
Sunday 8 November 2015

Anything For You

 Good Sunday morning all!  I thought that poppies on today's card might be apropos for Remembrance Day(Veterans Day in the US) this week.  I started with the background and inked the Leafy Quad folder with Cloudy Blue pigment ink and letterpressed a piece of white card.   I then sprayed it with adhesive and glittered it with Diamond Sprinkles.  I wrapped a piece of red frilly edged ribbon around the bottom portion and taped the ends to the back.  I tied a double bow and added it with a glue dot to the left side of it.  A crystal sparkler and two matching stick pins were added as accents.  For the focal element, I stamped the Poppy stamp in black and coloured it with Distress markers before cutting it out with the Porto die.  I stamped it again and cut out only the flowers this time, coloured and layered them up on the original.  I stamped a sentiment and cut it out with the centre circle die from the Porto die.  I finished the card with a pierced white mat, a thin mat edged in cloudy blue ink, a thin red mat and another white mat. The finished dimensions are 7" x  8 1/4" in size.

The winners of this week's Comment game are:

Susan Richardson!!!
Karen Derbyshire!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at americansue1@gail.com to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x

                                                    Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Gorgeous card. The poppies are so appropriate and very beautiful.
    Congratulations comment game winners.
    Melody, such a difficult worrying time for you, hope Francis is home with you soon. Please take care of yourself too.
    Molly hope your internet is back soon. My grandsons Hack and Ryan are your age and would be distraught without their internet.
    Hugs to all.

  2. My fingers don't work today, that is Jack and Ryan lol x

  3. Good morning Sue,I love today's card it's very striking!!!
    Congrats to winners!!!
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lynda xxx

  4. Morning Sue.
    A lovely card, Thank you.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Take care all Kitty.

  5. Gorgeous poppy card Sue and very appropriate. Thanks for sharing , have a great day, hugs xxx

  6. Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card. Very apropriate for this time of year. The colours and poppies are gorgeous. Dont have this stamp yet, so i think it has to be on an order this week lol. Congratulations to all the comment winners. Enjoy your prize.
    Take care everyone.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  7. Morning Sue, a very appropriate and beautiful card today. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
    Nancyd xx

  8. Beautiful card that is a great reminder of what today is.
    Congratulations to all the winners.

  9. Hi sue
    Lovely card for Today, well done to your lucky winners.
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  10. Hi Sue
    Lovely card for today
    Congratulations to the comment einners
    Happy crafting
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina x xx

  11. Thank you for this very fitting card today, Sue, it's really lovely. I'm sure you're thinking of your father, as I am mine - my Dad served in the RN throughout the 2nd WW, including being on the Eagle which was sunk by a torpedo. He had a tough time but rarely spoke about it, like many.
    Well done to the comment winners.
    Usual hugs to all who need them.

    'P' in Wales

  12. GM Sue. Love the colouring on the poppies. Lovely card.

  13. Hi Sue
    Great card and so appropriate
    Pat x

  14. Lovely card for today Sue. Congratulations to comment winners. JJxx

  15. Hi Sue
    A lovely sentiment for today. Such a nice card to celebrate such a poinent day. Well done all the winners.
    Anne M xx

  16. Hi Sue
    what a stunning card love the poppies very apropriare for today we always get out poppies out for my grandad and great grandad in the wars thank you for sharing tracyw

  17. Very appropriate and a lovely design.


  18. Hi Sue

    Stunning card.My husbands parents were married on 11/11/1939 then he was in the army for the next 5 years,so we always remember them dearly especially at this time of year.Poppies such mean a lot to us.


  19. Perfect card for today Sue. Congratulations to winners x

  20. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card and a lovely pop of colour from the poppies and ribbon.
    Congrats to the winners.
    B xx

  21. Hello Sue and all
    beautiful appropriate card, the colours are just lovely
    congratulations to the winners
    Muriel x

  22. What a very apt card, love the colours. Congratulations to all the winners

  23. Hi Sue. A very beautiful card and very apt for today. I'm sure that most of us have family or friends who gave their lives serving their country in various conflicts and we will be honouring them today.
    Congratulations to all the winners. Sue XXX


  24. Hi Sue, such a beautiful card ,
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  25. Hi Sue,

    A beautiful card for today. So fitting and apt.

