Saturday, 11 February 2017

Scrunched Vellum Flower Card

Hi crafters!  I was having a play one day and ended up making some really pretty vellum flowers so I thought I would share the technique with you.  I think they are a lovely addition to the simple background card here.

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card Giveaway is:


Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card!

 The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Karen Derbyshire said...

A beautiful card Sue, going to settle back and watch the video.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, what a gorgeous card and the flowers are brilliant of to watch video.
Nancyd xx

Pam said...

Lovely card Sue, gorgeous. Very romantic
Congratulations to lucky Kiwanies.
Welcome to Carmen, Newbie crafter, you have found the best blog ever.
Have to agree with Crafty Sue, the comments from the gang of nine are wonderful, such happy times and friendships all drought about by this fabulous blog. Find a bigger venue girls we all want to come.
Lorraine, hope you are feeling better.
Pat, great to hear Sarah is doing better, well done on her Blue Peter badge, well deserved.
Tina, I'm doing okay, thank you, still have a cough but the cold and damp doesn't help, roll on the Warner weather. Hope you are well too.
Elaine, massive hugs for you and Andrew, hope he is feeling better.
Tracey, missing you, are you okay honey.
Dragonsnap, don't you mind us, just have a great holiday, bet you are missing the family and baby Lola though.
Hugs to all including all of our poorly and missing friends. Yvonne enjoy your friends 50th.

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A gorgeous card and the flowers are stunning made with the vellum but then i do love any vellum flowers. Congratulations to the lucky card winner, sorry i cant remember her name it must be an age thing this morning LOL. Thanks for another great video with all your hints and tips. We have a little more snow this morning so take extra care if you are going out today and wrap up warm.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

hollyberry said...

Such a beautiful card,love the colour and the flowers.

Loraine Jefferis said...

Oh what a stunningly beautiful card. The flowers look amazing. Can't wait to watch the video to see how you made them. Thanks for sharing kind lady. Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx said...

Morning Sue.
A very pretty card thank you.
I am still unable to watch the videos, the engineer is coming out on Monday.
Take care and have fun Kitty.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Such a lovely card and wow flowers! Will watch video later. Happy weekend.

Bluefairy4U said...

Good morning Sue,
Another beautiful card. Thank goodness I have these dies, so I can try to copy your card. Lol thank you. Big hugs Jo xxx

Denise Bryant said...

lovely card!the flowers are gorgeous!

Marion Bull said...

Morning Sue, love these flowers and they are the perfect finish for a very pretty card!

Maggie B xx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Beautiful card and a fabulous video! I love the addition of vellum to the layers and the gorgeous scrunched up flowers!
Congratulations to Kiraneries!
Hugs x
Heather T

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning lovely. This sample is so floaty looking it just oozes romance and love, beats any Valentine's card in my opinion for what's its worth. Such a freezing cold morning and just got full feeling in my fingers - hence being a little later commenting on this stunning card. Will watch your tutorial a little later as I'd love to see how you turned this gorgeous material into dreamy romantic flowers.
Many congratulations to our newest Wednesday winner enjoy your special gift from our special lady.
Daily hugs coming your way Sue and have an enjoyable day whatever your plans... stay warm xxx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
What a pretty card.The flowers look so delicate in vellum.I think there will be a lot of happy crafter's making flowers this weekend.
Jan x

ahappycrafter50 said...

Lovely card, especially the flowers.

Chris said...

Hi Sue
I love your card and the velum flowers are so pretty, thank you for sharing on your video, I wish I could keep my craft room as tidy as yours.
Have a great weekend
Chris xx

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, fabulous card and great video. Thank you.
Congratulations to Kiraneries on winning the Wednesday card giveaway.
Marion S x

Debra K. said...

Beautiful card today! So soft and gentle looking and the vellum flowers are gorgeous. Debra x

Anonymous said...

Hi Su
Very delicate card today the vellum gives wonderful dimension. I think vellum flowers are so pretty I am always delighted with the finishing touch they have given when I have used them on cards.

Heather R Oxfordshire

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

Wow! Love those beautiful vellum flowers, a great alternative way of using the nasturtium die. Isn't that a delicate background die.

