
Saturday 27 May 2017

Gilded Stamped Card

Hi bloggers!  Pull out your gilding flakes for today's video card!  Using the Flake and Glitter glue is so easy when you see it step by step too!  I hope you enjoy today's video.

The winner of this week's Wednesday CardGiveaway is:

P. Austen!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your card.

The finished dimensions are 7" x  8 3/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Gorgeous card Sue, love it.
    Congratulations to lucky P Austen, treasure your card.
    Pat, hope hubby is home by now. Congratulations on winning the competition, well done you.
    Norah, Harry knows who loves him, he will have so much fun with you on his birthday as he does every time he is with you. You give him what children need most, time, effort and wonderful memories. Hope he has a great birthday.
    Donita, yea, big bad boss has gone, now you can start to make progress and rebuild your life, you will get there, strong lady.
    Doreen, hope by now you have a beautiful new grandson and all is well.
    Maureen, hope the physio worked you hard, cruel but necessary, you have got a lot of auds to help you, don't get confused and take care.
    Elaine, big hugs to you all. Hope Andrew is well.
    Yvonne and Laine, where are you girls, missing the banter, hope all is okay.
    Happy Bank Holiday all, our weather is glorious, hope yours is too. Hugs to all, especially our poorly and missing friends.

  2. Stunning. Love gilding flakes
    Karen xx

  3. A beautiful card love the gilding flakes.
    Catherine V94 xx

  4. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, looking forward to watching the video later for this lovely card.

    Pam, hope all is well with you, and I reiterate everything you have said above.

    Congratulations to pat austen lucky you, enjoy

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

  5. Beautiful card Sue, love gilding flakes.
    Congratulations to P Austen on winning the giveaway card
    Marion S x

  6. Hi Sue, beautiful card, live the gilding flakes.

    Barbara V

  7. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a really beautiful card.
    Congratulations to P Austen.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  8. Good morning Sue. A very opulent card today, very Downton-esque!
    It's a beautiful morning here, I've broken up for a week, so I'm going to make the most of it and clean the windows! Congratulations to P.Austen on your win. Hugs to all. Sue sxx

  9. Morning Sue. I'm sure looking forward to learning from the best, so will be off to watch you put this gilded magnificence together once I've clicked publish, although it looks so regal made in these colours I'd love to see how different it would look in bright Summer colours, I just think it's so magical how a change in colour, but replicating every single detail makes a card look so very different. Hope you've managed to grab some of this beautiful weather while it lasts Sue, that's if you're even still in the UK at present.
    So I'll send my love n hugs your way before I click the video and congratulate P.Austen on her win, and that's my post complete till tomorrow xxx

  10. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely stunning card & I love working with gilding flakes. Congratulations to P Austen. Yvonne xx

  11. A beautiful card again. I will be trying it in brighter coloured gilding flakes but this colourway would be a good male theme. BarbaraC

  12. Gorgeous card Sue and so glad of the video to remind me how to use the flake and glitter glue as it is one of those things I have bought and forgot about. So looking forward to getting home from work and playing this afternoon. Have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Love the colors and textures! Stunning card!

  14. Good morning Sue,
    A stunning design, so opulent and classy. Thank you for the great tutorial.
    Congratulations to P Austen! X

  15. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I really must get the gilding flakes out again. I am looking forward to watching the video later. Congratulations to the winner. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  16. GM Sue. Great card. Will watch video later.

  17. Lovely card!
    Congratulations P. Austin! Debra x

  18. Morning sue what a beauty today very regal love the flakes and your flowers are brill congrats to the lucky winner
    Love always sue xxxxxx
    June horrocks xxxxx

  19. Looks a lovely card Sue but will have to wait til later today to watch the video.😕 Thank you. Xx

  20. Great use of flakes to make a fantastic card.
    Congratulations to P Austen xx

  21. Hi Sue and everyone. Lovely card today. I failed miserably with flake and glitter glue last time, will try again. Love the flowers as usual. Love and hugs to all especially, Elaine and family, Crewe Trish and family, Donita, Pat and hubby and Pam, can't believe what is happening at work ,Pam. Make sure u ion is kept up to date. Employers should look after their workforce.xxxxxxx


  22. Very rich and expensive looking card today, Sue,
    love it!! Congrats to the winner,

    Doreen x

  23. Gorgeous card, really opulent.

    Congrats to the card winner.


