
Sunday 14 January 2018


Good Sunday morning all!  I thought it was time for a nice clean and simple card and this one definitely fits the bill!  I started by cutting the Cascading Leaves diagonally across a piece of coconut white card.  Next I used a selection of Pixie Powders on a separate piece of white card.  I used Burnt Orange, Aubergine Dream and Olive Green to get those autumnal colours for my leaves.  I glued this piece behind the leaf aperture I cut.  Next I cut the outline in black and glued it back into the aperture opening, giving the leaves more shape.  I cut the sentiment in black from the Mix and Match Friendship Sentiment set and glued it below the leaves.  I added it on to a larger white mat then added my pierced white mat and a final white mat to complete the card. The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x  7 3/4" in size.

The winners of this week's Comment Game are:

Crafty Chris!!!
Lianne in the UK!!!
Karen Lotty!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now. Sue x

                                                      Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Simply elegant and stunning, WOW. Thanks for sharing Sue, have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Morning Sue. Adorable. My all time favourite cards to make are CAS cards. I find them peaceful and serene, they almost seem to change a busy whirlwind mind into to a relaxed state if you get my meaning ? Everything about this sample is beautiful the colours used and design, a beautiful and peaceful way to start the way.
    Congratulations to all the winners above enjoy playing with your gift.
    Love and restful peaceful hugs coming your way Sue xxx

  3. Good Morning Sue
    Thank you for a neat, elegant card.
    Jan x

  4. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful card with stunning Pixie Powder colours.
    Congratulations to the comment winners. x

  5. Hello Sue and all
    fabulous combination of pixie powder colors and a lovely CAS card.
    Pam, hope you are okay,
    Muriel x

  6. Congrats winners, lovely leaf card Sue.

  7. GM Sue. Great leaves. Love this.

  8. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a lovely frsh card.
    Congratulations to all the comment winner enjoy your prizes.
    Pam I hope you are okay?.
    Take care all and keep warm more snow on the way UGH.

  9. A lovely looking card. Love the bright pixie powders and the clean cut of the design. Have a good and restful Sunday

  10. A simple and elegant card Sue, would be perfect for someone who has come through a difficult time. Thank you, have a good day. Xx

  11. Hi Sue - I really like the simplicity of this card and the effect it has. It could be used for so many occasions too. Love it. Sending best wishes and congratulations to the three lucky ladies today.

  12. Hi Sue, lovely card, the pixie powders are gorgeous.

    Barbara V

  13. Simply said. Love the grateful die and the colors you have chosen. Happy Sunday.

  14. Sorry winners I forgot to congratulate you in my earlier post.
    Jan x

  15. Good morning Sue
    I love the simplicity of today's card!
    Congratulations to all the winners!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  16. Hi Sue
    A lovely card, gorgeous pixie powder colours.
    Congrats to the winners.
    B xx

  17. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a really simple and cute card today, love it.

    Pam, if you are able to see this I hope all is well.

    Congratulations to all the winners, you are going to be very happy.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  18. Beautiful card, gorgeous colours.
    Congratulations to all the winners.

  19. Love these simple cards, they are beautiful.
    Congratulations to all th be winners xx

  20. Good morning Sue,
    Lovely card today, congratulations to all the lucky winners. Yvonne xx

  21. Lovely card-simply elegant.

    Congrats to the winners.


  22. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card. I love CAS cards and this one is a stunner. The pixie powder colours you have chosen for the leaves are fabulous.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners today and also to the winner yesterday.
    Sorry I haven't commented the last couple of days but found out someone has 'cloned' my nankcard and has been using it. Needless to say I was very upset at this! Anyway, it has been stopped and I have had the money back by the bank but it really shook me. So I am now waiting for a new card. Don't know how it's happened, all I can think is it was somewhere in Newcastle or Durham.
    Pam, hope you are ok xx
    Elaine hope you are ok and that Andrew is getting his treatment that he needs - no need to apologise xxxx
    Rosemary hope you are ok too xx
    Donita hope you are having a good time with your dad x
    Sending love and hugs to all, Alison xxxx

  23. Hi Sue,

    Just beautiful and I love your choice of Pixie colours, they really glow behind the diecut leaves...

