
Monday 2 July 2012

Warm Winter Wishes

Happy Monday!  How about this card for using up your left over pieces!  I cut a couple of holly borders for another card I was making and I happened to have placed them on the card so that they lined up rather nicely.  When I looked at this negative piece, I just thought it would make a lovely long card.  I really like that shape for a card too.  Since the card was so simple, I decided to have a bit of fun with the background piece.  There is a close up below but I used my scoreboard and made a grid that shows through the cut out holly sections.  I had some leftover pieces from the borders that I cut so I nipped sections out of them to create the corner pieces.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with one of the holiday tag shapes.  I inked it with Antique Linen while in the die.  When I removed it from the die, I used some cut 'n dry foam and Black Soot distress ink and added a light inking to the very edge of the die.  I ties a small bow using the cream sillky crush ribbon and added it to the centre of the card with a glue dot.  I added my holiday tag and a fancy black button to the centre of my bow.  I used two small strips of flatback pearls to add to the long sides of the card.  I pierced the edges to finish the card.


  1. This is a lovely Christmas card and so thrifty Sue to use up your spare pieces. I would be happy to receive a card like this and it has a lovely bow too.

  2. Wow Sue what a lovely card.x

  3. Morning Sue What a great Idea for using leftover peices as stunning as ever for pennies love it Hugs Corinne

  4. Hi Sue, WOW you sure know how to stretch you leftovers to the max. What a great idea and a bow too. Love it.


  5. Hi Sue, great idea for using up the cut outs from the borders. Lucky that they were symmetrical. Bx

  6. Morning Sue what a elegant christmas card I love black and white cards. I like the idea of using the waste card. I have just cracked the way you try your bows. I made my first christmas card using my new dies yesterday so pleased how thwy turned out. xx

    Take Care Sue

    Debs Artliff

  7. Hi sue
    Oh what a fab card love it really like the colour so modern thanks

  8. Morning Sue, what a lovely modern card - black and white is so classy and i really like the landscape set up.
    Amanda x

  9. Happy Monday Morning to you Sue,

    Great Idea, could be used with left overs from quite a few of the border dies. What a great idea, just realised how many of these I must have thrown out...............!!!
    Love how have embossed the background, and the Bow of course!!!! must have a go at this.
    Have a Great Day


  10. Love this card, I am going to use this idea to make money wallets for my nephews.
    Take care

  11. Hi Sue, I shall definatly be taking more care when placing my dies in future. This is a great way to use up leftovers. BRILLIANT! You are a diamond. Best wishes, Lesley x

  12. Hi Sue,
    fabbbbbbbb card. Your never ending ideas are so good. I bet no piece of card gets put into your bin. You must use nearly every single scrap. LOL. You would be a good add for recycle. LOL. Well have another great crafty day everyone.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  13. Another super stunning card that would be easy to mass replicate. I can see quite a few of my Crimbo cards looking just like yours haha. Thanks for your daily inspiration.

  14. Morning Sue, I really like this, simply elegant and is great for upcycling! Less really is more sometimes, great bow!

  15. Hi Sue, well this is different, yout still very Christmasy. Lovely card, as ever. Linda x

  16. It's amazing what you can do with left overs this is a lovely card sue x

  17. Great card, i love the holly die!

  18. Morning Sue, at last a set of dies I have :) & a wonderful example to copy especially as it use up some of my box full of scraps which I refuse to throw away even though some of them are quite small.
    Hugs xx

  19. Morning Sue - another lovely x-mas card - I watched your CD 'Stamping my Style' yday and it was really interesting and informative - thank you. Is there another one coming soon I wonder with your demoing your other techniques?.... Hope so.
    Have a great day!

