Monday, 27 July 2015

Best Wishes

Hello bloggers!   I have been playing with my Lattice and Lace Striplet again!  I started by cutting three of them without the outer cutting edge in the background milk card.  I backed it with Mocha card.  I don't think I have ever used this colour card before, but I really like it.  It is sort of cross between a brown and a grey colour (not that my pictures show it very accurately!)  It may not be every ones taste but I think it may grow on you if you give it a chance!  Next, I cut two more of the striplet out of milk card, but this time, I used the outer cutting edge with it.  I cut two backing pieces out of milk card too for a tone on tone look.  I added mounting foam to those and offset them between the three in the background.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the Pierced Flag die set, using a slightly larger one to mat it with Mocha card.  I ran a gold paint pen along the top and bottom edges of it.  I mounted it across the card with foam.  Using the Perfect Peony set, I made a multi layered flower using two of each of the larger sizes of the peony.  I used a gold paint pen around the edge of each flower before assembling it.  A single cream pearl adorned the centre.  I seated it on some cream tulle and arranged Mosaic leaves and Splendid Swirls around it for embellishments.  I did some double matting with a mocha and a gold mat behind my background piece as well as my final mat layers, which included a paper pierced milk mat layer.  The finished dimensions are 8" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Beautiful card on this wet miserable Monday morning. I love the lacy look, so lovely.
Hugs to all.

Pat said...

Hi Sue
This a lovely card, love the colours
Pat x

A Happercrafter6 said...

An ingenious way to use the pretty striplet. Like the colour.

hollyberry said...

Beautiful,very lacy looking card. Love the different colours and especially the edging on the flower.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card and the mocha looks really good love the gold around the flower.
Nancyd xx

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Great card today loving the striplet dies the colour mocha beautiful to thank you tracyw

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue and all. Beutiful card. Always like your use of the triplets. Like the colour . JJxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. Love the use of the striplet to give this lacy-look card, and I think the mocha looks great with the hint of gold. Sue XXX

JAO said...

Great card Sue.

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Loving the lacy look to this card, your eyes get drawn to so many different beautiful elements. Yvonne xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all

Love the use of the striplets and the mocha colour looks good too. The hint of gold just pops the whole thing- Lovely
Have a good week everyone
Muriel x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I love the colour and style of today's card it's so pretty. The touch of gold on the edges of the flower looks fabulous. Who would have thought you could do this with a striplet I can't wait to have a play.
Hugs x
Heather T said...

Morning Sue.
A very lovely lacy card Thank you. I must seek out the Mocha card.
Have fun and take care Kitty.

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue.
I have the milk card, I have some beautiful mocca type coloured card, I have the peicered flag and peoney dies, unfortunatly I dont own the beautiful delicate striplet die but have seen it on display in my local craft shop (unfortunatly these Notherner's are way back in history and dont open their shop's on Monday) !!! So guess where I will be tomorrow ?
Such a beautiful card to start this gloomy dull wet week in Lancashire, oh well, will just have to play in my 'den' today and re-stock the cards that sold at market yesterday.
Hoping you have a good day Sue whatever your plan's are.
Thinking of Sam and sending hugs. To Tina - have a better day, and barbie - hope you have recovered from jet lag and feeling more human like.
Hugs to you Sue.
Lancashire Steph xxx

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
A lovely card today, I like this die set but as yet haven't got it. I did however have a birthday card made with it as I recognise the shape lol. As always your dies make beautiful cards.

At the moment we have blue sky here am hoping for a drier day than yesterday. On a plus though I finally finished my baby granddaughters quilt so I'm back to card making this afternoon, when my youngest Grandson has gone home.

Have a great day
Maggie in Solihull

Anonymous said...

Oooooh - like it! Great use of the striplet and mocha card is so unusual. Of course, love the embellishment with the peony flower. It's a YES card!

'P' in Wales

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card, I think your striplets are so versatile.
The mocha looks very subtle, quite useful for lots of cards were you want a subdued, nderstand look

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Lovely card, I like the colours they work well together,the striplets are beautiful
Thank you
Karen M

Unknown said...

GM Sue. It's a must try! That mocha colour looks interesting.....

ecco of sheffield said...

Morning Sue
What a wonderful way to start the week. One of your beautiful pieces of art.
Today's gift is so lacy and looks so delicate and of course that's all down to your wonderful dies.
Your colour palette today is lovely (I haven't come across that mocca coloured as yet but will be on the lookout for it).

Well we broke our 'duck' yesterday and had RAIN! It started at tea time and went on all evening so at least the garden looks a little refreshed though the water butts are still running on empty. It's quite grey this morning so we'll wait and see what happens today.

