
Sunday 13 May 2018

You Are So Special

Good Sunday morning all!  For my American blog friends, Happy Mother's Day too!  I know this card is tailored more for the UK market, but I was fresh out of Mom cards to share.  I did really like this one so thought it ought to have it's day on the blog, I hope you don't mind!  I started with the background and cut three of the Meandering Twig die in white and glued them onto another piece of white card.  I used white PVA glue and added dots to all the ends on the Meandering Twig die cuts to give the background real texture.  Next I cut the Mom die and nipped the top of the "O" off and made it into a "U".  I added a piece of sticky adhesive sheet to a piece of card and gilded it with Gemstones Gilding Flakes then cut the solid letters out of it and used them to back the decorative letters.  I mounted the letters diagonally across the card with foam to raise them.  I stamped the sentiment in black on a larger piece of white card then covered it with a strip of sticky adhesive sheet and peeled the backing off.  I coated it with Frosted Sparkle Glitterbitz.  I added the background above it and cut some Passion Flowers to add to the opposite corners, using a bit of the extra gilded sheet to cut the centres.  The largest flower was seated on a white satin ribbon bow and I added leaves to all the flowers as accents. I completed the card with white on white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x  7 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                    Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Hi Sue, gorgeous card. Love the background and the pretty flowers.

    Barbara V

  2. Hi Sue
    Very pretty card, love the background
    Pat x

  3. Morning Sue.
    A happy mothers day to you.
    Thank you a beautiful card, so pretty.
    Take care Kitty.

  4. Good Morning Sue

    'Happy Mother's Day' to all our american friends.

    I love these dies they are so pretty and as you can as you have done alter them very easily and you would never know. The gemstone gilding flakes just make them really stand out. Beautiful.

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  5. Wow, the look of the PVA glue is just stunning, thanks for sharing the idea! LOVE the gilding flakes under the letter and the sweet white flowers! Very inspiring design!
    Happy Mother's day!

  6. Fabulous card, Sue. It's Mother's Day here in Australia, so just the card for us, too.

  7. Happy Mother's Day to all our overseas's blog friends and thinking of you if like myself have the memories of the mum that have us life.
    Sue, I'm lost for words regarding this sample, it's absolutely beautiful and why you should say "hope you don't mind" is beyond all comprehension ! I know it usually means something else but if you've got it flaunt it lol you've made the perfect sample with the perfect tools you created so you go ahead and give this beauty it's day it so deserves it and I'm trying to imagin the sparkle it would reflect in our real world - I bet it's out of this world ☺
    So I'll leave you with lots of hugs, I'm thinking of you today and I'm sending my usual love to you xxx

  8. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    And Happy Mother's day to all our Mums abroad.

    What a beautiful card today love the die and the pop of colour with the gilding flakes it really sets it of and I love the way you used the die to make a background and the pva glue to highlight it really is very pretty.

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Have a good day all
    Hunnymummy54 from MK

  9. A lovely card for a very special day. x

  10. Beautiful card this morning! Love the use of gilding flakes behind the white, it looks gorgeous. A wonderful card design too. Debra x

  11. Good Morning Sue. A really lovely card Sue. And I.... like many others..... will envy the ones who can send this card to their Mums. Sadly I lost mine 42 years ago. Long time ago but seems like only yesterday. Thank you for sharing Sue and have a lovely Mothers Day yourself. Sending best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  12. Good Morning Sue and all
    Happy Mothers day to Sue and our friends over seas.

    What a stunning card this morning with so much detail from adding the PVA drops and using the gilding flakes. This is car what would be treasured. The passion flowers work beautifully on the card.
    Crafty hugs and well wishes to all. Wendy

  13. Morning Sue. A perfect card for any Mom on her special day. Just the right amount of gilding and glitter.


  14. A beautiful card today, Sue. I am lucky to still have my Mum and am going over to Lincolnshire to see her today.

    Anne (Northampton)

  15. Pauline Austen13 May 2018 at 07:41

    Morning Sue, what a stunning card. Your background using the 'twigs'is really effective especially with the addition on those little 'pearls'. You have such a lot of patience. Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a lovely 'Mother's Day', Hugs xx Pauline

  16. dj from kettering13 May 2018 at 07:43

    I,m one of your friends who has lost
    her Mum and MIL, but this would have
    been loved by them both,

    Doreen x

  17. A special card for a special person Sue, thank you. Xxx

  18. Happy Mother's Day to you, Sue, and to everyone who is a mother. Also hugs to those who feel sadness on this day.

    I'm amazed that you could add a glue pearl to every twig end on the background! That's devotion!

    Gilding the Passion Flower centers would never have occurred to me.

    Enjoy your day.



  19. Morning Sue. Beautiful card. Happy Mothers Day to you and everyone overseas. Xx

  20. Hi Sue, lovely card ,love Jean Z xx

  21. Hi Sue
    A lovely card. The meandering twigs make a fabulous background.
    B xx

  22. Absolutely gorgeous card for Mother's Day today.

  23. Hello Sue, a really beautiful Mother's Day card, love the colours of the gilding flakes on the background. Have a great day everyone. Bx

  24. Stunning card, love the background.


  25. Morning Sue,

    Happy Mother's Day to you.

    Pretty card.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  26. Hi Sue,

    A beautiful card, perfect for any Mum - or Mom...love the Meandering Twigs background and adding the white glue dots to every station gives it so much texture without being too pushy and as for the Gemstones Gilding Flakes, absolutely scrumptuous and really lifts those letters with it's richness and ading some to the flower centres is a great finishing touch...


  27. Hello Sue and Happy Mother's Day. Such a lovely card, all those little gems sparkling just like you.x

  28. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, such a beautiful Mother's day card, any mother would feel honoured and proud to receive such a gift to treasure.

    Happy Mothers day to all our American friends.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  29. Morning Sue,
    Happy Mothers Day to you Sue.
    Lovely card.

  30. Good morning Sue,
    Happy Mother's day Sue & all our American friends .
    A beautiful card & one that my Mum would loved to have received.Yvonne xx

  31. Happy Mothers day to you. Beautiful card. Hugs WALES FOR EVER.xxx

  32. Happy Mother’s Day sue and all our American friends this card is so pretty sue it’s my mums birthday today I will be putting her card with her flowers on her grave thank you sue
    Love always june Horrocks xxxxxxx

  33. Good Morning Sue
    Happy Mother's Day!
    A beautiful card any Mum would be so thrilled to receive.
    I love the background of the Meandering Twigs die and the gorgeous colours in the Gemstone Gilding Flakes..
    Lesley S x

  34. Good morning Sue HappyMothers day to you & all our American friends This is such a beautiful card I love the way you created such texture to the background with the addition of all those pearls! The gilding flakes are stunning too

  35. Very elegant I know for a fact my mum would have loved a card like this

  36. Morning Sue, stunning card that any Mum or Mom would love to receive! Love the background of the letters! Love Jean xxx

  37. Hi Sue, Happy Mother's Day to you and all of our friends in America, Canada and Australia. Today's card is lovely and one I am sure any mother would be pleased to receive. The small addition of gilding flakes really lifts it and adding all those PVA glue dots must have required the patience of a saint!

    Wishing everyone a happy Sunday.


  38. Rose in Chester13 May 2018 at 11:18

    Hi Sue,
    And a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU AND ALL THE MOTHERS IN AMERICA, CANADA AND OZ. Now I like the meandering twigs but to give them all buds would not be for me - much too impatient for that (I think).
    I really love the card though and certainly everybody else would do.

    Have a wonderful day

  39. Hi Sue,

    this is a beautiful mother´s day card. As in the US we celebrate mother´s day here in Germany today. Don´t know why it´s a different date in the UK???

    Rolf xxx

  40. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. I love it from the intricate mum with the gilding to the lovely passion flowers. All so very pretty.

  41. This is a beautiful card for any Mom or Mum out there. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers everywhere.
    Stephanie K

  42. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Happy mother's day to all that celebrate it today x
    Beautiful card today Sue x I love everything about it x the guilding flakes look stunning and the pva dots really tactile x the flowers look so pretty x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  43. Hello Sue.

