
Tuesday 18 April 2017

Finishing Touches

Hello bloggers!  Welcome to the final day of the April die release blog launch.  I hope you have really enjoyed what you have seen so far, but it's not over just yet.  We have one more full day of Finishing Touches to premiere.  First up is the new Lace Butterfly die.  Shown here cut out of vellum, you can see the beautiful lacy effect it has.  This die was designed to give the look of Pergamano with a very distinct edge to it to look like torn vellum.  I just love the way it turned out and I hope you will too.  Let me know what you think of it.  If you are as much of a butterfly fan as I am, I am sure that this will be a real "go to" die your collection.  Leave me a comment so you can be added to the drawing to win this one.  Don't forget to make your name memorable so there is no mistaking it is you.  The next post will be online at 12 noon, I do hope you be able to pop back by the blog to have a look.  All for now, Sue x
                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Happy Tuesday Sue, although I'm sad it is the final day of the blogathon I know it will be a grand finale.
    Love the card and dies, the lacy butterfly us so delicate and ethereal.
    Laine, big caring hugs that Mums procedure goes well and she gets good news, for you too.
    Myra, please pass on my daily good wishes for Maureen and George, think of them all the time. Will Norah be fit for the meet up, miss her too.
    Elaine, who won the high stakes Scrabble game then, I hope Andrew and Heken have had a relaxing time together.
    Hugs to all especially our missing and poorly friends.

  2. Good morning Sue. This is a stunning design. Love the size too. It's got to go to the top of my wish list.

    Annie P

  3. What a fabulous die, so pretty with the lacy wings, it's a favourite already.

  4. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, what a way to start the first post of the last day of your blog launch new collection, this butterfly is so gorgeous, it really has so much potential, yes you are onto a winner here, and I also love the sentiment that you have used from your stamp sets.

    Hope everyone enjoyed Easter, did you eat lots of chocolate. I reiterate everything that Pam has said, Pam how are you feeling now, any better?

    See you for the next post.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  5. Good morning Sue. How I love this butterfly, stunning design, great size, looks wonderful in vellum. Perfect!

    Maggie from Pyrford xx

  6. Morning Sue
    I also love butterflies, and your new die is very pretty and delicate and looks good in velum
    Pat x

  7. Hi Sue, what a beautiful butterfly design, love the outer edge. And a good size too. I really am a butterfly fan, so this has gone on the "need" list. Looking forward to what you have held back for the last day. Have a great day and good luck for the draw everyone. Bx

  8. Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous and y.ou can never have too many butterflies
    Nancyd xx

  9. Love both your card & the intricate die.
    Leanne 172

  10. Wow Sue. Good morning. I had to look a tiny bit longer to see this morning's treat lol and it does just as you wanted, looks so delicate especially cut in vellum. The floral, vase, and expression dies so far are on the top of my list only because my brain isn't crafty enough to see a set of 5 frame and tag dies and see many future designs and cards from them like my fb buddies do so beautifully and professionally so the beautiful selection of flowers are my love and saviour cuz if you can't find your mojo a lovely CAS with a vase and simple but elegant flower plus sentiment makes for an elegant card.
    It's been wonderful so far to share your world of dies, and although the launch can't go on indefinitely - our love of your inspiration and died will.

    Love n hugs as always xxx

    1. How I wish there was an edit button it's so frustrating when predictive text messes up right at the last line !!! Sorry - dies is the obvious word that was meant xx

  11. Love butterflies, gorgeous card.

  12. Love butterflies and this one is beautiful.
    Annette x

  13. This is a beautiful die.
    Jen from Bognor.

  14. Good morning Sue
    Oh what a pretty lacy butterfly it's so delicate I just love love it.Beautiful card.
    Jan x

  15. Truly is so delicate and lacy looking. An eye catching card. Makes you want to keep looking to see what else is there. Love it cut out of vellum. I love butterflies so at top of list.

  16. Can't believe we've already reached the last day of the new release but what a way to start it. The butterfly is beautiful. Still no favourite as they are all fabulous dies.
    Reiterating all Pam's comments and hope you're feeling better too Pam.
    Thoughts and prayers to all who need them.
    Crafty hugs,
    D xx

  17. Hi Sue and everyone

    It's going to be a great last day..... lovely card. The butterfly is lovely. Definitely looks like pergamano with those delicate lacy edges. This will be a go to die for sure.

