
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Magic of Christmas

Hi bloggers!  Today's video card is a lovely pearl blue and silver card that just says Christmas all over it!  It happens to be one of my favourites, hope you like it too!

 The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Lovely card Sue, gorgeous monochrome beauty.
    Yorkie Girl, lovely to see you back. Hope life is a little less hectic now, take care with the arthritis.
    Maureen I know I should downsize my tree, it would make life easier. Generally Kelly and the boys get it out if the loft, assemble it, make sure the lights are working then leave me to decorate it. Takes a full day just for that. Love the effect though.
    June, get off the naughty step, it's nearly Christmas, at this rate you will be sat there till 2018.
    Elaine, hope you get your laptop sorted, can't manage without mine.
    Rosemary, no date yet, get my BP checked next week. How are you doing, well I hope.
    Saba, hope you are less tired today, you do too much.
    Took the twins fir their haircut yesterday to the Turkish Barber/Hair shop, the are becoming young men, where does the time go.
    Have a good day everyone, plenty of hugs to go round. Also thinking of our poorly and missing friends.

  2. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a beautiful card so pretty.
    I shall have a go at this one.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  3. Hi Sue. It's such a potty the true colours don't show as you described, it's showing black and silver on my screen but still extremely beautiful and I'm looking forward to watching the tutorial.
    Sending love hugs and happiness to you this Tuesday xxx

  4. Good morning Sue. Lovely card and a great video. I'm seeing black and silver on my screen too but it doesn't matter, I think it would be great in lots of different colours. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  5. Hi Sue
    A true beauty today it's so pretty.
    Jan x

  6. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, such a beautiful card, I will watch the video later whilst I have my breakfast, looking forward to seeing it.

    Pam, I reiterate all you have said, hope things are better at work now. OK I am off the naughty step, was very good yesterday, no sweets, crisps, chocolate or anything so feel better in myself. I bet the twins feel a bit lighter now after the haircut.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  7. Hello Sue a stunning card today, love all the elements together. Off to watch the video. Have a good day everyone. Bx

  8. Beautiful card so pretty. I thought it was black and white til I watched the video.
    Karen xx

  9. Dear Sue and Wilsonettes,

    Your video is enjoyable as usual, and the many elements of this card are lovely, but to me it goes a little over the top. I might try without the snowflakes since I don't have them. Love the poinsettia checkerboard and the berry boughs and the Holly Swirls.

    Now that you say, Maureen Killen, about how shopping gets earlier each year, we've been hearing Black Friday all month since November began. I don't know why people wait to do their shopping when everyone else is out there. I used to think if I didn't have gifts bought by October, I was sunk. Now I might make a donation in someone's name, and that's it.

    Best to all,

  10. Beautiful, really love this stylish card xxx

  11. Good Morning Sue and all. Stunning card this morning . The colours with the silver and blue give the card a truly Christmas feel. I will watch the video a little later, Thank you for sharing.
    crafty hugs and well wishes to all.

  12. Hello Sue, lovely card and sentiment. I can image this is a red colour against all the white. Carol x

  13. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful card with lots of gorgeous details.x

  14. A lovely card Sue. I really like the border, the flowersa and sprays that add that extra touch. Thank you, have a good day. Xx

  15. Stunning card , perfect for a special person.


  16. Hello Sue and all
    blue,silver and white are my favorite Christmas colors and this card is just lovely.
    will watch the video later
    Muriel x

  17. Absolutely stunning card Sue.
    Annette x

  18. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card. I'm looking forward to watching the video later.
    B xx

  19. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous colours on today’s pretty card. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  20. Good morning Sue,
    Wow what a beautiful card & I love the colour combinations you have used. Yvonne xx

  21. Morning Sue, this card is showing up as black and silver on my screen, but nevertheless it is a lovely card. I will watch the video later with my little a grandson, as he loves watching 'pretty lady card' as he calls your videos. I am training him early (lol)

    Love Rosemarie X X

  22. Good Morning Sue

    Such a beautiful card I too thought it was black and silver which would be good also . I see now there is the corner of one photo that just catches the lovely blue sheen. I will watch the video with a coffee later.....

    Have a great day

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  23. Hi Sue a truly stunning card this morning. Lovely colours and the dies are fabulous.

