
Thursday 30 April 2015

Canadian Collection

Hi crafters and welcome back!  The three dies within the Canadian Collection are the Vancouver (shown here), the Toronto and the Montreal.  These are all beautifully detailed with separate cutting edges for versatility.  The outer design on each three is quite different but the inside shape is the same across them all, but with matting and layering size differences.  You may even notice the Lattice and Lace Striplet and the Petite Arched Adornment used on this card.  They all work so nicely together!  If you would like a chance at winning one of these three sets, just leave a comment.  Join me back here at 4pm for the last set in the Canadian Collection.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Hi Sue,
    great again... card and dies...
    What else to say then it´s a must have.
    ROlf xxx

  2. Sue just yummy!! particularly like the Montreal.
    Have a lovely afternoon.

  3. Hi Sue O l soooo heed these no must have how also the card is great hugs linda and lily

  4. Hi Sue have been waiting for this post and am not disappointed, they are fabulous dies, and its great to see how well the other dies compliment each other. Roll on next blog.

  5. Hi Sue

    Once again a beautiful card with so much going on.

    These are wonderful dies.

    Helen xxx

  6. Hi Sue,
    Oh WOW you just keep coming with some beautiful designs, I'm not sure how you do it but extremely glad that you do.
    Thanks so much.
    Lorna D

  7. Hi Sue
    These are lovely (and the card too) I bet they are so versatile
    Pat x

  8. Hi Sue
    The Canadian collection is gorgeous and I love the petite arched adornment can see it being a must have
    Hugs and best wishes everyonepat


  9. What lovely dies, I just don't know how you think of them all, Sue. Love the card too!!!

    Doreen x

  10. This is pretty. Another stunning addition to your brilliant dies. Lovely xx

  11. Hi Sue, Canadian collection oh I must get this, what a fantastic card you have made with it, superb. I would love to win one of these. I have just ordered some more Iced Snow and Ebony Ice as my pot is getting a bit low, have had it for ages and it lasts for such a long time.

    Enjoy your day and catch you back here at 4pm.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  12. Wow What a super card Sue, love the dies and the colour is very manly think this would make a lovely man's card. Cutting the striplet and using it as a frame is so effective. Oh my what are you doing to my pocket? See you later till then take care LOL Eridony

  13. GA Sue. Like these! The Montreal has especially caught my eye for some reason? Maybe its the oval shape?.... I am quite partial to an oval!

  14. Hi Sue

    These are lovely.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee Bee

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. 3 fabulous dies and another brilliant card, looking forward to seeing some more
    Julie x

  17. Another set of great shaped dies, love all the detail, so much to choose from.x

  18. Hi Sue wow another stunning card I love these new dies I think these are my favourite dies of all.
    I've just been to my local craft shop and got them so I'm off in my craftroom for the afternoon.

    Debs A xx
    {Debs Cards}

  19. I love your designs and follow your offerings on Create and Craft TV.

  20. Hi Sue and all
    Love this collection the card is beautiful and the Vancouver has caught my eye- must have some of these the way they mix and match together - gorgeous !!!
    Muriel x

  21. I love the look of the striplet on this one:0)

    Sandy (tort)

  22. More beautifulness :) These are very costly posts!!!!

  23. Hi Sue - again.

    Another amazing trio of die sets. How can anyone fail to make a
    stunning card with these dies. You must be so chuffed. Well done.

    Caz x

  24. These are super Sue can't pick a favourite they are all so nice though at the moment I think Vancouver is top. Love from Jackie

  25. Wow Sue, these are beautiful your making it so hard to choose! Really enjoying your die launch, thanks for sharing! love Junex (Cumbria)

  26. Beautiful dies and a gorgeous card.It is so difficult to come up with new ways to describe the cards and dies when they are all so wonderful and you want them all!