    Love Helen xxx

  18. You can never go wrong with a butterfly. Love the lacy edges to this one. Stunning.
    Karen xx

  19. Morning Sue.
    Wow this is a real beauty.
    Sue I just love all the flowers and Butterflies, Thank you so much.
    Take care Kitty.

  20. Hi Sue
    WOW! , loving the beautiful butterfly,and the design of the card .

    Pam, Helen won in the end but Andrew tells me they were all very close games .
    i am off to the Doctors 7.00 appointment so must get a move on

    Sending big hugs to all who need one .
    Take care
    Elaine H X

  21. The butterflies look awesome in vellum! Gorgeous card!

    DeniseB in CA

  22. Good morning Sue,
    Oh Sue, this is the prettiest butterfly die that I have ever seen. I have all of your previous butterflies, but this one just captures the delicacy of their wings, this is not going on my shopping list as I need it now, unless of course I was lucky enough to win it. Beautiful card too Sue xx
    Hugs xxx

    Dawn S. in Cambridge

  23. Hi Sue,
    The butterfly is beautiful, I think it's the best design of butterflies I have seen and I have a few in my die collection. It also looks fantastic cut in velum, I will definitely be trying this.
    Chris xx

  24. Morning sue this butterfly is awsum a must have my list is growing day by day.
    Cut in vellum is magical as is the card thank you sue x see you later love June horrocks xxxxxxxx

  25. I am sorry I missed your daffodil die post yesterday. I have always loved daffodils and called them happy flowers. Actually I love all flowers, so always look forward to your new collections to see what delights you have come up with and you never disappoint.
    I am learning how to do parchment craft and spent hours yesterday picot cutting a butterfly, then this morning I opened your blog and saw this beauty! Butterflies are such a lovely addition to many cards and this one is gorgeous. Thank you.

  26. Morning Sue. A stunning card to start your final day blogging your new dies. This butterfly is gorgeous and i love it done in the vellum, it has that parchment look to it, very lacey, delicate and just the right size to fit a few of them on to a photo frame which i am in the middle of doing to put a picture of my first grandchild in which is due in July and these beauties would just finish it off. I have all your butterflies as they are just so gorgeous and with this one cut in vellum it would look fantastic coloured in with pencils. Will see you at 12 o'clock for another of your stunning cards.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  27. Karene M from Australia18 April 2017 at 06:42

    Hi Sue, this butterfly is gorgeous! And it looks wonderful done with vellum!

  28. Morning Sue,
    A beautiful card as always. Love the lacy butterfly and the coloring is gorgeous. Big hugs Jo.

  29. Hi Sue
    A beautiful butterfly, can't have enough of them.
    This looks gorgeous.
    Sheila from Kent

  30. Good morning Sue
    What a fabulous idea! Years ago I used to love doing parchment work, now, because of my hands I can no longer do it. But this die enables you to get the look at a fraction of the work.I love the card and the intricacy of the die. It was lovely seeing you yesterday I enjoyed both your demos!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  31. What a beautiful butterfly. I really love that.

  32. What a beauty. So intricate and delicate. X

  33. Debra Kenworthy18 April 2017 at 06:55

    What a lovely card! The butterfly is so beautifully lacy and delicate. Debra x

  34. Hi Sue

    Really enjoyed seeing the paint dry before my eyes and crackle yesterday on TV, the cards looked stunning also. x

    Back to today's butterfly, just gorgeous and very pretty and delicate. x

  35. I ADORE butterflies and this one looks perfect. Beautiful card Sue, this is a definite must have die. Thank you so much. Xx

  36. Fab new butterfly to add to my collection.

  37. Hi Sue, what a beautiful card to start the final day. The butterflies are absolutely gorgeous and so lacey.

    Barbara V

  38. Morning Sue, What a beautiful butterfly this is, I adore the lacy detail. A really pretty card showcasing this gorgeous butterfly.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  39. Beautiful card & such a lovely butterfly die.


