
Wednesday 23 January 2019

Just Because

 Hello there my crafty friends!  I have used a technique on this that I did in a video for one of the Stained Glass dies, but it can be used so easily on many designs.  I started by cutting a piece of black card and white card together at the same time.  I placed the black card on top of the white card and cut it with the Celtic Squares Background.  It will cut completely through the top card and leave a perfect impression on the bottom card.  I used the impression on the white card to colour in the design.  I used Worn Lipstick, Spun Sugar and Tumbled Glass Distress Markers to colour it in.  Next I used spray adhesive all over it (you can also use a sticky adhesive sheet).  I attached the die cut over the top, then filled in the remaining exposed sticky areas with Frosted Sparkle Glitterbitz.  I added pearls to the centres in the background design.  I used the Petal Pocket Flowers to add three flowers to the side of the card.  I cut a vellum flag and doubled it, leaving a wider thin border on the bottom one and added the Just Because Shadowed Sentiment.  White and black mats and layers were used to complete the card.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x  7 1/4" in size.

Just a little quick note to let you know that the January Die Release blog launch will start here tomorrow morning at 6am!  I am very excited about it as there are some fun stuff to share with you too!  I hope to see you back here then!  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Hello Sue and all
    Fabulous technique, In have tried something similar and it was so much easier than it looked, must give this one a try. The colours and design are lovely.
    Can’t wait for tomorrows release, have seen a few of the new dies and again, looks fabulous
    Muriel x

  2. Love this card. Such a clever technique to get the impression so you can colour it in.

  3. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful card using a clever technique to achieve a lovely background. I'll certainly be giving this a go myself. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.x

  4. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, great sample today, love the technique it looks so impressive, well done.

    Looking forward to the blog launch too.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  5. Great card. I hav3 used this technique and love the result
    Karen xx

  6. Hello Sue,
    A colourful card and a great technique. Love it
    Looking forward to the blog launch.
    Marion S x

  7. Hi Sue from a white crispy very cold Lancashire but you've brightened the morning perfectly with this beautiful colourful sample. I've not tried many of your gorgeous backgrounds, just caught in crystal and of course those exploding exciting pixie powders, mainly because I never seem to have 'playtime' I'm always up against the clock so it's always make make make ! Maybe my NY promise to myself should be one day a week to clear my small table and have 'play time' but use cheap card so my fav card isn't wasted on the rubbish I may well end up with lol. I love how all the colours come together and those frosted sparkle glitterbits are amazing I absolutely love them. Really looking forward to your new launch and the samples that follow what I've seen so far have been noted and listed ☺
    Have a great day Sue wherever you are and whatever your plans xxx

  8. Looking forward to tomorrow as always and today's card looks fantastic. x

  9. Hello Sue
    How different is this it certainly adds some sparkle to this dark snowy foggy morning. Looking forward to tomorrow

  10. Another fabulous creation Sue. Looking forward to the blog run.
    Annette x

  11. Morning Sue.
    Thank you, a beautiful card.
    I am looking forward to see your brilliant samples.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  12. What a fantastic card,I love the vibrant colours

  13. Deb E Isle of Wight23 January 2019 at 07:05

    A beautiful post and love the mix of colours on this one. Seen the sneak peak of your launch and it looks fab so can't wait to see what you've done with the new range.

  14. Hi Sue
    Love this card. It sounds easier than it looks - if you know what I mean! Very clever and the result is stunning x
    Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us over the next week or so - always feel like a child on Christmas Eve the day before you begin your launch x
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  15. Hello Sue,

    What a fabulous card with such pretty colors. The description of the technique makes it seem so easy. Prior to reading your process, I was picturing you using individuals pots of colored glitter to do your design but your way is certainly simpler.

    Looking forward to your release tomorrow, can't wait to see the wonderful designs and cards that you have for us.

    Have a great day.


  16. Beautiful card today, looking forward to seeing what Cards you have to show us for your new Dies.


  17. Ingenious technique which lends itself to this die. Must give it a go. I treated myself to this die just before Christmas but not really had much of a play.

  18. Hi Sue, lovely card this morning, love the background.

    Barbara V

  19. A lovely card Sue, I must be brave and try this technique. Looking forward to the launch tomorrow. Thank you.xxx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hello Sue, such a wonderful background and your tips on how to achieve it too. Looking forward to seeing your new release of dies. I've seen a few and will be great to see the rest and how you use them xx

  22. Morning Sue, fabulous background. I too thought at first that you had used different glitters to make up your background. However, I should have known that you always show us a more simpler way of doing things.
    Will try that when I get back Home.
    Looking forward to seeing your launch tomorrow. Jus hope that we don't have any power cuts. Hugs xx Pauline in S.A.

  23. Sorry, Sue, I seem to have missed something when sending my comment earlier I have come up as 'unknown' !! You have probably guessed I am new to this.

    I have made some adjustments to profile so hopefully, my details will now appear.

    Barbara from Holmfirth W. Yorkshire

  24. Morning Sue,
    Pretty card, after seeing your lovely cards I have treated myself to this background die, hopefully it will arrive today.

  25. What a lovely card Sue & a technique I must try. I saw Julia doing it yesterday with your stained glass daisies & thought then what a good idea. Thank you for the reminder.

  26. Good morning Sue wow what a beautiful card the colours are beautiful I must give this technique a try Can't wait for your new release!