  27. Hi Sue, these dies are fabulous and so very versatile.

  28. Hello Sue
    Another beautiful collection, especially the Montreal.
    More room to make for more new dies, me thinks lol.
    Love Karen in Telford x

  29. Three gorgeous new dies! And, your card is

  30. Beautiful love these so gorgeous.

  31. just love these dies
    Jean Toft 'a visitor from Oldham'

  32. Oh Sue ,you're spoiling us. These dies are fantastic and the card-well what can I say.-stunning is one of the many words that comes to mind.
    Thanks Sue.
    Love Val in Spain x

  33. Another lovely set. And a beautiful card. Where do you get your ideas from?!!! Like belt work.

  34. Beautiful card. Oh dear there are so many new dies it is difficult to choose what to own.

  35. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card and beautiful dies
    my list is growing.....

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  36. Hi Sue

    A beautiful set of ornate, interesting dies. I could have lots of fun with the scissors with these! I'd quite fancy seeing some skinny ribbon weave through those loopy bits too! Stunners one and all.

    Karen Wood, I read your post, what a lovely and inspiring story that you've found your way back to craft. Wishing you many many happy hours of crafty fun x happy hug :)

    Hope everybody's day is going well. These reveals certainly add an extra bit of excitement!

    Hugs to Sue and all the Wilsonettes, old and new xxx

    T x

  37. Hi Sue

    I have just found your blog and I just love it. I don`t miss a day. I would love to win these lovely dies.

  38. Hi Sue,
    Another set of stunning dies. Congratulations! Love and hugs to all, Alison xx

  39. Hi Sue,
    How fantastic that they are all the same in the middle that makes them so incredibly useful, I love mix and match!
    Such a great addition to your other collections.
    Lorna D

  40. Hi Sue,
    More fantastic dies, and another avsolutely gorgeous card, I might be asking for early birthday and Christmas presents, can't seem to get enough of your dies. They are wonderful.

    Maggie in Solihull

  41. Afternoon Sue. Well these are stunning die's and make up another beautiful collection The card is beautiful,the colour's and layout are gorgeous. Wish i had half of your imagination to come up with all of these beautiful card's. I think you can tell by all the comment's that your spring release are a great success.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  42. Hi Sue, beautiful collection, with lots of great ideas of how to use them thank you so much love Gill P G xx

  43. Hi Sue, I absolutely love the Canadian dies, particularly the Vancouver and Toronto as they are so different from any of your others.
    It's been great to see what they look like when cut, gorgeous dies, gorgeous card - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!! Looking forward to 4pm - soooo exciting.
    Blessings to all - Deb C xx

  44. Hi Sue, lovely card and gorgeous dies. I love the way they all mix together.

  45. Theresa says
    Wow sue another great card x the collection looks so vetsatile x everytime you do these launches I think oh yes these are my favourites then you add another to the mix x well done sue x
    Theresa w xxx

  46. OH MY WORD SUE this is a stunning collection of die's
    Your card is amazing love everything about it the layout the colours & of course the die's. Thank you so much.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xxx see you later xx

  47. Just beautiful Sue, the dies and the card x

  48. Hi Sue, You've done it again.Fab Fab Fab. Roll on 4 o'clock!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxx

  49. Hello Sue
    Very useful Dies I think I NEED all of them!
    Love seeing what you have done with them!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  50. Good afternoon Sue,
    Well this set is looking lovely as well and versatile. Now this card has just the right amount of black in it for my taste and with the Vancouver die cut top to it, it is so different from the others. thank you Sue for all your hard work that you have put in for our enjoyment,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  51. Rose in Chester30 April 2015 at 12:35

    Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card and lovely dies......... simply gorgeous.
    Hugs, Rose

  52. They're all so lovely, they seem to be getting better and better :)
    Angela (UK)

  53. Hi Sue,
    Another gorgeous card and set of dies. Love the way you have used the striplet.

    Have a good day.

  54. Hi Sue

    Yet another beautiful card - you really do make it hard to keep my hands out of my purse!!

    Can't wait for 4pm!

    Tracey xx

  55. A gorgeous set of dies! I will be forever broke!

  56. Another beautiful collection and I can see lots of useage. Hazel x

  57. Hello Sue and all

    Lovely card. These dies look so different but I love the matting ability to the centres. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  58. Hi again Sue, these dies are gorgeous, thakyou for all your inspiration, another must have, Jess x

  59. Hi Sue
    Love the Canadian collection, and the card you have made is girgeous. How I wish blogger would filter out comments that have been left more than once, as that's cheating.

