
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Ally Pally Show

 It's that time of year again, yes, I mean Ally Pally time!  Twice a year, April and September, Creative Expressions hosts the Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show at the Alexandra Palace in London.  If you have never been, it is quite amazing.  There is so much fun and exciting crafting goodies there all under one roof for your delight and pleasure!  If you are able to attend, you will find me just as you enter the door to your right.  I am demoing at the Rubbernecker booth, but I will also have a Particraft stand with loads of demonstrators and fun demos to inspire your creativity.  A couple of quick notes, first, I had an email on the show last week that asked about the spellbinder die used on the toadstool card shown here.  I erroneously identified it as the lotus border.  I am so sorry about that, but it is actually the In Spades border.  It is a really lovely die that I believe Jo has on a show next week (the 13th) as you can run your ribbon through it quite nicely.

 Thank you for all your support for the Tatty Button launch as it was really well received.  I've posted a few more of the cards for you to get a closer look at if you like.  Although it is difficult to see from the picture of the card below, there is a lovely lavender rose seated in the centre of the bow.  These roses are now in stock in five colours plus an assorted pack and I will have them on the Rubbernecker, Particraft and Creative Expressions  stands at Ally Pally.  If you would like to see a better picture, scroll down to the post made on March 18th and look at the first card with pale pink roses on the white and gray card.  They are ever so lovely and very inexpensive too!  My photography skills (or rather, lack thereof) do not do it justice.  Better for you to pop by the booth and see them in real life this weekend.  I almost forgot to mention that I will have the vintage ribbon in the neutrals and in all the lovely colours at a bargain price for you too!  Please stop by and say hi if you are coming to Ally Pally.  Let me know who you are as I love to put faces to the names and comments left on the blog.  We are getting close to the blog candy contest draw so don't forget to leave comments for more chances to win.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Not gonna make it to Ally Pally but I hope you and the team have a wonderful time Sue. I hve bought the Tatty Button stamp that you have sed on the 2 above cards. I had to get her as she looks like my 12 year old DD!! All long legs and auburn hair! So keeping it as a surprise for her birthday.

  2. Wish I could come and say hello Sue, but I am afraid the old credit crunch is really biting, so have to pull my horns in.
    I do hope you have a great time and sell lots of goodies.
    Look forward to seeing you on the telly next time you are demoing, I really do enjoy watching you create.

  3. Have never been to Ally Pally - hope it all goes well for you!! Cxx

  4. Hi Sue, gorgeous cards, just adore the Tatty button lilac one and the rose is a delight! I hope to make it to Ally Pally but not sure, I will make sure to see you if I can:0) xxx

  5. Definitely be there, hopefully to see you demoing!
    Val x

  6. Good to see a few more samples Sue. Really like the 'dog tooth' paper. See you Saturday.x

  7. STUNNING cards - I love your style and what you have done with Tatty Button, I hope to see you on Sunday but it down to wether my daughter is well enough - fingers crossed
    Suzanne x

  8. Loved the Tatty Button shows and the new wavy edged ribbon which I hope to be able to get hold of later on.
    Hope you enjoy Ally Pally. Don't work too hard!!

  9. These cards are gorgeous!
    I did get some new ideas from these lovely creations.
    Have a nice evening!

  10. I really like your card, the blue card is totally stunning.

  11. Never been before but will be there this time on Sunday. Maybe able to twist your arm for a workshop date!! Your cards are stunning as usual - although Tatty is not for me I still love what you do with her.

  12. Three realy really pretty cards! I luv what you did with the ribbon on the first one, gorgeous!

  13. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous cards and colours as usual. Wish i was going to Ally Pally, maybe the next one. Have a good time and i am sure your booth will be busy.

    Julie x

  14. Beautiful layouts Sue, and as ever your use of colour is sublime. Good luck with Ally Pally. I am sure you will blow everyone's socks off with everything you have to show them x

  15. themessycraftroom5 April 2011 at 19:48

    Beautiful cards Sue, never been to Ally Pally. Wish I could. Have a great time, I'm sure you will. All your stamps and work are fantastic. Hugs xChrisB

  16. Hi Sue, loving the samples, the toadstool card is beautiful.Enjoyed your demos on c&c. Have a great time at Ally Pally, not able to go I'm afraid.Debbie Johns x

  17. fabulous cards - cant wait to see them live at ally pally as i'm actually going to make it this year as only managed to get to the nec in the past - my sister says its alway a great show so cant wait - see you there

  18. Sadly I won't be at the Ally Pally show, too far to travel but I am sure it will be another success for you. Love your latest batch of cards and I love the 'Spades' Die. Will make a note to watch Jo on the 13th.
    Have fun and a great weekend.
    Christine xx

  19. Sorry I won't make it to Ally Pally - will be packing for a family wedding in Cuba (leave on Sunday) - some people choose to get married at the most inconvenient times! Hope it goes well though. Love the cards especially the last one - the frame is very special. Thanks again for all the inspiration.

