
Thursday 16 May 2024

Bountiful Butterflies

Hello bloggers!  The next die to be showcased is the Bountiful Butterfies die set.  This set has eight different biutterflies in it including several different sized butterflies, a side view butterfly and three different sized solid butterflies.  There is literally a butterfly for any and all needs in this set.  You only have a couple more chances to leave a comment so you can be entered into the drawing to win the entire collection.  The final post of the blog launch will be online at 3pm.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Good afternoon Sue and all Wilsonettes, wow these butterflies look amazing, are they white card, vellum, or similar, whatever they look amazing on the front of your card sample.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  2. Deb E Isle of Wight16 May 2024 at 12:11

    A stunning post and love the butterflies in white. Great die set and how you give us both detailed and silhouette options. You can't go wrong with a butterfly...

  3. Butterflies can never have enough of them
    Elizabeth Bennett

  4. love this one sue so pretty with the butterfly’s makes it very special indeed thank you sue xxx June Horrocks xxxxx

  5. Hi Sue
    Just like the foliage set you can never have enough butterflies, love the card

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L, Belfast

  6. What a beautiful card, Sue. The butterflies are incredible cut out in white against the rainbow stripes. You can never have too many butterflies in your collection can you. Bejay in Truro xx

  7. Hi Sue.
    A very pretty card and just like flowers and leaves
    you cannot have too many butterflies thank you.
    Take care all Kitty Davies.

  8. Great striped background to showcase the beautiful butterflies!
    I can always use more butterflies!
    Sharon in Toronto

  9. Hi Sue, we always need a butterfly and you can't have too many to choose from and there is plenty of choice in this set. Love the CAS style of this card.


  10. Good afternoon Sue, beautiful set of butterflies! Love them. Love Jean Phillips xxx

  11. I saw on James show, Iove the way you got 2 for 1 cards. Beautiful colours I like pastel

  12. Hi Sue

    A great new set of butterflies, you can never have too many and this set includes everything you could need to chose from. Lovely card.

    Love Helen xxx

  13. Hi Sue. Love the varieties of butterflies in this set and also the fact that you have included decorative ones and also solids.

    Lisbeth (from Beckenham)

  14. I love butterflies, so this set is a must-have for me :))
    Your card is beautiful!

  15. What a simple but beautifully colourful card. I have a set of your butterflies from an earlier launch (some time ago). They are my go to set. Looks like I need to update my collection. WakeyL

  16. A lovely CAS card, the background really makes the butterflies pop. A very useful set. Thank you Sue.

  17. Hello

    These butterflies look so good against the stripes, a great effect. Once again you have given us plenty of choice. They will look great however you use them. Neat card. Great colours.

    Little Largo x

  18. Good afternoon Sue,
    A beautiful card with your lovely butterflies. A beautiful assortment of butterflies. Yvonne xx

  19. A beautiful card and great butterfly dies.
    B xx

  20. Hi Sue
    Wow, what a gorgeous set of little butterflies! Really an essential to go with all the beautiful flowers!
    Sam Salter

  21. Love these gorgeous butterflies and the colorful background on the card! So pretty!

  22. When I saw these beautiful butterflies on two cards of the launch I hoped they were part of a new die set, I didn’t seem to have seen them before. And here there is a set just for them! Wow! Gorgeous! Love having both solid and decorative, and also a side view! Love how them pop from your simple striped background!

  23. No card is complete without a butterfly, I just love this selection…..luv Ursula from Verwood xx

  24. Gorgeous card and a great set of butterfly dies.

    Liz Cavill ~ Crafty Sunflower xx

  25. Hello Sue, an absolutely stunning card, love the background, and it works so well with the butterflies. Like I said with the Foliage, you can never have enough butterflies. Bx

  26. Hi again Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Fabulous butterfly set Sue x another great selection in the set and they are all so pretty x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  27. Butterflies are my most favourite embellishments, this would be ana amazing prize
    Glennis in Manly

  28. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card and very pretty butterflies that are going to be so useful!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  29. Wonderful card. I do like having the solid butterflies too so you can layer them x sued99

  30. Fabulous card and butterfly die set, Sue xx Hazel Nottm

  31. Hello Sue,
    Love the card you’ve made to showcase this die set. Butterflies are such a go to embellishment and these will be a useful addition.
    Tooth Fairy Jo. xxx

  32. Gorgeous butterflies and card.

  33. A gorgeous card. Beautiful butterflies
    Maria A x
