
Monday 13 November 2017

You Are So Sweet

Hi bloggers!  Aqua and white for today's card offering and probably a bit more like what you usually expect from me too!  I started by cutting the Columba Gemini die in to the sides of a piece of aqua card.  I cut a slightly smaller piece of white card and used the other die from the Columba to cut the edges so that they layered up and sat on top of the aqua card.  I also used the decorative die from the Jennifer and cut it into the centre of the white card between the edge die cuts.  I added mounting foam to raise it and attached it over the aqua piece.  I cut the Scarlet die in white and layered it up in the centre and added my sentiment with an aqua mat.  To the sides I made a Nasturtium cluster with aqua flowers added and an aqua dimensional flower in the centre of each of the clusters.   White and aqua mats and layers were used to complete the card.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  9" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Lovely Card Sue, so gorgeous . Frilly and pretty.
    Merry Christmas Jacob, such a brave family, God bless them all.
    Elaine hope you got the dies you wanted, your John is amazing.
    Maureen, hope you had a lovely visit from the girls, are 3 of the 9 more manageable lol. Hope they are well.
    I watched the Rememberance Day service on tv yesterday, so many brave souls lost and wounded. It always brings tears to my eyes..
    Today it is 52 years since I lost my Mum, she was 42 years old and mum to 6 children, my sister was 1 year old . Loved and remembered every day Mum.
    Thank you all for your unwavering support, it is like a lifeline. Not usually so vulnerable but it is a bad time of year fior me.
    Please help yourself to my basket of hugs, there is always plenty to go round.
    Thinking of all poorly and missing friends.

  2. Morning Sue
    Very pretty feminine card today. Your dies always cut so well, thank you for sharing
    Pat x

  3. Hi Sue
    Such a sweet and beautiful card.Love the Aqua.
    Jan x

  4. Love your card and colour combinations today. Your Columba die is one of my favourites. It looks so good double layered.

  5. Hello Sue and all
    Aqua and white - lovely and more ideas for the Columba die set, thank you, they look so pretty layered up as a border.
    Muriel x


  6. Love that aqua coloured card, it makes a
    lovely fresh card,

    Doreen x

  7. Nanny Joo Joo from sunny Scunny13 November 2017 at 06:30

    Hello Sue,

    I echo the above comments regarding colour. There’s something so pretty and delicate about it, especially when used, as you have, with such lacy dies.

    Have a good day,
    Love, Nanny JooJoo from sunny Scunny xx

  8. A really beautiful card Sue, and I have to admit that's the style that I really like!

  9. Aqua is one of ny favourite colours,and what a stunning card xx

  10. Morning Sue.
    Thank you so much a beautiful card so pretty.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  11. Hello Sue, a very pretty card, it's lacy and frilly, perfect colour too. Carol x

  12. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a gorgeous card today beautiful colours and dies love everything about it

    I reiterate all Pam has said and Send love and healing hugs to all that want them

    Have a good day all

  13. Such a pretty card made even more delicate by the colours you have used. Very much more what we expect of you too!
    Hope everyone has the best day possible.
    Crafty hugs,
    D xx

  14. Good Morning Sue and all. Stunning card this morning . I really like the colours of Aqua and white together. I love theNasturtium cluster and works so well on this card with the Columba die.
    Crafty hugs and well wishes to all.

  15. Very pretty, lithe aqua card is lovely xxx
    Annette x

  16. Mornimg Sue
    A very pretty card it looks as if its made from lace nice colour too.
    Catherine V94 xx

  17. Hi Sue what a beautiful delicate sample and my most go to shade when I need a baby boy card. The way you've married these dies together is so beautiful, an exquisite way to start the week thank you.
    Pam, can I suggest you try and put your mind to something nice and relaxing like craft for example. The more you think it over the more you write about it, the more you relive it in and out of work the more it's going to churn you up. Put it aside now and think of something else until you know what's happening. Leave it at work and should the time come you need to fight your union will help. And just be mindful that you never know who reads any blog you never really know your friends. If you've ever mentioned Sue's blog and people see what you've said about your boss etc it wouldn't go down well. Just tread carefully and maybe don't think allowed. Let it be now Pam and concentrate on something pleasant ☺

    Sending Monday hugs your way Sue and hope you have a happy day xxx

  18. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful, filigree design in such a pretty colour combo.x

  19. GM Sue. Great card and fab colour.

  20. Morning Sue. I just love this card, so pretty and delicate. Aqua always a favourite colour.

    Pam, thinking of you, lots of hugs.

