crew!

What a rich and opulent Christmas card, I love the colour palette, it really suits the beautiful Angel Striplet. The EF provides the perfect base with just a hint of soft gold shimmer....I always struggle with gilding wax and my long nails though I do love the effect. The accent provided by the two other dies works beautifully and fills the space perfectly, do forgive me for not naming them, I've been looking at your festive range and my head gets easily muddled by their fabulousness and I forget the names, blame my age:-)
Your demo was fantastic and I will most definitely be trying this card....just have to buy the dies first! I did buy loads of metallic Linx at Ally Pally in various colours because I felt that they would be really useful on my Christmas cards.
My plans for today were scuppered, I had a caci facial booked, and boy did I need it, but had to cancel because of a sinus infection....I've had it since Ally Pally and it doesn't seem to be clearing:-( I think staying in palace pixie with all the windows wide and fans blowing has played havoc with my immune system...Yvonne has reached that sensitive age where you are prone to sweating excessively whereas I still have at least a decade before I need to worry about that:-) So I'm faced with looking as miserable ,with my sagging jowls ,as I currently feel:-)
Pam, please don't take my jesting to heart, have a lie in on your holiday honey, we will manage in your absence:-) Though in saying that, how long are you away for?:-)
Norah, you must be super excited about your trip, who will you be meeting, not that meddlesome double act Myra and Maureen? Hope you enjoy your day of rest from the tiling, make the most of it honey.
Tracy, hoping you had good news today, thinking of youxxx
To anyone getting results or attending appointments, hope all goes well.
Yvonne, I can't seem to avoid you any longer it appears, I guess I'll just have to tolerate our catch up later, I must do my bit for the 'special' people amongst us:-)
Sending healing hugs to wheely bad, Mick and Tina, Elaine and Andrew and tina and Peterxxxx
Cuddles to all my blog besties, hope you are all well.
Oh and P, that dream was surreal, what on earth did you have for supper the night before....and is it legal?:-)

Crafty hugs


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful, love the floral arrangements too

Janet Wilson said...

Very pretty card, the gold angel looks gorgeous over the glitter.

Princess Pixie! said...

Afternoon Sue
I am always delighted to see your fabulous festive offerings and this is no exception. The video will have to go on hold for now but will look forward to watching with my feet up and a cuppa!
Loving your gold phase. This shade of gold really does rock my boat and is such a soft hue. I need to replenish my stocks as I didn't realise how little I had. Feeling a few gold tinged Christmas cards coming on.
I do hope you are managing to replenish your energy levels after such a hectic time. After all we need you bright eyed and bushy tailed for the weekend. Especially seeing as those of us who have been deprived of Hochanda on Free view are counting down the hours til we will not have to tolerate trying to watch on such small screens. These disruptions always seem to coincide with your dhows - is it some sort of conspiracy?
I really need to pull my finger out and get on with making some cards. Laine and I started well during her stay. Apart from one day of crafting at the beginning of her stay our creative plans were thwarted due to collapsing shelves and over excitement leading to being knackered. That was Sue's fault - the over excitement not the collapsing shelves. When you get to meet the crafty queen at Ally Pally feeling overcome is unavoidable x
Myra - I am touched by your concern for the need to dilute any potent liquid which may pass my lips. I can assure you that the strongest thing to pass my lips is milky coffee. From what you know about me do you think it wise that I abstain from alcohol? Lol. Hugs x
Norah - I know exactly what you mean. Why is it that whenever men decide to do those jobs it creates more work for us. And then they take all the credit without giving us any of the recognition. Bless them. Hugs x
Theresa W - have a lovely holiday with your new hair do x
Tracy - well done girl. It took a while but you got there in the end. I remember when Sue first demonstrated the pixie powders and gave us strict instructions NOT TO SQUEEZE. Then blow me down she ignores her own advice and was squeezing those powders as if her life depended on it. Jokes aside persevere and carry on playing. Laine loved them. She had a go before we went to Ally Pally then bought 7. Need I say more? Try tapping them gently before moving on to the more advanced squeeze method! Lol. Let me know. Hugs x
P - Laine and I had not planned to coordinate our comments but hey -aren't we clever. Hugs x
Maria - how you doing hun? Hugs x
Laine - looking forward to our catch up later. Prepare yourself - I have not spoken to you for almost a week. There is a lot of pent up sarcasm eager to escape. Lol. Hugs x
OK my royal subjects, all for now.
Sending lots of love to everybody specially Wheely, Lesley S, June, Tina and Peter, Pam, June, Lorraine, Fluffy, Elaine and Andrew, Tina and Mick, Jane and anyone else I have forgotten x
Take care
Crafty hugs
Princess P
Yvonne x

Brenda said...

