
Saturday 11 November 2017

Peeking Stained Glass Card

Hi bloggers!  I thought today's video would help show you just another way in which to use the Stained Glass dies.  You can easily glitter the pieces and then cut them up to use in a number of ways in your cards and projects.

The finished dimensions are 7 1/2"  x 8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x
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  1. Lovely card Sue. Gorgeous. This is what I call a Christmas card, stunning.
    Julie Laz,such good news that you have a new grandsonJacob,he will bring you so much love and happiness as does his big brother. Go on Grandma enjoy those cuddles.
    Donita, thank you for keeping us updated about Jacob, such a brave little boy, he is in my prayers.
    Sam, I hope you know how much you are appreciated, see you can't go on holiday for 6 months at a time, whatever would we do over that period. I loved Pawprints4 description of you, Wikipedia Sam, suits you down to the ground. Wonderful.
    Elaine, hope all is going well for you and the family., my love to you all.
    Rosemary, it is good you are back, hope all is well with you too.
    Myra, you have had a lovely time, so happy you have been spoiled.
    Thank you all for the support, I got weepy at work yesterday, went to see GP and BL is up again. Can't win. Must try to forget about it, what will be will be.
    Hugs to all,especially all poorly and missing friends, Jacob too.

  2. Morning Sue
    This is a very pretty card and so stylish with classic colours
    Pat x

  3. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a wonderful card today, really nice, and a good way of using the poinsettia's, must try this one. I think I will wait for Sam to do her magic and then use the details she lists out.

    Pam I reiterate all you have said above. I am concerned for you, your health is so important and you should not have this worry hanging over your head, no wonder your BP etc. are up, are you likely to have the twins round this weekend or something like it to help take your mind off of work, hope so. special hugs.

    Special prayers and hugs for Jacob.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  4. Happy Saturday Sue. There is no way you know this was part of your Stained Glass collection had you not told us in the heading, your imagination (and of course designs) are incredible. Talk about versatile - does that even get anywhere near to describing your dies ? Looking forward to your tutorial and reading 'our Sam's extra help with step by step written instruction)

    Whatever your day brings Sue hope it's full of laughter positivity love and happiness xxx

  5. Good Morning Sue
    What beautiful card and such a different way to use the die.I have made all my Christmas cards but I must give this a try. Thank you for sharing this idea.
    Jan x

  6. GM Sue. Very lovely. Will watch video later. Happy weekend.

  7. Great card, love it.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  8. Wow Sue this is fabulous, love it. Thanks for sharing,have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Great card. I would never have guessed it was part of the stained glass collection. I must try this one.
    Hope everyone has the best day possible.
    Crafty hugs,
    D xx

  10. Good morning Sue. Fab-u-lous card, can't wait to watch the video. I love all your stained glass dies and enjoy using them in different ways, so this is right up my alley.
    Pam, please try not to worry, your health is the most important thing. Hugs to all. Sue xxx.

  11. Hi Sue, Gorgeous card.

    Barbara V

  12. A great way to show how versatile CE Dies are. Love the co-ordinating embossing folder too. A special card indeed.BarbaraC

  13. Hello Sue, what a wonderful nostalgic card. So traditional I love it and enjoyed the video with lots of tips. Thanks Carol x

  14. Gorgeous Christmas card Sue.

  15. Really lovely poinsettia card! Debra x

  16. Hello Sue, a lovely traditional design for this card, really like the peeking poinsettia. Off to watch the video. Have a great day everyone. Bx

  17. Good Morning Sue

    What an absolutely beautiful card. I love the construction with the poinsettia just peeping through adding another dimension.
    Really lovely it. I shall watch your video later.

    I do appreciate the time and effort you put in to these videos Sue. It is so nice to watch someone demonstrate that really knows what they are doing and also without the added distractions of the presenters as in the tv demos. Not that they aren't entertaining but we keep getting taken off what you are showing us to other things. Sometimes I just want to watch everything that you do even if you are only heating embossing. LOL!

    Have a simply lovely day Sue and everyone else on the blog.

