
Wednesday 3 August 2016

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hello bloggers!  Today's card giveaway is from the Bargello Technique demo that I did a few weeks ago.  I started with three shads of blue card and cut them into strips approximately 3/4" wide.  I adhered them in alternating colours to a piece of copy paper.  I then cut the strips again, but this time across the strips so I had strips of squares of blue.  I reassembled them, offset to create a new checkerboard pattern. I cut the Love Perspective die and the smaller outer frame out of the top of the card.  I cut a shadow for the love die out of black and offset it behind it then added mounting foam to raise it.  I added it to a white background with a black frame around it that was created using the two outer dies in the set.  I added it back to the top of the card, then created three sugared Poppies and added them to the lower portion of the card.  I accented the flower with several black Heart Sprays radiating from the flowers.  The card was finished with a pierced mat, a thin black frame and a larger white mat.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  7 1/2" in size.  Leave me a comment if you would like to be included in the drawing to win this card.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. This is a gorgeous card Sue. Bright cheerful, gorgeous flowers.
    Elaine, good news about Andrew, at least he is relaxing with his family, it's just what he needs. Our weather changed yesterday not for the better.
    Tina, hope you and Mick are alright, thinking of you.
    June and Tina, hope the hubbies get sorted soon. It's not good to see them poorly.
    Tracey, you are doing okay hunny, I liked your dads resting eyes words and esoecially the line at the funeral. It will be emotional for you, just let it all out, don't keep the tears in, it is natures way of healing.
    To all the ladies comments, thank you, you have been there so much for me over the years, Tim, Robbie, my operation, that's what we do on this blog, it's a wonderful community.
    Hugs all round, and to our missing friends.

  2. Pretty card! I love the colors and the heart foliage die!

  3. Think I saw this one being made on the show ,it's gorgeous

  4. Good morning Sue.
    A very unusual design that looks quite retro. I love the poppy and heart spray embellishment cluster.
    I'm up early thanks to the wind and rain, so much for the English summer! Just hoping that the tarpaulin stays in place over my new, half constructed craft cabin-fingers crossed!x

  5. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely card today, saw you doing it on Hochanda, a great technique, also one to get the grandchildren to do in the school holidays.

    Tracey, you Dad is still with you all the time it is just that you cannot see him, he is there for you in everything you do, and if you feel like crying then do so, he knows that it is your way of releasing the emotions that are building up, it hurts like mad, but believe me it will become easier to bear, there will be times when you think you cannot carry on but you can, keep thinking of all the joyous and funny things, like the 'resting my eyes' and laugh about it and share this with your family and friends, it does help believe me.

    Pam so very true about the blog community here, we are like one big happy family, and we have you to guide us and our wonderful Sue at the helm, how lucky we are.

    Hubby is doing OK, the infection appears to be going down so he is a lot better and has just woken after a good nights sleep, I think this is the first in a week.

    Sending hugs to everyone who needs them,

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  6. Hi Sue
    what a stunning card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x

  7. Nice card Sue. This would make a good mans card minus the flowers. JJxx

  8. Good morning Sue. I love everything about this card; the colours, the framing, the sugared poppies and how even the heart sprays tie in with the theme. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  9. What a striking card. Very unusual but I like it.
    D x

  10. Oooh wow so bold today after the quietness of yesterday's card, Sue. Great technique with the bargello squares, and love the poppies.
    Big hugs for Tracy, and all blog friends needing one.

    'P' in Wales

  11. Good morning Sue,
    A very striking card today, I love the checkerboard it is so very retro & the colours you have used are so fresh. The poppies are beautiful as always they look beautiful in so many colours I think these are my favourite flowers you do. Yvonne xx


  12. Hi Sue
    I simply LOVE this great card.It's so unusual with checked back ground. I must have a go at making it. Beautiful poppies.Thanks for sharing.
    Jan x

  13. Hi Sue. I'd like to dedicate this card to our 6am Pam if you don't mind. YOU are our fairy craft mother of Particraft, but our Pam is at the head of our very large crafting table. Even after going through the worst ever life changing upset with Tim this blog friend has a heart big enough to surround the whole world.

