
Monday 14 October 2019

Let It Snow

Hi there my crafty friends!  If you haven't begun your Christmas cards yet, you may want to get started on them!   Time is creeping closer now.  I have even seen my first Christmas trees for sale in stores nearby!  I started with the Falling Snow Embossing folder and gave some texture to my coconut white card background with it.  Next I cut two of the Pearly Snowflake Borders in Arctic Blue card and glued them together to extend it.  I glued it to the top of the card and cut the side edges even with the background.  Next I cut three of the Danielle die.  Two were cut out of Arctic Blue card and backed with white.  I cut the last one out of white card and backed it with Arctic Blue card.  I attached the two Danielle dies to the sides of the card then added the white Danielle to the centre of them with mounting foam to raise it. I cut the Let It Snow Shadowed sentiment out of Bluebell card and added it onto a white shadow backing.  I added it with foam to the centre of the Danielle die.   I added white flatback pearls to the tips of the snowflakes within the dies and on the pearly snowflake border as well.  The card was completed with white and arctic blue mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 6 3/4" x  9 1/4" in size.  All for now Sue x

                                                     Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, this is such a beautiful sample, it inspired me to purchase the dies when they were first released, the dies cut beautifully and I must admit I have done this one and I loved it.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  2. Morning Sue.
    Wow a beautiful card, thank you.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  3. Hi Sue, Your card is beautiful I love your colours like June said I also have the die it makes a beautiful card . I just wish I could get those colours over here . Take care Vi.x

  4. Good morning Sue.
    This has to be one of the most prettiest samples that I've seen from this die launch, although many of the dies can be used all year there's just something about this Snowflake border, it's so delicate. This has started my day with a smile, I hope your day starts the same way xxx

  5. Beautiful card. I love this it so delicate and simple. I just started my Christmas cards at the weekend, I know I’m a bit late starting and don’t have too many to do, not like some people.

  6. Hi Sue
    I remember when I saw this card during the Christmas launch and fell in love with it. It is so beautiful x
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  7. Hello Sue, a really beautiful Christmas card, love it with the icy colourway. Have a good day everyone. Bx

  8. Agree with others that this card is very special
    so are the products and dies, just gorgeous! x

  9. Hello Sue, a really pretty Christmas card, I must make a start on mine, fortunately I do not have that many to do so not in a panic just yet.
    Marion S x

  10. Hi Sue
    A beautiful, dainty, pretty card.
    Jan x

  11. A beautiful christmas card i love it Sue.
    Catherine v94

  12. Gorgeous card today, very pretty.


  13. Marie P. from Longridge.14 October 2019 at 07:22

    Good morning Sue.
    What a beautiful card. I absolutely love it and wish I had the dies. I've got a drawer full of as yet unused dies and MUST NOT buy any more as yet. I will put it on my wish list.. I also love the colours you have used.
    Thank you Sue/
    Marie P.

  14. Good morning Sue
    What a stunning card! I have these dies so could replicate it, I haven’t started my Christmas cards yet!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  15. Hi Sue, A stunning card this morning. Beautiful colours and dies and also embossing folder.

    Barbara V

  16. Good Morning Sue. Stunning snowflake and border card today Sue. And again the colours are lovely....more ideas for when I finally get mine started. Thankyou Sue
    We are home... and last night...should I say early hours this morning.... I spent the night in my own bed. Aaahhhhh the best feeling in the world. Had a wonderful holiday. Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone. Kind Regards
    Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  17. Good Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a beautiful Christmas card today lovely colours dies and embossing folder used too

    Sending Love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Have a good day all

    Sharon MK

  18. What can I say but GORGEOUS xx

  19. Good morning Sue Such a beautiful Christmas card the snowflakes look so delicate I did about 50 Christmas cards in January so not too many left to do but I need to get started on my special ones now

  20. Morning Sue, wow, stunning card, love everything about it! Love Jean xxx

  21. dj from kettering14 October 2019 at 08:21

    Lovely card today, but the blue comes over as
    silver grey on my screen,

    Doreen x

  22. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely stunning card today, the snowflakes look so delicate & love the colours of card used. Yvonne xx