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card and gorgeous flowers. I will watch the video later.
B xx

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card-so pretty & such delicate colours.

Congrats to the card winner.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful card (made with the PO set I was lucky to win last time around) and love those crumpled vellum flowers. PC wouldn't 'do' sound today so it was a silent movies treat lol ! Thank heavens video was in true technicolour though. Thanks, Sue.
Hey pals - blessings for commiserations on losing dies, if you saw my craft room you'd wonder I don't lose myself - permanently. Did compromise, though, good end result.
Well done to Kiraneries on the card win.
And welcome to newbie Carmen.
Hugs to all and a good weekend.

'P' in Wales

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
What absolutely gorgeous flowers! Can't wait to watch the video
Congratulations to the winner, enjoy your card
Muriel x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Such a pretty, feminine card. Love the way you've used the vellum behind each piece, and the flowers are stunning. I don't have any of the ingredients you've used but I think I could use some of your other collections to make a version of it. Thank you for another dose of inspiration.
Congratulations to Kiraneries on your win. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful I love the colours you have used.
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Dolly Daydream said...

Morning Sue,
Just watched the video with my morning coffee, although my young Labrador Dottie keeps bringing me her toys and would rather I play with her. Very delicate pretty card Sue, loving the flowers made of vellum and the wisteria card is one of my favourite colours. I ordered some Mocha and Papyrus card which arrived yesterday, so as it is a wet miserable day here I am going to make some cards using it.
Have a good day everyone

Hugs xxx
Dawn Searle

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card and colours

Chris Curry said...

A very delicate looking pretty card. I did some vellum flowers yesterday with the complete camellia dies and used diamond snow on them. Very pretty. Not sure I would have your patience to try the flowers on this card but they are beautiful and effective. Thank you, have a good weekend. X

Betty McAlister said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful soft romantic card this morning. Just watched video and surprised to see it's your striped nasturtiums scrunched up to make such pretty vellum flowers.
Congratulations to Kiraneries on your win. Stay warm everyone. Xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh very pretty flowers, I always struggle with mine they never seem to turn out the way I want them, I will be watching the video later and I bet I can get them right this time simply by following your examples, thank you so much for creating this video.

Congratulations to Kiraneries on your win, enjoy.

Well we have some white stuff here this morning, the sky is full of it, if you have to go out then please everyone take care.

I reiterate everything that Pam has said. Your a star Pam to give us all the updates every day, xx

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely exquisite romantic looking card, it would be ideal as a wedding card. Congratulations to Karineries. Yvonne xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I would have to agree with you that these flowers are really pretty. I have just watched the video and was really surprised to see how sturdy the flowers are once the are scrunched up despite being made from vellum. Love it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card. The colours are gorgeous and I love your scrunched flowers.

Barbara V

Unknown said...

Morning Sue such a pretty card the flowers made of Vellum are beautiful what a lovely idea .
Catherine xx

hettygarlick said...

Such a pretty, delicate card, and I love the use of the vellum.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue,
A beautiful card with a lovely softness to it due to the vellum layers and flowers. The Pacific Ocean dies are gorgeous. Thanks for the great tutorial.x

Hellma said...


TDQ Karen said...

Congratulations to the lucky winner,love this card will definitely check out the video or the scrunched towers, they look great xx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
A really gorgeous card!
L Dewar

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Lovely classy card this morning, those frothy vellum flowers are a stunning addition - off to make myself a cup of coffee and watch the video...

Congratulations to Kiraneries, you've won a gorgeous sample of Sue's work...enjoy!


Suemac said...

Such a pretty card

Tina T said...

Morning Sue and crafters all,
Beautiful card today, that would just suit my sister, was looking for inspiration as he Birthday is next week - thank you!!!!!
Congratulations to Wednesday Card winner.
Pam - for the first time in years I now have a full blown cold, thought I just had the cough.
Take care honey - special hugs🤗🤗🤗
As June Smith says thank you for all the updates.
Love and crafty hugs to all my blogger buddies 🤗🤗
Tina T xxxx

hazel young said...

beautiful card and flowers Sue x xhazel

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue
Denise x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Gorgeous card, love the vellum flowers, so pretty.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue

This is a beautiful card! The wisteria card is a so delicate colour and I love vellum flowers

Have a good weekend

Congratulations to Kiraneries... enjoy!

