Hi bloggers! I have been trying to get these pics uploaded with one of my blog posts for a couple of days, but I finally decided to just make them a separate post. Many of you that have been reading the blog for some time will know that my Dad was stationed in Molesworth England during WWII. He was part of the Eighth Air Force, a LT. Colonel in the 303rd bomb group. My other half and I took a drive up to the Savannah, Georgia area (Pooler, GA. to be exact) to visit the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum last week. This is a picture (this is actually a postcard) of the building, as you can see it is quite a large museum (larger than I had expected). This is a postcard picture of the rotunda entrance to the museum. Around the room are the flags with all the insignias from all the bomb squads within the Eighth Air Force.

This is the flag from my Dad's group. The triangle "C" was on all the 303rd's planes. "Might in Flight" was their motto.

This was a large wall as you entered the museum exhibits.

In the outside gardens, there was a large 6 ft. monument to the 303rd bomb group with both My Fathers and my Mothers names on it (Edgar C. Miller and Jill Miller) so that was exciting for me to see! Both of my parents were active in the 303 Bomb Group Association. The picture to the right is the front of the monument. You can see the triangle C as well as several of the other insignias for the other bomb groups.

This was especially interesting for me to see as it was a large diorama of an airstrip that was used in the war. There is very little left of this strip today and I know it well because it is directly behind my home in Northhamptonshire. We walk our dog up there every day! Evidently, this strip was used quite a bit back in the war for planes that couldn't make it all the way back to their home landing strip for one reason or another. Today it is only used for microlights to take off and land. None of the buildings still remain.

Another postcard pic showing the outside gardens and reflecting pool. My Dad's monument is in the lower corner of the postcard. The gardens are full of plaques and benches and walls with memorials to those servicemen that didn't make it back, but will forever be remembered for their sacrifice. It took us about four hours to go through the museum and read all the exhibits. It was an amazing and emotional day for me as I have been trying to get up to the museum for a few years now.

On a lighter note, I just had to share this with you. We also visited the downtown Savannah, GA. Historical District while we were there. I got a great big laugh when I came across these two souvenir shops there. Bob's Your Uncle....
And Fannie's Your Aunt!!
How's that for putting a smile on your face!
Thanks for letting me share. All for now, Sue x
A lovely post Sue. xxx
This must have been quite memorable for you Sue and stay with you the rest of your life. Like Wendy say's A Lovely Post.
Kind regards
This must have been quite memorable for you Sue and stay with you the rest of your life. Like Wendy say's A Lovely Post.
Kind regards
A very moving Post Sue - what an emotional day it must have been for you.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Sylvia xxxx
Thanks for sharing your special day Sue.
HI Sue
Thanks for sharing a truly emotional day one that will always stay with you
Great pics. Thanks for sharing. Love, Julia xxxx
Hi Sue great pictures what a lovely day you had. Caroline xxx
Awww brilliant pics Sue and thanks for sharing them with us huggles hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sue, what an emotional trip for you, in the years to come you will be so happy you managed to do it, take care, Jess.
hi sue i absolutely love your post of your trip it must have been very moving for you, i could not help but feel moved myself, and found it all very interesting.
thank you for sharing an insight into your feelings and views xx gail in eastbourne
Thanks for sharing it must have been so memorable for you and emotionable .Melanie
Hi Sue, What a very interesting post i have really enjoyed getting to know more about your Dad. This must have been a very moving trip for you. You must be soo proud of Dad.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Amanda x
Thank you so much for sharing such a personal and memorable time with us. No matter what, we always have our memories and this is one memory for you to treasure forever.
Margaret xx
hi sue really enjoyed looking at the pics its always moving when u visit something that is close 2 the heart
thanks 4 sharing
hugs chris x
hi Christine, what a lovely post, some great pictures and this must have been very emotional for you.
thanks for sharing.
lv norma
What fabulous photographs and thank you for sharing something which is so close to your heart.
Linda xxx
What fabulous photographs and thank you for sharing something which is so close to your heart.
Linda xxx
What fabulous photographs and thank you for sharing something which is so close to your heart.
Linda xxx
Looks like a wonderful trip, steeped in memories and nostalgia, thanks for showing and sharing such a personal trip you can feel the warmth and heart in your writing. my dad was in the navy until he was discharged on medical grounds with cancer, my grandad was put in a cell for wanting and insisting to join up lol he was a farmer and was needed here. My dad was only a boy in the second world war but his stories always fascinated me. lovely to see you finally made your trip and visit, x
Thanks for sharing Sue, lovely memories for you to keep and also share with other family members.
