
Friday 17 November 2017

Christmas Double Day

Hi crafters!  It's time for another double day!  First up is a stained glass card.  I cut the Poinsettia Stained Glass in gold mirror card.  I attached it to a piece of coconut white card that had a sticky adhesive sheet added on to it.  I paper pieced the design by cutting the die out of the various colours used; gold pearl, brunswick green and white gloss.  I pieced all of those into place leaving only the red areas to do.  For those, I coated a piece of ruby red card with red Glitter Kiss and allowed it to dry.  I cut the die and used the sparkly red for the poinsettia and some of the outer edge pieces.  I added a thin white frame over the top of the gold mirror card edge as an accent.  The card was completed with white, red and gold mirror card mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 5 1/2" x  6 1/2"in size.  Scroll down for card number two.

Card number two features the Three Wise Men die.  I started by creating a Pixie Powder background for it.  I used Midnight Blue, Purple Violet and White Pearl.  I allowed it to dry naturally then used the background portion of the Three Wise Men die and cut it into the pixied background.  I backed it with black card, then cut a frame using the Twinkle Star Frames die for it.  I cut the frame in white and silver mirror card and off set them slightly and glued them together.  I added a white backing to the frame as well.  Due to the thickness, I had to cut the centre out of the backing first and then align it and I hand trimmed the outside edge so it didn't show.  I added mounting foam then added it atop the pixied background.  I cut the large star in silver mirror card and glued it in the upper corner.  For the focal element, I cut the wise men die in both silver mirror card and black card at the same time.  It cuts through the top (the silver mirror card) and just through the edge on the design on the black card, giving me a backing.  I glued the pieces together then mounted it inside the frame.  The card was completed with white and black mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 6 3/4" x  8 3/4" in size. 

Don't forget to check back later this afternoon as I will finally be posting the winners of the Autumn die release from the blog launch!!  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Love two-fer Fridays, both gorgeous . Both favourites today for me. Good luck to all in the draw, fingers crossed everyone.
    Elaine glad you got the card size sorted, you sound as if you are having futon card making again. Hooe Andrew is feeling stronger.
    Carmen, I too think your English is as good as mine, no hint of an accent in your post lol.
    Laine, thanks for the update on Yvonne, pass on my best wishes please. Tell her I miss her. Glad Darcey seems to be better.
    Root canal work is nowhere near as bad these days, you will be fine. You won't stop worrying till it's over though and then you will agree.
    Git told at Work two days ago my manager is moving to another work area, no longer a line manager, let's see what the next one is like but great news that the team is staying together.
    June you are a tease, something mauve, think it must be craft to get you so excited, okay I give up, only thing I could think was a Frand Calibur but I'm sure you have an electric one so that can't be right. Saw the baby Gemini last night but thought it quite pricey.
    Sam, are you okay or is it the dreaded internet again.
    Frosty again here this morning, wrap up well and take care.
    Hugs to all, best wishes to poorly and missing friends. Special hugs for Yvonne, Tracet and Laine.

  2. Wow Sue two stunners today, now as much as I love number one I have to say number two is my favourite today. Thanks for sharing and have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Good morning Sue. Two stunning cards, each special in their own way. You know that I'm a huge fan of your stained glass dies, and I admire your patience in creating this card. I think, surprisingly, the second one is my favourite today, I just love the pixied background! Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  4. Good Morning Sue
    I love both of these cards today. They are both simply gorgeous.
    Jan x

  5. Morning Sue. Two really absolutely gorgeous samples again. The vibrancy of your stained glass pointsettia is just amazing, it would certainly take pride of place amongst the cards we receive and would have to be framed on the 12th day.
    Your second sample is Christmas shown in all its perfection the SW way. Beautiful inspiration, thank you xxx

  6. GM Sue. Love the first card. Sooo festive. And the blue background on the second card is great.

  7. Nanny Joo Joo from sunny Scunny17 November 2017 at 06:30

    Morning Sue,

    I love your stained glass window designs. I think, being a flowery person, the poinsettia one does it for me. It’s also the colours with the soft and shiny golds too. Beautiful!

    Nanny JooJoo from sunny Scunny xx

  8. Good Morning Sue. Two lovely cards here this morning and I can't choose a favourite they. Are both stunning. Short post this morn. Have to go to hospital in Manchester with my brother this morning to see if he is fit enough for double pancreas and kidney transplant. He lives on his own so.... someone has to go with him. Fingers crossed. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  9. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, 2 beautiful creations today, love double days don't you?. I absolutely love paper piercing and the stained glass dies are some of my favourite, but the 3 kings is also such a lovely die especially with the background you have cut. I am not going to choose because they are both equal in their own right. Good luck to everyone in the draw.