    Congratulations to the Comment Game winners


  24. Good Morning Sue. Lovely card Sue. Another p.powder background looks beautiful. The card is simple but meaningful too.
    Pam two days in a row....... not like you . I really hope everything is ok.
    We have another miserable day.... no good for drying the washing again. Congratulations to all the winners today

    Best Wishes to all this morning. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  25. Hi Sue

    Simply wonderful colours and design, sometimes less is so much more.


    Heather R Oxfordshire

  26. The colours look great Sue very realistic. x

  27. Terrific die. Lots of uses. A must. Dya think praps I like this one Sue???!!! Hope you’re feeling better x

  28. It might be clean & simple, but it’s beautiful & so effective! Love this combination of pixies, off to see if I have them all. Thank you Sue
    Congratulations to the lucky comment winners.

  29. Good Morning Sue and all .. stunning card this morning . I do like the clean look and the colours you have created from the pixie powders.
    Congratulations to the winners. Hope Pam is ok , crafty hugs and well wishes to all.

  30. Morning Sue, I do like the clean lines and the simplicity of this card, and the combination of the Pixie Powder just add that splash of colour - great

  31. Love this card sue the leaves are quiet beautiful and the pixi powders are fab thank you
    Congrats to the winners love June Horrocks xxxxxxxxxx

  32. Clean, simple and effective! Lovely!
    Congratulations to the winners
    Doreen R

  33. Morning Sue,
    A gorgeous CAS card, love it. Congartulations to the winners.

  34. Good Morning, Sue
    I love the clean and simple look of your card this morning. The gorgeous combination of Pixie colours and the black outline and greeting really make the leaves stand out.
    A great idea to have a few of these cards in stock ready to pop on a suitable greeting when a card is needed at shiort notice!
    Lesley S x

  35. Great card Sue and the pixie colours you chose are just perfect for the autumnal look.
    Congratulations to this week's winners
    Marion S x

  36. Such a stylish card, Sue. Love it.

    Anne (Northampton)

  37. Lovely card, and beautiful colours :))
    Congrats to all the lucky winners this week!

  38. Good morning Sue and everyone
    I do love pixi powders I may just have to get the ones I have out of their box and have a play
    Your card is gorgeous Sue
    Pam Where are you Wherever it is I hope you are ok xx
    June how did your first craft group go ?
    Elaine Andrew and Helen and Rosemary sending hugs to you all
    I send my usual good wishes and hugs 🤗 to you all
    Take care folks
    Theresa G xx

  39. Morning Sue, lovely card, love the pixie powder colours.
    Congratulations to today’s winners, enjoy your gifts ladies.
    Pam I hope you are ok, and haven’t been landed with this dreadful flu bug.
    Take care everyone, Jess xx

  40. Hello Sue, what a beautiful card, love the colours of the leaves. I am always a bit scared of white space, but it is so effective. Well done to the comment game winners. Have a good day everyone. Bx

  41. Hi SUE
    Love the card very good colours
    Congratulations to the comment winners
    JOY Xx

  42. it's very beautiful Sue

    and congrats to the winners

    Gr Karin

  43. Hi Sue, Such a clean looking card so lovely . love Jean Z xxx

  44. This is a definite my kinda card I love CAS cards
    And thank you I’m one of the winners this week

  45. Hi Sue,
    Simply stunning.
    Beverley W

  46. Lovely card Sue. Thanks for sharing . Well done winners.
    Hope Pam is ok.

  47. Congratulations to the lucky comment winners.

    Todays card shows you do not have to throw everything at a card to make it look good. The simplicity of this one also makes it an ideal card for the men in your life.

    Hugs Helen xx

  48. Good morning Sue, the colours of the leaves look spectacular cut out as they are and make a crisp clean card, love from Jackie xx


  49. Hi Sue

    Lovely clean and simple card

    Congratulations to the winners


    Annx without an "e"

  50. Hi, Sue,
    Clean, simple and very elegant!! I love this die and the use of the pixie powders for the autumnal colours of the leaves is a masterstroke :)
    Bejay xx

  51. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Very crisp and clean the colourful autumn leaves with white. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  52. Hi Sue,
    Simply beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Véronique L

  53. Hi Sue. This is such a pretty card even though it is so simple. The simplicity allows you to showcase the die and the pretty colours.


  54. Hi Sue, a lovely CAS card and the Cascading Leaves look beautiful with the pixie powdered background, love the colours you have used.

