Saturday, 18 February 2017

Banded Tri-Fold Card

Hi crafters!  Today's video is actually a banded card (not just a front!).  Every once in awhile you just want to try something different and this just fits the bill for that!

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card Giveaway is:


Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card.

The finished dimensions (closed) are 5" x  6 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card a great way to use your dies.
Congratulations Pat.
Nancyd xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue.
WOW I must watch the tutorial to this sample I've never ever tried a card like this... amazing. I've said many times I do the same old, time to get completely out of my comfort zone here, I see confusion looming though lol.
Sending my daily hug your way xxx

Denise Bryant said...

Pretty card! I love the band to hold the card closed!

Steph Cotterill said...

I'm so sorry. I was caught up in the looming confusion and completely forgot to congratulate patPATRICIAH on winning the most wonderful card on Wednesday, what a lucky lass - enjoy your special gift xx

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card. Congratulations Pat.

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Great video and a beautiful card.
Congratulations Pat enjoy Sue's wonderful card.
Jan x said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card and a great video Thank you so much.
Congratulations to pat PATRICICAH.
Take care and have fun Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a gorgeous card. Love the way you have made a gatefold card with the die centre piece. The band is beautiful with the flower embellishment. Will give this one a try for my box of stash and thanks for a great video. Congratulations to Pat on winning Wednesdays beautiful card. Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Pam said...

Beautiful card Sue, it's gorgeous.
Congratulations to Pat Patricah.
Yes Carmen, anyone is welcome to join this lovely blog, the more the merrier. Your English is just fine, your post telling us about you was lovely, thank you for the description you gave of us.
I'm late this morning as my post disappeared but I'm here.
Hugs to Andrew, Elaine and Tina .
Missing our poorly and absent friends, take care all.
Thanks Sue.

Craftynetty said...

I am looking forward to watching the video for this lovely card. The colour is so pretty as well.

Unknown said...

Lovely, will pop back later to watch the demo 🌸

Jan.moogie said...

Wow Sue you made a card, woo hoo. It is a beauty and so good that I have had to watch the video even though I should be getting ready for work so its your fault if I am late "you made me do it". Have a great day and thanks for the fantastic video,hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Barbara (C) said...

The wrap makes a really elegant finish to this card. I think it would work on my favourite BarbaraC

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A beautiful card and lovely alternative to the traditional style. Thank you for the great tutorial.
Congratulations to Pat.x

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue, will watch the video later.

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card will check out the video later. Congratulations Pat xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Very lovely. Great band. Will watch video later. Happy weekend all.

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card. Sometimes it's good to try something different. I'll watch the video. Congratulations to Pat.
B xx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card, Sue, thank you so much for the video as think there would be a lot of head-scratching here without it! An unusual design, don't have any of these elements but think a lot of your sets could be used similarly. Looks quite difficult yet surprisingly easy to achieve. Love it.
Pam, got quite a fright when you didn't appear for a while!!
Carmen - good to read about you in Toronto - your English is just fine, no worries there.
Well done to Pat PATRICIAH on the card win.
Hugs all round.

'P' in Wales

Jayem said...

Hello Sue

This is quite lovely. I don't have those dies but I am sure I have something I can use. I am keen to try it in ever so pale lilac, mauve and white. As you say, perfect for posting and a good size so postage is not exorbitant.

Jan from NSW (Australia)

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,,
I am loving today's card, colours and design are wonderful.
I have the card, not all he Dies although I can mix and match with some of your other wonderful Dies.

Pam, your daily summery was short today ... hope you are OK and looking forward to the weekend.
Safe flight to the UK Saba have a great time with the Grandchildren, wish you were here for our "meet up"
Never mind counting down the weeks till you fly back in for that.

Congratulations to PatPatricia, winning, the beautiful card.
Off to watch the Video and learn. I need a nice card for a friend so a possible make later.
Have a wonderful weekend Sue and all Wilsonlettes
Patricia xxx

Debra K. said...

Fabulous card design today! Another great tutorial.
Congratulations to Pat! Debra x

Chris Curry said...

A beautiful card Sue, it makes me think of Wedgwood with that pretty blue. I think a band card is a great idea, did one a long time ago and now feel I need to try again. Thank you, have a nice weekend. Xx

Karen Derbyshire said...

Lovely card Sue, will watch the video and try my hand at making a card. Really pretty!