Hi Sue,

Love the Gold and White it's very classy, great card also.

Thank you for your wonderful inspiration, Brenda XXX

ursula said...

Oh I just love this card today, have the die, so must get cracking, lovely for a Christmas card, nothing over the top....thank you for the inspiration Sue....luv Ursula xx

Dawn Holben said...

Gorgeous card Sue, i do love the detail of the angel striplet and the die you have used behind it.
And of course the white and gold looks very elegant and pretty.
Thank you for another fab video too, always a joy to watch.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and lovely ladies
I do hope you are all well. So sorry not been able to comment for a few days though I have been keeping my eye on Sue's blog of delights. Been busy clearing out father-in-laws flat as we've given notice on it, he'll be going into a care home - when we can find one that has a room available - till then he remains in hospital, which was 11 weeks on Sunday and counting.
There have been some simply sublime cards in the last few days. I especially liked the Double Fan with sugared flower and gorgeous colour scheme. Today's card is also divine, Hallelujah with a golden glow is the saintly angel, perfect for Christmas.
There's simply too much to catch up with and comment but I wish everyone a great week. Special hello's to Princess P - hope you have recovered from your Ally adventure, Laine - so glad you got home safely, sorry to hear of the delays though. I was choked to see my name listed as a "blog bestie" the other day - thank you, Lynda B, Myra and sending hugs to everyone.
Love & blessings
Deb C xx

Karen Drew said...

Gorgeous and elegant
Karen xx

liz spooner said...

I can see why you love your angels so much Sue.xx

nzillingworth said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

What a beautiful card.
Beverley W

Jane Franklin said...

A stunning card with the glitter and spiral ribbon.
Pleased to see Princess Pixie and Laine are in good health and temper. These roast tatties sound quite tempting!!! Luv jxxx

Laura O said...

lovely card Sue a beauty ,Laura O

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !!! Your card today is absolutely stunning !!! So very elegant and sophisticated. I love it !!! Sorry I have not commented for a couple of days but I have been a bit unwell. I love your video today, it is fab and I love the Star Swirls EF. This one is a "must have" folder as it does not have to be used just for Christmas and I really love the design of it. The milk card with the gilding wax over it looks really elegant. I love all of the dies you have used and in my opinion milk and gold card is perfect for a classic Christmas colour combo. Those Poinsettia's are amazing Sue. So far I have used both sets together or the full Poinsettia, but I have not yet used the open ones by themselves. They look beautiful, and I love the thin ribbon and the metallic Lynx. It looks great fun to use but I could see myself sitting there pulling it and messing about with it first before putting it on my cards !!! Yesterday's card was beautiful to. Thank you for sharing your stunning cards. Sending you lots of love Sue from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

sued99 said...

Lovely Christmas card. X

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone,

Sorry has to be short and sweet today, not even watched the video yet!

Beautiful card.

Love Helen xxx

Eunice said...

The only word I can use for this card is STUNNING!!!!!

Sandy H said...

An absolutely gorgeous card and super video.
Take care everyone.

Chris Curry said...

An elegant card Sue. I love what you have done with the back ground. Thank you. Xx

Unknown said...

So elegant and just beautiful


Littlelamb said...

Third time of trying to post a comment. Beautiful card Sue. Haven't been able to watch the video yet. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Good motning, Sue
A really gorgeous card this morning!
I can just imagine how excited the lucky winner will be when this card drops through their letterbox.
I love the soft look created by using the Vellum over the pretty Duck egg blue card.
Greetings to Yvonne aka Princess Pixie for thinking of me! I will always remember our chance encounter at AP and remember the delight at realising I was actually talking to the famous Princess P and Lorraine and of course the wonderful Sue! I hope we will meet again at AP if the local coach company continues to run a coach next year. . I hope you both enjoyed your chat last night and caught up with all your news and cardmaking achievements.
Well it is a gorgeous day here so I must get out in the garden!
Lesley S x

Lorraine Freeman said...

Stunning card, sorry I missed commenting on the day

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a beautiful card.
I loved the demo.
Thank you for sharing.
Véronique L

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Love this one Sue I think I need to add this did to my crafty stash not watched the video yet will look forward to that
Hugs to everyone
Theresa G xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a stunning Christmas card. Beautiful background and your angel has the Wow factor for me. Thanks for your video.

Fikreta said...

oh very nice card!

julie laz said...

Lovely sue, just lovely, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx