
Friday 29 June 2012

You're My Friend

Morning all! I missed seeing some of the Hearfelt Creations dies so I thought I would bring this one back to enjoy for today's post.  I started by using the letterpress technique to create my background.  I inked up the negative side of the embosibility folder using Antique Linen distress ink.  I placed my milk card into the folder and ran it through the Grand Calibur.  This transferred the ink onto my card in the recessed portions of the embossed card.  I ties a piece of black striped grosgrain ribbon around the card and taped the ends to the back.  I stamped my sentiment below the ribbon.  I ties a double bow and added it to my ribbon with a glue dot.  I tied a piece of twine through a button and placed it in the centre of my bow.  I cut one of the Heartfelt Creations decorative window in milk card and added foam mounting pieces to the back.  I used the Bitty Blossom dies in an assortment of milk and taupe and made an array of flowers for the window.  I cut six of the leaves from the set and added them around the base of the flowers.  I pierced the edge of the black mat to complete the card.  I may just have to bring these dies out again for another play with them!  All for now, Sue x


  1. I love this stunning card - I think I say this every day, but this one especially. the mix of the flowers and other dies and that gorgeous bow, scrumptious.

  2. Love that ribbon!! What a stunning card this made. Have you ever done one that wasn't gorgeous???

  3. Hi sue what a lovely card really lovely

  4. Hi Sue, another beautiful card, the flowers look perfect and the bow really sets them off. Bx

  5. Love it. classy. stylish and screaming "Sue Wilson"

  6. Another really great card here Sue. Amazing how you can always keep comming up with soo much new ideas every day. You really are a natural talent no doubt and I just love your work.

  7. Morning Sue What a beautiful card its absolutely stunning just love everything about it the flowers are out standing wish I could get mine looking a good as yours. I think I'm going to have to practise doing the flowers
    Take care Sue

    Debs Artliff

  8. Fantastic card! I only discovered your work this week (where have i been??) and I love it. So sophisticated - great bow! Happy Friday. Scrappyjen x

  9. Definitely a SueBow card! The frame with the flowers is fantabulous!! I'm trying to use a new superlative for your cards because we have to use the same 3 or 4 all the time and they don't seem to do them justice! x

  10. hi Sue, love this design. I keep meaning to trying this technique for embossing. I may just make it happen this weekend! thanks for the inspiration.

    lv norma

  11. Hi Sue, I really like this card. I have this die but have not used as yet, had a bit of a block with it, it was part of a C&C collection, and until now have been a bit stuck with it. Now I know I shall use it. Thank you for the inspiration it's just what I need to get me going. Best wishes, Lesley x

  12. A really pretty card, I love the paper flowers,

  13. Hi Sue This card is very beautiful and so stylish.

  14. Good morning Sue
    So gorgeous!
    Love everything, colour combination, elements and layout!
    Love it! Love it!
    Have a great day
    Lara xxx

  15. Hi Sue,
    and good morning to you and everyone. Well you never let us down with your wonderful creations do you. FAB, just FAB is what comes to mind. I get lost for fresh words everyday to describe them. Have a great crafty day everyone.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  16. Morning, bring on the bow, love this card.
    The content of different dies, flowers and ribbon makes for a truely exceptional card.

    Amanda x

  17. Morning Sue
    what a lovely card very pretty, such nice colours xx gail

  18. Love this card, love the ribbon it reminds me of the film 'My Fair Lady". So guess which Tunes this card is singing to me? Thanks Sue.Mabex

  19. Hi Sue I love it This is my type of card.very classy. I will be trying this card later on today . Thanks once again Sue Love Sue x x x

  20. Another stunner Sue,

    xx Sandra

  21. Morning Sue,
    What an elegant card. Glad to see the return of bitty blossoms; so feminine and the colours are lovely.
    Erica x

  22. Beau-ti-ful! Done it again Sue, I love it so elegant - I'll be pinching some of these ideas to create my version of this - thank you x x Tracy

  23. I just love the bow, and the card is gorgeous.

  24. Hi Sue.
    Love the card.

  25. Gorgeous card and fab colour combo. Love the ribbon. Hugs,Moni

  26. What a beautiful card Sue. Really really lovely. I don't know how you come up with new ideas every day!

  27. Good Morning Sue,
    The elegance of this card, the flowers ,the bow , the sentiment,
    What can I say except Gorgeous
    a very classey card to give to a very special friend.
    thank you for sharing
    Have a wonderfull weekend
    Shahab x

  28. Hi Sue
    Yet another beautiful card, I wish my flowers would look as good as yours, I will need to practice more.
    Have a great day
    Love Tina x

  29. Good Morning Sue,

    Now! this card "Sings" to me, might just have to have a go at this one later today.
    I have not tried the embossing idea so that will be top of the list of things to try.
    Don`t know how you manage to bring us so many different styles and designs but keep them coming!!!!
    Have a Great Day

    Patricia xx

  30. I love your bows Sue, must practice them myself to make them as good as yours

  31. Morning Sue, Another beautiful card, I just love the letterpress technique, it's beautiful, I will have to give this a try soon (although sounds a bit frightening ha ha suppose it's trial and error, with me it will be error and error ha ha !!). I just love the Heartfelt Creations die, I bought it because I loved what you have done with it on other cards, just gorgeous, and of course the beautiful bow, just beautiful. Lots of love from Patricia xx

  32. Everyday you amaze us with your beautiful cards and todays no exception. I have the bitty blossom die but cant seem to do my flowers as stunning as yours. must practice more. Love the technique of the embossing with ink and the bow is fab. What would we do without your fantastic inspiration.

  33. stunningly beautiful as usual

  34. Hi Sue, this card is quite simply stunning, even by your standards! Absolutely gorgeous! Carole Z X

  35. Wow! I must try the letterpress technique as the effect is stunning but subtle and the Bitty Blossoms are gorgeous! Thank you Sue!

  36. Beautiful card Sue, the flowers are gorgeous and the bow just finishes it off just nicely. Hugs xx

  37. Val in Spain xxx29 June 2012 at 07:51

    Good Morning Sue, what a classy card. Love everything about it. I have this die and to be honest it's still in the packet but it will be getting an airing today. You've inspired me yet again Sue.

  38. Very Beautiful, love the colour combo the flowers are lovely.

    Jane xx

  39. Love how the letterpress worked out with the linen distress, so subtle! Yes please bring more HC back, and some of their stamps?? Your roses are to die for and the colour combo is fab, very classy!

  40. This is a truly stunning card and I love it. The flowers, the bow, the die - perfect! Definitely a "me" card!

  41. Ecco of Sheffield29 June 2012 at 07:55

    morning Sue - at the moment it's dull but very warm here in Burgundy
    Don't these colours go so well together - I have tried inking the embos folders but not had a great deal of success so am going to try again we'll see how I get on.
    Janet x

  42. Another fab card.Love the way the negative print looks.Fab Laura O

  43. Hi Sue, Another beautiful card i just love
    black and cream or white very classythe decorative windows are
    so versatyle I just love them.
    Nancyd xx

  44. Hi Sue, stunning card, your ribbons are getting bigger and bigger, soon you will have a Ribbon with a card attached! lol. Linda x

  45. Hi Sue Such a beautiful card-I love the flowers especially.

  46. Love the back ground must have a try at doing it,also the flowers are gorgeous ,must get that die.

  47. Lovely card, love the flowers.

    Clare x

  48. Such a pretty card. Love, Julia xxx

  49. Stunning card sue love these dies too although i don't own them:( xx hazel

  50. Stunning card sue love these dies too although i don't own them:( xx hazel

  51. Chocolate box card! Good enough for the Queen's special chocolates! Wonderful card Sue Thanks!

  52. Morning Sue,
    Stunning Card but I have many times I'm not a fan of the big bows, however I love everything else I have one of the heartfelt window dies which I have struggled to use so thanks for the inspiration.
    Have a good day.