    Pam I reiterate all you have said above, you always know what to say. Oh good news about work, I am sure that your current Manager and more senior Management will have learnt from this experience - I am sure your new line manager will be aware of what has gone on and that he/she will be suitable for the role. Yes good news that the team are still together.

    OK I will confess, I have purchased (with contribution from hubby) the purple (or you could also call it mauve) junior Gemini, I managed to get it at a very good price for various reasons and it arrived on Wednesday, it is small enough for me to take to my craft groups if I wanted, weighs 4kg so will fit into my trolley nicely, and I can use the junior plates to go into my normal Gemini - so good all round. These machines are not cheap but like many new things the price will be discounted at loads of different outlets as they all want your business, I saw last nights show oh 'H' and thought it was very pricey. What I will say is that the Gemini is my choice of machine - no I am not trying to sales pitch here please don't think that - I just wanted to give you my opinion.

    Managed to finish another 12 batch cards this morning, been up since 4:00am as could not sleep, don't know why. So now onto the next set of cards, talk about glitter grotto in my craft room.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  10. Hello Sue,

    Two beautiful cards today, each very different but stunning. I guess you could say the Stain Glass design is more modern white the other is more traditional, regardless, they are both works of art.

    Have a wonderful day.


  11. Two fantastic cards but the poinsettia card is calling out to me it's wonderful xx

  12. Two wonderful Christmas card! Debra x

  13. Hello Sue and all
    Thank you Sue for the inspiration- I am just starting Christmas cards and wanted something just like this for the poinsettia stained glass. I found some beautiful velvet card in red in my stash and think this will work too.
    Thought I would catch your comment June but will have to come back later, you are a tease.
    The second card is beautiful too, love twofer Fridays- double inspiration day.
    Hugs, specially to those who need an extra
    Muriel x

  14. Morning Sue.
    Two very beautiful cards Thank you.
    Good luck to all Wilsonettes this afternoon.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  15. Morning Sue and everyone.
    Two great cards again today sue. I really must make a start on my Christmas cards.
    Enjoy your day everyone. Xxx

  16. Two stunning cards. Love the poinsettia stained glass die. Love how the colours pop. Think this is my favourite today
    Karen xx

  17. Morning Sue two stunning cards today thank you
    Kay V94 xx

  18. Good morning Sue, two fabulous Christmas cards. Both very different but I think I love the stained glass just a little bit more LOL - I love all of your stained glass dies.
    Marion S x

  19. Good Morning Sue and and all. Two WOW cards this morning , they are both stunning. Its to difficult to pick which one I like the best. I love the paper piecing on the first card , with the hint of the glitter kiss makes the card stunning.
    I also love the second card , twinkle frame is one of the favourite dies and the pixie powder back ground is stunning. I do love the double Fridays.
    Crafty hugs and well wishes to all... Wendy

  20. Two stunning Christmas cards today-both gorgeous.


  21. Morning Sue. WOW Two gorgeous card's again for your Double Day Friday. I sometime's wonder do you make any bad card's like most of us do LOL. The first is very vibrant and classic with the 2nd one been more subdued in it's colour way but still showing the meaning of Christmas with the Three Wise Men. I can't pick a favourite as I would be so grateful to receive either one. Good Luck to everyone for the draw. I have all the show's ready to record Lisa demoing your new die's. Wishing Lisa G ood Luck and hope she has a great time as I think the Industrial Chic die's will be right up her street.
    Best Wishes
    Denise T x

  22. Two great cards today. I love them both. Good luck in this class afternoon’s draw everyone..
    Hope everyone has the best day possible.
    Crafty hugs,
    D xx

  23. Good morning Sue, love the twofers equally!!!
    Good luck everyone!!!
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  24. Stained glass all the way for me. x

  25. Both cards are gorgeous but the first is my favourite.

  26. Both cards are lovely but the stained glass one is my favourite.

  27. Good morning Sue,
    What a lovely treat to wake up too, a fantastic double day!
    Both cards are stunning, love the opulent colours in the stain glass card and the beautiful Pixie Powder background in the second card. Impossible to pick a favourite.
    Thank you for the continuing, wonderful inspiration. X

