
Tuesday 26 December 2017

Edger Background Card

Happy Boxing Day all!  As promised no more Christmas cards, but I have a lovely video showing some fun things to do with the Ecliptic Edger die.

The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  7 3/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Gorgeous card Sue. So pretty and fresh.
    I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and wish you all the best for the coming New Year. What wonderful die designs are you creating and how that will lead onto the beautiful cards you bring us I can't even begin to imagine. I know you will never disappoint but how do you better what you have already brought us. Watch this space.
    Wheeleybad what a wonderful Chrustmas present to see your post. Really good that Mr got his new job and that he is doing so well. Billy, well he is just Billy, your faithful companion. I hope 2018 brings you better health and more comfort and that you can join us again. We do worry about you you know.
    So lovely to read how everyone had a great Christmas, I had a lovely time with my two girls and their families, got a phone call from brother George in USA, they had 3 inches of snow in 30 mins yesterday morning. Robbie was there and doing great, now in his last year at college.
    How I miss them all.
    I had a photo text from my friend and her son in EuroDisney, they do love that place, lovely to see them so happy.
    Happy Boxing Day everyone, sending festive hugs to all, esoecially poorly and missing friends. Will we see a few more back in the blog, hope so, miss you all.

  2. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a lovely card I shall watch the video later.
    Sue I got lots of your dies in Christmas Sack,I cannot wait to start playing.
    Take care all and have fun Kitty.

  3. Morning Sue. Hope your Christmas day was full of fun love and laughter with lovely surprises thrown in, your a special lady that deserves a special day. Oh my word this sample is gorgeous. It always amazes me how different a die can look cut in different colours, I know a change of background card can make a massive difference but when it's the die you can have dark and dramatic or soothing and delicate just cutting in a different shade can completely change the whole look. It's odd not to see a festive sample but wow, this is just gorgeous. I have no gift update as we've not started opening yet lol long story, but today's the day and I'm looking forward to a relaxing gift opening day ☺
    So I'll send my love and hugs this Tuesday and hope you have a lovely day xxx

  4. Stunning card and fab colours Sue,loved the tutorial. Have a lovely Boxing day am off to work now. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Amazing what you have created with your eliptical die. So unusual looking and eye catching. Have a super Boxing day.

  6. Great card Sue hope everyone is having the Christmas they wished for.

  7. Happy Boxing day Sue, hope your Christmas is proving relaxing!
    Thank you for another great video tutorial; love the beautiful cut work in this design. x

  8. Good morning Sue,

    Hope your Christmas day was everything you wanted and more and you are enjoying this Holiday season. I cannot believe that we won’t see more Christmas cards for the next half year, but ...
    Today’s card is beautiful and, like Pam mentioned ... fresh. It is lovely to see different die set and colors, it’s like a new start. Love it. Promise to watch the video later today ... It is past 2Am here so time to go to bed for me.

    Dear Wilsonettes, hope you all enjoyed your Christmas day and Santa brought everything what was on your list ... I know my Santa(s) had more surprises than I expected ... got a few of Sue’s die sets, including the Twinkle Star Frames! I am on cloud nine! Cannot wait to play with my new toys.
    Wheeley Bad – Welcome back! Hope to see your posts more often.

    Happy Boxing Day everyone!
    Warm hugs from cold Toronto to you all,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  9. Lovely card with a great die xx

  10. Good morning Sue, such a pretty card
    Happy Boxing Day to all
    Marion S x

  11. A great idea for a card Sue, such a versatile die. Thank you, hope you are enjoying the Christmas time. Xx

  12. Happy Boxing day Sue
    I hope you had a lovely Christmas Day and managed to get some rest.

    A lovely card the ecliptic die looks to be very versatile .I will get around to watching your video it may be tomorrow after Dot goes home , but watch it i will .xx

    Wheely Bad , so nice to hear from you ,so pleased Mr got a job and it sounds like he is doing well . Looking forward to seeing you around when you can manage it and sending cheeky Billy a big Woof Woof for boxing day .xxxx

    Had a lovely meal out yesterday the meal and staff was A1 and worth every penny , today we are going to another restaurant recommended by a friend ,so i am sure it will be good .

    Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and everything you wished for .

    Big hugs to all
    Elaine H X

  13. A very effective use of the edger. It makes a lovely card.

  14. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, such a beautiful creation today, Pam hit's the right spot with her comments. Hope had a really lovely Christmas Day however you spent it.

