Sunday, 11 November 2012

Blue Peace

Happy Sunday morning (and Veteran's Day in the US).  Today's card was a complete experiment on my part, very unlike anything I have ever posted.  You may love it or you may hate it, not sure which way this one will go, but I enjoyed making it and thought I would throw it out there (be gentle!)  I started with a piece of dark blue card.  I stamped my sentiment using a clear perfect medium pad and then heat embossed it with white powder.  Next I put the entire piece in the Couture Creations Bauble Tree embossing folder and lined it up to the side of my sentiment.  I ran it through my GC to get a positive impression with the tree.  Using a snow cap Adirondack dabber, I lightly swiped over the tree, catching the top of the embossing, and I carried it across in sweeping lines across the background.  I did this from the top to the bottom of my tree.  I wanted a bit of a contrast so I used a Chipped Sapphire distress ink also.  Using the ink direct from the side edge of the pad, I added a few swipes with it also for contrast.  It sort of looked like a pretty decorated tree in the middle of a snow storm when I finished. LOL   In the upper corner, I added one of the dies from the Create a Flake cut out of white glitter card.  I love the way this die looks more like a star than a snowflake.  I thought it was perfect for the corner.  I did a bit of edge distressing with the blade of my scissors and then inked the edges lightly with Chipped Sapphire to give it more of a framed look.  I matted it on white for contrast and pierced the inner mat edge to finish it off.  This was a really quickie Christmas card (and nice if you like getting a tad messy too!) LOL
It is Sunday once again and also time for the winners of the Comment game to be announced.  At least I am not a day ahead of myself this week!  The winners are:
Liz Kervill!!!
Abuzz With Creativity (Clare)!!!
Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize!    Just a little teaser, I have some exciting news to announce sometime this coming week so be sure to check in every day!  All for now, Sue x


Jan.moogie said...

Happy Veterans day Sue. Wow what a fantastic card love it .x

Erica said...

Hi Sue,

Wow it's just gorgeous. I love the blue background.
Happy Veterans Day.

Erica x

cheekypaws said...

Hi Sue.
Wow what a fab card I really love it. Happy veterans day.
Love Elaine

Unknown said...

Hi Sue so different from your usual card and is just as gorgeous. Everything works so well together. Happy Veterans Day.

Wilma x x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue

A beautiful card!!!

June x

Lin W said...

I like the background looks great.

Debbie Tinks said...


Patricia said...

Good Morning Sue,
Happy Veterans Day
Well this is different, I like the effect, the colours and design, a beautiful card.
Have a Great Day

Patricia x

Dawn Louise said...

great card, nice to see something completely different, happy veterans day. x congratulations to this weeks winners x

tracy w said...

Happy veterans day sue over in the uk we call in poppy day but what a fab card can not wait for your news this week
Tracy w x

Anonymous said...

Happy Veterans day Sue. love this card, hugs Pauline

nmty said...

Hi Sue, what a stunning effect this is, i just love the card, and i agree with you that the snowflake die does look like a star.

congrats to the winners.

lv norma

handicraftcrazy said...

Completely different for you, but its very effective!
It's called Remembrance Sunday here in the UK and the Queen and lots of dignitaries lay poppy wreaths at the cenataph in London and ex-service men and women march past, very moving.We have a minutes silence all over the country at 11am.
There's your history lesson for today!

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - it's definitely different but I think I quite like it!
Clare W

Anonymous said...

'morning Sue, love this card, even more techniques!! We are certainly fortunate to see your blog every day, thanks, Mabex

Anonymous said...

Another technique...super !! Thanks Mabex

Anonymous said...

'morning Sue, love this card, even more techniques!! We are certainly fortunate to see your blog every day, thanks, Mabex

Pam said...

Morning Sue, your card is beautiful, so different from your usual cards but I love it. The tree is stunning.

Ger said...