    There are times when this pretty blog is covered with grey to black clouds, but you have the expertise to lift spirits with cards that make us smile, and this is NO exception is so sweet and the way you've made the floral element jump out at us to say "smile, life isn't all bad" makes me smile that's for sure. I loved watching you put this sample together on your most recent shows, I can imagin it bringing the blood pressure way down and being a very relaxing technique to do, so as I sleep as soon as my booty touches the sofa I'd better not try this just yet but add it to my 'try list' lol.

    Hope you have an enjoyable day Sue and thanks for a very happy giveaway card xxx

  14. Lovely card Sue. This technique could be used for both male and female cards, and those poppies are just gorgeous. Marion S x

  15. Stunning card Sue. I am in awe of your talent for choosing things that I would have never thought of, like you choice of background paper. Thank you for constant inspiration!
    Maggie B xx

  16. The flowers and the black heart sprays are just gorgeous on the card!

  17. The flowers and the black heart sprays are just gorgeous on the card!

  18. The flowers and the black heart sprays are just gorgeous on the card!

  19. Good morning Sue
    What a striking card! I love doing this technique since you first demo' it and find it relaxing to do. The poppy die is so versatile and is the next set to buy from my list.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  20. Morning Sue, a gorgeous card lovely colours too.
    Nancyd xx

  21. Hi Sue. I saw you making this card on one of your latest shows, it looks gorgeous. The technique is on my to try list

  22. Morning Sue. Another of your beautiful cards. Havent tried this technique yet but will have a try later on today, can see it been useful for the guys and made in many colourways. The sugared poppies are gorgeous as is the heart spray. I dont know how you can keep giving these beautiful creations away, you are a very generous lady. Have a great day Sue.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  23. Hi Sue
    I must have missed this demo. It's lovely and looks easy to do.
    Anne M xxx

  24. Love this technique. Lovely bright colours for today's card. Stunning

    Karen xx

  25. Morning Sue.
    Thank you so much this is a beautiful card.
    Thank you to all the Wilsonettes. I wish you all better times.
    At the moment we are having a bad time, that is why some days I am later on the blog.
    We have to take each day as it comes.
    Take care all and have fun Kitty.

  26. Hi Sue
    This was a great demo. A lovely card, striking background.
    B xx

  27. A really striking card today Sue! I always love your sugared flowers. Debra x

  28. GM Sue. Wow! Blue is my fave colour. Fabulous card.

  29. Morning Sue
    Love this card, it is one I will try. It is very crisp and clean
    Pat x

  30. Hello Sue and all

    Beautiful card, great technique and love love love the poppy and heart spray. Lucky is the winner this week (as always )

    Muriel x

  31. Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
    Have a lovely day

    Debs Cards xxx

  32. Love this card Sue, so crisp and fresh and pretty with the beautiful flowers. I keep meaning to have a go at Bargello and after seeing this I really must. Thank you. Xx

  33. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love it. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  34. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! What a stunning card-love everything about it & it's in my favourite colour.


  35. Oh wow, I've not seen this technique before - love the bold effect & will be a good one to play around with different colours!
    I love the heart sprays too, think they will have to be added to my shopping list!! xx

  36. Hi Sue, Lovely card and colours . love Jean Z xxxx

  37. Morning sue what a stunning card love the colours xx

  38. A beautiful card today Sue. Love the poppy flowers, what a difference a little colour to the tips of the petals plus the sugaring makes. I love it. Have a great day everybody
    Hugs Sylvia xx

  39. Morning Sue, lovely card I do like the colours and the heart spray leaves with the flowers
    KathyB x

  40. Stunning colours, but not my style of card.

  41. Hi Sue
    A very unusual card but it works,i like it a lot.
    Good Luck to all .
    Pam ,another good day for Andrew he is hoping to fish today weather permitting.
    A bad night for me again i am afraid, i spoke to the Housing man again yesterday who is adamant that " cats are light on their feet usually and don't make noise " well i said "this one is the exception ,because i am telling you the truth of the noise it makes, give me the right equipment and i will record it for you ".
    They have got the equipment but there is a long waiting list for it .
    What will i do now ? it was 4 o'clock before i got to bed being awoken at 2.10 as a friend said" the cat was having a feline marathon " So every time i am disturbed i am going to phone him until they are sick of me , i have also sent in one log book and am filling in the next one.

    June i am so pleased your Husband is feeling better and had a good nights sleep.
    Kitty so sad you are having a bad time , i hope things get better for you.
    Take Care everyone
    Big Hugs
    Elaine H X

  42. Good morning Sue and crafters all,
    LOVE -ly card this morning, LOVE - this technique as it can be made with and colour ratio to match the recipients likes.
    Need to get this poppie die, so beautiful.
    Thank you!!!!
    Love and crafty hugs to all,
    Tina T xxxx

  43. Natty boots, Elaine, just tell the Housinfg man that as it is affecting your health and mental wellbeing, you are going to speak to your Councillor and MP, that will make them jump, and do it too. What an ungracious unhelpful comment to make to you. Good luck.

  44. Hi Sue - I loved this paper technique when I first saw you demonstrate it, it is so clever. Looks such a fresh and clean card with the colours you have chosen and the sugared poppies look amazing. Sending best wishes

  45. Morning Sue, Sounds quite time-consuming with the coloured papers, but what a lovely outcome. I really need your poppies dies, I love the effect of these.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  46. Morning Sue
    How nice is this one! Really must have a go & I really really need the Poppy's,
    Good luck Elaine,what a horrible person to say that to you,perhaps they should try a night with a cat bouncing around above them
    & see what they think then.!!!
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  47. Morning Sue,
    Great card, tried this myself got in a right mess, don't think I've got the patience. Love the poppies.

  48. Hi Sue. Fabulous card, love it! Hugs to all xxx

  49. I love this effect. Fabulous card.

  50. Love the sugared poppies, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  51. Good morning Sue, today's card is lovely - very clever!
    Janette X

  52. Hi Sue,

    LOVE this design - your CAS cards are sometimes the most striking and this is no exception and perfectly embellished with the gorgeous poppy and heart sprays combo...I've made a few of these Bargello panels myself and they're fun to do mixing and matching plain or patterned papers so great therapeutic crafting for anyone who needs to chill out and just get lost in the moment...


  53. Morning Sue, great card, love this technique and the poppies are gorgeous.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  54. Gorgeous card, so lovely!
    Beautiful embellishments, and a fun technique you have used :))

  55. Hi Sue. Love this card, right up my street. SueL x

  56. What a lovely card, I like the colours and especially the poppies

  57. Beautiful, really eye catching

  58. Morning Sue, this is a fabulous card, which I will really have to have a go at doing. Thank you for sharing,

  59. Morning sue a beautiful card today the colours are beautiful and the flowers are sooooo preety thank you
    Love always June Horrocks xxxxxx

  60. Morning Sue, this is such a lovely card. I really must give it a try. I can imagine it is quite therapeutic to do.

    Love Rosemarie X X

  61. Rose in Chester3 August 2016 at 08:55

    Hi Sue,
    this is a fab card. I love the Bargello technique, but I can never get it quite right when it comes to aligning the finished cut strips. However, even my bits look good.
    I love your design and the poppies are LUSH, as always.
    Hugs, Rose

  62. Hi Sue
    The Bargello technique looks like a great idea for using up left over bits of card, love the sugared poppies too
    Sending hugs to all in need of one, especially our Tracy and Wheelybad

    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  63. Thank you Sue for giving away such a clever card - love the Bargello effect.
    Sue Mac

  64. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    Lovely card today as always, good luck to everyone

    Have a good day all

  65. Such a wonderful tecnique Sue with beautiful flowers.
    Love Val in Spain xxx

  66. Great card!!!
    I saw you demonstrate it on Hochanda. I thought it was a great idea. It is a good way to do that.

  67. Great card!!!
    I saw you demonstrate it on Hochanda. I thought it was a great idea. It is a good way to do that.

  68. Gorgeous card .... loving the poppies!
    Rosemary xx

  69. Good Morning Sue, oh wow what a jazzy card love the way youve created the background its really striking. hugs Shirleyxxxx


  70. Lovely card, and the poppies are gorgeous!!

    Doreen x

  71. Beautiful card Sue, love the checkerboard detail and the lovely sugared flowers x

  72. Watched you demo this technique Sue. I love the sugared flowers, those little spikey centres are fab. I must add the heart spray to my wish list, it would be very useful.

    I've just finished making a hexagon throw. My design was inspired by an afghan called "Flowers in the snow" so will probably give it to one of the kids/grandkids or great-grand-daughter for Christmas. Wondering what to crochet next.

    Annie P

  73. Good morning Sue, wow another stunning card! Love this dies and the sugared poppies. Take care, Ivy C x

  74. Hi Sue
    Saw you demo-ing this and thought how clever it was.
    Heather R Oxfordshire

  75. Hi Sue,
    Love card; I love it.
    Beverley W

  76. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Fantastic card sue x I saw you demo this and as always I was astounded x I had never seen this technique before then and it looks so effective x sorry I didn't visit yesterday it was my eldest daughters birthday so had to give her my full attention ! The card was absolutely stunning sue x
    June so glad hubby had some sleep x sending you both hugs x
    Elaine glad andrews having a lovely break x I bet you wish you was with them with your neighbour issues x I know its exhausting but keep fighting strong x
    Sending hugs to all the wilsonettes who need one x
    Theresa w xxx

  77. Really beautiful and striking card.

  78. Morning sue and crafters.

    Oh this one is soooo pretty. I watched you do this one and the technique is great. This is one I def want to try. Haven't been near my craft room as stuff is everywhere but my mojo has gone again and I can't get into it at all. Oh well I'll just keep buying sues dies I'll get to them eventually lol.

    Pam, June and Maria thank u for ur kind words it makes me feel normal to know I'm not alone and that things will get better with time it's just at the minute I can't see the clouds for the trees.

    Steph. Words well said. Love it. Hope ur feeling a little better too massive hugs xx

    Love n hugs to all xx

  79. Hi Sue,
    Bright and cheerful card today, just love those poppies they are my next purchase along with double pierced ovals( when my supplier gets them back in stock).......can't wait!
    Love Janet X
    From Wakefield

  80. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. I love gorgeous sparkly flowers and heart leaf sprays. Thank you for showing so many inspiring ways to make cards that are different.

  81. Hi Sue
    A lovely card. I do like the Poppy dies, think they will have to go on my wish list.
    Margaret xx

  82. Fab card today Sue, the whole thing looks so good but the flowers are the main thing for me, marvellous,

    thank you,

    Pearl xx

  83. Hi Sue, wow!! What a beautiful card you've made. I love the poppy's you make. I'll put them on my wishlist.

    Love en thanks for sharing.


  84. Hi Sue, a love(ly) card that I remember you demonstrating. The Bargello technique is great fun to do and makes for some unusual backgrounds. The sugared poppies are beautiful and the black spray sets them off perfectly.

    Feeling tired today, a horrendous night with thunder, lightning and torrential rain which kept me awake for about 3 hours (I sympathise with you Elaine). All is calm this morning however and long may it continue.


  85. Hi Sue
    This is a pretty card , what an interesting tecnique and not too fiddly to achieve great results. Thank you for sharing
    Love Diane G xxx
    Elaine how awful for you, yes keep pestering and go to your counciller and mp as Pam says.xxx
    Tracey time heels but take all the time you need, it's natural to be up and down, what lovey words. Sending you a big hug xxx

  86. Hello Sue

    Love this checkerboard card and I did see you demonstrate this one recently. The die is lovely and so useful for all sorts of occasions.

    What a lovely idea to use the black heart sprays on this card with the poppies, must try this one!

    Lol Barbara W xx

  87. Hi Sue,

    Beautiful card love how you've created the background,
    but I think the sentiment die draws your eye in the and makes the design pop .
    Love it.

