
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Vase Columns

Hello crafters!  When is a vase not a vase?  When it becomes a pretty column for your cards!  Today's video shows you something fun you can do with the Classic Vase die.

The finished dimensions are 7"  x   8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Gorgeous card, love it. Very Grecian.
    Daily hugs to Melody and family, Tracey and everyone.
    Keep warm and well everyone

  2. Morning Sue, a very pretty card.
    Nancyd xx

  3. Good morning Sue. Clever use of the vase die.

  4. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh yes I like this............what does a greek urn........2/6p per week boom boom, yes the old ones are the best, sorry I digress this card is gorgeous and I will watch the video when hubby gets up.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  5. Lovely Sue. Good idea to use vase this way. JJxx

  6. Hi Sue
    what a stunning card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw

  7. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely stunning card, the varied combinations you can make from your dies is amazing, we definitely get great value for our money. Yvonne xx

  8. GM Sue. Clever card. Like it. Will watch video later.

  9. Morning Sue.
    Wow a lovely Grecian style card.
    Thank you a real beauty.
    That's a good one June,lol.
    a great video too.
    Take care all Kitty.

  10. OOOh, Sue, so different. Clever use of the vase and like the antique-ing. Thanks for the video. Unusual to see no sentiment from you; I often do 'blank' cards - usually because have run out of room!
    Hugs all round.

    'P' in Wales

  11. A very clever use of dies for a lovely card Sue, will watch video after work. Have a great day, hugs xxxx

  12. Hi Sue
    Love seeing different ways to use dies you are such an inspiration
    Happy crafting
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina x x x

  13. Good use of the dies,it's great to see how the dies can be used in different ways

  14. Hi Sue. Pretty card, thanks for more inspiration. Hugs to all. Sue XXX


  15. Hi Sue, lovely card, will watch video when I get up.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  16. Lovely card Sue, great use of the vase die.

  17. Hi Sue
    Nice card , will watch the video later ,awww such a lot to do today.
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  18. Brilliant use of the vase die! A great card for anyone. Debra x

  19. Morning Sue. Just watched the video. Brilliant. I love how you changed the look of the vase using the black soot. Very classy card as usual. Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx

  20. Hi Sue clever use of dies and another example to look at them in different ways x

  21. Great card & clever use of the vase die.


  22. Morning Sue, This is a brilliant way to use the dies, they make a fabulous column, a beautiful card.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  23. Good morning Sue. A beautiful card and a very clever way of using the vase die.x

  24. Hi Sue, Very good way to use the vase die . love Jean Z xxx

  25. Morning Sue, lovely card it also looks very Roman! Will watch the video later
    Kathy B x

  26. Morning Sue, Fabulous card and wonderful use of the dies. Wish my mind could work like yours. Off to do my Christmas food shop. If I don't appear in the morning. I will probably be lying trampled to death in the vegetable section, but please don't put sprouts on my gravestone.

    Love Rosemarie x x

  27. Hello Sue, this card is classic in every sense of the word, such great use of the dies and a lovely colour combination, very elegant. great video too, thank you for the inspiration. Have a great day. Bx

  28. Such a clever use of the dies, lovely card xx

  29. Morning Sue,
    A really good use of the vase die, I love the columns.
    No crafting for me this morning babysitting duties starting at 8.30 am with my 2 Grandsons.
    Hopefully not for long it's only while Mummy is at work and a Daddy collects a present to hide.
    Also I'm not too well have a nasty cough and husky voice, hoping the antibiotics kick in quick.
    Have a lovely day


  30. Hi Sue Another way to use this die,very clever. Makes a great card.


  31. Hi Sue
    Lovely card. Very Romanesque. Love the colours and the flowers. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  32. Morning Sue lovely card. Found the video very useful thanks for all your hints &tips .Gloria (Sidcup) xx

  33. Like Sandy G said, very Romanesque, very beautiful, xxx

  34. So inventive, this is fab and would work well with a suitable vintage image too

  35. Hi Sue. Lovely card, such a great way to use the dies. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  36. Hi Sue,

    This is such a clever idea, love the classic colour scheme...


  37. dmj from kettering22 December 2015 at 08:19

    What an impressive card!!

    Doreen x

  38. Hi Sue
    Lovely card, something a bit different. I enjoyed the video.
    B xx

  39. Good morning Sue
    Such a clever idea using the vase in that way, I love the card it's beautiful and as you said it could be used for male or female. As usual great video!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  40. Hi Sue. What a different but lovely card. Good use of your vase die. I go away tomorrow and will be missing for a few days so can I take this opportunity to wish you and all your followers a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. SueL x

  41. Morning Sue,
    Unusual card, clever use of die.

  42. Such a wonderful idea, love the card and use of the vase die

  43. Hi Sue
    Very unusual idea. Love the case die and the flowers.
    Have a good day everyone!
    Anne M xx

  44. I'm definitely going to try this out - slightly different dies - may work may not but I'll give it a go

  45. Well only Sue Wilson could think like this, the rest of us would never have thought of it Lol! Very innovative. That's why we need your daily blog Sue, thank you.