    Daily hugs and warm thoughts to all in discomfort, pain or loss, especially Melody Francis and Tracy.

    Congratulations to all comment winners, enjoy your Sue gifts.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  26. Morning Sue,

    What a beautiful card and very fitting for today, the stamp is lovely and I do love what you've done with the background.

    Well I'm very sore and stiff this morning but I'm up and getting ready to go to the service outside St George's Hall. My hubby and the rest of his reservists friends do a march past the cenotaph, it's a beautiful service. You really must Google St George's Hall and see what a magnificent building it is and what they have done with the poppies from the Tower of London is beautiful. The history of the building is fascinating with old courts and cells below ground and so beautiful inside. Well better get ready it's not far but the parking and crowds can be a nightmare.

    Linda xx

  27. Good morning Sue. A stunning card and so very appropriate for today.
    My son is being kept busy by playing the Last Post at two different churches (20 miles apart!!), so meal times are having to be organised with military precision today. Fingers crossed I'll still manage to squeeze some craft time in though.x

  28. Stunning card and so appropriate love the colours used xx hazel

  29. Good morning Sue, a really nice card and very appropriate for today, may we remember those who gave their lives
    Kathy x

  30. Deb E Isle of Wight8 November 2015 at 08:00

    A beautiful and appropriately themed card for today. Love the poppy stamp, but the hold card is lovely and sensitive for its theme.

  31. What a beautiful card and how appropriate for this week. We will remember them.

  32. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful & appropriate card today, congratulations to all the lucky winners. Yvonne xx

  33. Lovely card and unusual with the pale blue to compliment the red! So clever!
    Congratulations to the lucky winners.
    Big hug
    Julie E

  34. Morning Sue .This card is beautiful card today it says everything .Gloria (sidcup) xx

  35. A beautiful card, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  36. Morning Sue,
    A stunning poppy card today and very apt for Remembrance Day.
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    I've seen your new die & stamps to die sets, wow they're gorgeous. I have already put them on my Christmas wish list.
    Have a lovely Sunday

  37. A beautiful and thoughtful card Sue. I love poppies. Thank you.Xx

  38. Good morning Sue, such a beautiful card today to celebrate Rememberance Sunday!
    The poppies are very striking!
    Congratulations to the Comment winners!
    Janette X

  39. Such a lovely card for today, just perfect. Poppies just say it all really for us to remember.
    Loved yesterdays card too.
    Congrats to all the winners and best wishes all. Jxxx

  40. Such a beautiful card and perfect for today, I do love poppies !
    Congratulations to the comment winners!
    Hugs, Anne.

  41. Good morning Sue today's card is stunning. I love poppies on cards and today it is very appropriate. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

  42. Good morning Sue
    What a striking card, and such a beautiful tribute to those that have lost their lives in past and present conflicts.
    Congratulations to all the winners enjoy your prize.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  43. A beautiful card for rememberance day. Very elegant but a bright touch of colour. Have a great day everybody
    Hugs Sylvia xx

  44. Lovely card Sue - both the poppies and the sentiment are perfectly chosen...

    Janice K - hope your son makes it to both "appointments" in time!...

    Congratulations to the Comment Game winners.


  45. Poppies are lovely & so appropriate for today. I haven't seen this stamp before but it is lovely. Thank you Sue, this is such an important time in our history & hopefully never to be repeated.
    Congratulations to the comment winners.

  46. Good morning sue what a beautiful card for Remembrance Sunday I love the dies you have used and the design is wonderful

    Debs A xxx

  47. This is a wonderful card Sue , one to treasure ,

  48. A lovely card for Remembrance Day.


  49. What a lovely and appropriate card for today, Sue,

    Doreen x

  50. Hi Sue what a beautiful card ,i love it .
    the poppies are gorgeous .
    Marion H

  51. Hi Sue - such a stunning card on a very important day, I love poppies and this stamp is beautiful. Thank you Sue, sending best wishes

  52. Hi Sue. A lovely card and perfect for today.xx

  53. Hi Sue, I love poppies and what a good day to make such a beautiful card. love Jean Z xxx

  54. A well suited beautiful card.

    Sandy (tort)