  23. Hello Sue
    This is such a special Christmas card,definitely one to pin.

  24. Hello Sue, beautiful card with the really gorgeous snowflake border. Love the icy colours you've used, delicate and pretty xx

  25. A really beautiful pastel Christmas card.

  26. So delicate, pretty and stunning card.
    Doreen R

  27. A very pretty card with a real frosty feel. I love the snowflake border xx

    Hugs Helen xxx

  28. Hello Sue
    A beautiful Christmas card this morning, so soft and delicate.
    The Pearly Snowflake Border and Danielle die are just perfect together!
    Lesley S x

  29. Hi Sue, no I've not started due to my husband snapping his achilles tendon and being out of action on his feet since mid August so time is not a friend of mine at the moment for crafting. One thing I do insist on is being able to look at your blog on a daily basis regardless of what needs to be done. I love the pearly snowflake border. WakeyL

  30. Fabulous what a stunnin* design Love and hugs Carole x

  31. Hi Sue
    Today’s card is simply gorgeous, love the snowflake border

    Love and hugs to everyone

  32. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card.

  33. Hi sue just stunning this card very pretty a lovely gift for a special person thank you sue
    Love always
    June Horrocks

  34. Hi Sue,
    Your snowflake border is so pretty and the addition of the little pearls makes for a lovely card. Thank you. Hugs xx Pauline

  35. Hi Sue, a beautiful card for a special someone. I love the Pearly Snowflake Border die, it cuts beautifully and is very easy to extend.


  36. Fantastic card sue beautiful snowy colours. Laura O Springfield

  37. Hi Sue this is a stunning card. I love it. Those dies are gorgeous. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  38. Beautiful sue, I would love to get this though my letter box, just to let you no, I get to see your cards but can’t comment on them as the hospital internet is no good, so when my husband Lee comes to see me and take’s me out side, I can comment lol 😂 so I’m outside in my pyjamas and wheelchair and iPad Commenting on your cards lol, the other visitors are just looking and thinking what is she doing, anyway crafty hugs, Julie xxx love and best wishes to everyone xxx

  39. Stunning card Sue, love the snowflake border

  40. Beautiful delicate card...luv Ursula xx

  41. Because card, I love it’s simplicity and delicacy.


  42. Hi Sue, Very pretty , love Jean Z xxx

  43. Deb E Isle of Wight14 October 2019 at 18:01

    Love the icy feel of this - beautiful card.

  44. So simple and yet so classy!!

  45. Hi Sue stunning card.Tganks Helen xx

  46. Hello Sue,

    A beautiful combination of dies and colors creating a tranquil card.

    Have a great day.


  47. Hello Sue and all
    Such a beautiful card from the embossing folder to the dies used and the gorgeous colours, love it.
    Hope you are out of hospital soon Julie,
    I don’t have many cards made at all for this time of year thanks to breaking my wrist in June and still being full of pins and needles.. I can manage some card making but getting better, I have some left from last year so some recipients may have to be a bit understanding, same dies - different colours this year lol !
    Muriel x

  48. This is a beautiful card Sue. Love it xx

  49. Hi Sue,
    this card is so delightful................

  50. Quite forgot to comment yesterday. What a beautiful card. That main die is so pretty. X

  51. Hi Sue. Sorry I forgot to comment yesterday but I love that snowflake edger die.


  52. I'm speechless!!!! And I'm just IN LOVE with this card!!! Awesome design!

  53. Gorgeous! I love the soft colours.

    Jo x

  54. Hello Sue and all
    WOW what a sunning card , the gentle touch of the soft blue works beautifully . Looking at this sample reminds me to get my snowflake edger out.
    Crafty hugs to all , Wendy

  55. Hi Use.
    Stunning card Sue. Beautiful colours. Well I would say that they are my fav
    Must get cracking with my cards and I need that snowflake border. Love it
    Take care
    Theresa G

  56. One word for this card and that is Stunning x

  57. I really like your Falling Snow Embossing folder design behind your other elements on your card. Real Cool!