    Pam - I do hope that you are ok, missing you.
    Thinking of all the other missing Wilsonettes as well.

    Congratulations to this week's comment game winners - Chris, Lianne and Karen. Enjoy playing with your prizes.


  55. Hi Sue
    Love love love this card, beautiful Die with a perfect pixie powder backing. Thank you for sharing it.
    Congratulations to Chris, Leanne and Karenon being today's winners and also congratulations to Karin on winning the gorgeous Wednesday card
    Pam missing you from your top spot, hope it's just internet problems and you're ok
    Elaine my daily hugs for you and Andrew

    Love and hugs to everyone especially all our missing friends

  56. Hi Sue
    Sometimes a clean & simple card is just perfect!! Loving this one.

  57. Hi Sue really lovely card the cascading leaves are beautiful
    Pam we're all concerned about you I hope you are alright
    Elaine sending caring hugs your way hope Andrew has started his treatment
    Allison how upsetting to find your bank card cloned that's really unnerving glad the bank has sorted it for you
    Congratulations to the three lucky winners enjoy your prizes
    Hope you all have a restful Sunday

  58. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card, love the colours you have used on the leaves.

    Hugs Brenda xxx

  59. Hi Sue,
    I agree with everything Brenda Lello said.
    A lovely card.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Evis M.

  60. Deb E Isle of Wight14 January 2018 at 15:33

    Another beautiful post and so versatile for many occasions....the autumnal colours are gorgeous..

    Congrats the winners

  61. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    I Loved This Exceptional Die Set When You Released It In November 2017 As Part Of Your Autumnal Collection
    Also You Shared This Particular Card, But Today’s Blog You’ve Shared More Details With Us, For Example Which
    Of “The Exceptional Pixie Powders” You’ve Used Also You’ve Explained More How You Achieved Your Magical Card.
    Magnificent Products Used In Today’s Card ✨
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Black Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Remarkable Pixie Powders Burnt Orange/Aubergine Dream/Olive Green”
    Magnificent Cutting Dies Used In Today’s Card ✨
    “Sue Wilson’s Cascading Leaves 🍁 Die Set” (From The Finishing Touches Collection 2 Cutting Dies)
    “Sue Wilson’s Mix/Match Friendship Die Set” (From The Expression Collection 11 Cutting Dies Outstanding Collection)
    You Started Today’s Card By Cutting “The Cascading Leaves 🍁 Die Set” Diagonally Across A Piece Of
    “Coconut White Foundation Card” Creating A Aperture, Then You Used A Separate Piece Of “Coconut White Foundation Card”
    Where You Used Your Magical “Pixie Powders” In “Burnt Orange/Aubergine Dream/Olive Green” This Gives You That
    Exceptional Autumnal Colour You Required, You Then Glued This Behind Your Leaves 🍁 Aperture Next You Cut Out
    “The Cascading Leaves” 🍁 Outline In “Black Foundation Card” Then You Glued This Into The Aperture Which Brings
    “The Cascading Leaves” 🍁 Alive........... (It’s Just Shows You What Adding Black Card Can Do To Your Superb Creation)
    You Cut Your Beautiful Sentiment Out Of “Black Foundation Card” From “The Mix/Match Friendship Die Set”
    Sue, You Then Added Your Card To A Larger “Coconut White Frame” Using “Mounting Foam” Then You Added
    This To Your “Famous/Signature/Piercing Plus A White Mat/Layer Simply Divine, Extremely Impressive.
    Like Everyone I Just Love Those Exceptional “Pixie Powders”
    Take Great Care My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx
    A Huge Congratulations 👏👏👏To This Weeks Comment Winners Enjoy Your Gift.....................................

  62. Hello Sue.

    I really like clean and simple and this is lovely. The colour combination looks very like rusty metal, very nice. Thanks for sharing.

    Congratulations Crafty Chris, Lianne in the UK and Karen Lotty.

    Best wishes

  63. Beautiful card!
    Love those dies.

  64. Good Sunday to all here and yes, wondering where is our Pam? Our opener.Hope all is well.
    I do love this card and I really wish I had the Olive Pixie Powder.I think that every time I see it used. I love the background combo used on this card. Sue, you always make Pixies look their best.
    Elaine, healing wishes for Andrew.Hope everything is better today.
    Donita, I know you are enjoying the warmth and spending time with your Dad.
    Congrats to the winners...I am sure you will be pleased.
    Stephanie K

  65. Hello Sue
    A lovely elegant design.I hope you are feeling better.
    Pam you have us all worried.Elaine you and your family are in my thoughts.Donita I am glad you are enjoying your time with your dad

  66. Sue you are right, the simplest cards are the most stunning!!! Love the pixie powder colors that you chose, and the cascading leaves die is one that I have to get my hand on!