    Pam as always I reiterate all you have said.

    We had a fantastic time at our youngest son's yesterday, the food my d-i-l cooked was out of this world, I still feel full up. We were joined by my twin sister and b-i-l which was even better. We were talking yesterday and do you know we have spent every single Christmas Day together and we have some very special memories.

    Going to have an easy day today, I think I over indulged a bit too much on the sweet and naughty things so my body is saying ouch, but I am fine.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  15. Beautiful card, really lovely.


  16. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes and happy Boxing day, what a lovely card and colours, going to make a cuppa and watch the video then I have to go though and get some inspiration to make my daughters birthday card as only a few days to make one xx

    I reiterate all Pam has said and send love and healing hugs to all

    Hope you all have a lovely peaceful day

  17. Good Morning Sue. Love the Card and the colours are beautiful. We spent the day at my sister's and had a perfect day. My sister also makes cards and her card to me was outstanding. All Sues dies.... and the colour combination was lovely I might photograph it and showbiz on one of the group's we belong to.
    My brother is coming today to spend most of it with us. He is still not right after his stroke and has been told he can't drive a manual car any more. This was upsetting for him as he has now lost all his independence.... My hubby and I do all we can for him. Fortunately he has a one bedroom bungalow at the end of our street so it's easy for me to pop in and out. They told him he could take lessons in an automatic car but he said he would have to think about it. Web will do all we can for him today to make it a bit better for him.
    Wishing all you lovely blog friends very Happy Boxing Day Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  18. Happy Boxing Day sue your card today is beautiful the colours are stunning thanks I hope you have a lovely day
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxx

  19. Good Morning Sue!
    Nice fresh card today after all the Christmas cards , of to watch the Video now!
    Wheely Bad , so nice to hear from you glad you're okay!
    Love Marg

  20. Hi Sue - what a lovely card to start with after all the Christmas cards. The colours are so pretty and delicate and I can see this card looking stunning in many colours. Hope you had a great day yesterday and another one to follow today. Sending very best wishes

  21. Such a pretty and fresh looking card today. Although I still use my background dies I find myself using striplets and edging dies more and more often for the background on my cards.

    Hugs Helen x

  22. Good Morning Sue and all.. Stunning card this morning with beautiful colours. I will be watching the video in a little while. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Crafty hugs and well wishes to all.

  23. Good morning Sue,
    A lovely card with a versatile die. Happy boxing day everyone. Yvonne xx

  24. Morning sue
    A lovely card today colour is nice and fresh.
    Catherine V94 xx

  25. Hi Sue,

    Happy Boxing Day to one and all!

    A lovely example of just how versatile your Edger dies are, they are all fun to work with, will watch the video later when I have some time to myself...

    Ann - encourage your brother to learn how to drive an automatic car - the more independence he keeps the better and it's amazing how the brain can make new pathways/connections to bypass any damage caused by a stroke...my best wishes to you all.


  26. Hi Sue, gorgeous card, love the colours.

    Barbara V

  27. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful, striking card. Love the colours, too....
    Hugs, Rose

  28. Beautiful card Sue I love the edger die.
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas love and best wishes to all on the blog, Johanna

  29. Morning Sue, A lovely card today for. Boxing Day. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and we look forward to another yeR of wonderful inspiration..

    Love Rosemarie X X

  30. Happy Boxing Day Sue.
    What a wonderful card love the design and the colour.Will watch the video later.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Jan x

  31. Hello Sue and all
    What a beautiful start to our non C cards, must watch the video, I love the use of edgers as backgrounds so can’t wait to see it.
    Welcome back Wheely bad, so good to see your comments.
    Lovely Boxing day, my son and family here for dinner after a relaxing day. Wonderful Chrustmas all round
    Muriel x

  32. A beautiful non Christmas card Off to watch the video

  33. HI Sue,
    Happy Boxing Day to all. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day.
    Lovely card Sue. The dies you've used are so pretty.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  34. Hi Sue, a lovely card. Very pretty in the blue and white with lots of intricate detail using your eclipse edger die. Thanks for your video.

