
Wednesday 8 October 2014

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hi bloggers!  I noticed earlier in the year quite a bit of this extremely distressed card edges on blogs from the States so I thought I would have a go at it myself.  I have to say that I loved the results as it gives the card a surprisingly elegant, vintage sort of feel to it in real life.  I started with a piece of milk coloured card and tore all the way around the edge.  I then took the edge of my scissors and distressed it further to bring about a softer, almost fuzzy edge to the card.  I did a slightly smaller piece the same exact way and layered them together.  Using a piece of cut 'n dry foam, I inked the torn edges lightly to give them a vintage look.  I cut a Divine Eloquence die cut out of milk card and backed it with a piece of peach card from my stash.  I used the smaller die in the set to cut another piece out of milk card and layered it with foam in the middle.  I stamped my sentiment from the Justrite stamp set called Ribbons and Swags Vintage Labels Seven and cut it out with the tag die from the same.  I inked it lightly with Antique Linen distress ink before removing it from the die and added it with foam in the middle of the card.  I used my Classic Rose die set to cut some peach felt and made two flowers from it. (This technique can be seen on my video on Youtube entitled Spanish Rose)  I added them with tulle and some cream twine.  I pierced around the edge of a piece of milk card to create a mat frame for my card, then added a thin peach mat and a final milk mat to complete the card.   The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  7 3/4" in size.  If you would like to be entered in the drawing to win this card, just leave me a comment.  The winner will be announced on Saturday's post.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Stunning card Sue, lovely.
    Deyenaira welcome to the Wilsonettes, your English is fine. Babt Leo, welcome home, what a little trooper, you must be so happy Meg.
    Tandy, my thoughts are with you for the children, don't give up hope.
    Hugs to all especially, Norah and Rory, Steph, hope you are feeling better, Tina, you too, our missing friends Lynne and Lindsay, Heather and brother, hope the news was good, and everyone I may have missed.. Gentle hugs for our babies too.

  2. Cameeli of Richmond8 October 2014 at 06:01

    Good Morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!

    Really loving today's offering
    and especially like divine eloquence die and such a lovely distress ink.

    Would love to have this drop on the mat.
    Great Video yesterday thanks again for sharing.
    Have a a great day everyone.
    Cameeli xx

  3. lovely card for today ,such pretty colours

  4. WOW WOW WOW STUNNING, a touch of shabby chic and the colours are divine. What a absolutely gorgeous card Sue it ticks all of my boxes. This is one I shall have to have a go at. Thanks for sharing.xxxxx

  5. Hey Sue, what a fabulous card for the giveaway, who wouldn't just love to have this?! "Surprisingly elegant", to quote you, is just the words I would have picked to describe the look of the torn edges, as a whole the card is just gorgeous especially with with that hint of pink. As ever, love the embellishment!

    'P' in Wales

    Heather T - so sorry about your brother, hope you have better news today and sending hugs.
    Meg - great news about Leo, what a little man!

  6. Good morning Sue and all. Wow sue today's card is beautiful
    Iust say I'm not a fan on distressed cards but wow you have made this
    One so pretty.
    I think I will be having ago at this one.

    I have just the place for this card.
    And it would have a good home.

    Take care Sue xx

    Debs A xxx

  7. Morning Sue. This is a really stunning card. It ticks all of my boxes. The milk and peach goes lovely togeather. I have never made flowers out of the stash of beautiful felt i have but i think i could be making a few today to try your beautiful creation. Have a lovely day.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  8. Lovely card Sue the distressed edges do look fabulous.

  9. What a beautiful, feminine card today. The shabby effect is stunning. A real winner for me. The colours are so pretty. Will keep my fingers and toes crossed for the draw. Regards to all, Linda.

  10. Hello Sue,

    I don't, normally, like the distressed look as it is usually dark and grungy but yours is soft and elegant. I love it.

    Love, Roz.x

  11. Morning Sue, another beautiful card very shabby chic
    and beautiful colours.
    Nancyd xx

  12. Morning Sue.
    Sue you have made distressing look elegant, this card is beautiful, my distressing looks scruffy lol. Thank you so much for all your inspiration. Take care Kitty. To all Wilsonettes have a good day.

  13. Hi sue
    What a stunning card love the colour the distressed look great to thankyou tracyw x

  14. Hi Sue,
    Really pretty card today. Different sentiment as well.

  15. Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, when I saw this card today I thought oh that is really smashing then when I read what you had done I was so surprised, I have not tried this technique round the edges because I thought it would look awful, but Sue you have made this look so beautiful, I am going to give it a go, I remember seeing you do this I think it might have been on C&C or one of your videos in the past and thought ouch, but I am definitely going to try it myself. It is wonderful that every day you give a little tip or technique for us here, thank you.

    I would like to congratulate in advance the lucky person who wins this card it is something that you would treasure for ever.

    Have a great day everyone what ever you are doing, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

  16. What a pretty card today sue so feminine . My friend Jan's sort of card .i would love to win this one.

  17. Good morning Sue and everyone. Not usually a fan of the distressed look but you have made it elegant and I love your card. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  18. Morning Sue
    WOW Who wouldn't want to win this cArd - it's gorgeous. Though I don't like the distressed edges either somehow you don't tend to notice them immediately.
    Fingers crossed.
    Sheila x

  19. Morning Sue,
    If I tried to make this Stunning Card it wouldn't look anything "like this" I Love The Vintage Look and you've created a Masterpiece as always, you've turned the Distressed Edges into looking extremely elegant, where as if this Card was mine it would look horrendous. I'm not confident at doing things like this at all, your Card is Awesome Very Beautiful I must say I Just Love The Warm Soft Colours I Love The Pretty Peach, I Love The "Divine Eloquence Die" and the wonderful Peach Card peeking through. Your Fabulous Sentiment from JustRite Ribbons and Swags I Love Your Amazing Peach Felt Roses with your Tulle and Twine Simply Stunning, Sue Thanks For Sharing Thanks For The Fabulous Photography Shots They Always Give Such A Good View Of The Card. Thank You For The Daily Card And Your Great Tips And Techniques I So Much Appreciate Everything You Do Thanks For Your Hard Work.
    Sue Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam x
    Hugs to All

  20. Hi Sue
    I love shabby chic cards so this one is right up my street!
    You have done a fabulous job with this card. I especially like the Rose. Would love to win this! Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs all round.

  21. Hi Sue,
    What a pretty card, I really like the way you have distressed the edges.
    Beverley W

  22. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card today! Love the distressed look - looks so elegant with the white and peach! Have just viewed the video from yesterday. As usual, loads of tips and inspiration. Best wishes, Anne O

  23. The colors look a bit odd on my computer screen. Maybe they are cream and light
    pink but on the screen the cream gets a nasty shade from the pink and doesn't
    look that nice. The design is fabulous.


  24. Hi Sue. Such a pretty card with a very Victorian feel to it, I like I the distressed edging very much. Anne x

  25. Love the card Sue the distressing gives a gorgeous vintage shabby look to the card. x

  26. A beautiful card Sue love the vintage look xx

  27. Hi Sue

    What a beautiful card you have made shabby chic look so good, the dies and colours are lovely and I have to try the rose,
    I would love to win this fabulous card
    Good luck all
    Muriel x

  28. Morning Sue
    A lovely card today, but personally I am not sure the distressed edges are for me
    Pat x

  29. I may have had two comments as I seem to have lost my last one. For reason it hasn't published.
    I love this look. I've seen a lot of it on pintrest., which I'm addicted to.
    It's the prettiest card Sue.
    I really like the distressed edges. I haven't tried it myself as I'm scared of making a mess off tearing and distressing the card. Maybe I should get brave lol.
    Lots of love to all
    Jo xx

  30. GM Sue - well I dont usually 'do' distressed edges but I do like these! very textural and quite victorian looking I am thinking -
    Clare W

  31. Morning Sue. A really lovely card today. I like the shabby chic look and the colours are so soft together. Whoever is the lucky recipient will really enjoy receiving this card. Thanks for your inspiration you share with us. Hugs Heatherx

  32. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous it is softly feminine. The distressed edges are a lovely touch. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

  33. A beauty, Sue, very vintage looking, lovely colours, lovely everything! Would love this one to be my first win!!
    Have a good day all, despite the mix weather!
    Hugs Annie x

  34. So So Pretty. I wish I could find your dies here in the states. I stayed up all night watching all of you youtube videos!

  35. I do struggle with distressed edges - I like straight/smooth edges, but this is very effective.

    Anne (Northampton)

  36. Hi Sue and everyone. What a simply stunning card, I just adore it. I love anything like this. Whoever wins this is so lucky. Thank you Sue for making a dull day brighter x

  37. HI Sue
    Love todays card look at you tearing cards up lol.. I do it quite a lot with mine does look affective hugs sarah xx

  38. Morning everyone gosh really dropped in temperature now, I think winter is here. Sue your card today is very delicate and very lacy. I love it, thank you for such wonderful cards.

  39. Wow! Stunning card, the distressed edges give a beautiful soft look.

  40. Wow Sue
    Such a lovely card ,great job .
    Elaine H X

  41. Hi Sue, Very different I like it . love Jean Z xxx

  42. Good morning Sue and everyone.
    A stunning card in every way, but I have never been a fan of distressed edges or things stuck on at an angle. I think it is the OCD in me, everything has to be straight and neat. Nevertheless I adore all the other elements on it and would love to win it. To me it is the type of card tat would be wrapped in tissue in a box and treasured for years, perhaps by a Victorian lady in days gone past. I can imagine it being discovered in an attic many years later, just beautiful and very delicate.
    Love and hugs
    Dawn Searle xxxx

  43. Good morning, just solo pretty. Not sure about the distressed edges you make them look fab but if I did it it would look like "a pig's ear" - now I bet you have never heard that phrase in America! Your card is so elegant but the edges fall in the distressed category.

    Steph, hope today is a better day!

    We'll done baby Leo a true fighter as is our Norah!

    Love to you all - still doing the spring clean. Have finished the favours for works Halloween party just got table centre pieces to do - how do I fall for it !

    See you all tomorrow xxx

  44. Love distressed edges Sue and they look great on this very feminine card, gorgeous!
    Have a good day and hope you are well ,

  45. I agree Sue, the edges are fantastic, you even do torn in a classy way, what is next, elegant punk with pretty safety pins lol. Stunning xx

  46. Morning Sue, beautiful card, do like distressed look and love the sentiment. Love Jean xxx

  47. Omg! This is my favourite of all cards. I just love the distressed look and I will try this!! Thank you again for the incredible inspiration.