    Barbara V

  24. Clever use of the dies. Pretty card.

  25. Hi Sue
    A very beautiful card i love the design and it has class written all over it .

    Pam i do hope our friend can sort my laptop and i wont be coming home without it ,the boys are certainly growing up once they start to visit the barbers , expensive time too .
    i will echo your comments again as i have to be at our friends by 9.30 .

    Sending huggles to all especially my besties .

    Elaine H X

  26. Morning Sue, a beautiful card and thank you for the video inspirations. Hope you have a lovely day big hugs Jo. Xxxx

  27. Good morning Sue and everyone
    Thank you Pam for your welcome back don’t know about less hectic but better managed I think 🤔 my time management leaves a lot to be desired My hubby likes a real tree and as he had to make do with our old artificial one last year with me having my surgery and hopping around the thing trying to decorate it So I won’t begrudge him a real one this year well that’s until I have to clean up after xmas. Lol.
    Elaine I see you nearly had a fall I hope you are ok my mum used to say take more water with it lol 😆 hugs
    Rosemary hope things are looking brighter for you and you have got yourself on an even keel as I said yesterday thank you for caring.
    Well I am sitting in my PJ having breakfast and I need to get a shower before taking my other half for his appointment so I will love ya and leave ya and wish you all a wonderful day
    Hugs to all take care
    Theresa G xx

  28. Hi Sue
    What a stunning card today, really gorgeous. Definately a statement card for those special people in your like. The colour combination is so sophisticated too. Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Pam echoing your comments today xxx
    Tracey sending hugs xxx
    Elaine I hope you're laptop gets sorted soon, what a pain xxx

  29. Good Morning Sue. Really Christmasy this morning I can feel the frost that comes with it. Just beautiful and I will try to replicate it. I don't have all the dies you have used but i can improvise with what I do have and give some of them a dusting off. Best Wishes to all. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  30. Morning Sue. A really gorgeous and expensive looking card today. The Blue & Silver give it that touch of class. Will have a try at making this one following your tutorial video. Take Care everyone the weather is definitely getting colder.
    Best Wishes
    Denise T x

  31. Gorgeous absoutely gorgeous card. x

  32. Good morning Sue, such opulence on a dreary Tuesday Morning!!!
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  33. Morning Sue, a beautiful card - so intricate a the colours show it off so well xx


  34. Morning Sue.

    Beautiful card.

    The photos don’t do it justice but the video does. Colours are gorgeous. X

  35. Good morning Sue, like others I am seeing the card in black & silver, but it makes no difference it is a beautiful card. Will watch the video later. I didn't comment on yesterday's card as I was travelling, but the colours on that were lovely, making for a soft, feminine clean cut card.
    Thank you for all your inspiration.

  36. Good morning Sue.
    Really beautiful card and so elegant in your chosen colours, love it
    Marion S x

  37. Hi Sue,

    Sublime card, it's absolutely perfect!!!

    Krafty Runner x

  38. Hi Sue,

    A very striking card this morning, love the deep rich blue pearl cardstock and all those swirls and berry fronds and of course your must-have poinsettias, they're the best on the market I think and I use them every Christmas on at least half the cards I make...


  39. Beautiful Christmas card, so filled with lovely details!

  40. Hi Sue,
    What an exquisite card - When I first saw it on Youtube I fell in love with it and seeing it again now, in even more detail, it's even lovelier. The colours are beautiful (but it would look good in black, too, as some of your photos didn't pick up the blue) and the design/dies are just stunning. Loving it!
    Hugs, Rose

  41. Hi sue what a beauty today a lovely Christmas card the colours are lovely as are the dies thank you sue
    Love always
    June hoffocks xxxxxxx

  42. Hi Sue,

    Your Christmas never fail to amaze me with their diverse and beautiful arrangements.

    Look for ward to watching the video later, I'm still cutting out the panto costumes, just need to do the bodice linings for the Emerald City chorus dresses.

    (hugs) to all poorly fellow Wilsonettes.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  43. I love that midnight blue pearl card. It makes a wonderful background for cards, as this beautiful one shows.

