Saturday, 4 February 2017

Pacific Ocean Background Card

Hi bloggers!  Today's video showcases the Pacific Ocean collection.  You can use the tag to create a pretty decorative detail inside the background frame.  

The finished dimensions are 6 3/4" x  8 1/2" in size. All for now, Sue x

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Pam said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I hope you are having a much earned rest after your blog marathon, although I think you find it hard to slow down.
Dragonsnap, I hope you have a wonderful time in the Dom Republic. Tim and I had a great holiday there 5 years ago, it is a beautiful place. You will miss the family and new baby, but you need a break so enjoy.
Elaine, I hope Andrews treatment went well. He is so close to the end of it, not long now.
Tina, I'm okay, chest is still playing up but that is due to the damp and cold, roll on the warmer weather.
Yvonne, so much good advice for you, we are all thrilled for you, and want you to be comfortable. Bet Steve and Bryan are smiling down on you. I too love the Butterfly cascade due, good choice.
June, hope the knee is still doing well.
To all you wonderful blog buddies, I send my hugs, especially our missing friends, hoping you are all okay. NannaTina, special thoughts.
I love this blog.

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue another beautiful card and the design
Is wonderful I love the colours you have used

Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. A beautiful card and as soon as I've posted here I'm going to have a video catch up whilst no one else is up.
Pam, keep well wrapped up! Hugs to all. Sue xxx

ahappycrafter50 said...

Love monochrome cards. Just beautiful Sue.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Such a striking card. Fab flowers! Will watch video later. Happy weekend.

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning dear Sue. From the still this sample looks absolutely beautiful and I shall watch the tutorial when my two are at the park - once my keeper rises from his pit !
I just want to say that I'm thinking of you this time of year xx
Looking forward to watching you put this beautiful work of art together when I can. In the meantime my hugs for you are on their way along with caring thoughts xxx 🌸

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card and still very much a fan of monochrome cards.
Nancyd xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. The dies you have used make it so beautiful and I love black and white cards.

Barbra V

Denise Bryant said...

Love the flowers and leaves! Pretty details!

Jan on the Fosse said...

Love monochrome cards Sue and this one is gorgeous.
Jan x

Dragonsnap2 said...

Fabulous card Sue. Hope you're having a well-earned rest now but I'm sure your mind is still buzzing with new ideas for new cards and the next release!

Thanks for everyone's good wishes. We've been going to Dom Rep for many years now and had actually decided not to go there again as it's getting so built up but we couldn't resist the opportunity to meet up with our friends when they suggested it. I know I can Skype from the hotel and will also be able to follow this blog but timing will be very different, probably around lunchtime here, just after breakfast there.

Baby now has a name - Lola.

Crafty hugs to all.
D xx

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, just beautiful!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue
just lovely as always! x

hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue x xhazel

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a beautiful card this morning Sue, will watch the video later when I have my breakfast. Love the monochrome colours, when I look at the shapes within the background die it reminds me of the waves washing over the beach before going back into the sea, what imagination you do conjure up with your dies. Special hugs to you too.

Pam, please wrap up warm, I know that it may look OK out there but it really does blow a gale at this time of the year. Yes knee is fine, got appointment with the consultant on Wednesday, I am hoping he is going to sign me off, fingers crossed.

Dragonsnap2 - Lola what a lovely name, how you will miss her and the rest of the family, but as you say you have skype, have a lovely holiday, it sounds a really nice place.

Elaine, how is Andrew doing?, Tina T and Owen, thinking of you both, hugs to anyone else that need them.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card this morning. The dies you have used are gorgeous and i still cant get my hands on that Family Tree die but i will keep trying LOL. Thanks for another informative video. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

auscrafts said...

I like monochrome cards. Just beautiful

Steph Cotterill said...

Just watched the video Sue, and love the way you used the tag in the middle to double cut. Yet again I know I'm not imaginative enough to have thought about doing that, so again thank you for your never ending tips and ideas you give everyday. Where would we be without you showing us how to get more out of your beautifully designed dies xx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
What a show stopper of a card. Love monochrome cards & this is definitely a Wow, Wow, Wow. Yvonne xx

Anonymous said...

Great card, Sue, love the colours and lots of inspiration in the video - thank you.
Yes, I also love the Family Tree die leaves on cards - Denise T, IconUK + several other e-shops have it in stock.
Hugs to all.

'P' in Wales

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, loved watching the video and the finished card was lovely 😊

Dolly Daydream said...

Good morning Sue,
Another beautiful card this morning. All of the different dies you have used just go together so well and seem to slot into place on every card that you show us, whichever ones you use. A real testimont to your design talent, just amazing.
Love and hugs to everyone xxx

Dawn Searle in Cambridge

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I am looking forward to watching the video later with a nice cup of tea. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie xxx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue,
What a fabulous card! Gorgeous colours and very clever use of the tag die to elongate the centre design. I love all of the Pacific collection dies.
Thank you for another great video tutorial.x

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all.
Thank you Sue for another beautiful card. Will watch video later, have a few to catch up on. Peter loved you tube and it has been difficult going on to it.
Pam - sorry your chest is still troubling you. Wrap up warm. I feel that I am walking like the tin man with my knees being so stiff.
Owen starts a new chapter of his life on Monday!! A new job after being in his old and first one for 17 years.
Special hugs to you!!!!
June Smith - hope that you get signed off when you see the consultant during the week - hugs to you.
Dragonsnap2 - hope you have a lovely holiday in the Dom Republic - yes all the nice places get built up!!! What a beautiful name for your granddaughter- Lola.
Hugs to you and family.
Yvonne - lovely windfalll, spend wisely!!!! (On all Sue's dies - lol) hugs .
To all you lovely bloggers P in Wales, PP, Theresa , Nanna Tina, Elaine and your family special hugs.
Love and crafty hugs to all.
Tina T xxxx🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Unknown said...

Dear sue and fellow Wilsonettes,

So graceful! OK you've convinced me to buy some black cardstock and to wish for the Pacific Ocean background.
We love you right back, Pam, and you're a lot of the reason I love this blog too.
Today was card club at the Paradise RV resort. One volunteer taught two cards, and everybody was free to use the Cuttlebugs and a Big Shots machine owned by the club. I showed them the lattice frames set and two shadow boxes, and many wanted to cut the lattice. They had made lattices by weaving paper strips on a diagonal.
I wrote the blog address and your name and Creative Expressions and the North American distributor on the dry erase board, and people copied it down by taking a photo.
I was elated at doing papercrafting on my vacation! No need to visit the Grand Canyon, because we saw it on a camping trip as kids. When my sister visits Dad in two weeks, however, she'll hike down and spend the night at the bottom, then hike back up. It's three times farther coming back up because the trail takes a more gentle incline. I was shocked to learn that the rim of the Grand Canyon, which seems like ground level, is higher than the highest mountain on the East Coast, and the bottom is higher than the highest point in Rhode Island!
Pam, I'm pretty sure that no one can drive from New Hampshire to the Grand Canyon in two days, even if they take turns and drive without stopping.
While I was making cards, Dad was in the woodworking shop. He took me to see the "candy store," the place where the woodworkers buy their exotic woods. Most were boards, but ebony was $50 for a little stick. Maybe 1 by 1 by 12 inches. It looked like black plastic.
Saturday is the big gem show in Tucson. Going from paper and scissors to rocks.
Donita in U.S.

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card, really beautiful.


hettygarlick said...

Thaat's beautiful and very striking in those colours.

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Gorgeous card and fabulous video thanks for sharing.
Hugs x
Heather T xx

Chris said...

Hi Sue,
I've just watched your video, it's always lovely to see you in action, giving us such wonderful inspiration. The card as always is gorgeous.
Have a lovely weekend.
Chris xx

Craftynetty said...

What a stunning card Sue! I absolutely love the colours and look forward to watching the video. Thank you.

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue, another brilliant card, very elegant.
Off to watch and learn.
Have a great day
Patricia xx

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue,

An interesting card today, beautiful dies and flowers.

Lola, what a beautiful name for your new granddaughter Dragonsnap2.

Still costume sewing for the panto, I got dumped with some more to finish off last night and they were still cutting out the 'walk down' costumes. I had offered a month a go to do them but was told they were done. Something wrong there somewhere, a miscalculation I expect.

Hugs to all in need of one today for whatever reason.
Love 7 hugs
Cheryl xxx

Marion Scott said...

Gorgeous card Sue and great video
Marion S x

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

Lovely inspiration today, thank you, Sue!