To all in pain and suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card, so much detail. Love the gold edge to the flowers.


Debra K. said...

So gorgeous today! The colours you've chosen to use are lovely and the flower is definitely something I'm having a go at. The use of a gold pen on the petals is a wonderful idea. Debra x

Crafty Cruiser said...

Very, very pretty
Doreen R

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue x xhazel

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, A beautiful card, I'm especially liking the paint pen edges, very clever.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Morning Sue
A very pretty card today.Love the gold edges around the flower petals.

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Well I for one just LOVE the colour combination.
The Die work and embellishments are absolutely amazing ... Love it
Have a great day
Patricia xxx

Kate's Cards said...

I like this colour Sue it is not grungy or pretty!

Jane said...

Good morning Sue, Love the colour combination! Great card I have the striplet ,must have a go at it! Take care Jane B.

Nananne said...

Gorgeous lacy card! I love the colour combination , it's rather classy, and the beautiful flower and touch of gold just finishes it perfectly!
Dull and rainy here this morning.
Hugs to all xo

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. This is a really lovely card. I think my favourite dies are the strip let's and I love this one. The mocha colour is nice and would be good for mens cards as well. Thank you for sharing. Hugs Heather.x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, wow love the Mocha card, beautiful creation. Lol lynne m xxxxx

Princess Pixie! said...

Morning Sue
Love this card. The colour comes across as a dark grey on my screen but I have some card in my stash which sounds very similar to the colour you are describing and I really like it.
I'm sure that this card could be recreated with many of your striplet dies. Saying this as the Lattice and Lace is not one of the dies in my collection (yet)! I do have most of your flower dies and the Peonies are fast becoming my favourite. The gold edges on the flowers are right up my street.
I think this beautiful card would be suitable for so many different occasions - thanks for your continuing inspiration x

Lorraine - obviously as self nominated chair of the BCAS I will have to put the proposal of your membership to the committee. The committee - oh that would be me. I will let you know what the outcome of the vote is x

Magpie - kidnapping. I think you'd be more suited to the Secret Service as oppose to the BCAS. You aren't trying to out do me are you? x

Wheely Bad - welcome back - missed you x

Living in hope that my C & C parcel will arrive soon. The anticipation is overwhelming!
Not a lot on the menu for today. Haircut and colour this evening. Tomorrow got a treat in store - one of my lovely friends treating me to an afternoon at a spa.
Wishing you all a marvellous Monday
Crafty hugs

Anne said...

Love the colours, Sue and the way you have done the flower.

Anne (Northampton)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue & Lovely Wilsonettes

This card is an absolute delight; the elegant Striplet is my favourite along with the also elegant ringlet. I think I will give the Mocha a try because I have seen it at CE HQ, it does look lovely it real time but wasn’t sure until I had seen it on this card, another gorgeous versatile card Sue as it can be dressed down for a male card also. The flower is so unique & striking too so I will definitely be making this one...sure I have an Artline gold pen in my stash...thank you for sharing another spectacular masterpiece...where would we be without your kindness & inspiration...x x x

Well my crafty friends, I’ve been AWOL ...what did you say?... into the STOCKADE with you ...oh please I beg you not the stockade...I promise to be good...or will I?... not if BCAS & Yvonne have anything to do with it...brilliant idea but that’s where you went wrong, maybe now you have a name for all your underhanded tactics & with some fine tuning things will turn our way...especially as we seem to have a lot of a Co Founder? Never bribed or corrupted my entire life...ok I’m game seeing as you have perfected your tactic by tempting me & reeling me in along with other hopefuls who are happy to join know what they say there is always a first time for everything...LOL ...So President of BCAS what’s the first thing on the agenda...your wish is my

Anyways my friends...remember the black mould creeping around the walls of my craft room...well its Baaaaack!!! The guy who was supposed to cut back & remove the shrubs kept letting us down so I had to take the bull by the horns & go for it myself early on Saturday...the max height for the shrubs planted were 3-4 ft but these beggars had grown to 7ft + must have been the Chicken pooh pellets...the new miracle growing plant food, never again..Lol. Due to my poorly fingers, arthritis & what not the pace was slow & as for digging out the roots etc I was in agony & almost in tears with the effort but by 11am Sunday it was done (then rain poured down) but I was in so much pain & felt so ill I had to rest & kept crashing out...log roll now has to be replaced with stone scallop edging & then plants in pots...not in the ground.