  28. Hi Sue,
    Two fantastic cards for us to savour this morning. They are both stunning. I love the vibrancy of the poinsettia one but the wise men one very special. To me it signifies traditional Christmas. The pixie powder background is gorgeous. I really would not like to choose between the cards but do know that either would be treasured by the recipients. I would. Think they might end up in frames. Thank you.
    Pam at least your line manager( or ex) is out of your hair now, lets hope the new one is more sympathetic! Xx
    June thought it would be the new Gemini but mauve put me off the scent! I'm debating whether to get it myself but would go for the white. Love my big Gemini and am just trying to debate if I actually need the junior or not!!
    Good luck to everyone this afternoon.
    Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx

  29. Hi Sue
    Two gorgeous cards, both very different. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  30. Hi Sue
    Two gorgeous cards, very different but equally stunning.
    B xx

  31. Hi Sue, two beUtiful cards today. I love them both for different reasons, but I think the second is my favourite, by a fraction.

    Barbara V

  32. Morning Sue, two really great cards today, very hard to choose, so I won't. Will be back this afternoon for the draw results. Good luck everyone.

    Pam, great news about your manager going. Wonder if it was connected with the wY she handled your case. I am sure the next will be more understanding.

    I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend.

    Love Rosemarie X X

  33. Hello Sue, I love how you do your stained glass effect. Both cards are stunning, traditional and beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration. Carol x

  34. Two beautiful cards Sue. I love the wise men die. I've used it to make some batch cards and it was very effective.

  35. Good Morning Sue
    Frost is thick this morning. lovely with the Chimneypots smoking. and the Sun rising makes a real winter scene!
    I love both of these cards but the Three Kings is more of the traditional Christmas theme.
    Fingers crossed for the DRAW!
    Love Marg


  36. Morning Sue,

    Well you’ve done it again. Two very gorgeous cards. Love them both, it would be hard to choose my favourite. So I won’t.

    Happy Friday and week end to you and yours. X

  37. Two gorgeous cards, love the second one with the pixie powders background x

  38. Good morning Sue,
    Two beautiful cards today with very different looks. I love your poinsettias but I also love the background to the wise men card. Good luck to everyone for the draw. Yvonne xx

  39. Super cards and I have all three of these die sets! I treat myself to a couple of new Christmas dies each year and these are the inescI chose So great minds think alike!
    Will be back later to see if I have been lucky enough to win one of your gorgeous die sets
    Good luck everyone

  40. That's supposed to read "ones I chose"!

  41. Morning Sue,

    WOW! 2 more Christmas stunners to whet our inspiration.
    My batch cards are so clean & simple this year. Panto costumes keep getting in the way.

    One last push to day to get everything now curt out and parcelled off to the sewing team. Then I sit back and relax this weekend catching up with other crafts.

    Good news for a change for you Pam. Hope your new line manager will be more productive.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  42. Hi Sue
    I'm prepared today, brain had already registered it was Friday before I opened the blog! What a double delight we have, you are spoiling us. I think the poinsettia is my favourite, especially with the glitter flowers but the background for the kings and the pretty frames need a mention too. Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Pam what good news for you all, now was she moved or did she ask to move?! Xxx
    June what a lovely treat for you, yes more portable for the craft clubs you go to. Xxx
    Ann hope all goes well for your brother xxx
    Tracey sending hugs xxx

  43. Morning Sue,
    Two beautiful cards, love them both.

  44. Good morning Sue,
    Two gorgeous cards this morning,really can't choose between them,both so different,
    Good news for you Pam,hope all goes well now.
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  45. Hi Sue - wow what absolutely stunning cards. I just adore red poinsettias and the stained glass is so realistic and the second card really is a masterpiece. Thank you for bringing us such wonderful examples. Sending best wishes

  46. Morning Sue, Two totally different Christmas cards, but each are beautiful in their own right.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  47. Two lovely cards this morning, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  48. Oh my i just can not choose a favorite today Sue , i would love them both to be sitting on my shelf the poinsettia are just beautiful and the wise men look so regal and grand against the beautiful color background .

    Ann i hope all goes well for your brother i will say a prayer for him and keep my fingers crossed xx

    June so happy for you to have the junior gemini it will be so useful for you at your craft group .

    Jess and Francis thanks again , i made 20 cards yesterday i am now waiting for the arrival of the right size inserts ,then they will be ready for posting ,yippee .