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card. I'll watch the video later.
B xx

TDQ Karen said...

Stunning card, great details and striking colours

Unknown said...

Love Monochrome this card is stunning it has the Wow factor Sue.have a good day .
Catherine xx

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Chris Curry said...

A lovely card Sue. To receive this card for no particular reason but with this sentiment would cheer anyone up, you are so right. Thank you. Xx

Debra K. said...

A really lovely card this morning! Great colour combination too. Debra x

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a pretty card today very sophisticated. I like the dies you have used. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
Yvonne I meant to say yesterday what a lovely gesture from your family friend you must have meant a lot to him. Yes do the sensible things but buy something for you that you will look at and remember him with a smile. Xxx
Sending hugs to Pam Tina Elaine Andrew and Helen xxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. How lovely, a video to look forward to coming home to. Lovely card. SueL x

Karen Derbyshire said...

Pretty card, loved the video.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card for us this morning. Off to watch the video now. Love to all, Alison xxx

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

Very pretty card and very clever use of the little tag die and the Nasturtiums always add the perfect finishing to watch the video now...


Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and all. such a beautiful card this morning and the colours are very different. I love all the finishing details on the card and look forward to watching the video. Wendy

Unknown said...

This card is stunning! A Sue masterpiece!
It is very intricate, pretty yet not girly!

I love it when your creations puzzle my brain as to how they are constructed and with this one I had trouble figuring it out! Good job I can watch the video!

Thank you Sue for the blog release marathon. I really enjoyed seeing every post.

Big hug
Julie Elli

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Fabulous card, love the way you have used the tag in the middle, why can't I think of using a die like that.
The black gives the card a real pop.
Thank you for another great video.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful and elegant card, love the colours and dies used. As always a great video too. Have a great day all. Bx

Scottydog said...

Lovely card Sue. The colour combination is beautiful, you certainly have a knack with finding the right colours. I like the way you seem to have cut either the centre piece twice or another flower to give a shadow effect to the centre of the card. All will be revealed no doubt when I watch the video, but husband is chomping at the bit to get out so will have to save until later! Thanks Sue.

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliantly done!!
Perfect in every way.
L Dewar

Tressa said...

Very pretty card design. I thought it looked great even before you added the embellishments.


ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful and elegant card.

Nananne said...

Fabulous card! Wonderful video, I can't wait to have a try at this one !
Anne xo

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Pretty card, I need to watch the Video now for more inspiration!
Love Marg

Wendy L said...

Gorgeous love the flowers and leaves dies. xxxx

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
I love today's card design it is a winner in my book
I need to get that flower 🌺 it's lays out of stock will check today to see if they have it back
Black just works doesn't it
Pam have a lovely weekend say warm
Donita your sound like you are having a brilliant time I took my hubby to Vegas for his 60th and we took a trip in a helicopter to the Grand Canyon what an amazing place it is and the Hoover Dam
Tina hope you are taking care of yourself Good luck to Owen when he starts his new job
Yvonne have you decided what job gets done first and great choice of SW dies enjoy Hun it's nice to read a bit of good news
Tina and Andrew good wishes winging their way to you both
June you are one amazing Lady and I am proud to call you Friend
Helen hugs and good wishes to you too
And of course hugs to all that may need one
Be happy 😊 and smile
Theresa G xx

Anne said...

This is absolutely beautiful, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

June Horrocks said...

Stunning card sue very elegant I love it thank you so much the dies and colours are fab off to watch the Vidio
Love always June horrocks xxxxxx

Suemac said...

A beautiful card

Hellma said...

Very pretty card

doreenj said...

Morning Sue and all, what a lovely
card today, still not tried those
flowers yet, must get sorted!!!

Doreen x

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue such a lovely card today beautiful dies & gorgeous flowers
Dragonsnap2 baby gas a lovely name
Sending crafty hugs to all who need them

Anonymous said...

A stunning card this morning Sue, the Wisteria card just gives a lovely lift and softens the black and white care beautifully.

Hugs Helen

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Thank you for a beautiful elegant card, I love that each days card is different from the day before, and thank you for the great video also.

Dragonsnap2 what a lovely name for your granddaughter, have a great holiday
Donita sounds like you're having a great time and spreading the news about our Sue, well done
Hugs to Nanna Tina, Tina T, Elaine and Wheelybad and good luck to Owen for Monday

Love and best wishes to everyone

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card .love Jean Z xxx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
WOW, what a gorgeous, elegant card. I love,love, love it.
Hugs, Rose

shabbycraftcabin said...

Good morning Sue, you're a big aspiration and inspiration. Elegant and classy card. Ivy x

Sandy G said...

Lovely card. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Annie Stamps said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I love the colours you used.

Annie P

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. Love the background die, it is just so delicate and together with the colours you have chosen you have made a really pretty card.


Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Gorgeous post this morning - love everything about it, dies, colours, embellishments and concept. Just stunning and up there as one of my all time favourite posts...

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, lovely card today, it looks really delicate. Off to watch the video with a nice cup of coffee. Ironing can wait!

Love Rosemarie X X

BenteS said...

Lovely card and a great video :))
Thank you, Sue!

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, great card, as I have all of these dies will be having a go at this one.

Kate's Cards said...

Very elegant. xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card, love the black with the colours.

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Such a beautiful card i love the colours chosen and all the dies used , i will watch the video later .

Pam, Just you keep yourself warm and snuggly wrapped up, we don't want you poorly again . Andrew isnt too bad at the moment thanks ,it is usually days 3-9 that are the worst .Helen is still struggling with her back complaint and is back to the Dr on Wednesday next.

Dragonsnap , Lola is a beautiful name, have a big cuddle before you go , and enjoy the warmer weather.x

June my fingers are crossed for you . Andrew is doing ok , just 3 more sessions now, over by 16th March all being well , just in time for my Birthday hopefully with good news and the best birthday present i could ever have .

Lynn L ,i had to wear a Liberty bodice too the rubber buttons when pulled used to pop open , lol happy days or what ? . xx

Special hugs to TinaT, Theresa, P in Wales, Maria ,Diane Green,Lyndas crafts,Princess Pixi,Crewe Trish,Myra,Norah, Pat L , Maureen and anyone else i have forgotten .

Take care all.
Elaine H X

Netty The Runner said...

Beautiful card Sue, I have all these dies, so will watch video and see what I can come up with.
Thank you for all your inspiration.
Annette x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue great video thanks. I now have the Pacific ocean background die looking forward to trying this card . Gloria ( sidcup ) xx

Clare Powell said...

Beautiful card, love the colours you've used x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue

A beautiful card, wisteria foundation card is a very delicate colours, I really like using it

Have a good weekend

June x

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card and great video. The flowers are so pretty.
Love Val in Spain xxx

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Great card. Love the video. Wish I had a bit of ur talent to see the dies the way u do xxx

Paula said...

A lovely card and in lovely colours today Sue! I'm off to make a cup of tea so I can watch the video in comfort. :)
Paula x

P Austen said...

Hi Sue, another one of your specials today. I love everything about this card. Unable to watch the video here in RSA so will have to wait until I get home in March. Hugs xx P Austen i

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, well the sun is out and its looking fabulous outside. A beautiful card today and Im going to love looking at the video. Have a lovely weekend. hugs Shirlexy

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card.

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Beautiful card sue x will watch the video in a little while have a few jobs to do first then I can give you my full attention x
Take care everyone and sending hugs to all the wilsonettes and their loved ones x
Theresa w xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so elegant.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Sue MacFall said...

What lovely dies used to make a great card. Many thanks,Sue

jenny Briggs said...

Morning Sue

Lovely card love the colours

gwen70 said...

Stunning card Sue

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. So much pretty and delicate detail with the dies you have used. Beautiful flowers add the finishing touches. Thanks for your video.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card.
Beverley W

ursula said...

Love your colour choice here Sue, for a truly wonderful card, so striking, have all these dies, so gonna have a play....Your videos are always so informative....thank you...luv Ursula xx

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and Wilsonettes,
Now this is a bonnie card Sue and just enough black on it for me and to make an impact. I love the wisteria colour of card, well i think its wisteria, it could be a sot dove grey and the Atlantic Ocean background die is gorgeous but since i need the full set i will get my wee frame and butterflies dies first and then contemplate which set is next on the list. The striped nastrusiums and leaves just look so lovely in the opposing corners with no need for a bow to act as a finishing touch. That fine edge of black and behind the main piece is just right for it today and i know my friend would love this card even if he is a man. Thank you flower for bringing such a bright glow to the days with your beautiful WOW's and even though there are a few that i wouldn't go for, they still give you inspiration in their own way. Have a good weekend flower and have some playtime.
PP, now i don't drink either(long story but safer on my bones not to) and i can have a wonderful time, even if i do get a bit carried away and the fun that you can have not and seeing all the ones that do, that get miracluous with it, is so much better fun. You do your main worries flower with your wee windfall and make your home warm and enviting again and then have some fun with the rest of it flower, i think you deserve it and the friend will be smiling down with a happy smile that you have made the absolute best out of his gift.
Maureen, how could you let the side down with that touching letter to PP. What would George say if you had some young man come around like that all muscle and virile, lol.
Donita, i'm glad that you and dad are having a wonderful time on your holiday, it sounds fantastic and yes Ebony does look just like plastic albeit dear plastic. To see you dad smile and happy at his woodworking is a memory that lasts. Mine is my daddy sunbathing in his consveratory(mum's greenhouse) on a sun lounger with his cord trousers rolled up to his knees and his polo shirt second button undone, hee hee hee. He would only ever go around with the top button undone but dressing down for the sun, he would make an exception and unbutton the second one. Thank you for telling us about the Grand Canyon flower, it is on my dream list of somewhere that i would dearly love to go to and you describing it makes it more real than just seeing it on the television. I love when the various people describe where they are and what it is like as for a lot of us we well never be there so it comes alive for us, so thank you flower for bringing something else alive.
Well girls my hills have been pinched again by that horrible mist/fog and the smirry rain that is coming down, so there is nothing else for it but i will just need to stay in and play, what a hardship i have to suffer. My AB's are not finished and i'm not any clearer than i was on Monday so i think i will need to see doc next week to see if he can do anything else for it.
Sending hugs to Tina & Owen, Elaine, Andrew and Helen, WHeelybad and all the other Wilsonettes that need, want or could do with them,
love and crafty hugs
norah (glenochil village)

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Love this card, the colours, design and dies used are perfect.
Lynn L and Elaine - we could be the Liberty Belles!!!
Donita, what a fabulous description of the Grand Canyon, thank you.
Dragonsnap, just remember that old song "Whatever Lola Wants"!! Love the name of your new granddaughter.
Yvonne, I don't think the requests were extravagant in my begging letter. In fact I've just thought of something else!!! ha ha
Laine, get your order in quick, you are after all her very, very, best friend!!
Thinking of Pam - wrap up and I mean that in the nicest possible way, Elaine and sending good wishes to Owen, June S - no high kicks yet!
Norah, Mr K would probably help me to pack to run away ha ha. Now you be good, look after yourself and see you soon!!
Diane, don't run yourself ragged today.
Maureen xx

sued99 said...

Absolutely gorgeous card. The dies do such an amazing job. x

sandieann21 said...

Love the drama of the monochromatic look.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card.
I have those dies so I will give it a go.
Thank you for the demo.
Véronique L

Bejay said...

Hi, Sue,
Love today's card and will go and watch the video with a nice cuppa :)
Yvonne, belated congrats on your unexpected windfall. I'm so pleased for you, even though it meant losing someone, and I hope that you can get all the 'important' things sorted and still have loads left to indulge yourself, you deserve it so much. I'm just waiting to win the postcode lottery lol.
Happy Saturday everyone.
Bejay xx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card, the colours are just right.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue a card with real impact love from Jackie xx

CraftyJo said...

Very decorative :)

Snowy said...

gorgeous card. Snowy xx

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
Am liking these oblong cards
Margaret x

dizy said...

Love it x

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
"You're Wonderful"
"Tremendous Video" With Lots Of Fabulous Tips And Techniques I Loved The Tag For Your
Your Card Is Just Stupendous, Yes I Love The Colour Combination Of "The Black, The Coconut White"
"Also The Exceptional Wistria Foundation Card"
I Just Love All The Remarkable Cutting Dies You've Used To Create "Today's Masterpiece"
"The Very Beautiful Pacific Ocean Background" For Your Main Die, Including "The Stunning Pacific Ocean
Tag Duo" Which Are Extremely Exquisite.
I Love How You Create Different Looks Like Cutting Your Tag Twice Into Your Background As Your
Aware You Will Cover Up The Middle Part, But Show The Pretty Edges At Either Side When You've Placed
Your Tag With Your Sentiment On Top, I Just Love How You've Cut This In Black And White, Extremely Rich And
Not Forgetting "The Outstanding Embellishments" "The Stupendous Striped Nasturtiums" (Which Are Tremendous)
Also From "The Finishing Touches Range, The Foliage From "The Family Tree"
Sue Thank You So Very Much For Sharing, You Inspire Me Each And Everyday I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do.
Sue Take Great Care
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 For Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
"Theresa .G. Like Yourself I Wanted "The Striped Nasturtium" But It Was Always "Out Of Stock"
I E-mailed Julia Watts She Hadn't Got Them In Stock Either But Was Extremely Kind Enough To Order
It For Me She's Done This On Many Occassion's"

Suzzette Yandle said...

Awesome combination of design elements. Thank you for the great video.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fab card! Adorable die for the bakground, and I always love seeing the striped nasturtium flowers

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a really beautiful card, love everything about it even the touch of black! Wisteria is one of my favourite colours and I have to stop myself from using it too much or people will be fed up seeing it lol. Clear video as always, thank you.


Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
Another lovely card which can be easily adapted using your other background dies. For once we have a lovely sunny day after weeks of dull dreary ones. Norah I love hearing about your beautiful hills and Donita you sound as if you and your dad are having a great time. Elaine Tina and NanaTina you are in my thoughts.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
The Pacific Ocean die is high on my wish list but as usual it
changes every time you showing a tutorial or card on your blog.
TFS all your outstanding cards every day x

Pam- wishing you better and if going out do wrap up warm x
Dragonsnap- have a wonderful holiday, of course you will miss
baby Lola (lovely name) but you be soon back x
Pp, Yvonne- how fabulous to get some money. Yes, use some to fix
your boiler etc. so you don't need to worry and then maybe use
some for a nice holiday and if any left get some Sue dies x
Laine- how are you ? could you perhaps keep an eye on Pp so she
don't go mad shopping just for shoes and handbags.:) You asked about
my holiday : I went for a week to Austria and had the best winter
holiday for a long time. Sandra have very kindly posted some photos
on her blog (Cotswold Crafter) it was magical and between -2c and
-14c the whole week. It sound cold but it is dry air and if you dressed
right you manage to have a wonderful time.x
Donita- your visit to dad sound great too and the Grand Canyon is a place
I would love to see one day. Have a safe journey home.x
Elaine- sending you, Andrew and Helen many hugs and hope all goes well x
Tina- good luck for Owen in his new job, hope he's ok. Sending you hugs x
Maureen and Diane- when you finished with the oil can could you bring it
to me. Creaking more then ever lately, is it trying to tell me something ? x
Myra- don't say it! hihi. Hope you well x
Have no Mojo or energy over a few days now so no crafting have been done ,any
idea's what can help ?
Sending many hugs to you all and hope your Saturday is good-ish as it can be

Maria x

Anonymous said...

Love the video and the colours tfs
Elizabeth Bennett

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another beautiful card things just get better.

Heather R Oxfordshire

barbara macaskill said...

What a lovely card! Great colors and I love this die!
I just want to say that reading your blog every morning starts my day on a good note and helps me to carry the joy through the rest of the day! Thank you for being a big part of how my day goes! :-)

Karen Mitchell said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card,just bought wisteria card so must have a go,
Enjoyed the video thank you for the tips,
Best wishes
Karen M Devon

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
Today's card is absolutely lovely ! I have watched the video - again great hints and tips! Love what you did in the centre of the card. Lovely colours used too! What more can we ask for!
Donita - I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about your visit to Dad! You draw a good picture - a bit like our Norah! Safe journey home!
Maria - I'm so pleased you had a lovely holiday. Haven't been to Austria since my honeymoon and that's a few years back!! Ha ha!
I'm well thank you and I'm much to kind to make remarks about aging! You are younger than me remember!!
It's been a lovely day here today with lovely sunshine and not too cold! Think it may be the calm before the storm!
Love to all, thinking of those who find weekends long!
Love Myra xxx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card today. I look forward to seeing the video later.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
What a beautiful card, I just love everything about it.
We watch the video later when I'm relaxing
Love Brenda xxx

craftynanna said...