    Lots of love,

    Ivy ling xx

  48. I love this Sue! The distressed edges work amazingly well on this elegant card. I often use the technique in my scrapbooking but seeing this I think I must have a go at using it in my cardmaking too!! Beautiful!! xxx

  49. Morning Sue, absolutely fantastic card, it is so pretty and would mark a great wedding card, or anniversary. I have a space on my craft room wall where it would fit!

    Love Rosemarie xx


  50. As Rosemarie said above, it would make a lovely wedding card!!

    Doreen x

  51. Good morning Sue - I love this card - I have tried distressing and mine does not look as elegant as yours. LOL.
    Off to see my Mum today to take her shopping as her sister is coming to visit from Ireland. I will go and see her on Sunday.
    Hope everyone is feeling better today and has a good day. Take care all Helen K xx

  52. Hi Sue. Well this is something different, it is beautiful. I am not usually a big fan of distressed cards but love this one : )
    Meg, what wonderful news. Welcome home baby Leo : )
    Sending my daily hugs to You Sue, to Sandra and Pat-see you in a while : )), to all my other special friends and to all in need. Take care.

  53. Yes, please enter me into the draw. You make elegance and distressed combine so well.

  54. Hi Sue,
    What a beautiful card. The colours are so delicate. I would love to win it.
    Veronique L

  55. Morning Sue,
    Words fail me this morning as I look at your card!....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
    I's so stunningly pretty...oh those words don't seem enough to describe it...it's just blown me away!!!

    Hubby and I are off out for the day with auntie and uncle (the four muskateers!) Lol! Off on a coach trip to Bury Market. The sun is shining at the moment but I doubt it will last.

    Welcome to are newbies and gentle hugs to anyone who needs them and hope your days get much better very soon.

    Love Sheila xx

  56. Love the distressed edges - something a bit different that draws the eye. The pink flowers look so cute.
    Lilygee x

  57. Morning Sue and all friends 'old and new'
    Such a delicate card today Sue. I too struggle with torn, grunged edges, last time I tried it, it all ended up in my 'bits' bag used for the odd leaf/flower dies ! I'll leave it to the experts. But the winner of this card will have a true treasure - good luck to you all.
    Love you.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  58. Good morning Sue,
    What a pretty card, it's beautifu, so clever!
    Gail Cx

  59. Good morning Sue and everyone
    I too am not a fan of distressed edges for me to do as I've got that neatness gene (only for cards lol!) but your card is very pretty.
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  60. Hi Sue,

    Absolutely gorgeous. Who wouldn't want to win this card? Good luck everyone.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

  61. Morning Sue,
    Lovely delicate card in colour, not sure that I like the distressed edges. Maybe it's better in real life. I do like the design of the card and your lovely roses.

  62. Ecco of Sheffield8 October 2014 at 08:22

    morning Sue
    I've also seen this technique of tearing etc a lot recently on Pinterest and still cannot make up my mind about it.
    On your gift for today it looks beautiful but whether I could make it look as you do is another matter. Might have to give it a try. I haven't seen the dies you used today before but they look a wonderful set. I love your soft colours and it's definitely a girlie gift. My empty space is still there in anticipation so it's fingers etc crossed today.

    Sandra - have a really good day.
    Norah - you're words are just fine; nothing wrong with them.
    Happy cutting the invitations.

    Have a thank you card to do today. We're still not sure whether we're off to France on the 16th as Mr E has to have his blood (INR)checked on the 14th. If it's down to 2.5 then we're off. Should be a good experience to see him have to pack the car at such late notice!!!

    To all who are under the weather hope you feel better soon. To all take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
    Janet x

  63. Beautiful card - I love the distressed look

  64. Stunning card, keeping fingers crossed that I am picked. xx

  65. Hi Sue, so elegant and beautiful today's card, I love the torn edges, I will have a go but somehow I don't think it will look like yr one! Kind regards Janet k xx

  66. wow so elegant just love these sort of cards just think i might have to give this one a trial run dont suppose it will turn out anything like your Lol
    all the best Fran

  67. Oh Sue, how lovely. Never tried distressing edges before but it certainly looks amazing.
    Love Val in Spain x

  68. There are many of us who would like this card😄😄😄
    It's beautiful and definitely has a vintage feel.

  69. This is stunning Sue, love the design. Just beautiful.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  70. Good Morning Sue and Pam
    Thank you for your welcoming I can believed I am still up my husband was laughing when I told him "this was serious business, "I can not wait to see Sue new Art work", It was like going fishing for him.
    Well I fell in love this card in a instant, the layer, simplicity, and at the same time labor of love.
    Thank you
    Have a bless day

  71. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card, love the layers of distressing, the subtle colours and the sentiment too.
    Donna Jones

  72. This is gorgeous.
    Beautiful Die.Love the flower too.
    Gr Elly

  73. Oooooo sue what a beautiful card, I love this one,
    Crafty hugs Julie xxx

    Hugs to Willsonetts and big hugs too Yorkielass

  74. Hi Sue the distressed look works perfectly and the use of delicate coloured card and flowers are elegance personified- my kind of card- whopperjaw

  75. Morning Sue
    That's what I call taking shabby chic to the next level, lovely card, such pretty colours too.
    Forever hopefull
    Regards Audrey, Wicklow, Ireland

  76. Love this one, the distressed look and beautiful soft colours.

  77. Hi Sue pretty in peach card.
    Denise X

  78. Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.