  55. Hi Sue,
    lovely card, I love poppies. And the stick pins are back - absolutely GORGEOUS.
    Hugs, Rose

  56. Beautiful card Sue, its remembrance day in the UK as well, and it always reminds me of my father, grandfather and great grandfather who all served in the Army in the first and second World war, and my eldest grandson whos in the RAF and has already served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and all these on several occasions, it always worries me when hes called to serve over seas.
    Stunning card, I have also posted a card for today. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  57. Hi Sue,
    A really beautiful card and completely appropriate for today.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Heather Treble

  58. What a what a stunning card sue for a special day like today love the poppies thank you love always June horrocks xxxxxx

  59. Good Morning Sue
    Beautiful Poppies !
    Take care
    Love Marg

  60. A gorgeous card. Lest We Forget. Very apt for today.

  61. Good morning Sue and everyone
    The ribbon and bow are what my eye is drawn to first as they are quite large but the poppies look lovely and beautifully coloured.
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  62. Hi Sue. Stunning card - love the beautiful poppies. A very fitting tribute for today. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  63. Good Morning Sue
    What a beautiful card! So very appropriate for today.
    Have a great day!

  64. How lovely to do a poppy card today and it is so gorgeous as well xx love yvonne bennett xx

  65. Good morning Sue This is a striking card so appropriate for today I love the poppies

  66. Good morning Sue This is a striking card so appropriate for today I love the poppies

  67. Good choice for today. I love poppies anyway and this is such a pretty stamp.


  68. Very striking and very appropriate card for today. SueL x

  69. Hi Sue
    Lovely apt card today, being Remembrance Sunday. I love poppies and even the bow looks like a poppy today. Congratulations to all the comment game winners.

  70. Beautiful card, very striking & perfect for today.

    Congrats to all the winners.


  71. Hi Sue

    What a beautiful tribute to our Servicemen & Women.
    Red poppies, my favourite.

    Best wishes
    Tina from West Ozzie

  72. Nice and bright !
    Congratulations to the lucky winners

  73. A beautiful card for this very special day xxxx

  74. Perfect card for today Sue its beautiful, thank you, Linda x

  75. Stunning card, just right for today.
    Rosemary xx

  76. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Lovely red Poppies, very appropriate for today. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

  77. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful Poppy card on such an important day.
    Hugs to all
    Theresa xx

  78. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card and such a fitting tribute for today.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners.
    Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx

  79. Morning Sue,
    A very fitting card, love the poppies. Bow a bit too big for my taste.
    Congratulations to the comment winners.

  80. Hi sue and crafters.

    Beautiful. Perfect for today.
    Congratulations to the winners x

  81. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card today and very fitting for rememberance Sunday . Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxxx
    Congratulations to all the winners xxxxx

  82. Sue, today's card is stunning and so apt for today. Red, white and black with the touch of pale blue is a super combo. Just brilliant.
    Congratulations to this week's winners, enjoy your prizes.
    I hope Molly's internet is back soon, it's something we take for granted nowadays.
    Melody, I hope Francis is able to be back home with you very soon.
    Linda, I hope your body, crowds and parking allows you to pay your respects as you wish. I have seen the photos and the whole display is awe inspiring.
    Feeling a bit better today so hopefully will have some time to craft. We have invited my Mum over for the main meal which we have in the evening. Hubby is not going fishing today so is going to cook the meal and chauffeur Mum around. He can be so lovely I wish I had more patience with him at times.
    I still need to find homes for my goodies from the NEC. I wonder if I would be more organised if I had a craft room.
    Wishing good things to all xxx

  83. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card for such a special day, the poppy stamp is lovely. Congratulations to all the winners

    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  84. Good morning Sue, such,an appropriate card for today. It is beautiful.
    I love poppies and was lucky to get one from the display at the Tower of London last year.
    Congratulations to all today's winners,,enjoy your prizes.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  85. Lovely card today Sue, the stamping is marvelous.
    Thank you

    Congrats to all the blog winners.

    Lots of love and craftihappiness everyone.

    Pearl x

  86. Hi Sue.
    A beautiful card that is so appropriate today.
    I just love it.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Evis M.