  46. Hello Sue
    I don't have this Die only the background !
    I use that one a lot, its so pretty and I love the effect!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  47. Hi Sue - yet another way to use your die and what a great result. You certainly put your dies to work Sue and I'm going to enjoy watching the video later today. Thank you for yet another idea. Best wishes

  48. Very clever, Sue. Lovely card.

    Anne (Northampton)

  49. Wow. Stunning card today Sue. Thank you for sharing such a brilliant idea. Have a great day everybody
    Hugs Sylvia xx

  50. Morning Sue. WOW This ia a fantastic card. The colours are very classic as is the way you have used the vase die to make the columns. Just wish i could see outside the box like you do but then thats why you are the best die designer and card creater because you know what you want out of your dies. I hope that made sence because it did in my head lol. Anyways another of your beautiful cards to try.
    Take care everyone.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  51. Stunning card sue I love it the colours are brill thank you love always June Horrocks xxx

  52. Morning Sue Lovely card such a clever way to use the vase die

  53. Morning Sue Lovely card such a clever way to use the vase die

  54. Good Morning Sue, you are so inventive not sure where those ideas come from but Im sure your poor head must be buzzing with them all. A very clever use of the vase and the flowers. Gorgeous card. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  55. I love the style of the card and is it my odd way of thinking but the vase columns look like a pair of fancy curtains, and the flowers in a window! I know I'm 2 bricks short of a load, he ho its nearly christmas! Best wishes to all jxxx

  56. Morning sue
    Another different card from u sue. I love how u come up with all these unusual combos. Quite pretty too.

    Laine. Hope ur all right sweetie not seen u around for a bit. I'm missing u and Yvonne g
    Melody and Molly too

    Love to all who needs it.

  57. What an unusual idea, how I wish I could see more than what is in front of me! We're so lucky we know someone who does. :)
    Paula x

  58. Good morning Sue such a clever idea love from Jackie xx

  59. Hi Sue
    How clever of you to use the vase in this way, wish I had a fraction of your imagination, and my favourite Canadian die is there as well.

    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  60. Beautiful card Sue. Love how versatile the vase is.

  61. Hi Sue and all
    Such a beautiful card, so classic and the colours are fabulous. Very happy to see the Canadian background too, really sets it all off.
    Rainy and cooler here at the moment, getting a bit of cooking done between crafting with the grandchildren, they are making their parents cards with the deer family, so much fun
    Muriel x


  62. Great card, Sue

    Excellent alternative use of the vase die


  63. elegant and beautiful card, Sue
    Rolf xxx

  64. Great idea Sue. Gives a perfect balance to the design of the card. That reminds me - I must put the Canadian Background onto my wishlist.


  65. Hello Sue,
    I'm getting in quickly this morning! It's my coffee and blogs time!! Sometimes It doesn't quite work out like that though!
    I feel as if this should be " Ode to a Grecian Urn!" You are very clever and it looks soooo effective!
    I hope I have die cut my last Peace on Earth for this year! It's been a real workhorse .
    Thanks Sue,
    Love to all, Myra xxx

  66. Gorgeous card, love how versatile the vase is.
    Enjoyed the video as usual.

    This will be my last visit until the middle of Jan, I will be off to my daughters tomorrow for Xmas and to help look after my new grandson.

    I wish everyone a very merry Xmas and a good 2016

  67. Oh this is soooooooooo different Sue and I LOVE it.
    sharon :)

  68. Hi Sue, a lovely card. Very different and elegant. Thanks for your video.

  69. Hi Sue,
    A fitting frame for the vase! You never fail to surprise. Elegant card, too.
    Hugs, Rose

  70. I love the way you give us different ideas for using your dies.
    Rosemary xx

  71. Hi Sue,
    What a brilliant idea - well done.
    Beverley W

  72. Such an elegant card!
    A wonderful way to use the vase die :) Thanks for the video!
    Merry Christmas to you!

  73. Hi Sue,
    Very clever use of the vase die. However, I'm certainly in the minority here, but the card is not for me , I think it might be the colours. Sorry Sue!
    Trying to get most of house done today and then the dreaded ironing! I need to find a good film ( or 3!!')
    Love and hugs to all especially Melody, Francis and Tracy, love Alison xxx

  74. Hello Sue.

    Lovely Card. Such a great way to use the vase die, very clever. I think it would also make a great base for male cards. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  75. Morning, Sue,
    What a great card and a very clever way to use your vase die. I love the colours you've chosen for this one, especially the black focal point.
    I hope everyone is doing fine today. Once again down here in Truro it's very wet and VERY windy and it seems it's going to be like it all through Christmas. At least I live on top of a hill so no chance of getting flooded, although yesterday I was chatting to a neighbour after we got back from town and a gust of wind nearly blew me over...and I'm no lightweight lol. My Christmas wreath is hammering the front door begging to be taken inside but I'm mean and I'm leaving it out there.
    Believe it or not, the council have started to upgrade the double glazing... they started last week in all the foul weather! One near neighbour refused to have theirs done as they'd already decorated the loungeroom window, so I think they've been put at the back of the list now lol. At least if they decided to do mine tomorrow I would only have to pull the tree away from the window. What fun!
    Have a great week everyone and enjoy the big day on Friday.
    Bejay x

