Sunday, 26 February 2017

Happy Birthday

 Good Sunday morning all!  I debated on whether to post this card for a good while, but then I thought it might be useful to explain what this card started out to be and it might make more sense.  Originally I planned to make this card so that the centre of it would spin around, so I first created the multi layer frames using the Double Pierced Noble Squares (both original and Set B).  I cut the Triple Line Happy Birthday and black and glued one strip around the edge of the frame so that it could be read from any way you turned it!  I used some of the paper from my Classic Elegance Paper Pad for the backing of the frame. I switched to the Double Pierced Noble Circles to create the base for my focal element in black and white.  I cut the Gillian die in white and backed it with the same paper from the background of the frame.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the smallest die in the Noble Circle set.  The problem came when I couldn't locate a long enough brad to use for the mechanism to make the centre sentiment spin around so I ended up just putting it together with mounting foam for a stationery card.  I would have flipped the top sentiment on the frame so it could be read right ways around had I known, but it had already been glued in place.  Murphy's law, huh!  The funny thing is that I recently found the brads that I knew I had, but couldn't find at the time!  I completed the card with white and black mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 8 1/4" x  8 1/4" in size.

The winners of this week's Comment Game are:

Beryl Treble!!!
Sarah Wrightson!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x

                                                      Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Wonderful card Sue, love it.
I had to go out yesterday so watched the show on Hochanda Rewind. It was a great show although 1 Hour is not enough. You made it look so easy. Loved your top too, beautiful.
Congrats to comment game winners, enjoy your prizes.
Carmen, pleased the Kid is doing well. You are a wonderful bunch of colleagues, mates and family. I know how expensive med treatment is, my nephews accident med bill is over 5 mill dollars, thank the Lord my brother has very good med insurance but they still have had to cover a lot themselves too.
Elaine, so happy Andrew is feeling brighter, he is quite some man that son of yours. Hugs to you all.
Cheryl, hope your day with your grandson went well, you are lucky to have him. Most young men wouldn't think of it.
Pat, I forgot to say I wish I could hop on a plane to meet you and Tracey, one day perhaps, but I know you will both have a great time.
Glad all the new internet connections are up and running, I hate missing anything.
Hugs to all, especially our missing friends, where are you, hope all is well. Tina and NannaTina thinking if you both .

nancyd said...

Beautiful card Sue, Congratulations ladies on Winning Sue's gorgeous cards.
Nancyd xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Love the card as it is, it's great that you've shown us that even you change your plans half way through. Fantastic show yesterday, you explained everything so clearly.
Carmen, what a brilliant bunch you and your co-workers are. Congratulations to all the winners today. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Great card. Glad to know I am not the only one who can't find what I need sometimes! I know it's there somewhere and it really annoys me if I can find what I am looking for. Great show on Hochanda yday. I managed to watch most of it live. said...

Morning Sue.
A lovely card, Thank you, now you have found your brads you can have another go.
A great show yesterday Thank you.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Take care and have fun Kitty.
Sue if I disappear from here it is because my old computer has given up.It maybe a while before I get another one.

Steph Cotterill said...

Sunday Smiles coming your way Sue. What a hectic day or days you've had recently, under the circumstances we will understand that an hour's worth of our favourite designer and blog friend was more than acceptable considering you must have been near to crawling round on your hands and knees (not very ladylike huh)?! Lol.
After reading your comment above I feel your frustration I really do, will it make you feel any better at all that every card I start out to make NEVER resembles what I had originally planned, but now I don't feel so alone lol. At least your disappointment was short lived as it all turned out beautifully Sue and had you not shared this with us we'd have never guessed or known, I'm sure Hetty, one of your followers will also be empathetic with your frustration after reading her boo boo day of craft, but again it all turned out beautifully lol.
What a lovely show yesterday Sue, and it was great to see that all instructions for your gumball machine was printed on the inside of the package - I had wondered that if I ever invested in this set how would I manage without your video due to my lack of brain cells but I need not worry anymore lol.
Many congratulations to the 3 lucky comment winner ladies, and I hope you enjoy your gift ☺
Well Sue, after the crazy manic week you've had, maybe a more 'gentle' day is on the cards today for you (if you pardon the pun) but either way, here's a hug to help you whatever the day brings your way, just hope it's a nice one 💖🌸 xxx

Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and all. Wonderful card this morning, love the depth and detail. I think the card has turned out amazing as always with style and you have a great eye for colour. I really enjoyed the show yesterday, wish you was on for more than an hour.
Congratulations to the winners........... Wendy

Barbara (C) said...

