
Tuesday 9 May 2023


Hello crafters!  I just love an all white card with a pop of colour!  This one is right up my alley, I hope you like it too.  I started by covering a piece of white card with a sticky adhesive sheet.  I cut the Noble Baby sentiment about a dozen times in white.  Starting in the middle, I attached the sentiments randomly all over the sticky sheet, allowing them to go off the page, but not over lap.  I trimmed the excess off the edges, then used them to fill in any side areas that needed it.  Once I was satisfied, I sprinkled Frosted Sparkle Glitterbitz all over the remaining exposed adhesive areas.  I used the rainbow cut alcohol inked Baby sentiment from an earlier card that I made and added it to the shadow backing cut in white.  I added it to the card with mounting foam.  I cut the Welcome Little One from the Baby Wordie Sheets and added it below.  The card was completed with white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/2"  x  8 1/4"  in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Good morning Sue, gorgeous card, love the all white with a pop of colour.
    Marion S x

  2. Hi Sue.
    This is my ideal design, something clean and fresh to welcome a new little one.
    Hope with the help of your meds June you're starting to feel better than you did a few days ago, and to anyone that'd not feeling so good, I send gentle hugs and love xx

  3. Morning Sue.
    A brilliant card thank you.
    Take care Kitty.

  4. Crafty Vonnie9 May 2023 at 07:11

    Good morning Sue,
    I love a clean & simple card like this. The pop of colour really stands out. Yvonne xx

  5. Hello Sue
    This is a beautiful card I love the pop of colour. Hugs to all that visit today x

  6. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, what a brilliant new baby card this is, with the sparkly background on white, it is something for baby's treasure box, to show them when they are older themselves. one day I might have to make one of these for my family xx

    On the mend hopefully xxx

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  7. Hi Sue,

    A beautiful card and the pop of colour really enhances it.

    Barbara V

  8. Hello Sue. I would have to agree with you about how effective an all white card with a pop of colour is. I also think the way you have created the background by sticking white die cut elements onto white card - the possibilities are endless.


  9. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Fantastic card Sue x the background is brilliant with the touch of colour on the noble baby die x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  10. Morning Sue and all. This is gorgeous! Love how textured the background is, and the fantastic rainbow pop of colour! Colleen xx

  11. Morning Sue, todays card is just amazing, love the little bit of bright colour with the white. Take care everyone. Bx

  12. A beautiful baby card to greet us today sue love the splash of colour on all white background thank you sue hope you are feeling better june stay safe my friends love June Horrocks xxxxx

  13. Deb E Isle of Wight9 May 2023 at 08:52

    Simple yet beautiful...

  14. Like this clean and simple card for baby
    Elizabeth Bennett

  15. Hi Sue
    Very nice card so simple but very effective.
    Owlish Xx

  16. Hi Sue
    Happy Tuesday everyone x
    Oh I’m with you Sue. White with a pop of colour rocks my boat so todays card is a definite hit with me. Thanks for sharing x
    Glad you’re on the mend June x
    Take care everyone x
    Sending positive thoughts to all x
    Crafty hugs x
    Yvonne x

  17. Lovely idea Sue. WakeyL

  18. Good morning Sue
    When I first saw your card I thought you had used an embossing folder lol. What a fabulous idea and beautiful card!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  19. A stunning card, the kind I like to make

  20. Hi Sue
    A fabulous card, love the all white with the standout pop of colour

    Glad to hear you’re on the mend June

    Love and hugs to everyone

  21. Hi Sue, a beautiful card, love this style.


  22. Well I thought you had a new embossing folder out! Love the white on white, a pop of colour is all that’s needed. Thank you Sue.

  23. It looks beautiful but I haven't the patience to cut 12 times!!

  24. I agree. It’s a lovely card. X

  25. What agreat way to make the background and totally agree that the colour really pops

  26. Sweet and precious card. Lovely. Hugs.

  27. Hi Sue Fantastic card I love the way you've created the background the pop of colour looks amazing against the white sparkly background

  28. Beautiful clean card with a pop of colour
    Marlene O

  29. Oh so beautiful, clean and simple....luv Ursula xx