    Saba hope you post on the right day it is Friday today , haha you did make me chuckle xx

    Pam i am sure you and the team will all feel more comfortable now , i think perhaps all your management force have learned a very hard lesson , lets just hope your manager has too .
    Yes i am enjoying my new toy the best thing i have ever had Pam and it is helping to keep my mind busy and not dwelling on Andrews illness so much.
    Andrew can't have treatment again this week ,he saw a different consultant yesterday who has given him a date for another scan in December .

    Good luck to all in Sues draw this afternoon.

    Big huggles to all
    Elaine H X

  49. Hi Sue,

    Two fantastic cards today, love them both but maybe the beautiful bold poinsettias just a little bit more...

    Pam - at least they had the good sense to move the manager and not a valued member of the team!...


  50. Morning Sue, two beautiful cards today so different but both shouting Christmas, I really can't decide which is my favourite as I would love to receive either of them. I love Poinsettias and use quite a lot at Christmas, but I love the Three Wise Men as they are part of the message of Christmas.

  51. Wow, two beautiful cards today, both striking in there own right. Can't choose which one I like best. Hugs xx Mad Craftgirl

  52. Hi Sue,

    A delectable duo!
    Superb stained glass poinsettias, what a glorious rich red you've used to showcase them, it makes a wonderful Christmas card.
    And then what a contrast, with its dark night background to light up the heralding of the Three Wise Men, it really evokes the Christmas message.
    Both very different, but both absolutely delightful.

    Krafty Runner x

  53. Morning Sue, both beautiful cards today but I intended to make the first one for my husband's Christmas card as I have the poinsettia die, so thank you so much for posting that one today. Must buy some gLitter kiss though.
    On our news this morning they said that using glitter is going to be banned in schools. So maybe Glitter kiss is the way forward. Hugs xx Pauline in RSA

  54. Hello Sue
    Two beautiful cards this morning and it is very difficult to choose a favourite.
    The stained glass card in such a gorgeous colour scheme is wonderful.
    I have the Three Kings die and love how you have used it here with the Pixie Powdered background. I am yet to start my Christmas Cards and am looking forward to using this die and my Pixie Powders!
    Good Luck to all for the Draw today and thanks again to Sue for your generosity.
    Lesley S x

  55. Wonderful cards today!
    I have both these die set, an I love using them :))

  56. Two beautiful cards. Just love using Pixie powders for backgrounds xx

  57. Morning Sue, two gorgeous cards, I think the poinsettia one is my favourite.
    June, I didn’t know they did a small Gemini, good for you getting one to take to craft class.
    Take care everyone, fingers crossed for the draw this afternoon.
    Jess xxx

  58. Two lovely cards. My favourite is the poinsettia but I would happily make the three kings one for those friends of mine who are religious and for whom such a card would be more meaningful.


  59. As I opened today’s blog, I uttered out loud “WOW”. The poinsettia stained glass is stunning with a real pop of red. Then scrolling down to the second card, I see a totally different but nonetheless beautiful card. Both absolutely gorgeous!
    Doreen R

  60. Hi Sue, do not have a favourite today as both cards are stunning in their own right, love them both
    VCCumbria xx

  61. Hi Sue
    Two beautiful cards Like Tessa, I think my favourite is the poinsettia
    Margaret x

  62. Good morning Sue both of these cards are stunning I love them both. I do enjoy Christmas double days and all the inspiration you give us. Have a great weekend. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  63. Hi Sue,
    I love both these cards. I have all the dies but have finished
    my Christmas cards, but there is always room for a few more.
    Glad that things are looking up Pam.
    Evis M.

  64. I love card two, the true meaning of Christmas. Not keen on card one, but then I really dislike poinsettias! xxx

  65. Hi Sue
    Two beautiful cards but your beautiful pixie background card just does it for me.
    I admire your patience doing the paper piecing on the lovely poinsettia card too.


  66. Hi Sue

    Two Stunning Christmas cards both are so lovely.


    Annx without an "e"

  67. Two beautiful cards sue I couldn’t choose but then I never can all I know is they are so perfect I would be over the moon if someone made Ione for me
    Love always June Horrocks xxxxxx

  68. Hi Sue,
    Two wowsers in one day! I'm spoilt for choice, cannot pick a favourite because I love them both equally. They are so different, but colours in both of them are beautiful.
    Just gorgeous.
    Hugs, Rose

  69. Dear Sue and Happy Crafters,

    My vote goes to the Three Wise Men. Wish I had that die. Wish my Pixie work would come out that rich.