A lovely card today. Missed the candy machine card - hope it's on catch up! BarbaraC

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
I thought it was only me who put things away safely and then forget where just when I need them,so I understand about your brads. The card turned out lovely anyway. The show was really great and you explained everything so clearly.Originally I thought the sweet machine was just for children but was surprised how many different ideas you gave us for all ages.I loved the get well one.
Congratulations to the winners.
Jan x

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card. Congratulations to the winners.

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful birthday card!

Dragonsnap2 said...

I love the card Sue and it's nice to know that you're as bad as the rest of us for mislaying things. You always seem so organised. Most of my cards end up different from what I'd originally planned too.
Congratulations to the three lucky winners. Enjoy your gifts.
Pam, how do you manage to say what we're all thinking so succinctly every day? I'd like to reiterate your comments again.
Baby Lola is starting to gain weight now she can feed properly and her big brother and sister absolutely adore her. The only problem with the older ones is that they want to cuddle her all the time!
Hope everyone is keeping safe and warm.
Crafty hugs to all.
D xx

Craftynetty said...

Fabulous show yesterday Sue. I was amazed at the number of ideas you had come up with for the candy machine. Love today's card, even without the 'spin' element and I was pleased to read that I am not alone in losing things.

JAO said...

Congrats winners. Fab card Sue.

Debra K. said...

Great card! It's good to know that you're as organized as some of us and can't find things you know you've got somewhere 🙂.
Congratulations to the three winners, enjoy your prizes. Debra x

Kim Dibben said...

Beautiful card Sue xx it turned out wonderful just as it is, I'm always putting things up and end up having to hunt for them, sometimes I find them and others I don't. Congratulations to the comment winners. Love Kim D xx

Dolly Daydream said...

Good morning Sue
Great show yesterday, I have recorded it for future reference. Fabulous card today, another one that would be good for men's cards.
Congratulations to the comment game winners.
Happy Sunday everyone xxxx

Dawn Searle

Unknown said...

Hello Sue and Sunday crew,

Congratulations on your Hochanda show. I watched it from The States on, by choosing Rewind.

Sue, please show us your idea for a card that spins! I can see Spinners in the kinetic dies and stamps and some long brads coming up on the next launch, or the one after that. Not only for visual effects but also for games. Would you like us to brainstorm games to play with a line of spinner cards? How fun would that be to demo? I'm talking about kids games, although there could be some for couples too.

I'm glad to see blog entries featuring new dies. Gillian is quite lovely. I'm hoping you'll show us some of Gillian's other tricks. Cut up? Folded? As a flower? Did you already show us Gillian as a flower? Maybe that was one of your early videos with a round Spellbinders die.

Although my housecleaning turned up some forgotten supplies, I'm still missing my scoring board. I've heard you guys in the U.K. refer to the same legendary nether world that we have here in North America: The Safe Place.

Congratulations to the winners! I'm hoping a joyous surprise will ease your back pain, Johanna.

Kitty, maybe if your computer gives up you can get access from work or a friend or at the library. Or get a rebuilt one cheap from a place that cleans up gently used machines while teaching skills to people who need jobs.

And may I add my voice to those thanking Pam for remembering everyone including those she may have forgotten. Thank you Pam. You do have a gift.


cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Isn't that the way? You know you have something and you can't find it then when you don't want it you find it lol! If you hadn't pointed it out I would never have noticed it! I loved your show yesterday and agree an hour wasn't enough but listening to your schedule, for you, it was definately enough. I wish I had some of your energy! I love the card it's gorgeous! Hope your having some you time today.
Hugs x
Heather T

Unknown said...

PS: I like how that elegant paper has kind of a fantail design like the embossing folder that I love.


Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A beautiful card but how frustrating for you! There is nothing worse than knowing that you have something but not being able to locate it. I've spent hours in the past searching for such items myself. Rest assured that the card is gorgeous though.
Congratulations to all the winners.x

Anonymous said...

Well, Sue, out of original intentions comes a very interesting card! Perhaps now you've found the brads you can make a spinning centre - watch this space maybe.
Pam, thanks again, lovely words so another echo.
Do enjoy reading your posts, Carmen and Donita, keep them coming.
Tracy - enjoy your Irish holiday - and your meet up with Pat.
Well done to the three comment winners.
Hugs to all, missing people where are you?

