
Saturday 28 March 2015

You're Special To Me

Hello there crafters!  Another fun use of the New York background.  Poor thing keeps getting cut up in every direction, but it is just so versatile!  I started by embossing my coconut white card using the Bed Of  Roses Embossing Folder (yes, I know I use it a lot, don't I!)  I cut the New York background, also in coconut white card and nipped it in half.  I put the two halves together and cut out a bit more of it so I could make it a bit more square (it isn't perfectly square, just closer to a square than a rectangle now).  I taped the pieces together from the back, then glued them to a piece of periwinkle card.  Next I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the New York tag.  I cut two of the New York corners in white and another tag in periwinkle blue card.  I nipped the tag in half to make it sorter and  and arranged it and the corners in a pleasing fashion around the sentiment to add more detail.  Finally I finished the card with some white flatback pearls in the corners and middle.  In my usual manner, I finished the card with a white pierced paper mat, a thin periwinkle card mat and a final white mat.  The finished dimensions are
7 1/4" x  7 1/2" in size.

Well, finally up and out of bed after nearly a week and almost human again.  I want the number of the bus that hit me though! LOL  Still tired and very faint headed but slowly getting back up to scratch.  The up side though is that I have lost all the cruise weight now but definitely not the preferred dietary method though! LOL  Thank you for all your well wishes.  I will get the blog candy drawing done and posed on Monday for you.

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card giveaway is:

Evis M!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com  to confirm your address and claim your card.    All for now, Sue x

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  1. Morning Sue, another lovely card to start the weekend. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, take care though, you are still not right.
    Congrats to Evie, enjoy your card.
    Lorraine Eastweeod, don't be shy, we only got to know each other by regularly posting, come join us and be a Wilsonette, all are welcome.
    Hugs to all, have a good weekend, Sheila and Nikki, Alimecca and aunt, you are in my thoughts daily.

  2. Good morning Sue another beautiful card, yes your dies are so versatile we do get more than our moneys worth. So glad to hear you are back on the mend. Well done to Elvis. Yvonne xx

  3. Hi Sue and all
    beautiful card today love the EF and the so versatile New Yorkers.
    glad you are feeling better Sue, have a lovely weekend all
    we are having perfect Autumn weather here but I am still housebound for another couple of weeks, I just hope it lasts until I am able to get out and enjoy it more
    Muriel x

  4. Hi Sue
    glad to hear you're feeling better now. x
    Today's card is lovely as always! x

  5. Pretty card, Sue, like the 'altered' NY background and lovely colours.
    Yay - at least an upside, Sue, and so pleased you're starting to get better. Sounds as though you were really knocked out.
    Evis, well done on winning the card.

    'P' in Wales

    Lorraine - most of us only know each other through regular posting, though some have forged real life friendships. A few have met briefly by going on demos/workshops so can put a few faces to names. Anyway, welcome!
    Sam S and TOB - missing you.

  6. Morning Sue and all, A beautiful card again and thanks for all your tips on cutting and trimming the New York dies, it really I is a versatile die. Have a great week-end everyone. So pleased your feeling a little better Sue.

  7. Morning Sue.. besutiful card today. I love the blue colour with the white. Very elegant. Glad your feeling much better. Just take it easy for a few days. Hugs Heather x

  8. Lovely card Sue, and pleased to hear you are feeling better. Anne x

  9. GM Sue. Lovely card. Tree chic! Glad to hear you are on the mend. It must have been quite a thing to lay you flat for a week if you don't mind me saying that! You are always on the gogo. Take it easy recovering. AP in a couple of weeks so hope you will back on song by then. I am going on Saturday with hubby! Its his birthday that day but he has agreed to go with me nonetheless. Bless him. I don't think he quite gets it though. He said he doesn't see why all those ladies go to get bits of card and felt tips! An interesting mans perspective on it I supppose... Happy weekend all

  10. Morning Sue. So pleased your up and about and feeling a little like yourself but take care and don't do to much just yet. This mornings card is beautiful. The colours are lovely and you have used my favourite die's. They are so versatile and i love it when you show us new way to cut them up to make them all mix and match.
    Congrats to Evie on winning your stunning card.
    Take care everyone as it's like winter here today. Very cold and windy.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  11. Morning Sue.
    So glad to hear you are on the mend, just take it easy. Today's card is beautiful. congrats to Evis. Take care all Kitty.