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the design. It is so nice to see a complete card. I will watch the video later with a nice cup of tea. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card - love the colors, and a fun new fold, thanks for sharing! Judy from Prosser

Dolly Daydream said...

Morning Sue,
Just watched the video and this card is so different, but love it. The band to hold it closed is a great idea and I can think of many uses for it.
Congratulations to Patricia, enjoy Sue's beautiful card.

Hugs xxx
Dawn Searle

Chris said...

Hi Sue,
A great card and thank you for posting the video explaining the concept, I will definitely be having a go at this one.
Well done to Patricia.
Chris xx

stitchingranny said...

very pretty card today Sue.

Suemac said...

Pretty card

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

I just love today's card, the blue and white together is so fresh. Off to make some coffee and study Sue's informative video.

PharmacyMichele said...

Wow-what a stunning card, one that would be a real keepsake.

Congrats to the card winner.


Annie Stamps said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I love your technique for making the gatefold.

Annie P

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
A beautiful card that yet again reminds me of wedgewood, I often make wedding cards like this making the band look like the bridal gater!
Safe journey to Saba hope your flight is on time as there is a very special welcoming party waiting for you with special hugs from your darling wee grandson.
Congratulations to Patricia something g for you to treasure.
The corgis have just come in From their morning walk and are so wet must get them dried.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Margaret xxx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow what anstinning card. Love the clever design and colour

Anne said...

What a beautiful card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

theresa w said...

Beautiful card sue x gorgeous colours and love the gatefold x
Congratulations pat x
Theresa w xxx

June Horrocks said...

Hi sue love this gatefold card it's stunning the beautiful dies and the blue also the flowers wow !!!!!!'n thank you love always
June horrocks xxxxxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a stunning card this morning, reminds me of Wedgewood with those lovely colours, will watch the video later.

Pam was worried when I didn't see your name at the top, but I can see you are OK.

Congratulations to Patriciah, well done and enjoy your prize.

Welcome to Carmen, you will so enjoy this blog, it is nice to see new members and hearing a little about them.

Special hugs to everyone who needs one, you all know who you are.xx

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is gorgeous, I love the design and colours. Well done Patricia. Have a great day all. Bx

auscrafts said...

lovely card. The colours are so pretty

Unknown said...

Hi Sue i just love this card today i think it would make a lovely Wedding card.
Catherine xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A beautiful gatefold card, thanks for taking the time to make your wonderful videos they are so informative, would not have figured out how you got the centre piece so perfect.
Well done to Pat enjoy your card.

Scottydog said...

Beautiful card, my favourite colour, just looks so clean & fresh. I need to watch the video but it will have to wait as I have to get out to an appointment, but I'm intrigued! Something to look forward to later. Thank you Sue.
Congratulations Patricia on winning the weekly card giveaway, enjoy!

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
this is a delightful card, absolutely beautiful. Thank you for the video, for us to see how the centre is being cut out/put back in again etc.... Very useful these videos, stops me scratching my head to see how you've achieved your gorgeous results.
Hugs, Rose

Magic Maggie said...

Sue you are great - this card has given me some focus on the heart corners and burgundy dies (which can all be adapted for this style!) thank you so much
Maggie (Yorkite)
PS I'm still trying to work out how to stamp sentiments onto a dry embossed base - tell John to demo it please

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

What? an actual card!

Love this, just watched the video and will be having a go...thank you for bearing in mind the postage costs and making a really flat card and also for all your tips on cutting the front apertures and at the same time registering the position of the die onto the back panel - wouldn't have thought of doing it that way...

Congratulations to Pat on winning that lovely leaves card...

Carmen - you're very welcome - and your English is excellent!


Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and all. Beautiful card this morning and I love the colours as always. Looking forward to watching the video and thank you again for sharing . Congratulations to Pat........ Wendy

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Today's card is stunning in colour, style & elegance. Congratulations to PatPatriciah. Yvonne xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue

A beautiful and colourful tri-fold card, love the decorated belly-band!

Congratulations to Patricia... enjoy!

I hope the next few days aren't going to be too strenuous, I'm really saddened to say that we are now unable to attend the retailers' shows

June x

Unknown said...

Morning sue.
Ooooh this is very different for u. I'll watchthe video soon. I'm trying so hard to get outa this cosy bed to get on with my card orders whilst I've a few days off. But it's just too cosy lol.

Well done to patriciah on her win it really was a stunning card this week!!

Saba safe journey x

Love to all xx

Izzy said...

Magic Maggie - you need to do your stamping first whilst the card is still flat and only then run it through your embossing folder...hth


dizy said...

What a beautiful card. Idea is good for me as I live in Spain and sending cards back to UK can be very expensive. Will be trying this out this weekend xx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Oooh lovely, a video to watch when I get home, thanks. SueL x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! LOVE IT! Great card design, thanks very much for the videotutorial!!

Sandy G said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to Pat on winning the giveaway card.
Have a great day everyone.

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue oh my this card is beautify so he lovely dues & colours I'm going to watch the video after I write this comment
Congratulations to Patricia
Good wishes to all hope you all have a good weekend

marg said...

Good Morning Sue!
What a lovely Blue!
I will watch the Video next to see how you did it!
Well done to Pat PATRICIAH on the card win.
Nice to welcome you Carmen!
Love Marg

Kim Dibben said...

Stunning card Sue xx and my favourite colour combo xx love Kim D

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Simply stunning - love the whole concept...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - what a super card this is and how clever. Your video is so helpful and explains everything brilliantly. Thank you for another great idea.

Rosemary Stickland said...

Great card and a brilliant video!
Rosemary xx

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, what a beautiful card!!!
Congratulations to Pat!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Lovey card Sue and a really great video

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue on a misty cloudy Saturday morning, a beautiful card today love the gatefold to. hugs Shirleyxxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Very beautiful and the blue I love . love Jean Z xxx

Val Jones said...

Oh what a lovely card Sue. Looking forward to watching the video.
Congratulation's Pat on winning a lovely card.
Love Val in Spain xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Just beautiful I have never attempted a banded card perhaps I should I think they make a gorgeous keepsake card.

Heather R Oxfordshire

Anonymous said...

Awww Sue this is gorgeous, I love the colour, dies used and the shape. Stunning.

Congratulations Pat. enjoy your wonderful card.

Tooth Fairy Jo said...

Good morning Sue
Fantastic video, you had me worried for a moment when you mentioned the die had marked the card until I realised it was a good mark! I love love love this card, I even have some of the dies to enable me to have a go and I'm itching to do so but today it's an itch I can't scratch.
I'm flying back to the UK for a visit and a whole week of cuddles from my grandson and the I don't think the hour or so I have before I must leave will give me enough time, so for now I'll just have to itch! Thank you Sue.
Pat Patriciah congratulations on your win, enjoy.
Carmen your English is spot on. There is another problem with this crafting bug which you will no doubt experience when you fly home for a visit, you have to decide just how few clothes you can get away with so that you have loads of room in your suitcase to bring back as many of Sue's dies as possible without going over the weight limit. Me, I'm just taking a t shirt!!!
Love and hugs for all

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
What an absolute stunning card! Fabulous video thanks for sharing!
Congratulations Pat!
Hugs x
Heather T

Beryl said...

Stunning card Sue. Love the colours.

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. Gate fold cards are lovely. Daughter had me making them for their wedding invitations so got a bit sick of doing them for a while. I have a wedding card to make so you have given me the inspiration to make a gate fold one, so thank you.
Pat Patricia. Congratualions on you win.
Saba, safe flight just think no high speed run across that airport this time. Enjoy those cuddles.
Hoping everyone has a good day what ever you are doing.
Hazel X

hettygarlick said...

A gorgeous card and I love the way you've used the trellis to make the band. Great to see how you made it Sue - especially getting everything in the right place!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card Sue, LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! It. Will definitely be using this design. Thankyou so much for sharing.
VC xx

Netty The Runner said...

A CARD Sue, get a grip haha. But seriously this card is wonderful, catch video later.
Annette x

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, brilliant card, love the idea of the band for closing.
I like Margaret Corgi owners idea of using the band as a garter for wedding cards.
Magic Maggie as Izzy said stamp before you emboss, it,took me a while to work that out.
Welcome Carmen, this is the best blog ever, I have met some lovely people here.
Congratulations Pat on winning the Wednesday card, enjoy your gift.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

P Austen said...