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Sorry i was not around yesterday but as usual my back was not my friend and i ended up in bed most of the day but your card is gorgeous. Now on to todays card its beautiful and i would still love to see a spinner card. I am so pleased its not just me that puts things in a safe place for future use it happens to me all the time lol. Watched your show this morning after taping it thank goodness i had forsight to set it to record the day before. All your samples were fantastic and some brillient ideas for future cards. Its just a shame your not on our screens more often as you make it look so easy to put your cards together and you have some wonderful ideas to use your dies and the way you mix and match them in your cards is amazing. Congratulations to the card winner yesterday and the comment winners today. Hope you have a relaxing day Sue. Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

What a pity you couldn't find that long-legged brad when you needed it but the finished card works well enough as it is and we can imagine that it spins!

Congratulations to the Comment Game winners...


hazel young said...

Beautiful card x xhazel

hettygarlick said...

That would have been an interesting card Sue. Shame you couldn't find the brads. I have that problem too. I know I have a certain thing somewhere amongst all my craft stuff, but just can't track it down. It does turn up eventually, but not when I am wanting to use it!

Kevonacrafts said...

Morning Sue

Beautiful card today, pity about the missing brads but the card works wonderfully. Watched yesterday's show and love the designs and tips you came up with. Thanks

Enjoy your Sunday.

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Love your card,what a brilliant idea a spinner card,don't know how many times I have made a card to find it opens the wrong way!
this idea would be great..
Congratulations to the three ladies who have won a lovely gift.
Best wishes
Karen M

Betty McAlister said...

Gorgeous card Sue, even though it doesn't spin! Very pretty.
Loved your show yesterday and what fabulous samples of the Gumball machine you had to inspire us. I don't have this
Die as I thought its use was limited, but I can now see how versatile it really is. Will have to think again!
Congratulations to your three comment game winners. Xx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card, and I look forward to seeing the spinning version! The family are visiting this weekend so I've recorded yesterday's show to watch when not so busy. I baked a chocolate pavlova meringue yesterday and the whole house smelled of chocolate - we're having it today with raspberries and cream.
Congratulations to the winners.
B xx

Karen Derbyshire said...

Lovely card Sue. Enjoyed the show yesterday, it was fascinating to see the machine all come together. Very clever!

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

Nice card today. It looks great without the spinner too. I hope you can have a nice quiet crafting day to yourself and recharge your batteries after your hectic schedule.

Love Helen xxx

BenteS said...

Pretty card, Sue!
Love the idea of a spinner card, so hope you will make one and show us that version another time :))
Congrats to the lucky winners of the weekly comment game!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I think this is a beautiful card, even though it doesn't spin. I'm sure we will see a spinning card from you soon and look forward to it. I really enjoyed watching your show yesterday and don't know how you keep coming up with so many amazing ideas. Congratulations to the three lucky winners today. Sending best wishes

TDQ Karen said...

Great idea, we get the concept so that's a result in my view.congratulations to the winners xx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful I love the colours you have used
Have a lovely day
Debs Cards xx

Chris said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card today and well done on a great Hochanda show yesterday, which I have just watched on Rewind. It's such a great die it must have taken you ages to design that one, perhaps you should add Mechanical Engineer to your CV now, lol.

Chris xx

Anne said...

Sue, you are not alone in losing things and then finding them when it is too late! The result is still great. I managed to make a version of yesterday's card and am really pleased with it.

Anne (Northampton)

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Know I see why the top sentiment is upside down. Great card even though it doesn't spin

ahappycrafter50 said...

Interesting card today Sue. The candy machine was amazing. What a surprise for people to receive one. Can't begin to think how you designed it but well done.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Wonderful card, great for a man too. I think most of my cards end up differently from my first idea, all of the die cuts flowers etc I don't use do into a box and I pass them onto the Brownies. Enjoyed your hour yesterday such fun cards.
Congratulations to the lucky winners.

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
Another fantastic card this morning and a great story behind it. Yes we all put things in that safe place that we will know exactly where that is when we need it and blow me instantly drops out of our head!! Did you find my heat gun when you found your long brads? It's stilll hiding somewhere! Lol. I had to go back and look at the top happy birthday to see what you meant so it didn't look out of place at first glance but I know what you mean. Those dies look lovelt as a boarder like that don't they. Hope you are having a lazy Sunday, feet up and pizza for dinner are needed I think. Take care
Love Diane G xxx
Pam as always I reiterate your comments, you are such a star. Xxxx
Congratulations to all the winners xxx

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
Such a beautiful card and the design is so versatile and depending on the receiver it may even serve as a male card too.
Many co gratulations to this weeks winners enjoy your prizes.
Thank you again to Pam for such a lovely opening for the start of the week you really do set the tone so beautifully for Sue.
Just a quick word for Saba don't be too sad leaving your little Mr Wonderful today it will not be long until you are back and we all meet up for a wonderful few days. Safe journey and easy landing.

