
Tuesday 29 June 2021


 Hi bloggers!  I thought I would share a fun card made with the Slimline Large Circles Background.  I cut the die out of white card, then lined it back up and cut another section giving me a wider card.  I used the Pearl Tints between two pieces of acetate.  I used the Blue Diamond and the Chateau Rose Pearl tints randomly all over a piece of acetate, then added another piece and sealed the edges with tape, then glued the Large Circles background over it.  I made a wide white frame and added it with munting foam over the background.  I cut the Decorative Flag die in white and added from the left side of the frame and cut the Thanks die out of aqua card and glued it to the flag.  I used the Pinwheel Florals cut in white and added a sticky adhesive backing to them, then glittered all the flowers.  I arranged them in opposite sides of the card and added white leaves.  The card was completed with white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 6 3/4"  x  8 " in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Beautiful card Sue, with great colours xx

  2. Morning Sue.
    A beautiful card thank you.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  3. Hi Sue, every time I walk into Particraft I wonder what's waiting as it all wakes up and starts loading, I'm very rarely disappointed or undecided but I always think the same 'what made you choose the tools, the colours the mediums etc' I never know where to start unless someone gives me a starting point ot a particular occasion such as wedding, but my ability to to think outside the box or build on creativity is just a massive stumbling block, I always hope for the best but I never know how it's going to turn out really lol. I'm loving the inspiration today, what a lovely 'Thank you' card but how lovely to send a card like this for many occasions.
    Sending thoughts to all those involved in the awful accident in South Miami

  4. Morning Sue, a really lovely card today, a new technique for me with the pearl tints on acetate, must try that it really gives a fab background. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  5. Hello Sue
    This is a perfect card useful for many occasions. I am a bit hit or miss when enlarging my dies so I tend to avoid doing that.Take care everyone x

  6. Hi SUE
    This is lovely colourful card today love the way you made it wider and the glittered flowers are a brilliant addition to this card.
    Owlish Xx p

  7. Hi Sue and everyone what a gorgeous card for us to see today. I dont think I've seen this technique before, but I love it and the colours you've chosen. The flowers look fab with a touch of sparkle too.
    Donna xx

  8. Hello Sue and all
    Love the effect of the pearl tints on acetate and such beautiful colours. So soft and reminds me of summer which so many of you are enjoying, it is quite cold here this winter, not compared to some places but definitely to what we are used to. Really pretty card and could be used for many occasions
    Muriel x

  9. Marie P. from Longridge29 June 2021 at 07:09

    Hello Sue and all.
    A beautiful card to start the day.
    I love everything about it.
    Thank you Sue for the daily inspiration.
    Marie P.


  10. Hello Sue, a gorgeous card. Love the look of the pearl tints and as others have said, I haven't seen this technique before, oh how I miss your you tube videos.
    Marion S x

  11. Hi Sue
    Love the look of the pearl tints and I think the die is a must for me.
    Beautiful card.
    Jan x

  12. Good Morning Sue. WOW. What a lovely card today. And a great idea to extend the circles slimline die ... What an effect . And I am wondering ... Is this a new technique with the pearl effects tints trapped in the acetate ... I hadn't seen it before ... but I would love to try this one out. It really looks different. A beautiful card today.
    Thankyou Sue. Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them today.


    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds

  13. Hi Sue, a stunning card. Love the clever way you have done the background and the colours. The flowers are very pretty too.

    Barbara V

  14. Very pretty card Sue, love the colours.
    Annette x

  15. Hello Sue, well this is a bit of a masterpiece!! Beautiful Sue, so eye-catching and pretty. Love the blend of colours, how you've extended the die and the flag and die so perfect. Carol E xx

  16. Beautiful card I love how you can extend the slimline circles die to create a wider piece

  17. Good morning Sue,
    A truly beautiful card today with your beautiful pearl tints which I need to try. Enjoying my Birthday today & we have beautiful weather for a change. Yvonne xx

  18. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I really love these dies that you can extend as the circle ones do, they are so easy to batch make as well, with wonderful background colours and a frame you have an almost instant card. Brilliant sample Sue. xx

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  19. Good morning Sue
    I love the colours you’ve used in today’s card they are so pretty together.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  20. Good morning Sue this is a stunning card. I just love those dies. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  21. Hi sue love the colours you have used amend the flag Ship die and floewers a great gift for some lucky person love always stay safe my friends
    June Horrocks

  22. djfromkettering29 June 2021 at 08:54

    Love how you've extended the circles, and the
    colours are great!!

    Stay safe,

    Doreen x

  23. Morning Sue, what a great way to start the day with this lovely card. Thank you.

  24. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a beautiful card today love the way you made the background

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Hope you all have a good day and stay safe
    NannaShaz54 in MK

  25. Your backgrounds always add an extra dimension to the lovely projects. WakeyL

  26. Hi Sue. Love the pretty colours you have chosen for this card today. Thank you for sharing yet another different idea for creating backgrounds.


  27. Lovely card and those flowers have great depth
    Doreen R

  28. Beautiful card, love the colours and the way you have shown that the slimline dies aren't just for slimline cards.

    Freedomlass (LesleyT)

  29. Hi Sue, a great card and squashing the Pearl Tints between two layers of acetate creates a lovely effect that I would never have thought of.

    Yvonne (Crafty Vonnie) - Happy Birthday, enjoy your day and the sunshine.

  30. Hi Sue
    Love the background you’ve created with the slimline large circles and the pearl tints sandwiched in acetate, gorgeous card

    Love and hugs to everyone

  31. Rose in Chester29 June 2021 at 10:42

    Hi Sue,
    Wow, that is a stunning card. You are so inspiring, what you have done with acetate is something I would have never thought of.

  32. Hi Sue

    A beautiful,card that is different and quirky. Love the circles with the colours showing through.

    Love Helen xxx

  33. Marie P. from Longridge29 June 2021 at 12:29

    Good Morning Sue and all.
    What a gorgeous card. I'm afraid I'm a bit.
    like Steph and need someone to give me a starting point. I wish I could think outside the box too.
    At that point my PC died on me and I've only just got it back.
    Any way I love the card.
    Marie P.


  34. Hi Sue Lovely card I have never seen this technique using the pearl tints before it looks really effective the flowers are lovely too

  35. A very pretty card, love the colour...luv Ursula xx

  36. Deb E Isle of Wight29 June 2021 at 15:28

    love it... A great post and idea that can be used for near enough any occasion...

  37. Very pretty card Sue!

  38. Hello

    Great card. I have not used acetate like this. I will have to give it a go.

    From Little Largo

  39. Oh that background.... I have resisted the pearl tints butI can no more...!

  40. Gorgeous background and great idea for the card. Thanks Sue xx

  41. lindyloo12Somerset29 June 2021 at 17:43

    A very pretty card, love the pinwheel flowers

  42. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Wonderful card Sue x I love how you have extended the slimline die and the pearl tints look lovely x your flag dies are so useful and I use mine so much, they are such a perfect fit for lots of your sentiment dies x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  43. Lovely background, one more line of circles and you could make a bingo board! Must investigate these pearl tints…..

    Zoe in Pencoed x

  44. Very pretty card. Love the effect of the pearl tints on acetate, a new technique for me. The Pinwheel Florals are beautiful as always.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  45. Hi Sue,
    gorgeous card and I love the background colours.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Maria x

  46. Love everything about this card - the colors, elements, composition.... so crisp and fresh! Judy from Prosser

  47. I really like the circles as a part of the background but still a focus of the design. It adds texture to the card and it’s very pleasing to the eye.

    Sandra Smith
    Queen Creek

  48. Super Cosmic Shimmer products! x