MARIA...Thanku for asking after Lauren...she is stabilised but suffering a bit with the arthritis in her back legs, she sends hugs x x x

DEB C...pleased to know that sister-in-law is doing well & thanku for your lovely comments...but to say the least I am just one of so many who care wholeheartedly about the members of our Wilsonette family x x x lovely of Hubby to buy you those dies...he’s a very wise doing so he knows that no matter how frustrating it can be for you these new ones will give you something to look forward are in my thoughts & prayers to return to us & your crafting soon...take care x x x really have been through the mill...yet as always you put that aside & think of others & write with such humour...sincerely hope & pray that you & your Credit card are feeling sufficiently better dear Lorri...ooops can I call you for the crafting hmmmffff no time for that due to let downs... x x x
For anyone who is in need or would just like (((((HUG))))) & smiles then get ready as they are winging their way to you faster than speed of light. Sue I sincerely hope that you have a wonderful time with your MUM & get the chance to rest & have done so much for us & to me you are so deserving of the best & happiest things in life..Take care my friends Love Beth B x x x x x

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card I love the dies you have used and the colours are gorgeous and the design is wonderful. Have a lovely day.

Debs A xxx

doreenj said...

Another idea to try with my die; I do love this one!!!

Doreen x

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. I love the way you have used the striplet die to create the background and foreground, the effect is stunning especially with the mocha card backing it.x

Jan.moogie said...

Love this striplet die as it is so so useful and just look what you have done with it Sue, what a gorgeous stunning card. Have a great day Hugs xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, what a beautiful card, love the way you have used the striplet dies, am going to have a play with mine and see if I can achieve something similar

Unknown said...

Love this one, the card is just stunning

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue, so lacy looking. The shape and design is great.

Thank you for sharing it with us all today.

Craftihappiness and lots of love to everyone.

Aspiring crafter said...

Adorable card Sue, so delicate and lovely soft colours,

nattyboots said...

Wow Sue
Just my kind of card, would love to have this sitting on my shelf.
Elaine H X

Unknown said...

This is a great card - showcases the striplets perfectly

Gail said...

Fab card as a,ways Sue and I for one love the colour combo xx GailT xx

gwen70 said...

Love love love this card Sue, gorgeous colours, and the striplet die is stunning

julie laz said...

So beautiful sue, I love this, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Beautiful card. The lacey effect is delightful.
Mocha is good with me. . . . No sugar or cream lol!
Have a great day.
Ang x

karenlotty said...

Woo hoo! I was lucky enough to win this die at the launch (thank you) but not really had time to play with it yet So thank you for the inspiration I like this new card colour, less harsh than black

Chris Curry said...

A lovely card which reminds us how versatile your dies are Sue. Thank you.Xx

Rosemary Stickland said...

Morning Sue, it's great to see how versatile these dies are .... this card is fab!
Rosemary xx

marg said...

Hello Sue
I have the Striplet, Hooray!
I can try this card, but not the Mocha, YET, I like this colour, coffee and cream go well!
My card is waiting for the courier to collect, so not long now ! soon be here so I can hug those beautiful colours, only gently though, no chance of creasing it! lol
Take care
Love Marg

hettygarlick said...

A very elegant card. I love the gold edging on the peony.

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

I love the striplets you've used on this card and the colour theme is lovely.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card and the mocha colour is lovely, it gives a strong contrast but softer than black, very elegant. Love the striplet dies and the way that you have used them here.
Thanks for sharing,
Heather Treble

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous, gorgeous card today, this is my kind of card, just love the striplets,(think I have most of them)and the gold edge on the flowers is a brilliant idea. I am a big fan of the mocha/coffee colours, they look good with either cream or white.
I will be having a go at this one....BEAUTIFUL!
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Marion said...

Hi Sue love the card but not sure of the colour .
i really like the stiplet dies.
Marion H

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
I love the lacy striplet die. It's simply gorgeous. I love the milk and mocca card. They go so well together.

Lizzybea said...

Hi sue and followers
Love this strip let a really lacy look. So elegant.
Happy crafting on a very wet Monday.

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

Ooh, Mocha and milk!...I love it already, so I hope this is a new colour addition to the Foundations range, we need some stronger, bolder shades - and not just for the men in our lives, as you've shown in this card it will do nicely for us girls too...and that little touch of gold pen here and there enhances the composition beautifully...


Olga said...

Love the flower and its golden touch!

patwyn said...

Morning Sue,
I love the lacy look of this card. The striplet dies are fab, so versatile.

Hope you are enjoying your time in Florida.

Pat xxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, your striplets are just so cute.
Lorna D

Anonymous said...