Margaret xxx

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card, really lovely. Looking forward to seeing the "original" idea as a card.

Congrats to the winners.


karenlotty said...

I love this. I must remember to cut the Happy Birthdays into strips on occasions! It would have been a clever novelty of being able to spin the top topper BUT in all fairness we only display our cards one way up don't we. It made me smile to rad that even the "pros" lose stuff within their craft room! I do it all of the time!

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Maybe not as you had planned but it still works. Good to see I am not the only one who knows I have something & can't find it, but once you finish your card you find what you were looking for. Still a lovely card. Great show & congratulations to all the lucky winners. Yvonne xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. I love today's card and would never have guessed it was supposed to have been a little different. Reading the comments it seems you are not alone in mislaying things. I do it all the time but put it down to age!!!!!

Love Rosemarie X X

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Loved watching yesterday, so complicated until you took it step by step!
the card today turned out fine even without the spinning!
Congratulations to all the winners.
Love Marg

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning Sue and all your crafty crew
I think today's card is yet again a wonderful thing to behold
The design and the colours used are spot on
The majority of my cards never turn out like I had imagined but I carry on regardless. Lol
Echoing Pam's wonderful sentiments to all individuals she does do a fantastic job
Hugs to all that need one
Have a blessed Sunday
Theresa G xx

SassySaz said...

Morning Sue and a huge thank you for picking me as one of the comment winners, congratulations to the other two ladies - I am sooooo excited!

Love the card and it's good to know that even the best don't always end up with the card they had in mind at the start and as for losing things well that's another story lol. Have a great day everyone xx

June Horrocks said...

Love the card sue it's beautiful your show was awsum yesterday what a fun card all those sweets all colour coded only you could do that sue I know children would love them but I know many adults that would love em too. Thank you sue and congrats to lucky winners love always June horrocks xxxxxxxx

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, love the Gillian die. Congrats to the winners

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, beautiful card today, I am sure this could be made into a spinner, I bet you find your brads soon and you do another one, if so would love to see it, how about a video on it.

Pam, reiterate everything you said, we rely on you so much hugs my friend xx

I am off to a craft workshop today, so looking forward to this.

Congratulations to all the winners

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Great card. love Jean Z xxx

Scottydog said...

Good morning Sue & it is a good morning, sun is shining brightly. Well it's good to know you are human like the rest of us! I can never find things when I need them & usually have to improvise but you always seem so organised & neat! When my desk is a mess I know just where things are, but when I tidy up I can never remember where I put things! A lovely card anyway spinner or no spinner, but I see what you mean about the happy birthday, however I didn't notice that at first glance.

Congratulations to the comment winners.

Crafty Cruiser said...

Lovely card, which has reminded me to do a spinning centre for a card I've yet to make. You made the candy machine look so easy to do yesterday and I can't wait for mine to come to have a play, along with the Sweets for the Sweet die I was so lucky to win recently. Best wishes.
Doreen R

Jan.moogie said...

To spin or not to spin, either way it is a stunning card Sue. Using my limited imagination I can see this card as a spinner and it is awesome, thanks for sharing. Just watched you on hochanda and was amazed at how many styles of gumball machines you came up with WOW. Have a great day today, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a brilliant card, love the idea of making the centre element spin around. Time for another try then? Congrats to the comment game winners. Have a great day all. Bx

Marion Scott said...

Great card Sue and a great show on Hochanda yesterday. I was amazed at how many variations and variety of sweets you came up with for the gumball machine.
Hope you are enjoying a well earned rest after the trade show and yesterdays show.
Congratulations to this weeks comment game winners.
Marion S x

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Can't believe I'm one of the winners! Thank you!

djones said...

Congrats to all the winners, enjoy your prizes.

Thanks to Pam from me too, love the daily updates.

Love this card, spinning or not!!!

Doreen x

nattyboots said...

Happy Sunday Sue and all
Another lovely card Sue so clever, lovely candy machine cards shown yesterday too. Congrats to your lucky winners .

Pam we have some sunshine here i hope you have it too , i am going to jump on the wagon and echo your post as you do it so well, Thank You.

Big hugs to all who need one.
Elaine H X

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Rounds off a fabulous week of posts. Love the depth this card has. Just gorgeous - again!!!!

Congrats the winners....

Unknown said...

Morning Sue a lovely card this morning i missed the show yesterday congrats to thw winners
Catherine xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card.

Congratulations to the winners.

Hugs to all

Annx Without an "e"

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, a beautiful card this morning, love the design and the dies. hugs Shirleyxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card yet again, well when do you ever do other than lovely, whether simple or ornate then end product is perfect. I think it is going to be a crafty Sunday as another grey day seems to be with us!!