June x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - such a pretty card and I just love the vellum flowers. Looking forward to watching the video shortly. Sending best wishes

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. A very pretty feminine card today, love that soft lilic colour.
Hazel X

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, a very pretty card, lovely soft colours and beautiful flowers. Well done Kiraneries. Off to watch the video now. Take care all. Bx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful delicate card this morning and a great video. I've got some vellum offcuts l kept so I can have a play making these gorgeous flowers as they are quite stunning. I don't have the nasturtium die but the sweetheart flower should work too ( that was your go to flower ages ago so I bought it just as you moved onto the poppy!). Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
Pam keep warm in this cold weather. Now Margaret co swears by putting vick on your feet at night and wearing socks to bed to get rid of a cough and blow me t works! Sending hugs xxx
Tina you look after yourself too. You've probably got a cold because you've got run down with everything that's been going on. Stay in the warm and dose yourself up. Sending hugs xxx
June you take care if you go out, no ice skating on that new knee just yet please xxx
Congratulations to Kiraneries on winning the card. Xxx

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Lovely delicate card I think I need to watch the Video next to see how you acheive the Flowers!
Congratulations to Kiraneries enjoy your win!
Sue I am still enjoying the wonderful new embossing folders, so much I have quite a stack of them now! lol
Love Marg

Clare Powell said...

Beautiful card, the flowers are gorgeous x

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue,

A lovely delicate looking card with vellum flower finishing touches.

Love 7 hugs
Cheryl xxx

Pussycats said...

Good Morning sue and all. Beautiful card this morning and the flowers look stunning. The gentle lilic colour works so well. Looking forward to watching the video. Congratulations Kiraneries .

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful, love it

Anne said...

What a beautiful card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
A very beautiful card so delicate looking love the pretty flowers, i will watch the video later. xx
Well done to your lucky winner.enjoy !

Andrew was a lot better yesterday , he was looking on the internet for bits and pieces for a motor bike { he has bought an old one and intends to work on it after the Chemo has finished and hopefully we have warmer weather } Helen has the option to try an injection for her back pain ,i think she will be giving it a try.

I Echo all Pam has said . Thank you Pam you word everything so much better than me.

Take care everyone, hugs to all
Elaine H X

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, A lovely delicate card for us today. The flowers are absolutely beautiful. We need some cheering up with this cold snap.

Love Rosemarie X X

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, on a slightly snowy morning. A beautiful card and those flowers are really pretty and Im not surprised that you are delighted with the end result. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh, thanks so much for this video!! Another great use for the striped nasturtium die set that I already have!! Yay! :D The scrunched vellum flowers look amazing with the liliac tones of the card! Fabulous creation!

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Gorgeous card, love the use of vellum,really good video showing how to make the lovely flowers,
Thank you Sue
Best wishes
Karen M

June Horrocks said...

What a beautiful card card sue the dies And the colours stunning can't wait to see how the flowers are done tried a few times but they never turn out like your beauties
Love always June horrocks xxxxxx
Congrats to the lucky winner x

stitchingranny said...

Unfortunately I cannot get the video to connect at the moment so will have to try that again later but the card is beautiful Sue.

Hugs Helen xx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Very pretty card. Love hose flowers. SueL x

P Austen said...

Morning Sue, such a beautiful card,fit for weddings,anniversaries and anyone special in your life. Unable to get the video working here in SA but the hot weather compensates a little. Sorry to hear that many of you are suffering in the cold, snowy weather. Take care. Will catch up with all of your videos when I get home. Hugs X. P Austen

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Another 'classic' Sue and absolutely beautiful - particularly love the vellum flowers....

Sandy G said...