    Love Rosemarie X X

  21. Dainty and elegant. Love the colour
    Karen xx


  22. Morning Sue,

    Lovely Girly card. Aqua.... my favourite colour. X

  23. Hi Sue
    Lovely, frilly card and such a lovely colour. Thanks for sharing.
    Thinking of you Pam. Mums are such special, irreplaceable people.
    Have a great day everyone.

  24. Lovely lacy looking card in a pretty colour.

  25. A pretty, pretty card Sue, love it. Thank you, have a good day. Xx

  26. Lovely card with some very pretty dies xxx

  27. Very pretty card in beautiful aqua and white, love it.
    Marion S x

  28. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card. I love the aqua, it is such a fresh colour.
    B xx

  29. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, wonderful is the best thing I can say about this card, it has my favourite Aqua colour and the Columbia Gemini die set which work so well on here, love it and will definitely be trying this one out. Your so good to us Sue. xx

    Pam I reiterate all you have said above, I know it is very hard for you at the moment, try and stay strong and positive, don't let them beat you, there are so many friends on here and others who are supporting you, your health at the moment is the main thing and worrying about the outcome of work is not helping you, special hugs.

    I too watched the TV (the BBX News via my Computer screen) yesterday at the Cenotaph, it was so moving and to see all those people young and old who braved the weather and everything else, I feel so proud of all of them. There were so many ceremonies all over the world going on. It is such a shame that there is still conflict in so many countries, I pray that they find an agreement soon.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  30. Such a pretty card, Sue. Would make a lovely anniversary or wedding card. Thank you x

  31. Morning Sue. This is a stunning card. The colour's are clean & fresh looking. This Gemini die is gorgeous very lacy looking it's becoming a firm favourite.
    Best Wishes
    Denise T x

  32. Hi Sue,
    what a lovely card with a very lacy look to it. I love your dimensional flowers, mine don't look anywhere near like it, must keep on trying.
    Love the colours, too.
    Hugs, Rose

  33. OMG OW WOW WOW this is stunning Sue, perfect. Thanks for sharing,have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  34. Good Morning Sue

    Wow a cool card for a cool day :) It's a bit chilly this morning but this is a lovely fresh card. I love the Aqua card it is a soft peaceful colour and the nasturtium flowers are so sweet. Beautiful.

    Have a great day

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  35. Such a pretty card I love it Aqua is a real favourite of mine

  36. Hello Sue
    Love the Nasturtium Die it is so pretty.
    What a gorgeous card today, beautiful colours ,I love everything about it!
    Love on a very frosty morning in Bristol.
    Love Marg

  37. Hi Sue,

    Superb big card this morning, with all those fronds of lace, hugged by the delectable Aqua colour, to make such a decadent design, it's simply breathtaking!!

    Krafty Runner x

  38. Good morning Sue, a lovely frilly card in the beautiful Aqua & yes you are right a real Sue Wilson style card! However it is so good to see the other side to Sue Wilson! Keeps us on our toes. Thank you Sue.

  39. Morning Sue, a very pretty feminine card to start the new week. Love the colour combination.

  40. Very pretty card Sue, really is gorgeous! x

  41. Good Morning Sue. You certainly know how to start my week with a smile don't you. Just look at the beautiful elegance. Full of lace and loveliness. I am sure anyone would love to receive this card. Well done Sue and thank you so much for sharing your work. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  42. Gorgeous card, and the colours are lovely!