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx


  18. Morning Sue

    Beautiful card. Very striking. X

  19. Dear Sue and Jolly Papercrafting Elves,

    Loved the video! Nice to see how you snip those Holly Swirls into useful bits for tucking and filling. I especially like the little curl coming out of the top.

    Pam, excellent decision to forget any worries. I could help you because I'm getting real good at forgetting things.

    Don't want to take credit for something I didn't do, so you might have meant Carmen, or Saba, or Elaine, who updated us on the progress of Jacob, the boy who loves penguins. As opposed to Jacob, the new little grandson of Julie Laz. Congratulations!

    Poor Laine, four teeth at the same time! You poor thing! I would console myself for a week with milkshakes.

    Way to go, Jan on the Fosse!!! All your Christmas cards done! Why is it that as age slows us down, time starts galloping?

    Enjoy your weekend, everyone.


  20. Beautiful work, like usual!
    All the best!

  21. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a beautiful card.
    Take care Kitty.

  22. This is the most beautiful card Sue, definitely one for someone special. Thank you. Xx

  23. Morning Sue. WOW What a fantastic card. This one is a must to try. The colour's are very classic Christmas. Thank's for the video.
    Best Wishes
    Denise T x

  24. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card. I can't wait to watch the video but will have to wait as I'm helping at Cygnets this morning - the youngsters are marzipan and icing Christmas cakes, should be fun.
    B xx

  25. Morning Sue.
    A stunning card and a very helpful video. Thank you.

  26. Morning Sue. Beautiful card and interesting video. Would never think to chop up the poinsettia stained glass die in this way.
    Pam, sad to read you are still having a miserable time at work. Hope your weekend raises your spirits. Xx

  27. Good Morning Sue. WOW a stunning card this morning . Thank you for sharing a video on another way to use the Stained Glass die. I am going to pop the kettle on watch the video.
    crafty hugs and well wishes to all.... Wendy

  28. Really beautiful card today,one of my favourites.

  29. Hi Sue,
    This is a Christmas stunner! I LOVE the dies and what you've done to the poinsettias is just beautiful. I must remember to do something like it because the card is just BEAUTIFUL.
    Hugs, Rose

  30. Hi Sue
    Very festive! Must finish my Christmas cards, I began so well but other things have taken priority.

    Heather R Oxfordshire

  31. Gorgeous card, the perfect Christmas card.


  32. Gorgeous card, great way to use the stained glass dies x

  33. Hello Sue
    What a beautiful Christmas card, love it, such a good idea to chop up a card, I would never dare chop up your wonderful designs!
    Off to get some inspiration now and watch the Video!
    Love Marg

  34. Good morning Sue,
    A great alternative way of using the stain glass window die. Thank you for the tutorial.x

  35. Absolutely beautiful! Would never have guessed it was from the stained glass window die. Another versatile die - as they all are! Thank you .Sue for the inspiration & video.

  36. Hi Sue,

    Superb video tutorial!
    Adorable card, Poinsettias are the optimum Christmas for me, in deep red they look so lush!!

    Krafty Runner x

  37. Gorgeous card, love the colors and design :))
    Thanks for a great video!

  38. Good morning Sue,
    This is a traditional Christmas card to me & one I truly love. Poinsettias are my favourite flowers. Yvonne xx


  39. Good Morning Sue. What a beautiful stained glass card
    love it. Mavis L x

  40. Morning Sue, what a beautiful and very regal card today. Off to watch the video now.

    Pam, please try not to worry, I know it is hard but your health is more important than anything X X

    Love Rosemarie X X

  41. Good morning Sue, just watched the video!!! You do make it look so easy!!!
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  42. Hi Sue - this card is absolutely beautiful and one I would love to make as well as receive. Red poinsettias are the top of my list at Christmas. Love the elegance of this card. Sending best wishes

  43. Morning Sue, such a beautiful card. Definitely for someone special. Looking forward to watching the videos when I get back to the UK. Hugs xx

  44. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card, love the way you have used the stained glass window die.