    This is gorgeous Sue. I don't normally like distressed cards as they look like the person who made them is slapdash, but this is so extreme that it is obviously meant to be like that.
    Yorkielass, we are going to York in November, I'll get the correct info and let you know.
    Love to all, hope you are all as well as you can be.
    Love xx

  79. Good Morning Sue

    A gorgeous card today. the colours milk and peach go so well together. Will keep everything crossed to win this card.....xxx

  80. Love todays card it is so elegant.

  81. Dear Sue What an elegant card! I do like cards with the distressed edges but not tried it myself because I like everything to be neat and tidy. However, your card shows it can be done and not look untidy.... a beautiful card. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

  82. beautiful card ,very elegant looking
    Love it.
    Marion H

  83. Hi Sue,
    Now that's a different look!
    Your distressed edges look amazing and do indeed look elegant.
    Every day you inspire so thanks again for sharing :-)
    Lorna D

  84. Morning Sue
    Have missed your cards, been away for two weeks and had withdrawal symptoms.
    I have looked through all the cards I have missed and find them all beautiful, especially todays.
    Carol x

  85. Another stunner Sue - I would be honoured to have this in my collection, so I will keep my fingers crossed. I like the distressed look you have achieved, but I'm not so sure I would get the same effect, LOL.

  86. WAUW this is soooo gorgeous, and I really like the distressed edges here and have been playing a bit with this too lately, but never got such a perfect result as this is.

  87. Good morning Sue and the wonderful Wilsonettes,
    It is a beautiful card Sue but i find it strange seeing a WOW that is not pristine(namely with torn edges). I am just not a roughed up crafter as my nature just can't do anything that is not neat and as my mum would say stepped off a band box. The soft pink that you have used in both the felt and card is so lovely. What a beautiful difference today Sue as you keep surprising me with your different, hidden you that keeps wanting to break free at times.
    Deyenaira, very warm welcome to the wonderful world of Sue Wilson and you are now a Wilsonette. You are doing fine with you English and i so glad that you love her dies as much as we all do.
    Meg, oh how happy am i for you that your little prince has come out bouncing and you can finally get to hold your beautiful grandson. Told you Leo is the king of the jungle and this wee boy was well named.
    Myra P, my boy has always loved a cuddle and to give a cuddle. It is the one thing that he doesn't get when he gets told that it is inappropriate, to be fair neither do i but hey ho we have turned in to a very clinical world. Why is it the wrongs of a few destroy it for the many. A child can bounce back so much quicker from some trauma with a simple act of kindness. Glad the children are enjoying their books, i wonder what stories each will tell?
    Hugs thoughts and prayers are will you dear Tandy.
    Heather T, i hope that you got some positive news about your beloved brother. The ICU is the very best place for him until they can get him better. ((Hugs))
    Nice to have you back Tres and i hope that you are feeling a little better than you have been.
    Brenda flower, lovely that even after all these years you still have that beautiful first glow about you. It must be a gie long honeymoon that's all i'll say about it.
    Lydia and Mr Jordan, i hope that you both had a lovely day celebrating 53 years, deserving of a celebration for sure.
    Well i am off to meet my friend in at Stirling for a coffee and putting the world to rights. Miss McPhee has 4 pairs of nurses trousers for me to alter and Mr McPhee wants his hi vis dungarees shortened as well so the sewing machine and overlocker will be out this afternoon so a fun afternoon i will be having(not) as i can't even get my own trousers shortened( that's what happens when you were well behind the door when height was given out).
    Have a wonderful day everyone and i hope that the sun is shining on you as it is here at my beloved hills. Hugs to all my Wilsonette angels here and going to hard times off the blog,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  88. Pretty card, lovely colour.

    Take care


  89. What a beautiful, delicate, feminine card Sue. You do the distressed look so well and make it look completely different to what one normally sees. Not sure I could do as well but I will have to have a go. Thank you. Xx

  90. Wow Sue this card is a stunner. The dies are so gorgeous. The roses look the best you've ever made and the composition is perfect. Well done and thank you for sharing. Caz x

  91. Good morning lovely ladies,
    Oh Sue what a pretty vintage card today, I love the 'shabby chic' look, so soft and feminine! Good luck everyone, how amazing it would be to win!
    I have done the distressing the edges technique on a much subtler scale to a card that's scheduled on my blog for Friday I think, I love the effect as it softens he edges and helps one colour card blend more easily into another, the roughened edges seem to take the ink much easier too, which means you can go as far as you like.
    Janet, well done on getting your wardrobe sorted so quickly, mine are a nightmare and the job would take ages, maybe I need your ruthlessness, you want to pop round and give me hand? I have groups of clothes from all the sizes over the years, from when I was on one of the many diets I have tried! I even have a pair of size 10 jeans in there somewhere, I wouldn't even get one my legs in them now! I made the decision to stop worrying constantly about what I look like, I think your body finds it's own level to stop at, I have been the same weight for some years now, despite comfort eating then not really eating at all, I think the chronic heartburn/indegestion didn't help! I now have 'omeprazole' tablets, they are like miracle pills, no more indegestion at all, I find it's all these little pains that added together make anyone's life a misery!
    Steph, I do hope you are feeling brighter today, hugs x
    Brenda, thank you for the lovely words as always x
    Norah, hope you are feeling brighter my dear, gentle hugs coming your what've.
    Myra, it must be so hard not to pick the chilren and hug them, I do understand why they have these laws and guidelines but once someone has been CRB checked things could be slightly different I believe! Some children just crave a snuggle, just to make them feel comforted! Step carefully down from that soapbox now! Hugs on their way!
    Tandy, hugs for you too, feel free to message me, I don't mind messaging you when you are up to it, after all a problem shared is a problem halved. Thanks for your kind words. I am still very sore from my physio, to the point that I could barely sit in my wheelchair.!
    Anyway I must go get ready for my day out, I am both nervous and excited. It's so lovely to have someone to talk to, this is the first time we are testing out chatting and crafting, I will report back on the results, I think lovely Pat will have us all organised.
    Lynne, I hope you are well my love and that they are getting your lovely husband sorted out, it must gee such a worry, but you are in our thoughts, hugs xxx
    Hugs to all of you,
    Sandra xxx