  12. Today's card is lovely as always, glad to hear you are back on the mend.

  13. Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, so pleased that you are feeling better and on the way to a full recovery, not a good way to lose your weight gain though is it. As to the card today, well again it is gorgeous, will have a play later.

    Have a great Saturday everyone, remember the clocks go forward in the UK tonight so you loose an hours sleep, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  14. A very clever use of the dies yet again. A lacy looking card. Hope you'll soon be back to A1 Sue xxx

  15. such a beautiful card asain sue

  16. Lovely card Sue. Pleased to hear you feel better.

  17. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card again. You are loving those scissors!!
    Thank you for sharing. Am glad to hear you are on the mend. Just take it slowly.
    Congratulations to the card winner.
    Have a great day everyone.

  18. Good morning Sue and all. Pleased you are feeling better Sue . Lovely card Sue as always . Take care . JJxx

  19. Hi Sue. Another beautiful card in m using some of my favourite things. The NY background and Bed of Roses Ef are both on the "need" list and look gorgeous in my favourite periwinkle blue and white : )
    I am so glad that you are on the mend at last, no trying to do anything until you feel 100% again please!
    Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care. xx

  20. Sorry, I forgot to say congratulations to Evie : ) Take care.

  21. Morning Sue
    It is good to hear you are on the mend at last
    Love the card
    Pat x

  22. Morning Sue, a gorgeous card you really show us
    How to get our money.s worth from our dies and I love
    Ef too. So glad your back on your feet again just take it easy for a while till your really on top form.
    Nancyd xx

  23. Good morning Sue
    It's so good to hear your feeling better but such a drastic way to lose weight LOL I think I'll stick to my diet 😄.
    I don't blame you using this embossing folder it's beautiful. I love what you've done with the die I wish I had some of your imagination. The card is beautiful thanks for sharing.
    Congratulations to Evie
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  24. Pretty blue and very clever use of the dies again. Take it easy Sue. Big hug
    Julie E
    Ps congrats to Evis!

  25. Hi Sue glad to hear you are on the mend. Beautiful card and lovely colours. Congratulations to Evis on winning a lovely cardx

  26. Glad you are feeling better Sue and Congratulations to Evie.
    Lovely card today, love the delicate look of the central focal point xx

  27. Hi Sue. Beautiful card, love how you alter your die cuts to make new shapes, it shows that the designer was thinking way beyond the basic use when she did them - LOL!!! I'm sorry that you've been so ill but am pleased that you're on the mend, don't rush to do too much too soon though!
    Congratulations to Evie. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  28. Morning Sue, beautiful card, just love that blue! So pleased to hear you are on the mend, do take things easy for a few days more! Love Jean xxx

  29. Hi Sue,
    So glad you are feeling better.
    The card is beautiful and shows how versatile the background die is.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Veronique L

  30. Good morning Sue so pleased to hear you are feeling so much better, just don't try and do too much too soon! We need you fighting fit for Ally Pally. Such a pretty colour in your card and it showcases the versatility of this die so well, love from Jackie xx

  31. Beautiful card, I have never used background dies before but you are starting to persuade me :) glad to hear you are feeling better xx

  32. Hello Sue,

    So glad to hear you're feeling better, can't give you the number of the bus but it was obviously a double-decker!...

    This NY Background die is becoming a must-have, it was on the wish list anyway but is steadily creeping closer to the top...love today's card


  33. Good morning Sue and everyone
    Glad to hear that you are on the mend.
    Have a husband full of flu that Im trying not to catch!
    A beautiful card. Great design, as usual and the periwinkle is divine.
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  34. Good to hear you are up and about Sue if not fully, so do take care!
    Today's card is just as lovely as all the others, so thank you for sharing them with us.
    Best wishes to everyone especially Sue.

  35. Hell Sue, todays card is another perfect example of how versatile the dies are. All your ideas of how to use them differently are fabulous and inspiring. Congrats to Evis on winning the card. Have a great day all. Bx

  36. Good morning a Sue what a beautiful card I do like this die and your colour and design is wonderful.
    So pleased you are on the mend.

    Debs A xxx

  37. My post should read if not fully recovered.
    love to all.
    Best wishes again.

  38. Good to hear you are feeling better Sue! Lovely card again today!
    Janette x

  39. Ecco of Sheffield28 March 2015 at 08:04

    Morning Sue
    So pleased to hear you're on the right road now. This Flu/virus is really one that flattens this year and certainly is not one which goes away quickly. You may be up out of bed but please take it as easy as you can and let your body heal.