  27. A beautiful card, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  28. Great background for this card!
    Looking forward to the new launch tomorrow :))

  29. Marie P.from Longridge23 January 2019 at 08:41

    Good morning Sue.
    A beautiful card today Sue and with techniques I haven't seen before.I'm not doing much crafting at the moment as I'm preparing for surgery and I have hospital appointments for the next 3 days and we have SNOW!! How awful the roads will be UGH
    Back to the card. I didn't quite understand the sticky sheet but will go back to it later when my head is not so fuddled.
    Marie P.

  30. Morning Sue, lovelycard, love the background technique. Looking forward to tomorrow’s launch! Love Jean xxx

  31. Hi Sue. What a great technique for the background, so much quicker and easier than doing it using different colour glitter (which is what I though you had done when I first looked at the post!) It is so pretty you really don't need to add to much to it to make a lovely card. Really looking forward to the release tomorrow.


  32. Good Morning Sue. I love it. I have the die.... Just made my friends birthday card from it yesterday.... But I wish I had seen what you have done with it first. I want to try this.... I think it will be fun. Thankyou Sue. Sending best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  33. Hi sue what a beautiful card today sue I love the background the colours are stunning very pretty oh. I’m thrilled about the launch to morrow

    Love always June Horrocks xxxxxx

  34. Hi Sue, very lovely card, love Jean Z xxxx

  35. Sorry, but this card is not for me. I like the dies used but not keen on the colours used.
    Looking forward to the launch tomorrow!
    Doreen R

  36. Hi Sue - this is a very impressive looking card, not entirely my colours but love the concept. The petal pocket flowers are so pretty and I'm really looking forward to seeing your new launch. Sending best wishes

  37. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely fabulous card. Love the technique & results are outstanding .Yvonne xx

  38. Hello Sue
    A beautiful card, I love the Celtic Squares Background.
    The colours you have used are really gorgeous and this is another technique to try now!
    Lesley S x

  39. Gorgeous background and a pretty card.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's launch.

  40. Good morning Sue,
    I have just opened your 'today' card & I love it this new sparkle glitter really does make a design 'pop'. I have just placed an order for some of this and can't wait for it to arrive so that I can experiment but now that I have seen your card I will have to get a new die also!
    I thank you for the instructions of how to achieve this as I have not seen this idea before but not too sure about the sticky back adhesive bit but hopefully, when I have a go it will become clearer.

    Thank you so much for the inspiration.

    Barbara from Holmfirth W. Yorkshire

  41. I love this card. I’ve tried this technique and was really pleased with the result. X

  42. Brilliant card Great technique One I must try

  43. Hi Sue, a lovely card and a technique that I will try with other dies, thank you for the clear instructions. I'm looking forward to the new launch (even though my bank balance isn't lol) and seeing what you have created.


  44. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. The background is gorgeous with your Celtic die. I am looking forward to tomorrows launch of your new dies.

  45. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a beautiful card today I really love the technique you used and definitely going to try it, I love the Celtic die and I must get it as it does make a stunning background and will be so versatile to use.

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Have a good day all
    Hunnymummy54 from MK

  46. Hi Sue,
    This is a beautiful card, and thanks so much for the tip of using two cards, I have used that when using the angels dies. It works like a dream.
    Hugs, Rose

    And I cannot wait until tomorrow - want to see how you've used the triple layer dies.

    Rose x

  47. Hi Sue,
    There are some interesting dies in this launch, looking forward to seeing how to use them.
    Best wishes

  48. Hi Sue
    I must have missed this technique somewhere along the way but I will definitely give it a go, perhaps starting with the flower squares
    Looking forward to tomorrow and seeing your beautiful cards

    Love and hugs to everyone

  49. Great idea of putting two sheets of card together, never thought of that, must give it a try....beautiful colourful card, just love the petal pocket flowers....luv Ursula xx

  50. Amazing card, great technique, thanks for sharing!

  51. This technique of die cutting two pieces of cardstock together to get one completely cut and the other one just having the impression of the die cut, is genius. I have used this technique and it has saved me lots of time and effort.

  52. Hi Sue this is a stunning card I love it. Enjoy the rest of the day. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  53. I had this die for Christmas, so thank you for showcasing it with this fabulous card. I love the effect of the technique you used. xx

  54. Lovely card and colors. Thank you for reminding us about this technique.
    Looking forward to the blog launch too.

    Hugs from Toronto

  55. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card!! That’s exciting news for tomorrow....see you then!!

  56. Lovely card, looking forward to tomorrow’s launch.

  57. Beautiful card sue another stunner I just bought the Celtic square die last night love it. Great card. Laura o Springfield

  58. Lovely card Sue!
    Looking forward to the new die release and all the exciting things you will be showing!!!

  59. Gorgeous card Sue. Not tried this technique so will try it out. Your instructions are very clear.
    Looking forward to your new Launch tomorrow as I've seen some lovely dies and look forward to seeing your inspiration for them xx

  60. What a fun card! So many possibilities with color choices!

  61. Hello Sue, what a gorgeous card, really need to try this technique. Bx

  62. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card and fabulous technique!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  63. Hi Sue,
    What a stunning background.
    Thank you for sharing.
    VĂ©ronique L

  64. Hi Sue

    Another beautiful card, love the colour combinations.

    Thanks for all your inspiration.

    Dorothy of Baldock GB

  65. ooh this is beautiful! I adore the colours and the background die is glorious. I am so glad I popped in today cause I didn't realise you had a new release beginning, how lovely - will be having a look to see what is coming! xxx

  66. Had to have this die and it has now arrived ------- Gorgeous