  92. Stunning card Sue ... I would love this one colours are lovely lovely card ....
    Happy Crafting and have a nice day ... x

  93. Morning Sue
    Lovely, stunning card! I always said I didn't like the torn edge look but the result on this card is so different and special.

    Nina x

  94. Hi Sue, I must say, your experiment with the torn edges worked a treat. This card is stunning! I have always loved the divine eloquence die set, so it's good to see different ways to use it. Thank you for all the inspiration you give us. You have provided a good reference library for all who have blank days. Love and hugs,
    Alison D x

  95. Morning all. Love the card, I can't do grungy things, wish I could but I think I just make a mess! Lol x

  96. Morning Sue, this card is absolutely stunning, I love everything about it, who wouldn't want to win this!
    Good luck everyone, take care, Jess x


  97. Hi Sue.
    What a beautiful card. I am sure that it would look just as good in other pastel colours. Beautiful.
    Take care,
    Evis McCarthy.

  98. Good morning Sue
    What a lovely vintage look card. You have inspired me to have a go at something that l would not normally try.
    Keep up the fantastic blog. I am inspired every day.
    lol Barbara W

  99. I wasn't sure that the extreme distress edge would work with the delicate dies, but I was surprised. Lovely Card.

  100. Absolutely stunning card Sue

  101. Morning Sue, A stunning card, very elegant and vintage, gorgeous. The girlie who wins this will be very lucky.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  102. Morning Sue. Wow. This is a gorgeous
    card. This would make some one's day!!
    Have a good day every one. Hugs. Jan.xx

  103. Love the distressed look Sue. x Annie P

  104. Wow Wow Wow Sue stunning I really don't know how you can bare to give away your cards they are all so beautiful, love it and the sentiment xx hazel

  105. Oh it's beautiful Sue! Of all the fabulous cards you've shown us over the last couple of years I think this is probably my favourite!!(for the moment anyway)
    Really classy card!!
    Good luck everyone.


  106. Hi Sue

    This card is absolutely beautiful I love everything about it.

    Hugs to all Annx without an "e"

  107. Hi Sue

    Great card, love the color and the elegance of this card.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee


  108. Morning Sue,

    Just love this card. X

  109. I really like this card, such a pretty colour. I think the torn and distressed edges look just like lace, who'd have thought tearing paper could look so elegant. Thanks for the chance of winning this one.
    Take care.
    Christine (Andypandy) x

  110. Love the distressed edges on the card today and the colour combination is lovely too.

  111. Good morning Sue & Wilsonettes,Sue I have just looked back at yesterday's comments & mine is missing I think it must have gone to cyber space. I absurlutly loved yesterday's card & the video was excellent love the technique must give that ago.Today's card is stunning,my disstresing look's nothing like your's Sue must give it another go.love those felt flower's just gorgeous. Love everything about it. Love & hug's Lynda Brock xx

    Meg I'm thrilled baby Leo is home wonderful news now you can give him cuddles. Hug's to you all & Baby hugs to Skyla.love Lynda xx

    Tandy my fingers & everything are crossed for you today my thoughts & prayer's are with you & your grandchildren.Hugs Lynda xx

    Tres,hope your feeling better sorry you haven't been well Gental Hugs Lynda xx

    Steph gental hugs & hope you feel better soon Love Lynda xx

    Myra P it was so sad reading about the little girl such a shame you can't give her big hugs. Hugs to you Lynda xx

    Heather T,hope it's good news for your brother today sending gentle Hugs for you both Lynda xx

    Dieyania C welcome,you are now a Wilsonette glad you love Sue's cards & die'sire as much as we do Hugs Lynda xx

    Sandra have a great time with Sue & Pat enjoy love Lynda xx

    I Emailed Lynne M she is ok & they are sorting her husband's medication out for the right combination I sent her all you concerne's & hugs from you all. Lynda xx

    Special hugs to Sandra, Margaret corgi owner,Yorkilass,Lindsay,Tina E & Claire,Tres,Tandy,Wheely Bad,Myra P,Hazel,Mrs B,Pat S,Julie Laz,Ita,Steph,Cameeli,Norah & sweet Rory,Maureen K,Heather T,Pauline A,Brenda L,Diane M,Janet Ecco,Lynne M & pooches,Cheryl B,TOB Theresa,Helen K,Txcowgirl Nanna Tina.
    Love Lynda xx
    Hugs to all That would like one I have plenty. Xx

  112. Hi Sue
    You have certainly made the distressed edges look very elegant and more chic than shabby, love it
    Hugs and best wishes to everyone

  113. Good morning Sue, very unusual look to this card but I do like it. I really like the topper as well Beryl xx

  114. Really like this card, will be copying this style. Such soft colours really go together. Kind regards Sandra Kent

  115. How pretty this is.


  116. I have to confess that I am a big fan of shabby chic so absolutely love this card. I haven't tried the felt roses yet. Doesn't it make the card bulky for posting?