Stunning card Sue. The flowers are so pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to Kiraneries.
Have a great day everyone.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great card I love putting flowers on cards, not men's ones though, I need to have a go at these ones.
I don't have this die but I Do have a few other ones, I Will watch the video later.
Pam, Diane is right about the Vick, give it a try we all have and it works.
Congratulations to todays card winner, enjoy your gift.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Netty The Runner said...

Hi Sue, lovely card. Sure I have these dies, not sure, I have so many of your dies. Off to watch the video now.
Annette x

Val Jones said...

Lovely card Sue and the flowers are just beautiful.
Love Val in Spain xxx

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning everyone
Well Sue you have outdone yourself this morning what a beautiful card wow those flowers are gorgeous my friend
I will watch the video later
I like a lot of others echo Pam in that I wish everyone well and hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.
Pam how do you do it you seem to know so much more than is on the comments
Are you a mind reader lol 😂
You take care and watch that chest of yours
Hugs to all that need one
Cherish those you love
Theresa G xx

Tressa said...

Lovely card. I do like the use of vellum both as a background and as the flowers. It set me thinking about using some of the techniques I use when parching. I wondered about using my Polychromos pencils with Zest It to blend in a coloured vellum background with matching flowers and using an an appropriate coloured card for the main part. Food for thought. I just need to get the dies!!!


Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Very pretty card love it. love Jean Z xxx

Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue. Congrats to Wednesday's winner.

Linda Graham said...

Beautiful card Sue,love the colour,the flowers are so pretty,love it all,thank you,Linda x

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. I love the colours you have used. Lots of intricate detail and the flowers are beautiful. Thanks for your video.

Wow!!! I can't believe my luck on winning your card this week. I have been hoping each time since the you started giving away your Wednesday card. Thank you. xxx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. Love the vellum behind the dies so delicate looking.

Sandra said...

Oh WOW Sue,
What a delicate, pretty , exquisite card today, I absolutely love everything about it, the scrunched up flowers finish your card perfectly.
I am off to watch the video,
Thank you so much for the inspiration.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Exquisite card, positively SINGING to me (in a very soft voice)..
Gorgeous, I wish there were more words to describe your beautiful cards.
Hugs, Rose

Scottydog said...

Lovely card Sue, my first thought was weddings & summer! (& at the moment it's snowing! Lol!) it's such a delicate Looking card. Thank you Sue.

Congratulations Kiraneries on winning Sue's beautiful card.

Jeanie said...

Hi Sue
A Gorgeous card and love the soft look of the velum and makes such beautiful flowers.
thank you jeanie.e

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
So very feminine and delicate, a beautiful card and I love the scrunched vellum flowers. Thanks for the wonderful videos too. Kinaries congratulations on winning that beautiful card

P in wales, glad you finished your card even if it was a compromise but sad you've lost those little dies
Tina T hope the cold gets better soon, maybe try the Vicks on your feet too
Pam thanks for your good wishes for Sarah

Love and best wishes to everyone

Stella Munn said...

Such a pretty card, Sue, and love the scrunchy flowers. Thanks again for your ideas x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue this is a stunning card I love the design the flowers and dies are gorgeous. Have a great weekend. Take care. Hugs Jackie

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card - love Wisteria - and great video. The background dies layer up so perfectly and the vellum flowers are gorgeous.

Kiraneries - Congratulations on being the Wednesday Winner, enjoy your lovely card.

No snow here today just lots of rain and wind and it is very cold. Hope everyone is wrapping up well and keeping warm.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
This is such a pretty card, I love the soft look of the vellum in the background - will have to try and remember that one.
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

Beautiful love how the Velum makes it so soft like
Thank you once again for showning us your beautiful creations.
Elizabeth Bennett

BenteS said...

Beautiful card and lovely flowers :))
Thanks for a great video!

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
What a gorgeous scrumptious card today, I love it.
Carmen - welcome.
Kiraneries - congratulations.
This is an official notice, I am appointing Pam as my Social Secretary as I forget so much and she puts it so much better!!!!
By the way, regarding Saba's nose - why do you think we call her Concorde!! (ooh I'm in trouble now). Saba - get those tickets booked!!!!
Diane - did you book your train tickets?
Pat L, well done on Sarah getting a Blue Peter Badge, what a terrific achievement.
'P' in Wales, any sign of those dies yet?
Yvonne, have a great time at your friends 50th, I know you don't drink but you are so full of the spirit of life that you'll infect everyone.
Laine, take care.
Love to all
Maureen xx

Unknown said...