  40. Beautiful and delicate It appears (to me) that the die is slightly larger than other butterflies you've released ... ? Do could easily be the focal pint of our smaller cards

  41. Hello Sue
    Lovely, delicate die it just adds that final touch. Pam I hope the Easter break has helped you get much needed rest thank you for keeping us up to date. Elaine I hope the doctors appointment goes well.

  42. Good morning Sue,
    You can't go wrong with a butterfly and this one is beautiful. I love the intricate cut work within it. Gorgeous card.x
    Janice K AC Bucks

  43. GM Sue. Can't beat a butterfly. This one is very unique with its torn edge look. Like it. CraftyClareW

  44. Hi Sue
    So sad it's the last launch day! This butterfly die is absolutely gorgeous! Love the card too. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  45. Hi Sue
    This card and die are truly beautiful!!! I just love butterflies!

  46. Janjay21
    Hi Sue, fab card to start the day, so pretty x

  47. Morning Sue, beautiful card, your new butterfly die looks stunning xx love Kim D in Surrey

  48. What a fabulous butterfly 🦋
    It really does look like lace!
    Stunning design Sue you have really captured the delicacy of the wings.
    Big hug
    Julie Elli 4444

  49. Good morning Sue, Fabulous butterfly and is stunning cut in vellum.
    Marion S x

  50. Beautifully delicate, i am just starting to do a bit of parchment work but nothing nearly this complex. It's gorgeous

  51. A lovely lacy butterfly. They're always useful so this die is bound to be popular.

  52. Good morning Sue. Gorgeous card and a beautiful die. I bought some parchment last week to try with some of your embossing folders but this butterfly will be even better.
    Thanks to everyone for their good wishes for my mam, she's still in hospital and they don't seem to be any nearer discovering the source of her infection but hopefully as the bank holiday is over now they might do more. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  53. Good Morning Sue. I love this butterfly. It's so delicate and of course lacy too . Another must have die. Good luck with the launch Sue. Kind regards Ann. Toppcards

  54. Good morning Sue,
    Sorry I missed yesterday's wonderful offerings, love them all.
    Today's butterfly is beautiful so delicate.
    Pam I echo your Summary as always.
    We will really miss having our Maureen with us next week.
    Norah has told me she has started packing her bag.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Patricia xxx

  55. Ohhhhh. Beautiful Sue. Just how many butterflies does one person need in their collection? Lots and lots and this is most definitely another addition. Pretty card. Hugs P Austen

  56. Good morning Sue. Stunning card and butterfly die to start the last day. Beautiful. Xx

  57. Stunning butterfly . Love butterflies. Hugs, Ivy Ling

  58. Hello Sue and all

    I can't believe it is the last day already but it has been a fabulous release and who would know where to start? Love these lacy butterflies and the card is so pretty.
    Love finishing touches so can't wait to see the rest today
    Muriel x

  59. Hi Sue
    Lovely idea.

    Sandyh (Hull)

  60. Hi Sue,

    I'm FLABBERGASTED at how you've managed to achieve such realistic lacework to such a brilliant effect!
    Butterflies are always essential, there's a standing joke with my family and friends, if I've put a butterfly on it, there's a boob under it!!! Well with this beauty no more, it's going to take centre stage rightfully on many of my cards from now on, that will keep them guessing as to why I'm making more boobs! LOL!

    Croquet Queen x

  61. Good morning Sue this card is gorgeous those butterflies are so pretty. That is another die for my wish list. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie (95d)

  62. Stunning card and die Sue x xhazel

  63. Good mornong Sue and everyone.
    A beautiful Butterfly, exquisite. You have really made it look lovely Sue, so delicate.

    I was unable to get on here yesterday for the rest of the Spring flowers, seen them just now and they all add a new dimension to make beautiful cards.
    Off to the doctors soon,so shower time now. Hope to come later to see what beauties there will be.
    Yorkhire Lass

  64. I love Butterflys and this one is a beauty love the card too.
    Catherine V94 xx

  65. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely exquisite card, the intricate wings on your butterfly are so delicate & lacy. A great size of die & would look lovely layered up in different colours. Yvonne xx

  66. Hi Sue, love this card with its vellum butterflies. Everyone loves butterflies or mariposas in Spanish. This is so lacy and delicate. Another for the must have list.
    Love Val in Spain xxx

  67. Beautiful butterfly, Sue, never had the patience for parchment work so love the idea of a good cheat. My lovely cousin once made me a totally fab parchment card - and it took her two days!! Has pride of place with my 'Sue' card.
    Echoing Pam as always. Hope you're feeling much better.
    Fluffycat - did leave a note that my 'need' was for Sue's dies!
    Hugs all round.