    Hope you're having a good day, love Brenda XXX

  88. A very pretty card Sue. I love the blue colors used with the black accents. The heart foliage die is wonderful.

  89. Hello Sue
    I remember seeing you demonstrate this on Hochanda
    and will look forward to trying this out soon as it us such a great idea.
    There will be so many different colour combinations to try.
    Love the poppies and they are going on my list!
    Lesley S x

  90. Hi Sue and everyone

    Pretty card and lovely colours. Always love the flowers especially the poppies.

    Love Helen xxx

  91. A great card and a technique that enables us to put all those narrow off cuts to good use. Love the sugaring effect on the flowers. What a lovely card for this weeks giveaway...

  92. Love these dies and a great technique here.

  93. This is a beautiful card Sue, I love how you've done the background, I thought it looked so complicated when I first saw it! I think I will have to have a try at this, it will really impress my friends. :)
    Hugs to all those in need of them today,
    Paula x

  94. Hi Sue. Gorgeous card. Love the Bargello technique you've used which I'll try, and your sugared poppy flowers are stunning.
    Another beautiful Wednesday card give away for a very lucky winner. X

  95. Gorgeous card today Sue. Must try this technique with my granddaughter. She loves learning new techniques. Thank you for sharing.

  96. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! The poppies are gorgeous and the heart spray with them makes for a spectacular arrangement!!!!

  97. Hi Sue

    This reminds me of a pretty cotton fabric. The colours go beautifully. A lovely card, hope all is well with you x

    Pam, June, Steph you're all right, this is a lovely community of people who all have so much in common but who care for and support each other too. That Sue not only gives us a gift each day but also allows us to share our news is very generous.

    Elaine, glad Andrew continues to thrive but you do need to follow up with your local councillor and MP. Cats do make a hell of a thump when they jump down off things or pounce. The housing man obviously lacks any and all knowledge of communal living as well as having a total lack of empathy. I hope you get sorted soon, big hugs xxx

    Tracy, I believe those who I've lost live on in my heart. They're there if I need to talk to them and they're watching over me. If you need to cry, scream, shout, pummle a pillow or just sit in quiet contemplation you do what feels right to you. Just remember we're all here for you watching over from near or far, big hugs x

    Nanna Tina, hope Mick is doing well, big hugs x

    Kitty, thinking of you, big hugs x

    Annie P, Your finished afghan sounds lovely, I hope you find something for your next project soon. Big hugs x

    Big hugs and hellos to Lynda, Maria, P, Lorraine F, Pat L and Sarah, Fluffycat, Laine, Yvonne G, Theresa W and anyone I forgot. Billy sends wags, woofs and fluffy cuddles to his fan club and to the crafty pets.

    Weekend didn't go as planned. Huge migraine Saturday/Sunday so Mr and Billy went to Mr's parents on their own. Monday we took a drive to a nearby DIY centre as Mr wants to sort the garden while he's off. We stopped at Asda and I got some new trousers and a top as I've shrunk out my things and haven't been up to taking them in. Yesterday I met with the new agency and they start next week. I'll be getting someone in to help me out of bed and have a wash or shower, get dressed 4 times a week. They'll also be providing my support on the other week day which will be less rigid so if I want to go out it's easy to book extra time. Hoping dearly that once I'm used to a new routine I can do a little more. Was supposed to be out right now with Mr but my back is causing all sorts down my legs so the C roads of Suffolk may not be the most sensible place to travel on even just for 15 minutes each way. Very medicated so off for a short sleep as eyes are drooping. A quick letter to dictate later so need to be a bit more with it (lol).

    Big hugs to everyone. Have a wonderful crafty day and I'll see you all soon,

    T x

  98. Love the pretty blue shades and the card itself is so cheerful and happy!! Jo xx

  99. A really stunning card just love the colours.
    Had to buy the poppy die and it is so useful but today
    I will have to order the little heart sprays as they are also beautiful

  100. Stunning as usual Sue, love the checker background, thanks for the chance to win your beautiful card : )

  101. Hi Sue,
    What a brilliant card. Love the checkered look and the flowers are so delightful, especially with their sparkle.
    Bejay xx

  102. Hello Sue,
    I loved watching you demonstrate this beautiful card on Hochanda! It really is lovely and very effective. I haven't tried it for ages but it's very therapeutic as well as effective. I really love the shades of blue you have used. The sugared poppies are gorgeous!
    Tracy - my Dad used to say that too!! That made me smile and brought back memories! You are doing so well - it takes time. You clearly had a lovely Dad who loved you and whom you loved very much. That's lovely! Thank you.
    Elaine - Surely if that cat shouldn't be there it should be removed!! It simply isn't fair. I'm so sorry you have this to deal with just now!
    Annie P - sometimes I wish we could see photos of our blog friends' work. Well done!
    June - pleased your husband and you had a better night's rest.
    Love to all, Myra x

  103. Myra from Florida writes: I love it when you make a card and I have the dies to do it. I can go right up and make this in so many colors. Plus, I can even make the flowers or not. Whatever it calls for. Thanks for inspiration and allowing us to CASE your ideas. You know how much I love your dies. Wish I could own one of each.

  104. LOVE this lovely love card!!! The blue strips, black greenery and those flowers make my heart sing!!! Would love to win this one!!! TFS!

  105. Good afternoon Sue and all your crafty crew
    Another lovely design for today's card love the poppies and am lucky to own them
    Gorgeous Sue just gorgeous
    Hugs to all that may need one
    Love Theresa G xx

  106. Hello Sue.

    Lovely Card. I love your Bargello paper and will have to try this technique. The black shadows and flowers are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  107. I remember it being demo'ed. Very striking.

  108. Beautiful card. I do like this chequerboard technique. Love the sugared flowers.


  109. gorgeous and elegant Sue

    gr karin van eijk

  110. Hi Sue

    This is another WOW card, I love it and the poppy dies, you can do so much with these flowers

    June x

  111. Deb E Isle of Wight3 August 2016 at 16:22

    Another beautiful yet unusual looking card - but just love it..

  112. Beautiful card Sue, another different technique to try
    Gorgeous little flowers.

  113. A true stunner of a card. Even though you have love, hearts, sugared poppies to adorn the card, it does not appear too much.

    Susan x

  114. Hi Sue. This is a really versatile card. You could use it for either gender, with or without the flowers it is really striking.


  115. Hi Sue, lovely card again. I love the popping die.

  116. Great colour palette Sue, and those heart fern sprays are just gorgeous! Susan x

  117. What a beautiful striking card, I just love those flowers, how versatile is that poppy die, can you believe it....the sugaring of the flowers just makes them 'pop'....it is gorgeous....luv Ursula xx


  118. Hi Sue

    Lovely card really like this technique.

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  119. Hi Sue this is certainly a striking card I love it!
    Caring hugs to all who need them

  120. Hi Sue this is certainly a striking card I love it!
    Caring hugs to all who need them

  121. Sue this is gorgeous, i love the shades of blue you have used
    and love the results that this technique gives.
    I havn't tried it myself but it is on my list to try.
    I really love those flowers, they are so pretty and very elegant.

  122. Hello Sue
    This is such a lovely card. I don't have the poppy die but it is near the top of my list. I do have the star spray and it is my most used die. Tracy some days will be better than others and hopefully the happy memories will overtake the sad ones. Elaine every MP has an office in town. I visited mine and they informed my MP who wrote to the department involved. He then wrote to me informing me of the result. Kitty sorry you are going through a difficult time.

  123. Hi Sue
    What a gorgeous card Sue, love the mix of blues you've used and the flowers on the card as well. No seuters taken out today so I have to wait until Tuesday.

  124. Such a lovely card Sue, very unique. Your flowers are always the perfect touch.

  125. Hello Sue, the card is incredible, and love the varying shades of blue, very definitely a technique to try. Someone will be very lucky to win this. Take care all. Bx