Hi sue.
Fabulous card really love the colour combo and flowers too so cute. Really need the die now lol.

Pam. I'm doing fine thanks. Nice to be missed. Just been busy that I've forgot to look in lol xx
Pat l. No I've not booked the holiday. That got flung to the side this week after having my consultation at the ivf clinic.
Now that it's time this year to put my wee embryos back in after the cancer treatment last year we were told because I turn 43 in a few weeks we need to pay for the treatment. That was a bummer!!!
However we are planning a few days in Ireland for my birthday at the beginning of march if graeme doesn't get any more overtime flung at him lol xx

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue
Wow a gorgeous card today I love how the velum softens the background Die & yore velum flowers ar stunning
Thank you foe a brilliant video & card.
Love & Hu's Lynda Brock xx

Tracy hope your ok sweety
Pam keep warm Hug's
Tina T hope you feel better soon Warm Hug's my friend xx
Tina hope your ok thinking of you Hug's xx
Elaine Hope Andrew is doing ok Hug's for you both xx
PP & Laine hope your both feeling better Big Hug's xx
Lorraine sending you Hug's too. Xx

Congratulations to the Wednesday card winner xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Absolutely gorgeous card so pretty.

Hugs to all

Congrats to card winner

Annx without an "e"

Nana on the Hill said...

Love this style Sue, it's so classy x

Rosemary Stickland said...

Beautiful card Sue, so feminine with those vellum flowers.
Rosemary xx

Jeannie said...

Beautiful! Xx

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I've been a good girl and watched the video first! It's such a beautiful card today and the vellum just finishes it! I love how you have only used the Pacific Ocean set and flowers for the entire card. It's so effective! I love the vellum flowers too . I have used it for larger flowers like poinsettias but not on smaller ones! Something else to try!
Congratulations Kiraneries on your win! Enjoy !
Elaine I'm so pleased Andrew is making plans for when his treatment is over! That's great news! Not too long now!
Now ladies as to this treatment - Vick on soles of feet , socks on and go to bed! I cannot tell you if it works or not for two reasons! The first one is I haven't had a bad cold/ chest infection since I heard of it . The second being that up until a couple or so weeks ago I didn't have any socks!! Altogether now Awwhhh!! Other people find this funny , odd or both! However I bought new little wellies and had to have matching socks! I knew you just all needed to know that! Lol!
Yvonne - good to se you back . Have a good time today but don't wear yourself out!
Laine - missing you!
Tracy - nice to see you back with us again too.
Welcome Carmen!
Love to all lovely friends on the blog!
Pam we are international - we'd need to choose a meeting place with easy access for everyone! Should be fun !!!
Love Myra xxx