Very nice love the colourway xxx it amazes me how you think of so many designs you are very talented sue well done xx loveyvonnebennettxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I just love the striplet dies, and this card is beautiful. I love the way you have done the flower. Nearly always tip the edges of mind with distress ink, but never thought of running a gold pen round.

Love Rosemarie xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

I love the way you use these dies, loving the ivory too

Unknown said...

Ps instead of going out to do more on front garden, meanie ole me is going to take herself off & put me into the stockade...I'm so sorry that I forgot to say congratulations to MYRAfor winning the Wednesday card giveaway & to the weekly comment giveaways...CONGRATULATIONS to you're sure to love your fantastic prizes....HELP!!!!! Not the tomatoes or the cabbages....LOL
Beth B x x x

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue lovely lacy effect and coffee and cream work so well love from Jackie xx

Unknown said...

To My Very Dear Friend Sue,
"I Hope You Arrived Safely At Your Mom's And The
Flight Was A Good One"
Well Your Sharing Another Truly Remarkable Card With Us Today
I Just Love The Beautiful "Lattice Lace Striplets" They Are So Very
I Love The Colour Palette The Mocha And The Milk Foundation
Card Together Very Effective, I Just So Love The Outstanding
Flower Made From The Perfect Peonies Die Set My Favourite I Love
How You've Cut It Out In The Mocha And Touched The Edges With
Gold, I Love Your 8 x 8 Cards I Never Make Small Cards.
Take Great Care My Very Dear Friend
Enjoy Your Time With Your Mom She'll Be So Happy That Your There
Warmest Wishes To Your Mom And Colin
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
From Sam xxx
Hugs To Wilsonettes
Hugs To Lancashire Steph Please Take Great Care x

barbiepinkfairy said...

Gorgeous colour combo and pretty design xxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card. I love your versatile striplets so much. SueL x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A beautiful card, I love this striplet die, it's so pretty when cut. I really need the peony dies
love your flower.
Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a lovely card, I don't think you can go wrong with the striplet dies....I just love them! Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

June Horrocks said...

A stunning card sue love the lacy look so special thank you sue love always June horrocks xxxx

rolfi said...

Hello Sue,
a lovely card again as always.
Rolf xxx

Nannieflash said...

Morning Sue, well its stopped raining for now and it is trying to sun but there are still a lot of grey clouds around so I suppose it wont be long before it rains again.
I love how youve used that striplet die, its amazing how many different patterns you get with them and the colour combo is just fabulous. Take care hugs Shirleyxx

Jess said...

Morning Sue, love the colour combination
for today's card, we need some stronger shades
sometimes for folk who are not pastel colour lovers.
The edges done with gold really set things off.
Great card.
Take care everyone
Jess xxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,
Greay is a favourite colour of mine - espaecially mixed with white.
Lovely card as ever. Will play with this die and ssee what happens!
Anne M xx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. These colours go so well together. Love the way you have used the dies.

Brenda said...

Goodmoning Sue,
What a beautiful creation you are showing us today. Mocha and Milk A match made in heaven!
The Mocha is just enough to accentuate this beautiful Striplet and the flower drawers it all together - I love it. !!!!!
Hope you're having a good day, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so so pretty and lovely.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Unknown said...

Morning Sue. Or is it, whee you are! I hope you have a lovely break. Try to forget all things crafty for a little while and recharge those brilliant and creative batteries. We need you to carry on your daily lifeline to us Wilsonettes! Lol
I feel a coffe coming on with all this talk of mocha and milk. The colours together are lovely.
Thank you Sue for your continued inspiration.
Big hug
Julie E

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW This is a beautiful card. The milk and mocha colour's look amazing together. Must try and find some of that mocha card. The striplet die is gorgeous and one of my favoutite striplet die's it make's the background look very lacey and delicate, so pretty and your flower's are alway's beautiful but with the gold edging it just give's them that wow factor. Hope you had a safe journey to your mom's and that she is in good health. Have a lovely time while you are there, don't work to hard lol.
Take care everyone and hoping the rain is not going to spoil your day.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love this card so lovely. love Jean Z xxx

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
Love the card.
I think I have this striplet and will certainly get it out and use it asap.
The mocha coloured flower with the gold edging is beautiful.
Evis M.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Wow! As soon as this card showed up I went wow! A really really beautiful card and I have all the dies used! So I will most definitely make this cars. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Love , Ivy xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, What a gorgeous card, I thought it was purple at first but can see it differently after your explanation. I like it. The way you have used the striplet die is lovely and the flower is gorgeous.

I see from the comments you are away, I hope you have a great time with your Mom.