  45. Morning Sue, what a great card, I always like Poinsettias on Christmas cards. Great Video.

  46. Morning Sue
    A beautiful card very festive and christmessy thanks for sharing .
    Catherine V94 xx

  47. This looks really interesting and appeals to me because I have this stained glass window die Off to make a cuppa and settle back to watch video

  48. This card really shows off the versatility of your dies, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  49. Good Morning Sue. So what a brilliant idea cutting the dies to a peekaboo stunning card. I love it and so very well done Sue. The stained glass dies are not my favourites (they are nice but not for me) but I think you may have just changed my mind a little here. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  50. Hi Sue
    Oh what a beauty , i will watch the video later thank you for the inspiration.

    I am so excited as john has bought me a Gemini with it comes 16 dies and 3 embossing folders it will be arriving by Wednesday , so with the money i was saving i am able to buy me a few dies , i would love the shadow box die and the stitched rectangle so i hope the shop has them in stock .

    Pam, try to chill out this weekend i know it is very hard not to stress when you have the added problems at work , but your manager is not worth making yourself ill for , sending you a nice big cuddle .
    Echoing Pam as i am off to the craft shop soon i will let you know what i purchase tomorrow .

    Big huggles to all especially my besties .
    Elaine H X

  51. Hi Sue, Such a beautiful card, love it. love Jean Z xxxx

  52. Hello Sue and all
    Love this real Christmas card, can’t wIt to try it on my stained glass die
    Muriel x

  53. Good morning Sue
    What a beautiful card!
    I would never have thought of using the Poinsettia from the stained glass die, but it is such a great idea! I am thinking now what I could do with the bird on my stained glass die!!
    Your videos are so helpful so thankyou for bringing them to us all. They must take a lot of time and preparation!
    Lesley S x


  54. What a lovely card, Sue, so festive!!

    As the others have said, Pam try not to
    Worry, easier said than done!!

    Doreen x

  55. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a gorgeous card today and so clever using the stained glass in this way

    Pam please try not to worry sending love and healing hugs to you and all that need them xx

    Have a good day all

  56. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Stunning christmas card sue x I would not have thought to use the poinsettias that way x looking forward to watching the video later when my chores are done x thankyou sue x
    Pam sending you a hug x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w xxx

  57. Gorgeous card, love the different things you can do with the stained glass. Hugs xx Mad craftgirl

  58. Morning Sue WOW. Gorgeous classic card and colours.great idea to cut out the poinsettias.
    Can't believe I can never have these ideas Sue. Thank you.
    VCCumbria xx

  59. Deb E Isle of Wight11 November 2017 at 10:18

    Classically elegant and very gorgeous - love it...Usually like characters on my card but this as a traditional one is beautiful. One to have a go at I think...


  60. Hi Sue

    Absolutely stunning card ooooh it would look so good at the centre of the



    Annx without an "e"

  61. Such a gorgeous card with a very big “WOW” factor
    Doreen R

  62. Hi Sue
    A very elegant, beautiful card. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  63. Hi Sue,
    Love the card. I made a few stained glass cards this year and I am
    still finding glitter everywhere.
    Thinking of you Pam.
    Evis M.

  64. Good morning Sue
    Beautiful card and fabulous video! You always come up with such innovative ideas thanks for all the inspiration you give us we all appreciate it.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  65. Stunning card sue love it the colours are beautiful
    Thank you love June Horrocks xxxxx

  66. Hi Sue, a gorgeous Christmas card. The poinsettias are gorgeous and so different using your stain glass technique with acetate and glitter. Thanks for your video.

  67. Hi Sue, Gorgeous card, very elegant. Great video too.
    Marion S x

  68. Hi Sue, a beautiful card and I love every single detail. I will watch the video later when I have a bit more time.

    Hope everyone has a lovely week-end.