God bless
Hi Sue, so glad you finally got there. You'll always remember this time so it's good you took care to see as much as you can. Now you just need to scrapbook it all for future getnerations to share.
On a lighter no - I'd always thought the saying 'Bob's your Uncle and Fanny's your Aunt' was very English so it's good to see it's popular across the pond too! x
how proud you must have felt .....and sad too...a real memory trip!.....hugs Xxxxxx
Glad you had the chance to visit and now you have more memories. Thanks for sharing your journey with us Sue, I feel really touched.
Take care
Wilma x x
What a lovely visit, thanks for sharing and love the souvenir shops, lol.
Hi Sue. Just to say "thank you" for sharing your trip to Savannah with us. You must have felt so proud & humbled to see your mom & dads name on the monument for the 303rd bomb group. Your warmth came through your words. How strange too that the part that's left of the air strip that they used is directly behind your house & that's where you both walk the dog! Der, der, der, der, der, der, der, der, this is the Twilight Zone moment we call it! I'm so glad that at last you managed to go there. My dad was in the Air Force & was an engineer who serviced the Spitfires before they were sent on a mission. He met my mum there & they were married in BridgeEnd, Wales, within 6 months of meeting! The stories my dad tells are so interesting, plus one story was awful too but I wish they would write some of these stories down. My sister & I keep hinting! But on the whole we are so thankful & humbled that so many men & the lads who lied about their age just to fight, sacrificed their lives for us. Not only just then but are still doing it now, for the oppressed & for peace. God bless them...... xx Anyway, it was so funny too seeing the Bob's your uncle & Fanny's your aunt shops over there! We travel far & wide we do! xx Love Karen xx
Oh Wow Sue, What an interesting post. Thank you for sharing your very special day with us,
Sue xx
Lovely pics of your trip. So pleased your shared your experience. I'd love to visit where my grandparents were stationed one day. It's important we don't loose our history. It's what makes us who we are. Claire xxx
Thank you Sue, for sharing your experience of your journey of remembrance. I bet you felt a bit drained at the end of it - all that emotion takes its toll.
A very emotional post for you Sue but thank you for sharing.
Hi Sue....Thanks for sharing you very special day...It must have been very emotional for you, but now you have some very special memories.
Chrissie x x x
Thanks again for sharing another personal part of you Sue, the pics are lovely. The names of the shops are great and I would defo have to pop in for a browse.
What a fantastic Post, have to say it really touched me. A memorable day to keep in your heart, thank you so much for sharing this.
Loved the name of the Shop........!!
Patricia xx
Thank you Sue for sharing your trip and posting photos etc, we should all remember them and think of the lads and lasses that served our country's .
A very appropriate post for his time of year. As for Bobs your uncle and Fanny your aunt, just brilliant.
Gail C.x
What a lovely post. That luist have been quite a memorabloe trip for you. Thanks for sharing. Love the shop name too!
Thanks for the photos sue. A lot of my family fought in the war and this time of year my thoughts often turn to them. Maddy x
Hi Sue,
What a lovely, interesting post, the pictures are great, must have been very emotional for you. A trip worth taking as the memories are all good, so great for you to share this with us.
What a lovely emotional journey.
In June I went over to Lille to see the commemorative cemetary dedicated to the men of World War 1 who were "missing presumed dead" as nothing was ever found of them. My grandfathers name was on it and the pride I felt will live with me forever.
Val in Spain xxx
Dear Sue,
How wonderful of you to let us share this emotional trip with you.
I, too, have returned from an life-changing trip to my home country, Denmark.
My lovely sister, Mimi has recently been diagnosed with terminal, inoperable cancer, and I wanted to go in order to look after her.
However, the trip turned out to be
a lovely journey through 75 years
of memories, stories that some or all five siblings had half forgotten, photographs worn and sepia from several generations back.
What I expected to be a sad and perhaps last meeting with her turned out to be a magnificent, warm, loving and wonderful celebration with Mimi, whose courage cannot be adequately described.
I quote Canadian Bishop Brent:
"What is dying? I stand on the sea shore.
A ship sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean. She is an object of beauty and I stand watching her till at last she fades on the horizon, and someone at my side says, 'She has gone'.
Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all; She is just as large in the masts, hull and spars as she was when I saw her, and just as able to bear her load of living freight to its destination.
The deminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in her, and just at the moment when someone at my side says, ' She is gone', there are others who are watching her coming, and other voices take up a glad shout, 'There she comes' - and that is dying."
May you, Sue. be comforted by your lovely memories of your Hero Dad,
and this emotional trip home.
Hugs, Lis
Hi Sue,
Thank you Sue for sharing such a moving and personal post. It must have been a fabulous day even with all the emotion.