Heather R Oxfordshire

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, even if it didn't turn out as first intended. But that is sod's law - happens to me all the time - still haven't found my two inkpads even though I had a complete clear of the table where they always are. And despite having asked the fairies to give them back to me, they still haven't done so. Thank God the new ones arrived very promptly after being ordered (after table clearing!).
Loving your paper pad, to the extent that I just sit and do a Lockers with it! Only special people get cards with those papers.
Hugs, Rose
Oh, don't know how I didn't post a comment on yesterday's post - I love that card, composition and colours are beautiful.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great card, maybe not as you,planned it, but there are no mistakes in crafting, just happy accidents and this one worked out well.
Congratulations to todays winners, enjoy your gifts ladies.
Donita, I thought the gremlins just operated here, ino they have obviously emigrated across the pond, I hope you find your score board soon
Pam, thank you for you super comment each day, it certainly sets things up, you have a lovely way of putting things.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Anonymous said...

This is still a lovely card Sue, maybe next time with the brads!
Nice to know I am not the only one that can't find things I know I have lol.

Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your prizes.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, this is a lovely card whether it spins or not. I haven't made a spinner for years so thanks for the reminder. It would seem that no matter our age we are all guilty of losing something only to find it maybe months later. Do you think that this means we have too much stuff? I recently donated several boxes full of old kits etc to charity, a local nursing home and a friend's daughter but I don't seem to have gained any space whatsoever and now everything has been tidied up I can't remember where I have put anything :-) I enjoyed your show yesterday, so many different samples showing just how good the concept is for young and old alike. Well done.

Congratulations to this week's comment game winners Craftynana, Beryl and Sarah, enjoy playing with your prizes.


Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. Beautiful backing paper and the Gillian Die you used. I am another who can't find somethings, especially after having a tidy up. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. A lovely card using a mix of different dies. Oh we all miss lay things as we have put them in such a safe place!
Enjoy a bit of me time today.
Congratualions to the comment winners.

Saba, safe flight, you will not need the big mop and bucket this time saying good bye as its only weeks till you are back again, for some fun and laughter. Now remember we expect you to bring more clothes that just a t-shirt. I think you would be a tad under dressed compared to the rest of us. Let us know you are home safe.

Pam, thank you for your lovely opening comment each morning.
Hazel X

Stella Munn said...

Lovely card Sue. Quite like the idea of being able to read the Happy Birthday from any angle - whether the middle spins or not!!! Xx

craftynanna said...

Hi Sue, well what a fabulous hour we had yesterday watching you making the gumball machine card it was fantastic, I will have to save my Pennies and definitely buy this set it's a must have, todays card is lovely but please show us the spinning card at a later date I would love to know what your intentions were, it's made my day knowing I have won a prize, thank you so much Sue for your immense generosity and congratulations to the other two ladies
Well Pam you have said it all for us so I won't say it all again, thank you for letting us all echo your sentiments. Hugs to everyone Johanna

Craftysusan said...

Hi Sue. Loved yesterday's show, I hadn't realised that the gumball die was actually designed to create a working machine so it was great to see the demo. I am now thinking of buying it as it would make a great and unique present. Today's card is lovely too, are you planning to show us how to make a spinning version in the future? I do hope so. Have a restful Sunday. xx

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue Beautiful card. Helen x

Fikreta said...

Wonderful card!
have a great day!

CraftyJo said...

I love this :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tfs
Elizabeth Bennett

Disco Queen said...

Stunning card Sue. Love the use of decorative paper.