  117. Hi,
    Like the card.
    When other people distress paper I like the look when I do it I think it just looks untidy. Maybe I don't take it far enough or it could just be a mind set.

    Luv Ann S

  118. Hi Sue, a lovely card. You have definitely made shabby chic look very elegant.

  119. HI SUE

  120. Love it - the die is amazing and the shabby chic edges work a real treat!

    I would have to say this is one of my favorites

  121. What an absolutely gorgeous card. The die used for this card is to die for - sorry couldn't resist that!! Thank you for your inspirational posts, if I could produce something even a quarter as lovely that would be a very big step for me.
    Wishing everyone an enjoyable day.

  122. Beautiful card Sue, love the dies used and such gorgeous colours

  123. Hi Sue,
    What a gorgeous card, just B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. My distressed edges look naff, so this look would be a real challenge for me. Might make that a New Year's resolution, HAVE TO GET CRACKING on the Xmas cards...............
    Aren't peach and soft white a lovely colour combo.
    Hugs, Rose

  124. Just one word for today's card BEAUTIFUL

    I so love this design and would go mad if I won it


  125. Hi Sue,
    Well, you've done it again! You have managed to make me admire something which I have never really liked - by that I mean distressed edges. Your card is delightful and reminds me of some delicate fabric . It is lovely. Some distressed cards look more heartbroken than just distressed to me, I'm afraid. Not this one. You have done it again - love the roses too. Thank you.
    Sandra - thanks for the hugs! I have been CRB checked it's practically compulsory now if you work with children. I do see the need for it and was happy to fill in all the forms etc. I guess it's just like Norah said - because of the wrongs of the few we've all got to suffer including the little ones. Ok! Soapbox now in cupboards under the stairs! Sorry you are so sore! Hope you have a lovely craft & chat tomorrow. X

    Barbiepinkfairy - if you feel like more cleaning that cupboard under stairs is ready and waiting! Have fun with your table decorations.
    Sheila - hope you have 'A Grand Day Out' . My friend goes to Bury Market for wool.
    Have a good day ladies. To those of our number who are missing just now - sending love to you! x
    Great news about Baby Leo - noticed that last night. x
    Love to all, including, Anne , Brenda L, Sheila, Tandy, Heather T, Lynne, Lindsay , Lynda, June, Alison, Steph, Pam and Robbie, Norah and Rory, Sandra, Dawn (txcowgirl) ,Diane, Theresa, Julie L, Tres And a warm welcome to DeyaniraC.
    Love Myra x

  126. Hi Sue
    Love Love LOVE this card all vintage shabby and gorgeous I really really "need" those dies will move them to the top of the list lol.
    Thanks for sharing

  127. Lovely card. As others have said even though it's distressed it's still gorgeous.

  128. WOW!!! what an amazing card - beautiful soft colours - very feminine. Would love to receive this. Regards Marie

  129. Hello Sue, This card is absolutely gorgeous. love the distressed edges but like other have not been brave enough to try. The Divine Eloquence die is so elegant and I adore the flowers.
    Pam hugs to you and Robbie.
    Heather T thinking of you and your beloved Brother, gentle hugs.
    Tandy you and the children are in my heart and thoughts, gentle hugs.
    Maureen K that will be great, hugs.
    Meg wonderful news that Baby Leo is home, he is a brave little soldier, gentle hugs.
    Deyenaira C welcome to the Wilsonette family.
    Sandra, Pat and Mrs B have a wonderful day together.
    Myra P had a little tear in my eye reading your post, as others have said a few have spoiled it for the many and especially the children, your work must be so appreciated by the little ones.
    Special hugs to Tine E and Claire, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Steph, Norah and Rory, Lynne M, Lynda B, Lindsay, Magpie, Cameeli, Myra P, Anne C, Tres, Ita, Sandra, Mrs B, Janet Echo, P in Wales, Julie and Lee, thank you for my hug, Brenda L, Pat L and Sarah, Meg and babies Leo and Skylar, Helen K, Alimecca and Aunt, Wheely Bad and Billy, Angela W, Maria A and of course our Sue,
    Take care everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Hi Sue,
    I don't usually like distressed cards (tried it, looked like the dog helped)but this one is so lovely, I had to look carefully to check how it had been done. Made me think "wuthering heights", old lace and cobwebby.
    Cheers all
    Janice W

  132. It's just lovely, Sue. 😊

  133. Hi Sue,
    WOW what a beauty , the antique vintage look you have created is just beautiful . I seem to be having trouble with Google at moment I blog a message but they seem to be going somewhere else so I hope this one gets through ok xx hugs to you Sue xx

    Crafty hugs to yorkielass and everyone. Xxx

  134. great card Sue ,looks lovely .Laura O

  135. Hi Sue. Wow your card is soooo beautiful. I love distressed edges as it adds so much texture. Absolutely stunning :-) Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  136. OH WOW WOW WOW, I think this is so beautiful, I know all of your cards are but I think this just tops them all.
    If I made a card this beautiful and stunning I would not want to part with it for anyone.