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
Another "Truly Tremendous Video And A Stupendous Card"
I Just Love How You Take Us Through Each Step In Your Video Tutorial
You Break Everything Down To Make It So Much Easier, Thank You For By Breaking It Into
Small Chunks And Explaining Extremely Well So We Can All Follow.
Another Beautiful Card With Tremendous First Class Products:
Starting With The Coconut White Foundation Card And The Wisteria Foundation Card Also The
White Vellum All From "Creative Expression"
The Stars Of The Shows Are "The Pacific Ocean Background"
"The Stupendous Striped Nasturtiums" (I Love Mine Lol! I Ordered Mine From Julia Watts On-line Shop)
"The Lace Edged Leaves" (Love These Very Much, I Won These When You Brought Them Out In Your Launch)
Satin Ribbon
Mounting Foam
Today's Card Is A "First Class Masterpiece" It Ticks Every Box For Me, Your Card Is Extremely Soft And Delicate
I Just Love How You Cut Into The Wisteria Foundation Card Using "The Stunning Pacific Ocean Background"
Once You Cut This You Attached A Piece Of White Vellum To Create The Softness Of Your Card, Then You Backed
This With Coconut White, Then Attached This To Your Mat/Layering Bringing In The Colours Of Your Card.
Then You Cut Out The Middle Die Using The Exact Same Procedure Placing This On Top Of Your "Pacific Ocean Background"
Also Using The Same Procedure With The Centre Section, Which You Stamped Your Beautiful Sentiment.
Then Cutting Out "the Striped Nasturtiums" In Vellum And Converting Them Into "Scrumptious Flowers" Which Look So
Completely Different, Adding Your Extremely Beautiful "The Lace Edged Leaves" Pearls Here And There.
Today's Card Is Extremely Exquisite, Elegant, Rich And Oh! So Very Beautiful.
Sue Thank You For Sharing Your "Tremendous Video Tutorial And Superb Card"
Sue Thank You For The Daily Inspiration I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do.
Sue Take Great Care
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 To Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
"Congratulations" To Kiraneries For Winning "The Stupendous Wednesday Gift Card" Enjoy!!!!!!
A Quick Mention To The Lady Whom Was Looking For "The Striped Nasturtium Cutting Die Set" I Got Mine From
"Julia Watts On-Line Shop" She Was Out Of Stock But Ordered It For Me I'm Sure She Has More, It Didn't Take Long
To Arrive.....

Annie Stamps said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I love the vellum flowers.

May not be able to comment for a few days. My main computer has died on it's 6th birthday:-( I'm waiting for a new one to be delivered. Will try and read on my kindle Fire but it's difficult to leave a comment using that.

Annie P

Wendy from Scotland said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, love the flowers, I am off to try and make some.
Wendy x

CraftyJo said...

Cute :)

Hilary Bunker said...

Hi Sue What a beautifull card. Have not watched vidio yet but can't wait to do so. Love the flowers so pretty

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, Really, really pretty !! These are beautiful vellum flowers, I'm looking forward to watching you create these.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Sorry, almost forgot to Congratulate the Winner xx

barbara macaskill said...

Your vellum flowers are delicious! They look so delicate yet beautiful! Great color card too! TFS!

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
lovely card I prefer the vellum under the card and I love the flowers.Elaine I think my brother and Andrew would get on fishing and motor bikes are his passion.Hugs to everyone☺

Yorks butterfly said...

Great video Sue and a really Gorgeous card. Love the colour and the use of vellum for the background and flowers just adds another dimension.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Love the look of these vellum flowers. Will be watching the video later as the Rugby is on at the minute.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Beautiful Card. Great dies. I really like the layers,colour and soft look, the flowers are delightful. Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations Kiraneries.

Best wishes

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hello Sue
A really beautiful and very delicate looking card, the flowers are so sweet, thank you for sharing the method on the video.
Congratulations to Kiraneries on winning the Wednesday card, something for you to treasure.
Pam it was Jess who told me about the Vick on feet at bedtime, it really works wonders and so much better than any cough medicine, do give it a try, don't forget the socks!
Myra's little wellies are so cute.

Margaret xxx

Sue MacFall said...

Hello Sue, the flowers look so pretty and this is aa lovely card. Many thanks.

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

A beautiful, delicate and elegant card today. It's lovely. Not watched the video yet, but can't wait to see how you've made those gorgeous flowers.

Congratulations to Kiraneries on your card win.

Love Helen xxx

Unknown said...

This is so pretty, just love it


Patricia said...

Good afternoon Sue, absolutely LOVE today's card it is just beautiful. The flowers are fantastic, I love making flowers.
Robert (younger Grandson) and I have been making flowers today. He has made a gift for his mum using them.
Pam, although there are only nine of us we are well spread throughout the UK. It took a fair bit of organising the get a suitable City & venue. Now we have found it we just keep going back.
To have a BIG meet up I think we would need to make a weeks holiday abroad in the sunshine out of that!!
Congratulations to the Card Winner.
Will watch the Video when my boys go home and peace reigns in the house again.
Hugs Patricia xxx

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Hi Sue, gizmo playing up : ( hence the late comment!!! Absolutely love this it's stunning!!! Vellum my favourite it gives such an ethereal look!!! Yummo!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

I forgot congrats to winner : )

Unknown said...