Faith xx
Lovely photos and thanks for sharing your lovely holiday memories with us Sue.
Heather Rogers xx
I am really pleased you got to experience this great memory, thank you so much for sharing that part of your life with us x
Hi Sue
Just read this post and I was moved to tears, you must have felt so proud. What a fabulous memory to remember your Dad thanks for sharing with us. The signs over the hotel made me laugh lol
Hugs x
Thanks sooo much for sharing this memorable trip with us here. I´m sure it must have put you through the entire scale on the motions, but glad you finally got there, as I know, you´ve wished to for a long time.And I hope it gave you new memories to keep too now. It was so great to share it with you
Wow Sue that place looks amazing lovely photos thanks for sharing xx hazel
Hahahaha love the shop names, so funny, and i bet you were proud as punch to see you mom and dad's names on the monument, and a few tears for your pop too, i know, hugs and much love to you Sue, Vick xxxx
What a great visit Sue, wonderful memories to treasure for the future. The photos are great. Lots for you to remember back home
Audrey x
Thanks for sharing your photo's with us Sue. Must have been a really special day.
Clare x
Thanks for sharing your memories of the day. xx
Hi Sue
Thanyou for sharing your special trip with us.
You must be so proud of your dear Dad.
Big hugs Annx without an "e"
Hi Sue,
Thank you for sharing your day and educating us at the same time...so much history in all our families can be lost so museums such as the one you visited are becoming so important to preserve the memories.
love from Jackie D
Hi Sue,
Thank you for sharing your day and educating us at the same time...so much history in all our families can be lost so museums such as the one you visited are becoming so important to preserve the memories.
love from Jackie D
Sue what an amazing day you must have had. I am sure that you must have been so proud and emotional too
Great photos Sue. I'm so glad that you had the chance to visit such a memorable place with so many personal ties.
Hi Sue, I am sure the day must have been very emotional but very proud to see your Father's name remembered in such an amazing setting.
My Mother lost 2 husbands in the war. The first, very early in the war, a sailor, was torpedoed and his name is on a plaque at Chatham Dock. The second was in the Parachute Regiment and was killed at Alamain. Hugs, Carol S.xx
Hi Sue
A lovely memorable day .
Elaine H X
Hi Sue, I haven't commented for a while, (even though I always check out your card of the day,) as my OH has been very ill, and I have just managed to do the essential DT work etc.
But, I had to comment on this as I know it means so much to you and it must have been a very proud moment to see both your Mum and Dads name on the memorial.
I hope you enjoyed your time with your Mum and had a bit of a rest !!!
Crafty Hugs Janet
What a lovely and moving post, you must be so proud of your Dad and how appropriate near Remembrance Day. The memories from this trip will be in your heart for ever and to see your Dad and Mum's names like that is so emotional.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Hugs June xxx
Morning Sue, thank you so much for sharing these moving pictures with us. I know how much it means to you, and your Mom you must be very very proud. We should never forget all that these brave men and women did for us. Also very appropriate being near Rememberance Sunday. I don't know where my Dad is buried, he never came back after a bombing raid over Germany.
On a lighter note this card is spectacular and I am dying to try it out. The colours are just right. I don't know how you just keep coming up with such fantastic ideas. You are one talented lady.
Much love Rosemarie xx
Thank you for sharing something that is very close to your heart.XX
Hi sue thanks for sharing such wonderful memories,it mustve been very moving for you especially when you seen both names on the memorial.As for the shop names that made me remember my mum as she was always saying,I say it a lot too!! Love lesley xx
Hi Sue,
Thanks for sharing what must be a very moving personal thing. You must be so proud, and emotional as it must have been you must also be able to take comfort and strength from that visit. Take care.
Hi Sue. Thankyou for sharing this post with us. It must have been very emotional. It is definately a day you will never forget. These memories will stay with you forever. Thankyou so much for sharing this very touching and emotional post with us.
Neither myself or my Dad ever met my Grandad who was a Canadian soldier posted here during the war. When the war was over he was posted back to Canada but for various reasons my Nan was unable to go with him, and all contact was lost. Three years ago my Mum was researcing our family history on the internet and purely by chance found our long lost Canadian family !! Unfortunately my Grandad had passed away.( My Nan is no longer with us either.) My Mum and Dad have now been to Canada and met Dad's new brothers and sisters. (5 brothers and sisters and their spouses and 10 new nephews and nieces !! )Earlier this year I met one Aunt and Uncle and two new cousins when they visited the uk. We got on fantastically and are now making up for all those lost years !! I am now just about to start a new scrapbook using all my spellbinders dies to capture all our treasured memories. For all our family it has been a very emotional journey. Lots of Love Tres x x x
Sue, what a wonderful trip and for you to be able to share it with someone you love makes it all the more special. Especially when that person is from another country, but whose life is linked, not only by you but via the airfields where you chose to live.