  126. This is beautiful Sue, so very different.xx

  127. Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

    Yep, you've done it again Sue and excelled yourself just for our benefit, pulling out a showstopper of a card for our Wednesday giveaway:-)
    I too remember watching you demo this on Hochanda, thoroughly enjoying you create a masterpiece from a bit of copy paper and some odd strips of paper. To be honest, I don't think that I would have the patience to piece together such a background but I certainly appreciate the effect it has created. I particularly love the main event ie the Love die cut in the same backing paper with a black shadow effect enhancing the lettering. The more I see the poppies used the more I fall in love with them...the inked edges and sugaring only serves to enhance their beauty. One very lucky lady will walk away with this stunner and I'm soooo envious:-)
    Had a rough day yesterday hence my absence, my little cherub Darcey was up to her old tricks again, crying and scratching until after 3am:-( I tried my deep gruff voice, I tried shouting and I had a little cry to myself of pure exhaustion before she finally settled for the night after I gave her yet another supper. I suffered all day yesterday with fatigue and still had to face a phone call from Yvonne, what a glutton for punishment :-)
    As Frances said, we didn't fair any better in the Stirling area last night when we were woken from our slumber by the mother of all thunderstorms, the rain battered and the sky exploded with light and deep rumbling for what felt like hours....now the bags under my eyes have their own bags:-) Darcey was refusing to come in too until after2am, my mum said that she kept scratching at the door then running off when it was opened....her idea of a joke I guess.....my mum wasn't laughing though!
    Kitty, I hope that life improves for you my dear and that you have reason to smilexxx
    Elaine, I feel your pain....having your sleep disturbed by a furry four paws is no joke....and yes, they can sound like an elephant ballet dancing when they jump around:-) Use your MP, it's what their paid for and maybe they can get things moving more quickly for you.
    June, glad you and hubby had a better night
    Tracy, your Dads saying made me smile, my mum says that all the time to me when she's dozing off repeatedly watching tv:-) these memories you can cherish and will make the grieving process an easier passage. I find reminders of my Dad in the strangest of places each and every day, some make me smile, others bring a tear to my eyes. It's still very early days for you, I've had a few more months to come to terms with my loss, don't put pressure on yourself to speed through the grieving process, just take one day at a timexxxxx
    Wheely bad, I'm sorry you've had a rough weekend, I hope getting some outside help will reduce your attacks and allow you the freedom to enjoy life rather than struggle with the basics. Hugs to you and Billyxxxx
    Hugs to my bestie Yvonne, we said it all last night honey:-) Hope you're having a better day
    Cuddles to all my blog buddiesxxx


  128. I am go-to tryvthis effect with the HAPPY die because I adore it I know the HAPPY is longer than the LOVE but I think it would work ...

  129. A very effective technique Sue and I love the sugared poppies.
    June, glad to hear the anti biotics are helping your hubby.
    Elaine, Huggles. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture so I hope you get it sorted very quickly.
    Kitty, I hope things improve for you very soon, hugs.
    Tracy, you will feel better at some point, hugs till then.
    I am worn out. I went to town to meet my Mum, my eldest daughter and my grandson. All was fine until my bus home doesn't run in the school hold. The extra half hour of waiting sent me back to the shops and I tried some clothes on. As soon as I got home the shopping was delivered so I had to deal with that. Then my son bought more food so I had to find space for that. I had to rest before doing dinner so it was rather late. One of those times when I should have asked for help.
    Extra painkiller and watching some tv has helped but I am finding it hard to unwind.
    Going to have raspberries and ice cream and watch something else.
    Love n hugs to you all xxx

  130. a great card ,this technique makes a very pretty card ,Laura O

  131. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card brilliant technices I LOVE IT
    love Lynda Brock xxx

    Love & Hug's to all xxx

  132. Hi Sue
    What a clever way of using this die it looks stunning

  133. Very pretty card Sue, must try this background technique, when I can find time !!! Anne x

  134. Delightful card. The sugared flowers are stunning.
    Take care everyone.

  135. This technique looks so effective - keep meaning to try it.

  136. A striking card, great impact


  137. I watched you make this on your show on Hochanda and loved it then. So nice to be able to have much needed instructions on here Sue. Thank you for all you do for us xxx

  138. I saw you do this and loved it. A really striking card, and perfect colours.


  139. Hi Sue. Hope I am not to late for the draw. It is beautiful and you are so clever.
    Love to win Mavis L x

  140. O my love it, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

  141. I have this LOVE die, but missed the technique the first time. It looks so complicated!