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
What a beautiful card with so much detail.
Margaret corgi owner

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. love the colours.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. Intricate, detailed and lacey. A beautiful flower is the finishing touch. I love it all.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card today - I love the mocha :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
I am loving this mocha card. Where can I get some? Your card is gorgeous. The striplet dies are so versatile and make fabulous backgrounds and the flower is super cute. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. What a lovely card for us on this dull day, well the sun is trying to come out but it doesn't feel like it's July for sure!
I love the new Moccha coloured card and the gold outlining works a treat : )
Sue, wishing you a safe and trouble free journey over the pond and please give your Mom a big hug from me. Sending my daily hugs to you all. Take care xx

Barbara W said...

Hi Sue

What a very pretty card and I personally love the colour combination.

Lol Barbara W x

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue, and all the ladies,
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I love everything about it, and the gold pen is just the perfect finishing touch - genius.
Have as good a day as you can ladies, we've room on the Ark up here if you want to come aboard!!!
Maureen xxx

Paula said...

I'm really impressed with this card, there aren't a lot of different dies to use. Love the colour too, a very unusual one. Beautiful! :)
Paula x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a most attractive card and I like the new mocha colour very much. The gold tips to the flower just lift it beautifully.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Don't need to give it a chance it's grown on me already, love the mocha card just need to know where to buy it? Beautiful card and I have pinned it

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card this morning showcasing your beautiful striplet die. They really are so versatile aren't they. I love the new mocha colour too and it looks fabulous with the gold pen, oh dear, I need card like a hole in the head but I think I must have a look at it! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope you had a good flight and have a great day with your mum.
Love Diane G xxx
Beth what a pain (literally!) for you, I hope your black mold is now banished. Have a good rest this week and perhaps a crafty play! Xxx

TOB said...

I love these striplet dies. Gorgeous card. Well my tumble dryer died last week nothing could be done to save it, so had to buy a new one, kept thinking how many dies I could buy with that money lol. Thanks for your comments regarding my up and coming operation and hopefully I will be back crafting soon.
Hugs to all
Theresa xx

nzillingworth said...


Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card. There seems no end in how you can use the striplet dies, I love the mocha colour and the gold highlight on the peony gives it a touch of glamour. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

How do you think up so many ways to use the same dies? It wonderful, thanks for the inspiration.

Zena Mc said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card, so elegant.
Zena xx

Unknown said...

Good Morning Sue and friends
Sorry I've been missing all weekend, just been so busy with family and friends. Still only had chance to watch one of Sue's shows but loved the demo's and all the tips. I love today's card, the more I see the lattice & lace striplet the more I like it, this is a beautiful card that would work well in any colour but love this colour combo & the gold around the edge of the flower. Sue have a wonderful time in Florida and put your feet up for a while, you work so hard and deserve some R&R.
Congrats to all the comment winners from this week & congrats to Myra from Florida, you won a black and white delight. Yvonne G, 10 out 10 for trying lol. Hope your son enjoys his fishing trip, and you enjoy the peace and tidyness. I know just what you mean, we've had a house full of cosplay gear over the weekend while Comicon has been on, my kitchen table has still got a huge dismantled prop on it from my sons costume and we've been playing taxis all weekend. We love em don't we?
Muriel you winter's day sounds lovely, better than one our "summer" days that's for sure, can't believe it's nearly August with the temps we've been having, like we've we've skipped summer and gone straight to autumn here is not-so-sunny Bolton.
Magpie, I'm not sure how my sister-in-law's hair will grow back as she's filipino & had really straight dark black hair, thanks so much for the info, I'll pass on to her.
Lancashire Steph, hope you had a good day at market.
Janet, Morvan National Park looks beautiful on google images. Hope you get to your brocante, had to google immages for that too & it would be right up my street, enjoy yourselves.
Jackie, have a wonderful time on your cruise, you lucky lady.
Hope you all had a great weekend and sending love and blesings for the week ahead. Sending special hugs fto all my blog friends xx
Deb C xx

CraftyJo said...

Lovely - the colour combo looks spot-on.

Nana on the Hill said...

This is a lovely card Sue, enough to brighten a dark and dingy day!

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Oooooh so so pretty
Love it

Pauline A said...

Hi Sue, I love this strtiplet die and you have made such a pretty card with it. Sorry I wasn't able to blog over the weekend but having family and two 5 and 7 year olds didn't leave any me time, so playing catch up today. Enjoy your break. Hugs xx Pauline A

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

The Lattice and Lace striplet die is stunning. I love the Perfect Peony die set too, it makes beautiful flowers. I think I may just have to get this peony flower die. Your card is lovely today.

Best wishes
Joan from Newcastle upon Tyne said...