    Today's gift is in my favourite colours again and so is a winner in every sense for me. Your dies certainly do what you wanted them to do and we as crafters really appreciate your thoughtfulness when creating them.

    Well the result of a manic Friday is that we can go away on Monday but Mr E has to visit a Dr when we get there so it's 'on with the packing'!!!

    To all under the weather and suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe.
    Janet x

  40. Beautiful card, love the way you cut up background dies to alter things.

    Glad you are starting to feel better, don't overdo things though.

    Congrats to Evis.


  41. Good Morning Sue, another beautiful card and so versatile.
    So glad to hear you are on the mend, but do take it easy as we do not want you to have a relapse.....xxxx

  42. Such a beautiful card.
    So glad that you feeling a little better but take care as you obviously still poorly. Don't go trying to do too much to soon.

  43. Hi Sue. Lovely periwinkle and white card. Love this combo. SueL x

  44. Good morning Sue your card is gorgeous. You are so inventive with your dies. I am glad you are feeling better. I have known so many people who have been really ill this winter it is a very nasty bug. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  45. Good morning Sue, Glad to hear youare feeling better but it is a very nasty Flu/Virus this year!It will take you another week or so to feel the old Sue again!!!So take good care of yourself please. About the card,amazing how you still find ways to alter your dies!it's a beautiful card again! Hugs Jane B.

  46. Another gorgeous card, such versatile dies, do love them

  47. Morning Sue,
    Another winner, love the idea of cutting ,to resize.
    Well done Evie,
    Gail C x

  48. Pleased to hear you are up and on the mend Sue. Love this periwinkle card & have got the background die on my wish list. Just one snag had my birthday & Christmas is a long way off - lol!!

  49. Glad you are feeling better Sue, if not completely recovered. Love the card, I've got some of that blue on the way to me, as I can't get anything similar locally.

    Congrats to the winner, I misread it, and thought Elvis had won!

  50. The card is lovely Sue and glad you are starting to feel a bit human again.
    That bus hit me too and it takes a while to get over it so don't do too much too soon!!
    Take care and go gently,

  51. Morning Sue
    Another stunning card, so pleased to hear you are feeling better, take it slowly.
    Carol xx

  52. Hi Sue. Lovely card again today. So glad you're feeling better. Congrats to Evis for winning the card. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  53. Hi Sue - so pleased you are up out of bed now and feeling much better. Love today's card and the way you cut your dies about. The embossing folder makes a great finishing background. Congratulations to Evie on winning your super card. Best wishes to you Sue and hope you will be feeling 100% better soon.

  54. Good Morning Sue
    So pleased you are up and about...though not yet fully recovered!
    This is such a pretty card!
    Congrats to Evie
    Love Marg

  55. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card, and so glad to hear that you're on the mend.
    Take care.
    Lorna D

  56. Good morning Sue, I am so pleased to hear you are feeling much better. Took a while which I know must have been so frustrating for you. Take it easy, take your time, we need you well.
    Your card for today is absolutely STUNNING. Love the colour combo and wonderful design.
    Have a good day
    Patricia xxx

  57. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card today and clever use of dies again...you are so creative.
    Glad you are beginning to feel a bit better.
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  58. A lovely card Sue, I always like these colours together. Thank you.Xx

  59. Hi Sue. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Don't overdo it though. Beautiful card and your dies are so versatile. Have a good weekend. xx

  60. Morning Sue, I am so pleased you are beginning to feel better, but don't try to do too much too soon, take it slowly. My favourite embossing folder today and the pretty card colour, beautiful.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  61. Morning Sue. So glad to read you feel able to leave your bed of roses after being hit by that dam great juggernaut, you poor thing, you must have been poorly if it made you take to your pit ! Just remember though as you've told us "your not quite there yet" so dont be pushing yourself or that bus will follow and lay you flat again ! Remember Sue YOU are to us Wilsonettes what your sentiment says today xx

    Its that gorgeous Wedgwood colour scheme again that always looks so pretty and is so popular here at Particraft. Everything about this Saturday gift is beautiful, thank you again for inspiring us and showing us that although we wince when we see you, or read about you trimming your dies, a few seconds of pain is our gain lol !!

    A very warm welcome to our new friend LORRAINE, this is the most outstanding craft blog full of inspiration, friendship, support and caring, so its so lovely to see you here, you will soon feel part of this very happy family, so sit back and enjoy the new friends to be made.