    Lovely card, great dies and gilding flakes are always winners for me. The more I see of the Meandering Twig die the more I'm getting to like it. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  44. Hi Sue
    Happy Mother's Day to you and to everyone celebrating it today. Beautiful card and you must have the patience of a saint to add all those pva dots to the meandering twigs

    Love and hugs to everyone

  45. Rolf Mother's day in the U.K. is the same date as Mothering Sunday. I remember as a child taking flowers to church on Mothering Sunday to be blessed then giving them to my mother.This was on the fourth Sunday in Lent, two weeks before Easter.

  46. Beautiful card Sue. Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day to all who are celebrating it today.

  47. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card with a beautiful meaning,happy Mother's Day
    Love playing with guilding flakes so must have a go at something like this.
    Thank you Sue
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  48. Suzzette Yandle13 May 2018 at 14:54

    Nice texture with a sprinkling of shine. Thank you for the Mother's Day greeting. Wishing you a blessed Mother's Day as well.

  49. Adding the pva dots to your background was painstaking but well worth it. Love the MUM that was done in the glitter flakes such a dramatic but effective pop.

  50. Mum, mom.... what's in a name, it's the sentiment that counts and I am sure any mother would be delighted to receive this card.


  51. A pretty card. I’m another who is so lucky still to have her Mum who is 98 in September and still lives on her own with support.

  52. A truly beautiful card for any Mom or Mum....made with love is what counts...thank you Sue...luv Ursula xx

  53. Gorgeous card Sue!
    The PVA dots are a masterpiece but you do have to have a steady hand and lots of patience to attempt that background!

  54. Hi Sue this is a stunning card I love it those dies are amazing. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  55. Hi Sue, Happy Mother's Day to you, and your card is beautiful !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  56. Hi Sue,

    Sorry I am late to wish you a Happy Mother's Day and to every Mom overseas. Hope you all enjoyed your day.

    Your card is beautiful Sue, I love the design on the lettering.

    Love n hugs to everyone

    Dorothy of Baldock

  57. Hello Sue, Hope you have had a lovely Mother's Day.
    I have just got back from a few days away and have just caught up with the samples you have posted over the last few days. They are all gorgeous as is today's
    Marion S x


  58. Hi Sue,
    A lovely Mothers' Day card. Hope you had a happy one and to all the ladies on your site Happy Mothers' Day too. Love your card Sue and the gorgeous flowers. Any mother would be thrilled to receive it.
    Di B.x

  59. Hi Sue
    Happy Mothers Day. Hope you have had a lovely day x
    Beautiful card and anyone who received this would be absolutely delighted x
    I want to finish by sending lots of love to all mums and everyone whose mum is no longer with us x
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  60. A fabulous card. Happy Mother’s Day. X

  61. Hello Sue, what a fantastic card. I love the sharp freshness about it. LOVE IT. Hugs Brenda xxx

  62. Hello Sue and all
    What mum wouldn’t love this beautiful card. The meandering twigs look fabulous and the gilding flakes against the white is just lovely
    Happy mother’s day a little late to all the mums
    Muriel x

  63. Hi Sue,
    I hope you and all the mothers around the world, even those who didn't celebrate today Mother's day, have had a wonderful day. Thank you for making and sharing this beautiful card for this special day.Adding those pva dots to the background shows how much patience and passion you have for everything you love.Thank you again.
    Hugs from Toronto to you all and special hugs to all missing friends.
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  64. Latenight SandyH14 May 2018 at 04:48

    Lovely card. The Gemstone Gilding Flakes look so pretty behind the letters.
    Take care everyone.

  65. Lovely card Sue. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  66. Hi Sue
    Once again I'm posting my comment late sorry! Belated Happy Mothers Day to all our overseas blog friends! The card is beautiful abs any Mother would be thrilled to receive it!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  67. WOW Sue this is totally stunning. I really love the background and love
    the gemstone gilding flakes behind the Mum Die.
    I hope all of the overseas Mum's had a fabulous day and you were all spoilt x

  68. Wow sue what a card, I love this, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx
