
Sunday 7 October 2012

A Lavender Hello

Happy Sunday!  You know what that means, time for the comment game winners to be announced!  First a quick card rundown.  I used the new A4 sized Grand embossibility called Garden Lattice for my background.  No fiddling around with extending the pattern here.  One shot and it is done, love that!  I had a small piece of the fancy lattice die sitting on my desk so it became a little frill for the bottom of my card.  I cut the largest two sizes of Decorative Labels 8 out of lavender card with a sticky adhesive sheet attached to create a frame.  I then did exactly the same with the two smallest sizes in that set.  I peeled the backing paper off and micro beaded both of them for texture.  I mounted them together on my background in opposite orientations and stamped my sentiment to fit inside the smaller frame.  I added some lavender seam binding and a messy bow,  pearl embellishment and stick pins between the sections of the card.  Finally I added a small white butterfly from the Jewelled Flower set and some flat back pearls to my frame as accents.  I really like lavender and white as it always looks so fresh! 
Now for the names of this week's winners since you have been so patiently waiting!
The winners are:
Beachie (Audrey)!!!
Congratulations to all!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your prize! All for now, Sue x


  1. Not sure about this one at all Sue.Not really my style.It may be the photo but it looks a wee bit 'peely-wally' to me.Still wouldn't do if we all had the same tastes,take care,x.

  2. Good Morning Sue,
    Well these BIG embossing Folders are certainly on my I NEED list......... Love today`s card and in my favourite colours as well.
    Have a Great Day

    Patricia x

  3. I absolutely love this card it is beautiful.

  4. Good morning Sue
    I love everything about today's card, the colour, style and the embossing. What are you doing to me Sue? I now NEED this embossing folder lol
    Hugs x

  5. I absolutely love this card. Like Patricia - my favourite colour and the dies are great. love from Christine x

  6. Morning Sue, love colours and design of this card are just the ticket. Just got delivery of grand embossing folder and dies from C&C yesterday and longing to play today. Congrats to winners.

    Wilma x x

  7. I like this card and the soft colours you've used

  8. Morning Sue,
    Very pretty design. Love the elements used. Can't see the colour properly, so would like to see for real. X

  9. Love the colour combination of this card, I am waiting for my fancy lattice die to drop through my letterbox. Thants for all the inspiration Sue, have a good day.


  10. Morning,
    A very pretty card, the colours are fab and those new dies are amazing. Liking this card alot.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Amanda x

  11. Must put the big folders on my must have list.

  12. what a lovely card
    hugs Linda

  13. Good Morning Sue. Such a pretty card. So delicate and feminine. The background is so lovely and the bow is heavenly.

  14. Got to get me some large embossing folders they are great. Love the colours and the simpleness of this card Sue. x

  15. love this card the colours are one of my fav combos ..my fancy lattice die came yesterday carnt wait to play and i do NEED the A4 embossing folders think they may aft to go on my christmas list . hugs sarah ..xx

  16. Hi Sue, and good morning.
    A fabulous card, love the embossing folder, and the lattice die at the bottom. The colours are sooooo pretty too.
    Have a wonderful crafty day.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  17. Morning Sue

    Not so sure I like the frame on this one but do like the colours and the embossing. Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Love Jean x

  18. Lovely card Sue , texture and colours are just right.

  19. Gorgeous card - I love the Button and Pins in your bow.


  20. Morning Sue,
    this is my style sue,
    i love it, the colour's, everything
    Pam xx

  21. Good morning Sue,
    It's so gorgeous - I'll see whether I can do this using the resplendent rectangles........

  22. Hi Sue,
    Singing to me all of the way, love the lavender one of my favourite colours, I too need the large embossing folders. Oh to have more pennies.
    Have a good day.

  23. Hi Sue
    I have the A4 folders on my christmas list so keeping fingers crossed for santa.
    Love this card as it is my favourite colours.
    Congratulations to the winners
    Love Tina x

  24. Morning Sue
    I like the colour and what you done with labels 8.
    How ever this card is not for me. don't know why.
    Have a great day

  25. Hi Sue, I have just got the lattice die, good idea to use as a border, can't wait to have a play! Love today's card clean and elegant. Have a great day Jen x

  26. Good morning Sue I loved this card when it was shown on C&C but seeing it close up its beautiful I love every thing about it. And congratulations to the winners today. Take care sue

    Debs Artliff

  27. Love the way you've used the dies Sue & the embossing folder gives a really pretty background. Pat x

  28. Another very pretty card. The embossing is lovely. Maddy x

  29. Morning Sue, Gorgeous card today and lavender and white (my favourites), just gorgeous. I love the new A4 embossing folders, they will be going on my list of 'wants'. Love the frill of lattice at bottom of card too, and the bow is gorgeous, as always.
    I had a go with my basic lattice die yesterday, I tried it without the wax paper first and when trying to release it some of the edges tore, so will be trying 'with' the wax paper today ha ha !!
    Congratulations to the lucky winners, you lucky ladies.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  30. GM Sue - another must try - love the lrge embossing folders - will only be buying these from now on if I can get the patterns I want - will they be doing them all in A4 I wonder?...
    Clare W

  31. Morning Sue

    Beautiful lavender card :)

    June x

  32. Hi Sue, beautiful card in lovely colours. Great embossing folder also!x

  33. love those dies Sue. lainey x

  34. Lovely Sue!
    The large embossing folders are great I am so pleased with them and this one really sets off your card today very pretty indeed.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

    p.s. When are you on our screens again I am getting withdrawal symptoms? LOL!

  35. Stunning Card Sue. Love the texture and the colours. Have a great Sunday!

  36. Morning Sue,

    I love lavender and white so this card is right up my street.

    Erica x

  37. just beautiful!

  38. Ecco of Sheffield7 October 2012 at 08:52

    morning Sue
    I too like lavender and white -they are innocent colours for me.
    I also have the background A4 garden lattice as I couldn't get the trellis die and still can't so I really like today's card as it is so gentle.
    I am off to France tomorrow so will not be on line for a couple of
    days so by Wednesday I shall have
    withdrawal symptons.
    Janet x

  39. A stunning card in beautiful lilac. x

  40. Good Morning Sue,
    Lavender and White is a lovely combo, these dies are really great, so many combinations, you can make such beautiful frames, just like todays post, just love them.
    Congrats to the winners, have a great day everyone.

  41. Hi Sue I think those A4 folders must be the best thing ever. Your card is stunning, very feminine card, and I adore lavender
    Audrey x

  42. Lovely card, love the colours.

    Clare x

  43. Morning Sue - just love this card, especially the colour. My dies arrived yesterday so I will be able to replicate this card - can't wait to use the A4 folder! Have a great Sunday. Love Yvonne xx

  44. Morning Sue

    I love this card, the colour is beautiful.

    oooh more dies on my wish list, its a good job Christmas is on the way lol


  45. Hi Sue, love the layout and colours of this card. I have the embossing folder and it is fabulous. Congrats to the winners. Bx

  46. Lovely card Sue. The decorative labels dies are so pretty. Julia xxxx

  47. Fabulous card - such a pretty colour xx

  48. Morning Sue, Now I NEED the large embossing folder, Santa are you listening. I love the lavender colour on this one always a winner. Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  49. Beautiful and love the colour xx

  50. Good morning Sue, have to say that Im not 100% sure of this card, I think its the way the frame is cut there is too much going on in the cut. Love the A4 mbossabilities though and the colours of the card. Hugs xx

  51. Lovely colour, pretty and fresh. The Grand embossing folders take the faff out of creating stunning backgrounds! Thank you again.

  52. I love this one and the colour is lovely xxx

  53. Just received my large embossing folder and I love it!!! Lovely card xx

  54. Great card Really impatient for my set to arive now to start playing. xx

  55. hello Sue!
    I need that embossing folder, and the colours are lovely too!

  56. Love this one Sue - and micro beads are a dream to work with.
    ValC x

  57. Hi Sue Just love the card especially as the embossing folder and dies arrived yesterday in the post! Love Michelle xx

  58. Only recently found your web-site after a lot of searching, and am I glad I did, you are an inspiration and the card to-day is so feminine,keep up the good work. Jackie

  59. Sue,
    Love the colors in this card and the embossing folder

    Might have to get those soon. Thanks for an awesome Sunday treat.

  60. Hi Sue,
    Gorgeous card as usual, fab colours. I have this embossing folder and I love it. x

  61. Good morning Sue
    Absolutely beautiful and even better I have the dies and embossing folder to have a go at this one, great instructions thank you so much.
    Have a good day

  62. Stunning card Sue.
    Also can you tell me where I can get a replacement tray for my Grande Calliber as my A4 Mboss plates do not fit.
    Thanks Maggie

  63. Morning Sue, I so Love this card, the colours are gorgeous. Emma

  64. I've got this embossing folder on order, just waiting for it to arrive - yeah! What I don't have is the decorative dies. Oh dear, I feel another order coming on.

    When are you next on C&C Sue?

  65. This is beautiful(as always). Love the expensive, elegant look x

    hugs sally x

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Hi Sue,

    I really like lavender and white together as well and these new frame dies are certainly intricate and add a lot of interest.

    Congratulations to the winners

    love from Jackie D

  68. Hello Sue, Love this card, you are right the colours are sooo clean and fresh, my favourite colour combo. The dies are so delicate and sooo glad that I got this A4 folder, great to use.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. I have this embossing folder and its brilliant Sue, todays card is my kind of colour, love everything on it.

    Congratulations to todays winners

    xx Sandra

  71. Congratulations to the winners!

    I love the colours of this card Sue, they're lovely and delicate. I really must get those dies though ...

    Julie and Phoebe

  72. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card as always,love the colours.
    Margaret T.

  73. Hi Sue, Love the lavender and white. The ribbon is just the icing on a beautiful card! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  74. Hi Sue

    My wish list keeps getting longer oh dear ,

    This card is really beautiful i love every thing about it , the dies,colour bow everything you have used .

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  75. Hi Sue
    What a very restful colour. I just started cutting up the lace die too. Amazing what you can do with it. Well worth the money,
    Fabulous card darling 10 out 0f ten
    Born again spellbinder
    Nadine hug xxx

  76. Beautiful, a lovely fresh 'spick and span' card. Very appropriate too, as 'spick' is what lavender flowers were once called, and I can almost smell the lavender.
    Thank you, Sue

  77. Hi Sue.
    What a pretty card. The colours are just so pretty and 'clean' looking.

  78. Hi Sue
    I love the colours of todays card.Lavender and white together are so lovely and not everything needs to be bright to be beautiful!

  79. Hi Sue, this card is a winner for me, perfect for a bright & sunny but cold & frosty Sunday. Lavender is one of my favourite colours and perfect with white. The A4 embossing folders have just moved up my wish list but I will try this with the smaller ones that I can repeat.

    Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great day everyone.

  80. Lovely card, so fresh looking. Have the lattice die and I am very pleased with it. So different from other dies, hugs Ann

  81. just received my labels eight luuverly nice idea as always love it Hugs Corinne

  82. Hi Sue,
    I love the colours but I think the frames are a bit heavy looking for the card.
    Congrats to the winners.

    Margaret O

  83. WOW Sue, this is GORGEOUS.
    Loving the white and lilac together and the dies are beautiful.
    Christine xx

  84. Hi Sue
    lovely lovely lovely. super colours.
    Margaret L

  85. I love the lavender colour on this card xx

  86. Hi Sue, another stunning card, love the colours, definitley one to try, take care, Jess xx

  87. I like the design & layout of the card, but as always, I'd pick colours that are favourites of the person I'm designing it for. I do like these colours, but they don't suit everyone. I usually write my comments on my phone & hadn't realised this didn't mean I was "following" as I'm new to blogging! I don't fully understand it all at the moment so you'll not find any posts on my own blog profile as yet. As I was on my main computer earlier I went onto your blog from there & it all looked totally different than my phone!!! I'm still upset that my A4 folders were missing from my order the other day from C&C with my split parcel. I really hope they sort it out once last weeks pick of the week arrives... I'm worried I'll not get them at all now :-(... Thanks for all your inspiration every day with your amazing card designs, Claire xxx

  88. Morning Sue, another stunning card and I just love the lavender,it is a lovely soft lavender,and the butterfly just finishes it off

  89. Hi Sue.
    I really like the colour combination, and the embossing folder produces a beautiful background.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Jackie C xx

  90. Hi Sue, another stunning card, love the colours Congratulations to the winners.

  91. Good Morning Sue,
    Lovely, lovely lavender!
    Bought Garden Lattice last week, partly because it's BIG and partly because it slightly resembles the 'Tied Together' folder you love so much (now unavailable anywhere that I can find). Still waiting for my Grand Raspberry Plate though so can't use at the moment - frustrating.
    Enjoy the rest of Sunday!

  92. Hi sue this is a lovely feminine card and I love the colour.my dies and a4 folder arrived om wednesday but I haven't been able to play with them yet!! Love lesley xx

  93. Lovely card sue loving the purple theme. xx hazel

  94. Hi Sue
    Fantastic card love the colour too. waiting for my A4 embossing to come so I can do it in one go too.
    Love Marion x

  95. Hi Sue whay a lovely card love the colours xxx
    all the best martine xxx

  96. Hello Sue,
    Beautiful card, love the way you have used the fancy lattice die, also the big folder looks great (both on my wish list) The micro beads add a lovely texture, this is a real winner in my view.
    Have a lovely day, love BrenLel

  97. One of my favourites yet

  98. One of my favourites yet

  99. One of my favourites yet

  100. beautiful card and a beautiful colour
    Debbie xx

  101. This is so elegant, Sue. I love the colour and your microbeading is superb. Lovely design and great way to use the lattice die.

