Monday 13 May 2024

Just Because

Hello crafters!  I started by cutting the outer die from the Diamond Radiance Background in Heather card. I glued it to the middle of a piece of white card.  Next, I cut the Dazzling Diamond set twice out of black card and once out of white card.  Using scissors, I nipped away the outer section of the Dazzling Diamond die cuts.  I cut the centre of that set twice in Heather card and glued them to the middle of the black die cuts.  I added mounting foam to the backs of all three die cuts then attached them to the card, laying down the two black die cuts first then adding the white one in the middle.  I cut the Just Because sentiment out of both heather card and black card.  I shadowed the sentiment then added it to the middle of the card.  I used the fall away pieces from the Dazzling Diamonds die set and glued a black and heather card corners into each of the card's four corners as accents.  The card was completed with white, heather and black mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 6 3/4"  x  8 3/4"  in size.  

We are starting the May die release blog launch here tomorrow morning, starting at 6am.  I hope you can join me back here then!  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


June Smith said...

Good morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, another gorgeous sample, this is on my list, I have the dies, yes.

Looking forward to the blog launch tomorrow.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card.
B xx

Crafty Vonnie said...

Good morning Sue,
A beautiful card today & an ideal sentiment for a card. Looking forward to seeing your next launch of beautiful dies. Yvonne xx said...

Morning Sue.
Another brilliant card thank you.
Roll on tomorrow looking forward to the new launch.
Take care all Kitty.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

A gorgeous sample today and love the colours. It shows how a smaller die can be used so effectively on a bigger project. Looking forward to the launch tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card showcasing your fantastic Artdeco range. WakeyL

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. How nice to see the type of design that can be created by snipping away at your die cuts to make a different design on your project. I never really think of doing things like this so I really appreciate you giving us ideas of what can be achieved.


Beryl said...

Beautiful card.

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, this card is sitting pride of place in my craft room! I won this one on HobbyMaker! It is every bit as beautiful in real life as it looks here! Looking forward to the start of your new launch tomorrow. Love Jean xxx

BucksGirl said...

Morning Sue - absolutely beautiful! Colleen xx

Lynne L said...

Fabulous card you ate si clever at snipping into your die cuts to create a new look Sue
Looking forward to your new launch

BridgetCG said...

Morning Sue, Todays card is gorgeous, love it. Looking forward to the new release. Bx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Fabulous card I love the colour combination! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in tomorrow’s launch!
Hugs x
Heather T

theresa w said...

Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Such an elegant card Sue x the way you have used the dies on your card is fantastic x the colours are lovely too x thankyou Sue x
Theresa w in Berks xxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
A fabulous art deco card, looking forward to tomorrow and the start of a new collection

Love and hugs to everyone

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the colours used xx

Rose in Chester said...

It - you have surpassed yourself with this card,
looking forward to seeing the new new collection - got the head up this morning.

got the most gorgeous tulips coming to an end - they have been fantastic.

Rose in Chester

sued99 said...

I love this card. It looks so complicated and intricate (in a good way of course) and makes a stunning statement. X

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

Just because is always a good sentiment for a card and shows we care.

Love Helen xxx

Judy Hollers said...

This is a dynamic card! Wow!

Fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, this is a great 'just because' card and I remember being fascinated watching you create it on TV. Looking forward to seeing James with your dies on TV tomorrow - shame you won't be with him :-(


Marion Scott said...

A gorgeous card Sue and great card for just because
Marion S x