  60. Just loving this collection, they are a real treat.

  61. Beautiful Sue....as always!

  62. The Canadian Collection is absolutely stunning.
    Would love to see you do an Alberta..:)

  63. Hi Sue,
    Simply elegant! I absolutely love the look of striplets with the center focal dies. Would love to give any one of the new dies a home!!! Kathy Johnson Kjj

  64. Hello Sue, I am loving every new thing from this spring release. I really need to say a huge thank you for all I have learned so far with my following your blog. There are very few cards I can't work out how you made them, yet two years ago I could hardly work out how any were made. X Ros H

  65. Oh sue they are lovely phill did lovely cards using your dies at 9 am love the card xxcx love always June horrocks xxx

  66. versatility are us, lol love them all. Sandra

  67. I particularly like the Vancouver die in this collection Great card again what more can we all say...

  68. Another beautie I must have these dies so versatile very many thanks for all the ideas and of course the work you put in to keep us happy

  69. I just new I was going to love these new dies the full set is looking pretty good right now, oh an the card is lovely Sue. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

  70. Sat watching Phil and browsing your gorgeous creations Sue, love your new dies but the Toronto caught my eye, can't wait to see more
    Hugs Kate x

  71. Wow how delightful so pretty.
    Donna Golby

  72. Hi Sue.
    What a lovely card. The dies are lovely. Where do you get all the inspiration from?
    Evis M.

  73. These are gorgeous. I guess if I had to pick a favorite it would be Toronto.

  74. Hi Sue.
    Thank you they are so lovely. Take care Kitty.

  75. These are gorgeous.
    Really wonderful dies

  76. Hi Sue
    Well......these dies are truly gorgeous....you really could do so many different things with these!!!!!

  77. You always spoil us Sue. I can't even begin to imagine what goes on in your head. It must be so busy in there!! Lol.
    Love the card, love the dies and can't wait til 4pm.
    Crafty hugs

  78. How am I going to choose which to get first??gorgeous and so clever to give the matting sizes across the range. Maybe need all three then.big hug
    Julie E

  79. Oooh, loverly dies and such a gorgeous card


  80. stunning Sue just stunning
    hugs michelle xxxx

  81. Fabulous dies....stunning card ....love all the collection. ...siding towards Toronto....but there fantastic.... hard to choose
    Luv Rach :)

  82. A beautiful card again. Sue, you are amazing!

  83. A lovely card Sue, highlighting how versatile these Canadian dies are, I am so looking forward to seeing all of the amazing cards that you make with these dies Sue.
    Also looking forward to the next launch!
    I hope the sun is shining for you now Sue!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx
    Ps Welcome to all of our new visitors, come and join the fun and inspiration everyday on the no 1 blog xxx

  84. Hi Sue, yet another beautiful die, these will make great cards, looking forward to the next post.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  85. Hi Sue - you are thoroughly spoiling us with all these beautiful creations. An amazing collection which can be used in so many different ways. Love them all and can't wait till 4pm, best wishes

  86. 3 superb dies Sue and it's difficult to choose my favourite as they are all so pretty. Really must try to win the lottery this week, then I won't have to!! Hugs xx Pauline A

  87. Beautiful card Sue, love the shape of these dies they are so versatile. Crafty Regards Julie Kay xxx

  88. Beautiful card, lovely dies. I will be having beans on toast for the next month as I want all the dies so far!!!!!!

  89. Three stunning dies. And the card is gorgeous too.

  90. Wow Sue, I love these new dies, the Canadian collection is added to my wishlist and I will be getting them as soon as funds allow. Such a lot of new releases to choose from (so little funds!)

    The card today is fab and the new Vancouver die looks amazing.

    Can't wait to see cards with the new Toronto dies.

    Craftihappiness to everyone and lots of love from Macky.