    Elvi, many congrats on winning your W. O. W
    (Wonder Of Wilson) card. Arn't they totally amazing in real life ?

    To SAM, TOB, ALISON and our dear Wilsonettes that are not well, Im thinking of you. To our dearest CAM, we really miss you hon and look forward to all our missing friends returning home, the bunting and balloons are all ready to welcome you home.

    Have a good Saturday my friends. This sentiment is for you Sue and to ALL our friends here xx
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  62. Hi Sue another stunning card .
    glad you are feeling a little better but take it easy .
    Marion H

  63. Gorgeous. I got some of the New York dies but not the background yet, looks gorgeous. On my very long list.

  64. Good to know you are on the mend Sue. Hugs xx Lovely card today and that blue is gorgeous. Keep up the good work .xx

  65. Gorgeous card Sue, glad you are feeling better, I think you had something like I had a few weeks ago, this is the first week in ages that I have felt almost 'normal' hugs Carole Z X

  66. Hi Sue this is a stunning card today and I only flinched a little bit when you said to cut the background in half! Lol. I'm pleased to hear you are on the mend but you must take it easy still to get back to full strength. Don't run before you can walk! I sure your other half is making sure you behave yourself and making sure you drink plenty - just the orange juice though not the gin!
    Take care of yourself
    Love Diane G xxx
    Congratulations to Evis on winning the card xxx

  67. Good Morning Sue, so pleased to hear you are on the mend. Todays card is lovely, very fresh looking with the blue and white, I love what you have done with the sentiment panel in the centre. Edwina

  68. Glad you are feeling better Sue can sympathise as feel like that the majority of the time due to chronic illnesses. Beautiful card love the colours xx hazel

  69. Another gorgeous master piece. Just love it. So glad you are beginning to feel a bit better, take it easy. Congrats Evie. Hazel x

  70. Another perfect card using the NY collection. It's become my absolute favourite collection. I only need to buy two more (background and Union Square) to have the whole lot! which I've not done before I've just dipped my toe into the other collections

  71. Hi Sue, Very pretty card, love Jean Z xx

  72. Morning Sue,

    So glad you are up and about again, take it easy.

    Gorgeous card, love the design.

    Congratulations to Evie.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  73. Hi Sue, another beautiful card. Glad you're feeling a bit better.
    Takr care.
    Love Val x

  74. Dear sue take care you need time to get well properly. Love this card so beautiful and the colour is so nice love to all June horrocks xxxxxxx

  75. Hi Sue
    I'm so glad your feeling much better. Not 100% yet but better than you were. Don't try to do to much to soon as it won't help your recovery. Today's card is gorgeous. Aren't the New York dies lovely. So versatile. Congratulations to Evie. Hugs to all in need of one today.


  76. What a lovely card, Sue, tfs!!

    Doreen x

  77. Hi Sue,
    So pleased that you are feeling better. I think quite a few of us were hit by that same bus and it does take quite a while to get back to normal. Please take care to completely recover, we need you fit and well.
    The card is stunning, blue and white always looks so fresh. Love it!

    Hugs to all
    Pat xxx

  78. Good morning Sue and everyone
    So pleased you are feeling a little more bright eyed and bushy tailed, but take things easy and listen to your body don't over do things.
    Another classic and beautiful card love it.
    Thinking of Sheila and Nikki and Pharmacy Michele
    Have a lovely crafty weekend everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

  79. Another perfect card Sue! Well done. I'm so sorry you've been so poorly, hope you've had plenty of spoiling. :)

    Paula x

  80. A lovely card Sue, so pleased you are feeling better , just take things easy eh ?
    Well done to Evis on winning the lovely Giveaway.

    Elaine H X

  81. Morning Sue, love this card, you are really giving
    us food for thought by cutting into our dies. Glad you are on the mend, but take it easy utill you are 100%
    Congratulations to Evis on winning the card giveaway.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  82. So glad you are on the mend. Loving this very pretty card today and loving the EF too x

  83. Morning Sue, beautiful card. Glad your starting to feel a bit better.

  84. Another Beautiful Card Sue!

    So glad to hear you are on the mend. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  85. Hi Sue

    So nice your on the mend take good care.

    Beautiful card today I love the New York dies so useful.