Just lovely! Susan x

hazel said...

Hi Sue
You Clever lady you never cease to amaze me at what you can do with your dies.
I have the these dies sets so going to try this technique out . Stunning card as always
Take care
Hazel G XX

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card - Have used these particular striplets only yesterday and am pleased with my card, too. Love the colour combo you have used, it appeals to me.
Your flower is stunning - thank you for all the inspiration you give us every day, your creativity is absolutely endless.
Hugs, Rose

Lesley said...

Once again a lovely way to use the striplet die they are so versatile. Also like the mocha colour it would be useful for male cards.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue. I hope that you have a wonderful vacation with your Mum and brothers. A well deserved rest!!

Love today's card. All the striplet dies are fantastic.

Have not been on here for ages. Take care. Will look forward to seeing you when you return.

Hugs. Jan. xx

Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
The lace striplet looks beautiful sue and the mocha card is lovely I will be definately be keeping my eyes peeled for some of that x you have such great ideas for different ways of using your dies sue so I am truly thankful as it helps me to get the most out of the dies x
Tres I hope you are feeling better today xxx
Forgot to congratulate the winners yesterday so well done all x
Beth sounds like you need a good rest now x take care x
Yvonne have a lovely spa afternoon tomorrow x room for one more ?
Theresa w xxx

ursula said...

Something quite different, but it looks really the card and that single flower, the gold pen just finishes it off...luv Ursula xx

mommaRN50 said...

The more I see the striplets used the more I love them. The color is coming across morecof an olive for me but still very lovely.

Unknown said...

Good Afternoon Sue and the Wilsonette lovelies!

Well, I am already a convert to the mocha card-though it admittedly looks like slate grey on my I pad -I can imagine that it is lush and rich in real life/daylight. I really wish that I have this striplet but I will have to wait a week or two for my bank balance to recover before I dare spend it on any more crafts. The same can be said of the peonies, I am using my camellias as a substitute but you can never have too many flowers can you? It never fails to amaze me how you can take one or two dies and create a thing of beauty Sue, you are amazing!
Beth, I have missed your witty observations, they never fail to make me chuckle, that's the beauty of Sues blog, you get the pleasure of meeting so many lovely like minded people who show a genuine warmth and humour. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling just now dear Beth but hopefully your craftroom will be restored to its former glory...I only hope that you don't have the laborious task of redecorating again though!:-(
In response to my ailing credit card, it is on the mend but is now in the full custody of my Mum- we live together for health reasons and have a joint bank account-I am told that I may have supervised access for the time being though:-)xxx
Yvonne, you are such a tease, surely I have convinced you of my merit, I would be a valuable asset to your fledgling organisation....perhaps a place on the board is appropriate , we wouldn't want a dictatorship after all!
I am soooo jealous of your spa trip you lucky lady, enjoy your late birthday treat.
Like Yvonne, I too am fit to burst with excitement over the delivery of my goodies from Sues shows-no sign of it today unfortunately, but it's scheduled for tomorrow...yeah!
Deb C, we've missed you over the weekend, glad to hear your okay and merely snowed under with parent duties-I'm glad that I only have cats to worry about, otherwise I don't know how I would find the time to craft- though just like children, they love to get involved and often I find just as much iced snow and microbeads on them as is evident on my cards!:-)xxx
Wishing you all a happy and healthy start to your week-I would say sunny, but here in Stirling. Canoe would be a wiser investment than a car!

Love and crafty hugs,


pat aberdeen said...

beautiful card again Sue and love the colours .xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Good afternoon Sue, beautiful card, love the colours! Love Jean xxx

Cathie said...

Gorgeous card today Sue. Another way I can use this die. Thanks for sharing. I love the use of the gold pen. Great idea. Have a wonderful day.

terrie said...

Very nice card...I like how you made it look like lace....
Well done Sue

Thove Kramer said...

Hi Sue, so beautiful and so many ways to use the dies, love Thove

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Hiya Sue, absolutely fabulous!!! Love everything
about this it's lush!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

sandieann21 said...

Lovely card, Sue. Cheering me up as we drive back from a lovely golfing weekend on a misty and rainy M62.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

I really like this layout, I can imagine it in many other colour combinations. The Lattice and Lace striplet is a lovely die and I will keep a look out for the Mocha Card. I am getting addicted to Foundation card and have most of the colours (I have just bought some of the new colours, lovely) Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes.

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue!
The mocha card looks lovely as does all the foundation card.

barbara macaskill said...

Lattice and Lace are luscious!!! I really like the Mocha cardstock! I think it would go with almost any color so it is very versatile! TFS!