  91. Hi Sue. Really stunning dies. The card is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing the next blog. Hugs Heather x

  92. Hi Sue. Really stunning dies. The card is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing the next blog. Hugs Heather x

  93. Gorgeous card, adding the Canadian dies to my ever growing list. Lol lynne m x x x

  94. Hi Sue and broke Wilsonettes. Firstly I HAVE to say just got back from my little craft heaven AND seen the new collection in the flesh and WOW Sue, we think they look wonderful on here, but nothing compares to 'the real deal' totes amazing, totes stunning, and me and my abnormal little fingers without finger print are off to rob a bank lol honestly I defy anyone NOT to adore the finishing touches (plus all the other beauties here)
    Sue... You are SO clevet. Thank you for this launch, these could be the best yet... I think ?
    Anyway after all that, I held back and got the quilted striplet! I did say I needed to catch up !!! : (
    Love this Canadian set and card made from it.
    Good luck to all. Roll on 4pm.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  95. The Canadian dies look Fab! I particularly like the Toronto die with the open work around the edge
    The card is really interesting the way you have used the striplet die and the little configuration die at the end finishes the focal point off perfectly.
    Loving all the dies and cards so far!

  96. Simply wonderful card and dies

  97. Hi Sue and everyone, stunning card, the Canadian Collection is a real winner. I wouldn't have thought of cutting the strip let like that, great tips as always.

  98. Hi Sue,Stunning dies and card, love them all!Need to take out a loan at the bank soon !haha.see you later.

  99. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. More new beautiful dies.

  100. Hi Sue. Absolutely gorgeous - love this new collection :-) Stunning card too. Hugs xxx

  101. Love the versatility with all of your dies - so well thought out - so beautiful.

  102. Hi Sue

    They are gorgeous!


  103. Hi Sue
    These are so beautiful. I love them all. I don't know which to choose.
    X Chris

  104. Another stunning Card Sue,
    Just got an idea from your beautiful creation
    Patricia xxx

  105. Your new collections are all so very tempting! Ideally I'd have them all! I have just ordered two and can't wait to play! Fabulous card love the layered look you've achieved. My fave Canadian is Toronto - for now.

  106. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! So so beautiful Sue, these are absolutely gorgeous. The never ending projects to use them..... xx gorgeous card and another "wow!" again for the gorgeous dies xx Love Karen xx

  107. Hi Sue
    Lovely card this afternoon. Think the Vancouver die is my favourite out of the three. Looking forward to 4 o'clock. x

  108. Hi Sue

    Wow! These dies are amazing and I will find it hard to choose a favourite.............so NEED all of them.

    Lol Barbara W

  109. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! Don't think I need to say more.
    Gail Cx

  110. My wish list is getting longer. I especially like Vancouver. So pretty.

  111. Hi Sue
    The dies just keep getting better.
    Happy crafting and look forward to what's coming up at 4
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina xxxx

  112. Hi Sue
    The dies just keep getting better.
    Happy crafting and look forward to what's coming up at 4
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina xxxx

  113. Hello again Sue,
    Another stunning set of dies. You've done it again!!
    Maureen xx

  114. Another stunning collection and very pretty card. It's becoming more and more difficult to choose (LOL)

  115. Love the detailed swirls in this Vancouver die Sue. All three would make a fabulous collection. Pat x

  116. What a beautiful set of dies they seem to get better all the time.

  117. OMG! Another truly stunning collection of dies! Such a classy and elegant card. Love, Ivy xx

  118. Hi Sue

    I woud love to promote these dies in Australia. Your cards are a perfect advertisement for the quality of the collection.

  119. Gorgeous die and card and all the other cards in the other collection that i forgot to mention, simply stunning. Johanna

  120. Hi Sue. They are all sooo lovely. SueL x

  121. Wow, I love it!! These are absolutely gorgeous! Love your sample too! Thanks for sharing!

  122. You keep bringing us great dies Sue!
    Looking forward to more!

  123. Hello again Sue
    I am so in love with this Canadian Collection, however having said that, I have also fallen for the striplets and I feel I really must have the configuration dies. Oh heck, decisions, decisions, decisions,.
    Cannot wait for 4pm.
    Lots of love
    Saba xxx

  124. Lovely colours and beautiful dies as always.
    Janet Fuller

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Hi Sue and everyone
    Well I thought the last post was a beauty but this one is spectacular Sue what a wonderful card you have made with these dies I am in aww of your inspiration
    And like June these are going onto my must have list.
    Thanks for sharing your talent Sue
    Good luck everyone and take care
    Theresa G