    Congrats to the winner

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  86. Hi Sue,
    Glad to hear that you're feeling better if not quite yourself. I know exactly how you feel! Please take care of yourself. Today's card is gorgeous in one of my all time favourite colour combinations. - so Wedgewoodesque. Congrats to Evis, enjoy your card.
    Well got aunt home yesterday and it was lovely to see her relax in her own home again. The lovely Macmillan nurses have arranged for someone to sit with her through the night, so that is a great comfort for us. I hope everyone has as good a weekend as is possible and I send big hugs and lots of love to you all. Love Alison xx

  87. Hi Sue.
    Glad to hear you are on the mend.
    I love this card. It is so pretty and fresh looking. Thanks for all the congratulations everyone, they are much appreciated.
    Best wishes,
    Evis M.

  88. Hi Sue, a beautiful CAS card today with the gorgeous periwinkle card.
    So pleased to hear you are improving but don't overdo it, will you. Take time to get really better before dashing about at your usual break-neck speed!

    Evis- congratulations on being the Wednesday Winner.

    Well it is a miserably wet start to the week-end here so no gardening today. Maybe I should tidy the craft room a bit as I have finished all the Easter cards and it does look rather like a bomb site. Have a lovely week-end everyone.

  89. Hi Sue
    Very pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better. Take care. Lovely card as always, this blue card is just gorgeous, is it periwinkle, must get some soon. x

  90. Good DAY Sue
    Very glad to hear you are feeling better.
    Gorgeous card the color pallet could not be better.
    Take care your health
    Have a wonderful weekend ladies

  91. Morning Sue, My favourite periwinkle card, its beautiful. Glad your feeling better! Congrats to Evis on winning Wednesdays card.
    Thanks June for reminder about clocks going forward, I had forgotten! love Junex (Cumbria)

  92. Hi Sue,
    Another masterpiece in blue and white today! It is really lovely. Thank you for inspiring us each day even when you aren't well!
    Sorry to hear you have been so poorly. There are some awful bugs going around at the moment! If they are now teaming up with buses we got no chance! Lol!
    Seriously, take things slowly because you will be a bit wobbly for a day or two.
    Love to everyone and congratulations to Evis.
    Love Myra. Xxx

  93. Beautiful card, Sue. Crisp and elegant.
    Glad you're up and about and almost back to normal. I agree with you, a rather extreme diet !! Take care Xx

    Keep safe, dry and warm everyone. Hope the wind and rain doesn't dampen your spirits. Don't forget, we lose an hour's sleep from 1.00am tomorrow morning !! But Spring is here, even if weather is un - Spring like and Summer is on the way !!!

    Hugs and Best Wishes to you all,

    Angela in Wet and Windy, S. Wales Xx

  94. Ps. Congratulations Evis, you lucky lady !!

  95. Good morning Sue & friends,
    Sue please take it easy, this virus /bug is quite persistent.
    If you try and do too much it seems to wipe you flat again !
    So start back gently taking things slowly.
    Today's card is beautiful, you have used the winning combination of blue and white, it always looks so clean and fresh, combined with the New York Collection, it's a marriage made in heaven! Thank you Sue for the inspiration, now off you go and rest up! Hugs xxxx
    Sam & Theresa, I want to wish you both a speedy recovery, I have emailed both of you as I was so worried about you, please take care and return to us when you are well and ready! Hugs to both of you xx
    Well the Easter Holidays are upon us, do you all have plans? The weather this weekend is not the best start, it's strong gusty wind and rain to start the weekend here in Oxfordshire, I hope the sun is shining on your part of the country, love & hugs to all,
    Sandra xxxxx

  96. Pleased to hear you are feeling a little bit better but don't overdo things. Love today's card and the colours.
    Congratulations to Evie for winning the Wednesday card.

  97. So glad you are on the mend! Thanks for the lovely card too! xxxx

  98. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card and more inspirational ideas to get the most from your dies. Glad to hear your feeling better but take it easy until you are back to normal. I think that bus has hit many this winter.

  99. Hi Sue

    Fab card, glad to hear your on the mend, take it easy now, it is so easy to start running around too soon, slow and steady.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  100. Hi Sue,
    Fabulous card, love it all.
    Pleased to hear you are felling so much better, take it easy and get yourself fully fit. It took me ages to fight of this bug and feel human again.

