Friday, 24 August 2012

Winners and Exciting News!

Hi guys!  Welcome back today.  I finally got everything caught up to do the blog candy drawing!  First, however, I want to share some exciting news that I was just given.  I have been notified that I was nominated for the Crafts Beautiful Crafting Awards!  I was nominated for two categories: Best Craft Blog and Best Overall Card Designer.  I was very excited to hear the news and want to say a great big thank you for this honour.  The competition is very stiff so I am asking for your help on this to go to the site and vote (sorry to sound like such a politician!).  The link is

Now for the blog candy drawing you have all been waiting for.  In reverse order, as always, the winner of third place is.....................................................
Teresa Candler!!!!

The Second Place Winner is.............................
Kim Williamson!!!

And finally,  the Grand First Place Prize Winner is...........
Rosemarie Fishlock!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me to confirm your addresses and claim your prizes.  The game rolls over, no need to send your address if you have done it at some point.  we will draw new winners when we hit 3500 followers!  In the meantime, I have been itching to give something else away so I am going to pick four winners, each receiving a pair of free tickets to the Big Stamp and Scrap Show at Alexandra Palace in London in Sept. from those of you that leave comments on Saturday's or Sunday's posts this weekend (two from Sat and two from Sun).  All for now, Sue x


nattyboots said...

Huge congratulations to your lucky winners sue , and congratulations on you being nominated , will just pop over now to have a look .
Have a nice weekend.
Elaine H X

Joan D said...

Very well deserved Sue. Tried to leave my nomination but page wasn't found so will try later.Keep my fingers crossed for you XX

Craftychris said...

Well done! I will definitely be voting for you and congratulations to the three candy winners xx

yorkielass said...

Congratulations to the lucky winners and congratulations to you Sue on two well deserved nominations. Have tried to vote but like Bosquie said page not found, will try later, and keep my fingers crossed for you.
Hugs June x

Anonymous said...

I have just voted - the web link is not correct - I deleted off the web link address Sue gave /index.php and clicked on survey and there it was! Yes I voted for Sue of course.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and congratulations on your nominations, I don't normally post on your Blog although I check it out everyday, just to let you know that I have voted for you in both catagories. Good Luck Sue.
Luckydawn x

martine said...

Hi sue congratulations, i will be voting lol. just to let you know i have recived my parcel from c&c, sue the pearl embelishments are stunning i carnt wait to use them they look stunning xxx
all the best martine xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Congratulations on your nominations very well deserved and I will be voting for you. Thankyou for all your beautiful cards which you kindly share with us.
Congratulations to the 3 Winners.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Hellma said...

Congrats to the winners, just been and voted for you Sue and also dropped creative expressions in there as my fave stamp company, hope this is okay.

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
and congrats to the winners. I hope you enjoy your winnings dear friends.
Thank you so much for the chance to win the tickets. I will be here Sat/and Sun to comment but then I'm always here everyday. Your blog is the first I visit in the day. Will also vote for you as you deserve to win. I'm off to do so now.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your nominations!
and good luck :)
Also Congratulations to the lucky winners.

Carol S. said...

Hi Sue, Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win tickets for Ally Pally. I am now going straight over to vote for you. No competition!!! Hugs, Carol S.xx

Lara B said...

Good afternoon Sue
Congratulations on your nominations!!
You deserve them!

Congratulations also the the winners!

Lara xxx

Lara B said...

Good afternoon Sue
Congratulations on your nominations!!
You deserve them!

Congratulations also the the winners!

Lara xxx

melanie said...

Congratulations on the nominations ,
I thought you was going to tell us you was doing classes on C & C we can live in hope .Melanie

Barbara said...

Just popped over and voted for you Sue you deserve to win both categories. Good Luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What great news, I sent an e-mail to numerous magazines, to forward your name and blog, to nominate you, quiet afew months back, cannot remember if it was Mabex who suggested it!!!!You should definitely be voted for the best card designer, as there is no-one who touches you or your style, and definitely for the best blog, you have such a loyal following now, you should be so proud, you deserve every award going, that's my unbiased opinion, hee hee.
Congratulations to the candy winners, and good luck to all for the ally pally tickets, yipeeeee.

