
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Dynamic Daisies

Hi there my crafty friends!  This post is dedicated to the Dynamic Daisies die set.  The set has a whopping ten dies in it, including several sizes of the daisies as well as half flowers, a stemand flower centres  This set looks lovely  as accents or even as the focal element as shown in this sampl card.  I think this set will be a real go to for all your card making needs.  Remember to add your comment to this post.  The next post will be online at 3pm today.  All for now, Sue x                                         

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  1. Deb E Isle of Wight15 May 2024 at 12:01

    Absolutely gorgeous post and what's a Sue Wilson floral launch without the floral finishing touches!!! Love them...

  2. Hi Sue.
    just so pretty a lovely set and card thank you.
    Take care all Kitty Davies.

  3. Good afternoon Sue and all Wilsonettes, another super duper sample using the Daisies, very useful.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  4. Good afternoon Sue, just love these dies, they look gorgeous the way you have used them on this card. Love Jean Phillip's xxx

  5. Beautiful die set and card, this die set is going to very useful!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  6. Beautiful card showing off the gorgeous daisies!
    Can't have enough flowers!
    Sharon in Toronto

  7. Hi Sue
    Oh wow, what a great set! Will be so so useful in our stash! I love daisies, a firm favourite!
    Sam Salter

  8. Hi Sue

    I love these new dynamic daisies! What a great card. I can see these being used for so many occasions and so many different ways and colourways. Very versatile.

    Love Helen xxx

  9. A lovely card, great dies.
    B xx

  10. Hi Sue, a really beautiful card showcasing the Dynamic Daisies which I think will become go-to dies.


  11. Dynamite Dasies lovely addition to our flower collection
    Eye catching card
    Elizabeth Bennett

  12. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card with the daisies, they are delightful and a must have for all the flower lovers like me

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L, Belfast

  13. Hello

    You can never have too many flower dies. I love all the finishing touches especially the flower ones. Beautiful card, it makes you look twice.

    Little Largo x

  14. this is a beautiful card sue the colours you have used are so beautiful it’s like being in the garden centre and walking up and down the island like little largo said you can never have enough flowers thank you sue June Horrocks xxxxxxxxx

  15. Hi again Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Beautiful die set Sue x the daisies look gorgeous and you always pack so many on a sheet for us x I love them x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  16. Good evening Sue,
    Beautiful set of daisies but you are well known for your fabulous flowers. A truly beautiful card & one that I would love to recreate. Yvonne xx

  17. Flowers are beautiful. WakeyL

  18. Stunning card and die set Sue xx Hazel Nottm

  19. A beautiful card (love the colours) made from a very useful set of dies. Thank you Sue.

  20. Very useful set of floral dies. I love the colour combination on this beautiful card.

    Liz Cavill ~ Crafty Sunflower xx

  21. Love the daisies! Beautiful card design with these lovely flowers!

  22. Hello Sue,
    This is a gorgeous set of daisies and wow they are certainly dynamic. They are definitely on my wish list. Love the card you’ve made to present them.
    Tooth Fairy Jo. xxx

  23. Thank you for all the different sizes of the Dynamic Daisies. Your card design is wonderful and looks so good with the different colors of flowers. Judy from Boone, NC

  24. It is so great that you make flowers in different sizes!
    Your card is gorgeous :))

  25. Lovely daisies, so useful having them in different sizes and love that there are also two different half flowers! Beautiful also as focal point as you shown here! Beautiful card!

  26. Beautiful card. I love the different sizes of dies and the half a flower. X sued99

  27. Hello Sue, your card sentiment describes the card and this die set. Magical. Bx

  28. You can never have too many flowers, beautiful card

  29. Hi Sue. Nice to see a set of flowers in different orientations and including a stem!

    Lisbeth (from Beckenham)

  30. Flower dies are always welcome, can never have enough….luv Ursula from Verwood xx

  31. Hi Sue - I love these daisies so much! Colleen xx

  32. Such a pretty card. Love the flowers
    Maria A x