  69. Absolutely stunning Sue, what a fabulous way to use the die, just cutting out the flowers.
    Annette x

  70. Beautiful Sue. Just love the poinsettia and the sentiment.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  71. Gorgeous - can't wait to watch how it's done :)

  72. Absolutely adore this idea you have used here....stunning card, love poinsettias, so right up my street, thank you Sue...luv Ursula xx

  73. Hi Sue,

    What a beautiful Christmas card, this is really what I call a very traditional, love it. Also it will be great for posting xx
    I will watch the video later,

    Hope you have a great weekend, hugs Brenda xxx

  74. Hi Sue this is a stunning Christmas card it is just so pretty and special. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  75. Hi Sue and everyone

    What a wonderful card. Love it. I would never have thought of cutting up the stained glass die, though I do have it. Loved the video. There is nothing about this card I do not love. I have had my eyes on that embossing folder for ages, but there is always something else to buy instead that it gets forgotten, I think I will have to seek this out properly!

    Pam, sorry to hear you are still so stressed. Easier said than done, but you’re right to try and forget about horrible bosses! ( I know because I had one, in the end I just resigned and although much happier I’m still a bit bitter). My blood pressure came down though!

    Love Helen xxx

  76. Beautiful! Thanks for the great video and inspiration.

  77. What a wonderful card Sue, love the stained glass poinsettia!! Great inspiration to us late getting going!!!!!

  78. Hello Sue,
    Today's card is stunning.
    Sorry this is brief but love to all
    Maureen (fried Myra's fiend) xxx

  79. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Sue a stunning card today, never thought of cutting up the poinsettia.
    Pam you are quite right that's what I say what ever will be will be so no use worrying.
    Love and huggles.
    Elaine What a lovely surprise John buying you a Gemini. I am so pleased for you, you deserve it love and huggles.
    Crewe Trish, Donita and Laine love and huggles.
    Laine I'm sure strictly will help you to feel better.
    Can't wait for strictly, think Ruth should be voted off. 👗👠👚🎩👜👝👡👒 Dah Dah Dah Dah Dah Dah Dah Dud Dud Dud Dud Dud!!!!! Love and huggles to you all.
    Helen I had the same was bullied for 4 years in the end I left but feel very bitter as nothing was done. Love and huggles to you xxxxxxxxx

  80. Hello Sue.

    Beautiful Card. Great dies, the Stained Glass dies are some of my favourites. I would not have thought of using them this way, they look lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  81. Hi Sue
    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful card and the how to video, would never have thought of cutting up the stained glass Die
    Pam hope you have a lovely weekend and can forget about work for a while
    Julie congratulations on your new grandson
    Elaine how lovely of John to buy the Gemini for you, hope you get the other dies you want

    Sending love and hugs to everyone

  82. Hi Sue,
    A very elegant Christmas card. I love poinsettias!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Véronique L

  83. Hi sue, lovely card, I watched the video and loved it,
    Thank you all for my good wishes for baby Jacob,
    crafty hugs to all, Julie laz xxx