  24. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card. I'll watch the video later.
    B xx

  25. Hi Sue,
    A beautiful card, I love the die cuts along the bottom in particular, will catch up with the video later.
    Thanks for sharing,

  26. Good Morning Sue and all . Beautiful card this morning and will be watching the video later .. I always love watching your ideas with gilding flakes.... Wendy

  27. Good Morning Sue
    Love the Border I have that Die and love it!
    After the Hottest Day so far, it was Thunder/Lightning last night, and rain, but today looks like it never happened.
    Congratulations to Pat Austen!
    Off to watch the Video now.
    Love Marg

  28. Hi Sue - a very opulent card this morning and I love the lacy edging. I always get in a bit of a mess using gilding flakes so I am looking forward to watching the video later for some more tips from you. Sending best wishes

  29. Hello Sue and all
    Another gilding flakes beauty, lovely Sue.
    Congratulations P Austen on winning this weeks beautiful card.
    Have a lovely bank holiday everyone, so glad you have lovely weather to enjoy it
    Muriel x

  30. Lovely card this morning, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  31. My favourite - gilding flakes. Thank you Sue for another beautiful card.

  32. Hello Sue, a lovely card today, gilding flakes always look so opulent. Well done P Austen on winning the giveaway card. Off to watch the video. Have a great day everyone. Bx

  33. Hi Sue,

    I can imagine that gilded, glittered panel is even more scrumptuous in real life than it is on my screen - I love playing with gilding flakes, so much impact for so little work!...lol...off to watch the video now.

    Congratulations to P. Austen on winning Wednesday's fabulous card...



  34. Hi Sue

    Very elegant card today so opulent.

    Congratulations to the card winner

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  35. Hi Sue
    What a gorgeous card today and a lovely step by step video, really useful to have as a reference point. Love the colours you have used too. Remember to switch off fans and close windows if you try this one today at home!!! We e had thunderstorms in the night and it's still a bit overcast but I'm sure the sun will be out again in an hour or so.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Congratulations to P Austin, enjoy your card. Xxx
    Doreen I hope new baby arrived ok.xxx
    Pam echoing your comments again today, enjoy your weekend away from the mad house! Xxxx

  36. Hi Sue
    I love all of these dies they make such a beautiful card .Will watch the video later.
    Well done to P Austen ,enjoy !

    Norah,have a wonderful time with Harry,he will keep you on your toes im sure, i remember my lovely dad finding an old bicycle in a ditch he took off the good wheel and the tyre ,we had a stick and used to roll this wheel up and down the road hitting it with the stick ,we had great fun with it { no cars up and down the road in those days }

    Maureen, so nice when you have a choice,,,,,,eeni meeni minee mo ,,,,,,,,,whatever you choose please be careful. xx

    Donita, onwards and upwards ,we are all here for you ,xx

    Pam So dull here with a gentle rain shower,hope it brightens up later Andrew felt good yesterday and managed to go to the speedway last night with his Uncle,he thoroughly enjoyed it .

    Take care everyone big hugs to all.
    Elaine H X

  37. I'm looking forward to the video. Gilding flakes aren't one of my favourite things but you make it look easy. Maybe I'll give them another go or maybe not....x

  38. Lovely looking card Will watch video later I forget to use gilding flakes and when finishing a card sometimes I think to myself- that would look lovely in gilding flakes

  39. Hi Sue, lovely card . love Jean Z xxxx

  40. Morning Sue, lovely to see gilding flakes again. Beautiful card. Have a great weekend,

    Love Rosemarie X

  41. Morning Sue, quite an opulent looking card, I need to watch and learn from the video later
    Congratulations to todays card winner.
    Happy birthday to Maria, have a lovely day.
    Take care everyone, Jess xx

  42. Hi Sue
    Thank you for this great video reminding me how to stamp with the flake and glitter glue, the card is stunning

    Norah enjoy wee Harry's birthday, they grow up so fast
    Maureen hope physio went well, a necessary evil! Think I might need to move house if my husband needs all those aids!!
    Happy birthday Maria, have a lovely day
    Elaine good news Andrew feeling well enough to go out to the speedway hugs to you all

    Sending love and hugs to everyone
    Pat xx

  43. Dear Sue,

    Those building flakes are just stunning! And with diamonds on top, wow!
    Not sure I like that central shape at all, but I do love how the black, copper and white really work well with the Antlia in reflecting the flakes.

    Pat Austin, you lucky ducky! Congrats!

    Best to the healing hubbies and the motivated ones.

    Love to you sweet, sweet, dearie hearts for your kind words and hugs.

    Three days off in a row! I made it! And no gatherings to attend! Yippee!