I love your inky techniques and this is a lovely card! Ger x

Nanny Jo said...

a truly beautiful card, Sue!

Astrid Maclean said...

Good morning Sue,
This is certainly different from your usual style, but I for one love it! I adore the sort of arty look you have created with the dabber,and the the contrast with the white and blue is stunning. Almost like a real mixed media piece! Mounting it on the white with the paper piercing has given it a beautiful elegant finish and made it totally "Sue" despite the changed style. LOVE IT!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Sue

Your Veterans day; Our Remembrance Day! Peace to all! We remember the fallen all over our country at cenotaphs in cities,towns and villages alike our motto 'Lest we forget'!

Now to this pretty card. If I am honest? Not your usual style which I love. This card is lovely but does not differentiate itself, based on the photo, from the many you can buy in the shops. The point of handmade cards being that you can't just go and by them, certainly not your normal exquisite creations and that's what makes them so special.

But don't be downhearted Sue it is not a criticism of you it is very lovely and may appeal to those who do not have all the spellbinders to play with, being clear clean and relatively easy to follow for a beginner. Thanks for trying something different I just prefer your usual. I think when you find a style you love it is difficult to change! :)

Crafty Hugs
Heather Rogers xx

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Weird! My comment got posted three times hence the double removal!

Crafty Hugs
Heather Rogers xx

AdrienneQ said...

Love it

Anonymous said...

Lovely effects, Sue, and I guess NOT so easy to achieve - by me!
Tend to agree with Heather Rogers, it's the Spellbinders which really get to us and make your cards so special.
However, like it a lot and thanks for new ideas.

'P' in Wales.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue I think this card is simple and stunning In style and the technique is something I will try. I truly love it no fuss just super. Rita x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This card is such a change, but I love it, I love the graded colours going down the page and Christmas Tree, it looks quite magical.
Happy Veterans Day.
You are such a tease, I can't wait now to see what the exciting news is ha ha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Joesgrandma said...


ellyscard creatief said...

Lovely card.
Gr Elly

beachie said...

Quite a surprise to see this, it is gorgeous. I love that background. Some useful techniques on there. Happy veterans day.
Audrey x

Emily said...

This is beautiful and so different.
You are such an inspiration.

Clare Powell said...

Gorgeous card, I love it. Happy Veterans Day.

Clare x

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue. Happy Rememberence Day.

To be honest I'm a bit undecided about the card probably because its so different to your usual style but love the colour.

Val in Spain xx

Marleine said...

Hiya Sue,

Love the card. Fab colour. I love getting mess too.

Nice to see you having a go out of your comfort zone. Just shows how good the GC is. X

Heather T said...

Good morning Sue
I love today's card because it is so different from your other cards.. Yes I think your cards are amazing when you use the Spellbinders but not everybody can afford them,so it's nice to try another technique. I have this embossing folder and just use it plain embossed but this really brings the tree out I will definitely be trying to make this card thanks for the idea. Your Veteran's Day our Remembrance Day, I am off to attend the service at our cenotaph. You are such a tease Sue I am so excited now waiting for your news hope its not too long a wait LOL

marg said...

Good Morning Sue! on Rememberence Sunday in the UK, a sad but necessary day to pay respect.
Could you do this card with the Spellbinder Tree embossed in the same way? I don't have the Couture Folder, a nice effect with all sorts of possibilities.
Looking forward to your news!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

I really like this card though I'm not too sure on the distressing - I think I would have just blended the outer parts a bit darker instead. I think a bit of sparkle on the tree to give it that cold, crisp look would have finished it off fab - but then I'm a glitter addict lol!!

Tan xx

sarah hyett said...

Wow Sue another great card love the colour and its great to see different techniques. X

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue,
Happy Veterans/ Rememberance day, our thoughts are with all the soldiers, past and present today, hope everyone is wearing a Poppy today.
Todays card is lovely, I love it when you throw something different into the mix, the card looks really snowy and misty, love it.
Congrats to the winners.
Have a great day today.

baconbits said...