You are such a special lady, thank you for sharing these very very special memories with us.
My Gran allowed my Mum and Dad to be married much earlier than she thought appropriate, when they told her my Dad was being sent overseas, they lived in Glasgow and my Dad was sent to Shetland (one of the islands just off the top of Scotland.) My Gran was convinced that they knew where he was going and that she had been "set up".
Memories are precious to us all.
Take care, love to your Mum and all of you
lorraine - scotland
Wow what great pics Sue. Lovely one of you too with your parents names. Still giggling at the shop names, great find that! Take care Zo xx ps sorry not been commenting, been so bad lately typing hurts it I do too much but I have looking. xx
How simply wonderful for you to look up your heritage like this
Your folks sound grand people and I know how close you are to your Mum, and were to your Dad
This trip would have been very emotional for you but very very rewarding - your Mum must have been very proud that you have been
I love to hear your news, keep blogging
How simply wonderful for you to look up your heritage like this
Your folks sound grand people and I know how close you are to your Mum, and were to your Dad
This trip would have been very emotional for you but very very rewarding - your Mum must have been very proud that you have been
I love to hear your news, keep blogging
it must have been lovely for you to see your parents name's on your visit, very emotional, love your news
judith x
What a lovely post Sue, sounds as if you had a wonderful time there.....
Hi Sue
enjoyed reading your lovely post, Thanks for sharing this with us.
Margaret L
Hi Sue
enjoyed reading your lovely post, Thanks for sharing this with us.
Margaret L
Such an emotional time Sue and how proud you must feel to see you parents names x
Thanks for sharing - such an emotional and moving part of your life with all of us. It makes us feel part of it. Love Sam xxx
Such an interesting post Sue but very sad too - life is so fragile, isn't it? God help us and give us strength to face what life brings to each one of us - glad you were able to have such a memorable day (and some humour too!)
Lilygee xx
What a special and heartwarming blog. Enjoyed sharing your pictures
Thank you
Sue - memories to keep for ever, you must be so proud. What a very special trip.
My Dad was in the war, at sea, and thankfully survived when his ship was torpedoed (HMS Eagle) but he lost many of his friends, and like many others he couldn't talk about his experiences. My mother was in labour with my older sister at the time of the sinking, so you can imagine what a time it was for her!! But he returned when so many did not.
'P' in Wales
Touching post especially as we come up to rememberance day. i'm glad you managed to get to the museum and may we always remember and be thankful to those who give up so much so we may live in a safer wold. May we always remember.
Gorgeous pictures and its nice to see what you get up to when you go home to the US.
Gorgeous pictures and its nice to see what you get up to when you go home to the US.
I can see why your trip to the museum would be an emotional one - at the end of the day, it's part of your heritige, part of you, and how you are here today - not only for the obvious reasons - but because your mom and dad doing the work they did and the work their colleagues in the squadron did that enabled us all to be here and safe today - both side of the pond had a great big part to play in that...
Fancy that airstrip being behind your home... either it was some very large coincidence, or you picked the area because it played a part in your dads (and moms?) life...
I loved reading all about it - and happy for you that you got to fulfill an ambition of yours to go there.
Paula x x x
Thank you for sharing this wonderful occasion and your dads part in it, you are very proud and so you should be..
Hi Sue, I don't know how I missed this post but I'm glad I found it. That visit will be something for you to remember and treasure for the rest of your life. For something so personal, I thank you for sharing it with us.
So pleased you made the trip to Savannah, Sue, to see the memorial with your parents' names on !!! Until you actually visit you don't realise the pull on your heartstrings!!! My Dad was in the Far East during the war and I found it very hard to visit the cemeteries in Thailand and Singapore and see the graves of the young boys, who were killed the day my husband was born!!! My Dad returned home, but found it hard to fit into family life, even though he tried. I can now understand.
I visited Savannah Historic District in the 1980's and still remember it with fondness!!! Enjoy your stay!!!
Anne with an E
Wow! What a rich legacy. I am sure it was a very moving visit. Thanks for sharing a little of the experience with us.
Hi Sue,
Thanks for sharing your lovely story of your trip to Savannah. I happened to mention to my husband Colin about the type of aircraft your dad was in and showed me the picture. My husband is an aircraft, WWII history fanatic and a pilot. He doesn't fly anymore but his passion about aircraft and its history is still burning brightly! Again, thank you. Take care, Aggie xxx
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