  20. Hi Sue, great card ,holly is one of my favorite dies.

  21. lovely christmas card and clever use of left overs

  22. Hi Sue
    Wow what a lovely card, must make a note when laying out dies to that I can get 2 for the price of 1I usually take my dies to the edge so I can get the most out of the paper/card but now where I place the dies will turn into another card,happy crafting.
    Tina x

  23. Good morning Sue
    What a lovely card today and such a beautiful way to use up our 'scraps' which we all save to use later but never do.
    Hugs x

  24. Morning Sue i love to use the left overs as i hate to throw anything away especially as card is so expensive and this card is a great idea and it looks soooo gooood too xx gail

  25. Hi sue, what a great card, i hope you won't mind if i use some of your xmas designs in my own cards this year. Although i don' t have all the dies, but could improvise with some thank i already have. You have given me so many ideas to try.

    I love this one, the grid work must have taken you ages and looks so effective.

    thanks for all the ideas.
    lv norma

  26. Morning Sue,
    I love the shape of this card and the monochrome look. A great use of the negative images we all collect.
    Erica x

  27. Val in Spain xxx2 July 2012 at 07:29

    Good Morning Sue. Two cards out of one cut. Very economical. Love this card. Really classy colours. A definite hit with me.

  28. Love it! Monochrome is classy! This card could so easily be adapted to a non christmas card by changing the dies. May well try it later today!

  29. Great card and also thanks for the super photos, it heps so much to see them close up.

  30. Hello Sue
    I love the Holly Dies, what's not to love ? The DL is a nice change of shape I have a few of these and the borders fit nicely on these. Beautiful card Sue !

  31. Hi Sue,

    Another great card. Would look as good in other contrasting colours.
    Have a great day.


  32. Love it !! Another one to try,maybe today? Mabex

  33. Soo beautiful and CAS. I love the simplicity in it and the fact that we can save some scraps this way is perfect too.

  34. Morning Sue, Such a fantastic idea for using up your negative pieces of card etc and the scored card underneath adds lots of interest, simply beautiful and the bow is just divine as usual. Lots of love from Patricia xx

  35. Lovely card Sue - I really like the effective use of the negative image

  36. Hi Sue, Loved this card On C&C when you demo'd
    it the blue doesn't show up very good
    on blog but it was very elegant.
    Yesterdays card is great too.
    Nancyd xx

  37. Ingenious, You have such great ideas, I will place my holly dies carefully so I have lots of scraps to try this one. xx

  38. Hi Sue, Loved this card On C&C when you demo'd
    it the blue doesn't show up very good
    on blog but it was very elegant.
    Yesterdays card is great too.
    Nancyd xx

  39. Sue, you just keep coming up with great ideas. Brills.

  40. Have this die and I use it a lot but not for christmas.I snip the holly bits off and it is really delicate looking then.Not mad about this card Sue .Black and White is good though and I like the way you scored the black background.Laura O

  41. Have this die and I use it a lot but not for christmas.I snip the holly bits off and it is really delicate looking then.Not mad about this card Sue .Black and White is good though and I like the way you scored the black background.Laura O

  42. Hi Sue , Another Wowser Card
    again Black & White very classic
    I have a few friends that I could send this style to
    Thank you for sharing
    Shahab x

  43. Morning Sue,
    Loved this card when you demonstrated it on C&C. Have not got these dies yet they are on my wish list.
    Have a good day.

  44. What a great card to produce from left overs! Like the longer style and I'll have to remember the great grid technique. Thanks!

  45. This is beautiful... another lovely bow!

  46. Morning Sue
    What a fab idea. I would have thrown the piece of card away but thanks to your great ideas you have taught me never to throw anything away now. My husband will be pleased!!! Love the scoring on the black card looks so effective.