  87. Morning Everyone,
    Well, I actually managed to keep the dog quiet during the 2 minute silence at 11:00 even though new neighbours are moving in and she wants to growl every time they walk past the window lol. I think the clock in town is running a bit fast though as they set the gun off before the time was up. The card today is so appropriate, Sue and I love the poppies you used.
    I hope the rest of the country isn't as miserable as it is here in Truro right now. I think the rain may have eased up a bit but the wind is still gusting very fiercely. It's a wonderful excuse to do almost nothing though isn't it :).
    Bejay xx

  88. Beautiful Sue - I love your stamped and coloured cards, you are so talented at getting the composition just right! Susan x

  89. Hi Sue a beautiful card and so appropriate for today love from Jackie xx

  90. Great card, and so thoughtful for today.

  91. A lovely card Sue, and well done for paying your tribute to today, very suitable, using poppies.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Paula x

  92. Hello Sue.

    Such a pretty card, I love the splash of colour. Poppies were my Mum's favourite flower, they always make me think of her. Thanks for sharing.

    Congratulations to Susan Richardson, Karen Derbyshire and Rosiejt.

    Best wishes

  93. A beautiful card and very fitting for today.

    Congratulations to all the winners enjoy your prize.

  94. Beautiful Card Sue!

    This card is just perfect for the Remembrance today. Poppies are one of my favourite flowers and I love the poppy stamp.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  95. Beautiful card to cheer up such a dismal day. Well done to the winners

  96. Lovely poppies, very apt choice today :)

  97. Hi Sue, Poppies are definitely appropriate for today being Remembrance Sunday. I've just got back from our Service at Church, it is always a very emotional service.
    Your card is truly beautiful, and so lovely to be posted today.
    Congratulations to all the lucky Winners.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  98. I absolutely love anything poppy. Stamped images are so easy to color. Pretty card and so nice of you to think of Veteran's Day. Jan D., Florida, USA

  99. What a perfect card today. It is so striking. Love all of it. Have a great day all.

  100. I love the poppy stamp on this card very appropriate. Personally I would make it but without the bow as I am not a fan of big bows. Probably not helped by the fact that I do not tie them very well.

  101. Sue this is a lovely card in memory of so many who died or were badly injured in conflicts around the world. X

  102. Hi Sue,
    The poppy stamp is perfect for today.
    Beautiful card using a patriotic colour scheme.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Veronique L

  103. Poppies for remembrance, how beautiful.
    Today would have been my Dads birthday so am remembering him too. He died when I was just fourteen so we missed sharing so many special things together that Dads and daughters do.

    Love and hugs to all

  104. Hello Sue
    Such a gorgeous Card and so approprate for Remembrance Sunday today.
    The poppy stamp is so beautiful.
    Lesley S x

  105. Aren't these poppies just fabulous. A gorgeous card.


  106. Hi Sue
    ...the poppies are just perfect....so fitting!!! Lovely!

  107. Beautiful card and such an honor to the Veterans to remember them all...
    Well done Sue

  108. Hi Sue

    A very appropriate card, thinking of service personnel from all over the world today. Those lost or injured. The survivors who lived and who do live with what they saw and those currently serving and their families, hoping conflicts become fewer and people return home safe.

    Lest we forget.

    I love poppies, a bit like butterflies in that I feel the need to collect stamps and dies of them! So this will be going on the list.

    Hugs to Melody, Francis & Molly x

    Hugs to Tracy x

    I will go back & read everyones news later.

    I missed commenting yesterday as I started making a card for my friends birthday. I have to finish it today. A mix of a kit and some SW dies again. It's been grey or grey and wet all week so the lights have been on nearly all week. I must admit to feeling like a bit of a numpty sitting here in sunglasses due to the neck induced headache though. Waiting for it to shift or I'll be crafting tomorrow when I want to rest! Mr W is dropping off me at a nearby pub/resturant tomorrow evening as it's my friend's 40th on Tuesday so as she'll be with her family then, 3 of us will have a dinner and serious amounts of dessert tomorrow. If I do get to comment it will be a quick one.

    Hugs to everyone, extra hugs if you need them. Wishing you all a lovely day.