    So totally wiped from a demanding week.

    Carmen, I hope you're okay.


  70. Fabulous cards! My favourite is the poinsettia one.

  71. Two stunning cards today sue. Not going to pick a favourite both are fabulous. Laura O Springfield

  72. Lorraine (Island girl)17 November 2017 at 11:14

    Just beautiful

  73. Hi Sue
    Two very beautiful cards today!! I love them both....but the poinsettias have the edge for me!

  74. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Sue wow wow wow. 2 beautiful cards today
    I have the poinsettia die but will have to look up how to do paper piecing. The first one is my favourite. But love the pixie powder background on the second one.
    Tracey, my thoughts are with you. Love and huggles
    Anne hope all goes well with your brother. Love and huggles Thinking of you.
    June have fun playing with your new Gemini.
    Pam so glad things have improved for you. Love and huggles
    Elaine how are you getting with your new Gemini. Love and huggles.
    Donita, you deserve a lay in you work so hard 😴💤. Love and huggles.
    Laine when do you go to the dentist? Love and huggles.
    Crewe Trish. I am rubbish at maki g boxes but will persevere.love and huggles.
    Theresa G where are you ? Promised to write a post today looking g forward to it love and huggles. And to you all xxxxxxxxx
    P.S Can anyone help me with matting and layering? the size to use for each o e mine always come out wonky. Xx

  75. Love them both. Gorgeous colours. Snowy Owl 16

  76. Hi Sue
    thank yu for two lovely cards. My favourite is the poinsettia card
    Pat x

  77. Hi Sue, two gorgeous Christmas cards. I love both the poinsettia stain glass window and the three wise men so both my favourites.

  78. Deb E Isle of Wight17 November 2017 at 12:15

    Both absolutely stunning hard to choose between the two and I don't think I can...

  79. Good afternoon Sue

    I have to say these two cards are absolutely stunning and I cannot choose one over the other.

    Crafty Hugs
    Heqther xx

  80. Hi Sue and everyone

    Definitely being spoilt today with two great cards. Love them both, but I think the first one just pips it for me. Both are so lovely though.

    Pam, great to hear your news. Hope things improve for you now. X

    Love Helen xxx

  81. Two absolutely stunning cards, love them both :)

    Rosemary - I like the Perfect Layers tools for matting and layering, if you watch this video it will show how they work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH4ylrue9e8

    I believe they do a 'mini' version also but I have the full sized ones and they're great.

  82. Hi Sue.
    Two beautiful cards. I love them both.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Véronique L

  83. Two stunning cards, I wouldn't want to
    choose between them!
    Rosemary xx

  84. Both these are stunning! I simply adore the background on the second one - wonderful! xxx

  85. Hi Sue
    Two stunning cards! I haven't got a favourite I life both equally!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  86. Or even love both equally lol! xx

  87. Two lovely cards today, I think the poinsettias are my favourite but there is only a whisker between them.

  88. Hi Sue
    Two stunning cards and couldn't choose between them, love the glitter kissed poinsettias and the pixie powdered background to the three wise men. About half way through my Christmas cards now
    June didn't know about the mini Gemini, great that you can take it with you to your craft group
    Pam good news

    Sending love and hugs to everyone with an extra one for Tracy

  89. Hello Sue.

    Two lovely Cards. Great dies and lovely colouring on the first. Great dies and lovely background on the second. I think it would be very hard to choose between them. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  90. gorgeous cards, designs and backgrounds Sue
    Gr Karin

  91. Hi Sue, whilst anything with poinsettias gets my vote the background you have created for the wisemen is spectacular. Two beautiful cards, love from Jackie xx

  92. I can’t choose, really. I have the poinsettia die so I always perk up when cards using it are offered. On the other hand, Pixie backgrounds are my weakness and I love the twinkle die frame . Both are beautiful, wonderful cards.
    Good luck to all. I am going to Savannah for a day of fun and visit to Dick Blick. I will cross my fingers while we walk about.
    Stephanie K

  93. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Two stunning cards sue x The poinsettias are so vibrant and such a beautiful card x I love the 3 wise men die and your card is beautiful , the rich background is perfect and really makes the die pop. Thankyou once again sue for your daily inspiration x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w xxx