  47. I'm always collecting snippet and leftover ideas! This is a brilliant idea!

  48. what a clever card sue and very stunning in it's simplicity.once more you give inspiration,take care, x

  49. I love this card! It's such a pretty shape!

  50. Hi Sue, wow another lovely card. Love the black and white.


  51. What a great way to se the negatvie pieces, nothing wasted.

  52. wow who would have thought you could make such a lovely card from waste

  53. Hi Sue - this is a great way to use up the negative pieces, just a bit of forethought needed when placing the dies. Love the black and white but I'd have needed a pop of red to make it Christmassy!, perhaps the tag. Thanks for the great idea though. Kathy x

  54. Hi Sue, a wonderful way to use up the negative, I will place my dies on the card more carefully from now on.

  55. Morning Sue

    What a lovely simple card from leftovers! I will have to make sure that I line up my dies like this so I can use them too! Of course the lovely bow really makes the card. Love Jean x

  56. Morning Sue.
    Another stunning card. I love it. Changing the colour of the ribbon to suit and it would look different each time. x

  57. Very clever!!

  58. what a lovely card Sue.
    like the others have said ,must try and line dies up next . this die is on my never ending wish list.

  59. Such a beautiful card Sue and love the monochrome feel of it.

    Still playing away with all the goodies I got in the box.... my children keep looking in and say that you are a very kind lady to see a person all those nice things to play with!! and I have to agree!

    lots of love

    Lisa Ransom

  60. Lovely card Sue - a classic look. I've got the holly motifs and accents on my wish list - I think I'd better move them to my shopping list! Great idea to score the die cuts too. Pat x

  61. Just loving all these Christmas cards they are fantastic, great idea to use the leftovers. Hugs xx

  62. the possibilities r endless thx 4 inspiration its simply gorgeous wat more is there 2 say apart from keep em comin plzzzzzzz

  63. Nice shape for a different look. Another very effective Christmas card Sue.

  64. A gorgeous christmas card. xxx

  65. Fab card and great details. Hugs,Moni

  66. There is very fine detail in this card and it is very Christmassy! Love the techniques Sue and the pearls Happy Monday!

  67. Morning Sue

    I loved this card when I saw it on C&C but it's much nicer close up.

    It's a great way of using the negative.

    Sue xx

  68. What a great card
    hugs Linda

  69. Love the use of black and white x

  70. Hello Sue.
    I saw you demo this card last time you were on C&C and loved it.
    Have a lovely day,Bren

  71. Hi Sue,
    I really like this card and it sounds really quick and easy to make.
    Beverley W

  72. Ecco of Sheffield2 July 2012 at 09:19

    morning Sue from a very sunny and warm morning in Burgundy - I love black and white and the scoring of the background really gives depth. I love to find ways of using all my bits and pieces whenever I can.
    Janet x

  73. Morning Sue, What a wonderful way of using left over pieces. Makes a very different winter or Christmas card.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  74. What a striking card Sue. I think I need to try this rather than cutting strips of card to fit my dies on. l love how there are so many possibilities

  75. Good morning Sue. WOW What a lovely card and and a great way to use up those pieces I keep in a box and never use.
    The gridwork is soooo effective and of course love the bow.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Hugs June xx

  76. What a striking card Sue. I think I need to try this rather than cutting strips of card to fit my dies on. l love how there are so many possibilities

  77. Morning Sue.....just a wonderful card its simple but stunning....never that thrifty as my room is so small I chuck everything in the bin! I used to keep it but ended up with boxes of bits....I know naughty! thanks Sue for all the inspiration....got my dies at last! take care Margaret

  78. Morning Sue, I love this card, the holly dies are really nice. Great idea with the left overs, shame to waste them and I would love to receive a card like this.
    Hugs Sue M x

  79. What a striking card Sue. I think I need to try this rather than cutting strips of card to fit my dies on. l love how there are so many possibilities

  80. Morning sue. Gorgeous just love the holly dies. Great card cant believe its made from bits x

  81. Good idea and techniques in this card..Love the colours and thank you for sharing it with us, Beverley x

  82. Oooh, waste not, want not Sue - what a pretty card from left overs.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. What a lovely idea to use the scoring as a background - also no waste - thanks for sharing it Sue
    love lilygee

  85. Hi Sue,
    What a good idea to make us think beofre we cut so that we can make two cards with one idea, so thank you for the idea and for the elegant card
    love from Jackie D

  86. Morning Sue lovely idea for the waste love it xx hazel

  87. This card is SO beautiful!

  88. An elegant card Sue, and great photographs to show the details. Anne x

  89. Oh so glad you have put this on the blog. I tried to replicate this just after you did it on C&C and it wasn't as good as I thought. Now having read your instructions, I know where I went wrong, I hadn't stood the topper off the background mat. So going to do it again and am sure there will be much better results.