  84. Great idea for using the stained glass dies. Lovely card
    Karen xx

  85. Hi Sue, very pretty, love these poinsettias
    Jess x

  86. Beautiful card. Love the stained glass effect. Snowy Owl 16

  87. To My Wonderful Dear Friend sue,
    Another Truly Magnificent Card Plus An Outstanding Video Tutorial, Where You’ve Shared
    Each/Every Step With Us These Are Extremely Beautiful Cutting Dies.
    (It’s Quite strange As Yesterday I Was Using The Poinsettia Cutting Die/With Paper Piercing
    I’m Thrilled With The Results, (Thanks To You Sharing All Your Knowledge With Us)
    Next Thing I’m Going To Try Is With The Silk Glitters (Which I Purchased To Go With My Robin Stained Glass)
    Products Used In Today’s Remarkable Card:-
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Black/Red/Gold Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Wild Poinsettia Embossing Folder Designed By Sue Wilson”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Red/Green Fine Silk Glitters”
    Star’s In Today’s Luxurious Card:-
    “Sue Wilson’s Double Pierced Oval Die Set”
    (From The Noble Collection 9 Cutting Dies In .A. Set, 9 Cutting Dies In .B. Set)
    “Sue Wilson’s Holly Swirl Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 1 Cutting Die)
    “Sue Wilson’s Poinsettia Stained Glass Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 1 Cutting Die)
    “Sue Wilson’s Merry Little Christmas Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 1 Cutting Die)
    Sue, You Began By Creating Today’s Phenomenal Masterpiece By Taking A Piece Of White Card Then You Cut
    Out The Centre Using A Double Stitched Pierced Nobel Oval Cutting Die, This Created An Aperture Within The Centre
    Of Your Tremendous Card, You Mentioned That We Must Always Do Our Cutting Before We Emboss, You Placed
    Your Aperture Card Inside The Exceptional Wild Poinsettia Embossing Folder.
    Then You Applied Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Acrylic Glue Around The Edges Of Your Card Then You
    Added The Extremely Beautiful Iced Snow.
    Sue, Then You Cut Out Your Poinsettia Cutting Die In Black Card, Then You Added Acetate To The Back
    Then You Turned It Over You Added Your Dries Clear Acrylic Glue To Each Section Starting With The Darkest
    Colour First (As You’ve Shown In Previous Video Tutorial) You Added Your Red/Green Fine Silk Glitter
    Once Dry As They Were On Acetate They Were So Easy To Cut Out.
    Sue, You Then Added Mounting Foam To The Back Plus All Around Your Aperture Once You Removed The
    Tape You Started To Add Your Cut Out Poinsettias, Adding Glue To Secure Them If Need Be.
    Then You Placed This Over A Piece Of White Vellum, (To Soften) Also Adding A Thin White Stitched Oval Frame
    To Your Oval Aperture, You Added Your Large Luxurious Poinsettia To The Bottom Of Your Card Also Adding In The
    Stupendous Gold Holly Swirls, Then Adding The Truly Superb Sentiment “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”
    Which You Cut in Gold/Black For Shadow.
    Then Placing Onto Your White Famous/Signature/Piercing Plus Red/BlackWhite Mat/Layer
    Sue, Thank You For Yet Again Another Luxurious Card/For The Extremely Informative Video Tutorial
    I Love Your Video Tutorials I Watch Them Time/Time Again
    Sue, My Wonderful Dear Friend Take Great Care
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx
    Thank You To My Wonderful Friends For The Extremely Kind Comments Re:- My Comments
    It Means A Great Deal To Me...................

  88. Lovely, and I actually have all the items needed to make this.

  89. Beautiful card, it's quite regal, the poinsettias are simply stunning.

  90. Hi Sue,
    Stunning card.
    Best wishes

  91. Beautiful card, I love poimsettias!

  92. Hi Sue
    A lovely card today. Your stained glass poinsettias are lovely. Especially like the Your Merry little Christmas.

  93. Hi Sue, This card is really pretty.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  94. Hi Sue. What a very good idea and the result is stunning. Sometimes it is good to re-visit some of the older techniques - I used this when I very first started paper crafting by stamping onto acetate and gluing glitter onto the reverse.


  95. Hi Sue
    What a gorgeous card today and a great video to help us. This is such a beautiful poinsettia die isn't it. Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Pam sending you a big hug. Do relax over the weekend and try to forget about work if you can. Xxx

  96. Nanny Joo Joo from sunny Scunny11 November 2017 at 19:35

    Hello Sue,

    I simply LOVE this!

    Love, Nanny JooJoo from sunny Scunny xx

  97. Hello Sue,
    What a stunning card and an informative video to go with it. Love your acetate backed poinsettias they look so effective and how clever to be able to use the stained glass die to cut them from. I couldn't work out how you had glued the acetate to the flower though without any glue showing through. Maybe the dries clear just doesn't show. Your holly swirl looks amazing and such a useful accent being able to snip it and use all the bits.

    Pam it's not surprising you got weepy at your meeting and that your BP went up with it all. Your manager should be thoroughly ashamed of herself. Bet your daughter is spitting feathers.
    Elaine you lucky lady, mind you, you really deserve something nice for a change. Have fun with it, hope the shop had the dies you wanted.
    Sam, love your new name, Wikipedia, you are a font of knowledge. I could see you on mastermind - specialist subject - Sue Wilson's dies!!
    Rosemary it's nice to see you back, you sound much more cheerful lately, hope that means you are feeling better.
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  98. Hello Sue
    This card is truly beautiful I love it thank you and thank you Sam I didn't pick up that you cut first then emboss.
    Pam I hope you are managing to have a relaxing weekend and forgetting work we are all routing for you.Rosemary so glad you are feeling better and back with us we have missed you.Elaine how lovely of John to surprise you.Is your craft shop anywhere near me I have never found anywhere that sells creative expressions.