  94. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Well It Happened Once Again Yesterday “WiFi” Went Down Extremely Annoying
    Fridays One Of The Best Days Of The Week, “Double Card Days” At Present “Double Christmas Cards”
    Which I Love It’s Great So Many Tips/Techniques I Love Both Of The Exceptional Cards Today
    Products Used In Card Number One:-
    (Paper Piercing I’ve Been Doing This Recently With This Beautiful Die, Also The Beautiful Robin Card)
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Gold Mirror/Red/Green Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Sticky Adhesive Sheet”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Red Glitter Kiss”
    Star’s In Today’s Card:-
    “Sue Wilson’s Poinsettia Stained Glass Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 1 Cutting Die 2017)
    You Started By Cutting The Poinsettia Stained Die, Out Of Gold Mirror Card Then You Attached This
    To A Piece Of Coconut White Card That You’d Attached A Sticky Adhesive Sheet To.
    Then You Started Paper Piercing The Design By Cutting The Die Out Of The Various Colours
    Used Gold Mirror Card/Brunswick Green/White Gloss, You Pierced All Of Them Into Place Leaving Only The
    Red Areas To Do, For This You Coated Your Red Card With Red Glitter Kiss Allowing This To Dry Naturally
    Sue, Then You Cut The Poinsettia Die Out Of The Glitter Kiss Placing The Pieces Within Your Project
    You Added A Thin White Frame Then Your White Famous/Signature/Piercing Plus A Coconut White/Red/White
    Mat...... WOW We Have A Phenomenal Exceptional Christmas Card.................
    Sue’s Second Card:-
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Silver/Black Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Self Adhesive Flat Backed White Pearls”
    “Creative Expression Pixie Powders (Exceptional) In Midnight Blue/Purple Violet/White Pearl (Tremendous Products)
    Star’s In Today’s Card:-
    “Sue Wilson’s Three Wise Men Die Set” (From The Festive Collection 3 Cutting Dies 2017)
    “Sue Wilson’s Twinkle Star Frame” (From The Festive Collection 4 Cutting Dies 2017)
    Sue My Friend, You Started By Creating A Stupendous Background Using The Awesome Pixie Powders
    You Allowed It To Dry Naturally, Then You Cut Out The Background Portion Of The Three Wise Men You Backed It With
    Black Card, You Then Cut Out A Frame Using The Twinkle Star Frame In White/Silver Mirror Card Then You
    Off Set Them Slightly Gluing Them Together, You Added A White Backing To The Frame As Well Due To The
    Thickness, You Had To Cut The Centre Of Backing First Then Aligned Them,
    You Trimmed The Outside Edge So It Didn’t Show You Then Added Mounting Foam Then Placed
    This Atop Of The Magnificent Pixie Powdered Background.
    You Cut The Large Star In Silver Mirror Card Then Glued It In The Upper Left Corner Of The Card
    For The Focal Element You Cut Out The Three Wise Men Die, In Both Black/Silver Both At The Same Time
    It Cuts Through The Top (Silver Mirror Card) Then Just Through The Edge Of The Design On The Black Card Giving
    You A Backing, You Glued The Pieces Together Then Mounted It Inside The Frame, You Completed The Card
    With A White Famous/Signature/Piercing Plus White/Black Mat/Layers, Adding Pearls To The Frame Of
    The Twinkle Frame, Magical Card Sue.........
    Thank You For Sharing These Luxurious Cards
    Sue, My Wonderful Dear Friend Take Great Care
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx

  95. Beautiful cards today. You are more patient than I with paper piecing! I seem to lose many of those tiny pieces and I don't know where they "fly off" to, but they are never in sight when I search for them. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  96. Two beautiful cards Sue. Both so lovely but just adore the second one.
    Love Val in Spainxxx

  97. Two beautiful cards Sue. Sorry but I cannot choose a favourite. Thank you for sharing these lovely cards. Good news Pam. Echoing your comments today. I was right then June. I said in my comments yesterday what I thought it was probably the Mauve Gemini Junior. Enjoy when you take it to craft groups. I am sure you will be very popular. My you have been busy Elaine. You must be enjoying the Gemini. Sorry Andrew is not feeling so good.

  98. two awesome cards! the first one in the traditional colors, great one, but the one with the Kings is amazing!

  99. 2 stunning cards Sue, but no.1 is my winner

  100. 2 more really gorgeous Christmas cards

  101. Hi Sue. Love both of the cards, but I think the three wise men one is my favourite. I was so pleased when you did this die as for me, this is one of the more classic Christmas images.