    Also, I was on the Spellbinders site last night and seen the CFT strip dies, can you get those over here for us please, I have really enjoyed using my CFT dies as I used to do a lot of lace and they look super.

    Also, can't wait for the new 'magnificent' die sets, they look gorgeous.

    Crafting hugs

  90. Excellent card Sue, very classy. I normally throw the negative pieces away but now I will focus more on where I cut card so that I can use the negative.

  91. Hi Sue
    What a great way to use your leftovers, very thrifty.
    Margaret L

  92. What a lovley card sue. A great way to use you leftovers.


  93. Hi Sue, I save a lot of my 'negative' pieces of card but never get around to using them. Now seeing how good they can look, I am going to have a go today! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  94. Hi Sue
    Very nice shape card. Like the happy accidents when they happen.lol, Fab idea scoring the back ground. Also like the corner bits softens it so much and adds interest. Fab Christmas card. Good job xxx
    born again spellbinder
    Nadine xxhug

  95. Hi Sue, all the nice things that have already been said, twice over. A very clever card. I have used negative frames before but hadn't thought of using the borders in this way.
    Yesterday was lovely (comparably!) so not much crafting done as most of the day was spent working in the garden but guess what - today it's raining, so I can craft to my heart's content.
    Have a good day everyone.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Just beautiful and lovely choice of colours!x

  98. A beautiful Card.
    You really are a genius Sue! Such a great idea of using score board to enhance a space, the negatives are so effective too. Love it all.
    Val C x

  99. Love the simplistic elegance of this card also a wonderful way to use up the waste, another winner to copy I think x

  100. Sue,
    This card is anything but simple. Lovely

  101. Hi Sue
    Super card love the colours the card has brightened my day up as its raining again
    Thank you
    Lizzie (serial copycat)xox

  102. Hi Sue,
    A lovely idea. Beautiful card Sue.
    Sonia x

  103. Think I say you do this on the tv and liked it then. Have bought the dies, so will definitely try this out. Great card Sue.

  104. Hi Sue!
    You won't believe this but i did someting very similar with my holly dies.
    I love doing things with the negative spaces.
    Waste not, Want not!! as they say.

    (going off on a tangent now)
    If you are lookingh for teal card try the new Kaisercraft paper on ebay or scrapbook.com does loads as well.
    Warning if you go with scrapbook.com you may have to pay import fees on arrival.
    Still ebay has so much of it. My current fave is kaisercraft.
    I 'see' you in the morning
    Waterford - Ire

  105. fab card very different , like all,rain again any tennis i wonder

  106. Hi Sue what a brilliant card and from the waste. Did you see Leonie cut the fancy Christmas tree this morning, she got in a pickle, in error she did what you said not to do and embossed it went to pieces. It Makes the rest of us not feel so bad...LOL

    lorraine - scotland

  107. Hi Sue. What a great card!! Also what a great idea!! Just making a card out of what would have been the aperture waste looks fab!! I love the whole layout of this card but I think personally I would use colours that are more Christmassy !! I think your grid work underneath is a great idea too. An elegant and classy looking card love Tres x x x

  108. This looks simple,(enough to set us all attempting it) but there is quite a lot to it, and plenty to look at.
    Thank you, Sue

  109. Morning Sue, what a lovely idea why didn't I think of that,lol.Waste not want not is what they say & only you could think of doing great cards with leftovers. Quite a small bow for you Sue but looks great.
    Sue B

  110. Hi Sue

    I think this card is so nice and what a good idea to use both the negative and positive just making sure you line them up straight. Will be using this idea for Christmas cards thankyou

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  111. beeeautiful card, sue!!! ekkkkkk sue got the pretty stamps! thank you soo much particraft!!!! :)

  112. Hi Sue A great card and no one would know you were using up leftovers.Very thrifty and a good idea in these times.

  113. Love the use of these dies, very inventive


  114. hi sue
    what a great card from left overs
    the colours are fab.will be a great xmas card and a quick one.