    'P' in Wales

  68. The finishing touch dies are my favourites. Love this lacy butterfly so much

  69. I loved your last butterfly die , This one is exquisite

  70. Good morning Sue, such a beautiful card today - love the butterfly die - another 'must have'!

  71. What a lovely card, I simply love butterflies. I will have to purchase this die.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  72. Beautiful card. I love butterflies too Sue and I'm sure I've told you that my daughter wanted to be one when she grew up. That was her standard what are you going to be answer when Shen was 3. Even now she is obsessed with pink sparkly butterflies but not real life close up.
    Donna Golby

  73. Absolutely stunning, this butterfly in vellum is simple gorgeous, so intricate love Jane the Craft Bucket x

  74. Beautiful die, looks so delicate and elegant x

  75. Hi Sue
    A beautiful delicate butterfly, looking gorgeous in vellum.
    B xx

  76. Gorgeous card, I can't resist a butterfly (must be flying upwards though, butterflies flitter, not dive bomb downwards). This one is just perfect, so prettily lacey.
    Christine (Andypandy) x

  77. Good morning Sue, wow what a way to start the day!!! This butterfly is stunning!!!
    We all need a butterfly at some point : )
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  78. This die is very reminiscent of a Bedfordshire lace pattern, Sue, so I guess, as a lacemaker, it is a must have for me. Such a pretty card.

    Anne (Northampton)

  79. Wow! Wow! Wow! I absolutely love the pergamano style of the butterfly & what a time saver over traditional methods. Theresa x

  80. Morning Sue, a stunning card I can see that this die will be an intrinsic addition to my collection xx

  81. Hi Sue,
    This butterfly is so pretty especially cut in vellum. It will compliment some of my parchment work I believe. Love to all, Alison xxx

  82. Love your card, and the butterfly is gorgeous, so elegant!

  83. Morning Sue.
    Oh my word. This card is just stunning. And the butterflies are like lace. I am going to order this die straight away. Xxx

  84. Stunning butterfly die, will enhance any card for any occasion.

    in Sheffield

  85. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Wow such a pretty butterfly sue x the delicate detailing is phenominal , she's beautiful x the card is stunning too x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  86. Good morning Sue and all Wilsonetts
    Ohh my. Now this card is stunning just stunning Sue I love this butterfly it is so so delicate you have defiantly captured the Pergamano look
    I can't wait for the next post with these finishing touches dies
    Thank you so much Sue
    Going to echo all Pam's sentiments
    And send hugs to all that need one
    Take care all
    Theresa G xx

  87. Gorgeous butterfly, and card.

  88. An absolutely awesome butterfly to start the final day of the new launch. Love it xxx

  89. Hi Sue
    Beautiful butterflies & gorgeous card
    Husbands op went ok,he's on the mend now,
    Mum in laws funeral tomorrow,
    Thank you for all the beautiful cards ,ideas & die's
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  90. Good Morning Sweet Sue, this is such a beautiful butterfly die and I love what youve done with it to. Thank you so much for all your hard work showcasing all these beautiful and stunning dies. hugs Shirleyx

  91. Morning Sue
    It seems you have achieved the impossible. This is such a pretty delicate butterfly. Yes it has got that intricate lacy look and feel but achieved without the hard work. You're so clever x
    Had a rough few days so have missed quite a bit and now have to catch up - including your Hochanda show x
    Sending happy thoughts and oodles of love to you all x
    Take care
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  92. The parcher in me says it's cheating to cut out such a lovely butterfly so easily, but then I think, life is too short sometimes to spend a couple of ours doing it the proper way so I reckon this die is going to be on my shopping list. Beautiful card.


  93. Hi Sue - I have been waiting and waiting for a really lacy butterfly die and here it is. What a beauty. You continually surprise me with your designs, your finishing touches are stunning.