Pam said...

Congratulations Sue, it is well deserved and hope you win both awards, you surely do work hard to keep us very happy. Also congratulations to the blog Candy winners.

cats said...

Congratulations to the winners.
Sue,congratulations and not before time!!! you deserve to win these awards,I'm popping off to vote now.
Christine xx

Wendy L said...

Well done you, you do deserve it with your talent. xxxx

Lesley Lendon said...

Well don you! Good luck, happy to assist, have cast my votes! x

Unknown said...

Congrats to you Sue and the lucky winners. On my way to cast my vote for you, good luck.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

My vote is in! No contest as far I am concerned - you will win crafty hands down

Lily Lou

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the candy winners & to Sue on your nominations. They are well deserved. I have already cast my vote for you in both categories & am convinced that you will win. With love & light Theresa. H

Phil D said...

Congratulations on your nominations - have voted for you so wish you good luck - lovely card
Phil D

Carole said...

Congratulations winners and well done Suefor the nominations. Just been over and placed my votes. well done
Carole x

SusanP, Kent said...

Marvellous news Sue! You are a brilliant crafting ambassador for Spellbinders and an inspirational designer in your own right.
I clicked straight over via the link to do my voting before I had a chance to forget.
Good Luck (or should that be 'break a leg')?

Unknown said...

congrats to all the winners and well done sue will go and vote asap xx gail

Rhonda Miller said...

Congrats Sue!!

Congrats to the winners.

Lisa said...

Congrats to the lucky winners! I've been a past winner and the stash was/is fab:D

and good luck to everyone for the ticket draws over the weekend too:D


Lisa said...

oops meant to say i've voted too:D

Jane said...

I have posted my vote for you Sue Hope you win you deserve it.

Jane xx

nutcake said...

Have just voted for Sue! Hope you're a winner. You deserve to be!!

Best wishes Hazel

Rosemarie said...

Hi Sue, Have nominated you and I am sure that you will win hands down, you deserve it.

Love Rosemarie xx

brenda said...

Beautiful card again Sue, love the colours. Congratulations on your nominations you deserve them and I'm sure will win hands down xx

Carole Z said...

Congrats to winners, you lucky ladies...and Sue, my vote is in..!Well done on nominations, I'm sure you'll win! Carole Z X

Jenny Marples said...

Congratulations Sue! This is so well deserved. Will be voting asap. Hugs, Buttons x

hazel young said...

Well done to the winner and to you too Sue i will be voting in a minute. Well done you deserve the recognition hope you win xx hazel

jean.phillips1 said...

Congratulations to the winners and I did vote for you yesterday, fingers crossed you win, you certainly deserve it! love Jean x

lesley said...

Hi sue congrats on the nominations you are the winner in my eyes,but I will still pop over now and vote!! Lol love lesley xx

CarolineB said...

I voted for you. Your card creations a great and inspirational

CarolineB said...

I voted for you. Your card creations a great and inspirational

shirley said...

congratulations to the winners
i have voted sue finger crossed for you shirley xxx

Debs cards said...

Just been and voted for you and Congratulations to all the winners

Debs Artliff xx

ria gall said...

Hi Sue,
Woo Hoo go girl, I am heading straight over to vote for you. I could think of many more categories to vote for you in.
Good luck

Unknown said...

I shall vote for you now Sue, hope you win it is well deserved.

Ladock girl said...

Congratulations to the winners of the comp. And also many congratulations to you Sue for your nominations, you should win both categories hands down you are definately the best card designer I know and your blog is amazing. Fingers crossed to you, and I'm off to place my vote. Linda xxx

magpie said...

Wow! What wonderful news Sue & so so so deserved! So so happy for you! I'll be voting for you, a definite yes to that. Congratulations! Also congratulations to the candy blog winners, wonderful! Enjoy your prizes xx Love Karen xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sue, It couldn't have happened to a better crafter!!!
Jan x

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Sue, congratulations on being nominated...Congratulations to the lucky winners..x x

marg0006 said...