Hi Sue, having seen you do a banded card a couple of years ago, my neighbour asked me to do her wedding invitations which were in cream and gold. Then I followed up with a banded card for my Christmas cards and consequently haven't made any since, so thank you for reminding me to try making them once again. As you say, they are easy to post.
Love the colours. Congrats to Pat for winning your give away card. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Hugs xx P Austen

ursula said...

An absolute stunning card Sue, quite different today, one of those I must try....many thanks....congrats to
Pat.....luv Ursula xx

Tressa said...

I like the idea of a banded card which also lies fairly flat to reduce postal charges. Like one or two others, i don't have any of these dies but, I am sure I can find something in my stash that will allow me to learn from your interesting techniques. Just have to tidy up my 'craft' room to locate the stash!!

Thank you. Now to catch up on the rest of the week's samples that I missed during my brief sojourn in Wales.


Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you for this video! What a wonderful and different card! Love it.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. So different from your usual 'front only' card. I love it. Thanks for your video.

Congratulations to the very lucky card winner. My card from last week arrived this morning and WOW it is stunning. Thank you Sue, you are so generous.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and it opens too, thanks for the great video so many things to learn as I've never made a card like this. I see my offer of bribery didn't work, ha ha, congratulations to Patriciah on winning that fabulous Wednesday card

Saba enjoy your week of cuddles
Hi Carmen welcome to the best blog ever
Tracy get out of that cosy bed and start crafting!!

Love and hugs to everyone

nattyboots said...

Oh my , Sue this is a very beautiful card and a gorgeous shade of blue , and the wrap is fantastic i love it all.I will watch the video later.

Congrats to Patriciah, enjoy !.

Hi Carmen welcome to Sue's blog ,it was lovely to read your journey and i think your English is superb , i hope you comment many times on future posts.

Saba have a wonderful time with your Grandchildren.

The two Tina's i am thinking about you both ,i hope you are ok ?

Sending big hugs to my besties and all who need them.

Elaine H X

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, Late this morning as my I pad decided to play up again. Think it is like me suffering from old age. Today's card is beautiful, with a lovely Wedgewood feel to it. Off to watch the video now.

Love Rosemarie X X

CraftyJo said...

Very pretty :)

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue love the colours x xhazel

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so elegant.

Congrats to Pat

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I have watched your video , commented, pinned and left a comment! Unfortunately Brain of Britain here went back to look at Carmen's lovely post and I posted on the same page!!! So today's post from me is on yesterday's'!!!
Who is a clever girl then!! Careful how you respond to that now! Ha ha!
I think I'll go and lie down!!
Love Myra xxx

barbara macaskill said...

Oh Happy Day! Absolute perfection today! I adore this stunning card! Being blue is a good thing today!
Congratulations Patricia on winning the Fire and Ice card confection! I am super jealous but also very happy for you! Enjoy your lovely card.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Beautiful Card. Lovely dies and colour. I really like the style and the construction know how is so useful. Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations Pat PATRICIAH.

Best wishes

Stella Munn said...

Great card, Sue. I've got some 'wardrobe' cards that need using, so here we go!!! Thanku x