  94. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card with gorgeous butterflies. they are so delicate in vellum.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  95. Good Morning Sue, I love butterfly's, they will never date or go out of fashion and this one is beautiful. Enjoyed your show yezterday, that crackle glaze was amazing to watch. I am getting mine out today!!!!

    Love Rosemarie Fishlock X X

  96. Gorgeous delicate butterfly will have lots of uses

  97. Hi Sue
    What a gorgeous card today and a lovely must have die. Just when you think you don't need any more butterfly dies you bring out this gorgeous one. It does look stunning cut out of vellum, especially as my picot cutting looks like a mouse has chewed the edges and spat them out! Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Pam echoing your comments today, I hope you are starting to feel better and you are staying warm and snug xxx
    Elaine good to hear the weekend went well, hope you get on ok at the doctors, that's an early appointment! Xxx
    Karen good to hear hubby's op went well, will be thinking of you tomorrow xxx

  98. Hi Sue Wow gorgeous die and card, i have all your butterfly dies and i love them all! so this will be on my list aswell. Thank you Helen Terry xxx

  99. Morning Sue,
    A gorgeous butterfly just the right size too. Love how you have cut in vellum so delicate.

  100. Butterflies are always a winner and this card is stunning.

    LE Derbyshire

  101. Beautiful! It looks so lacy & intricate, especially cut in vellum. A real statement piece. I just love butterflies & when doing a floral card often add a small butterfly. I didn't think I needed this as I have several butterflies but this is just so lovely it's on my list now! Sad to think it's the last day of the launch.
    Thank you Sue.

  102. Love how you have made the butterflys on this

  103. Hi Sue
    Butterflies are my favourite as well and I must remember to try what u done using vellum l so enjoyed following all ur cards as l learned several things
    �� Joy Xx ��

  104. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful butterfly, and the card is so lovely. I've not used vellum yet but now I'm really tempted and encouraged to do so. Thank you for the lovely blogs. Ann from Newmarket

  105. Love this Butterfly. Not done a lot in Vellum but willing to give it a go x

  106. Hi Sue,

    Amazing amount of detail you've put in this die, so gorgeous, so lacy and yes it does look like Pergamano work, love, love, love it...beautiful card too...


  107. What a beautifully intricate butterfly.

  108. Absolutely stunning design, very pretty butterfly. Thank you for sharing from Lianne Morrison in the uk


  109. Did enjoy yesterday's show, Sue, and what a die
    to finish on the last day. I have liked these
    Finishing Touches dies, but no absolute favourite

    Doreen x

  110. Good Morning Sue !
    Lovely to see a Vellum Butterfly in the launch, love it, a must have.
    Love Marg

  111. Sorry pressed too soon
    Marg in [Bristol]

  112. Gorgeous gorgeous butterfly, they are invaluable especially for me and my mistakes lol, looking forward to seeing the rest of today's beautiful dies, hugs Johanna 11245

  113. A beautiful butterfly, always a useful die:0)

    Sandy (tort)

  114. What a gorgeous addition to any crafters collection, would certainly be using this one :)
    pinkbutterflies from South Derbyshire

  115. Oh sooo pretty. Gorgeous card to show off this stunning butterfly.
    Doreen R

  116. Morning Sue, this is a gorgeous butterfly, you can never have too many butterflies, this has gone right
    To the top of my must have list.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  117. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Today's The Day Of "The Grand Finale" Where You've Showcased Your Outstanding
    New Die Range, But Just As Important Is "The Extremely Impressive Cards" You've Designed
    Whilst Using Them, You've Shared All Your Extremely Wonderful Tips/Techniques With All Of Us.
    Well You've Done It Once Again Today's Card Is Extremely Beautiful Like Many Others
    I Just Love "Butterflies" This "Lace Butterfly" Is Just Magical, Luxurious In Everyway
    I Love The Chanel Card You've Created Embossing The Bottom Half Of Your Chanel Card
    Using The Very Beautiful "Butterfly Dreams Embossing Folder"
    I Love The Fabulous Sentiment Also How You've Inked It To Match The Card Within Your
    Then There Is The Extremely Exquisite, "Lace Butterflies" That You've Cut Out Of Vellum
    Giving Such A Beautiful Soft Look, I Love How You Only Glue Down The Centre Of The Wings
    So The Wings Have The Look Of Being Free, Also Adding The Pearls Down The Centre Of "The Lace Butterflies"
    Sue, I Just Love This Exceptional Card Its Just Outstanding, I'm So Looking Forward To The
    Rest Of The Day. Your show On Hochanda Was Fabulous.
    Thank You For Sharing Today's Extremely Beautiful Card
    Take Great Care
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗 For Yourself
    Love From Sam xxx
    "Good Luck 🍀 To All Sue's Wonderful Blog Members In The Draw"