    Rachel x

  102. Congratulations to the winners enjoy your goodies. This card is lovely Sue and in my favourite colour. Linda xxx

  103. Hi Sue, definately agree, a great colour combo!! Am still waiting to receive my garden lattice m-bossibility folder. Love the card. Love Sam xxx

  104. Hi Sue. As always a beautiful card for today. I recently recieved my new garden lattice folder and it is wonderful. I really hope that Spellbinders make some more A4 size embossing folders. I especialy hope they make some christmas ones in this size. The decorative labels eight look great to. I love fancy frames. Have a lovely day love Tres x x x

  105. This is lovely Sue! I love lavender & white too. Lavender is such a calming/soothing colour. That's a great idea using a piece of the lattice die at the bottom. It's sets it off lovely along with the ribbon. Stunning! xx Love Karen xx

  106. Oh, ps, congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy your prize! xx Love Karen xx

  107. Definitely a me card, I love it! Hugs Christine H xx

  108. Hi Sue,A stunning card love the lavender
    just received my labels eight fancy
    lattice so must away and play.
    Nancyd xx

  109. Love the whole card, so effective. xx Flora

  110. Pretty card, with pretty colours. xxx

  111. Awww, this must be one of the most beautiful cards you have ever made. I truly love it. This one would be wonderful to copy :)
    Have a wonderful day :)

  112. Lovely card Sue, love the pale colours.

  113. What a beautiful card Sue - thanks, Susan

  114. Lovely and delicate really pretty, love the colour combo.

    Jane xx

  115. Afternoon Sue, lovely card again and love the colours. Going to have a good week with all of my new dies n folders. Will lock myself away so no-one disturbs me - ha ha!!

    June x

  116. Gorgeous card! I love this lavender :)

  117. Good afternoon Sue
    Love everything about it!
    Have a great evening!
    Lara xxx

  118. Hi Sue
    Love the colour combinations on this one. Think the card is gorgeous.

  119. Very fresh indeed! It's a lovely card.

  120. Hi Sue......Love this card, the colour's and the embossing folder. I have the dainty dots, not used it yet tho....

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie..x x x

  121. Hi just love the colours on this card along with blues and greens my top off the list favorites.i just love pastels.keep up the insperstion Sue they so good.Best blog out there so helpfull x

  122. got to have those embossing folders, love this card so as its done in colours I would not have thought of using

  123. I', still waiting for the decorative labels 8 to come in so I can get it , its on order..... love how you have added the fancy lattice to the edge of the card and I love the colours..... x

  124. My favourite colour and so pretty!
    Congratulations to the winners,
    Sue xx

  125. Such a 'peaceful' card, love the gentle lavender colour! Needless to say I've got A4 embossing folders on my ever-growing wish list!!

  126. What a pretty card Sue, it, it made me dream of Summer all over again, very 'tranquil) Carole Z X

  127. A very pretty femine card Sue, lavender is such a restful colour x

  128. Good Evening Sue
    Beautiful card.Love the large folders
    and love the colour today.Take carex

  129. An unusual card Sue; the colours are lovely and you have created an eye catching focal piece by using the frames as they are.
    love lilygee

  130. Another beauty. Love the colours today. Thanks. Hil xo

  131. Love the colours and the card is gorgeous!

  132. I love the colours in this card, almost exactly the same as the colour I had for my bridesmaids dresses at my wedding. I am always amazed by what you achieve with the Spellbinders dies x

  133. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card, again using the lattice that I love, I have just this week bought the pins to make some hat pins for myself so this will give the inspiration I needed.
    XXX Crafty Mum

  134. hi sue lovely card the lattice is lovely
    hugs chris x

  135. Beautiful card,thank god I own these die's!!!!

  136. Hello Sue

    I love the colour combination. Another lovely card.


  137. Gorgeous sentiment and a fabulous design as always.

    Congratulations to the winners too.

    Linda xxx

  138. What a gorgeous card Sue and how lovely for us to help celebrate your daughter's birthday. Happy Birthday Heather!

  139. Hi Sue,
    Absolutely love Lavender always have, as far back as i can remember, and i love the Micro Beads i have a full pot of them and have had them months, but havent started playing with them yet, i keep forgetting to buy the double sided adhesive sheets doh doh brain!!! lol....love it big hugs, Vick xxx
    YTChannels vixcrafts & saturatedcanary

  140. A very pretty card, love colours too x

  141. Lavender is such a pretty colour, lovely as always sue.Hug Melody xXx

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