  20. oh wow sue these cards are so beautiful i just love the new stamps and the cd looks great too thanks for sharing xx

  21. love the cards I think i need to save up for these stamps

  22. Hi Sue

    Wow you've done it again, what incredible cards, so much inspiration!

    I have a blog award for you but I think you may have already received this one. Please visit my blog to collect or to just have a look. I got my first one today so am super excited! yay!

    Thanks for being an inspiration to me.

    Hugs Janene x


  23. Lovely cards as usual. I hope you have a good time at the show.

  24. Lovely cards! While I've heard about Ally Pally for years, it's a bit far for me. Wrong side of the pond and all that. To bad since everyone always seems to have a great time and come home with loads of lovely bargains!

  25. WOW!!! The first one is so lovely... dies and the stamp.
    Hugs Susanne

  26. Hi Sue, more lovely cards. Sadly Ally Pally too far but maybe one day!
    Have fun at the show

    Joan x

  27. Lovely cards again Sue. Unfortunately won't be at Ally Pally this time but have a good show!

  28. Beautiful cards again Sue. Loving the papers you have been using, going to ask where you get them from when I see you on Sunday.
    Take care


  29. hi Sue, will try to make it to Ally Pally, but can not make any promises. Love to meet you and see your craft in person. I think your cards are truly inspirational

  30. Got to say that the stamps themselves aren't really my cup of tea, but your samples & colour schemes are as lush as ever Sue - thanks for the inspiration...Just about to purchase a couple of sets of nesties & I'm struggling to narrow it down. Your samples don't help LOL I want/need them all!

  31. That mushroom is just too cute!! :-)

  32. Barbara Phillips6 April 2011 at 20:43

    Fantastic cards with loads of inspiration for me, you never fail to deliver an inspiring show on C&C. Good luck at the show.

  33. oh hun how I wish I could come,would love to meet you and see you demo,hun these cards are just amazing hun,you are so super talented,hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  34. Another beautiful card.

    It would be wonderful if you could have some shows on C&C with some beautiful papers, stamps, ribbons, embellishments etc all chosen by you so that we could see how you put your colours/designs together.


  35. Fantastic cards!!!!!!!!!

  36. Hi Sue! As a DT member of Clarity and Craftwork Cards, I will definitely be at Ally Pally and hope to be able to say hello to you.
    Your cards are as beautiful as ever... Emma x

  37. STUNNING cards!!!
    Blessings Bernie

  38. Love the cards..........love the roses......not happy as no Ally Pally for me :-( but hope you have a great time xx

  39. Hello Sue
    Just to say you inspire me,and I have changed my cards so much with Spellbinders,and Ribbons
    Good Luck at Ally Pally !

  40. love the look of the lilac tatty button - love the effect of the embossed nesties.

  41. Wish I could go to ally pally! Sometimes living on an island has its disadvantges lol. Such beautiful cards, i am slowly building my stash of nesties as they do make a dramatic difference to a card.


  42. Hope you had a great time at AP. Love the Tatty Button stamps - great samples to show them off as usual. Lovely.
    I haven't been able to post for a while - something to do with my PC and lack of knowledge!
    Best wishes
    Lynne in Spain

  43. These cards are gorgeous Sue!

  44. Although they say blue and green should never be seen I think this combo works really well. The dog's/hound'stooth pattern is a favourite of mine. Still working my way through your various flower techniques, which you make look so easy.

  45. I like all your cards very pretty! My favorite I got to say is the mushroom card!

  46. Oh my Sue they are all very pretty but I think I like the last one the best! great job as always!!!! Hugs, Mimi

  47. I love the tartan, hounds check combination. Very stylish!

  48. Great cards Sue!! Love the Spellbinders die with the ribbon running through it!! TFS

  49. Love your cards Sue! Love the use of the spellbinder dies too. I can't wait to get me some of those banners, lol. You have got me so addicted to them. Mimi :)