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
Before I Start On Today's "Exceptional Card" I Would Just Like To Take This Opportunity To
Say How Much I Enjoyed Your Show Yesterday On Hochanda Thank You For All The Tips And
Techniques, I Just Loved All The Tremendous Samples That Shared With Us, Someone Had A
Wonderful Idea That "The Gumball" Would Be Great As An "Advent Calendar" With A "Merry Christmas
Stamp" Inside, As "Steph" Mentioned It Was Also Great That You Have Placed All The Instructions For
"The Gumball" Within The Packaging (Just Superb)
"Today's Card" Is Extremely Exquisite, I Love Everything About Such Beautiful Elegant Dies And Fabulous
"The Happy Birthday Trile Line Die"
"The Double Pierced Noble Squares Original And .B. Set Of Dies"
"The Double Pierced Noble Circles Die Set"
"The Gillian Die" (Just Outstanding)
"Your Classic Elegance Paper Pad". (Scrumptious)
"Coconut White, Black Foundation Card"
Today's Card Is Truly "Magnificent" I Just Love It So Very Much, If I Hadn't Read Your Comments I
Wouldn't Have Thought There Was Anything Amiss With Your Card.
I Love How You Created Your Frame By Using The Extremely Useful "Double Pierced Noble Square Dies"
The Original And Set .B. Then You Cut Out Your Your "Triple Line Happy Birthday" In Black And You Then
Glued One Strip On Each Side Of Your Frame, I Just Love How You Then Took A Page Of Lilac Paper From
Your "Classic Elegance Paper Pad" For The Backing Of Your Frame Just Perfect.
Then You Switched To Your Fabulous "Double Pierced Noble Circles" Using These You Created An Outstanding
Focal Point In Coconut White And Black, You Then Cut Out "The Truly Stupendous Gillian Die" And Backed
With The Same Lilac Paper "The Gillian Die" Is Just Extremely Exquisite, You Then Stamped Your Wonderful
Sentiment, And You Proceeded To Cut It Out With The Smallest Die From "The Double Pierced Noble Die Set"
It's A Shame About The Brad But Your Card Looks Simply Remarkable As It Is.
I Love Your Mat/Layering Of The Coconut White/Black And Your Signature Piercing
Sue Thank You For Sharing Today's "Masterpiece" With Us The Close Up Photograph Shots Show Your
Card Of Beautifully, Sue Thank You For The Inspiration, I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do.
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 For Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
Congratulations To This Weeks Lucky Comment Gift Winners Enjoy......

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Even if the centre doesn't spin it is still a beautiful card and I love the design, perhaps you will make the spinning version into a video to share with us. Hope you are having a relaxing day after your busy week
Congratulations to Johanna, Beryl and Sarah enjoy your prizes

Pam echoing your lovely comments and sending love and hugs to everyone


Lynne L said...

Hi Sue Lovely card even though it didn't turn out as you'd planned what a good idea to make a spinning centre I'll have to try that!
I really enjoyed your show yesterday some fabulous ideas for using the candy machine I loved the get well card but they were all amazing
Congratulations to the winners
Sending good wishes to all

ursula said...

Ah very pretty card, like the backing papers. I just love my Gillian die and use it over and over, always such a beautiful focal point.... I have had those days too Sue when the card ends up completely different to what I started out, but hey ho, it is lovely nonetheless. Me too, put something away 'safe', never to be found again, I have done that with a box of charms, after I do not know how long, still cannot find them....Congrats to the winners....luv Ursula xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. I can never find anything I want to use either! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

A happy 'mishap' has turned into a beautiful card!

Congratulations to this week's winners

June x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue you have inspired us yet again with this beautiful card .Hope you will do a video to show us how you would make it work . Thanks for sharing . Congratulations to all the winners . Gloria ( sidcup ) xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful card Sue and congratulations to the winners

Gr Karin

Littlelamb said...

Lovely card today Sue. Thank you so much. So I am not the only one who can't find things. That's good to know. Thank you. Hope to have time to play with my new glitter kiss today. It's gorgeous.

Suzzette Yandle said...

Awesome card. I see you have been thinking about "kinetics" now for awhile. I understand your frustration about not finding your longer brads that you knew you had. My craft room puts me into that frustration mood more than I would like. Unfortunately for me, my craft room needs more of my attention. I prefer to continue creating cards than getting my craft room more organized. I enjoyed your hour on Hocanda demonstrating your "Working Candy Machine". You have more of a mechanical mind than I knew. That's a good thing.

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A really beautiful card, gorgeous colours.
Congratulations to the lucky Comment Winners, enjoy your goodies.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Unknown said...

Hi sue and fellow crafters.
Great card and def a great idea for a spinner even tho it doesn't spin I'd still like to see a video on one that does!! Loved all ur cards for this week but hasn't left comments sorry. Xx

I'm full of the cold this week so I'm in bed trying to rest up for my trip to Ireland. Really looking forward to meeting pat in the flesh so to speak. We have face timed for a blether already lol.

Eunice said...

Love your card Sue. So intricate and charming. Congrats to the comment winners, enjoy!

barbara macaskill said...

Whether it spins or not it is a lovely card! Congratulations to this week's comment game winners!
I watched the Hochanda show yesterday and WOW! I love all of your Candy Machine cards! What an awesome variety! I have an idea in mind but have to figure out how to make the logistics work so I can bring it to fruition! If I succeed I will share it with you!
Thanks for the link to the show Sue!Have a great day and an even more amazing week! TFS!