  76. Hi Sue,
    A great use of the vase die!! Very clever!
    Lorna D

  77. What a great idea lovely card Sue

    Crafty hugs Pen x

  78. I love multi-use dies...very clever. Jan D., Florida, USA

  79. Gorgeous card. Love the way you have used the vase to make the pillars. Definitely "thinking out of the box"

  80. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card, I love the dramatic look of the black flowers and foliage as well as your fabulous columns.
    Thanks for sharing

    Heather Treble

  81. Ingenious idea with the vase. Truly a beautiful card. Love it, Ivy xx

  82. wow so elegant and so very beautifulll Sue
    Gr Karin

  83. An interesting card that illustrates nicely the versatility of the vase die. And using my most favouritist (sic) of the background dies, the Canadian.


  84. Hi Sue. A lovely card, love the flower dies.xx

  85. Great looking card....using the vase die as column is very creative...tfs with the video.
    Well done Sue

  86. Wow, wow, wow!!!!! I love this card - and have the dies to make it - although I will have to substitute a different flower, as I don't have the AppleBlossom. I think I will have to use this as the basis for my "Thank You " cards.

    Thank you for continuing inspiration, Sue. The hi-light of my day is reading and watching your blog. It completely takes me away from the stresses of my health situation - and my Dad's.

    Lots of love to you and yours. Have a great Christmas!

    Merry Christmas fellow Wilsonettes.

    Jules xx

  87. What an original way to use the vase die! Thanks for all of your inspiring ideas. I wish you a Very Merry Christmas, Sue.

  88. Genius!! I never would have thought of this idea!!! It is awesome! TFS!

  89. They look just like Grecian columns, I have just bought this die on a sale so will remember to try this, thank you for the idea Sue....a really lovely card...luv Ursula xx

  90. Deb E Isle of Wight22 December 2015 at 16:03

    Unusual yet striking and just as beautiful as always...

  91. Lovely card. Interesting one can use your vase to make architectural designs, too. You design your dies with great versatility for which I am grateful. Thanks, too, for the video. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  92. Fabulous card Sue and what a versitile die


  93. Brilliant alternative use for the vase die - Beautiful card in these opulent colours.

  94. Lovely card and as always more than one use for your dies, happy Christmas just incase I dont manage to comment before xx

  95. Fab card again today and love how you have used the vases.
    it took me a minute to work it out but I love it and it looks so good with the background die.
    absolutely love it.

  96. I really like this card; it's really different!

  97. What an unusual card with such brilliant use of the vase die . Have really enjoyed watching the video.

  98. Hi Sue, this a bit different, great way to use the Vase Die. Lovely card, have not yet seen the video as I seem to be running around and getting nowhere fast today. Will try and watch it later

  99. Such a simple idea Sue, but so lovely.xx

  100. Hi Sue, I love it when you make a die do something totally different but then I have no doubt that you thought about this when you were designing it! I love the apple blossom die, another must have.

  101. Hi Sue
    This is a lovely, quite sophisticated and can be used for many occasions. I hadn't seen the vases as a colum before but they look fabulous. June Smith, I had to laugh that's a family joke and it went straight into my head when I saw the card! Thank you for sharing Sue
    Love Diane G xxxx

  102. great card. again very elegant and yes with a grecian feel to it, hugs xx

  103. Hi Sue this is a stunning card. I love how you have created the columns. I think I need that die. Hugs Jackie

  104. Hello Sue,
    What a clever card.
    Maureen xx

  105. Lovely card today and an imaginative way of using the vase die. Thank you.

    Festive craftiness and lots of love everyone,

    Pearl x

  106. Hi Sue
    Another fabulous card and very clever use of dies.


  107. Hi Sue

    Very interesting card great way of making the columns.

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  108. Hi Sue,
    Lovely elegant card, love the way you have used the urn to make columns, I also love the way you show so many uses for your dies,
    Di B.

  109. Hi Sue
    Wow, yet another beautiful card & love the idea of using the vase die to create those amazing columns which look stunning.
    Love the gold, white & black colours which really compliment each other.
    You never cease to amaze me with your design Ideas & how to utilise every die in so many different ways which is so inspirational to all us lucky crafters.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx (Norwich)

  110. Hi Sue,
    I like it, so different & clever
    Marlene O xx

  111. Good evening Sue
    Gorgeous card today& great video I love the background die im lucky to own it.
    Now seeing the vase & flowers they are on my want list.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

    Tracy hope your feeling ok this week sending (((((( Hug's )))) xx

    Hug's for Melody Francis & Molly xx

    Big Hug's for all in pain or just need & hug xx

    Big hug's for Friends & everyone xx

  112. Lovely card Sue. Haven't had time to read about it or watch the video. Am saving them yo watch over Christmas when I am on my own.

  113. Lovely design though the black isn't for me. Hoping to get the Canadian background die in my Christmas stocking.
    Take care everyone.

  114. Great idea for the vase die. I have some greek/roman statue stamps that will work with this idea - to be added to the to-do list.

  115. How can I find what dies were used on 3 of your many cards posted today? Thank you.