  43. Morning Sue,
    A beautiful card. love the Gemini die, I think I need this.


  44. Good morning Sue what a beautiful card the colours are gorgeous.
    Love it. Mavis L x

  45. Lovely, lovely, lovely! Such a pretty card. xxx

  46. A pretty card, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  47. Hi Sue
    A lovely card
    Margaret x

  48. Good morning Sue,
    What a stunning & frilly card today. Yvonne xx

  49. A beautiful card sue so frilly and pretty the colour you have chosen is beautiful thank you
    Love always June Horrocks xxxxx

  50. Great card Sue. Love the frills and the colours. Must try this card. Xxx

  51. Hi Sue - such a pretty card and I love the lacey effect and the colour is one of my favourites too, so an all-round winner for me. Sending best wishes

  52. Morning Sue,

    Friller, Friller.... A real stunner of a card from you today, loving the aqua accents and backdrop.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  53. Hi Sue,
    Just love this pretty, elegant card.
    The colours are just gorgeous.
    Evis M.

  54. Hi Sue, very feminine card today Lacey and frilly loving the aqua colour.
    VCCumbria xx

  55. What a lovely card, really pretty.
    Love the dies and the card.

  56. A gorgeous card. Love the colour combinations

  57. Hi Sue and everyone

    A gorgeous card this morning. Lovely colours and so delicate and lacy. The nasturtium cluster is so well shown off here. Beautiful!

    Pam, thinking of you and sending a great big hug. My parents died in October and November ( different years) but it’s not a great time of year. My Mam was only 62, which is far too young, but yours was only 42. So sad. 24th November this year it will be 25 years since my Mam died and I still miss her. In fact listening to the radio whilst washing up the other day I had tears streaming down my face as a song made me really miss her. I suppose we all feel vulnerable sometimes, no shame in that! X

    Love Helen xxx

  58. Stunning and a definite SW creation.
    Love the colours.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  59. Morning Sue, gorgeous card, love aqua and white together and the dies make it look so lacy.
    Take care everyone, Jess xx

  60. Yes Sue, this is more like the you we have come to expect! Absolutely stunning card, so pretty, delicate and gorgeous!!
    Doreen R

  61. Morning sue.

    A beautiful card. Love the colours and the flowers are lush too. I love ma wee flowers on cards.

    Sue I hope u don’t mind me sharing some sad news about myself with U and the ladies on blog. Asu know I had breast cancer s few years ago. Unfortuney I was having tests done for the past month. Although I got the all clear on my mammogram it transpires it’s came back into my bones. I’m very positive at the moment but my biggest blow was that my ivf treatment for having a baby is now off the cards. Thank u for letting me share. I won’t babble about it everyday on the blog but just wanted to let u all know xxx

  62. Morning Sue, you make some of the prettiest cards I've ever seen, all thanks to your intricate dies and your stunning layouts. The aqua with the white is lovely. My favourite colours. Thank you for all your inspiration. Hugs xx Pauline in RSA

  63. Beautiful card. I love these dies, so intricate. Gorgeous aqua card. Hugs xx Mad craftgirl.

  64. Hi Sue
    Such a beautiful card ,love how all the dies work so well together and such beautiful flowers to compliment them.

    Pam sending you a big hug your lovely Mum was so young , such a sad time for you and you have the added problem of work and your health ,try not to dwell on the work problem , we are all rooting for you .

    Carmen Nice to know Jacob is getting so many cards and letters ,what a brave young man .

    Laine i hope you feel better this morning, sending you a big hug .

    Yes i got myself some lovely dies ,sorted and tidied up all my stash and just waiting for the machine to arrive now .

    Sending big huggles to all especially my besties

  65. Dear Sue,

    This could be two cards! So delicate and pretty. I wonder if the little flowers on the Nasturtium Cluster were cut from a different color or if their centers affect the color so much that it just looks different.

    Columba and the Cluster really do work well together.