  101. Hi Sue
    So pleased to hear you are feeling a little better but don't over do things take it easy and relax.This Virus/bug that is going around has done it's tour on the whole of the UK. Many of my family around the UK have had it and it drains you so much.What a beautiful card Sue i don't know how you manage to come up with so many different ideas/ techniques for your cards. I sometimes sit and stare at my craft as i just cant think of a design.Making male cards for me are the worst to think up a design
    You take care Sue and relax it will take time for you to regain your full strength and get back to normal
    Hazel G XXX

  102. Hi Sue
    Absolutely stunning. The colour-way is beautiful and the dies fantatic. Thank you. Glad you are starting to feel better now.
    Bye fo rnow.
    SandrqaP xxx

  103. Hi Sue, Pleased to hear you are on the mend. It reminds me of the advert where the old couple sit on a fairground ride instead of a ordinary seat to eat a sandwich - and off it goes -
    As they are walking away you can hear the gentleman say "WHAT KIND OF CHEESE WAS THAT" Love your beautiful cards and dies.Love from Marie.

  104. Hi Sue and everyone

    A beautiful, elegant and crisp card. Lovely.

    So glad to hear that you are beginning to feel so much better Sue, but as all the wellwishers on your blog have said...take it easy until you feel completely better.

    Love Helen xxx

  105. Hi Sue,

    So glad to hear you are feeling slightly more human again - still take it easy though as you don't want a backward step just now. Love today's card that background die is, as you say, so useful. Have you got any cards you could share with the Caribbean background?

    Continue to take care.

    Beverley W

  106. Afternoon Sue and all Wilsonettes,
    Very dreary day today brightened up by your glorious 'Wedgwood' card.
    Congratulations to Evie for winning the Wednesday giveaway. Enjoy it my dear.
    Welcome to the one and only Wilsonette club Lorraine, you are sure to enjoy 'chatting' to like minded crafters.
    Glad to read you almost back to normal Sue, but remember to take things steady, these nasty little bugs sure do have a habit of knocking us off our feet.
    Muriel, sorry to read you still housebound and I hope it won't be long till you are back on your feet to enjoy Spring, when it finally arrives. ((((hugs)))) to you my dear.
    Hugs to everybody else who wants one, just because.
    Cheryl xxx

  107. Hello Sue and all

    Lovely Card. I really like the way you cut your dies and use them in different ways. Great colours.

    I'm glad to here your starting to feel better.

    Congrats to Evis M

    Best wishes

  108. glad you're back with the living Sue. lovely soft card for today. that embossing folder is rather lush so it's
    fine by me if you want to use it on every card, hugs xx

  109. Suzzette Yandle28 March 2015 at 12:55

    Lovely card today with your eye for redrafting your die cuts to suit your design. Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Take care my friend and take it easy until you are not so tired and especailly not faint headed. We don't want you to fall.

  110. Another beautiful creation xx so glad to hear you are on the mend -must have been pretty nasty to keep you in bed for a week and like you say not the desired method for loosing the extra pounds but hopefully you will continue to improve and feel totally human again very soon xx GailT xx

  111. Such pretty colours on today's card Sue! So pleased to hear that you are feeling better, if not fully recovered - plenty of rest is still required, and get everyone else running around after you! Take care, Susan x

  112. Good Morning Sue, glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better. Absolutely love today's card. Keep using the New York Collection and Bed of Roses embossing folder as you always come up with stunning cards.

  113. Rose in Chester28 March 2015 at 13:21

    Hi Sue,
    so glad to hear you're on the right road now, ie the one to recovery. Take it easy though, until you're back to full strength.
    Today's card brightens up a dull and cold day, that poor NY background has to put up with a lot but as you say, it is so versatile. It looks gorgeously different here. The card is beautiful.
    Have a great Sat and Sunday.
    Hugs, Rose

  114. Hi Sue

    That bus must have hit you so hard to keep you out of action all week, to you feel 100% soon. Take care.

    Another pretty card today. That periwinkle card is beautiful.

    Congratulations Evis on your lovely win.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Kind Regards to all :-)

    Tina XX

  115. Hi Sue

    That should have read. I hope you feel a 100% soon

    Tina XX

  116. Lovely card Sue. Glad to hear you're starting to feel better. x

  117. Hi Sue,such a pretty, lacy card today and I must get round to getting that EF - hopefully it will be available at the BS&SS in a couple of weeks really looking forward to that!! Really glad to hear you are on the mend, but take it easy - donlt run before you can walk ;o) Hugs, Karen x

  118. Hello Sue,
    So pleased to hear you're feeling a little better, after such a collision you better take it steady - a day at a time. Keep a watch out these buses have a habit of creeping up on you again. DON'T be pushing yourself too hard. LOL

    Today's card is a winner, I love periwinkle and white they are a match made in heaven. You're making me look at my dies again - cutting this background in half is such an inspiring idea. Note to self, check out your background dies.

