
Friday 23 September 2011

It's A Pink Day

Hello to everyone!  Some of you are "pink" people, some of you are not, but I decided to post this sample because I had a request on a comment for some ideas for the smaller pieces in the Nesties .  Tags!  They make great tags on your cards.  This one is very small so I have used it with a small phrase, but I like the way it looks when hanging from the bow on my card.  I did try to get a closer picture of the centre of this card, but blogger was only allowing one pic per post this morning!  You can sort of see that I used the same die that I cut the background negative space with to emboss the pattern on to the white behind it.  It's a little tricky to line up unless you leave your white piece oversized and then cut it down with the embossed area lined up just so.  There are some more of our new pearl swirls that I have used over top of the edgeabilities here too!  Hope you like it (even if you're not a pink person!).  By the way, this is the first post ever that I am scheduling for my blog as I am  (or will be when this goes live) at the Ally Pally show in London sans laptop!  All for now, Sue x


  1. I am loving the new edgeabilities dies and think I am going to have to get some......or all!! Lovely card again Sue. Hope you have a great time at Ally Pally. Karen x

  2. Such a cutie! I am one of those persons who doesn't fancy pink color but I can admit that your card looks beautiful (and don't have to lie 'bout that ^^)
    Hugs from Finland, Eemeli

  3. A very pretty card. Loving the pearl swirls. Cxx

  4. I think, it looks awesome. I just love the white and pink together and it´s a great way to use these smaller diecuts too, but many of them can also be gathered to make a nice pattern, when combined, so it´s just to take a minute to play a bit around with them, then you can create amazing patterns. This is awesome.
    HAve a wonderful week-end everyone.

  5. Sue, what a gorgeous card and thanks for showing us ideas with the smaller dies. Hope Ally Pally goes well. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  6. This is a gorgeous card Sue, what a great way to showcase the dies. Jo x

  7. I can't get past the concept that there are people who don't love pink! :)

    Lovely card - the smaller dies are my favourites.

    Have a great time at Ally Pally.

  8. Morning Sue, lovely card and colours. Have a great time at Ally Pally x

  9. This is a beautiful card! You tone everything together so well.

    Unfortunately I will be missing Ally Pally this time as we have to take our daughter to uni this weekend - do the universities NOT know the crafting calendar????


  10. I'm not normally a pink person, but I love this card Sue. Must remember to think about my nesties when making tags. I have stuck magnetic sheets to my craft room walls and all my nesties are now displayed in the open so that I can see them and I'm making much more use of them now, only one problem with this - I'm running out of wall space and I just had to have the new edgeabilities and yet some more dies this week.
    Have fun at Ally Pally.

  11. Morning Sue,
    I'm not a pink person but I like the simplicity and elegance of this card. I have friends and family that are definitely pink people and they would love this card.
    Hope all those going to Ally Pally have a great time.
    Love and Light
    Suz x

  12. Lovely card. Love the pearl swirls and the idea of the tag. Hope you bring us more ideas for the really small nesties. Marie-Louise McFall

  13. Hello Sue
    I love pink and most colours really..its how you combine them that makes the difference, and you seem to have the ability to do that !
    The swirls are lovely can't wait for them to be on sale.
    Good luck at Ally Pally
    Love Marg

  14. Gorgeous card Sue love the pearls and the baby tag:)Have a great crafty weekend
    Val x

  15. Hello Sue
    Not a pink lover myself but like the card very much. Will try something similar but in a different colour combo'.
    Regards! Rita

  16. Hi Sue
    Very pretty card, especially the pearl swirls-hope they are on sale soon.
    Have a great weekend.

    Eileen x

  17. Hi Sue, thumbs up from me as I am a 'pink' person.
    Another gorgeous card and thanks for showing how the smaller dies work so well in designing cards.
    Have a fab time at Ally Pally.
    Christine xx

  18. Beautiful card. I am now learning to blog and comment and this is all new and great fun. Look forward to your next post.

  19. I am not really a pinky girl in crafty terms but I do love this kind of makes me think of marshmallows?? Trace x

  20. Beautiful card Sue, very gentle colours and I love the bow & stick pins. Enjoy Ally Pally. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  21. Hi Sue,
    What a beautiful card.Very subtle,but striking at the same time. Love it............ xx

  22. I like to think pink too, like the deeper shades as well as pastel tones.
    A lovely card, have a fab time at Ally Pally!

  23. Love this card Sue and thanks for such a prompt reponse to my request about the little pieces!
    Great shade of pink and love the construction.
    Thank you very much!