  44. Love the way you have used the poinsettia border, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  45. Stunning! Will watch the video later when I have time to concentrate on it.
    Hope everyone has the best day possible.
    Crafty hugs,
    D xx

  46. Morning Sue,
    Gorgeous card, I love the colour combination. Thanks for the video.

  47. Good morning Sue Stunning card I love the poinsettia striplet &the snowflake die
    Welcome back Yorkie girl hope that arthritis is being kept at bay
    Sending caring hugs to all who need them

  48. Beautiful card. Thanks for the video, enjoyed watching it.

  49. Hi Sue So Beautiful. love Jean Z xxx

  50. Hi Sue - absolutely stunning. Just beautiful with the midnight blue. I'm always using the poinsettias and finishing touches. Thank you for your wonderful video too. Sending best wishes

  51. Morning sue
    A beautiful card and lots of gorgeous detail
    Catherine V94xx

  52. Morning Sue, such a very pretty card love the colours.
    VCCumbria xx

  53. Good morning Sue this is a stunning card I can't wait to watch the video, they are always so inspiring. I need to get a cup of tea first. Have a great day. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  54. Hi Sue,
    Another lovely Christmas card. I love this pearl
    blue card and I used it a lot in my Christmas cards.
    Evis M.

  55. Deb E Isle of Wight21 November 2017 at 09:43

    This card somehow does scream Christmas - love the die behind the sentiment (looks like either a star or snowflake) but the whole construction and colour combo is fab....Must have a go at this....Thanks for sharing

  56. Morning Sue, This is a gorgeous Christmas card.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  57. Gorgeous card Sue, hugs to all Johanna

  58. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Sue a beautiful card today, a bit ott but it is Christmas and I will definitely be having a go.
    Pam and Theresa G . I thought I was getting somewhere with my Epilepsy but had another attack this morning along with a migraine don't know if the two are arthritis and spine wearing away giving me hope but hey ho people worse off. Am still waiting for results for my mammogram but hoping no news is good news. Am talking to doc tomorrow.pam the boys must have enjoyed their first trip to the barbers, part of growing up.Love and huggles to you both.
    Elaine hope you have recovered from your fall. You must get that lap top fixed, we will miss you so much other wise.love and huggles to you all.
    Tracy sweetheart thinking of you special love and huggles.
    Crewe Trish and Donita love and huggles to you both.
    Laine where are you? Am missing you. Love and huggles. Ann thinking of you and your brother love and huggles and to you all xxxxxxxxx 🌼

  59. Hi Sue
    Thank you for the great video and lovely card, I always learn so much from watching you

    Pam echoing you and sending love and hugs to everyone with a special one for Tracy
    Pat xx

  60. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a gorgeous card really love the colours and dies used as always, going to make a cuppa and watch video in a minute.
    Pam I love decorating my tree I have a 7ft one and treated myself a couple of years ago to a prelit one which has helped so much I normally get my grandson to get it down and help put to up he has always had a day with Nan doing it then decorating it together, I will miss it this year as will be away.

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them

    Have a good day all

  61. A really pretty card, I like two coloured ones, black and gold, black and silver, white and red, white and blue they just looks so classy.

  62. Hi Sue, a gorgeous Christmas card. Lovely colours with beautiful poinsettias, holly swirls and sentiment. Very elegant.

  63. Hi Sue, a really beautiful card and I am not surprised that it is one of your favourites. The blue pearl and silver card show up really well on the video. I have everything except the snowflake die so will try something similar and maybe even one in red and gold.

    Maureen & Myra - the man arrived alone 2.25 hours into a 4 hour slot so not too bad but it took nearly 3 hours! Luckily power was only off for part of it but we missed our lunchtime coffee and I was getting ready to break out the parkas and snow boots lol.


  64. Morning Sue

    WOW, a beautiful, opulent Christmas card today, needless to say I love it!

    June x

  65. Morning Sue, a great video and a beautiful card.

  66. Hi Sue and everyone

    An elegant card, love the swirl. Nice colours too.