Lovely card nd the colors are so soft and pretty.

marg0006 at verizon dot net

Rose in Chester said...

Congratulations Sue, and OF COURSE I hotfooted to vote for youhoohooo.

JoanB said...

Hi Sue,
I have just voted for you and was very pleased to do so!
Good Luck!
Joan B.

Linda (Lindyloo) said...

Big congratulation to the winners.
Wow Sue, you are very generous to offer more fabulous candy, especially tickets to the show.
I will have to try and get here to comment so I can be entered, that would be fun.
Hugs Linda x

Karen R said...

Congratulations to the winners. I clicked on the link and it seems I have already voted (think I did it from an online shop I was buying from and was pleased to see your nomination Well deserved too

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Congratulations on you nominations, very well deserved, you can count on my vote.


nmty said...

hi Chrisine, CONGRATULATIONS on your nominaions for the awards. You deserve it. I am sure the other ladies will agree, that I find your work so inspirational, and i can say that you and the Grand Calibur have changed the way i craft forever now so THANK YOU!

congrats to the winners of the candy.

lv norma

Clai01 said...

Well done the candy winners and Congrats Sue on the nominations.

nuttinanni said...

congrats on your nominations, you are sure to win! missed out on the templates, could not get through quick enough. love the colours you choose for all your cards. cheryl

BridgetCG said...

Congrats to the lucky winners.x

Marion said...

HI Sue love the card and congratulations on your sure you will win ,you deserve it for all the hard work you do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
it doesn't surprise me one little bit that you have been nominated, as your card's are O.O.T.W. Your blog/cards are an inspiration to so many crafter's. I'm keeping everything crossed for you (although I'm sure that you won't need me to).
Sandra (craftynan)

Shahab said...

Sue my heartfelt congratulations on your nominations
Your blog and cards are a inspiration to all of us
Your cards are works of art I am so happy to have the opportunity to vote for you if anyone deserves the awards it's you looking forward to meeting you again next month at Ally Pally
Hugs Shahab xx

Shahab said...

Congratulations to all the candy winners too!

Pinky said...

Congratulations! You've got my vote!! x

Anonymous said...

Voted for you last week before I found your blogspot(courtesy of Create & Craft)! Love all your designs and of course, spellbinders! I'm now destined to become a Sue Wilson blogaddict!
Marilyn X

HiggiSue said...

Congratulations Sue.... well deserved nomination... off to vote xx

Linda (Lindyloo) said...

I think I was too tired when I read this post as I did not see the awards notice. Please, please forgive me Sue. This entry for the awards is long overdue and very much a definite in my eyes. You not only offer a constant stream of amazing cards using various techniques for our inspiration, you include full make-up details too. On top of that you reward your followers with the sweetest candy. Now anyone would say that Is enough, but no, you also treat everyone like a friend, with respect and recognition, if so required. You are willing to laugh at yourself and with us. Your schedule is busy but you never neglect your blog. So I can think of many words to describe you but I think one word says everything important... COMMITTED. Thank you. I will keep everything crossed for you and cast my vote.
Biggest hugs Linda xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations Winner, enjoy your goodies Helen O xxx

Suzanne said...

Very well deserved - so pleased for you x

sallysbitz2 said...

Congrtas to ALL the winners, enjoy x

Well done Sue on being nominated, well deserved x
Shall go on over & vote now x

hugs sally x

lilygee said...

Congratulations Sue - yes of course we will vote for you.
lots of love lilygee

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Congrats to the winners. Would love to win the tickets as will be going to the show.

Linda Simpson said...

Congratulations to the winners I hope you all enjoy your goodies.

Linda xxx

Vie Carter said...

well done to all the lucky winners


Andrea said...

congratulation to the winners well done and enjoy hugs x

Andrea said...

congratulation to the winners well done and enjoy hugs x

Teresa said...

have voted, sure you'll win!!

Vivi Morais said...

Congrats to all the winners!!!

I hope you win!!!