  99. I do like the way in which you have used this stained glass die illustrating an alternative use. Love the card.

    It reminds me that I need to start my Christmas cards but this is taking second place to decorating MDF baubles to go on to a Christmas tree our Breast Cancer support group displays in a local church each year ..... it doesn't help that the new tree is twice the size of our prrvious one so I have a lot to do. aaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!!!!


  100. Hi Sue lovely card what an ingenious way to use the poinsettia stained glass die!
    Pam I'm not surprised you felt weepy at the meeting you've had more than enough of that heartless manager Hope you can relax over the weekend
    Delainecwhat a lovely gift well deserved for you enjoy playing with it
    Rosemary good to have you back with us
    Saba love your idea of Sam on mastermind surely she would win With her expert knowledge of Sues dies!
    Hope you're all enjoying he weekend

  101. lovely idea. very festive card, hugs xx


  102. Hi Sue,
    Stunning, stunning, love it and also the poinsettia stained glass die, it really is beautiful.
    Di B.x

  103. Hi Sue
    Stunning card Sue I love how you cut the poinsettia up only you could think of that brilliant.
    I haven't watched video yet will watch tomorrow
    Love Lynda Brock xx

  104. Oh my, such gorgeousness!!! Very stylish!

  105. Lovely card Sue. Will try and watch the video tomorrow. Tried today but it kept stopping . Probably my internet. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Hope you are feeling a bit better now Pam. Echoing your comments. Elaine. I am so pleased to hear about your Gemini. Enjoy. Hope you manage to get the dies you want. Glad you enjoyed your few days away Myra and had a lovely birthday. You deserved it. Hugs to all who need them.

  106. Really lovely card with the poinsettias.

  107. Hi Sue,
    Very late tonight but couldn't go to bed without a comment,this is a gorgeous card and one I would like to try,
    so thank you for a brilliant video and the inspiration to try.
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  108. Beautiful card! I love the look of the sentiment and the glossy Poinsettias.

  109. What a wonder and unique card. I would have never thought of using the poinsettia die in this manner. Thank you for your great videos. You always make projects look "doable".
    Pam, I hope you have a relaxing, happy weekend.
    Elaine, you had quite a wonderful surprise. Yes, now there is mad money for more dies to use in your new toy.
    We had a lunch with a yummy dessert made by my younger sister (Pecan Pie Cheesecake Squares) for my Mom's birthday. Nice to see everyone together. We had made her special cards yesterday.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Stephanie K

  110. Beautiful card. Thanks for the video. You make this card look so achievable. Love the poinsettias and the Holly Swirl.

    Pam, hope the weekend has a calming effect on your BP. and that all goes well with the decision next week.
    Sam, love the new title you have been given.
    Julie, congratulations on the birth of your new grandson.
    Elaine, so lovely to hear that John has surprised you with a Gemini.
    Take care everyone.

  111. Hi Sue,
    Absolutely gorgeous card and brilliant video as always.Love it.

    Very late today,it is past midnight here. Sorry ladies, for my very short post but I didn't have time to read all comments. I will try to catch up tomorrow even it is a busy day as well.

    Hugs to you all,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  112. Hello Sue and all
    Can’t wait to try this, beautiful card
    Muriel x

  113. Hello Sue
    love the stained glass dies just fantastic. x

  114. fantastic card Sue ,love the poincettias ,Laura O Springfield

  115. WOW Sue this is a stunning card, i love poisettias on a christmas card.

  116. A very pretty card Sue. Been busy but will now sit down & watch the video

  117. Wonderful card!
    Have a great day

  118. What a great card Sue I love the poinsettias xx

  119. Hi sue.
    Oh such a georgeous card love how uve done it c

  120. Hi SUE
    Sorry will catch up when ever I can as my life been turned upside down again atm
    Gorgeous card
    JOY Xx
