
Monday 18 April 2022

You Are My Treasure

Hello bloggers!  I selected a pixied piece from my background stash to start today's card.  I used Aqua Lagoon and Golden Mint Pixie Powders.  I used the Clipped Corner Rectangles and made a white frame to go around the bacground.  I cut the Underwater Life Frame several times using tan, green card for the majority of the die cut but I added a few of the smaller elements  in deep purple, rust and gray.  I cut the Message in a Bottle die out of white card and the scroll out of pale blue and attached it to the larger seawwed.  I used the You Are My Treasure and Missing You sentiments from the Message In A Bottle set cut in black.  The card was completed with white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7"  x  8 1/4"  in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Morning Sue.
    A lovey cardto start the week thank you.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  2. Hi Sue.
    The background etc look great, I'm not sure if the bottle should look aged it looks to fresh cut in white but I'd love to know what the message reads lol any way of slitting just below the neck so we can add a slip of paper with a real message?
    Hope everyone had a nice Easter Sunday. Keep safe and well xxx

  3. dj from kettering18 April 2022 at 06:46

    Still not too sure about these underwater dies, but
    this is a great card. Love the background colours.

    Stay safe,

    Doreen x

  4. Hello Sue, a lovely card, love the pixie background as always
    Marion S x

  5. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, firstly thank you for the larger font on the instructions today, it is so much easier to read. Love the pixie background you have made and with all the lovely elements including the message in the bottle and others, but the sentiments are so perfect for this sample and of course can be used for so many different occasions too, fantastic. Thank you Sue xx

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  6. Hi Sue,

    A lovely card. The background is pretty, and I love the pixie colours.The way you have used the dies all make for an interesting card.

    Barbara V

  7. Hello Sue
    Lovely underwater scene,have a lovely Easter Monday everyone and take care x

  8. Francis thank you so much for your help in finding the lined embossing folder I have ordered it and hopefully it will be with me this week.

  9. Hi Sue
    A lovely card, the pixied background is perfect for under the sea.
    B xx

  10. Good morning Sue,
    A lovely background which sets the scene for your other dies. Yvonne xx

  11. Good Morning Sue. Wonderful card for the men Sue. I think all your last launch could be dedicated to the men and children. Your backgrounds really set me off I love them and this one is no exception. Thankyou Sue. Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them today.
    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds

  12. Good morning Sue this is a stunning card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  13. Morning Sue, I think this was one of my favourite cards from the launch, I love making Pixied backgrounds, no 2 ever quite the same. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  14. Rose in Chester18 April 2022 at 10:39

    Wow, Sue
    This card has got to be my favourite.

  15. Great example of how you can use the new release. Even the scroll could be used for a graduation card! WakeyL

  16. Hi Sue
    A great card, love the pixie powder background and the message in a bottle was my favourite from your new release

    Love and hugs to everyone

  17. Hi Sue

    A great card using your newest dies. Like how it’s framed.

    Love Helen xxx

  18. Fabulous card. I love all the underwater fauna. Some of these have probably never been made into a die before. Underwater scenes will be enhanced with this set.
    Raining so hard here and I need to go out. I will feel like I am in an under water scene.
    Stephanie K

  19. Hi Sue - beautiful card with a gorgeous pixied background. Colleen xx

  20. Hi Sue, an interesting card and I love the pixie powder background.

    Crewe Trish - happy to help, enjoy the folder when it comes.


  21. Hi Sue. What a lot of work you have put in to making this card! I really think these dies give an opportunity to go to town with your backgrounds.


  22. A beautiful underwater scene. The background is amazing, it really looks like the ocean.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  23. Hi Sue
    Sorry I haven’t been posting (long story), I’ve been catching up on the blog today and I’ve missed some beautiful cards and the last launch!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  24. Lovely underwater scene, using the latest dies, beautiful....luv Ursula xx

  25. Your backgrounds are amazing Sue. I really must 'try harder'. Lovely carc.
    Crafty Hugs Pauline x

  26. Hi Sue, beautiful card, love the pixie powder background. Love Jean xxx

  27. Such a fun card Sue, love the pixie powder background and the message in the bottle!!

  28. Great card. Love the You Are My Treasure sentiment set!! Hugs.

  29. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Wonderful card Sue x I love the underwater scene and the pixied background looks amazing x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  30. Hi Sue,
    What a lovely underwater scene.
    Véronique L

  31. Sorry Sue, these under water dies are not my thing, but a lovely card all the same.
    Marlene O

  32. Hi Sue and everyone what a fab card, a stunning background and fun new dies to set off the perfect sea scene.
    Hugs Donna xx

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