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Wonderful card sue x can see where you were going with it and still looks beautiful x so pleased I'm not the only one that has a safe place ! Think I'm going bonkers sometimes with 'im sure I bought one ' only for it to turn up when I'm not looking for it x fantastic show yesterday sue and as much as I tried sitting on my hands I succumbed after watching your brilliant demo x
Congratulations to the lucky winners x
Tracy hope you feel better soon and get lots of rest xxx
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Unknown said...

Hi, another lovely card, think this would be a good male card. Carol xx

Patricia said...

Good afternoon Sue, a great card, love the idea, I had to go back to see what you meant. It certainly did not look glaringly out of place.
I would change the centre and have another great Man Card.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

Pam you are a star, another great summary as always. Think it makes a special opening for everyone.
Saba, i hope there were not so many tears at the Airport this time. You will be back soon to see your little Mr Marvel again then on to have fun and games with The Naughty Nine for a few days.
Have a good evening everyone
Patricia xxx

liz spooner said...

This is lovely, great for men!xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. I really like this Card and I don't think it matters that it doesn't rotate, I also think the wording is fine. Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations Craftynana, Beryl Treble and Sarah Wrightson.

Best wishes

Beverly Fuchs said...

Hell Sue,

Lovely card and I love the story of how it came to be. I have done a card very similar to this but used a decorative circle in the center instead of a sentiment as the greeting was around the square. To be quite honest, I had never heard of a spinner card. Now that you have found your brads, I hope you will show the version with the spinner, it's always fun to learn something new.

Watched your show on Hochanda yesterday and was so amazed at all of the wonderful samples that you had on display. The ideas were all so clever and seemed to be unending, yet you mentioned that you had other ideas that you hadn't even done. Your little mind must be in constant motion. Like others have said, having an hour with you just isn't enough time but I'm happy that we could share that hour with you.

Have a wonderful day Sue.


Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

What a superb card, even if it didn't quite go to plan, the results are outstanding....i think the upside down wording at the top looks cool, no need to change it. Your paper pad always adds a touch of elegance to a card, and this is no exception, the colour tones are soft and delicate suiting the Gillian die perfectly...i love the colour palette, the pop of black against the lilac tones is stunning. Lovely card Sue, be proud of your achievements.
I watched your Hochanda show yesterday afternoon on catch up and what an enjoyable hour it turned out to be. I have a little confession to make, please don't tar and feather me but the Candy Machine hasn't grabbed me by the short and curlies the way the rest of the January launch has nothing to do with the fact that the whole process of constructing one appears fiddly to me but more because i just don't have a market for that kind of card, my recipients look for a Sue classic with bells and whistles and these would be too darn cute for their liking. I watched your show avidly and with interest though and felt myself being swayed even though I wouldn't have anyone to make one for....that's the power of your superb demonstrating Sue, you could sell snow back to the Eskimos:-) I loved the wide variety of cards that you had so enthusiastically produced for the show, the way that you had tailored the sweets to each card was a nice touch and making them for Christmas, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, births etc showed the versatility of this die. I would love to have an excuse to buy this die set but there are so many others of your range that i have to prioritise due to their personal usefulness. I am so looking forward to your show in April with the Nautical and Fish Bowl dies, those i will most definitely be investing in.
It has been a most dreadful day here in Stirling with torrential downpours, a day for crafting....except when you have a mountain of ironing to do instead:-(
Pam, thanks for your summary, it really helps when you've missed a dayxx
Elaine, thinking of you and Andrew, fingers crossed his treatment gets the green light this weekxx
Saba, have a safe trip back home, wont be long before you see your grandson again:-)
Tina T and Nannatina, hope you are both well, sending hugsxx
Carmen, i think we may have got off on the wrong foot, you seem to have developed the wrong impression about me...I'm sure my fellow Wilsonettes will concur with can i prove to you that my thoughts and actions are pure and from a place of love?:-)
Maureen, missing you dear lady, please come back, all is forgiven:-)
Myra, hope you are feeling better, sending hugsxx
Frances and P, how are our little fluff balls lately, are they recovered from their ops? Darcey and Brodie are due their annual boosters in the next week or two, that should be fun...NOT!
Yvonne, hugs sweetie, hope you enjoyed your theatre trip and have recovered nicelyxx
Hugs to all my other besties, hope you are all peachyxxx


Annie Stamps said...

Love the card Sue. The Gillian die is so versatile, must add it to the wish list.

Annie P

Tooth Fairy Jo said...

Hello Sue,
It's a beautiful card whichever way you look at it. It's just typical though that your brads turned up after you had completed it though. That's the sort of thing which happens to me too. Sorry was missing for a couple of days, I just had such a busy time with my grandson and didn't get two minutes to myself. I did manage to see your show though and was amazed at the diversity of your samples and was impressed at the versatility of the die by being able to make not only a regular card but also a three dimensional ornament. Very clever Sue. Hope you enjoyed demonstrating it.