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
"Thank You" For Sharing Such A "Tremendous Video Tutorial And Card" With Us,
I've Watched This Particular Video Numerous Times But It's Always Great To Watch Once Again
(That's The Wonderful Thing About Signing Up For Your Video Tutorial's Through "You Tube" They
Contact You As Soon As New Videos Become Available, And I Never Tire Of Them)
Tremendous Products Used As Always
"The Bora Bora Die Set"
"The Fiji Die Set"
"The Pacific Ocean Border And Corners"
"The Striped Nasturtium"
"The Foliage From The Family Tree"
"The Trellis Edger" (I Don't Know Whether You Would Be Able To Use The Beautiful Delicate Filigree
Buckle Bar Die)
"Coconut White/Black/Blue Dusk Foundation Card"
It's Wonderful To See How You Breakdown Each Element Of Your Card To Help Us Understand How You Have
Achieved Today's "Masterpiece" I Love How You Took Your Blue Dusk Card Measured Two And Half Inches
From Either Side To Create Your "Tri Fold Card" Then Opening Up The Card You Placed A Piece Of Black Card
In The Centre, Then You've Cut Out An Aperture With Your "Fiji Die" By Sticking Into centre Of The Black Card
With Cutting Edge Upwards, Which Cuts Out A Perfect Aperture Out Of Your Blue Dusk Card, Also Leaving An
Embossed Image On The Black Card, Then You Placed A Piece Of The Coconut White Card On Top Of
The Black Within The Centre (I Was Confused Here Lol!) But Then You Made Sure Your White Card Was Secure
And Took The Decorative Die From "The Fiji" Once In Position You Removed The White Card With The Die
And Cut Then Once You Removed All Small Items From The Die You Cut Your White Card Down The Centre
And Placed Inside Centre Glueing On Either Side, Then You've Taken "The Stupendous" Decorative Cutting
Centre From "The Bora Bora" In Blue DuskWhite It Looks Outstanding.
You've Then Attached To One Side Only Of Your Card, You've Added Two Corners From "The Pacific Ocean"
To TheFront Of Your Card.
Inside Your Card You've Placed A Border At The Bottom, Once Again You've Added "The Fiji" With Your Sentiment
And Placed It Where You Can See The Embossing, "Just Stunning" For Your Belly Band You Have Used
"The Trellis" Placed On White Card Added A "Striped Nasturtium" And The Foliage From "The Family Tree"
Sue I Can't Thank You Enough For Your Tremendous Video Tutorials I've Gained So Much Knowledge From
Them, I've Said This Many Times But You Really Do Inspire Me Each And Everyday I Truly Appreciate Everything
You Do, Thank You So Very Very Much.
Sue Take Great Care
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 For Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
Congratulations To Pat PATRICIAH For Winning This Weeks Tremendous Wednesday Gift Card Enjoy....

Unknown said...

Hi Sue my first thought is can't do that,then I watched your video.Stll a bit apprehensive but I will give it ago .Love the Wedgewood feel.Thanks for sharing. Gloria ( sidcup ) xx

Unknown said...

Dear Sue and your caring flock of Wilsonettes,,

This is my favorite of the week, and I learned a lot from the video.

Glad to hear Carmen's story.

Congratulations to Pat on winning the giveaway.

Kate's Cards said...

I always love your Wedgewood looky likey cards Sue. xxxx

Unknown said...

Lovely colour and design


karenlotty said...

Lovely card and I adore the colours Will have to watch video later

Jaye said...

Oh my word, Sue, this gorgeous card is just a WOW! Such a lovely unusual design and I have all the necessary bits and pieces to try it! But I think a lot of your fabulous dies could be used in this way. Lovely colour too. Can't wait to try this one out. Sue, thank you so much for making the video: there would be a lot of puzzlement from me without it; the card looks so intricate but as ever, you explain so well and make it look easy.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
Fabulous card, have not made many gate fold ones but this give me
an idea for one so fingers crossed. Hope you have a nice weekend.

Congrats to Pat on winning the gorgeous card on Wednesday !

Pam- hope your chest is getting better ? You did worry us this morning
not being first or not even second you know. hugs
Carmen- thank you for telling us little about yourself. Sue on Tv was the
first time I saw her too and everything else after that is a blur :) with
cards, glitters, stamps and dies and it changed my life too after finding
her lovely blog and I have got many fantastic real friends by joining.
It must be lovely to live in Toronto. Your English is very good, if I didn't
have the spellchecker on my comments would be much worse than they are, Lol x
Saba- have a great time in the UK visiting the family, take care x
Tracy- are you still under that duvet ? :-) Have a restful day x
Pp Pa- have a good weekend and don't do anything I would, too late :) x
Laine- hope you alright and you can have a calm and restful weekend x

Sending love and hugs to all Wilsonette's, thinking of all who struggling so
sending you some extra and also to my good friends and to you Sue because
you are a very special person
Maria x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, what a beautiful card for us today, I love it. At first I could not think how you had achieved it but your video explained it so clearly and is one that I will be bookmarking for future reference. I don't have these particular dies but am sure it could be re-created with something similar from any of your previous collections.

Pat PATRICIAH - Congratulations on being this week's Wednesday Winner, enjoy your beautiful card.
Carmen - thank you for the introduction into your life. Sue has many followers who are not based in the UK and I may be wrong but I think you are our first Canadian. Your command of the English language is excellent so you have no worries there. We wouldn't dare laugh or giggle at your lack of knowledge of certain techniques after all we had to learn once! I hope you continue to learn and enjoy creating your own masterpieces.
P Pixie - I hope you are enjoying your time away and have fun browsing around Phill's shop.
Laine - sorry, forgot to say the other day that hubby & I are doing ok thank you but there is still some friction between Pippin and the Princesses. Just as I think they are getting along ok a minor skirmish breaks out and we are back to square one. I shall just have to be very patient.
Myra - did a lie down help?