Evening Sue, Fabulous die and a gorgeous card, the video was well informative, thank you Sue,
Donita your post is great and I love hearing about other parts of our wonderful world, thank you,
Everyone else keep up your daily comments for our wonderful Sue and your lovely stories that I find lovely to read. Hugs Johanna

karenlotty said...

Beautiful card I love these colours togethwr

Eunice said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the westera color that you have used. Thanks for the great ideas.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Pretty Card. Great dies and a lovely colour scheme. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A really gorgeous card, love it love it love it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Unknown said...

Very lovely card and colour choice


Karen Drew said...

Beautiful card. I am always amazed at how every day you give us such different cards
Karen xx

liz spooner said...

This is lovely Sue, truly stunning.xx

DeCor said...

What a beautiful card today Sue. Love the bacog round die in the contasting colour.

DeCor said...

What a beautiful card today Sue. Love the bacog round die in the contasting colour.

Theresa said...

beautiful and for some reason understated but so elegant, hugs xx

Narrowboat girl said...

Black & white, a very classy card. Have just found 5 minutes to watch the video which was a treat as ever after a busy day

Littlelamb said...

Beautiful card Sue. Off to watch the video now. Thank you for sharing the card and tutorial.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
A gorgeous card using one of my favourite dies.
Thank you also for the great informative video you brought to us today.
Lesley S x

Stella Munn said...

Beautiful card Sue x

Disco Queen said...

Absolutely Stunning Sue. Love the colour combination. Theresa x

Jean said...

Simply gorgeous!

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card once again so elegant love the colour palette haven't had a chance to see the video
I will watch it later. I hope your taking things a bit easier for a couple of weeks Sue.
I've & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Pam please take care wrap up warm when going out so early for work. Warm Hug's on there way xx
Elaine pleased Andrew is not so bad at the moment poor Helen I know what it's like suffering with a bad back
sending you all some Big healing 🤗🤗🤗xx
Dragonsnap2 have a brilliant holiday safe journey. Your granddaughter Lola has a beautiful name
Get as many Cuddles as you can the time just fly's by.xx
Tina wishing Owen good luck in starting his new job Monday. Sending yo both some Big Hug's
hope your doing ok.Tina always thinking of you xx
Wheelybad & Billy hope your both well Hug's & cuddles.xx
PP & Laine hope your both ok my friends love & Hug's xx
June how's your knee holding out hope your pain free.🤗🤗 xx
Tina how are you doing sending you some Hug's xx
Tracy my friend hope all is good with you & Graeme enjoy the rest of the weekend🤗🤗xx

Betty McAlister said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Haven't managed to watch video yet but perhaps tomorrow. X.

Dawn Holben said...

Totally gorgeous, lovevthose dies and pretty flowers.
Absolutely love this one.

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue, with these colours it could be suitable for male or female. Anne x

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous monochrome card! xxx

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

Just a quick note as it's so late... gorgeous card, really pretty and restful colours. Have to watch the video tomorrow ( well, later today I suppose I mean). Night everyone. X

Love Helen xxx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Lovely card

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Beautiful card, love the Pacific background , the colours and of course the flowers
Muriel x

Berina RGA said...

Such a beautiful card, Sue!! Love the Pacific background! The flowers are very pretty!

Sandy H said...

The black's not for me (as usual) but that's a minor detail. The design of the card is gorgeous and I love the Family Tree 'leaves' and the flowers.
Take care everyone.

Jan.moogie said...

Wow what a beautiful card Sue, juat watched the video and loved it. Thanks for sharing, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

gorgeous card and you were right about the leaves from the tree they do make an excellent embellishment fantastic xx love yvonne bennett xx great video as well xx

maz said...

Love this card! Thanks Sue...

Pawprintx4 said...

Beautiful card and the flowers really set it off.
Thank you!
Stephanie K

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

This is so pretty the dies are beautiful

With best Wishes

Elaine Ann

Linda Graham said...

Lovely card Sue,I do love the delicate/pretty detail of these dies,thank you,Linda x

Laura O said...

Another great card and dies like the flowers. Laura O

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Another beautiful card & love the colour ways you have used.
Love the background die & flowers which look stunning.

Beautiful & suitable for many occasions...

Crafty Hugs

Haze T (Norwich)