
Sunday 31 December 2023

Thinking Of You

Good Sunday morning all! Happy New Year's Eve!  I made today's card to show another way of using the Stained Glass Tulips.  I cut the die three times in white card and backed them in white.  I cut the tulips out of the circle and recut the die in yellow, red and purple for the flowers and gree for the leaves.  I paper pieced the tulips with the fall away pieces from each of the cuts.  I selected a piece of Arctic Blue card to use as the background.  I inked the centre of the card with Tumbled Glass distress ink, then glued the tulips to the bottom of the card.  I cut the Noble Thinking Of You in black and added it to a white backing die then attached the sentoment above the tulips with mounting foam.  I added the butterfly cut in white from the set and paper pieced in purple and yellow.  I added some clear water crystals as accents randomly to the card.  The card was completed with white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4"  x  8 1/4"  in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Good morning Sue and a Happy New Years Eve to you and all that visit the blog today.
    Today’s card is beautiful and another way to use the stained glass die, fabulous
    Marion S x

  2. Gorgeous card, I love the paper pieced tulips. xx

  3. Morning Sue.
    A very happy healthy and prosperous 2024 to you and all Wilsonettes.
    A very pretty card thank you.
    Take care all Kitty.

  4. Good morning Sue
    Today’s card is so pretty! I wish you your family and all Wilsonettes a Happy and healthy New Year!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  5. Good Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, another fabulous sample today, with the fantastic tulips, very cleverly done.

    Wishing you all a safe and healthy 2024.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  6. Hi Sue,

    A Happy New Year to you and yours too and all who visit. A beautiful card, the tulips look so pretty and it’s a lovely way to use the die.

    Barbara V

  7. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful thinking of you card ,especially the paper piecing tulips. Wishing everyone a healthy & happy 2024
    Yvonne xx

  8. Beautiful card Sue. I hope you have a good New Years Eve xx Hazel

  9. Good Morning Sue and all that visit this morning.
    This is lovely. I have said before I am not really a fan of the stained glass collections ... But hey no ... Here we go. I love what you have done with this. Those Tulips look absolutely beautiful ... And if ever we needed a lift, especially with this awful weather we are having ... Here it is, and gorgeous colours too. Thankyou Sue for all your hard work over the last year, we wilsonettes really appreciate it.

    Wishing Everyone A Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.

    Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them today.
    Please stay safe and well 🙏. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  10. Deb E Isle of Wight31 December 2023 at 09:06

    A really beautiful post once again showing the versatility of your dies and in particular the stained glass range. Love it…

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year…

  11. Morning Sue, a lovely, tranquil card today. Wishing you and your family and all your blog followers a very Happy New Year. Bx

  12. Good morning sue happy new year’s eve to you hat a beautiful card love tulips and the sentiment is lovely stay safe my friends love June Horrocks xxxxxx

  13. what a fresh, beautiful card. Thank you for the inspiration over the last 12 months. hoping for many more beautiful designs and inspiration in 2024. Wishing all a happy 2024. WakeyL

  14. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card with the promise of spring and worth all that die cutting and paper piecing, I love it
    Wishing you and all the blog followers a happy new year, thinking of all our missing friends

    Love and hugs to everyone

  15. Hi Sue. Nice to see your dies being used to create a clean and simple card. I am looking forward to seeing all your new creations in the new year.


  16. Hi Sue, Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love the way you used the die and what a beautiful card. Keep it up in 2024.AON

  17. What a lovely card to cheer us al up on this grey day.
    Happy New Year everyone.x

  18. The Stained Glass Tulips are lovely and look beautiful on this card design. Hugs.