    Pam, my heart goes out to you. The time of year brings so many conscious and unconscious reminders -- smells, season, length of day, sky color, traditions, music, even just the date -- that jump out or add up. It's double trouble when stress at work piles onto the most difficult time of year. Did you notice how passionately Stephanie Cotterill wanted you to keep your thoughts on enjoyable things? You could get a massage! Have a pedicure! Go to a movie! Come home from work and jump straight into your jammies! Quick, somebody, we need one more! I hope you'll give yourself some extra care this week. I hope you get lots and lots of real hugs.

    How can it be Monday again already!?


  66. Hi Sue Gorgeous card this morning, very lacy looking. Aqua and white seems to be very popular with a lot of us. Fabulous use of the dies.

    Barbara V

  67. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very pretty, delicate and intricate in lovely white and aqua. I love it.

  68. Wow wow wow I just love this card, this style remains one of my favourite...the colours so pretty....luv Ursula xx

  69. Hi Sue. Well, you have certainly thrown everything at this one. All of the elements are so ornate and lacey. Perhaps a little too much for me although I realise that when you have so many die to choose from it is difficult to know exactly when to stop.


  70. Hi Sue this is a stunning card it is just so pretty. The dies are amazing and I love the colours. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  71. Hi Sue
    What a gorgeous card today, such a pretty colour combination and delicate flowers with the pretty dies. You have spoilt us haven't you. Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Pam sending you a big hug today, it's not good having all this hanging over you at such a sad time. Chin up girl. Xxx
    Tracey oh my poor girl, you need a big hug too, you've been so brave and now this. I wish I could give tge hug to you in person, we will be holding your hand virtually as you start treatment again xxxx

  72. Morning Sue
    Lovely colour's on this card & very delicate looking too,beautiful.
    Best wishes to everyone
    Karen M

  73. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Today’s Card Is Just So Luxurious, With The Beautiful Look Of Lace,
    Sue, You Mentioned It’s More Like The Cards We’ve Come To Expect From Yourself
    I Like All Your Tremendous Blog Members Love All Your Outstanding Cards, But I Must Admit I Loved
    The Exceptional “Industrial Chic Collection” 🔧🔩⛓⚙️ With All The Magical Backgrounds
    You Created The YouTube Video Tutorials Really Show Them To There Full Potential........
    But I Must Return To Today’s Luxurious Card, With The Impressive Colour Combination
    Products Used In Today’s Card:-
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Aqua Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Self Adhesive Flat Backed White Pearls”
    “Creative Expression Iced Snow” (For Bling On The Background)
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer A5 Clear Stamp Set Petite Lavish Sentiments” (Exceptional Fonts)
    (You Are So Sweet)
    Star’s In Today’s Card:-
    “Sue Wilson’s Columba Gemini Die Set” (From The Gemini Collection 5 Cutting Dies)
    “Sue Wilson’s Jennifer Die Set” (From The Frames/Tags Collection 4 Cutting Dies)
    (The Jennifer Die Has Two Stamp Sets To Match “Jennifers Acorn Journal/Jennifers Frame”
    From The Stamp To Die For Collection Designed By Sue)
    “Sue Wilson’s Scarlet Die Set” (From The Frames/Tags Collection 4 Cutting Dies)
    (The Scarlet Die Also Has Two Stamp Sets To Match, “Scarlet Autumn Harvest/Scarlet Daisies”
    From The Stamp To Die For Collection Designed By Sue)
    You Started Today’s Card With A Piece Of The Very Beautiful Aqua Card Which You Cut The Columba Gemini Die
    Into The Sides (Just So Very Pretty) Then You Took A Smaller Piece Of White Card You Used The Other Die
    From The Columba Gemini Die Set To Cut The Edges Once Again On Either Side, So Once Put Together
    They Would Have An Exceptional Layered Look. (Giving The Fabulous Look Of Lace)
    Sue, Then You Used (The Decorative Die) From “The Jennifer Die Set” Cutting This Into The Centre Of The
    White Card, Between The Beautiful Die Cut Edges You Added Mounting Foam To The Back For Dimension
    Then Attached This Over Your Stupendous Aqua Card, You Then Cut Out The Scarlet Die In White You Placed
    It In The Centre Of Your Card, Adding Your Beautiful Sentiment “You Are So Sweet” From The Petite Lavish
    Sentiment Collection, Also Adding A Aqua Mat To Your Sentiment.
    Sue,You Then Cut Out The Nasturtium Cluster Die Set With Aqua Dimensional Flowers In The Centre Of Each Cluster
    Leaving The Magical Foliage In White Placing One One Either Side Of Your Focal Point, Adding Pearls Here/There......
    You Placed This Onto A Beautiful White Background With Iced Snow Then Added Piece Of White Card With Your
    Famous/Signature/Piercing Plus Aqua/White Card As Mat/Layers...
    Sue, You’ve Done It Again You’ve Created Another Phenomenal Card, Its So Extremely/Exquisite/Rich/Opulent Plus
    So Very Much More.......
    Thank You For The Daily Inspiration I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do Your Blog Is Truly Outstanding
    Sue, My Wonderful Dear Friend Take Great Care
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx
    “Tracy Stitt Thinking Of You” “Pam Take Care”
    Sue, I’m Now Going To Get On My Soap Box!!!!! You Have 5012 Exceptional Blog Members So “WHY OH WHY”
    Are You Now Number 9 On The Blog Numbers. Are We Leaving Comments The Correct Way Since They Changed It?????