  53. Hello Sue, This is a masterpiece that acreams Sue Wilson, absolutely gorgeous. The letterpress technique is sooo effective and love the Bitty Blossom flowers, like other ladies, mine never look as good as yours, will have to keep practicing.
    Have a lovely day.
    Hugs June xx

  54. Hi Sue - 'simply' beautiful!! Love everything about it. Have tried the letterpress thing but it didn't end up like yours - obviously more practice needed! Same with the bitty blossoms!! Kathy x

  55. Hi Sue, stunning card, love it to bits. Don't have this die but have the ribbon so will have to improvise.


  56. Hello Sue
    I need to try the Letterpress technique it looks so good..the Heartfelt Dies are beautiful too Sue!
    A lovely card!
    Love Marg

  57. Morning Sue.
    Well! You've done it again. Another beautiful creation. Lovely soft colours. Your talent knows no bounds.
    All the best, X

  58. Morning Sue A stunning card again, do love the heartfelt dies. Love Jean x

  59. Magnificent.......
    No other words are necessary.
    BTW you're friend to all of us too!
    Crafting hugs
    Ness xx

  60. Morning Sue, I love these dies too. Loving the colours you have used and the flowers are gorgeous.

    Linda xxx

  61. Hi Sue
    love the card and you can always change the colours and greeting to match the occasion. just fantastic.

  62. Very elegant cards this week and this one is a beauty.

  63. morning love this card, especially the mix of flowers they look so professional. Not sure how you keep coming up with all of your ideas, but so glad that you do.Zerena

  64. Good Morning Sue,
    Another beautiful 'Sue' card, it is just brilliant, I think the whole effect of the card is stunning, the colours, the focal element and the bow, great card.
    Have a good day everyone.

  65. Wow what a beauty and that bow is gorgeous !
    Elaine H X

  66. WOW this is a masterpiece I love everything about it

    Sue xxx

  67. Love the elegant card Sue - your bows are sooo amazing! Pat x

  68. Hi Sue
    Lovely, a really classy card
    Margaret L

  69. hi sue
    What a gorgeous card love the background.also the bitty blossoms flowers.I must of missed these flowers
    I don't remember seeing them I have lot's of flower dies.will have a look for these.the window dies look beautiful with the flowers layerd on top in mixed colours. and of corse the bow makes a sue card stunning.

    Love Carol xxx

  70. LOVELY Your cards are so good

    Phil D

  71. I have this die Sue and to be honest I haven't used it so thanks for sharing this card with us and providing some inspiration - itlooks wonderful.
    love lilygee xx

  72. Your my friend too - at least I feel you are as I follow you every day! Thanks for another absolutely amazing card. Very girly and pretty and yet in black and cream. Into the box it goes. xx

  73. Good morning Sue
    I keep repeating myself but today's card is fabulous , I have a few of the Heartfelt dies and just bought the 2 window ones ( the ones that actually open) so I am glad you are showing us ideas.
    Hugs x

  74. very elegant its all abt having the right bits that go 2gether something im not very good at so ur blog is a great inspiratoin thx alot

  75. I love this card. I have the bitty blossom dies and love making cards with them now that I have got the hang of rolling them.

  76. So pretty, would make a lovely wedding or anniversary card.

  77. Whay a lovely card. I have both the dies you used but as yet I have not had a play with them. So thanks for the inspiration.

  78. just stunning Sue....I love that die too and your card has given me some new ideas!!!! hope you have a good day have just seen the new dies on the spellbinder site have C&C plans to bring them over? take care Margaret

  79. Oohhh this is lovely. the betty blossoms are so cute. another need!
    I haven't got the heartfelt range but Rhankyou foe helping me think how I can use the dies I have in a similar way. Your are our inspiration queer! <3

  80. Sorry predictive text failed me.. " inspiration queen" Sue xx Heart felt apologies for the typo

  81. Hi Sue
    smashing way of using this window die. I only have the round one. Great shades of cream on the flowers. Fab bow. What more can u say. Put all this together and you have a cracker of a card.

  82. I dont have the window die as I didnt really know what to do with one- but having seen this card- WOW I definately need one!! Thanks for your inspiration and for brightening my day. Oh to be at home crafting- work is so inconvenient- but without it- no dies haha!

  83. Hi Sue, This is such a calming card and the colours and sentiment go together so well. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  84. WOW Sue, just love this card. It has every thing I like to see on a card. Absolutely stunning.x

  85. Hi Sue
    This is so classy and elegant love the flowers and the gorgeous bow.
    Hugs Rizwana x

  86. Hi Sue, What a beautiful card, these dies are so pretty, just asking to have bows and flowers around them. Have a good weekend.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  87. Morning Sue. Another gorgeous card. I love the delicate flowers the Bitty Blossoms make.I haven't got them yet, but I think they are a must have.
    Thankyou, Sara.

  88. More flowers - my favourites! Beautiful

  89. Lace, flowers and stripey ribbon - beautiful!

  90. What can I say? Another really beautiful card - thank you

  91. Another pretty and stunning card Colours look. great attogether

  92. Good morning Sue,
    THis is such a beautiful card, l love the colours you have used. The itsy bitsy flowers are such a joy to use, l have found them very useful,especially when making a smaller card. Lol Ann

  93. another pretty card sue, maybe not my favouritebut still inspiring,take care,x

  94. Hi Sue, Gorgeous card. The flowers are exquisite. With Love & Light Theresa. H

  95. G'morning Sue, another loverly card, a bit too much ribbon for me but I love the colours and the flowers. really nice.

  96. Absolutely love this card, very classy. Janx

  97. Hi Sue, a lovely, lovely card. It's a real joy looking in on your creations every day, thank you.
    Hugs Sue M xx

  98. fab card , fab flowers, color love this one

  99. A beautiful card, and in addition to the colours chosen my computer gives me an alternative. I'm sure the taupe scheme looks lovely, but the flowers and the paler stripes on the ribbon look grey on my screen, and are scrummy. I have two examples from one demo, so even better than usual!
    Thank you, Sue

  100. Beautiful card, Sue. I recently received my pack of neutral card, you know, the one with milk and black etc. SO glad I took your word for it being fab, the colours are perfect! Now to get those micro beads! Lol Zo xx

  101. Good morning Sue
    I just love the Heartfelt dies so it goes without saying I love this card too it is stunning!

  102. Hi Sue

    Absolutely gorgeous card it would be so nice to receive a fabulous card like this from a friend. Lovin the colours you have chosen.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Luv n hugs Annx without an "e"

  103. Morning Sue, not often I get to say morning.....LOL usually late in the day before I am on. SIMPLY GORGEOUS card Sue love it all.
    Meant to tell you that you have created havoc in our local craft shop, whom after selling all sets of poinsetta dies they had in stock, getting more and selling them, they still have a wating list of 59 people...... All because of a certain lady - now I wonder who that could be.

    lorraine - scotland

  104. Wow, simply gorgeous. Definitely a case of 'card envy' right now :)

  105. Good morning Sue,

    Thanks for showing these dies again, I need to dust them off and play. Thanks. Happy Fridsy.

  106. Hi Sue,
    Thanks for the inspiration. A truly beautiful card.
    Sonia x

  107. Morning Sue
    I love this card its very chic & sophisticated! Love the 3d flowers.

  108. Hello Sue, gorgeous card as always, really love antique linen one of my favourite colours, I use it a lot

  109. Simply stunning, just love the colours you've used and those pretty flowers and wow the ribbon. Do you ever get tired of us telling you how stunning your cards are?..you are soooo talanted x what a great start to the day Beverley x


  111. Stunning card

    I use these bitty blossoms all the time, very versatile

    I like using them with the Anemone dies


  112. Love that die-cut - and the bitty blossoms work really well. I'm afraid it looks like I'm the only one who doesn't really like the ribbon/bow :(

  113. Hi Sue,
    This is lovely. Just to let you know after yesterdays card I finally plucked up the courage and used my mica beads for the first time - I can see now why you rave about them so much they are fab - I'm hooked too now.
    Beverley W

  114. Hi Sue I have to confess that I am not a fan of the large bow on this card - I think it detracts from the totally gorgeous die cut and flowers. Maybe I would have used that crinkle ribbon instead. However I still love the sentiment and the main part of your card, it is superb. I'm now going to have a go with the letterpress technique.

    Hugs Sue Pass xx

  115. Those flowers are just lovely, a fabulous card

  116. Gorgeous I just love the way you do your layouts. xxx

  117. Stunning card Sue, love the flowers Im getting better at the flowers, I do find it a bit fiddly, but Im getting there, Practice makes perfect Helen O xxx

  118. Lovely card :) wow , wow ,wow :)
    Hugs Rebecca

  119. Hi Sue, what a gorgeous card, I love the colour combinations that you've used. I have never seen the heartfelt creations dies on C&C - they look amazing! Love Sam xxxx

  120. Hi Sue, what a gorgeous card, I love the colour combinations that you've used. I have never seen the heartfelt creations dies on C&C - they look amazing! Love Sam xxxx

  121. Love the card have got this die may have to try this one .melanie

  122. Another Amazing Card Sue! I love the giant bow :D Best Wishes Christine

  123. Hello Sue. Well I shall be repeating myself when I say Scrumptious. Love every thing about this card. Jan

  124. Hi Sue
    I am running out of words to describe your cards, this one is of course wonderful, love all the flowers and I too like the Heartfelt dies, and finishing touch a big ribbon.

  125. Hi Sue, I love flowers on my cards so this one is a hit with me. Must have a go at the letterpress technique does make a lovely background. Gorgeous.
    Hugs Christine H xx

  126. Love it Sue, the card, the ribbon, the flowers. Love Linda xxx

  127. Oh! Sue! This is lovely and a delightful card for that special someone!

    Crafty Hugs!

    Heather Rogers

  128. I’ve never tried the letterpress technique to make a background but will definitely have to give it a go because it looks really effective.
    Love the colour combination you’ve used too.

    Happy Crafting!


  129. Totally agree with you there Sue, I am so pleased to see these dies again and what you do with them is just amazing. LilyLou

  130. Hi Sue,
    I really like using my bitty bossoms and it shows well here as being smaller flowers you can create quite an impact with a few of them.Really nice card
    love from Jackie D

  131. Could pick this card out as a Sue Wilson from a whole bunch of cards.

  132. Alison K Yorkshire29 June 2012 at 17:19

    Lovely card Sue :)

  133. The Heartfelt dies are stunning and your card is pretty amazing too! A x

  134. Hi Sue. This is a lovely card. The heartfelt dies are great but I do love the flowers. I am definitely a flower person and I just seem to love all the spellbinder flower dies that they make!! I really like the colour combination too. I have recently bought a pack of your neutral colour card stock and it looks to me like you have used most of the colours from it!! A beautiful card love Tres x x x

  135. Hi Sue,I have The heartfelt dies and they are great, I do love the bitty blossoms flowers so they're on my wish list. A lovely card.
    Joan B.

  136. Hello Sue,
    Missed your blog for the last two days (looking after grandchildern - back home now) Love all the cards I have missed and todays is no exception the Bitty Blossoms are georgeous and now on my wish list and the bow is beautiful. This card has your name all over it! a real Sue Wilson
    Thanks for all your inspiration,

  137. Gay, New Malden29 June 2012 at 18:27

    Sue, I open the email saw this card and just said WOW. This is absolutely stunning. the mix, the colours, just glorious.
    With love


  138. Gorgeous Sue, love the die and the flowers are very pretty.

  139. Simply stunning Sue, like other comments I will have to have a go at the letterpress technique. So greatful for all the inspiration.


  140. I just love this stunning card, you are a true inspiration.

  141. Love those flowers. Must look up that die as I don't recall seeing it before. As always, a stunning design. Well done.

  142. Sue, this is gorgeous! What a really 'special' card this is!
    Kim M

  143. ooooo super card sue ... really elegant ... and such detailed instructions too ... well done ... just doing a bit of blog hopping ... have a great weekend happy crafting and love sandy xx

  144. This card is so pretty Sue. Liz S.x

  145. loving those flowers, gorgeous card x

  146. Hi Sue, this is a lovely card , love the flowers, love the Bow, just love it all. take care vanessa xx

  147. Fabulous card. Didn't used to be keen on ribbons and bows but since having seen your creations I have changed my mind!!
    How do you tie those lovely double bows?

  148. Yet again another stunner! what more can I say? ;-))
    best wishes.xx

  149. What a lovely card, those flowers are so pretty. I think any friend would be over the moon to see this arrive on the door mat.

  150. Hi Sue, love this card. The milk and black card go so well together and the flowers, ribbon and die are fantastic. I have managed to sneak away from my 2 bundles of fur as they have finally decided they are tired. I have looked on my I Phone every day to see what creation you have made but I am unable to leave a comment using my phone and my 2 puppies take up my whole day and night until bedtime. The Christmas cards and the ones using your Vintage Lace dies are brilliant and really fire my imagination, hopefully I will have some free time soon to start crafting again. LOL Lynne M x x x x

  151. Hi Sue, yet another stunning card, the flowers look fab and such a great colour combinations, i just dont know how you come up with all the ideas xx

  152. hi Sue I think this card is absolutely stunning Keep up the great work

  153. Good evening Sue,

    I had a go with the Letterpess idea today. After the 3rd attempt I finally got it right.
    My card looks good but not quite as good as yours. Practice makes perfect as they say.......off to practice.

    Patricia xx

  154. Absolutely stunning, so beautiful. Lee xx

  155. i love this card i love the colours the bow in fact everything its a beautiful card sue
    debbie pugh xx

  156. WOW WOW stunning card the bow set's it off beautifully i don't think you will ever make a bad card all your card's are stunning Sue love Lynda xx

  157. Oooh stunning, this is a wonderful card Sue, classic colours, lovely layout..... x

  158. Stunning card!
    I love the window and the flowers with the leaves.

  159. I really love this card. I like all the different elements.

  160. Another lovely card Sue. Not had chance to do much crafting for past two days, Wimbldon has taken over!But I just cant miss my Sue Wilson daily blog fix!!! B.W. Carolyn H x

  161. Hi Sue
    Another beautiful card you are so inspirational
    Take Care
    Theresa x


  163. Hi Sue,
    I haven't tried the letterpress technique yet but must do so - the background on this beautiful card is fabulous in close-up.
    Love your colour choices, those flowers look so sophisticated!
    Have a great weekend,
    Sue x

  164. I am so glad I found your site! Your cards are gorgeous and you have a helluva blog candy giveaway going on. I would love to win and I will be back to see more of your creations.

  165. Hi Sue...This card is just gorgeous...I love the flowers...will have to get the Bitty Blossoms...just gorgeous!
    Take care now. Deborah.H :)

  166. Absolutely gorgeous as always.

  167. The bow really sets off the lovely flowers. Awesome!

    Marie F

  168. Yay! Back with the striped bow. Love that ribbon! The flowers are great on the card, but I'm always afraid to try to mail them. The card is gorgeous.

  169. Really love this one. Feminine, gorgeous and ooooooooooooooo

  170. Fantastic Sue I love this card & in my favourite colours.

  171. Don't know where yesterday went! I completely missed this and it is gorgeous!!

  172. Stunningly gorgeous! You never fail to inspire me, Sue!

  173. Another anazing card Sue, Thanks. xxx

  174. Stunning card, I think this is the best ever
    Maggie x

  175. I love the subtle use of colours with the flowers here Sue. Hugs, Buttons x

  176. This has to be on of my absolute favourites and also made in my favourite colours - wonderful Sue.
    Yvonne xx

  177. Love this card but think the bow dominates a little but great idea none the less. Thanks again. Hil x

  178. Gosh, gosh, gosh! This is beautiful Sue. Love how you've put the flowers & leaves around the frame. The ribbon is lovely & the basic button & twine really does it justice. Stunning! xx Love Karen xx