    Love Helen xxx

  67. Beautiful sue, love this card, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

  68. Lovely card Sue, but a little bit bigger than the cards I usually make
    Margaret x

  69. Hello Sue.

    Great Card and dies and lovely colour scheme. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  70. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    I Love Video Tutorial Days, Especially Christmas Card Days I Find Them Extremely Helpful......
    Today’s Card Is Just Magnificent, I Also Believe Any Recipient Would Just Love An Exceptional Card
    Like This, The Midnight Blue Pearl Card Is So Luxurious As With All The Other Colours Within
    The Collection (I’ve Got My Fingers Crossed 🤞🤞That Next Year They Will Get A Ruby Red Pearl
    Also A Beautiful Pearl Green Foundation Card)
    Products Used In Today’s Card:-
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Silver Shine Pearl/Midnight Blue Pearl Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Silver Chrome Glitter Kiss”
    “Creative Expression Self Adhesive Flat Backed White Pearls 3mm/5mm
    “Creative Expression Clear Christmas Sayings Stamps” (20 Stamps) (Great Set Of Stamps With Lots Of Extras Example
    Christmas Stocking/Different Size Snowflakes)
    “Jet Black Archival Ink Pad”
    Star’s In Today’s Card:-
    “Sue Wilson’s Classic Poinsettia Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 8 Cutting Dies)
    “Sue Wilson’s Berry Bough Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 2 Cutting Dies 2017 Collection)
    “Sue Wilson’s Holly Swirl Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 1 Cutting Die 2017 Collection)
    “Sue Wilson’s Checkered Poinsettia Border Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 1 Cutting Die 2017 Collection)
    “Sue Wilson’s Scalloped Snowflake Frame Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 6 Cutting Dies 2017 Collection)
    “Sue Wilson’s Art Deco Snowflake Frame Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 4 Cutting Dies 2017 Collection)
    Today’s Card Is Extremely Rich/Opulent, You Started By Cutting The Checkered Poinsettia Border, You Mentioned That
    This Could Be Extended Etc:- Once You’d Cut This Out In The Beautiful Silver Shine Pearl Card Then You Extended
    Slightly Then Added White Card Behind Plus 3mm Pearls (Adding Acrylic GlueTo Secure The Pearls To The Poinsettias)
    Then You Attached This To Your Blue Pearl Card, Leaving A Small Gap All Around.
    Sue, Then You Added Mounting Foam To The Back Then Placed This To Your Piece Of White Card With Your
    Famous/Signature/Piercing Plus A Silver/Blue/White Mat/Layer................
    For The Focal Point You Cut Out The Scalloped Snowflake Outer Frame In Silver Pearl Card Then Placed Two Of
    The Decorative Cutting Dies From The Set Back Onto The Snowflake Die, Which Cuts A Beautiful Decorative Design
    Once This Had Been Done You Cut Out A White Scalloped Snowflake Frame Using The Outer Cutting Die To Back
    Your Beautiful Decorative Cutting Die, You Placed Mounting Foam On The Back.
    Sue, You Then Cut Out Another Scalloped Snowflake Frame Die Using The Outer Cutting Die In White You Cut This In
    Half, Then You Showed Us How You Find It Easier To Keep The Pieces Together By Adding Tape To The Back With A
    Gap In The Middle, You Then Attached This To The Silver/White Scalloped Snowflake But This Time You Offset It Slightly
    So You Have A Truly Tremendous Focal Point.
    You Then Accented Your Magical Card With Beautiful Swirls/Berry Boughs Cut In White Gluing Into Place, Plus
    The Tremendous White Poinsettias Which You’d Added A Touch Of Silver Chrome To The Edges Of The Leaves, Gluing
    A 5mm Pearl Within The Centre Of Each One.
    You Stamped Your Sentiment Then Cut It Out Using The Centre Die From The Art Deco Snowflake Adding A Touch Of
    Silver Glitter Kiss To The Edges.............................
    Today’s Card Is A First Class Masterpiece Just Phenomenal, Fantastic Video Tutorial With Lots Of Tips/Techniques
    Sue, Thank You So Very Much For Sharing I Love Your Exceptional Video Tutorials/Exceptional Blog I Appreciate
    Everything You Do thank You So Very Much.............
    Take Great Care My Wonderful Dear Friend
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx

  71. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card, a little bit too busy for me, but all dies that you have used and the sentiment are beautiful. I will watch the video later.