  102. Hi Sue,

    Love double Christmas days and these two cards are really beautiful. I cannot choose a favourite, both bring Christmas in different colors and symbols. Thank you Sue for the great inspiration.

    Pam – So pleased to read the good news.
    Elaine – Send a big hug to Andrew and you.
    June – Enjoy your junior Gemini.
    Marie – Welcome back. Wishing your new home becomes a place of many lovely and happy moments.
    Laine & Donita – I am OK, thanks for asking. I didn’t have time to post a longer comment but I wanted to make sure Sue knows that she is still my favourite. Busy and long day yesterday. That’s all.
    Saba, Pam, Laine, Myra – You are too kind. I know that I will never be able to write or speak English like you, ladies. I read all comments not only to find out people’s opinion about Sue’s cards but help me to improve my English. I read expressions that I never heard around here, in my day to day life. I can tell you that Romanian immigrants that live in UK speak a much better English than who is living in Canada. Anyway, I won’t mind at all if somebody will correct me when sees mistakes. You made me laugh, Pam … you should hear me speaking … I believe that I have a strong accent, like most of Eastern European people. At least I still speak my own language without any accent :)

    I received my Frosty Frame die set yesterday!!! It is the most beautiful, elegant and delicate snowflake frame ever. I have my own Sue collection of dies and love all her products, but this one is absolutely gorgeous. When you see it on its own on the net you get an idea how lovely is, when you see Sue’s cards she made with this frame you see how beautiful is but when you have the cut frame in your hands only then you see how amazing design Sue created. I know Sue doesn’t need more advertising but I had to share my happy experience with you all. Thank you, Sue.

    Hugs to you all,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  103. Hi Sue, I just love both of these cards and could not possibly choose between them, they are gorgeous. I know the patience required for paper piecing and love the way the glossy white card looks against the red glitter kissed card. I don't have any pixies but will try the Three Wise Men card with a different background, thanks for the inspiration.

    Pam - great news, maybe now your BP will have a chance to come down permanently.
    Marie - now in Longridge! - I wish you all the best in your new home and hope you soon settle down to some happy crafting.
    Elaine - glad to have been able to help.


  104. Wow!! Amazing both! Love the gold lines for the glass effect in the first card and the magical look of the second card!

  105. Hello Sue,
    Two stunning cards! I love both of them and have the Dies for both but I do love the Three Wise Men Card because they are part of the story without which we would have no Christmas! Thanks so much for the tip about “ cutting “ two at once! That’s what I had been doing! Really appreciate that tip!
    Carmen - one of my best friends is Romanian! She is called Elizabeth , I used to be able to spell her name the Romanian/ Hungarian way but I’ve now forgotten. She married a friend of ours and we had an Engagement Party for them in our home! That was 22 years ago! Her English is great with a hint of Lancashire accent! She , too , asked to be corrected if her English was incorrect. She comes from Cluj Napoca! Hope my spelling is correct. It’s lovely to meet people from all over the world!
    Sam - pleased you just had an Internet problem. Missed you.
    Crafty Jo - I can’t get Perfect Layers to work for me!! I need instruction! I just usually use Sue’s marvellous squares etc! Fancy giving a class!!
    Love to all my “ besties” you are all such fun and a daily encouragement.
    Love Myra , ( Friend of Maureen!) xxx
    Congratulations to all the winners - especially my Navigator and Techno Adviser Saba! Xxx
    Thank you Sue for giving us the opportunity to win! I will confess my sins tomorrow, all being well!!! The monkey has arrived!!

  106. Hi Sue i love both cards but the first one just pips the post.
    The stain glass window with the poinsettia in that stunning red cries Christmas
    I do like the background of number two it's lovely in my favourite blue.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

  107. Love the Stained Glass Poinsettia, Sue. I’m quite i to paper piecing and love doing it - actually pinched your idea & made my version today!! I have the 3 Wise Men die but haven’t liked anything I’ve made with them yet! Prob just me and my lack of talent 😂. Xxx