Berina RGA said...

Beautiful card Sue!! Love the peonies.. The striplets are elegant

weefortune said...

Hi Sue Lovely Card, Hugs Elaine

Dawn Holben said...

WOW stunning card again today, very pretty and elegant

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Another stunner to brighten up such a miserable summer day!!!!

Suzzette Yandle said...

A stunner of a card today. A clever and nice effect using the striplet die over and under each other. I am fond of the mocha and cream look on cards and enjoy using this combination myself.

Eunice said...

Lovely card Sue, never used Mocha but I may give it a try. Thanks for the striplet ideas!!

Maggie said...

Stunning card Sue the strip let dies are beautiful, love the new colour and the touch of gold on your flower.
Thanks for sharing
MaggieH capricorncrafts

gailgale said...

This is such a beautiful card. I just bought this die. I am so excited to use it. Thank you Sue for all your inspiration.

Unknown said...

A very different color card but does make a beautiful combination.

Hellma said...

love todays share Sue.

melody said...

Hi Sue, really pretty card I love the striplet die used an the colours look really good, that peony flower looks different everything time you use it, I love it. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

Karen Drew said...

Love the colours. The striplet dies are my favourites as they are so versatile
Karen xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, This card is stunning. I love the colour of the card. I do enjoy using the striplets but couldn't come up with all the variations you do. I think I'll have to sit with one striplet and see how many different ways I can use it.

Val W. said...

Hi Sue, I think your card looks very sophisticated, I love it!!x

Laura O said...

great card this striplet die is lovely,Laura O

Maria said...

HI Sue and everyone.
wow, this is a very lovely card and I have the striplet
since playing with it at Julia's so had to get it of course.
Gorgeous colours, working well together.
Have a great time with your mum !

Yvonne- enjoy your day at the spa,lucky you but you well
deserve it looking after us all :-)
Oh Beth- what are you doing girl ? I hope it now is sorted
and no more mould problems, don't will you get iller.
Have a rest over the next few days if you can.
ToB- it so nice to see you, take care !
Aaah Lorraine- I can see your cats running around with
snow glitter and other things on their paws. They can be so
curious or nosey just like people.
Lynne M- hope you are ok and Cully is doing fine, any more
escapades with her and Tilly lately ?
Norah- know you might be busy but missing you and your
stories from playa Glenochil, come back soon!

Warm hugs (in July ?!) to everyone and extra ones
to you who need one and special friends,
Hugs Maria x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Fabulous. Really like the mocha and the striplet die is truly stunning & im lucky to own it.
Beth, please take it easy, sounds like you've well and truly knackered yourself!
Been a miserable day here today but at least we haven't got floods which I believe some parts of the country have.
Love and hugs to all,Alison xxx

liz spooner said...

Absolutely stunning card again Sue, I have this die so will be giving this card a go.xx

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Oooooo, my favourite, the striplet die.....not got it .....yet.....Love the mocha and milk card together Sue. It's a bit like the iced lollies we use to get from the ice cream's got to be from the mid 60's-70's. It's a beautiful card and the peony flower with the touch of gold added with the paint pen really sets it off. Gorgeous xx Beth B, so sorry about the problems you've been having. Arthritis stops you from doing just about everything x sending love and hugs your way....and to Lauren x Deb C, you're welcome and everybody's different I know, so I've no doubt the nurses will tell her xx thinking of you both. My friend is from Bolton who's called Bea. We met in Llandudno one weekend, I'm sure it was 1989, so chuffed we remain so xx Yvonne and Lorraine, enjoy your goodies when they come. I try to put thoughts into my husbands head in a round about way so it seems he's made the decision to buy them? It works....sometimes.... :) Yvonne, after much thought (2 seconds), I've decided I just want to be in the BCAP...there's only so many "I will say this only once's" I can! Sending love and hugs to you Sue, your mom and your family xx Sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are in need of some xx Lynne M, hope your diva's are ok but not driving you too mad! xx Hope you're ok Norah? x thinking of you xx Take care everyone xx Love Karen xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. Oooooh what a lovely card today !! Your new lattice and lace striplet dies look fab on this card !! You have really showed them off to perfection !! I love the look of the Mocha colour card. The colour looks great with the milk card. I love how you have used the striplet die three times as a background with the lovely Mocha card peeking through it and then made complete striplets accross the top of the background. I love the flower you have made with the Mocha card and the gold around the edges of it finished with the single pearl. I think it is really lovely. Great sentiment to with those lovely Pierced flag dies that I love and use so often. Thanks for sharing this really great card today Sue. More fab inspiration from you so thank you very much. Sending you lots of love from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

Jean said...