    Pam - Time flies, indeed, even we don’t realize it every moment … the kids/ grandchildren are growing up, we are getting older … this is life. I have a co-worker (man) who doesn’t like getting older and he’s constantly complaining about it. … It is so annoying to her him whining about getting older almost every day. I told him the other day that every day is a blessing, so many others didn’t have the chance to get at his age, he’s 48 only. Since he went back home to see his old, sick father, who divorced a few ladies because he always wanted only young girls around him and now he’s alone, my co -worker got scare, I think. He’s his father’s son, it all I can say.
    Elaine – Hugs for you and yours.
    Donita – To make a donation in somebody’s name, it is a great idea. You always have great ideas!
    Yorkie girl - Welcome back.
    Myra – Sending a hug to you and one to Elizabeth. I know how difficult is when somebody so dear to you is ill and you are so far.

    Have a great week everyone,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  72. Hi Sue
    What an absolutely stunning card! I have that navy card and I'm reluctant to use it because it's too beautiful lol! Do you know I've never thought of extending lengthways with the striplet only widthways I really don't know why I haven't lol! The holly swirl die is gorgeous and so useful!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  73. A very pretty card Sue...just up my street, the poinsettia and the swirl just finish it off....luv Ursula xx

  74. A black and silver card says Merry, Merry Christmas to me! Love the color combination! TFS!

  75. Oh how lovely. I love busy cards. Many thanks for the idea.
    Love Val in Spainxxx


  76. Hi Sue

    Stunning Christmas card loving the Navy and silver touches gorgeous.


    Annx without an "e"

  77. Beautiful card I am using a pearl navy for a lot of my cards this year! I must try adding silver to it

  78. Hi Sue. I completely understand why you like this card so much. Love the poinsettia border die, for some reason this one seems to have passed me by and will have to go on my Christmas List with all the other ones.



  79. What a lovely card, no wonder you like it Sue!!
    Anyone would love to receive it!

    Doreen x

  80. Hello Sue
    This card is definitely one for the special people in our lives most of my cards are blue and silver this year.
    Rosemary so sorry to hear you have had another fit I hope your talk with your doctor goes well.Theresa my time management skills leave a lot to be desired as well there are not enough hours in the day.Elaine I hope you and your family are well.Donita my problem is I have all my family with birthdays before Christmas so I have to be ultra organised but losing my brother has made things hard.Talking of Christmas trees did I have a senior moment but did Sue used to post pictures of her Christmas trees?hugs to Tracy

  81. This card is just stunning Sue. I have most of these dies so will be trying my own version of it for my Aunt who loves a big statement card

  82. Hello Sue,
    Love today's card, it's really striking and a statement piece.
    Pam, no keep hold of your tree. Every time I go to Rachel's and see mine in their sitting room I think to myself "why did I let it go"? Children seem to grow up so fast now, don't they?
    Donita, I've bought quite a few presents on line this year, and some of my friends and younger relations don't send cards. They donate to various charities instead, which makes a lot of sense.
    Yorkie Girl, nice to see you. I gave up on having real Christmas trees when I was still finding needles the next November ha ha.
    Elaine, hope you get your laptop fixed and glad you are no longer on the naughty step!!!
    Cheryl, oh I thought you'd finished cutting the costumes. It's a good job you volunteered.
    Rosemary, sorry to read that you are so poorly.
    Fluffycat, oh been there, got the T shirt. I hope everything is working correctly now!
    Carmen, sending love.
    Yvonne and Laine, I will be in touch.
    love to all who are poorly or missing.
    Maureen (frendly Myra's fiend) xxx

  83. I don’t know about the Magic of Christmas but this card is magic - absolutely gorgeous!
    Doreen R

  84. Wow. Such a lot in one card. Must watch the video and find out the details. X

  85. Hello Sue,

    A gorgeous card but the photographs don't really do it justice. Lovely design and use of your dies. The video was super with so many useful hints and tips. Thank you For sharing.

    Have a wonderful day.



  86. Hi Sue,
    Absolutely stunning card, love it. Love the dies too.
    Di B.x

  87. Sue this is totally stunning and beautiful, i love the layout and the colours.
    Those dies look so good together, i love this one.