  24. I'm not really a 'pink person' but this is really pretty Sue, the little tag is really cute and i love the pearl swirls, something else to add to my list for Ally Pally :-)

  25. What a wonderful card, can't wait for my new stash of spellbinders to arrive so I can have a play.
    Hugs Lol x

  26. Love the pink and white and the ideas for using the dies for small tags. Hope you have a good weekend at ally pally. Christine x

  27. What a beautiful card, love the pink and the smaller dies.

  28. ooh I love this one too...
    Great use of the papers in this one as always. Didn't think I'd be bothered by these edge spellbinders but the more I see them the more I want a few.
    Have a great one.


  29. wow i do love this card i love pink too and can i thank you for the inspiration as i finall made a card layering different nestie dies on my blog and i kinda like of too thanks xx

  30. What a pretty card. I love the dies you've used for the front. TFS.

  31. Not really a pink person at all but I actually love that card! It doesn't feel too pink somehow, maybe it's the polka dots. Great idea for the tags too xxx ps enjoy Ally Pally

  32. Great card very girly .... Got my edgabilities today ooh they are fab can't stop crafting with them......have a great time at Ali pally wish I could go but op yesterday so that kiboshed that..... Can you tell me sue the name of Jo chanson bog.....Thanks muchly x

  33. Having the embossed center is really neat. I also love the swirls.

  34. Oops that's so funny spell check ....... Jo channon blog I meant !!

  35. very feminine. lovely

  36. Wow, what an amazing card. The dies and the swirls are so great.

    Hugs, Uta

  37. Fantastic card, love the pink. Take care Hugs x ChrisB

  38. Lovely card I really like the embossed card behind


  39. Love pink so this is right up my street. The pearl swirls are gorgeous and I want them!!!
    Have fun at the show!!!

  40. Love the pearl swirls. Have a good show.

  41. Pink's not for me, but I like the way you've cut the aperture - different from layering things on top

  42. Love the card Sue. Definitely a pink girl! Looking forward to Ally Pally tomorrow.
    Take care Paula

  43. Like the sort of reverse aspect of this card, window rather than all popped, if that makes sense.

  44. Hi Sue
    What a fantastic card. The colours are great too. My daughter is 21 next month loves pink so has given me some ideas. Many thanks
    Sue x

  45. Hey Sue,
    Love the polka dots.love the colour .love the card.....
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the DVD....yes it came at last.xxxx
    Please can we have one for spellbinders...just be heaven


  47. Nice fresh card. Don't often see you working with pink. See you tomorrow. Love, Julia xxx

  48. Hi sue,

    love the card, when are we going to see cosmic shimmer pearl glues on tv again?

  49. Hi Sue, I am a pink person, my favourite colour. lovley card yet again, you are so full of good ideas. can you please make a vidio of hoe you did the folding of the lace doily motif I can't seem to do. thank you. Christine Jones x x

  50. Great card sue. definitely girly. lol

  51. Just home from a fun day at Ally Pally. Really pretty card, Sue. A lovely shade of pink plus spots - they're always good. A very attractive card. Don't worry about a larger photo, if we hover the mouse over the picture and click, a larger, clearer picture appears on screen. Oh, the wizardry of technology!!!
    Was good to see you.xx
    BTW - fab DVD!

  52. Hello! Just found your blog after visiting you at Ally Pally today. Do you have a shop as well as online as I actually only live 3 miles away from where you are?

    Love this card, especially the way you've used the nesties and different paper in the middle.


  53. Lovely card and brilliant use of the waste bits of the nesties, I use mine a lot on the cancer charity cards, it all helps! Hope you enjoy Ally Pally and look forward to seeing all the new goodies soon!

  54. Love this pink card most of mine are usually pink or purple but branched out since watching you make cards.
    Love the idea for using the tiny dies never used any of mine always thought they were a bit of a waste and they could have gone one bigger on most sets and still fit the bug, no worries no i have the GB but would love some more grand labels to match the smaller ones.
    Can't wait for Tuesday that's the day i should get my pick of the day edge dies going to have a play when the grandkids go home.lol

  55. lovely card, and it was greating seeing you at the show and having a chat

  56. Loving the colours sue very girly , hope you had a great time at ally pally wished I was there .....another great card x

  57. I'm not a pink person but this is a lovely card. The seam binding is gorgeous x

  58. Pink is a great color. I love the pearls used on this card. Love the seam bow with the little tag. They look perfect together! Mimi

  59. Love the pearl swirls A really girly card love it

  60. Pink and girly I really like it, thanks for advice re using smaller dies. Hugs Bee

  61. Beautiful card, love the colour combo and great details. HUgs,moni