  127. Hi Sue. Well I just don't know what else to say !! The ENTIRE Canadian Collection has gone straight to the top of my most WANTED / NEEDED list !!!! I am absolutely in love with them all !! The trouble is that I also love every single die set that I saw yesterday to !!! I am having to sit on my hands until you have shown us your whole Spring Collection and then make a decision what to buy first, but my word is it going to be extremely difficult !! Some how I don't think I will last until the end !! I cannot pick out a favourite die from your Canadian Collection as I just adore them all. Your card, yet again is just stunning Sue. I love the colours you have used to. They are a lovely combination. I love yesterday's Striplet die cut in half too !! Thank you for sharing such beautiful cards and dies with us Sue. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Tres x x

    Sending lots of love to everyone today love from Tres x x x

  128. Hi Sue,

    Fab dies once again and beautiful card using them. Interesting to note how the number of comments has increased following your launch - everyone must want to see what fabulous ideas you have come up with next. Hope you are having a good time reading all the lovely positive comments connected to these really lovely collections of dies - truly well deserved praise.
    Beverley W

  129. Great looking card....the card turned out really nice...
    Well done Sue

  130. Hi Sue,
    What a beautiful card, I love the colour combination as well. The new collection of dies looks superb. Really going to struggle choosing. Looking forward to seeing how all the new dies look.
    Thanks Heather Treble

  131. Hi Sue, what a gorgeous collection. Particularly like the Toronto die but I may be impartial as that is where I live. Looking forward to the next post.

  132. 3 more stunning dies!!!!

  133. Hi Sue,
    The lace effect is stunning.
    What a feast for the eyes!
    Veronique L

  134. Hi Sue,
    oh these are so gorgeous.
    I love what you have created with them too.
    If you keep bring out such very beautiful dies, I will need a bigger craft room, and a mortgage to oblige.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  135. What a lovely collection of dies, I expect everyone would like to own them all, I know I would, seeing all the samples makes it harder to choose as they are all so brilliant.

  136. Interesting! The mat and layering will work really well together.
    Happy Days

  137. So intricate and delicate!

  138. hello sue,dies and cards so chic, and versatile,well done you.linda in nottingham, x

  139. WOW- another great set in the Canadian Collection! SO lovin' the intricate loop cuts. Super Fabulous complimenting Dies. Lovely use of the Striplet for fancy edges too.

  140. Wow, is all I can say! Thanks for sharing!

  141. Lovely card, Sue....the new dies are super!! Jo xx

  142. Hello Sue, they say it is a womans privilege to change her mind! However I ďon't think they meant every couple of hours. Every time you do a new blog post with another new die, I find a new favourite, and this time it is the Vancouver. Lets see what it will be in an hour. Love this card, but then again they are all exquisite, showcasing the new designs. Bx

  143. Hi Sue,
    Oh I just love this Canadian collection, really pretty dies.
    Stunning card, love the colour combination!
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  144. To My Dear Friend Sue,
    I Love This Truly Awesome Card And Dies And The Way You've Added Other Dies From Your Collection Also.
    The Colours Work So Well Together, I Love The Fact Your Dies Work So Well Together.
    Take Care My Friend
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  145. Superb cards, just loving all these new dies, where do I start to buy...luv Ursula xx

  146. Hi again sue. Lovely 5ey are going to be on my wish list which is getting very long now. An hour to go before we see the next card. Can't wait. Love sue h

  147. absolutely stunning card, these dies are my new favourites
    Wendy x

  148. Lovely card. More to add to my ever growing wish list.

  149. Hello Sue,
    Another WOW Sue, what are you doing to us? Every new Die you have shown us is absolutely gorgeous. I for one couldn't afford all of them, you are giving me a real problem which ones to choose, Will just have to add to my WishList and hope a kind fairy will look at it before my birthday !!!!
    The card is stunning, it would also look great in pastel tones.
    See you later love Brenda xxx

  150. LOVE Toronto!!! They are all gorgeous though! Would love to win ANY of them! TFS!

  151. Great set of dies Sue which look as if they will be very useful especially with your help to show themoff so well in our cardmaking. I don't always manage to post these days but believe you me I do really appreciate all the efforts you and your team make to help us with our creativity. It's lovely too that we can go into our own local craft shops and purchase all your new goodies before they go on tv. Thanks as always Maureen