  137. Loving the distressed look on those layers.

  138. Hi Sue
    Your right distressing the edges of cards does give them an Elegant Vintage feel and your card is stunning.Something i haven't done on my cards before think i will give it a go
    Take care
    Hazel G XX

  139. Good Morning Sue, what a magnificent card you have made. You have out did yourself...wow is all I can say. I hope you do a video tutorial on this technique. I would love to give this a go if I knew how.

  140. This is GORGEOUS! Everything about it is delightful and I covet it like crazy!

  141. Beautiful. This would be a real tonic to win this one. Love to all. Theresa x

  142. Hi Sue wow this is a very pretty card today. Like everyone else I love the distressed edges but think mine would probably look messy! I must be brave and give it a go soon. I have a confession to make - hubby tidied his study at the weekend, a much needed job. I have shelves in there with my craft stuff on. He came out bearing a large bag which he had filled with rolls of ribbon he had found scattered around the room and there was rather a lot, including that gorgeous pink ribbon you used last week! Whoops. He did laugh though because he knows I have a thing about ribbon but thought I had it under control tidy ness wise and put on poles so I knew where it was! He uncovered a few other missing items too so I can play when I get the time. Have a great day. Love Diane G xxxxx
    Meg lovely news about Leo xxxx

  143. Hi Sue, I don't normally 'do' distress (except for Tim's inks, of course lol) but you have made this card look so pretty it is impossible not to like it. The colours are lovely and as others have said, it has a very vintage feel to it.

  144. Hi Sue only you can do a distressed card,and make it look elegant ,I love the soft colours you have ,and I would a very happy person if I won this super card.

  145. Hi Sue
    What a great technic the result is beautiful.

    Love Elaine x

  146. Sue, you did an awesome job on distressing the edges for this card..I love the feel of shabby chic...
    It would be fantastic to win this card.
    Well done Sue

  147. Love this card. Not usually a fan of the distressed edges but yours is just so elegant. Will have to give it a go again. The colours are wonderful and love the felt flower. Thanks for sharing.

  148. Such a stunning and elegant card! Love the pink and white.

  149. Hi sue
    Ooooh I love this one. So feminine and pretty. Love all the detail on this one an u always seem to make it look so easy on ur videos. Keep it up sue. I learn so much from this blog along with all the people on it too!!
    Love to all xx

  150. Hi Sue
    Such a pretty card and I like the sentiment.

  151. Eileen L. said....

    Beautiful card today. Your torn and distressed edges are perfect, not surprised. Lovely.

  152. Lovely card today Sue, so elegant, the card you used is great, is it available anywhere?

    Craftihappiness to you all and love from Pearl.

  153. Karen G Ratcliffe8 October 2014 at 14:54

    Absolutely stunning!! The distressed edges do make the card look so delicate along with the dies you used and the delicate pink on white color! So glad you tried it. Maybe you could do a video on it?

  154. Hi Sue
    Stunning - a beautiful card. Thank you.
    Bye for now.
    SandraP xxx

  155. I've never seen such a pretty "distressed edge" card It's glorious

  156. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous, stunning & so beautiful for todays card .

    Very elegant & the colours so soft & pretty.

    I would be so thrilled to find this in my post box & it would have pride of place in my craft room...

    You never fail to disappoint us lucky crafters with your beautiful creations.

    Crafty Hugs

    Haze xx

  157. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card made from lovely gentle colors. One question how do you stick the tulle on as I made a mess of trying?

    Hugs Sue xxx

  158. What a fantastic card today. I am not a big fan of torn edges but I love the way you used this technique. The choice of colours are of course gorgeous.
    I have been so sleepy the last few days that I didn't have energy to use the computer very much; but as always your cards are wonderful.
    I hope everyone is keeping well, I can sympathise with everyone feeling unwell. I hope it doesn't stop you all crafting, lol.
    Love and hugs Diane xx

  159. Gorgeous card Sue, I love the distressed look but have never tried it myself.
    Sue I think you could make a black bin liner look stunning on a card!!!!!!! You just have a wonderful talent and can look at a die or a piece of paper and see endless possibilities.
    I would love to win this card but as I have a couple of your works of art I am hoping someone wins it who doesn't have one of your cards and gets to see it in real life!!!

  160. Hi Sue, wow love it . I have never done a distressed card before, but this card you made has given me the inspiration to take a leap and try it. Thank you!

  161. Hello Sue
    Well all I can say is WOW what an absolutely beautiful card that I am sure any female would love to receive, well I know I certainly would love to. So once again you have given someone a chance to be the recipiant of this lovely card, thanks for that, I hope I am in with a chance.

  162. Hello Sue, having yet another attempt to post on the blog, I completed one a couple of hours ago Only to have it taken off into cyberspace by the gremlins!!!
    As Ita said only you could make distress look elegant and get away with it, this card is exquisite, I love everything about it, the dies you've used, the colour and those gorgeous roses. If only I could make distressed look half as good as this I would be pleased.
    Hope you're having a good day, love Brenda xxx

    Deyanira, welcome to this amazing family, hope you keep coming back.