  118. A very beautiful butterfly - I love it
    Glennis in NZ

  119. Hi Sue

    A beautiful butterfly die. I love butterflies. Stunning card.
    Kate from Kendal

  120. Dear Sue,

    Thank you again for all the new dies and ideas. I hope the supply of die sets is enough to meet demand.

    Something tells me we're going to be officially introduced to Sweet William today. We saw him go by a couple of times, but we haven't yet had a formal introduction. Reminds me of the cowboy expression: "We howdied but we ain't shook."

    Speaking of butterflies, I delighted in using some of the Cascading Butterflies this weekend, as well as the Atlantic Ocean background and my favorite, Striped Nasturtiums, for an 85th birthday card for my future mother-in-law. It didn't turn out as well as the cards I see here and from Sue fans on Facebook, but it was better than anything I made BSW, Before Sue Wilson.

    Best of Tuesdays to everyone.

    Donita in Rhode Island.

  121. What a beautiful delicate die. WakeyL

  122. Good Morning Sue,
    What a beautiful card you have chosen to showcase this gorgeous butterfly die. LOVE IT. .
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  123. Hi Sue,
    Oh my goodness this is just amazing- you are so clever.
    Beverley W


  124. Hi Sue. Where you get your inspiration from I do now know
    but absolutely fantastic card the butterflies are gorgeous.
    Mavis L x

  125. Hi Sue, Beautiful card and die love Jean Zelei xxxx

  126. Good Morning, Sue

    The Lace Butterfly this morning is a real beauty, so intricate and it looks wonderful in Vellum!

    Your card is beautiful and the Lace Butterfleis are just the oerfect "Finishing Touch"!

    Lesley S x
    West Sussex

  127. Gorgeous Butterfly and card!!! Thanks Sue. xxx
    Pat Plattxx

  128. I love butterflies in their own right, but also very useful to cover up the odd mistake 😀

  129. Good morning Sue your die has certainly fulfilled your thoughts, so pretty. Love from Jackie xx

  130. Craft Cornucopia18 April 2017 at 10:10

    What a beautiful, ethereal butterfly.... I have some butterfly printed vellum somewhere in my stash, too.

    I know from yesterday's show, that you are already making up your Xmas cards, but do give yourself a moment to read all these lovely comments above, as your blog followers have written some wonderful words.

    I can only echo what they have put, by congratulating you on such a beautiful range of dies and ideas and inspiration. Thank you.

    Craft Cornucopia, Wales

  131. I got this die at Ally Pally and have used it several times already. It is stunning whatever you cut it out of, card, vellum or mirri card. I have used it several times already, cutting around the outline and using that as a base to put the butterfly on. Iy also looks great backed and small sections of the wings filled in with creative expressions glitter glue or pearls

  132. Good morning Sue,
    this is the most delicate butterfly I´ve ever seen.
    Rolf xxx

  133. Hi Sue
    I already have all your butterfly dies so do I really need another, the answer is yes of course especially when it is as delicate and lacy as this one, beautiful card
    Pam hope you don't mind if I echo your comments and send caring hugs to Elaine, Maureen, CraftySuetoo, Laine and anyone else who needs one

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L in Belfast

  134. Morning Sue, just love this Butterfly! Looks beautiful in vellum. Love Jean from Wiltshire xxxx

  135. Good morning Sue

    WOW, love this beautiful die! The butterflies do look so delicate when vellum is used, the card design is stunning

    June/Poppyfield Card Crafts x

  136. Morning Sue

    What a lovely die so lacy can't wait for the 12.00 release the card is so lovely


  137. The Butters is so magnificent, it is so delightful and Lacey and you have done it in vellum which is slowing up it potential so beautiful. I love it and I think is going to have to be another for my collecting. Thank you Sue

  138. What a beautiful butterfly!

    Sharron (the cookie monster)

  139. This butterfly is stunning Sue ....I love how delicate it is!!

    Roisin D

  140. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card.
    What a great idea to cut the butterfly in vellum, so delicate looking.