  74. Beautiful card this morning, one of my favourite styles that you make! Xx

  75. Lovely card, Sue.

  76. I appreciate the ideas here, love the different ways you show of using your dies but it's a little fussy for my liking.

    Please everyone - don't judge me!! ;) We can't all like the same things in life :D

  77. Lovely card Sue, so lacy and delicate. The dies are fab and I must get them soon.

    Thank you so much for your daily inspiration and lovely dies.

    Lots of love and craftihappiness to everyone.

    Pearl of Kinver

  78. Hi Sue,

    that´s a beautiful and delicate card... stunning!

    Rolf xxx

  79. Hi Sue, love the colours of today's card and the Nasturtium clusters are the stars of the show for me.

    Tracy - to say how sorry I am just doesn't cover it but I can't say anything else. Just know that we are here for you and as Diane has said we will all be holding your hand through whatever comes next.


  80. Hi Sue

    A very beautiful card, I love aqua and white!

    June x

  81. A beautiful card today. Such a relaxing colourway. It's a whopper size so I will look for way to downscale and hope I get such a stunning result!

  82. Overall, this is a little too fussy for me as I increasingly prefer slightly simpler cards. That said, this is a very pretty card made especially so by the colour choice.


  83. Beautiful card, so lacy. Snowy Owl 16

  84. Such a beautiful shade of green! Very refreshing and energizing! Beautiful card!
    I have been curious about something for quite a while but before I ask my question I want to say that it is purely curiosity, not trying to create havoc, that causes me to ask this.
    Sam Smithard * - * - * What is your reasoning behind the full run down of the steps taken to create each day’s card? Thank you for answering if you do.
    Sue, thank you for another wonderful start to the week with another of your gorgeous cards!

    1. Sam likes to keep step by step instructions to keep on her pc files. If there is a particular card she really wants to look back on all the tools Sue has used from colour card to the die used to the last pearl is all there to remind her. It would be so beneficial to brand new crafters too if Sam's post was way at the top of the days post just in case they would want to try the sample but worried about not being able to do it Sam's exceptionally helpful instructions would be invaluable alongside Sue's instructions ☺

  85. Lovely card! Fresh and clean looking with such pretty layers. Julia Garland, North Carolina


  86. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card so pretty I do love the aqua colour its lovely.


    Annx without an "e"

  87. Hello Sue.

    Lovely Card. I think this is such a feminine card, great colours and beautiful florals. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  88. I love your color choice for your card Sue, but the card is not really my style. That being said I do enjoy how you put the dies together to achieve your finished product!!