  152. Hi Sue lovely card and dies
    Denise Hancock X

  153. Another gorgeous card Sue, I love all the layers on this one and the colour choice to. hugs Shirleyxxx

  154. Wow. Another fabulous set.

  155. With a Canadian son in law the Vancouver die would be very appropriate for my collection
    Margaret Mae

  156. Hi Sue
    yes the dies do work nicely together and the card looks fantastic-think this could be my favourite collection but then again not sure ? x

  157. What a really striking card. I do like this set and think they are so intricate and pretty. Thank you Sue. Anniekk xxx

  158. Hi Sue,
    Okay, I've found my favourite already. I'm in love with the Vancouver die. Not only is it a beautiful set but my beloved father was from Vancouver, so it has a personal meaning for me. I'm thinking this is going to be the first one from the Canadian series that I'll make my own (who knows, I may even lucky enough to win one lol). As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

  159. Hi Sue,
    oh may this is a stunning card.
    The whole Canadian set of die's are great. You really have not made it easy for us to choose what to get first from our wishlist.

    Take care all!
    Maria x

  160. Watching and waiting here to see the new die samples, and am not disappointed, they are stunning! Now to just choose the ones I can't do without. This is the hard part.

  161. Loving the Canadian collection. Very pretty and intricate. Julie Noyce

  162. Tooth Fairy Jo.30 April 2015 at 15:59

    Hello Sue,
    lovely card and 3 lovely Canadian dies. I think the Vancouver is in the lead for me.
    Tooth Fairy Jo.

  163. SHARLENE LEBLANC30 April 2015 at 16:04

    These dies are amazing. You do such lovely work Want to buy these for sure

  164. Just beautiful Sue
    Elaine H X

  165. Just beautiful Sue
    Elaine H X

  166. Hi Sue, beautiful card, loving the Canada collection, want them all! Love Jean xxx

  167. Hi Sue,
    More dies to spoil us with. I think these are my favourites so far I can see them being so versatile xx

  168. Love the new striplets so versatile.

  169. Deb E Isle of Wight30 April 2015 at 16:12

    These are beautiful as well and if you have the background then you just have to make up the collection. Again the card showcases wonderfully.

  170. Three fabulous dies, love all the filigree detail, can't decide which one is my favourite! X

  171. Hi Sue, You've done it again.Fab Fab Fab. Roll on 4 o'clock!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxx

  172. Oh Sue how can we choose!!! I need them all. See you in the morning! Loopy Lynda xxx

  173. These are absolutely beautiful and it's really hard to choose a favourite.


  174. Hi Sue
    Another stunning card and stunning dies I might do this one for my mum and dads golden wedding anniversary card thank you tracyw

  175. Hi Sue
    Lovely dies and cards. You are spoiling us.

  176. Hi Sue,

    Gorgeous again - just working out which bank to rob!!!

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  177. Wonderful Sue, well done you! Such great dies too!

    Paula x

  178. I love all three of these sets, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  179. Beautiful cards Sue, loving the Vancouver , it's so delicate x

  180. Hi Sue
    Another gorgeous set. Absolutely beautiful.
    love Jan x

  181. Stunning gorgeous card and superb dies

  182. Beautiful card. think my favourite is the Toronto die. Lucky as I have family who live there
    Karen xx

  183. Wonderful set of dies,Sue!

  184. Good afternoon Sue and everyone
    Yet another delightful card with wonderful die cuts absolutely stunning to say the least
    Margaret corgi owner

  185. Afternoon Sue. More wonderful dies to make stunning cards. Just hope I get time to make them with a 9 week puppy. X

  186. Yet another gorgeous card. My wish list is fast getting longer
    Thank you once more

  187. Hello Sue

    Making the insides the same shape means they are so easy to intermingle.


  188. Hello Sue

    Making the insides the same shape means they are so easy to intermingle.


  189. Hi Sue

    These are really gorgeous, don't know where you keep getting your ideas from but Thank you.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  190. Not surprised by the number of positive comments.

  191. Wow Sue this is a stunning card I love the hope dies you have created they are amazing. I hope you've had a good day. Hugs Jackie