    T x

  109. Hello sue an everyone I love your card I think the stamping is really good an it look really pretty. Nam as got lots of stamps an inks but we don't really do much because nan says she not very good at it so she only stamps the words for cards. But I think I would like to try an colour them in after with the mica paints because nan brought 2 trays of them an they look so pretty. I have seen loads of new dies an they look really good so I am making a list for nan because I know she is going to want them but I can pick which ones I like best first. I get £5 for each job I do for nan an I get paid every 4 weeks Kat month I brought black shiny doc Martins but this month I going to buy dies with nan. Everyone your going to love them when you see them. Grandad is still in hospital an really upset because he wanted the 6 weeks to build up to take another test but now they don't know if he going to be able to take it again. But nan says he still saying he is going to do it. My nan as been staying up the hospital most of the time an dad says she got to come home an rest up. Thank you everyone oxoxox

  110. Hello Sue, A beautiful card and very fitting for the day. My Father was one of the airforce boys who didn't come home, so I am a,wYs pleased to see poppies.

    Love Rosemarie x x

  111. Hello Sue,
    What a stunning card today, and so apt for Remembrance Day, and Veterans Day.
    Congratulations to the comment winners.
    Maureen xxx

  112. Wonderful card for today! The poppies look so lovely especially with the black pearls in the centre. Debra x

  113. Stunning and so poignant for today

    Karen xx

  114. Beautiful card!! Love the embellishments 😊

  115. Beautiful card Sue. Congratulations to all the winners.

  116. Hi Sue, thank you for choosing to show this card today. A day for remembering not just those who fell but those who fought and suffered - some for the rest of their lives. Lovely stamping and colouring make this a beautiful card.

    Congratulations to all the comment game winners, enjoy your prizes.

  117. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card today and so appropriate...I also echo the sentiments of Fluffycat, A day for remembering not just those who fell but those who fought and suffered....some for the rest of their lives!
    Congrats to all the winners.
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  118. Hi Sue

    A very appropriate card for today, very beautiful.

    I have missed commenting ( or even looking) for over a week as I have been in hospital again. Just resting now, but should have chance to catch up on all I have missed soon. Sadly I also missed a lot of Hochanda shows. Looking forward to the next ones.

    Love Helen xxx

  119. Hi Sue,
    What an absolutely gorgeous card for today!
    Lorna D

  120. Hi Sue, a lovely card and so appropriate for today.
    Congratulations to all the lucky card winners.


  121. Hi Sue

    Beautiful card and Poppies so appropriate for today thankyou.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  122. Beautiful card Sue, love the bright red ribbon.xx

  123. Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes, a beautiful card for such a memorable remembrance Sunday, I really appreciate this one.

    Been to NEC today, met so many friends there, I was overwhelmed, thank you to everyone.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Stay safe, healthy, and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  124. love that stamped image and he way you have coloured it, hugs xx

  125. Theresa says
    Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Beautiful card today sue x very apt x
    Congratulations to the lucky winners x
    Theresa w xxx

  126. Good evening Sue,
    Brilliant card perfect for today.
    Love the Poppies and that beautiful Bow
    Patricia xxx

  127. Stunning classy and elegant card, I absolutely love it . Love, Ivy xx

  128. Hi Sue
    Stunning card & so fitting for our remembrance sunday.
    Love the centre focal stamped image which you have coloured beautifully.
    Love every design component of this beautiful card.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx

  129. Good evening Sue and the fabulous Wilsonettes,

    What a stunningly appropriate card for Rememberance Sunday, very fitting and utterly beautiful! I am partial to a bit of stamping and colouring and you have proved yet again just how proficient you are at these techniques Sue- the addition of some decoupage on the poppies adds an extra dimension and the pearl centres are a lovely touch. There is something hauntingly touching about poppies that make me feel quite sombre and respectful and this card reflects those sentiments perfectly. They represent the fragile beauty of nature and the fragility of life, we should never be allowed to forget the sacrifices so many have and continue to make on our behalf.
    Well, what a dreadful few days in Stirling, driving wind, torrential rain and so dismal that the street lights are barely off....perfect crafting weather! Sorry for missing yesterday's post, had a fairly busy day taking my niece window shopping for her Christmas list, note to self, NEVER ask a nine year old what she would like for Christmas because a frantic four hours later I had so many absolute needs that my head was spinning! Everything from a bike, to a kitten...standard fare....to some pot plants, a jaguar( not the car!), and a cat costume!...maybe I should get one of those too! Not the sort of things you can easily source in the local shopping centre. She likes make up and wants to be a hairdresser so I thought a Girls World type dolls head- remember those!, would be just the ticket not thinking that apparently a decapitated head would freak a Child out...but vampire dolls don't !!??! I don't remember ever being so picky as a child, an apple and an orange and we were grateful:-)
    Spent today recuperating and catching up on some more Cardmaking- out came the texture paste again and I slapped it on anything that didn't move quick enough...Brodie was fortunate that he was fast asleep in another room at the time let me tell you! Nine cards done and dusted but I've ran out of coconut white card which is rather unfortunate so a quick visit to Julia Watts site will be my next port of call, will I be able to resist putting other items into my basket is the big question though!
    Yvonne, I hope you firework extravaganza went with a bang and that it hasn't taken too much out of you- I didn't notice anything on the BBC news channel so I presume the emergency services weren't required:-) Hope the weather was kind to you honeyxxx
    Tracy, what lovely comments I so don't deserve them, I'm a miserable cow really!:-), and you may live to regret suggesting we meet up sometime, I have been known to be a bit of a handful. And I wish that I had a fraction of the strength that you have shown lately dearxxxx
    Lorraine F, thanks for your kind comments too, having a craftroom only leads to having an excuse, if one was needed, to buy yet more stash, as a crafter you NEVER have enough room:-) hope hubby didn't burn the dinner, though it's lovely to have a man that is good around the house and makes himself useful:-)
    Wheely Bad, hope you managed to get your card completed and that you can get some rest before the partying tomorrow night, if you can't be good be careful:-)
    Huge bear hugs to all my friends that need them, especially Melody, I hope you are looking after yourself honey, and to those that just like a cuddlexxx
    Sue, hope we see you back in the Uk before Christmas to launch your new range...well, a girl can but dream!

    Crafty hugs


  130. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! What a stunning card put here today in remembrance of those brave men and women, all over the world who fought for us. It's beautiful Sue x Love how the pop of red, blue and the black in the centre of the poppy. "Thank you Sue xx Congratulations to you Susan, Karen and Rosie! Wonderful! xx Sending love and hugs to you Sue, your mom and family xx Sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are suffering too xx To Molly, Melody, Francis and your nanna x To Tracy too xx Lorraine, I have the most patient husband too! x Glad your resting Helen xx Wheely Bad, never feel a numpty and have a great time tomorrow xx Love Karen xx

  131. Hi Sue

    A very beautiful card, for a reflective and memorable day.

    Big Hugs

    Tina XX

  132. I am so glad to see the wonderful card that you have made today, it is Remembrance Day in Canada on Nov. 11. My father in-law served in WWII, he never would talk about it and I know that there was a very good reason for that, he said nothing good really came from the conflict. Contrats to all the winners.

  133. Beautiful tribute on this remembrance day. I've said it before but I'm going to say it again. I am the very proud owner of one of the ceramic poppies that were on display at the Tower of London. It was a very breath taking and humbling display to see.

  134. Absolutely gorgeous card and perfect for today but makes a beautiful card for any day too.
    I really love this stamp, it is so pretty and love the background too.
    And the bow finishes it of perfectly especially with the stick pins they make it that little bit more special.

  135. Hello Sue,
    What a stunning card, and so fitting for this special day, Love it xxx

  136. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful poppies for Remembrance Day, I think it must be the only flower that says 'Lest We Forget', that is what you immediately think when you see red poppies. The poppies are gorgeous and so is the background. The poppy stamp is beautiful.
    Di B. x

  137. Hi sue, great card today loving the red ribbon an bow it really draws the eye in it looks fantastic. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

  138. Hi Sue, trying to catch up but just wanted to
    say that I LOVE this card, Beautiful poppies !

    Take care everyone and many hugs to you all.

    Hugs Maria x

  139. Red ribbon and poppies, can't get much better. You are so talented, Sue, love the new dies.