  141. Hi Sue,a stunning card. Your new lacy butterfly is gorgeous and tops my list of 'must have dies'.

  142. Wow! Love these butterflies. So elegant.
    hugs, emily65

  143. Yes, yes, yes, I just love butterflies and a vast majority of my card have one or more on them, this one is a must have to my collection, so lacy and beautiful. A super duper card here Sue, love it...thank you...luv Ursula xx

  144. Beautiful butterflies on a beautiful card. Luv it. Hugs xxx Snowy Owl 36

  145. Hi Sue fabulous such a beautiful butterfly and you cannot​ have too many butterflies in your collection so definitely one for "the must have" list.

  146. Hi Sue, I have lots of Butterfly dies, but have had to order this one, beautiful. Hugs Edwina

  147. Hi Sue

    Sometimes you just can't have enough butterfly dies!

    Jan from NSW (Australia)

  148. Hi Sue
    Beautiful butterflies, how delicate they look

  149. Beautiful die, it's a must have!
    Rosemary xx

  150. What a beautiful butterfly!

  151. Hi Sue, a lovely card and your new Lace Butterfly is gorgeous. It is so intricate and when cut in vellum it's a little ethereal. Oh dear, the list gets longer and longer :)

    'P' - sorry, that's what I get for speed reading so many comments. You are still welcome to the hug though :-)
    PPixie - shame you have missed so much from being unwell but good to have you back.


  152. Rose in Chester18 April 2017 at 11:49

    Hi Sue,
    starting this day off with a bang, or rather a very, very beautiful butterfly. It is exquisite and you've achieved the effect you were looking for.
    Just gorgeous.
    Hugs, Rose

  153. Home sue a beautiful butterfly die

  154. Home sue a beautiful butterfly die

  155. Wow wow wow!! These lacey butterflies are so delicate and gorgous!! A very impressive touch and focal point for a lot of cards!! Love, love this new die set!! Amazing card with it!

  156. Nice very delicate
    Elizabeth Bennett

  157. Beautiful Butteflies, very delicate, love the colours on the card too!

  158. Wow, what a lot of comments for this one - must be a popular die, I can see why - it's fabulous and the card you have made using it is great,

    thank you Sue

  159. Hi Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    Wow what a stunning card and die this butterfly is definitely a show stopper Sue

    Healing hugs to all and have a lovely day

    Milton Keynes

  160. Who doesn't love butterflies? This is a great addition to your April release and timed so perfectly as we are just now seeing butterflies on the east coast in the US. Sue, I am so impressed with this entire release. You've done a great job! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win some of your awesome dies. It makes me want to do the same and do giveaways on my blog but my giveaway would never compare to what you are offering.

  161. Beautiful butterfly and love the card


  162. Who doesn't love butterflies? Just stunning. Jan D., FL, USA

  163. The butterfly is stunning and o love the combination of vellum and normal cards xx

  164. I love butterflies


  165. Hi Sue. WOW !!! This is a beautiful card !!! I love your new lace butterfly die. Such a stunning, delicate design. It really does look just like a parchment crafted butterfly !!! Just gorgeous. I love the colours of your card to. Thank you. Lots of love to you Sue from Tres x x x

    Lots of love to all from Tres x x x

    Tres from Orpington x x x

  166. Beautiful, can't go far wrong with a butterfly.

  167. A beautiful butterfly with so much fine filigree. A stunning addition to the Finishing Touches Range. BarbaraC

  168. Good afternoon lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

    I adore butterflies and this one is no exception. Pergamano is an eye catching technique that takes oodles of time and patience to master so creating a die that has all the delicacy and even the lacy edges of Pergamano is so exciting. I will definitely be investing in this little beauty, its a must have for my collection as an embellishment or even the focal element....plus it will hide a multitude of sins!:-)
    Have a lovely afternoon my friendsxxx

    Crafty hugs


  169. What a lovely lacy butterfly....everyone needs one. Love how they accented this card.
    Stephanie K

  170. What a gorgeous butterfly!!!!!!! Love it! And, your card shows it off so beautifully, Sue!
    Hugs, Pattyb

  171. Suzzette Yandle18 April 2017 at 13:30

    Awesome lacy butterfly die to look like the time consumming Pergamano art. I LOVE this.