Eunice said...

Gorgeous card Sue, watching your demo tri fold cards don;t seem so hard!!! Love how you use little tricks to line things up and don't have to try and get them precise!!! Congrats to the winner of the Wednesday card giveaway.

Littlelamb said...

Beautiful card Sue. Have some of the dies and can substitute others to make something similar. Thank you for sharing this and the excellent tutorial. Congratulations to Pat. Enjoy your card. Welcome to Carmen. Your English is very good. Safe journey Saba and enjoy your grandchildren. Myra what are you doing commenting in the wrong place. Speak later😀

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card. Brilliant video too. It's a nice change to see you doing a full card! Congratulations to Patriciah. Love to all, Alison xxx

lritchie said...

Hi Sue, lovely card today

Lori from Canada

Nananne said...

Wonderful, Wonderful card! It is so stunning and unusual I would love to try something like this, thankyou Sue.
Anne xo

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, I have never tried to do a card like this, I tend to stick to similar styles, I really must try a different style haha. A beautiful card, lovely die-cuts. I'm off to see how to make it, thank you for the tutorial.
Enjoy your day.
Congratulations to Pat PATRICIAH, enjoy your beautiful 'Sue Original'.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
I only attempted this type of card once and made a complete mess of it so thank you Sue for showing us an easier method.Congratulations Patriciah on winning one of Sues creations.Carmen welcome I have only been on Sues blog for a short while and they are a wonderful bunch who make everyone so welcome.

Disco Queen said...

Hi Sue, Thanks for the tip of folding the card before die cutting. I have previously die cut each side separately, which is rather fidderly. Theresa x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
I love your Banded Tri Fold card today which is a nice change to the usual shapes I make.
I used to make cards like this so thankyou for reminding me to try them again!
I love the pretty band you have made for the lower part of the card and the lovely set of dies you have used.
The video was so informative so can't wait to try this with a slightly different set of dies although these dies are almost at the top of my list now!
Lesley S x

Hilary Bunker said...

Hi Sue, Yet another lovely card. Have not had a chance to watch the vidio yet as have been out enjoying the sun shine. I know I will enjoy and learn from it later.
Congratulations Pat on winning the Wednesday card.

Fikreta said...

so lovely card!
hugs , 𝓯𝓲𝓴𝓲
My little store: Crafty Kitty Cat Shop

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Patricia enjoy your card, no doubt have pride of place in your craft room.
Thank you Sue for the lovely video and card
Elizabeth Bennett

Suzzette Yandle said...

This is a gorgeous card. A special thanks for your video showing how to line up the die cuts on the various layers. I have found lining up the different elements a challenge. Wishing you a great weekend.

Trish Finlay said...

beautiful card Sue as always, Thank you for tutorial.

Jeannie said...

Beautiful. X

sandieann21 said...

Fabulous card, Sue. Thank you.

Nana on the Hill said...

I was looking for inspiration for a wedding anniversary card, & l think, once again, you have come to the rescue. This style & your dies, l can't go wrong! Thank you Sue X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great video and lovely card
Denise X

Jean said...


liz spooner said...

This is such a gorgeous card Sue, and so different.xx

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card. Will have to substitute the dies, butI will give it a go. Definitely different from your usual cards.
Margaret xx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
A stunning card today. I love the pattern on the band and look fir to seeing the video as to how this card was made.

Karen M said...

Hi Sue
Brilliant card, I would never have thought of making a card that way ,thank you for the instructions ,
I need to try something different,
Congratulations to Pat,
Best wishes
Karen M

Pat S Witney said...

Sorry meant to say congratulations to the winner of Wednesdays card.

Theresa said...

what an elegant card! and no mounting foam in sight, hugs xx

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is stunningly elegant and a very different card from you
but i love it.
I love how you have made the most of the beautiful dies.

Dragonsnap2 said...

Fabulous card, love it.
Hugs to all.
D xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. Just wanted to pop in and say how beautiful your card is today (as always). I've been out since 6am so haven't had chance to watch the video yet, but I plan a catch up session in the morning. Thank you for your continued generosity in sharing your expertise and inspiration.
Congratulations to Pat Patriciah on winning a Sue masterpiece. Sue xxx

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
What a truly beautiful card!!!