Morning Sue,
Well this is certainly a change for you - but i am loving it. Definately a winner, sometimes we need to visit outside the comfort zone.
Amanda x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow I love this, the blue swirly background is fab and the white stands out so well against it.

Sandybee said...

Wishing everyone well on Remembrance Sunday or Veterans Day, whichever side of the pond you're on.

Lovely card Sue and so very different from your usual style.

Congratulations to this weeks winners

xx Sandra

Anonymous said...

Such a different card from you Sue and it works - the blue is stunning against the white. Can't wait to find out your news, you are such a tease! Beautiful sunny frosty morning here but at least it will be dry for the Remembrance Day parades across the country today. Enjoy your day - Yvonnexx

Anonymous said...

GM. Sue an unusual card but I like it a lot. Don't have this folder but my try with holiday tree. Happy Veterans Day. Liz in Scotland

cebelica said...

This really is something different, but I think it looks great! Hugs! xx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
So so different especially for you but doesn't it look wonderful. I really like the snowstorm effect and it's a must for the 'to try' folder.
Janet x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Wow what a lovely card it's so effective.
Happy Veterans Day,
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

Sue Yorkshire said...

Morning Sue

I love this card it looks so effective. I have just bought those snowflake dies and yes that one makes a pretty star.

Sue xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, I really like this card, beautiful in it's simplicity. Happy Veterans day and Rememberance Sunday. Congrats to the winners. Bx

nannapat said...

Love the dark blues with the white Sue. Beautiful card that would really stand out among other cards. Remembrance Sunday here in the UK so thinking of those we have lost and praying for the safety of those still in danger. Pat x

kimberley said...

Another lovely card Sue you never cease to amaze with your ideas.Hope remembrance sunday passes peacefully for everyone everywhere,take care,x.

kimberley said...

Another lovely card Sue you never cease to amaze with your ideas.Hope remembrance sunday passes peacefully for everyone everywhere,take care,x.

karenlotty said...

I love all of your cards but I especially love this one coz I'm not a fussy/flower/ribbon type of girl -although I am getting there! I love the colours, even more things to add to my Wish List I'm gonna have a play with the Spellbinders tree die and white card wiv Black Soot...

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
A very sad day for many people here and in the US we must not forget those who have lost their lives for their country.

A very different card for you Sue but its very pretty.
Have a good day.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
what a lovely Xmas card - another one right up my street. And it would look great in dark green, too - or gold........ how do you think of all these lovely designs!
I sign in every day anyway, for my daily fix of your cards, but now I'm intrigued...........

Unknown said...

Well I love it! It must be hard to pluck up the courage to show us something different when your usual cards are so well known and have such a defined style, but you should do it more often sue. Your creativity is wonderful. Now you are a tease, I'll be wondering all day what your news is lol! Love maddy x

gwen70 said...

I love this one Sue, absolutely gorgeous

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Hope all goes well on this Sunday veterans/ remembrance day .

Your card today is different to your usual style i like it , but i would not make it , as i like to do the fussy bits of ribbon bows bling etc

Have a good day

Elaine H X

Karen R said...

This is so different but it is beautiful. I love it xx

Wendy L said...

beautiful creation, xxxxx

dutchess said...

Morning Sue from a sunny frosty innovative is this for a card ,goodness knows how you think of things to do , it's lovely.....very classy....I like it!
Are you and Mom doing anything for Veterans Day?
I am watching the rememberance day parade this morning such a moving sight......
a big hug to you and Mom xxxxxxx

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
a different card for you, but superb as always.
Have a wonderful crafty day.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Unknown said...

Wow stunning card!! Almost ethereal.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, It is Remembrance Sunday here and for me a time to have a quiet think. My little grandson went with his school to in his words 'to the graveyard to leave messages for the dead soldiers, which they had written on bananna skins, so the would rot into the ground'. I thought it was a lovely way of teaching the young children. Not so sure what the caretaker thought about all those bananna skins, but as my grandson said they will rot into the ground.