Pam thank you for your précis it has helped me catch up with the news.
Elaine it's good to hear Andrew is feeling well, you can't keep a good man down and he's obviously a good un!
Margaret, Hazel and Patricia, thank you for thinking of me. I'm home now It was so sad leaving my little one at the airport, he clung onto me like a limpet but it won't be long before I'm back again and I promise to bring more than a t-shirt to our meet up, maybe some socks, they don't take up too much room!
Congratulations to the lucky ladies.
Love and hugs
Saba xxx

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue this is a stunning card. Thank you for sharing how the design came to be. Have a great week. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm a little late today as the family or some of them have been with us ! We've had a lovely day and the house is now straight again!
I had to smile about the lost brads! It was such a relief to know that even you lose things! I had a massive clear out recently and found two pairs of scissors which had been lost for ages! They were in a box! I also found some disgusting flowers!
However today's card - I rather like the Sentiment going all the way round . I love the idea of a spinning card and will keep watching this space! Lol! I love the lilac with the black too . It looks so smart!
Laine - thank you I'm very well! I hope you are feeling better too!
Carmen - Laine is a bit of a pussy cat really! I think!!!
Elaine - good news about Andrew , that's lovely!
Tracy - have a lovely holiday and a lovely time with Pat. Hope your cold gets better asap!
Lots of love to everyone,
Myra xxx

Brenda said...

Hi Sue, Lovley card, love the colours Lilac and Black, just enough of each, the balance is perfect. Love it.

Congratulations to the winners.

Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

Laura O said...

Great card as always. Laura O

Pawprintx4 said...

What a pretty birthday card even if it doesn't spin around. Watched the Hochanda video with all the amazing variations of candy machines....what an imagination! Loved seeing you make a working machine.
Stephanie K

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue,

Wonderful card even didn’t turn out the way you wanted. We'd have never guessed what your original intention was. The card is beautiful the way it is. It can be used as a male card as well.
I watched today your yesterday show. You explained everything so clearly and made us to believe again, that it is an easy task to make a card using these dies. I was amazed at the number of ideas you had come up with for the candy machine that I thought it is for kids only. Great show!
Congratulation to the winners of this week's Comment Game: Craftynana, Beryl Treble, Sarah Wrightson!
Pam – Thank you for being an early bird every morning remembering about everyone in your comments. You are so special to all of us. How is your nephew doing?
CraftySuetoo – We just couldn’t turn our back to somebody in need. Anyone would have done the same.
Jess Watson - I love the phrase across the pond! It makes me feel closer to you all in the UK.
Dragonsnap2 – Who wouldn’t want to cuddle a baby? They are so tiny and so cute! Glad to hear baby Lola gained weight.
Donita – Thanks to you I could watch Sue’s yesterday presentation on, by choosing Rewind! I am one of Sue’s fans across the pond like you!
Saba - no time for you but you had a great time with your grandson, right? Instead of socks you can bring a handkerchief to wipe your tears when you’ll leave your friends and it takes much less room than a pair of socks! Just saying!
Tracy & Pat - have a lovely time together!
'P' in Wales – I’ll do my best!
Myra – I liked your comment about Laine and really loved the end of it “I think!!!” ! Ha ha!
PP/Yvonne - Hope you are OK and you’ll be back soon!
Laine – I missed you! Hope that my statement makes you feel better. My impression was based on some of Wilsonettes’ comments ...they know you longer than me so ... BTW why you had to forgive Maureen? Hm ...
The only Wilsonette who tried to defend you was Myra, but even she has doubts that all your “thoughts and actions are pure and coming from a place of love?” So ...
If you don’t have a market for cards like Candy Machine you can make one and send it to me ... you should appreciate the fact that I give you the motivation to practice what you just learned!!! And yes, you are welcome!

Have a great week everyone!
Still a newbie to Craft / Not longer the newest and the only across the pond Wilsonette

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
I wish my mistakes would work out as well as todays beautiful card ! lol !
It is just lovely, I have most of the dies and am sure I can play with those I don't have, thank you again for the inspiration Sue.
Congratulations to the comment winners, enjoy your prizes,
We are having some very much needed rain at the moment, lovely crafting weather,
Muriel x

Narrowboat girl said...

Lovely arc Sue. Personally I like the way the Happy Birthday reads around the card

Unknown said...

Great card


Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

I love this design, as its different from the norm.

Love Dorothy
of Baldock

Laura O said...

Beautiful card Sue. Laura O