  35. Good morning Sue and everyone
    Wow what a beautiful card I love the colour and the design Sue so so pretty
    I will have o play with some of my dies in the same way you do and hopefully create a wonderful card like yours
    I will watch the video later
    Ann. Tell your brother driving an automatic car is so much easier than a manual I passed my test in a manual 🚘 and a few years ago I bought a car with a automatic transmission and believe me I would never go back and have had several new cars and always insisted on it being automatic please tell him he will never look back if he does go for it and he will wonder what he was so worried about and it will enable him to keep his independence Hugs o you and your brother x
    Pam I will echo your comments my friend
    I send my usual good wishes and hugs to all
    Take care folks HappyBoxing day
    Theresa G xx

  36. Gorgeous gorgeous card. Amazing just what you can do with a single edger die.

  37. Good morning Sue
    Beautiful card just got off night shift so will watch the video later!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  38. Happy Boxing Day Sue, yet another beautiful card. You make it look so simple and break down the steps so well in your video tutorial. Thank you. WakeyL

  39. Hi Sue
    Thank you for the great video showcasing your edger Die, I love watching you craft. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and a Happy Boxing Day to you and everyone here
    Wheelybad it did my heart good to see your comment yesterday, delighted Mr W has a job and hope you will have a better 2018 helthwise, we did misss you. Hugs to Billy tooo
    Pam good to hear Robbie is doing well
    Had a special present from my son who bought tickets for me, Sarah, my daughter in law and her mum to go to the Strictly live tour in Belfast at the end of January something to look forward to.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone

  40. Hello Sue, such a beautiful card the blue and white is very reminiscent of Wedgewood pottery. Love it, will catch up with the video a bit later. Have a great relaxing day everyone. Bx

  41. Dear Sue and Crafters on the Other Side of Christmas,

    Merry Boxing Day to all! I had forgotten. My calendar says today is the first day of Kwaanza.

    This is such a lovely card, and thanks for the trick about adding tiny bits of an accent color in a neat and orderly way. I also liked how you automagically added pearls! There are apparently no limits to what you can do!

    I hope everyone is enjoying holiday feast leftovers and time to relax with loved ones and/or escape to the craft room.

    So glad to hear of husbands who really do love their wives and take note of what you want and go out and get SW dies to make you happy.

    June, so glad you can keep spending Christmasses together with your twin.

    I hope Graeme hears how much love was sent his way from this blog.

    Love to everyone and warm hugs from cold New England.

  42. Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes, wishing everyone a Happy Boxing Day. Thank you Sue for this beautiful card and the video, I love the blue dusk and white card together. For some reason the card makes me think of a very ornate window and I love Donita's 'automagically' term for all the little pearls we saw on the finished article.

    Well it seems as though everyone enjoyed Christmas day, I know I did because Santa and his friend gave me lots more of Sue's dies than I had hoped for. Looking forward to creating with them.

    Wheely - thrilled to see you back, missed you a lot. Congratulations to Mr W on the new job. Glad to hear that Billy is doing well, he is a very smart dog. I'm sorry you have been so unwell but wish you good health and happiness in the future. Take care and visit when you can.


  43. An amazing card again today, using just one die to make the focal element....stunning...you never cease to amaze me with your ideas...thank you Sue....hope you had a lovely day yesterday...luv Ursula xx

  44. A lovely card Sue. Good to hear everyone enjoyed the day yesterday. Echoing Pam’s comments today. Off to watch the video. Take care. Hugs to all who need them.

  45. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    I’m Sure You Had A Tremendous Christmas Day!!!
    Ours Was Quite As There Is Only The Two Of Us with Our Dogs, But I Would Not
    Have It Any Other Way.
    I’ve Mentioned Many Times I’m A Stamper First Of All Then I Incorporate Sue’s Cutting Dies
    Well My Alcohol Pens Were Running Low Of Ink So My Wonderful Husband Bought Me
    Both Full Sets Of Graphmaster Pens (From Creative Expression) I’m So Thrilled
    Well That’s Enough About Me.
    Sue, Thank You Once Again For Sharing Today’s Video Tutorial It’s Always
    Great To Pick Up New/Exciting Tips/Techniques In Today’s Card I Loved The Colour Combination
    Adding Black To A Card Always Appeals To Me, I Loved The Background Where The Glitter Is Showing Through
    Also The Wonderful Paper Piercing In Black, Plus The Beautiful White Pearls For Embellishments.
    Just A Stupendous Card Sue Thank You Very Much.
    Products Used In Today’s Card ✨
    “Creative Expression Smoothies”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Blue Dusk/Coconut White/Black Foundation Card”
    “Self Adhesive A4 Double Sided Sheets”
    “Creative Expression Self Adhesive Flat Backed White Pearls 3mm 5mm”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Glitter”
    “Creative Expression Sweet Wishes Sentiments”
    “Tim Holtz Stormy Sky Ink Pad”
    Star’s Used In Today’s Card ✨
    “Sue Wilson’s Ella Cutting Dies” (From The Frames/Tags Collection 4 Cutting Dies)
    “Sue Wilson’s Victoria Cutting Dies” (From The Frames/Tags Collection 2 Cutting Dies)
    “Sue Wilson’s Ecliptic Edger Die” (From The Configurations Collection 4 Cutting Dies)
    Take Great Care My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather, Plus Sam & Family
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx

  46. Such a fresh and beautiful card today. Really gorgeous!
    Doreen R

  47. Hi Sue, Beautiful cards I will be very busy with the dies of yours I got for Christmas and my Birthday which was on Christmas Day. I got about £200 worth of your dies maybe more from my lovely family, I am so lucky , I will be trying them out soon.. love Jean Z x

  48. Hello Sue.

    Great Card. What a great way to use an edger die, I really like how you have built up the layers. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  49. Thanks for the great video. I love that Victorian die.

  50. Hi Sue and everyone

    Happy Christmas and Happy Boxing Day to Sue and all Wilsonettes!

    Gorgeous card in beautiful colours today. Will watch the video later, looking forward to it,

    Wishing everyone love, health and happiness for the rest of the festive season.

    Love Helen xxx

  51. Hi Sue
    Lovely edger card today. Love this colour blue.

  52. Love this edger card, it is amazing which dies you can use for the focal point. Thanks for all your wonderful ideas! Wishing you all the best in 2018.

  53. Hi Sue. Such a pretty use of the edger die to create the vertical stripes on the card. Not too sure about the horizontal borders though - sorry.


  54. Hi Sue
    Well my post of a couple of hours ago has mysteriously disappeared so I will try again.
    Lovely card using the pretty edger die and I love the colours you have used together.
    Lesley S x

  55. Dear sue,the card was lovely as always.as a newbie I love your level of taste and beautiful design style. Amy having a hard time in copying your matting layers. I have both the sizes of the pierced rectangles but still I am having problems with layering as you do...please please help Me!

  56. Hope you all had a wonderful crafty Christmas, gorgeous card angxx

  57. Hi Sue,Lovely card and love the colours you've chosen.
    Hope everyone has had as good a Christmas as possible.
    Love and hugs to all. Alison xx

  58. Hi Sue beautiful card love the way you've used the dies
    Hope you have had a lovely boxing day we are enjoying being with our grand children they have finally finished opening all their presents!
    Sending good wishes to all

  59. Fabulous card. I actually have this edger die so might have a go at this tomorrow. X

  60. Hi Sue
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! Beautiful card!...fab way to use this edger die! It showcases it so well!

  61. Very pretty card sue. Hope you had a very enjoyable Christmas. Laura O Springfield

  62. Lovely card. Thanks for reminding me that Edgers aren't just edges.
    Had a restful Boxing Day in readiness for a repeat Christmas meal tomorrow at a niece and nephew's house.
    Wheely, good to see you commenting on Christmas Day.
    Take care everyone.

  63. Hi Sue
    Such a clean looking card, edger dies make amazing backgrounds and the black accent looks great.

    Thank you for a beautiful card today.

    Heather R Oxfordshire

  64. Marie from Longridge27 December 2017 at 10:37

    Good morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes.
    A wonderfully peaceful card today and I join the others who wonder where all your inspiration comes from. Although I have been making cards for about 3 years now, I still feel like a newbie
    and I get so much from your postings.
    We have 2 of the well known craft stores in Preston that is not very far away and I got a gift card for both of them
    I don't drive any more and don't go out alone as I use a wheelchair outside. My gift cards included transport which is a real bonus.
    Good crafty wishes to all.
    Marie P.

  65. Hi Sue

    Beautiful card and an enjoyable video

    I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas

    June x

  66. I saw this You Tube video several months ago and wanted the die and so it came yesterday. I am enjoying my extended Christmas.My die collection grows with every mail arrival. Gift cards are so much fun (I agree Marie P.).
    I hope everyone is safe and happy and Santa brought all your favorite dies,
    Stephanie K

  67. Hi SUE
    I think this is brilliant great use of striplets dies
    JOY Xx