The card is fantastic Sue, it gives a sort of watery feel. I like this one very much.

Love Rosemarie xx

EmmaT said...

Morning Sue, It always good to try new techniques and style of cards. I love it, great idea of putting it thru embossing folder. Emma

Anthea said...

Good morning Sue, Happy Veterans/Remembrance Day. What a brilliant effect on this card another great idea you have come up with. Just think I would layer it up onto a different colour card. Hugs xx

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said...

I love it. I first saw the blue (well, to quote Christine Keeler, "you would, wouldn't you?") and it was a surprise, but it's beautiful. You can certainly handle colour!

Happy Sunday morning to you too, and Remembrance Day here in the UK!

Thank you, Sue

Carol S. said...

Hi Sue, This is right up my street. To me the tree looks like a reflection in moving water. Stunning and I will definitely will be having a go at this one. I have done it with a baubles mask, using red card and gold dabber. A special day of remembering our past.
My Mother lost 2 husbands in the war, so our family has lots to remember. Hugs, Carol S.xx

fame01 said...

very different for you sue i like it though. and here to remembrance sunday for all thoses who gave up so much for us all and those who are still out there in danager ..our thoughts are with all the uk and us troops .. ..
sarah ..xx

scofessex said...

Wow what a stunning card. I love the effects.


Maryann Laursen said...

This is just sooooooo beautiful. I love the blue color and the stamp is just gorgeous, and together it´s simply perfect.

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
Wow this is gorgeous so different but wonderful.
Enjoy Veterans Day.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Really like this card it is so unusual must try this idea. It suits the mood of today Peace and tranquility......
Veteran's day for the US and Rememberance Sunday here in the UK

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

This card is lovely sometimes it is good to do something different. From these sessions other ideas just pop into our heads,keep up the good work we all appresiate i.

Remembering all those who have given their lives for their country.


Laura O said...

looked at this card first and didn't like it at all but by the end of reading your description I had changed my mind .Not bad at all .Laura O

Pat said...

Hi Sue

What a fantastic card, some more of the same please. Happy veterans day and Remenberance day in the UK.
I shall try this technique with a few of my tree stamps enbossed with white as I don't have a tree folder. Pat @ Witney Oxfordshire

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, different! But so effective, suits the mood for today 11hr 11day 11month, for us to remember those who gave up so much for us. Take care, can't wait for your exciting news. Jess xx

Victoria said...

Very different for you Sue but stunning as always. I can see that this would be a quick card to make. Looking forward to hearing your special news next week too!

Jane in Spain said...

Now this is unusual and just my style - love it!

Sonia Jones said...

I like this card. It's different but it has a certain appeal to it. Strange hoe in th eUS it's called Veterans Day and here it's Called Remberance Daybut we're all honouring our armed forces! Hugs Sonia x

Kate's Cards said...

I for one love it Sue!!!

lilygee said...

Hello Sue - I love this card - the background is great and although you have explained how you have done it, I would love to see it pictorially - I have never used the dabbers but I'd like to give it a go. Really would like to see more of your 'experiments' Sue. I'm sure that whatever style you go with, you will master it and make it your own. love lilygee xx

hazel young said...

Morning Sue gorgeous card love everything about it especially the colours stunning. Happy veterans day its also rememberance day here in uk xx hazel

Carole Z said...

Very different card Sue and I like it! Thinking of the Veterans today and over here in the UK, remembering our own fallen on Remembrance Sunday, hugs Carole Z X

Clarissa said...

Yes I love this card. I think it works well.May borrow the idea this week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue very interesting card, I will be following your blog all week anyway and cannot wait for the news! Take care Love Michelle xx

leslee said...

Hi Sue
have to be honest wasn't sure about the background so decided to try it for myself this morning. It looks fab the phot does not do the background justice. Everyone should try this tecnique it looks fab

sue said...

Hi Sue I absoluteley love this card!!! Have a good Veterans Day.

ang said...

I like it, different but st6ill beautiful angxxxx

Anonymous said...

I think it's gorgeous but don't think I'll be trying this one, I'd be messing that up for sure!!

Mol x

Unknown said...

love the card would need to watch how you did this to understand were your coming from. will have to give this ago.
great as always

sue xx

Debs cards said...

Morning sue ad its rememberance sunday here im just watching the parade it is so sad. My son as just joint the navy. On more of a happy note this card is wonder full but i dont thing that i will be able to do this but i do like it. Take care sue

Debs Artliff

SusanP, Kent said...

Hi Sue,
I love it!!! I thought the tree was a stamp until I read through your blog entry. Very impressive (no pun intended, LOL).
As you say quite different from your 'usual', but hey, what would life be if we stayed the same?
All the best,

MARGARET said...

Hi Sue
Fab card, love it,
Margaret L

Maid of Kent said...

Love the card Sue, the tree is amazing I have just bought the tree die at the NEC show so will have to try this technique. Hugs Ann

Lynne M said...

Hi Sue, what an absolutely fantastic card, brilliant. Lol Lynne M

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I just love this card, very different from your usual style but thats good because because you are showing us new techniques to try.
On this Remembrance Sunday/Veterans Day thinking of all of those who passed away so we might live in a better world.
Love BrenLel

Tres said...

Hi Sue. The card for today is very nice but not the sort of card I would make (sorry.) Just personal opinion. Congrats to the winners. Have a lovely day love Tres x x x

Ruthie said...

Not your usual Sue but the main thing is that you enjoyed making it, surly that is the point of crafting. A friend of mine asked me once, why I bothered to make cards when you can buy them so cheaply, 'philistine'. Its the journey we all love, and that is the point.

Debby Berry said...

Happy Vetern's Day and big thanks to men and women like your dad who served for us. I love this card!!!! !

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I'm watching the Remembrance Day service and parade at the Cenotaph on TV. It always brings a tear to the eye whilst remembering family members who fought in WW2 and survived but have now died. I'm sure you and your mum will be remembering your dad. We owe them all such a debt of gratitude.

Today's card - I'm not really sure about it at the moment. I shall have to study it some more. Maybe it is one of those that look better in the flesh.

Thank you for making me a winner and congratulations to the other two. (Delay in posting this as the internet went down).


Fieldsend said...

Afternoon Sue, lovely card for today and also for Remberence Day. Love the colour too.

June xx

Sue Parish said...

Hi Sue,
A cold but sunny Rememberance/Veteran's Day here.
I wouldn't have recognized this card as being yours, but by the time I'd finished reading how it was done I was both wanting to have a go and had some other ideas of my own - it shows what a wonderful inspiration you are to us.
Thank you Sue.
Congrats to the winners,
Sue xx

Maggie said...

Hi Sue
A FAB card right up my street....embossing stamping inks distress....mmmm my kinda crafting, while I love your spellbinders crafting I first remember seeing you create amazing cards with stamps and inks and have been a follower every no not a stalker a follower...More please Sue!!

Rememberance Day/Veterans Day Take time to remember... Have a great Sunday

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Beautifully different card today, simple yet stunning.

Donna Jones

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I really like it.
Beverley W

Jill Liddle said...

Lovely card. I like to see different styles of card. Very pretty indeed.

Maggie said...

What a different card from your usual ones. So interesting. Wishing you a peaceful Rememberance Sunday. xx

Lacelady said...

Hm, not quite so keen on this one, I think it's the smudgy blue that is kind of putting me off a bit.

I like the idea of a snowflake as a star though

nutcake said...

Fantastic card Sue. Looks great! Happy Veterans Day!!


Howdy said...

It's certInly different but I think ifi tried it it would just look like a baby did it!
Nice effect though

Karen said...

It's remembrance Sundsy here, 2 mins silence @ 11:00am.
I love this card & definitely something I'd love to try myself. You always make such beautiful cards & never cease to amaze me. Your mind must be constantly whirring away.
Karen x

syy said...

Love your card Sue and the great ideas/techniques you share with us.

I've just been watching the Remembrance Day Parade from London.
Always makes me feel very humble.


iggy said...

happy veterans say & let us all not forget out heroes all over the world.
i do THINK i like the card but a bit out there for you....doesnt do for us all to like the same things. life would be soooo boring if we did. x

CraftyJo said...

Gorgeous Sue, I love it.

Gail said...

With it being Veterans Day and Rememberance Day, I thought we might see a poppy or two.
But I love the card you did , so so different for you.
Gail C x

Floss said...

Sorry not for me. I think that is a first for me and one of your cards.

Janice K said...

A very different card to your usual style. I like it despite the absence of ribbon/button/multiple layers. x

jc2711 said...

Morning, Bob and I like this, more please :)

lesley sinclair said...

Hi sue I think its very important to remember all our fallen heroes who died so that we can live in peace. As for the card yeah you've gone back to what I first seen you do-getting messy with inks!! Love it I think I've still got a few of your stamping shows on sky+ lol,I seem to remember you making an animal skin background stamp using the waste from stamp sheets!! I thought that was would be great if you could show a card like this every now and then. Love lesley xx

Meg Owen said...

Hello Sue,

It is Remembrance Day here, we held our 2 minutes silence at 11am on this the 11th day of the 11th month.

I do love the tree and the star/snowflake but not keen on the blue background..perhaps better with shades of blue using a brayer??

magpie said...

Happy Veterans/Rememberance day Sue! Where would be without those wonderful brave men & women...? The parade we have to remember them really hits the heart because it's not just the bygone years we are so thankful for, it's the now too xx This card is beautiful Sue. A different but simple card. I like how you try different techniques to show us how to "think outside the box" whatever you do! Thank you Sue xx Love Karen xx

magpie said...

Ps Congratulations to the winners! xx Love Karen xx

Joanloum said...

Hi Sue
I love the card. It is really lovely. Have a nice day.
Joan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi sue,
I just love this card, one of my favourites for a while. It looks really Christmassy. Xx

Regards Amanda .

Jan Caven said...

Hi Sue
This a beautiful card the colours are just stunning and using the dabber is a great idea, will definitely try that my self. Well done. Happy Veterans Day
Jan Caven

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Happy Veterans/Remembrance Sunday, we owe so much to the brave men and women from the UK and US. The service at the Cenotaph in London was very moving
What a suprise today, I love this card and though it is not your usual style, the techniques are brilliant, the colour is so crisp, Agree the snowflake die is more like atar, it is gorgeous.
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
I sign in everyday and am on tenterhooks to hear your exciting news.
Have a great day everyone.
Hugs June xxx

sheila said...

Thank you Sue, your blog is always encourageing adn inspirational. Todays is no exception. i really like your finnished card. i like to see all the different techniques and whilst my experiments don't always give me such good results I like to see it when it really works for others.

Jane said...

Not a messy crafter, don't like getting my hands dirty lol. I prefer your spellbinder creations bows, buttons and stuff from your craft stash, even thought it frustrates me when I cannot get the items you demonstrate in some of you wonderful creations.

Jane xx

Sue said...

I love getting messy and inky as well as trying to be creative with my dies I love this card xxxx

hollyberry said...

Hi Sue
Wow- certainly different and I love it!!More please.Happy Veterans Day Sue.

Barbara said...

Great new technique to try! Love the card, always good to try something different and quite a quick card to make. Thanks Sue.

Deborah said...