    Sue you are such an inspiration, not only do you bring us your beautiful dies, you inspire us with different ways to use them. Thank you thank you thank you. Now that's what I call value for money.

    Congratulations Elvi M on winning the Wednesday giveaway card. You really have got a treasure.

    Sending love and crafty hugs to everyone, especially our dear Sue, love Brenda XXX

  119. Good afternoon Sue and my wonderful Wilsonettes,
    This is a beautiful card Sue with the rose embossed background in the White and blue which is such a pretty shade, quite soft. I am glad that you are picking up dear friend as it is a nightmare when you have been hit by the number 9 bus and it didn't stop to get you back to your feet.
    Wel done Evis on winning this weeks WOW as I know that you will so excited at the thought of you winning. Enjoy the inspiration and beauty of it when it arrives.
    Hugs to all my Wilsonettes Angels with special thoughts to Sheila and young Nikki, Alison and poorly Auntie and all the rest of our lovely Wilsonettes who are having a rough time the now
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah. (Glenochil)

  120. Afternoon Sue, so glad to hear that you are on the mend but don't try to do to much or you will be back to square one . Beautiful card today love the colour and I think the different way you use this die is great. I'm going to have a go at this later today.

  121. Hi Sue,

    Lovely card - so elegant. Thank you.

    So glad to hear you a feeling a bit better.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  122. VERY PRETTY. I love this shade of blue.. glad to hear you are better. Dont push yourself too hard and have a relapse.

  123. Beautiful card Sue, glad you are feeling a bit better.

  124. Such a lovely card...you sure know how to work those dies...
    The color is very pretty against the white..
    Well done Sue

  125. So glad you are on the mend now Sue, not the best way to lose weight!

    Beautiful card today also


  126. Beautiful card. The colour always reminds me of wedgewood.
    Glad you are feeling better now.
    Take care
    Karen xx

  127. Hi Sue
    So glad you're feeling a bit better but please take things easy until you feel 100%. Love today's card and the new york background is on my wish list
    Congratulations to Evis on winning your lovely card
    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  128. Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
    I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, but please take it easy otherwise the bus could reverse and knock you for six again. Believe me, I know.
    You card today is lovely, and the New York dies are fabulous. So good to work with and very versatile, as you have proved here.
    Evis, congratulations.
    Alimecca, and Sheila and Nikki, thinking of yoou.
    Maureen x

  129. Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
    I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, but please take it easy otherwise the bus could reverse and knock you for six again. Believe me, I know.
    You card today is lovely, and the New York dies are fabulous. So good to work with and very versatile, as you have proved here.
    Evis, congratulations.
    Alimecca, and Sheila and Nikki, thinking of yoou.
    Maureen x

  130. Another absolutely gorgeous card today, I love when you use the new York dies as I love them all.
    Also it is so nice to learn different ways to use them and give them a different look.

  131. Hi Sue, Another beautiful card, very fresh looking in blue and white, gorgeous.
    Congratulations to Evis, enjoy your card.
    So glad you are starting to feel a little better, not a good way to lose weight !!!
    I've just spent a fabulous day watching Julia do demo's, heaven.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  132. So glad to hear that you are feeling better! Hope my chicken soup helped! LOL Beautiful card and congratulations to Evis for winning the Wednesday card!

  133. Hi Sue

    Glad your feeling a bit better & wish you a full recovery back to yourself soon.

    Lovely pretty card & love the colours, very soft & subtle.
    Love the Bed Of Roses Embossing Folder & another one for my stash...
    Beautiful as always.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx

  134. Hi sue.
    Glad ur better. I'm just back to work today after a nasty tummy bug. I'll say no more lol
    Lovely card. The dies really are so versatile I just don't like cutting them up! Well done to evie enjoy ur card lucky lady. Xx

  135. Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonette friends
    Sue this gift is stunning I love the periwinkle colour card I have been trying to get some so hopefully I can find it at AP. I love how you snip away at your die's & Creat a different look.
    I'm so pleased you are feeling a lot more human Sue but please take care untill you 100%
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

    TOB Theresa sending you & Sam both healing Hug's xx

    Sheila & Nikki still thinking of you both sending love & Hug's too you both.xxxx

    Allison sending you & your Aunt healing Hug's glad she is back home xxxx

    Cameeli sorry too here you had a fire in your craft room,but good nobody was hurt. How's your gorgeous grandson x Hug's Lynda xx