So pretty! I don't know how you do it every day!

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Truly lovely card, the Striplet looks amazing and the mocha cardstock is divine. Unusual colour for you, hope to see more. The gold edging on your peony, well, it's just a perfect peony. Enjoy your break, any swimming with dolphins on the cards this year?

Deb, didn't realise you were a Lancashire lass. But I won't hold that against you, I'm a Yorkshire lass, but defected to Germany.
Yvonne, lucky you, enjoy your spa day.
Beth I do hope you have conquered that mould. Did you really use chicken poo as a fertiliser?
Lorraine, please don't explode, it would make such a mess.

Love and hugs
Saba xxx

Angela Wade said...

Good Evening, Sue and Wilsonettes. I hope you're all keeping warm in this distinctly, Autumnal weather. And it's meant to be Summer !!!!!

Today's card is beautiful, Sue and showcases this lovely Striplet perfectly. This one is on my list still LOL !!

Congratulations to all last week's lucky Comment and the Card Giveaway winners !

Hugs and Best Wishes to you all,

Angela in blustery, S. Wales Xx

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Another stunning card, colours I would not think about putting together, but when you do it, it is beautiful.

Love n hugs to you all

Dorothy Macdonald

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sur & wilsonetts
Gorgeous card love striplets they are so versatile love the colour combo it's a beautiful design.
Love Lynda Brock xx

Congratulations to all the winners

TOB Theresa how are you doing,Sending your Hugh

Beth sorry your suffering with your arthritisis I sympathies as I have tha too not nice take care & hope your mould gets sorted.
Hug's xx

Deb C hope your SIL improving your all in my thoughts & prayers xx

Big hug's for all my friends love Lynda xxxx

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sur & wilsonetts
Gorgeous card love striplets they are so versatile love the colour combo it's a beautiful design.
Love Lynda Brock xx

Congratulations to all the winners

TOB Theresa how are you doing,Sending your Hugh

Beth sorry your suffering with your arthritisis I sympathies as I have tha too not nice take care & hope your mould gets sorted.
Hug's xx

Deb C hope your SIL improving your all in my thoughts & prayers xx

Big hug's for all my friends love Lynda xxxx

nannapat said...

I do so love the striplet and the way you have used them here gives a lovely result. Gorgeous card Sue. Pat x

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Blogger just killed the comment that took me an hour to type so I shall have to keep this short. Billy will want to go out soon! I love this and this striplet has shot way up the list. Understand your either back with or going to see Mom, hugs to you both from Billy and myself x

Beth, rest up after destroying that Triffid! Make sure you have plenty of air in that craft room, stale air and condensation will bring that mould right back. Do make sure you recover though.

Yvonne, thank you xxx hugs x

TOB so pleased you have a date for your op, hope it's soon xxx hugs x

Steph, hope the fair went well yesterday xxx hugs x

Dr gets back tomorrow so should hear soon. Been a little more lopsided of late so it's in good time, Making Mr W's birthday card tomorrow ready for Wednesday so after a false start- one lost post! I shall wish all of you a happy Tuesday

Hugs, T x

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
I'm late again! Just Rrived back home after a long weekend away!
Yes - it's raining here too and we put the heating on when we arrived home! Is it really July?
Sue, I love your colour combination today . I love mocha and cream and wear those colours a lot too!
I'll be looking out for the cardstock! Not tonight - I'm too tired!
Beautiful card - many many thanks!
Take care everyone,
Sleep well, Love Myra xxx

America said...

Hi Sue. This masterpiece is stunning with your signature gorgeous layers and that fantastic GOLD! Fab use of the die! Total WOW Factor!

mommaRN50 said...

The more I see the striplets used the more I love them. The color is coming across morecof an olive for me but still very lovely.

Barbara (C) said...

Striplets out for a card today I rhink. Lots of elements on your card Sue but they never look over loaded - so well balanced. Mocha is a great colour!

Linda28 said...

Hi Sue,late with this comment, been so busy, but had to say what a beautiful card, I have to get this Striplet die it is gorgeous, Have really only just discovered how versatile they all are. Another visit to my local craft shop. lol. Enjoy your break with Mom. xx

Tracy Welham said...

Gorgeous, love the colour tones. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

hotpotato said...

lovely card Sue. x

C A W said...

Beautiful striplet, colour is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Great card, I love the mocha colour


Unknown said...

I adore this card, and the colour is amazing. I never thought of finishing the flower die the way you have it looks so classy it's beautiful. Thanks again for all your inspiration.
Susan R

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Great layers on this card.