  108. Hello Sue,
    Two beautiful cards today and they are both winners to me. They are gorgeous.
    Pam great news about the line manager and hopefully the new one will have more common sense and be more reasonable.
    Elaine, hope Andrew's next scan is good.
    Laine, hope you are on the up and that Yvonne is improving.
    June, what a lovely treat and it will be easier for you to "lug" around! Let's know how it performs.
    Alimecca, since when do we have to justify the "need" for anything to do with craft. Go on, you know you deserve it ha ha.
    Cheryl, good news about the pantomime costumes. You'll be glad to get those out of your way.
    Donita, I hope you can recharge your batteries this weekend.
    Crafty Jo, the only sure fire way I know of getting perfect layers is to use dies!!
    Carmen, when the 9 get together most of us have different accents and yet we were all born in this small island, and when I volunteered in my Granddaughters' school, the Romanian children picked up the language so quickly - it was amazing. I am sure you are too hard on yourself.
    love to all
    Maureen (fried Myra's fiend) xxx


  109. I do enjoy Fridays, 2 glorious cards, can't
    decide on a favourite!!!

    Doreen x


  110. Hi Sue,
    Two gorgeous card, love the die piecing poinsettia and the three wise men is so different but gorgeous.
    Di B.x

  111. Hi Sue two stunning Christmas cards I love both but if I was pushed to choose I think the 3 wise men men would edge it for me
    Sorry short comment tonight as I've had busy day & night looking after the grandchildren
    Hope you all have good weekend

  112. I love both of these, stunning! Xx

  113. Two beautiful Christmas cards Sue. Impossible to choose a favourite as I love them both. I do have the poinsettia die so this is great inspiration but I love your Pixie powder background on the three wise men card. The frame looks gorgeous too. Xx

  114. Hi Sue. WOW, WOW, WOW !!! Two amazingly gorgeous Christmas cards !!! I absolutely LOVE them both !!! Poinsettia's have always been a firm favourite with me and your Poinsettia card is soooo beautiful. I love the colours you have used and they look great combined with the mirror card and the fab red Glitter Kiss !!! The frame provides the perfect finish to this very classy, elegant, gorgeous card Sue.
    Your Three Wise Men card is just as gorgeous as your Poinsettia card Sue. I love the Pixie powder background. It's beautiful !!! Your Three Wise men die looks fab !!! I have the gorgeous Frame you have used and I LOVE it !!!
    Sorry I have not been about for a few days again. Just when I thought I had got over the nightmare flu and cold I had, which caused total chaos combined with my other illness, and knocked me right out for quite some time, I finally thought I had improved and it came back again !!! The worst of it is, I had already had a flu jab a while back to !!!
    Sending you lots of love Sue from Tres x x x

    Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

  115. Two stunning cards Sue, the poinsettia one is definitely my favorite.

  116. Hello Sue,
    Two spectacular cards, the three wise men with their atmospheric pixie powder background is just gorgeous but my favourite has to be the poinsettia stained glass. It's just stunning. The Brunswick green, red glitter kiss and gold card all combine to make something very special. Thank you.
    I'm going to echo Pam today, like Donita I'm bushed! Only just got home from a lovely party and it's very late.
    Carmen your language skills are brilliant. I for one know how hard it it is to speak a second language, I've made some huge mistakes in my time here in Germany!
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  117. Although I am totally loving the background on the second card I am passionately in love with the gorgeous Poinsettia card! Magical and spectacular! TFS!

  118. Fabulous Friday Christmas Double Day. Both cards are so lovely. The first with glitter-kissed poinsettias is singing to me. Then again, the pixie powder background really shows off the three wise men beautifully and I do love the frame. So pleased to have these cards for inspiration as I still haven't started my Christmas cards.

    Ann, hoping everything goes well for your brother.
    Pam, good news that your team is staying together. Let's hope your new manager is one of the good guys.
    Take care everyone.

  119. Such gorgeous cards! The poinsettias look like they are made of enamel. So yummy!

  120. Love these two cards Sue, the first has to be my favourite I think. Thank you. xxx

  121. Hello Sue, two beautiful Christmas cards, love them both, but the poinsettia has to be my favourite because of the vibrant red, although I love the other background. Bx

  122. Marie from Longridge18 November 2017 at 08:59

    Good morning all. Two fabulous cards Sue, I do wonder where you get your energy from. If it was on sale I would surely buy it at whatever cost. Your cards are stunning and such an inspiration.
    Thank you CCM and fluffycat for your good wishes. My Daughter goes back to Fuerteventura tomorrow and I will miss her a lot. She has worked wonders in a short time and I now have TWO craft rooms set up and calling to me.
    Where in Canada did you live CCM? I lived in Ontario for 30 years and loved it.
    All for now. Marie P.

  123. Two most stunning traditional Christmas cards, the sort I usually revert to...thank you Sue...luv Ursula xx