    Hug's Sandra Margaret MYRA Maria,TOB Theresa,Sheila & Nikki Hazel Patrica Sam Saba Steph Wheelybad TIna E Jean D Gaill C Pat Mrs B Janet Diane Norah Pam Brenda L Cheryl & all the ladies on Sue's blog. Healing Hug's for all who's not 100% well.
    Love Lynda xx

  136. Hi Sue,

    Lovely card. Cannot keep up with your amazing inspirations. Take care, Ivy L xx

  137. Hi Sue...
    I'm sorry you have been poorly. I haven't been about myself much this week due to illness. It's horrid sometimes.
    Your card today is beautiful. I'm loving the new York collection. It's so versatile.
    Hope you get back to normal soon.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  138. Hi Sue...
    I'm sorry you have been poorly. I haven't been about myself much this week due to illness. It's horrid sometimes.
    Your card today is beautiful. I'm loving the new York collection. It's so versatile.
    Hope you get back to normal soon.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  139. Beautiful card - I must try this as I have that die!

  140. Oh dear I missed your posting about being so poorly, glad you are on the mend. Another gorgeous make today, lovely colour

  141. A real wedge wood feel to this. Gorgeous!

  142. Hi Sue
    Wonderful card.....so glad that you are feeling lots better....yes not a great way to lose the weight, but I'm sure you feel happier that it's gone!!
    Love and hugs

  143. Hi Sue
    Glad your feeling a little better and back on your feet.
    Another lovely card.

  144. Hi Sue, so pleased you are on the mend, such a pretty card. xx

  145. Hi sue, glad you are on your feet after a nasty illness, today's card is fantastic and the colour is gorgeous, love to all Johanna

  146. Hi Sue, glad you're feeling almost human again. It's a pretty nasty bug you've had so take it easy, don't go back to work too soon. Your card today is beautiful. Love and hugs,
    Alison D x

  147. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card, periwinkle is such a beautiful colour and always looks so clean and fresh. This New York background is proving to be so versatile. I love how you have been showing us all the ways to snip into it.
    So glad you are starting to feel somewhat better, but if you are still feeling tired and light headed you still need to rest and look after yourself.

    Congratulations Evis on winning the beautiful card.
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  148. Hi Sue. I am so glad you are starting to feel better but please continue to take it easy as this particular bug/flu/ virus tends to stay with you for quite some time before you can shake it off !! This one is very persistent !! It took me two whole weeks to start to feel anywhere near half human again !!
    Todays card is beautiful !! The Periwinkle and coconut White is a favourite colour combo of mine. I just love it. Your Roses EF looks fab Sue and your New York Background die is lovely !! I think this die would look fantastic used with your "inlaid technique" to, as the pattern consists of lots of nice big pieces to put back into the die. You have created some lovely patterns with it by cutting into it in different ways. I love the New York border, corner, tag dies to. (One of my most favourite die sets !!) Thank you for sharing today's beautiful creation with us all. Sending you lots of love and get well soon wishes. Please take care love from Tres x x x

    Congratulations to Evie for winning Sue's gorgeous Wednesday card giveaway !! Lots of love from Tres x x x

    Sheila and Nikki, Thinking of you both and sending lots of love from Tres x x x

    Sending lots of love and hugs to everyone today from Tres x x x

  149. Good evening Sue, Yet another beautiful card, love the colours too.

    Glad to hear that you are getting better Lots of hugs to all
    Dorothy xxx

  150. Pretty card. Love the embossing folder.
    Pleased you are on the road to recovery, Sue. Take things slowly until you are fully fit though.
    Congratulations to Evis on winning Wednesday's card.
    Take care everyone.

  151. Beautiful fresh colours and fabulous use of the dies. So glad you are on the mend xx

  152. love the versatile use of the dies. Great is the roses embossingfolder

  153. Hi sue. I love this card I love the colour I love the way it looks I love everything about it crafty hugs Julie xxx

  154. Hi Sue,
    sorry this post is late but I went on the Settle - Carlisle train yesterday for a day out with hubby.
    The card is lovely and I'm so pleased that you are getting better, still need to have lots of rest and tlc.

    Love and hugs

  155. I love this card.
    I'm so looking forward to getting the parts for my Grand Calibur so I can get going again :)