  44. Lovely card Sue. Thanks for sharing.
    Congratulations to PAusten.
    Have a great day everyone.

  45. Wow! How striking is the centre piece and loving the lace effect too!

  46. Hi Sue, love the design of this card but despite the gorgeous gilding flakes and glitter it still seems a bit too dark for me. One or two shots on the video did show it seeming to be brighter so I am sure that it is beautiful IRL. Love the chrysanthemum tipped with the bronze distress stain.

    Pat L - Congratulations on winning first prize for your floral display. Hope you get your husband home over the week-end and that he is ok.
    Doreen - has your new grandson arrived yet? If so, I hope he and mum are both ok.
    Maureen - wow, what a choice of aids you have, spoilt or what!
    Donita - enjoy your long week-end and when you return to work next week it will be the start of a new, and hopefully happier, chapter in your life.
    P Austen - Congratulations on being this week's Wednesday Winner, enjoy your lovely card.


  47. Fantastic use of the gilding flakes.

  48. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Very rich and elegant with the gilding. Thanks for your video. I will have to play catchup when we are home. We are away again with our caravan, this time Devon. Congratulations to the lucky card winner

  49. Hi Sue, a very pretty card. Love the flakes. Congratulations to P Austen.

  50. A lovely opulent card today. Congratulations to the lucky winner of Wednesday's beautiful card. My grandson arrived at 11.30 yesterday morning and he is absolutely gorgeous! Both he and his mum are home and doing very well.
    Doreen R

  51. Beautiful sue, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

  52. Hi Sue

    Great technique and a fabulous card!

    June x

  53. Hmm, not sure about the overall appearance - a bit dark for me. I'll watch the video and see how it's all done though, thank you for that.

  54. Lovely elegant card.

    I love stamping with gilding flakes as the effects are so great, especially on black card as you have shown. And, even better, you have used my second favourite (I use my favourite - Calypso - quite sparingly). I have a birthday card to make soon and this is going to make me rethink my original plan but using another matching stamp/die combo in my collection. It is good to see old techniques being reintroduced.


  55. That's just gorgeous. I love stamping with the gilding flakes. It gives such a wonderful effect and yet it's not really difficult.

  56. Hi Sue,
    It's an exquisite card. I must take a leaf out of Hetty's book and try stamping with gilding flakes..............
    Calypso is also my favourite colour in those flakes...
    I really appreciate you doing all those videos for us, it makes it much easier for us.
    Thank you.
    Hugs, Rose

  57. Hi Sue, another great card and video. I don't very often stamp with gilding flakes but will have to try more often as they do add another dimension to a card.

  58. Stunning card Sue xx love Kim D

  59. Hello Sue,
    I wasn't sure about today's card until I watched the video! I thought it was rather dark but on watching the video have completely changed my mind! There are some lovely bright colours in the gilding flakes. Really love the EF and the stamp! Thank you once again!
    Pat L - Congratulations on winning 1st Prize - well done you! Hope your husband gets home asap!
    Doreen - CraftyCruiser - many congratulations on the safe arrival of your grandson. Good to know Mum and Baby are home and doing well.
    Norah - hope Harry has a lovely Birthday! He has a lovely Grandma!
    Maria - Happy birthday to you!! Hope you have a lovely day and are spoiled a little! x
    Have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend everyone! Hope it doesn't rain on your barbecue!
    Love Myra xx

  60. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Elegant and opulent with the gilding. Thanks for your video. I will play catch up when we get home. Another trip away with our caravan. This time in Devon. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

  61. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Elegant and opulent with the gilding. Thanks for your video which i will watch when we are home. In Devon with our caravan & weather is sunny but mobile Internet playing up and this is about 5th attempt at posting as I keep losing the signal. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

  62. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Elegant and opulent with the gilding. Thanks for your video. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

  63. gorgeoussssssssss Sue love this and congrats to the winner
    Gr Karin

  64. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Elegant and opulent with the gilding. Thanks for your video.congratulations to the lucky card winner.

  65. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Elegant and opulent with the gilding. Thanks for your video. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

  66. Your cards never cease to amaze me! These are so stunning! Hugs, Robin

  67. Suzzette Yandle27 May 2017 at 15:17

    A lovely, shinny and gilded card today. Thank you for the helpful and inspiring video. I love to watch you work. You amaze me with how little "mess" you make while working on your cards. I get "mess" all over my desk, the floor and me when I work on my cards!