Hi Sue...I really like this card...the colors go well together and indeed it looks like a snow storm...oh how I miss the Canadian snow!!!...but no worries my friends in Toronto keep me informed LOL...We also have Veterans Day but we call it 'Rememberance Day'.
Sue can you please give some demos using mica flakes as I now have the silver and gold...I've used double sided tape with them but not sure where to go next. Thank you

Oh and the card is a keeper!

Take care. Deborah.H. :)

Unknown said...

Happy veterans day Sue is that the same as our Armistice day. the card is fab just shows what you can do with an embossing folder and ink .Carolx

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue, it's gorgeous!! Very unusual and different to the norm - I love it. Hugs Sam xxx

Unknown said...

Wow, what different yet pretty card!
It looks very magical :)

utilitygirl said...

Love it x

Lynda's craft's said...

just lovely Lynda x

Sylvia said...

I love this card - my favourite colour is blue so this ticks all the boxes.


Craftychris said...

I love inky cards and this one is gorgeous! xx

jordiegirl said...

I for one love this card Sue - beautiful Christmas card and so different to what you normally show us.

A question about the GC Sue if you please - I'm getting a bit fed up with the fact that when I emboss anything with it the tan mat sticks to the plate and the embossing folder and I have to peel it off!!!! Is this normal Sue? Should I try to get rid of some static with something or other? Hope there's an answer to this problem cos it's driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilda said...

Fabulous Sue, love this card, and as I cant craft without getting messy, this project would be right up my street!!!

Unknown said...

Very different, but fabulous. I am going to have a go at this method. Thank you for your daily blogs, they brighten up my inbox!! Ellie xx

Liz said...

So much not your normal style but I absolutely love it!!

Unknown said...

A great card Sue, I love it. I also can't wait to hear what your news is.

Anonymous said...

love this card, i like geting messy so right up my street, judith x

Anonymous said...

hi Sue.
A very different card this week. I like this technique.

Jackie Calvert said...

Hi Sue.
I like this one.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue...A beautiful card....i love everything about it.....I love getting messy will have to have a play.....
Congrats to this weeks winners.

Happy crafting
Chrissie x x x

nancyd said...

Hi Sue, Love this look it came out
great must try this one.happy Veterans Day or Rememberance Day
it doesn't really matter what we call it as long as we remember, Nancyd xx

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
I really like this card the background is wonderfull
You are a tease but will check in to see your news
Take Care
Theresa x

Sheila's little Haven said...

Gorgeous simply gorgeous.Hugs Sheila.x

jennywren1947 said...

absolutly fab card Sue love the background
hugs Chris x

jennywren1947 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda Simpson said...

Happy Veterans day to you too. It is Rememberance Sunday here in the UK.

I think this is absolutely stunning! I love it!! The tree just pops and it sure does look like it is in a snow storm. Loving the Peace sentiment too.

I can't wait to hear what news you have to share.

Linda xxx

jean.phillips1 said...

Evening Sue

Very late with looking at your post today!! Love this card even though it is very different from your usual style. I wonder what news you have for us, maybe a new die designed by you???? Congratulations to all the lucky winners. love Jean x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue. Glad you keep bringing us new ideas and techniques. Would like to try this with lights on be tree. xx

HiggiSue said...

This is a big wow from it!

melanie said...

Great card ,I have just done the bauble card with the frosted deer in it was so simple and looks stunning thank you .Melanie

Abuzz With Creativity said...

I have to start by saying how excited I was seeing my name on the comment game today! Yay! Thank you!
Gorgeous card Sue! I love using my inks! Got loads, but I never seem to have the colour I want when I'm after a spacific one!!! Don't have that embossing folder, but thought I could stamp a large tree instead & emboss that with embossing powder so that its raised. Should give a similar look?! How stunning is yours though?! Claire xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Me likey very much. Sometimes abstract can be cor blimey in a good way !!!
Can't wait for the surprise or tomorrows card.

lainey said...