  67. Thanks Sue for a great card that will be suitable for so many occasions.

  68. Hi Sue
    Simply stunning card,really lovely,
    Congratulations to winners
    Hope everyone's ok??????
    Thanks Sue
    Karen M

  69. Congratulations to today’s winners and to Karin yesterday. Lovely CAS card Sue. Thank you and hope you are feeling a lot better now. Missing Pam, Elaine and Rosemary. Hope you are all ok. Thanking of you.


  70. What a lovely card, I do like these CAS cards
    from Sue!!
    Pam, are you ok?? Does anyone have her email
    so we can check she is ok?

    Hugs to all, congrats to the winners,

    Doreen x

  71. Hi Sue this is a stunning card. Those leaves are gorgeous. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  72. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card today, the pixie powder background is lovely behind the leaves. I introduced my sister to them before Christmas, she isn't a huge card maker but wanted something to play with, she enjoyed herself so much she went back to the craft shop and bought some more! I think she's hooked.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Pam I hope you are ok, it's not the same without you at the top. Xxx
    Elaine and Rosemary sending hugs xxx
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners xxx

  73. Such a lovely and elegant card. Congrats to the winners.

  74. Hi Sue
    this is such a lovely card. I'm really starting to like pixie powders.
    With Best wishes

    Elaine Ann

  75. Hello Sue,
    A really lovely card today which does appeal to me a lot. I don’t have that Die but have the other leaves . Maybe I could try something a bit similar with them.
    We have had the family here today so it’s been a busy one but with lots of fun and laughter too.
    I was wishing I had Pam’s email address Doreen, but sadly I don’t. I do hope she is alright.
    Elaine and Rosemary, thinking of you ! Yvonne and Laine too and many others.
    Donita - glad you arrived safely! Sorry it’s a bit chilly!
    Congratulations to today’s winners and yesterday’s . I’m sorry I was distracted last night and forgot.
    Love to all,
    Myra (( Friend of Maureen) xx

  76. A beautiful, clean and simple card. Love it!


  77. Super card sue. Love the bright colours of the leaves. Laura O Springfield

  78. Simple but oh so beautiful....love the pixie powder colours used for the autumnal colour....thank you Sue...luv Ursula xx

  79. Evening Sue. Beautiful clean and simple card today. Gorgeous Pixie powder background xx

  80. Hi Sue,
    Simple, clean and beautiful.
    Congrats to all winners.

    Pam, Rosemary - Hope you are Ok.
    Elaine - Thinking of you and Andrew! Hope you will came back soon.
    Donita- Have a great time.

    Warm hugs from cold Toronto to you all,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  81. To Sue and All,

    I wonder how this would look with the leaf apertures cut into a fall color instead of into white. Or a brilliant blue. We don't usually see fall leaves against snow. Don't take it so literally, some would say.
    This card really doesn't take much Pixie Powdered paper, does it? You can make a lot of these with one sheet of Pixies.
    Sure hope we hear from Pam soon.

  82. Latenight SandyH15 January 2018 at 04:49

    Lovely card. Must check my pixie powders as I think there is at least one colour you've used. Sue, that I haven't seen before.
    Pam, hope you are o.k. and back here soon. We're lost without you at the top of the page.
    Congratulations to the comment game winners Crafty Chris, Lianne and Karen Lotty.
    Take care everyone.

  83. Love it Sue. The leaves are beautiful.

  84. I lov htis card Sue, the pixie powders look fab behind thos leaves.
    Gorgeous colours.

  85. Hi Sue,
    don't know what happened to my Sunday morning but I appear to have missed this post/lovely CAS. It takes a lot of courage and self-belief to stick to the 3 basic elements. Colours are gorgeous.
    Hugs, Rose

  86. Hi Sue. I love this card. Clean and simple but truly beautiful. Less is definitely more. Xxx

  87. I adore this card and this fab die! I am excited at being a comment game winner, thank you so much! I have emailed. xxxxxxx