    Meg, what a fighter little Leo is, so pleased he's home at long last.

    Heather T and brother sending you both love and prayers.

    Janet (Echo) hope hubby INR is okay and you can return to France as planned. Your INR can be very unpredictable, I try to keep mine down by having green veg in immoderation (one Florette of broccoli, skin of the cucumber etc) everything else I have as much as I fancy. Its vitamin K that thins our blood, and it's in all our green vegetables. AND They are the ones I like best!

    Tandy, sending you love, hope and prayers for Thursday.

    Sheila ginger, hope the four musketeers have had a great day.

    Myra, It can be very hard on the emotions working with children but think of it this way, this little girl managed to get the words out, and although you couldn't give her the big hug she needed, she has started to open up and hopefully will get help and support now. YOU are the one who helped her through that barrier. Sending you a big cyber hug, Oops my CRB has expired since I retired!!!!


  163. Hello Sue
    Another stunning card,
    Would love to win one
    Sometime,keep them coming
    love rosexx

  164. An Awesome card today may I say .. xx

  165. What a stunning card love the soft colours.
    Margaret M

  166. Deb E Isle of Wight8 October 2014 at 16:57

    What a beautiful card - no other words needed

  167. What a lovely card again Sue
    from Wendy from Watford

  168. What a lovely card again Sue
    from Wendy from Watford

  169. I'm not really into the distressed edges look, but you're right! This looks really elegant and pretty. Thank you, Jan

  170. Gorgeous card very elegent but scruffy if that doesn't sound daft.

  171. Beautiful love the colors on this one.

    Jane xx

  172. Beautiful card Sue, I didn't think I would like the distressed edges as I don't normally like the distressed look but actually on this card it looks very pretty.

  173. Good evening Sue,

    I haven't been around much this week so am just catching up on all your cards which, as per usual, are all stunning. Thanks for sharing and belated congratulations to all your winners. Enjoy the rest of your evening Sue.
    Margaret A.

  174. Oh my goodness this card is beautiful! I love everything about it.

  175. Absolutely beautiful card Sue. I love your cards, they're always so elegant. Thanks for sharing! Linda x

  176. Hi sue love the distressed edges on this card it makes it a nice card

  177. Beautiful as always. Where do you dream up all these lovely ideas?

  178. Fabulous card, love everything about it, vintage colours and style, beautiful ;)

  179. Its looks very effective and the colours give it the sublime look. Wow its fab. Luv to all jax

  180. Hi Sue...I LOVE IT!!! I wonder if the distress would look as elegant using coloured card rather than the milk colour (and yes, the card is on my wish list lol). This is a card that anyone would be proud to be able to replicate and one that would be a joy to receive. I'm typing with my fingers crossed :). As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

  181. Exquisite is the only word for this elegant card. coloring and design blended well and the outcome was over the top.

  182. Hi Sue...only one word beautiful
    Vanessa x

  183. This is stunning. I have tried doing the distressed edges and mine look like something has been chewing it!!! Must try harder.
    Karen xx

  184. Love the distressed edges. This is such a beautiful card. Love the milk card with the soft pink.

  185. Hello Sue. This card must be my all time favourite, I love it. xx

  186. Hi Sue
    Well what can I say about this card as it's amazing. I love the distressed edges look. Must give this one a try. I do like the milk coloured card you have used, and have at last sent off for the Aqua card that they didn't have at Ally Pally, thanks to Mrs B telling me it was back in stock.
    Hugs to Pam and Robbie as usual, Lancs Steph and Norah. Pete was busy talking to his brother in Bournemouth and then started to cut in ready to do the painting in the afternoon. Not much got done as he took our eldest grand daughter to work for three o'clock and then had to go and have his bloods done ready for the hospital next week. Hopefully he'll carry on tomorrow. Hugs to mRs B and SNdra who I saw earlier today.

  187. Sue, like the others only you can make a distressed edged card look so elegant. Hazel x

    Sandra, Mrs B and Pat I hope you all had a great day of chatting and crafting, but I bet you chatted more than crafted. As long as you all had fun that's the main thing.

  188. Hello Sue, stunning and beautiful. Enough said? I am sure everyone would love to win this, and we all have chance. Good luck all. Bx

  189. Oh Sue this has to be my very favourite card. It reminds me of the Victorian Valentine cards - I have a small collection of them.

    Thank you to all the angels out there for all the caring messages they send out to all in need of a little support and love. It makes such a difference to every day to know you are there for us all.

    My love and hugs to all.

  190. This beautiful I love the distressed look with the doubled pieces. just wonderful.

  191. Wow, Sue! Another stunning creation and I love that you've gone shabby chic. There is nothing you can't do! The soft colours really suit this style. That's exactly what your card has - style!

    I received my winning stamp set today - thank you very much.

    Rachel x

  192. Loving the soft look that the torn edges give to this very pretty design, so elegant.x

  193. Hi Sue,
    a very beautiful and superb girly vintage feel to this card today.
    Love you fab edges to you have created they are super.
    The person that wins this card is going to treasure it, as I do one I won on C&C a few years back.
    Sits with pride of place in my craft room.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  194. Very pretty card Sue - hope to get the chance to see those distressed edges up close! Thanks for sharing, Susan x

  195. Evening Sue, beautiful card, really stunning.