I love your experiment Sue!! lainey x

Unknown said...

I love this embossing folder but one I can't get hold of just as tied together!!!

lovely card x

Marianna Hammer said...

A different but veru effective card. I'm glad you are experimenting. Gives us some good ideas :)

nikkib said...

What a change for you Sue but its very effective and I love it!!! great card...... x

Dee Dee said...

It is so different for you Sue but I love it, it is good that you experiment - you can bring us even more great tips. thanks so much
love Dee x

Lizzie said...

Hi Sue
Plain simple and so easy to do I bet you were out your comfy zone with this one lol but I think it's great .
Can't wait to find out your sneaky news but I do hope spellbinders are going to make you a full time designer so you can keep coming up with super cards.
Thank you
Lizzie (serial copycat)xox

JoanB said...

Hi Sue,
I love to get a bit inky! So this is one to try.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Joan B.

Crafty Nanna said...

I love it Sue, it's just so serene with th ecolours you have chosen - at least that's how it makes me feel when I look at it. Can't wait to hear your exciting news!
Hugs Lynn

Paper Junkie said...

If I'm being really honest - this one is not for me, sorry - but I do like the snowflake star! Looking forward to hearing your news.....X said...

LOVE IT!!! What a departure from your usual cards, but this one is just fabulous - really like both the theme and the intense blue colour which is so unusual for Christmas.


Su said...

Very atmospheric card - love it! Makes me think of snowstorms.

Great idea

Su (Soop)

Cassieajh said...

Sue, I love this card what a wonderful technique, must have a go Hugs x

Unknown said...

Stunning effects- looks like a tree glistening on water on a moonlit night, very peaceful so the sentiment was spot on as well! As others have said, I think I'd need to watch you demonstrate this one I understand what your are describing but seems out of my league for sure! Keep em coming sue you make my day

Alice xx

melody said...
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melody said...
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melody said...

That's a great way to use that embossing folder, glad I brought it now that I seen what you done with it. Hugs melody xXx

Unknown said...

Bore Da Sue, Fantastic card. Must have the folder so that I can try this technique. Looking forward to hear the news.

auscrafts said...

missed this yesterday internet was playing up .lovely card

Claveh said...

I love this one Sue, I love getting a wee bit messy so this is right up my street, it looks fantastic! Congratulations to the lucky winners too. xxx

lorraine (classylady) said...

YEP Sue this is for me card, great love messy crafting, if no embossing folder could use tree die embossed through card would be similar.

looking forward to what you have to tell us


Katie-Louise said...

Hi Sue,
I love this card so very pretty and so different to your others,
This is a great experiment and you've pulled it off brilliantly. What a great idea you had.

I hope Veterans Day went ok, it was Remembrance Sunday here I expect it was along the same lines.

Best wishes from katielou x

Vie Carter said...

Although not your normal style I still love it

Very different but very good


Vivi Morais said...

I loved the blue...

Congrats, girls!!!

Pat said...

hi Sue

Fab card as usual such an inspiration for us all. Sue, I have just seem one of your Oct cards called sweet Thoughts. Fantastic idea to emboss the die onto the card. But won't it cut through?. I only have a cuttlebug but would love to have some instructions regarding embossing only. Sorry to see you weren't at the NEC this year.

aggieosborne1104 said...

Hello Sue,
Now that is what you call....'A Beautiful Christmas ' card!!! Unfortunately, it took me a long day and half of the evening hunting for the Bauble tree embossing luck! Hope you can get us back the folder as it is so pretty...I love, love, love, love this card! I thought, it has to have all the works...the big bows, wide ribbons and my mistake, it doesn't need is beautiful as it is! Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication Sue...we do appreciate it. Lots of love, Aggie xxx

violetclouds said...

This is nice! Great to see you getting messy with the distress inks ;o

gillnstu said...

what a striking card, I love it - Gill

gillnstu said...

what a striking card, I love it - Gill