Another lovely card, beautiful colour too. X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue ,thanks for the video really enjoyed it .Love the layers and the flowers look pretty.Thank you for sharing . Congratulations to Kiraneries enjoy. Gloria ( sidcup) xx

ursula said...

Oh how amazing is this, I just love it, especially the colour....thanks Sue...luv Ursula xx

Jean said...


Eunice said...

Love the dimension of this card. The Pacific background is perfect!!! The vellum flowers are amazing. Thanks for sharing Sue.

sued99 said...

What a gorgeous card. I'm going to watch the video now and get inspired. X

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue

Love the vellum flowers on this card. I don't have the particular flower die. but will try it out with the flower dies I haveMargaret xx

Janet Wilson said...

Beautiful card, the vellum flowers are so pretty

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is stunning, i love the delicate look from the vellum.
And your flowers are amazing.
I definately have to get these dies as i just love the detail on this set.

liz spooner said...

Gorgeous card Sue just love this, stunning.xx

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely, delicate and elegant card. I love the vellum under the card layers- an effect I haven't tried before. The scrunchy effect with the striped nasturtiums is beautiful. I have the dies you've used to make this card so I'll be off to have a go later (while I remember the instructions on the video, lol). Thanks, Sue for all the inspiration.

Steph Cotterill said...

Lynn did you see you had a won a die from the new collection. I noticed Sue had mentioned you had not claimed your gift and as you've not mentioned it i just wondered if youd missed the anouncement - Congratulations ☺ x

Littlelamb said...

Beautiful card and flowers Sue. Have watched the video. Thank you for this.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue

The Pacific Ocean Background die with such pretty detail is just perfect for your gorgeous card.
I love how you have used the vellum in the background and for making the lovely flowers.
I think I must now buy the PO background as it looks so delicate in Wisteria and Coconut White and I can picture it in other soft coluors too!
Thank you as well for the really detailed video.
Lesley S x

Tooth Fairy Jo said...

Hello Sue
Bit late today, I've been gadding! I did however watch your video this morning to see how you put this stunning card together and enjoyed every minute. It's such a soft and gentle looking card and I love it. Your vellum nasturtium flowers are beautiful and thank you for the tip about backing the vellum to enhance the translucent effect, it would never have occurred to me. Thank you Sue
Tracy Stitt hope all goes well at clinic, expensive but so worth it.
Well done Kiraneries on you fabulous win, enjoy.
Pam and Tina T sorry you are both suffering with nasty coughs, I've been lucky so far but have my jar of Vicks and socks at the ready just incase!
Talking of socks, Myra you are the only person I know who's socks match their wellies! It's not normal.
And Maureen I have duly noted your concord remark, I'll have you know I have what is affectionately called a little button nose!
Steph, Lynn did comment yesterday about her win so don't worry she hasn't missed out on her lovely prize.
Love and hugs for all

sandieann21 said...

Such a beautiful card, Sue. Love the design, colours and dies used.

Theresa said...

what a lovely technique and those flowers are gorgeous, hugs xx

karenlotty said...

I have never thought to use vellum for flowers They look fantastic and I love how the vellum softens the background

Narrowboat girl said...

Gorgeous Sue. I must try this with the Australian die

Dragonsnap2 said...

Another lovely card Sue. Love the flowers.
Congratulations to this weeks winner.
Crafty hugs to all.
D xx

DeCor said...

Love this card. Love the vellum flowers even more!!!

DeCor said...

Love this card. Love the vellum flowers even more!!!

Berina RGA said...

Such a beautiful card Sue!! Love the background die cut! The flowers are very beautiful!

Beverly Fuchs said...

Hello Sue,

Such a delicate and soft card today. I love using vellum for flowers and backgrounds. When used for backgrounds on dies, I think it gives such an ethereal look to the card. This is truly lovely.


Di said...

Hi Sue.
Another gorgeous card, love the delicate colour and dies etc. The flowers are fantastic, love them.
Di B.