  172. I am head over heels in love with this die ad your card is divine! Must have this die! Incredible and stunning! TFS!

  173. Hello Sue,
    I had decided that I didn't need any more butterflies! Then you produce this!! How could you! It's really gorgeous and in vellum has a really ethereal look! Lovely card too. I've pinned them all plus matching Dies on a special board! It helps me too as well as hopefully attracting the attention of others!
    Diane - I love your description !! Having seen your Pergamano - you are being unkind to yourself! You made me laugh though!
    Will try to catch up later!
    Love to everyone! PP - great to have you back! Laine has missed you dreadfully!!!
    Myra ( Friend of Maureen!). Xxx

  174. Hi sue.
    Final day already?? Gee whizz it goes by so fast lol

    Georgeous butterfly I do loooove butterflies. U know that right???? Lol

    Card is stunning as always. Show was fab yesterday loved the demos too xx

  175. Another beautiful card. The butterflies lend themselves to be cut from vellum, so delicate. Any body would be delighted to receive a card made with these. Kind regards. Sandra Annalise1947

  176. Hi Sue,

    Adorable Card! I love butterflies in any shape or form, they are lovely. I own your Cascading Butterflies but you just can never have enough so I added this stunning, delicate butterfly on my list as well.

    Sue’s blog is on 7th now! Congratulations.

    Still a newbie to Craft / Not longer the newest or the only Canadian Wilsonette

  177. Beautiful card!!!

    This Lace Butterfly is so delicate and beautiful!!!

    It looks so lovely out of the vellum.

    Thank you Sue, for the chance to win your wonderful new collection.

  178. This butterfly is beautiful. Thank you Sue. Like Myra decided didn't need anymore butterflies but cannot say no to this one. It has shot to the top of my wish list and I got the EF at AP.

  179. stunning card sue xx the butterfly looks fantastic in the vellum, i think i need to try cutting vellum never tried it before xx

  180. What an elegant card


  181. Lovely card. Great die. AliJ Sussex

  182. Absolutely stunning. I am also a butterfly lover so this is perfect. Love the Pergamano look. Being a parcher, this would take ages to try and recreate this in the traditional way. Would love to see more of this style.

  183. Stunning butterfly, love love love it.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  184. Hi Sue, Love butterflies. Arlyn

  185. Hello Sue

    Beautiful die. Love butterflies as they can be used for many occasions.

    Lol Barbara W (Worcestershire)

  186. Hi Sue, what a gorgeous butterfly, just beautiful

    Lori from Canada

  187. Oh My Word, Sue, this card is stunning and so are your butterflies. Just love, love this die...
    Love Rosie from Chorley...xxx

  188. Wow! Exquisite detail and the card is so soft and pretty. Gina in Greenville, SC

  189. Hi, Sue,
    I think I love you! If there's anything better than your flower dies it would have to be your wonderful butterflies...and you can never have too many of the beautiful creatures.
    Bejay xx

  190. Hi Sue Wow wow I love this butterfly Die & the card is stunning thank you for sharing this beautiful Die & card.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

  191. Wonderful new dies this round! Many will be on our lists for gifts. Especially this butterfly! Swoon. 😍🙃😍 This is my absolute favorite in this collection! I adore the delicate lacey edges. They do appear to be Pergamano, which I am learning. It is so not easy but definitely worth it. Thank you for adding this to your repertoire!

  192. Hello Sue,

    What a lovely card to showcase your new Lace Butterfly die. The butterfly has such a delicate, ethereal look done in vellum. I've been using vellum quite frequently on my cards as I like the translucent look that it gives.

    Beverly from Maryland, USA