  88. Hi Sue
    Great card today. Love the silver and white.

  89. Hi Sue, Beautiful Card love the colours.
    Thank you, Hugs Brenda xxx

  90. Hi Sue
    WOW stunning card it's so elegant no wonder you like it. Love the colour's
    Wonderful video as usual. Thank you Sue.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

  91. Hello Sue,
    It’s taken me all day to get here but I’ve arrived!! I actually watched the video this morning after I’d been to the Dentist! I do love the colours you have used today and I have that snowflake Die set but never used it like that! It’s so effective. Love the Glitter Kiss on the Poinsettias as well! I don’t have the Striplet but I do have the Holly Swirl Die and it must be on nearly every card I’ve made so far! It’s such a lovely shape.
    Thank you for a really helpful video and a gorgeous card!
    Carmen - I’m sending a hug or two back to you as I know it isn’t easy being away from your family. Especially when illness strikes!
    Frances - glad you didn’t have to wait the full time but I bet you had cold noses!! I have this vision of you and your husband huddled up in blankets wearing fingerless gloves and woolly hats!
    Elaine - it’s taken me about a week to mention this but I’m sorry you almost had a fall . I’m a bit slow sometimes! Ok , before anyone else says it, particularly first thing in the morning!!
    I can’t give up my big Christmas tree! I love Christmas . Maureen - buy another one! Don’t tell George I said that though or he won’t speak to me again!
    Ok ladies on a controversial note! How are the Christmas Cards and Shopping coming along! I’ve been looking in Store and buying on line . That way I don’t wear myself out . My husband is complaining about the cardboard boxes though!
    Got to go! You’ll be pleased to know - love to all who are missing! Hugs for Laine and PP. hugs for Wheely- hope you are ok !
    Myra ( Friend of Maureen! ) xx

  92. Hello Sue,
    What a fabulous card. I loved the video, you are right there was a lot going on but it was fascinating watching you put all the elements together. Love the blue and silver combination, perfect Christmas colours.

    Pam I was so tired yesterday, it's been a bit of a stressful couple of weeks, I won't go into the ins and outs but hopefully things will improve soon.
    Elaine I hope you have got your laptop sorted!
    Yorkie Girl, I've been trying for years to persuade my other half to let us have an artificial tree but not only is he stubborn but he's German as well and they like their real trees! I blame Prince Albert
    Rosemary I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time, hope the results come back ok for you.
    Frances glad you didn't need the winter survival kit, it's not easy crafting in a parka.
    Carmen you are spot on, we should count everyday as a blessing and not moan about getting older, the alternative is much worse.
    Crewe Trish Christmas will be hard for you this year losing your brother, hope having your family around you will ease your pain.
    Yvonne and Lorraine, missing you lots
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  93. Beaut Card today Sue. Love it and the colours. Thank you Sue. Hope you get your laptop fixed Elaine. Don't know what I would do without my iPad. Echoing Pam's comments today. Sorry this is short but didn't sleep well last night so very tired now.

  94. Beautiful Christmas card Sue. Love the pearl blue which shows up perfectly on your video. xx

  95. WOW what a beautiful card Sue, love the colors that you have used!!

  96. Hi Sue,
    Just watched your video,brilliant as usual,great colour's & die's they make a beautiful card,
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  97. A stunner of a card design. Love the balance you achieved with the delicate berry spray and the solid poinsettia. A lovely floral piece.

  98. Magnificent card. If you can't go over the top at Christmas, when can you? Love the pearl blue. The Poinsettias and Holly Swirls diagonally add touches of luxury. I've become so used to snipping off the holly for everyday cards that I'll have to concentrate to make sure I don't get scissor-happy when I start on Christmas cards.

    Elaine, fingers crossed for the laptop.
    Rosemarie, love your grandson's phrase.
    Take care everyone.


  100. Lovely card and great video, love the effect of the frame need to do this angx

  101. Gorgeous card. Very elegant.

  102. The navy and silver seem the ideal combination, I must try it. I have to say I rather liked the card at the simple stage with just the trellis and star on it... think I would be inclined to leave it at that when making it myself to show up the beauty of the star.

    I like the addition of glitter kiss to the edges of the poinsettias.... set me thinking.......


  103. Marie from Longridge22 November 2017 at 09:46

    Fabulous card Sue and great video. I really should be doing some unpacking as another load from storage was delivered last night but I always look for your posting before anything else.
    I also love to read the comments but sometimes I have to skip a bit.
    Hugs to all.
    Marie P.

  104. Totally stunning sue. Fantastic card. Laura O Springfield