Suzzette Yandle said...

I made this card for my dear friend Judy. I was surprised I had ALL of the dies and papers to make it. It has that wonderful ethereal look to it. And it most definitely looks better in "real life" than on the video. Thank you for your beautiful inspiration. I was very pleased with the finished result. Thanks, too, for your great video.

craftynanna said...

Gorgeous die Sue and gorgeous card also, I can do this card but it will turn out nothing like yours and I've never tried vellum flowers so heaven knowns how they will turn out but I shall follow your video to the letter, love from Johanna

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !!! This is a stunningly, gorgeous card !!! I really love everything about it, including the colours you have used. The Pacific Ocean background die is Sooo beautiful !!! The video is fab as always Sue. I really love how you have made the vellum flowers. They really add a beautiful touch of elegance to your card. I do, of course love the lace edged leaves to. I have this die set and use it a lot as it is one of my favourite leaf sets. Thank you for sharing this stunning card today. Lots of love to you Sue from Tres x x x

Congratulations to todays lucky card winner !!!

Lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
Wonderful card ,love those little flowers Sue also thank
you for the tutorial.

Congrats to Wednesday card winner!

Pam- hope your chest is getting better and keep warm if
venturing outside x
Pat L- hope you well. Thinking of your little granddaughter
often, hope she is doing alright and looking forward to half term x
Elaine- sending you all hugs x
Tracy- Wishing you and Grahame all the luck in the world for a good
outcome, take care x
Yvonne and Laine, hope you both are okay and manage to catch up
by phone at times. Be nice or .......x
Maureen and gang, sound fun when you all meet up. Hoping to
make one down South again this year.
Thanks to your great blog Sue I have met so many lovely
people and it is like we known eachother for years when we
do meet. Looking forward to see some of you at Ally Pally in April :)
Sending many hugs to all who are struggling, are in pain for any reason
and to both Tina's I sending the big ones, hoping you are okay x
Hope our missing friends are alrigh and will be back soon, hugs
I have not had a very good day after to many sleepless
nights so felt like a zombie most of the day but soon it
is a new day. Have a nice Sunday everyone,
Maria x

Lorraine Freeman said...

Superb flowers Sue on a very pretty card, I would prefer it in a stronger colour though.
Congratulations to Kiraneries on her win, enjoy.
Tracy, I wish you all the best with the ivf my dear xxx
Maria, and all those with ailments get better soon and huggles for you all.
I am in lots of discomfort, not helped by being out of my anti inflammatory meds due to yet another mix up.
Also heard the other day that if we go back k to Blackpool then we have to let the lady know and she will make sure we are looked after so maybe we will give it another try.
Managed to make two cards today so that's a start. Need to make hubby a Valentine's and my friend some anniversary goodies so will be busy this week.
Also heard back from one of my new friends so hoping to see her this week too :)
Better go as it's rather late.
Sending love n hugs to you all xxx

Sandy H said...

Absolutely beautiful card, love the colour and the delicate flowers. I don't have any of these dies but I do have some vellum and pearls so I'm off to watch the video to see how they're made.
Congratulations to Kiraneries on your card win.
Take care everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card! The flowers are gorgeous! Will watch video later.
Congratulations to lucky Kiwanies! Enjoy your card!
Thank you Pam , 'P' in Wales, Bente, Myra for your warm welcome.
Pam, you are so right about this blog it is the best one!!!

Have a nice Sunday everyone, stay warm & healthy !
A newbie to Craft
Carmen C.

Jan.moogie said...

What a truly beautiful card Sue, thank you for sharing. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Janm said...

Good morning Sue

Another beautiful card I watched the make on YouTube so subtle thank you for sharing x

dizy said...

Wow. Those flowers are a must make. Lovely card and video

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Just watched your video showing us all your tips and ideas. The nasturtiums' die is gorgeous. Another must have for my collection.

Beautiful card, and just love the Wisteria card. I am still to find a supplier of this lovely card. If any of you Bloggers know where I can buy the wisteria colour card, I would be very grateful.

Thanks Sue for all your inspiration as always.

Love Dorothy
of Baldock