Laura O said...

great card as always ,love to see all your fab creations ,Laura O

Debs cards said...

Hi Sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful I love the
Colours you have used.
Sorry I've not been able to comment for the last two weeks
As my husband as really been ill I nearly lost him at one point but
He's on the mend now

Hugs Debs Cards xxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card today, it's great to see a folded card for a change, you are spoiling us! The video is really good, lots of hints and tips too so thank you for taking the time to show us how to make the card. I will watch it again tomorrow when I'm less tired, been out to a charity crafting day today raising money for research into juvenile type 1 diabetes. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx

Congratulations to Pat on winning the card xxx
Pam you had me worried when you weren't at the top. Hope you are ok, you sound a little down. Sending hugs xxx
Carmen your English is really good, it's lovely to welcome you to the blog and I'm sure you will get to meet Sue one day too, she's just as lovely in real life! Xxx
Saba just a t shirt?oh my goodness me, bit cold around the nether regions!!! 😂😂xxx

jean.phillips1 said...

Evening Sue, beautiful card, love the style and the video tutorial! Love Jean xxx

Betty McAlister said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card for so many special occasions. Do love this shade of blue too. Your tutorial was very easy to follow so I think
I can make a card very similar though I don't have the lattice die for the band. Will have to improvise.
Congratulations to Pat Patriacah on winning the gorgeous Wednesday card, lucky you.

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue. Sorry I. Am Late yet again
What a wonderful card design you definitely have got a brilliant imagination
Your designs are exquisite I need to go check out your video
Hugs to all the usual people that I know need one
Take care all
Theresa G xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
gatefold cards have always been a favorite and the band to hold it closed is just gorgeous. As usual your video makes such a complex looking card so easy step by step. Love it.
Congratulations Pat, enjoy your beautiful Sue original
Muriel x

Berina RGA said...

Such a beautiful card Sue!! Love the die cuts.

Sandy H said...

Pretty card and helpful video, showing us the easy way to do things yet again. Love the band.
Deborah, sorry to hear of your husband's illness. Hope he is soon well again.
Take care everyone.

ahappycrafter50 said...

Love the dies you've used. Definitely different today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

“So glad you are my friend” card is a special one. Maybe Sue, in an subtle and elegant way sent a message to all her followers ... to be friendly with each other. Or maybe I am wrong. Anyway, all I can say is that I am so glad to find so many friends here on this blog, thanks to you Sue!
Great video! Beautiful card! You showed us a new way to fold a card, a new way to hold the card closed ... the band is beautiful with the flower embellishment. So many nice details! Looks difficult to make it but you said that it is easy to do it – will see!
Thank you all (Pam, 'P' in Wales, June Smith, Izzy, Marg, Jess, Pat, Elaine H, Donita, Frances,Littlelamb, Trish, Sandy) for your warm welcome! I apologize if I didn’t mention all names.
Diane G – I hope to meet Sue one day.
Maria – Yes, it is lovely to live in Toronto if you like to live in a big, busy city.
Myra – nobody’s perfect ... I enjoy reading your comments wherever I find them.(I couldn’t find a better answer than this. Did I pass the test?)
Saba - I love your humor! For sure I will need more than a t-shirt; I am always cold.
Congratulations to Pat on winning Wednesday’s beautiful card.

Have a great Sunday, ladies!
Still A newbie to Craft /The newest Wilsonette,

DeCor said...

Oh somehow missed this. Lovely!! Really good to see the inside. Have to watch video later. A fresh happy kind of card.

DeCor said...

Oh somehow missed this. Lovely!! Really good to see the inside. Have to watch video later. A fresh happy kind of card.

Unknown said...

Love the flower and leaf detail on this. Thats anther die on the wish list x

Ann Topp said...

Lovely card Sue just my colour too . I have this die .Looks like I will be busy

Beverly Fuchs said...

Hello Sue,

A beautiful card that is lovely in blue and white. So crisp and bright. Brilliant design.


Djones said...

What a lovely card, the colours are great,

Doreen x

Unknown said...

That's beautiful!
Congratulations Pat

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

A beautiful card, I love the colour too.

Not watched the video yet. You know me, I love to see the videos.

Love Dorothy
of Baldock