  89. Adorable and elegant!! Love so much this color combo and all the dies work so well together!

  90. Gorgeous! Glitz and lace, doesn't get much better than that.

  91. Absolutely love these dies and colours

  92. Hello Sue,
    love the colours and the flowers on today's card. Elegant and pretty.
    Pam, oh I feel for you on so many fronts. No matter what time of the year when one loses a parent or parents, it never goes away. I'm thinking of you on all fronts. We had a wonderful weekend and never stopped talking - now there's a surprise. All the gang are lovely, well they must be to put up with a little old lady like me!
    Tracy, I'm so sorry to read your news today. you are in my prayers.
    Carmen I hope all Jacob's cards and letters are giving him a great boost. Miracles do happen. Happy Christmas to him.
    Barbara Mac, I think Sam writes it all down to get it in her mind, but I am often grateful as if I want to check up on a die, I look at Sam's comments!!!
    love to all
    Maureen (fried Myra's fiend) xxxx

  93. Hi Sue
    Very pretty card, I do love aqua and white, your Gemini dies are brilliant and so versatile

    Pam extra caring hugs to you today
    Tracy so so sorry to read your news, my heart goes out to you and Graeme,

    Sending love and hugs to everyone

  94. Deb E Isle of Wight13 November 2017 at 16:21

    Not as sure about this one, but love elements of it and will pick bits out to use. So as always thanks for sharing....

  95. Hi Sue and everyone. Sue just my sort of card it's beautiful.Love and hugs
    Pam you need to keep busy and put this out of your mind what will be will be. Try and " mind shift" it's a skill that when something you don't want to think about you immediately change your thought to something nice. Works for me. Love and huggles.
    Tracey. I too have had breast cancer and am waiting for a result. My love and thoughts are with you, stay strong lovely lady love and huggles.
    Elaine hope your Gemini comes soon. Bet you had a whale of a time choosing your dies. Hope all is well with you all love and huggles.
    Donita I love reading your comments no wonder you are a superb journalist. Love and huggles.
    Laine and Crewe Trish love and huggles and to you all xxxxxxxxx

  96. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card, really love that Aqua card, it's such a pretty colour. The Gemini dies are so versatile, I love them.
    Pam, you're not alone when it comes to remembering lost parents, I could easily burst into tears every time I look at a photo that was taken at my mam and dads golden wedding celebration years ago - they looked so happy. I miss them both so much. Stay strong! Xx
    Maureen pleased you had a great weekend xx
    Tracy so sorry to hear your news. Just remember we are all here for you as we were last time. Stay strong and positive xx
    Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx

  97. Hi Sue and everyone
    Sue just the sort of card I like beautiful.
    Pam thinking of you on the anniversary of your mum. Love and huggles.
    Tracey. I too have had breast cancer and am waiting for results.
    I am thinking of you. Stay strong lovely lady.As has been said we are all putting a gentle arm around you. If you want a chat my email is dylan290506@hotmail.co.uk. love and huggles and to you all xxxxxxxxx
    Elaine. Bet you can't wait for your Gemini to arrive! Bet you had fun choosing your dies. Hope all is ok with you all. Love and huggles.
    Donita love reading your posts. I imagine you are a brilliant journalist love e and huggles.
    Laine, Crew Trish love and huggles and to you all xxxxxxxxx

  98. Hello Sue,
    This is such a pretty card. Love these dies and the colour is really beautiful.
    If you don’t mind I will use this design as my inspiration for an 80th Birthday Card I have to make.

    Thank you, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  99. Beautiful card, so feminine!
    Rosemary xx

  100. very pretty card and lovely colour choice


  101. You are so right...this is a very "Sue Wilson" card! :) It's so very pretty, Sue, showing off the dies to perfection! Jo xx

  102. Hello Sue
    I love the colours but it is a little to fussy for me.Sam I don't think it is the comments that are counted but I am confused how they do count them.
    Tracey so sorry to hear your news we are here should you need us.Pam,Rosemary and Elaine special huggles.Donita your comments are always helpful

  103. Hi Sue

    Absolutely gorgeous. Love the dies, love the colours.