    Love Carol xxx

  115. Really like this card Sue. Still not ready to start making xmas cards but I will have plenty of ideas to work with when I am.

    Isn't it time we mutated to having webbed feet??? Three arms and hands would be good too so I can carry two bags of goodies from the shops and still be able to hold my brolly!!!!

  116. Hi Sue
    This Is a lovely card, elegant and what a thrifty way of making christmas cards. Lol Ann

  117. Thanks Sue ,for another great Christmas card ,your ideas and tips are always welcome.

    Elaine H X

  118. lovely card Sue - great to use the negative pieces - colours great as always

    Phil D

  119. Hi Sue,
    Remember this one (I think) it was on tv.
    A great one for me as I get huge satisfaction from using up the leftovers!
    Thanks for the inspiration,
    Sue x

  120. Oh Sue I do like this one, I hate waste therefore it is right up my street! Such a lovely card with a super bow, still at the practice stage with my bows, your demonstration on C & C really helped

  121. wow this is stunning sue i love how you use the negatives of the dies its great xx

  122. This was just about my favourite card from the christmas shows Sue, its gorgeous

    xx Sandra

  123. Fabulous! I love the simplicity of this one xx

  124. Hi Sue. Do you ever sleep????
    As it happens I have this die, and yes I have been inspired yet again.
    Thanks again. Jan.x

  125. Rose in Chester2 July 2012 at 15:23

    This is an absolutely super card - what a clever use of the negatives.

  126. Hi Sue
    lovely card, love the shape of the card, also really like the idea of the grid work behind the borders, also a great idea to use ALL the MANY pieces of card us crafter's save.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  127. Stunning card. Love Linda xxx

  128. Love this card - like the idea of using the negatives!

  129. Hi Sue.
    Lovely card and changing the colour
    for more cards.

  130. Great way of using up the left over bits, I'm all for using everything you can..... x

  131. Hi Sue
    What a lovely card! The holly border is gorgeous.

  132. Stunning Sue, a really elegant card, Carole Z X

  133. How inventive you are the pieces of card I throw away when I could have been making cards with them lol. Lovely card today

    Jane xx

  134. Hi Sue, I love the holly dies and what a great way of using the negative pieces. A lovely card. Fantastic ideas Sue, keep them coming.
    Hugs Christine H xx

  135. Good afternoon Sue
    Loved this card
    Great use of the leftovers and the scored background. I recently invested in a score board and scored a grid pattern just to see what it would look like, you've given me some inspiration!
    Many thanks
    Have a great day
    Lara xxx

  136. A lovely card and getting 2 out of a piece of card which is great for xmas makes. I love these holly borders.

  137. The background grid is a nice touch. I never throw away the negative spaces either. I usually put them on a colored piece of card stock just to see what they look like. More often than not, there are some interesting possibilities. Also, more often than not, I don't have time right then to do anything with them, so I put them in the "to do" drawer. {sigh} Outstanding piece of work!

  138. Hi Sue, WOW. WOW. WOW. I love this card, take care vanessa xx

  139. Hello Sue. This is another clever clever card. Using up leftovers is close to any crafter's heart. Lovely. xx

  140. Hi Sue,
    I remember seeing this on C&C and I thought then how effective it is. As you say it can be just a waste piece and instantly you have something special that really didn't have to be cut out. Now that's what I call recycling, Go Sue...LOL!!
    The embossed line behind the cutouts is very effective and for those wanting to be a bit more finicky (do you get the idea that I mean ME!) you could even mark the position of the holly leaves and score lines in the lower layer to replicate the veins in the leaf. Yea, OK!! not everyone wants to be that fussy; just an idea as I am a terror for just playing around with things. Anyway, a stunning card that could be replicated easily for batch needs and would look elegant everytime.
    I hope you are well and not working too hard. When are we going to see you again, hope it's not too long. I assume you will be bringing some of the Summer CHA releases to us sometime soon (like the Christmas tree in the last show); I do hope so. Some of them look amazing.
    Take care. Best Wishes Linda xx

  141. Beautiful creation Sue, love the mini bauble and the bow etc thank you Helen O xxx

  142. Hi Sue, Lovely Card! I love the technique of just simply scoring the card to add a bit of interest to a background, I'll definitely be trying that :D Best Wishes, Christine :D

  143. This is such a brilliant card using the negative, I imagine it would look good with more than two layers and with different coloured backgrouds. I just love how you get so much out of a set of dies.

  144. Very nice card! Great way to use up extra pieces and negative cuts.

  145. what a great idea, I think I may have a go at this one!

  146. what a great idea, I think I may have a go at this one!

  147. Hi Sue
    I love this card it all just works so well
    Not got these dies but plan to try a similar design using my leaves die
    Take Care
    Theresa x

  148. I really loved this card when you demonstrated it on C&C. I like the fact that you can use the negative like this - plus a very simple background. The sort of card you could make loads of and feel very satisfied.

    Thanks for sharing your creativity.

    Hugs Sue Pass xx

  149. Beautiful card and great use of the waste card. Have the dies and love them.

  150. what a lovely card wouldnt think it was left overs
    hugs chrisx

  151. what a lovely card wouldnt think it was left overs
    hugs chrisx

  152. Hi Sue,
    there you go again using the negative and to such good effect! a simply beautiful card.
    Joan B.

  153. Lovely, classy and elegant card Sue!

    Su (Soop) x

  154. who'd have thought, such a beautiful card usin leftovers!!

  155. Another lovely card. I love the way you use 'negatives'

    Carolyn B

  156. This is beautiful and loving the embossed card under the negative white card. Another stunning bow.

    Linda xxx

  157. Hi Sue, Love this card. It definitely does not look like leftovers. The black coming through the cream is so strong / powerful. With Love & Light Theresa. H

  158. What a lovely card.
    Grimsby Chris

  159. Hi Sue
    This is a lovely card and a clever use of your score board.
    I love the bow and little tag.

  160. Just sent an email = loving all your inspiration. Have as yet still to play with your newest spellbinders, micro beads and flakes.
    Best wishes, and congratulations on all your success - well deserved. Would like to see more of your other techniques and inspiration - loved your shaving soap etc demo's and your stamped cards (rubber stamping images)

  161. Hi Sue...I saw you make this on C&C just recently...very clever idea to use the negative of the die.

    Take care now.
    Deborah. H :)

  162. So anyone else might be tempted to throw away the 'waste' but not you! This works so well. Hugs, Buttons x

  163. Lovely idea to use leftovers.

  164. Just love how you have used the positive and negative with this card

  165. Hi Sue - a stunning card in it's simplicity!! Love Sam xxx

  166. hi sue cant believe you have made such a lovely card from something most of us would throw away!! amazing love lesley xx

  167. What a lovely card, and just using the negatives too, you are sooooooo clever!

  168. well that card gives me so much inspiration to use the bits of card that i have left over
    debbie pugh xx

  169. This really is a pretty card. I admire your ingenuity :-)

  170. Love the way that this card is almost using the "waste", great idea and of course no waste as positive die cut would go for another card. Great. Thanks xxx

  171. "Wow!" Sue & "thank you!" Absolutely gorgeous card & reminding us that it doesn't always have to be a 8x8, 7x5 or 6x6 card. It's good to go oblong or round too! I've still not done anything yet with the holly border negatives I've got but I will now....! Thank you Sue! xx Love Karen xx

  172. Hi Sue,
    Loved this card when I saw you make it on C & C, I'm amazed at how you use all your scraps up!

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