  68. Hi Sue Beautiful card and great video.I love the colours in those gilding flakes Congratulations to Doreen R on the birth of your grandson glad to know mother and baby are doing well
    Congratulations to P Austin enjoy your prize

  69. Spectacularly stunning! I love the gilding flakes! They look as if they are aflame! TFS!

  70. Hello Sue,
    This is fabulous, gorgeous and I love it.
    Pam as usual you have summed everything up. I hope you are feeling bright today away from the place that shall remain nameless. The physio tried to get me to work hard, but gave up at the finish lol. I now have more exercises to do than Arnie on the set of the Terminator!!!
    Elaine, I forgot to mention that I also have a wheelchair and toilet seat ha ha. Sometimes I give a little too much information!!! I've been to the garden centre today with my daughter and used the Wheelie with great dexterity. The Cresta Run will prove no obstacle to us ha ha.
    Maria pet, Happy, happy birthday - I hope you are spoilt a lot, unlike Myra who only wishes you to be spoilt a little!!!
    Norah, happy birthday to the little Tinker. Have a lovely day but don't tire yourself out.
    Doreen R - congratulations on the birth of your Grandson, what is his name?
    Pat L - I don't need all these aids, I just like to amass as many as possible so that people think I'm ill and they look good scattered around the house. That way everyone is so busy looking at them, they don't see the dust and crumbs ha ha. (George doesn't see the dust or the crumbs either!!!)
    Congratulations to P Austin on winning a beautiful card.
    love to all who are poorly or lonely, and their carers.
    Maureen xxxx

  71. Nice card, Sue, think it's one that will look better in the flesh as it's so much brighter in the video than the stills. Gilding flakes are the one 'messy' that holds no fears for me - love them! Thanks as ever for the video.
    Doreen - congrats on the safe arrival.
    Pat L - well done in the floral competition, pleased Mr L has had his twofer op and doing well.
    Maria - have a lovely day - Happy Birthday!!!!
    P Austen - lucky lady, enjoy your card.
    Hugs to all. Extra for Donita. Like Pam, missing the banter... Laine and PP.

    'P' in Wales

  72. Hi Sue. I love the way you have made this card, I have just watched the video. For me, the best bit (and probably the easiest bit)is what you have done to extend the gemini die. Love the colours.


  73. Hello Sue,

    Opulence and elegance describe this card the best. Gilding flakes add such a regal look to whatever you are using it on and it's done so easily. Although I have to admit that I have not tried stamping with them using the flake and glitter glue - that's something I must try. As always, you video is so informative with all of your hints and tips. I always love to see a new video.

    Congratulations to P Austen for being the lucky card winner.

    To those of you who celebrate Memorial Day, have a wonderful and safe holiday. To the rest of you, have a wonderful weekend.

    Beverly from Maryland, USA

  74. Fabulous card and video, thank you for sharing Sue.
    Annette x

  75. Hello Sue
    Although nice this is not one of my favourite cards I am not sure why I hope you are having a lovely weekend wherever you are.Just a quick post today I am exhausted it appears I haven't had a bug but a big flare up of my rheumatoid arthritis.

  76. This is card is gorgeous in its design and colours.xx

  77. Love using gliding flakes even if I have more on my nails than what should be on the card. Will have to warch the video later as I've been busy stripping wallpaper off the spare bedroom. So, imagine my surprise when I read your blog saying that I had won the Wednesday giveaway card. I still cant belueve it.
    Thank you everyone for your kind wishes. It will be treasured.
    Hope you're all having a great bank holiday.
    My husband has rheumatoid arthritis but has had very little pain since being givenan infusion every 2 months. It has worked wonders.
    Hugs xxx P Austen (Pauline)

  78. A very busy day here, so now to kick my shoes off & watch the video. I love gilding flakes so will be paying extra attention to this one.
    Congrats to P Austen

  79. Hi Sue,
    This is a technique I really like, it always makes a stunning and elegant card and youo've done it again. Gorgeous.
    Tasmania.Di B. x

  80. Hi Sue,

    Lovely card, great technique and video.Thanks for sharing.

    P. Austen-Congratulations!

    Still a newbie to Craft / Not longer the newest, or the only Canadian Wilsonette

  81. Hi Sue

    Beautiful card, love this technique and as always loved the video.

    Love n hugs
    Dorothy of Baldock

    PS Congratulations to the winner P Austen

  82. I just love this card Sue, that technique is amazing, must really pick up some of your stamps to match your dies...this looks amazing..thank you..luv Ursula xx

  83. Gorgeous card, love the colours & the glitter over the gilding flakes.

  84. Hi SUe,
    Lovely card. I've been looking for gilding flakes that are mainly red, looks as if these might be just the thing.
    Best wishes

  85. Lovely card Sue. Can't stop as Internet not good.