    Heather R Oxfordshire

  104. This is stunning! I love the aqua combination!

  105. Hi Sue, This is a super pretty card !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  106. Gorgeous card with a lot of pretty elements. X

  107. This is a lovely card and I like everything about it. All the dies and the colours. It is a real Sue card which I love but I also enjoyed the Industrial dies and those cards. Thank you for all your hard work. Echoing your comments Pam. Stay strong! Enjoy the Gemini when it arrives Elaine. Glad you managed to get some dies.

  108. Me again. Sorry. I was very sorry to hear your news Tracey. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, not easy I know.

  109. love the colour of this card. again looks very serene, hugs xx

  110. Hi Sue. Such a beautiful, "classic Sue" card. Love the use of the gemini die, the gorgeous fresh colours and of course the flowers and the tiny bit of bling!
    Pam and Tracy, you are both in my thoughts. Sue xxx

  111. Hi Sue
    A fabulous card today. Lovely and frilly looking.

  112. This is so pretty & femine, Definitely one of your best Sue


  113. Hi Sue,
    Stunning card, so much work, the centre panel looks like wrought iron. Love the flowers and the colour you have chosen.
    Di B.x

  114. Hi Sue Lovely card so pretty! Sorry I didn't comment yesterday I spent the weekend with my daughter & family and yesterday we had a little birthday party for our 3 year old grand daughter so it was quite a busy day
    Pam thinking of you and sending big hugs
    Tracey so sorry to hear your news I will remember you in my prayers sending you lots of hugs
    sending good wishes to all

  115. Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

    What a wonderful SW classic, it has all the elements we love in your cardmaking.....apart from a stick pin but even I would deem that to be overkill:-) Love the colour palette, the cool aqua blue is so lovely and fresh. The dies you have chosen are fantastic and work really well to create this design, very impressive, love the frills and the Nasturtium Cluster is simply awesome, the effect it has in finishing the card off is amazing. What I love about you Sue is that you have the ability to cater to all tastes, from the traditional to the retro to the quirky or grunge, every style of card is covered and all i can say is a huge thanks for giving me plenty of varied inspiration, its much appreciated.
    Hiya peeps! Sorry for my absence over the weekend but i had a couple of seizures and had to avoid using my tablet because of the glare. Feeling much more human now and the added bonus is that my face isnt as swollen and sore as it was after my visit to the dentist....i’m Afraid that was only stage one of the treatment, i have more of the same in store for the opposite side of my mouth next week AND the probability of root canal treatment:-( , that will teach my to suck on sour fizzy sweets! The laughable thing is that i have only ever had 2 fillings before in my whole 45 years....at this rate I’ll be on dentures before my next birthday!:-)
    Having real trouble with Darcey at the minute, she’s spending most of her time on my bed and when it comes time for her to go out at night to do her ablutions she is hiding under my bed refusing to come out, we are resorted to chasing her around the house and literally throwing her out! Its all very stressful, for us and her and I don’t know why she is afraid to venture out though it did start with all the fireworks last week....to make her feel more secure we’ve put our coats on and taken her for a walk until she has done the toilet then brought her back home to bed, really worried about her but given that she is 11 now i guess she will be more interested in sleeping than playing outside, don’t like to see her frightened though....
    Pam, thinking of you today, its always hard on the anniversary of a parents death, so many memories and regrets that we didn’t have more time with them, your Mum passed well before her time and it must have been so hard for you all:-( big hugsxxx
    Tracy, i am so sorry about your diagnosis, it must be a real body blow for you especially because it stops your fertility plans. I wish you all the best with your treatment and remember that we are here holding your hand throughoutxxx
    Maureen, glad you had a fab time over the weekend, and remember, your not so much old as you are really ancient!;-)
    Rosemary, sending hugs, hope you enjoyed Strictly at the weekend...I’m still missing Aston though but I guess i’ll Have to get over myself:-)
    Love and hugs to all, particularly my blog besties


  116. Hello Sue,
    Love the colours you have used today and how you have arranged your die cuts to create a beautiful lacy look to your card. It's so feminine.

    Tracy I can't begin to tell you how very sorry I am to hear your news. I can remember the relief when you got the all clear and the excitement of you looking forward to your IVF.. you are in my thoughts tonight and my prayers. Don't be afraid to lean on us here for support.

    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  117. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Stunning card sue x it's absolutely beautiful and you have used my favourite colours too x thankyou sue x
    Pam sending you hugs x
    Tracy so sorry to hear your news x
    Theresa w x

  118. Tracy i have popped back to say how sorry i am to hear your news , sending you lots of big gentle hugs.
    Elaine H X

  119. Hello Sue,
    Today’s card is so pretty and feminine but it’s not one I would copy , or put my spin on! I never copy! I use your ideas as a springboard! Fallen on my face more than once! I love the colours but it’s too frilly for me! Sorry! As you know I don’t say that very often! Still friends? Hope so!
    First of all - Tracy - I’m so very sorry this has happened to you! You will fight again because that’s what you do when faced with these trials and we will be with you every step of the way again. So sorry about the IVF though. Sending you lots of love x
    Pam - I think we are all alike in so many ways - and we have good times of the year and bad times too! I’m sorry you are facing the problems at work when you have tough days for other reasons. Now Donita said I had to think of something else which would bring you joy and take your mind off things! Well have a Fry’s Cream!!! Here’s a big hug to go with it! Oh - you’ve got chocolate on my jumper!! X
    Elaine - glad you got the Dies you wanted!
    I’ve been meaning to say this for days and keep forgetting! I had a lot of lovely handmade cards for my Birthday , all of which I shall treasure. However I wonder if one was a First - Brenda - Littlelamb sent a lovely one made with Dies from Sue’s Launch which only finished last week!
    Laine - sorry you have been unwell again! Very glad to have you back!
    Started Christmas at After School Club today!!
    Love to all, Myra ( Friend of Maureen) xxxx

  120. Evening Sue. A beautiful Aqua and white card.
    Pam and Tracey you are both in my thoughts. Xx

  121. Absolutely love this frilly, lacy card and the aqua color!

  122. Hi Sue,

    What a gorgeous card, it really highlights the beauty and elegance of all dies you have used. I love the delicateness and the gorgeous colours. It's also one that can be adapted to use for any occasion, in different colors, of course.

    Tracy – I'm so sorry to read your news today. Sending a gentle hug your way.
    Pam - IThinking of you and sending lots of hugs.
    Elaine – Glad you got some lovely dies. Do you remember that not long ago you wanted to give up making cards? I am happy that you changed your mind and I hope you’ll enjoy your new machine. A big hug for you.
    Laine – Welcome back. Where is PP?

    Hugs to you all,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  123. Good evening ladies,
    What a pretty, feminine card we have to enjoy. It is lovely...the color and the lace-like delicacy of it.
    Everyone, please cheer up those who are sad and have a happy Tuesday.
    Stephanie K

  124. Pretty, frilly card. Love the blue flower on the Nasturtium cluster.

    Tracey, so sorry to hear your news. You are in my thoughts.

    Take care everyone.

  125. Fantastic card sue some fantastic dies used. Laura O Springfield

  126. Hi Sue, really like the way the nasturtium clusters with their added flowers fits against the central panel. So pretty, love from Jackie xx

  127. Sue this is another WOW from me, this is absolutely beautiful and such pretty colours too. I love the flowers cluster and the added pretty flowers.
    Just love this one.

  128. Hello Sue, been away for work, so trying to catch up on the blog posts. Love this card, the combination of intricate and lacy dies is beautiful. Bx
